HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-08-11, Page 5THURSDAY) AUGUST r: I1. I91Q
Now For The Boys
Discount on Boy's Clothing during
.August, which means a saving of
from 95c to $2.12 a Suit.
McGee & Campbell
Clothiers 'and Men's Furnishers
••••••••••••444144.4••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Get ready early for the re-
opening of school.
25 Per Cent.
Merchant -Tailor Clothes
Look Better
They Always Have == They Always Will
That elusive something called style cannot be made in a factory.
Good tailoring -the draping and cutting and modeling of cloth
-is an Art, nothing less,
Every good merchant tailor believes this with all his soul.
Re knows it from his own year's experience, patience and toil as
a craftsman. He knows that merely to fit is but a small part of
a good tailor's art. The right sort of clothes -the clothes yon want -
appeal as much through fitness as through fit.
Through an air of . distinction and elegance a good tailor can
express the best there is in you. Ile can make your clothes bespeak
class. He eau preserve individuality; He can give personality a
chance. Yon want such clothes and they can be had in only ono
way -they must be cut and made expressly for you, from faultless
fabrics,' by that artist of merchants -a merchant tailor. These are
tailoring facts. In neglecting them you wrong opportunity.
The Fashionable Men's and Ladies' Tailor
Canadian National Exhibition
AUGUST 27th to SEPTEMBER 12th 1910
Improved Grounds, New Buildings, International Live Stock Shotty
Exhibits by all the Provinces, Magnificent Art Loan Exhibit.
Model Military Camp.
Tattoo every night.
E er th!i~g new in attractions.
Wonderful Firework Spectacles.
WA,.CFt pit. Itllfl'Onan f'tAT1te AND 3XCtllt$IUit
`or ail 'iefofm*tlon write M*naget, f. 0. ORR, City Bail, Toronto.
,11E WING IfA.11
1(A N O j.
Sale Commences Saturday, August the 6th - Ending Saturday, August the 20th, 1910.
WE will make these two weeks of Sale Days the Busiest in our business history. Twenty thousand dollars'
worth of goods at Bargain Prices. Cut prices are not only on a few named articles, but on nearly every-
thing in the store. We may sell some goods at a loss, but it will be your gain. Goods must be turned into
money quickly. Doors open Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. Come with the crowd. Extra salepeople to wait 'on
you. Shop in morning if possible. Read the list --only room here for a few of the many Bargains awaiting you.
Grocery Department
Art Baking Powder and Graniteware premium -Sale price...39e
Canada Laundry Starch, per lb - 7c
Pot Barley, per lb, 3c
12 Bars Laundry Soap for 25c
100 Bottle Extract 8c
Royal Yeast Cakes 3c
Corn Starch.....,... .. 8c
85c Black Ceylon Tea 25c
Cleaned Currants, 3 lbs for 25c
2 Cans Red Salmon for lac
Fancy Cakes, per lb 10e
Gold Dust, 4 pkgs. for. 25e
Best Tomatoes, per can 10c, or 3 cans for 25c
Kippered Herring 10c '
A large stock to choose from, every pair to be sold at
cut price ; a number of odd Lines and broken lots, reg.
$1.25 and $1,50 value, Sale Price 99c
Dress Goods
Bell Dor now, Suit lots pf oice here ; dur-
in the your Fall
youget discount 20 per cent off 'regular
Cut prices in all Iines of Silks ; Colored and Black Taffeta
in best makes. Your chance to buy a Silk Dress at whole-
sale price,
DRESS TRIMMINGS. -To match all our Dress Goode. Sale
Price -20 per cent off all lines.
Clothing Department
Two Thousand Dollars' worth of the Best Clothing to choose
from. Buy your Suit now and save money.
