HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-07-14, Page 71,0 NEWS OF THE DAY •IN BRIEF Electric Lineman Shocked to Death at Peterboro. Ex.M. P's. Daughter Killed in West By Auto, Throe Millions Damage By Forest Fires in VVisconsin.. Mr. C. It. Whites, a pm:anent barris- ter ot taint:meg, et.teal. .ittat has taaitt,t 7i .t .1414r a bueliel ae Brantford. Flour h' em atisailad ":40 contg bate by tae nar. Harry it. atnwton, auditor for the AVeatern :tad Di Ita'a A'en Wit:ranee Companies, aka et temlennetrg, N. at. Bishop lirtma et the Plalippitme, la or- latitieing an intonational ma:fermate ou opium, murphiet and •cecaine, to bc: held at The Hague. The Northwest Hide & Vur Company's buildings at Winuipeg was partially destroyed by fire on Saturday night, !Ile loss ig $00000, fully insured. Tbe ion drought in Estex county has begun to. cause setioue allarm among .the formers, who sly nett unicee rain comee eoon, much damage must resint. , On Saturday Captain A. E. Bolderson„ ;fleeter of Mae Balmer Halt Hil1. going son board ship at Vancouver, fell 'from tae g,annerny and was drowned, „ Wm. IL Smith, formerly a Prominent :tondon hardware merchant, died at ins home there on Sunday, aged 53 years. Tie lied been ill for some months. Fifty-two per e nt. of tivi eendidetee fer- the canal:re ex inane tante at Brant - font were plueltea oe the arithmetk paper, which was parVeinerly diffieult. llama Co xi English piano]: "x" ray investigator, is dead at the age of 46. contracted the "x" -ray dermtatitis twelve years ago and it eventually- caus- ed kis death, fiteltag at Midland attempted. to burn tbe resideace of Mr. James Play fair and the linibm in Playfair Vithite'e yell% In ben eeees the firee wc.re discovered before they got a start. 13ernarcl O'Bryne, for thirty years one of the inspectors in the Provineial Department of Public • Works, died on Sunday at his home, 140 • Havelock tared, after suffering for a menth from paralysis: Ererett Kennedy, 30 years old, died at his home at Windsor on Sattnday from the effects of injuelee received In the Q..P..R. yardbeet Wedaesdity. He, was •caught between two cars and severe- ly eneheda F. 0. St. Den, wanted in Sherbrooke, Que., on a charge 'of embeezling, $1,500 from a Montreal brewery, was arrested te in Detroit on Saturday night. St. Dolce ailmits his identity, but declares be will tight extradition. . After being in the water since laet Tuesday, the body of "Teddy" Ellis, son of Undertaker Elliseof Toronto, wire was drowned while eenoeipie in Like toneltiching„ was necoveed yettercley, and beauglit home laet night. The death oceurrea on Sunday at the • Grand- Central Hotel, Truro, N. S.. of J. J. King, of Orangeville, Oat., due to petteral break up of the syetero, afr. Kine, was the representative of Girard St Cain, u»dertakers' 'supplies, of Three Rivers, Que. 'attn. George Mavondille, 23 years old, -who lives ae77 Clinton street, Toronto. took a, dose of laudanum and opium while walking .on Wellesley street on S.aturday, and felton the sitlewalk. She declines to say anything or give any roe - so» for the act. Notwithstanding the objections regis- tered against the entrance examivation papers this summer, under the tution ef Mr. Edward Farr, of -the Pomona Publio School James Fegan aged eleven years two mouths passed his examine - tion with honors. Charged with nelivering German mil- itary and nantil secrets to the Preemie -Government, Anita Zarmelga was een- teemed to six. years in jail. Accused of eimilar offences, Albert Lurek and Alois Wre.skerp each received a sentence of four years' imprisonment. The French adininietrators of the (Airneie Hero Fund have awarded penelene emrying from $10 to $300 mutually to widows and oiphans of pellennen, Lre- men and otber persons wile Met: their lives in the perf mnrittee, of herole deity dm ing the Patti floods Met spring, Theodore, Vinette, a lineman, employ- ed bythe Ototabee Light & Power Co., ma instant death on. Saturday after- noon at Teterboro, either through shock or from the heat. Ho felb from opao top of a, fazity.foeb pele„. striking - head first. Histneek anit one leg were broken. Bessie Crawford, (blighter of John Crawford, ex -M. P., was killed at Neee- atem, Man., on Seturday afternoon in her auto. 