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The Wingham Advance, 1910-07-14, Page 8
8 TUE W I lel A M ADVANCE THURSDA & jtirtY THE DOMINION BANK. HK&D OFFICE, TORONTO, Capital Stook (all paid up) .$4,000,000.00 Reserve Fund and Undi- vided Profits......... 45,800,000.00 Deposits by the Public.... $46,000,000.00 Total Assets, over... .....160,500,000.00 13RANGrIr s AND AOHNTs throughout. Canada and the United States. A GENERAL BANNING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Savings Department Current Rates of Interest allowed and Deposits received of 51.00 and upwards. Fanners' Sale Notes Colleoted, and advances made on thele at lowest rate of interest. WING A;it BRANOIL-Corner John and Josephine Strets. 'L 11. GEIKIg, Manager R. Panstone, Solicitor A ti".4 0 1 You will regret you did not attend one of Canada's High Grade Business Colleges - located at Peterborough Welland Orangeville Wingham 1 Clinton Walkerton 1 INow is a good time to enter. Our graduates receive from $400 to $1500 per annum. I Mail Courses in 100 different subjects. Mill11010V Write for particulars WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, PRINCIPAL. rtt1.110.1rlttr00v11110 Teacher Wanted. For U. S. S. No. 13, Howick and Turnberry. Duties to commence August 15; second class professional preferred. State salary and qualifica- tions. GEO. DOUBLEDEE Sec.-Treas. - Wroxeter P.O. Teacher Wanted. For U. S. S. No. 8, Turnberry and Morris (Wingham Junction). Duties to commence after summer vacation. Applications received to July 20th. W. J. HENDERSON Sec.-Treas. Box 55, Wingham P. 0. Teacher Wanted. For S. S. No. 6, Turnberry (2 miles from Wingham). Apply, stating salary and qualifications, to ADAM JOHNSTON Sec.-Treas. Wingham P. 0. NOTICE OF CLOSING. We, the ig under - l` undersigned Solicitors si t of the Town of Wingham, hereby agree to close our offices during•the months of July and August, as follows :-On each week day, with the exception of Saturday, at 4 p.m., and on Saturday at 1 p. m. Tr DUDLEY HOLikiES 3, A. MORTON R. VANSTONR Farm For Sate. The farm consisting of Lot 12, Con, 15, Howick, and containing 100 acres, is offered for sale cheap. There are 50 acres of good land, and the balance is swamp with valuable timber. A brick house, good barn with stabling underneath, and small orchard. Easy terms to purchaser. Apply to JAMES BELL 48-40 Lakelet P, O, Mortgage Sale OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY tinder and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at time of sale, there o will beo ff erect for sale b public n yplc on SATURDAY, L i r rr Jv 6 v lr 1910,t th hour of two o'clock in the afteroon, at the Brunswick Hotel, in Town of Wing - ham, by Prank McConnelI, Auctioneer, the following property, namely. -Lot number Six in the 15th concession of the Township of Howick, containing by admeasurement one, hundred acres of land more or less. On the said proper- ty is situate a solid brio* house 28x82, a barn 50xe8 with atone foundation, root house 14x18, implement barn 27x28, and a work -shop. The farm is situate on e good road ie miles from a school. Tea:eel--10% of perohase money to be paid down at time of a ale and the Want* ter he id within 80 pays when possess ax► willgiven. Pot frtrther p le oats end ooatditlons of sale, ap. 1? y DUDLEY HOLMIIdS VeledtMo e l,l, ' ., o riltrlicitux moot a0 WLugbani, t tom, 1810. ereona!e Law Enforcement in Ontario.. Alex. Bird of Paisley was la town over the Twelfth. Mise Bugg of London is visiting. friends in town. Miss Gerry of 'Brussels Is visiting. her sister, Mrs, Willis,. Wm, Robertson of Nanton, Alta., is visiting friends in town. Mr, `tVesley Gray of Owen Sound spent the Twelfth in town. 141r. and Mrs, F. H. Walley of Sea forth spent the 12th in town. Mr. Bevins of Increre011 is visiting his daughter, Mrs, Rich, Clegg. Mies E sie Findlay of Owen Sound is the guest of Miss Ethel Ball. Ernest Buchanan of Toronto is en a two weeks' visit at bis home. Mr, Lou. Sadlier of Palmerston visited friends in town last