Men's strong Overalls, blue or black - Sale Price $ :59
10 Men's Fancy Tweed Suits, good value at $8 -Sale Price,6.00
Men's Fancy Worsted Suits, well made, the regular price
is $12.50 -Sale Price. 10.00
Men's- Fine English Worsted Suits, tailor made, splendid
valve at $15.00 -Sale Price 12 00
Men's Fancy Striped Pants, made of strong tweed, regular
$2.00 value -Sale Price 1.00
Bays' three-piece Suits, well -lined, wear guaranteed, regu-
lar $5.00 Suits - Sale Price 4.00
Boys' Norfolk Suits, new patterns, good school Suite -at 8 39
Men's fine stripe worsted Pants, good value at $4 -Sale 3 19
Boys' two-piece Suits - to clear at 1.29
Youths' Fancy Tweed Suits ; sizes 83, 31, 35 ; regular up to
$8.00 value - Sale Price 6.25
Men's Rain Coats at 20% discount off all . prices,
Table Linen
1 piece Bleached Linen, 51 inches wide, regular 35c value -
Sale Price 28c
3 pieces line quality wide Bleached Linen, regular price 60
and 65 cents - Sale Price 48c
1 piece Table Linen, very wide, reg. dollar quality -Sale 75e
Table Napkins - 20% off regular prices.
Five Dozen Band Satchel or Shopping Bags, 75c value -at
Clean Sweep Sale 500
Gloves Big stock of Long Gloves in Black, White,
Pink, Blue, Nile and Brown, at 20 per cent.
off our close prices during this Clean Sweep Sale.
Men's Black or Brown Felt Hats, Fedoras, or Hard Felt, at
20 per cent. off.
2 dozen White Underskirts -to clear at • $ .75
1 dozen Fine Cambric Underskirts, full wide width, deep
flounce, $1.25 value -Sale Price
Fine Cambric Corset Covers - Sale Price
Children's White Dresses - "MUST Br SoLD"
Plain White Aprons, full size only - Sale Price
Laidies' White Repp Suits, Coat and Skirt, good value at
$5.00 - Sale Price 3.75
Extra fine quality Underskirts, with fine deep embroidery
flounce, regular 53.50 value - Sale Price 2,75
20 pieces of white Torchon Lace and Insertion, regular 10c
quality - at half price. 5c
English Lonsdale Cambric, very fine quality, one yard wide,
regular 15c value - Sale Price 12sc
White Quilts to Clear, regular $1.25 line - for $1,00
Wide Striped Flannelette, pink stripe, reg. 12ic-Sale 100
20 pairs Lace Curtains, 3i yds. long, reg. $1,25, for 98c
12 pairs Lace Curtains, $2.00 value, for $1.50
15 pairs Lace Curtains, $2 50 value, for 1.90
9 pairs Lace Curtains, $3,75 value, for 8.00
All lines reduced during the sale,
White Silk Waists, made of good quality Wash Silk, short
Fleeces, nicely made, reg, value $3.75 to $5.00 --- Sale
Price . $2.50
Remember the date -Saturday, August 6th. Everything will be reduced. No goods charged at Sale Price.
, Cash or 'Produce in exchange for goods. No goods sent on approbation during the Sale.
H. E. Isard Co., Wingham
A Progressive School.
The Elliott Business College, To-
ronto, is taking a forward step this
year. The attendance has been the
greatest in the history of the School
and hundreds of students have accept-
ed good positions during the year,
The College issues a very handsome
prospectus. Write to Mr. W« J.
Elliott, the Principal, for One.
Plowing By Steam.
Mr, Harry Tyndall, the wellknown
thresher and farmer of Tuckersmith,
near Seaforth, has been snaking some
experiments in plowing with his trac-
tion engine, and demonstrating very
fully that with a good strong engine,
plowing can be done cheaper by steam
than by any other'method, provided
of course that the 'fields are not too
small. On Tuesday, July 26, at 0�
o'clock, Mr. Tyndall commenced plow- ll
ing a field of sod, which is 80 rods
long, containing 14 acres, and finished
the work the next day, having spent
in all 18 hours at the work. Part
of this time he used two Cockshut
two furrow gangs, and the balanee of
the time he had three two furrow
gangs turning six furrows. The
amount of coal used was 1515 pounds,
or about 108 pounds of coal per acre.
[Seaforth News.