'She was gang at high Bleed and attempted ti ;gap eurldenty int froftt of her home. The auto turnee over, lain- ine her berte.ath it and killing het in - 'Stoutly. Th43 Vaiseonsin fore et fine are 'esti - meted to have eOtt total of noway $3,000,000. The lows ore tabulated as fellers: North of Chippewa Falls, ale - 000,000; iv Marinette and Wausau and the $1,000M00; near Med- ford and Prentite S1,000.000. The ger ef of fire is now *titled, A heavy storm, with hen, ail. eenealer! able damage to the erong in the Portage la Trairie district, in some also femme being belled right out. The heaviest damage was eolith end east of Oek- eine, fifteen Inileg from there. where the bati lay on the greund five inelise and the :grain was beaten into the groinia. knording to Superintendent mit of the Weterworke DepartMent. Whither is faeing a poesibIe water Amite. On toe:mint of 'the "'ergdrenth, 4n itatla. tally large quantity of water is beirig n eed, taxing the pumping- station yond it apathy, arta ,Superbetendene JalI fears the triaChinery will break downunder the etain. The Red Cross liner Rerun, bound for Halifax and St. &aim eolitled in the twirling tides of Thal Gate, New York, On Sunday -evening. with the Sornner, whirl' Jiita enouph headway to Stand the (lined. The Potent dente."( her bete elate,* ena rippea rut a little weeiTwora from the limerer, but neither Able wee errionely Irjaredelna both continred Oil tineir MILITIA CALLED, Cumberland Coal Company Asks For Protection, jely 10.— Acting upon the application or the. CneabezIaud Coal 4 Railway Company, Judge Battersea of the County Courb has granted warrant for calling oat the militia to preserve order at Springhill. The tiet placation as made first to Mayor Pot- ter ,of the tewn, but he refeseel to take any a0ti011, mal so the application had to be rnaie to the Couoty Ceurb Judge of the district, Contlitiens are ael4 to hien gob be- yond the control of the eorapeny'e pte Ike force, and serious trouble is fear* ed front the strikers. Three companies Of infantry, one eompauy of artiller,y, and au army nterlioal service corps are under orders at Wellington Bar- racks, and it detaament mey loaVO for Springhill early this morning, STRANGE WILL Fortune For Boy If He Can Live Up to the Conditions. Must Beware of Women—Heavy Educational Test Mapped Out, Chicago, July 11.-1f 12-3earaeld Rob- ert George Ityreaforth feline Hie expee- tatiens of ine'grandfather, in the nuttter tif edneationand couoluet, he will at the age ,of 23 become poteessea of a fortune amounting approximately to a -quarter 0? a million dollars. The. grandfather, "mita died recently, wits aametent coimuieeioner of pateuts, ead wae a member of tae leyrentettli Camay, et taikeiga. Jt, s win wee reed yestettlay la Waal- ington, tii it, he, stipulated, it (10LaritAt plitZIAMMO that mime be followed for tae next sixteen yoare by his grandeon, wile was aiso his foster enild, it lie ie to (mum into the estate, The 12 -year-old grandson will win the or* u au it : 'Ile hewalee of womeo. ile giaduates from the higb eShoel at. 14. ire studies manual training, dancing, musie, Ile receives his degree, frotu Harvard at 18. De follows, this witb six months' entity at Oxford. Ile enters. the 'Military Actulemy at kItent Point; geteluates • titerefrom 4,Aa bcc smea it soldier. Ile takes up the practice et law, ik spinele bis vacati ins travelling tbtough Fiance, anatin, Italy, Greece, Denmaik, and RUsSia in the ordsr named. Ile becomes- it Pfeteathint Episcopalian, ate refuees-to aesociate with certain persons. He lives until he is 29. - He does not marry