week, Mr, Jas, Nixon of Mitchell was a visitor at Win, Holmes' this week, Mrs, (Dr.) Burnham of Buffalo was the guest this week of Mrs. Duffield. Mrs, Geo. Young of Toronto is visiting relatives and friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Spotton of Howick spent .a few days this week with their son, Alf. Posliff, teacher at Chapman, Ont., is home for the sgmmer vaca- tion. Mr, David Volumes of South Dakota is visiting his brother, William, of town. Miss Lillian Baer has returned to town after visiting her home in Wood- stock, Miss Kennedy of Paris spent a few days during the past week at. Thos. Kew's. Misses Greta and Marion Pilgrim of Hamilton are visiting at Mrs. Herds- man's. Mrs. Bert. Chapman and children of Toronto are on a visit to relatives in town. Dr. Chisholm, M. P„ shook hands with hundreds of his constituents on July 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm expect to leave for their western trip about the 26th inst. Miss Ethel Tipling is spending her vacation in Ypsilanti, Detroit and Cleveland. Mr. A. McNevin of Victoria Univer- sity, Toronto, spent a day in town last week. Wesley Cornell of Sault Ste Marie, Ont., spent a few days during the past week in town, Misses Grace and Marion Kew of Niagara Falls, N. Y., are visiting relatives in town. Mr.' and Mrs. D. T. Walkon, of Stratford visited at Will f'ield's dur- ing the past week. Miss Mary Sadler returned last Sat- urday after a few weeks' visit with her sister in Toronto. Mrs. Geo. Dickson and little daugh- ter of Walton spent the past week the guests of Mrs. Fleuty. Mrs. Arthur M. Fellman of Toronto is spending a few days with her friend; Miss Hattie Campbell. Miss May A. Powell of Philadelphia, Penn., is on a two months' visit to her home in Turnberry. Miss Rose Fessant of Terrahaute, Ind., is visiting her uncle, Mr. Wm, Fessant, for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Bard of Wood- stock attended the funeral of the Iatter's grandmother on Monday. Mrs. Duncan Stewart and daughter of Los Angeles, Cal., (formerly of- Wingham) fWingham) are visiting friends in town. Mr. Dulmage and daughter, Miss Georgia, are spending a week or two with friends at Fordwich and other points. Mr. Robt. Stevenson, his daughter and her husband, of Stanley Tp., visit- ed Mr, Jno. Metcalfe of Turnberry, this week, Mr. and Mrs. Hebblewait of Chicago (formerly of Wingham) with their two sons and daughter are guests at Dr. Tamlyn's. Misses Annie and Hazel Powell of Turnberry, spent a few days last week visiting tneir cousin, Rev. Frank Powell, of Chesley. Rev, 0. E. Jeakins of Huron Col- lege, . London, was a visitor in Wing - ham over the 12th. Many were pleas- ed to meet him again. Mrs. Wee. Welsh of Harriston and her guests, Mrs. Robt. Ruth and son Austin of Grand Rapids, Mich., spent the Twelfth in town. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Field and child- ren, and Airs. Thos. sew and children returned last week after spending a fortnight at Kincardine. Miss Anderson o the he Hi h School, and her sister Miss Edna, are in Bos ton this week attending the National Educational Association. Mrs. Rosabell Addison and sons of Toronto are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fortune, "Kil- noekie Place," Turnberry. Dr, and Mrs, Scott and son returned to Sanilae Centre, Melte oil Monday, after spending a week with_ Mrs. Scott's parents, Mr, and Mrs.. Thos. Wilson. Miss Helen Burgess of Owen Sound, Miss moil Ring of Goderioh, and Miss B, Calder (sister of Dr. Calder) of To- ronto, are guests of Miss Ethel King, Shuter street. Miss Laura Homuth of Toronto was the guest of Mrs, J. W. Meliibbon this week. She favored the eongre- gation of the Methodist Chureh with two excellent solos on Sunday even- ing. Rev. 13', Shore of Lisbon, North. Da- kota, is visiting friends in 'Wingham, accompanied by Mrs. Shore and daughter. Mr. Shore was formerly an active worker in St. Paul's, but went West, where be has made him• self useful in a womb larger sphere. The Advance had a earl