-One million persnns in the States
to -day are confirmed inebriates. Of
these one-third die yearly as a 'result
of drink, yet this number is annually
made up by recruits to the army of
drunkards. Thus the total enrollment
of ,1,0001000 is kept up,
A Centenarian.
John McCurdy of Elderslie, who de-
parted this life on Monday, had
reached the advanced age of 101 years
and was, therefore, not only the old-
est inhabitant of this locality, but one
of the oldest in the Dominion of Can-
ada. Deceased was a native of Ire-
land, having been born within sight
of the Giant's Causeway, and was a
pioneer settler of the Tp, of Elderslie.
=[Chesley Enterprise.
A Good School.
The Central Business College of
Stratford le the largest and undoubt-
edly the best school of its kind in
Western Ontario. Ib has no superior
in Canada. The Fall term commences
on Monday, Aug. 20th, and those in-
terested should write the college for
its free catalogue. The school has a
reputation for doing good work and
the graduates of its Commercial,
Shorthand or Telegraphy departments
secure good positions and meet with
Two Aldermen nought.
The most sensational session that
the City Council of Guelph ever held
was their meeting last week, when
Ald. C...W. Kelly and Commissioner
.1. J. Drew, IL 0., came to blows over
an animated discussioncion that arose
over the question of whether or not
the radial railway tommissionere.
Drew and Ryan, and their chairman,
S. W. Lyon, be permitted to take
seats at the board, to discuss with the
Aldermen a question Irelative to the
Paopla'a Railway.
Great Bail Storm.
On August 4th, the local train on
the C.P.R. from Ottawa to, Prescott,
due there at 4.50 p.m., arrived to-
night minus almost every pane of
glass. About 3 p.m., when pulling
out of Manotic, the train ran into a
cloud -burst, accompanied by a terrific
wind. The train could be felt rocking
heavily. The hail was so heavy that
every window in the ears was broken
instantly. One lady, who had her
watch on her wrist, reported the hail
having come through the window,
and in addition, had sufficient force
to break the crystal on her watch.
-There seems now to be a strong
probability of Wellington and Wat-
erloo counties building between them
a fine sanitarium for the treatment
of tuberculosis patients.
If so, remember these facts---Zam-
Buk is now the most widely used balm
in Canada, yet four years ago it was
unknown here ! Why has it become so
popular? .13ecause.it heale sores, cures
skin diseases, and does what is claimed
for it. Why not let it heal your sore ?
Remember that Zam-Duk is altogether
different to the ordinary ointments.'
Most of these consist of animal fats.
lam-Buk contains no trace of any
animal fat, or any mineral matter,
It is absolutely herbal.
Remember that Zatn-Puk is at the
same tittle healing, soothing, and
antiseptic. Kills poison instantly, and
all harmful germs. It is suitable alike
for recent injuries and diseases, and
chronic ,sores, ulcers, ete. Test how'
different and superior rim -Mk really
is. All druggists and stores at 50c
a box. You are warned against harm-
ful mbstitutes and ivaitxt one.
A Queer Mail Route.
One of the most remarkable mail
routes in the world is that which a
letter journeys in getting from Beebe
Plain, Vt., to Beebe PIain, Quebec,
Canada. While the two offices are
within ten feet of each other -are
located in the same room, in fact -a
letter mailed from one office to the
other must make a trip of 291 miles -
07 in Canada and the rest in the
United States. The plain, old fash-
ioned store building, which is situated
on the International boundary line,
contains both the united States and
Canadian offices. There „fare separate
entrances to each, but both are in the
same room, have the same lobby, and
there are no partitions to mark the
division between the domain of Uncle
Sam and the possessions of King
George. ''If you .mail a letter from
the '''Vermont side addressed to the
Quebec side," ears the postmaster
"it goes from here to the junction
then to Newport, then to White
River Junction and back to Lenn-
oxville, Quebec, over the Boston
& Maine. There it is transferred to
the Grand Trunk and goes to a south-
bound mail pouch, and conies to
Stanstead Junction, and then back
to this same building, a distance of
291 miles, If we wish to mail a letter
from the American aide to Derby
Lane it must go to White River
Junetion, and then come back over
the official route."