Inst week from Mr. J. 1:+'. Pattison of Montana. He Was .. awing, and seeing the sign "The Advance," was disposed to re, new aergttaintancee with the paper. He was here When the drat ropy area to printed nearly years two. Ie h vent Montana, he thinks Wirglearn bus made more progress than any tet of its adnra. Mr. Pattison learnt the ltd news-rakisng with r, n itta N as„ yy.,,nn{h u,t .rlyaav onas Vtown Next Sunday,, the Holy Communion will be administered in St. Paul's Church. Rev.. A. L. Russell of Lambeth, formerly pastor of Wroxeter circuit, was the guest of Mr. Dulmage for a few days this week, He preached as- eeptably in the Methodist Church on Sunday morning. The Ministerial Association of Owen Sound, assisted by .a band of earnest layanen and gospel singers, will hold services in the open air during the Bummer. The first meeting was held on the market square last Sunday. Mr. J. A. Morton leas resigned his position as teacher of the Eureka Bible class in Wingham Methodist Church. Mr, Morton was a capable teacher, and gave the class several terms of faithful service. The class unanimously chose the editor of the Advance as Mr. Morton's successor. The far-reaching evangelistic cam- paign to be entered upon in -the fall by the Board of Evangelism and Mor- al and Social Reform of the Presby- teian (%hutch in Canada is to be con- ducted by one, who is perhaps the most earnest and effective evangelist in the Dominion -Rev. W. Patterson, D. D., formerly pastor of Cooke's Church. Dr. Patterson has accepted his appointment to this work by the Assembly, and will conduct tine cam- paign for a year dating from the 1st of September. It is expected that Dr. Patterson's wife, whose trained voice is an invaluable aid, to the evangelist, will accompany him. Dr. Patterson's official headquarters during the cam- paign will be at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lynch, Miss Lynch and Miss Baird of Mansonville, Que- bec, also Rev. 0, E. and Mrs. Jeakins of London were guests at the Rectory on the Twelfth. Among those from Toronto who came up on the Huron Old Boys' excursion last Saturday to visit re- latives and friends in town, were :- Mr. and Mrs, Sherman Day, Mrs. W. Bele, Mrs. McMillan, Mrs. Hope, Mis- ses Annie Bilis, Lillie Nicholls, Mae Knox, and Messrs. George Young, J. 3, Homuth, Adam Walker, F. Patter- son, Fred. McLean, Mr. and Mrs, Jno. Buchanan and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Fred. Rush, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Oluff. WINOHAM MARKETS. Wheat -88c to OOc. Oats -34 to 35 cts. Barley -45 cts._ Peas -65 to 70 cts. Hay -$10.00 to $12.00 per ton. Butter -18 to 20 cts. Eggs -17 to .18 cts. Potatoes 25c to 30c per bush. Live Hogs -$8.60. Wool -22 cts. For full Toronto market reports see page 2. CULTIVATING GTHE CORN CROP Should Receive Attention as Soon as it Gets Just Above the Ground. Do not wait fig, the corn to get much above the ground before begin- ning cultivation. A harrow put on just before ,the plant appears above the surface or immediately afterward kills millions of weeds and prepares the soil for the tender plant when it comes through. • Then the weeders and cultivators should be kept going from this time until the corn is too big to be culti- vated with safety. It the season is dry more cultivation Is necessary, be- cause it has been demonstrated that the average rainfall Is not sufficient to grow a full crop of corn without keeping the moisture under the sur- face, and the importance of thorough cultivation in dry seasons is therefore apparent, The first cultivation may be deep, but after Cultivations should be shal- low. The old-fashioned plow ripping along between rows four or five Inches deep, tearing and cutting off the mots, has destroyed millions of bushels of ;corn in :times gone by. Most farmers know better now, but there may be yet some unenlightened man, and to Mtn this warning applies. When the corn plant is three or four feet high the fibrous roots ex- tend from one row to another and form a mat from three to five inches under the surface. When six to eight feet high these roots have formed a complete connection between the rows, and It can easily be understood that a cultivator set five or six inches deep will tear this mat apart and thus greatly Injure the growing plant. Gare of Cultivator Steels. Take fine brick dust, mix With a lit- tle water, and scrub the rust spots, using a stiff brush. After the bad spots are well moistened, mix one-half pint of sulphuric acid in one quart of water•i t m x well, then apply with brush. Moisten the rust spots. When dry, polish with brick dust or fine sand. One or at most two app lice tient; will remove most, if not all, the rust. All steel irzrplements and shall hand tools should be treated la the same way. It is a pleasure to work with a clean, polished implement. More and a much better quality of work ran be done with a 'clean tool, Long Rows 8a+se Labor. An exchange well illustrates the Ire. portance of long rows by telling of a ,weaterm farmer who had plowed land 100 rods wide and a half mile long. He Made three fields, +mach 88 rods 'tivids and 180 rods long, When plant. ed In torn he found that hiss nran eonld cultivate it tite long way of ilie row in three days, wtaile if going the e't hst' way, their was fear days' work, Zairt one stay antra Wes spout to tem Mont at a end three team as That the lawbreaker in New Ontario neeets with as much discouragement as .in the old portions of the Province Is the testimony of the half yearly re- port of the Ontario Provincial Police, issued recently, The operations of the department cover the whole Pro. vince, but over 05 per cent, of the eases dealt with In the report occurred in the newer districts of the north. In the six months ending June 30, 770 persons were prosecuted and 531 con- victed. Thirty cases were withdrawn, and 105 have still to be disposed of. The Province was enriched by fines to the amount of 535,101.05. Warrants were issued for thirteen persons on charges of murder, and 7 of these meti are still at large. The failure of the police to capture the two men whomurdered a Chinaman at Streetsville recently was due to de- lay in notifying the officers, while in the • other cases the suspects were foreigners, making it difficult to secure information regarding the crimes. During the six months three persgns were convicted of murder, two were hanged, one is under sent- ence, and two are awaiting trial. Under the liquor license act, 161 per- sons were prosecuted, 135 convicted, 10 discharged, three cases were with- drawn, and four remain to be disposed of ; 113 were fined and 23 sentenced to terms of imprisonment. The total fines amounted to $8,323. Members of the force seized 4,749 bottles of whiskey, 82 gallons, 216 flasks, 15 bar- rels and one keg of whiskey ; two gal- ions of gin, one barrel of stout, three kegs of beer, 224 bottles of wines, and IO gallons of high wines. For violations of the fish and game. laws, 54 persons were prosecuted, 47 convicted, two discharged, and four cases remain to be disposed of. The fines imposed amounted to $12,187, of which $11,760 were against the Hud- son Bay Co. During the six months, 223 persons have been deported from frontier points. For defrauding the Government in connection with the payment of wolf bounties, 24 persons were prosecuted sig sentenced to terms of imprison- ment, nine fined and imprisoned, set/ en released on suspended sentence, and tw.p charges withdrawn. The total fines amounted to $12,225. Referring to the frequency of shoot- ing affrays among foreigners, the re- port says :-"In view of the number of crimes of violence, it is to be re- gretted that the sale of weapons is not more under control, While, under certain conditions, the police have the right to search and disarm foreigners. yet the facilities for,procuring cheap revolvers, guns and other weapons are so great that the efforts of the police are of little avail." -•If you want something good for rats, sprinkle caustic potash over the floor where they visit