-Becton now uses oil on its roads
to Illy the dust. One application
fasts $50, put the townspeople there
say the experiment is working out
splendidly and is economical.
Big stock of Rugs to choose from, comprising new patterns
in Tapestry, Wool, Brussels, Velvets, Wiltons ; also all kinds of
Carpet by the yard, Oilcloths and Linoleums in all widths, 20
per cent discount off all our Rugs and Carpets daring the Sale.
Crums' English Prints, ail new patterns, dark and light
colorings, Regular price 12ic ; your choice of our large
stock for 10e
Wide Ribbons in plain Silk -Sale Price 12ic
25c Plain Wide Silk Ribbon -Sale Price.., 20c"
20c Fancy Wide Silk Ribbon -Sale Price 15c
20c Plain Soft Taffeta Ribbon -Sale Price 15e.
12ie Plain Silk Ribbon, all colors -Sale Price 10c
3 dozen Underskirts, made of good quality Black Watered
Moreen, full wide width, good value at 51,25 -Sale Price.$1.00
CORSETS. --Big clean up in our Corset Department. Look
on centre tables for Big Bargains, a lot of Corsets, reg.
$1.00 and $1.25 value -Sale Price 09c
What is left of our stock of White Waists, all new
styles, to clear at manufacturers prices. -
Also the balance of Ladies' Underskirts, Gowns and
Corset Covers.
A few yds. of our Muslins, Chambrays, Zephers
and Cambric *must go to make room for Fall
` Goods.
MEN'S SHIRTS. -Reg. soc to 65c, to clear at
39c ; Reg. 75c to . $1.25, at 69c.
MEN'S SUITS at 20 per cent, off reg. price, for
TAPESTRY RUGS. -A clearance of this line.
214 x 3 yds., 3 x 3 yds., 3 x 31z yds., 3 x
4 yds., 31a x 4 yds. --all to go at twenty per
cent off.
A few pieces of Linoleum, in small ends, to clear
at less than cost. Linoleums have all advance
ed in price, but we have secured 12 n' w pat.
terns which we are selling at old prig's. If
intending to get a linoleum, don't wait,. but
secure one now Largest selection in town.
Ladies' Fall Suitings
Our new Fall Suitings are beginning to arrive.
Call early and get first choice. Thirty shades
to select from.
...... ,,
Quantities Butter and Eggs
One who saves wisely is not con-'
sidered a miser.
Ratheris he given ieredit for
good sense and judicio ns forethought.
He looks ahead and sees, perhaps
sickness, accident, or any one of the
multitude things
;6_1 ee iiii
« R
of which might cause .r
an unusual strain upon his resources,
One Dollar will start an account
with the Bank of Hamilton.
C. P. SMITH, Agit gingham
1 �
� ,_
Canadian National Exhibition
AUGUST 27th to SEPTEMBER 12th 1910
Improved Grounds, New Buildings, International Live Stock Shotty
Exhibits by all the Provinces, Magnificent Art Loan Exhibit.
Model Military Camp.
Tattoo every night.
E er th!i~g new in attractions.
Wonderful Firework Spectacles.
WA,.CFt pit. Itllfl'Onan f'tAT1te AND 3XCtllt$IUit
`or ail 'iefofm*tlon write M*naget, f. 0. ORR, City Bail, Toronto.
,11E WING IfA.11
1(A N O j.
Sale Commences Saturday, August the 6th - Ending Saturday, August the 20th, 1910.
WE will make these two weeks of Sale Days the Busiest in our business history. Twenty thousand dollars'
worth of goods at Bargain Prices. Cut prices are not only on a few named articles, but on nearly every-
thing in the store. We may sell some goods at a loss, but it will be your gain. Goods must be turned into
money quickly. Doors open Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. Come with the crowd. Extra salepeople to wait 'on
you. Shop in morning if possible. Read the list --only room here for a few of the many Bargains awaiting you.