and they will disappear. -Speaking at a meeting in conned,- tion onned"tion with the tuberculosis campaign at Edinburgh, Dr. Wm. Osler, dealing with the discoveries of science and chemistry, declared that the outlook for the world was never so hopeful as now, for the conqueriug of disease. c CHRISTI•E'S GROCERY PHONE 59 Why Not be as particular about our table supplies as about everything else? We ought to be even more so. There's all kinds of qualities and the cheapest in the end is The Best RICE makes an excellent diet for the Summer. Of the MANY KINDS and QUALITIES we've selected the best of Two and can highly recommend them. 5 Cents and 10 cents Per Lb. Always on Hand Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Cooked Meats, &c. Large quantities will be here for the 12th. BEST On- VAINA13L1ti QUALit Y. You'll Want Some Good Tea We want you to try our Teas. Their flavour is excellent. Their quality is unbeatable and prices are -80e, 40c and 50c per lb, Chinaware t►t Unheard-of Prices and f Store 'hn 8nl o vasup $`rlNth fie ie oast/ olid Belgrave. Rev. G, W. Rivers of Ripley called on friends last b'riday. Mise R. Bates of Clinton ie vending a few days with her parents. Miss Thompson of Toronto is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle. Miss Patterson of Wingham visited at Mrs, John Owens' last week, Miss Jean Geddes is spending a. few weeks with Owen Sound friends, Mrs. Wm. Hole of Toronto was the guest of Mrs, Sprost over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Philip James of Grey were visitors at Mr, Jno. Watson's an Sunday. T. Hill has bad a new galvanized iron pump Oared in his well, by Mr. Mr, Thornton of Wingham. Messrs, John and William Nethery were called to visit their siek sister, Mrs, Leishman of Bruce Mines, Farmers are at their haying, which is a better crop than last year, Grain crops are all looking well, and if they fill up without a blight will be above an average. Trinity Church garden party held on the lawn of John Armstrong on Wednesday evening of last week, was largely attended. The receipts were o. e Wingham Band some ver sweet$100Thmusic, which was bigblygave appreciated, The h©avy electrical storm that passed over Belgrave on Saturday night did not do any damage in this vicinity, though there were two fires quite visible, There was a"heavy rain on Sunday, which gave the crops all that was necessary. Last Saturday was a busy day with the cattle men here, R. Armstrong, John Ferguson, John Menzie, 3, Arm- strong and A. Taylor each shipped a carload, in' all five carloads of fine cattle, which meant/ a fine pile of money at present prices. The Orange service held in Trinity Church last Sunday was well attend- ed ; the church was peeked to the doors, and beautifully decorated for the occasion. There were 50 Orange- men in the procession, Rev. E. 11. Croly, B.A., of Wingham, gave an ex- cellent address, The announcement af the death of Mr. Geo. Leeson of Oalgary in last week's Advance came as a surprise to the older people of this vicinity. Mr. Leeson was well known here ; his wife was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Geddes of the 3rd line of Morris, and a sister of Mrs. H. Diment of Bluevale, also a cousin of Messrs Geddes of this village. Mrs. Leeson and her family have the sympathy of many friends. It is over twenty-five years since Mr. and Mrs. Leeson went west, and they are reported very wealthy, East Wawanosh. The Township Council will meet July 251b. Winghana was the attraction on Tuesday last. Teachers and pupils are now enjoy- ing their vacation. Haying is begun ; the hay is a fairly good crop this year. Township Clerk Porterfield has pre- pared the Voter's list for 1910, and given it to the printer. -Are you on it it - Cyrus Scott Lost his Iittie pony Last week ; it was a great pet and was priz- ed rized by the late Mr. Scott. The pony VMS found in the field with its leg broken, possibly by a kick from another horse. P. W. Scott completed 'last week about ten miles of line for the North Huron