Grocery Department
Art Baking Powder and Graniteware premium -Sale price...39e
Canada Laundry Starch, per lb - 7c
Pot Barley, per lb, 3c
12 Bars Laundry Soap for 25c
100 Bottle Extract 8c
Royal Yeast Cakes 3c
Corn Starch.....,... .. 8c
85c Black Ceylon Tea 25c
Cleaned Currants, 3 lbs for 25c
2 Cans Red Salmon for lac
Fancy Cakes, per lb 10e
Gold Dust, 4 pkgs. for. 25e
Best Tomatoes, per can 10c, or 3 cans for 25c
Kippered Herring 10c '
A large stock to choose from, every pair to be sold at
cut price ; a number of odd Lines and broken lots, reg.
$1.25 and $1,50 value, Sale Price 99c
Dress Goods
Bell Dor now, Suit lots pf oice here ; dur-
in the your Fall
youget discount 20 per cent off 'regular
Cut prices in all Iines of Silks ; Colored and Black Taffeta
in best makes. Your chance to buy a Silk Dress at whole-
sale price,
DRESS TRIMMINGS. -To match all our Dress Goode. Sale
Price -20 per cent off all lines.
Clothing Department
Two Thousand Dollars' worth of the Best Clothing to choose
from. Buy your Suit now and save money.
Men's strong Overalls, blue or black - Sale Price $ :59
10 Men's Fancy Tweed Suits, good value at $8 -Sale Price,6.00
Men's Fancy Worsted Suits, well made, the regular price
is $12.50 -Sale Price. 10.00
Men's- Fine English Worsted Suits, tailor made, splendid
valve at $15.00 -Sale Price 12 00
Men's Fancy Striped Pants, made of strong tweed, regular
$2.00 value -Sale Price 1.00
Bays' three-piece Suits, well -lined, wear guaranteed, regu-
lar $5.00 Suits - Sale Price 4.00
Boys' Norfolk Suits, new patterns, good school Suite -at 8 39
Men's fine stripe worsted Pants, good value at $4 -Sale 3 19
Boys' two-piece Suits - to clear at 1.29
Youths' Fancy Tweed Suits ; sizes 83, 31, 35 ; regular up to
$8.00 value - Sale Price 6.25
Men's Rain Coats at 20% discount off all . prices,
Table Linen
1 piece Bleached Linen, 51 inches wide, regular 35c value -
Sale Price 28c
3 pieces line quality wide Bleached Linen, regular price 60
and 65 cents - Sale Price 48c
1 piece Table Linen, very wide, reg. dollar quality -Sale 75e
Table Napkins - 20% off regular prices.
Five Dozen Band Satchel or Shopping Bags, 75c value -at
Clean Sweep Sale 500
Gloves Big stock of Long Gloves in Black, White,
Pink, Blue, Nile and Brown, at 20 per cent.
off our close prices during this Clean Sweep Sale.
Men's Black or Brown Felt Hats, Fedoras, or Hard Felt, at
20 per cent. off.
2 dozen White Underskirts -to clear at • $ .75
1 dozen Fine Cambric Underskirts, full wide width, deep
flounce, $1.25 value -Sale Price
Fine Cambric Corset Covers - Sale Price
Children's White Dresses - "MUST Br SoLD"
Plain White Aprons, full size only - Sale Price
Laidies' White Repp Suits, Coat and Skirt, good value at
$5.00 - Sale Price 3.75
Extra fine quality Underskirts, with fine deep embroidery
flounce, regular 53.50 value - Sale Price 2,75
20 pieces of white Torchon Lace and Insertion, regular 10c
quality - at half price. 5c
English Lonsdale Cambric, very fine quality, one yard wide,
regular 15c value - Sale Price 12sc
White Quilts to Clear, regular $1.25 line - for $1,00
Wide Striped Flannelette, pink stripe, reg. 12ic-Sale 100
20 pairs Lace Curtains, 3i yds. long, reg. $1,25, for 98c
12 pairs Lace Curtains, $2.00 value, for $1.50
15 pairs Lace Curtains, $2 50 value, for 1.90
9 pairs Lace Curtains, $3,75 value, for 8.00
All lines reduced during the sale,
White Silk Waists, made of good quality Wash Silk, short
Fleeces, nicely made, reg, value $3.75 to $5.00 --- Sale
Price . $2.50
Remember the date -Saturday, August 6th. Everything will be reduced. No goods charged at Sale Price.