Telephone Co., so fa'r as dig- ging the holes and planting the poles are concerned; nearly all this is in East Wawanosh, There will be three circuits in some places. Nearly all the farmers .want to be connected with the Town of W inghare. Morris. J. J. Sellers lost a valuable mare last week. Morris township Council will hold its next meeting an Monday, 18th inst. Morris Orangemen turned out in strong force at Wingham on the twelfth. Miss home Mi s Minnie Walker is h me from Business College, Toronto, for her vacation. The Sabbath Schools of Bluevale, Johnston's and Ebenezer held a union. picnic in H. Busman's bush on Wed- nesday afternoon of this week. Robt, and Mrs. Turvey and children, 2nd line, and Mrs. Woodrow and little son, of Swift Current, ..ask., visited with relatives at Port Albert for a few days, ejltjoying the lake breezes, Bluevale. Wingham was the attraction on the e nedotttin 12th, Bluevale Lod 1 v e Lodge ter full force, The Willing Workers of the Metho- dist Church announee a Garden P Party y on the church lawn, on Tuesday, July 10th, Tea served frau 6 to 8; music furnished by the Citizens' Band, Wingham, A football match be- tween Bluevale and the 4th of Mbrete and addresses by resident ministers are also part of the program. See 'posters', Wroxeter.. Wroxeter Public School Trustees have arranged to open up a Con- tinuatlon department in the orlon] here ora the oomtltenoement of the fall tern, With that objet ha view they have engaged Mr. Rvlasell, of Owen SonndAsa Principal at a Wary of 000 and the othiar resisuoies twill he Ailed shortly. Blyth. Rev, Mr. fear Made a favorable impreesian in the opening of his pastorate in the M•ethoclist Church. D. Somers has taken charge of the Ritchie barber shop in Wingham which business he recently purchased, Wingharn will have fine addition to their base ball talent in "Curly," Rev, W. I1. Irwin, Mrs. Irwin, Miss True and Master Willie, of Kalama- zoo, illicit,, are visiting Mrs. Irwin's parents, Joseph and Mrs, Taman, Hamilton street, this week, The reverend gentieruan was editor of the Blyth Review sortie 15 •or 16 years ago, Tuesday at high noon Cupid won another'victory, when at the home of the bride's parents, W. A. and Mrs. Carter, Dlusley street, their youngest daughter, Miss Lizzie N. S., was united in marriage to Will A. Grim - shave, of Detroit, Ceremony was performed in the drawing room under a large bell of marguerites and ferns, by Rev, J. L. Small, B. A, One evening recently Richard Sel- lars bad occasion to use the truck at the G,T.R, station, On it he found a purse which'had been 'lost by some person a short time before. The find- er put the purse in his pocket expect, Ing some person would be asking for it. Presently two ladies were seen searching for something and Mr. Sellers found that they were the owners of the purse, which contained money and tickets to Belgrave, Howick. Henry Wood of the 10th con., lost a valuable mare a short time ago with colic. P. Dickett, Thos. Hicks, II. Phillips, and J. Darroch ;each lost a colt. It is all in the business, Losses will occur, be we ever so careful, The Misses Mary Elizabeth and Olive Pearl Watters, of Orange Hill, daughters of Mr, John Watters, who have been attending the Wingham Business' College, have passed their final examinations with honors. In fact these two young ladies came out at the head of the list. Judge Holt held court in Gorrie on Tuesday, The case which attracted most attention was one of Harper vs McLaughlin, in which ,Itobt. A. Mc- Laughlin was sued by George Harper for having sold a horse to him (Harp- er), under a guarantee of soundness, and which he (Harper) claimed was unsound, maintaining that it had a curved joint. Expert veterinary evidence was heard on both sides, but the preponderance of evidence went to show that while the horse had a rough hock, there was no unsound- ness. The judge took this view in his summing up, and gave his view in favor of the detendent, Mr. McLach- lin, the plaintiff also to pay the costs of the case. is the