, Cash or 'Produce in exchange for goods. No goods sent on approbation during the Sale.
H. E. Isard Co., Wingham
A Progressive School.
The Elliott Business College, To-
ronto, is taking a forward step this
year. The attendance has been the
greatest in the history of the School
and hundreds of students have accept-
ed good positions during the year,
The College issues a very handsome
prospectus. Write to Mr. W« J.
Elliott, the Principal, for One.
Plowing By Steam.
Mr, Harry Tyndall, the wellknown
thresher and farmer of Tuckersmith,
near Seaforth, has been snaking some
experiments in plowing with his trac-
tion engine, and demonstrating very
fully that with a good strong engine,
plowing can be done cheaper by steam
than by any other'method, provided
of course that the 'fields are not too
small. On Tuesday, July 26, at 0�
o'clock, Mr. Tyndall commenced plow- ll
ing a field of sod, which is 80 rods
long, containing 14 acres, and finished
the work the next day, having spent
in all 18 hours at the work. Part
of this time he used two Cockshut
two furrow gangs, and the balanee of
the time he had three two furrow
gangs turning six furrows. The
amount of coal used was 1515 pounds,
or about 108 pounds of coal per acre.
[Seaforth News.
-One million persnns in the States
to -day are confirmed inebriates. Of
these one-third die yearly as a 'result
of drink, yet this number is annually
made up by recruits to the army of
drunkards. Thus the total enrollment
of ,1,0001000 is kept up,
A Centenarian.
John McCurdy of Elderslie, who de-
parted this life on Monday, had
reached the advanced age of 101 years
and was, therefore, not only the old-
est inhabitant of this locality, but one
of the oldest in the Dominion of Can-
ada. Deceased was a native of Ire-
land, having been born within sight
of the Giant's Causeway, and was a
pioneer settler of the Tp, of Elderslie.
=[Chesley Enterprise.
A Good School.
The Central Business College of
Stratford le the largest and undoubt-
edly the best school of its kind in
Western Ontario. Ib has no superior
in Canada. The Fall term commences
on Monday, Aug. 20th, and those in-
terested should write the college for
its free catalogue. The school has a
reputation for doing good work and
the graduates of its Commercial,
Shorthand or Telegraphy departments
secure good positions and meet with
Two Aldermen nought.
The most sensational session that
the City Council of Guelph ever held
was their meeting last week, when
Ald. C...W. Kelly and Commissioner
.1. J. Drew, IL 0., came to blows over
an animated discussioncion that arose
over the question of whether or not
the radial railway tommissionere.
Drew and Ryan, and their chairman,
S. W. Lyon, be permitted to take
seats at the board, to discuss with the
Aldermen a question Irelative to the
Paopla'a Railway.
Great Bail Storm.
On August 4th, the local train on
the C.P.R. from Ottawa to, Prescott,
due there at 4.50 p.m., arrived to-
night minus almost every pane of
glass. About 3 p.m., when pulling
out of Manotic, the train ran into a
cloud -burst, accompanied by a terrific
wind. The train could be felt rocking
heavily. The hail was so heavy that
every window in the ears was broken
instantly. One lady, who had her
watch on her wrist, reported the hail
having come through the window,
and in addition, had sufficient force
to break the crystal on her watch.
-There seems now to be a strong
probability of Wellington and Wat-
erloo counties building between them
a fine sanitarium for the treatment
of tuberculosis patients.
If so, remember these facts---Zam-
Buk is now the most widely used balm
in Canada, yet four years ago it was
unknown here ! Why has it become so
popular? .13ecause.it heale sores, cures
skin diseases, and does what is claimed
for it. Why not let it heal your sore ?
Remember that Zam-Duk is altogether
different to the ordinary ointments.'