best remedy known for sunburn, heat rashes, eczema sore feet, stings a blisters. A skin food AU Dt5jfrh and Stores, -.500, Only Line Reaching All The Summer Resorts. Charming Muskoka Temagami Beautiful Lake of Bays Georgian Bay Algonquin Park Maganetawan River French River Stoney Lake Kawartha Lakes Lake Couchiohing, Etc. Round Trip Tourist Tickets on Sale at LOW RATES Sailings of Passenger Steamers From Sarnia to Soo, Port Arthur and Duluth, every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 3,30 p.m , the Wednesday and Saturday steamers going through to Du- luth. luth. Sailin s from Collingwood 1.30 p.n. and Owen Sound 11.45 p.m., on Wednes- days and Saturdays for So and Georgian. Bay portN. Sailings irom Midland 1.30 Penetang 3.15 p.tn, to Parry Sound and Way ports daily except Sunday. Full information and tickets from W. Henry, Agent. J. D. McDonald Dtetrtbt Passenger Agent, Toronto.. CANADIAN PACi,':I.1, BEST StRVIOB TO USKOKA Font trains from Toronto 0.40 a.1n. 12,15 p.m. 6,05 p,tn. 10.10 p.m. kola Sleeper carried on 10.10 p.m train Fridays. njoy The Cool Breezes Of The Great Lakes Settings daily except Priday and Sunday from Owen Sound. Special train from Toronto at 1.00 p m. sailing days. Meals and berth inolnded on boat TM MOST I4,1ta lAlt'r ANi3 GI'11fA1+$0 ROTA TO mil AND WUT d`. H. Bosnsar, Agent It - Wineaaai An Exceedingly Important Matter is the Proper Fitting of Children's drensFootwear l f It may seem a strange statement to make, but it is nevertheless a fact, that a large percentage of foot troubles are developed in infancy and childhood. By foot troubles we mean corns, bunions, etc., those little things which make life so happy and comfortable (?) in the "good old summer time." You have two ad- vantages in buying your Children's Shoes from us, namely ;- 1-A much bigger selection than is usually found in ordinary shoe stores. 2-A system of fitting which ensures com- fort to the child and prevents the danger of getting short or narrow fitting shoes, nor yet too large, and therefore reduces future foot troubles to a minimum, MOTHERS 1—It will pay you to bring your Children here to be fitted - we are sure that we can give you satisfaction. Willis & Co. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE - FOR HoE LADIES Sole Agents for the "Astoria" Shoes . for Men ++++••++a++a•+••e•++a•++•• +•+++•+••••• ••++++++++•* 1 Hanna & Co. STORE NEWS. • • • Phone 7o All Kinds Produce Wanted • 0000000000000000000 000000000000000000 • • Ladies' Fancy Parasols White Embroidered. Parasols at 51.25, $1.50, $2.25 • Dresden Parasols at $2.25 Blue, and Bine and White Silk Parasols at $3.00 and $2.75 Black Fancy Para- sols, silk and wool covering and very newest handles, a • large assortment .at $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2,50. Fancy Smallwares DUTCH COLLARS -- With lace and insertion, at 25c, 356 and 50c JABOTS -Embroidered, at 25c, 35c and 50a WHITE WASH BELTS -Embroidered in different shades, at 25c and 35c GLOVES --- Silk and Lisle Thread Gloves, in all sizes. Hot Weather Fabrics for Ladies les M tJSLINS -- Different shades and patterns, at 10c, 15e, 20e, 250 yd MULLS --Fancy and plain, pink, blue and white, at 25e, 45c, 65e per yd COSTUME SIL1 —In bine, pink, grey, fawn, at 45o and 65e yard. Men's Summer Wear We are sole agents for W. G. & R. Shirts and Collars, forget 1 rd r if wanted Don't and will take special o b s p our Stinnmer Clothing -our "Special Brand," also agency for the "Fit Reform," Montreal, for tailor-made garments Men's Fancy' Vesta in black and white stripes, brown, 2. 0 i2 354 at2 1 0 fawn and grey, all sizes to 0, $l, 5, $ .50, $ and $2,50 Straw Hats at a lore price; 75e, $1, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 hats at reduced prices. House Furnishings Tapestry Rugg, all sizes, from $S to $25 Scotch and Inlaid Liltioleatns Laoe and Madras Curtains. flLLXNEIIY BARGAINS, .' ate lt window this week for Bargains i 25 of this eeaean',s stylish ap-to-date Summer Mats, in different shapes. The MUST GiO. • ! r 1