Most of these consist of animal fats.
lam-Buk contains no trace of any
animal fat, or any mineral matter,
It is absolutely herbal.
Remember that Zatn-Puk is at the
same tittle healing, soothing, and
antiseptic. Kills poison instantly, and
all harmful germs. It is suitable alike
for recent injuries and diseases, and
chronic ,sores, ulcers, ete. Test how'
different and superior rim -Mk really
is. All druggists and stores at 50c
a box. You are warned against harm-
ful mbstitutes and ivaitxt one.
A Queer Mail Route.
One of the most remarkable mail
routes in the world is that which a
letter journeys in getting from Beebe
Plain, Vt., to Beebe PIain, Quebec,
Canada. While the two offices are
within ten feet of each other -are
located in the same room, in fact -a
letter mailed from one office to the
other must make a trip of 291 miles -
07 in Canada and the rest in the
United States. The plain, old fash-
ioned store building, which is situated
on the International boundary line,
contains both the united States and
Canadian offices. There „fare separate
entrances to each, but both are in the
same room, have the same lobby, and
there are no partitions to mark the
division between the domain of Uncle
Sam and the possessions of King
George. ''If you .mail a letter from
the '''Vermont side addressed to the
Quebec side," ears the postmaster
"it goes from here to the junction
then to Newport, then to White
River Junction and back to Lenn-
oxville, Quebec, over the Boston
& Maine. There it is transferred to
the Grand Trunk and goes to a south-
bound mail pouch, and conies to
Stanstead Junction, and then back
to this same building, a distance of
291 miles, If we wish to mail a letter
from the American aide to Derby
Lane it must go to White River
Junetion, and then come back over
the official route."
-Becton now uses oil on its roads
to Illy the dust. One application
fasts $50, put the townspeople there
say the experiment is working out
splendidly and is economical.
Big stock of Rugs to choose from, comprising new patterns
in Tapestry, Wool, Brussels, Velvets, Wiltons ; also all kinds of
Carpet by the yard, Oilcloths and Linoleums in all widths, 20
per cent discount off all our Rugs and Carpets daring the Sale.
Crums' English Prints, ail new patterns, dark and light
colorings, Regular price 12ic ; your choice of our large
stock for 10e
Wide Ribbons in plain Silk -Sale Price 12ic
25c Plain Wide Silk Ribbon -Sale Price.., 20c"
20c Fancy Wide Silk Ribbon -Sale Price 15c
20c Plain Soft Taffeta Ribbon -Sale Price 15e.
12ie Plain Silk Ribbon, all colors -Sale Price 10c
3 dozen Underskirts, made of good quality Black Watered
Moreen, full wide width, good value at 51,25 -Sale Price.$1.00
CORSETS. --Big clean up in our Corset Department. Look
on centre tables for Big Bargains, a lot of Corsets, reg.
$1.00 and $1.25 value -Sale Price 09c
What is left of our stock of White Waists, all new
styles, to clear at manufacturers prices. -
Also the balance of Ladies' Underskirts, Gowns and
Corset Covers.
A few yds. of our Muslins, Chambrays, Zephers
and Cambric *must go to make room for Fall
` Goods.
MEN'S SHIRTS. -Reg. soc to 65c, to clear at
39c ; Reg. 75c to . $1.25, at 69c.
MEN'S SUITS at 20 per cent, off reg. price, for
TAPESTRY RUGS. -A clearance of this line.
214 x 3 yds., 3 x 3 yds., 3 x 31z yds., 3 x
4 yds., 31a x 4 yds. --all to go at twenty per
cent off.
A few pieces of Linoleum, in small ends, to clear
at less than cost. Linoleums have all advance
ed in price, but we have secured 12 n' w pat.
terns which we are selling at old prig's. If
intending to get a linoleum, don't wait,. but
secure one now Largest selection in town.
Ladies' Fall Suitings
Our new Fall Suitings are beginning to arrive.
Call early and get first choice. Thirty shades
to select from.
...... ,,
Quantities Butter and Eggs