beneatat him. MI this is eat forth in the will. The lad It be get practically the entire eetitte —provided he survives the doing of it all —at 28. SANK TWICE. Duke,of Westminster Nearlylrowned —Motor Boat Capsized. Lodon, July 10,—The Duke of Westminster narrowly eseaped drown- irg thie afternoon through the cap- sizing of the Hydroplane in which ho and thine others were practising off Cowes, Isle of Wight. The Hydro- plane was built especially to. take part in the race in A.naerica, in An- guat. It was only completed yester- day, an is capable of making 35 knots an hour. The accident occurred a mile from the shore, in deep wa- ter. The Duke was steering au1 attempted to turn too sharply. The Hydroplane hoolea over, taking water over her stern until she capsized. The Duke sank twice. Then Mr. Robins, his companion, grabbed him and held Jean up until a motor boat arrived and took him ashore, The two others clung to the Hydroplane until they were reseued. The Duke says it was the clotest call he ever had ot ever wanted. Ile was nearly gone when the Motor boat readied him. But for Mr. Rob- ing he -would have been drowned. e -* SEVEN DEAD. Two German Touristsand Five Guides Overwhelmed in Avalanche. Gaindenvtald, Switzer/and, July 10.— Further details have been received here in regard to the avalanche which over- whelmed two parties of Alpiniats near the Bee& hut. The avalanche occur- red while the party was on the little Sehoidegg, a50 feet above tlui Bergli hut. The first party incladed two w0 - mon. The oeond tonsisted of 'porters, who wet* taking peovisimie to the li er- e' and Concordia huts, The dead in - elude two male tourists, both of whom were Gentiles, and five guides. 'The others in the two parties were injured. GOT PENSION. 4.4 Canadian Historian Among ReCipients of British Fund. London, july 10.—Every year a1,200 is allotted as a pension in eccognition of work in literature, science and art. The recipients of this mutual donation this year were announced yeeterday. They include Richard Whiteing, the novelist, who receiees £100; Arthur Granville Bradley, the Canadian historian, ae0e. Lady Mon. son, £100, and Mr. Beardeaey, 'mother of Aubrey i3eardeley, 455. knzeia, wita Ste ro- mantic legome n3 earedefa tette can't any place to siteet tha ebutea."—TemalevIlle Cearlerelarerrnal. VOTES FOR THE SUFFRAGETTES Conciliation. Bill Comes Up in, at. liament Today. If Carried, a Million Women Will Have Votes. Mr, T. P. O'Connor on the :Political Situation in Britain, Lendau, • July 10e --The pest week in Parliament Ilea been ,ctieuetie„ The in tredaction of the einumittee on the eivii Est, fixing the allewanees for are xnenatinenee cf Vie Kinn, Queen 13.11'°,,ItTonke f the (44'1,nm:eat's ombanetion et tie itia ref:Arming the aneestiou oath Bee Wr teyet lt tliis io livtindtetejautS ilo tee4tLelri.lall •Usglitig, Sin' ',Monday tha debate opens on the conciliation (imitate:at Suffraeebill, which reaeltes its Seetuul reeding, It is ea Ilea the Conciliation: bill beeause it euesessfully .conciliatee the divergent tchools of Suffragist opinima pecifying the militants: as well as tlie ntildSuf• fragists. The bill grante tbe Partite. iitt ntary franchiee ro wemen who have the property qualiacation mid who al - reedy exeycise the franelate in munieipal eh•etions. If the bill passes it will add the names of it million women to the Parliamentary legisters. The Govern. - meet (1, elated to tax the day for the see. end reading of the bill, but wee compel- led to subinit it when :Premier .aequith s:...itier elee,sief;tm;setclingiviitt,liit petition signed by 105 membere of Pernmal a:t of all i The etaeting truce between the Tory soil Liberal mirties over tbe Lurch veto enable -a ttlr. Asquith to devote, wbether willingly is unknown, Men - day and Tuesday to the debate luta second reading. It is expected it vote will he reached Tussattynigbt, when Parliement Square will be peeked with expectant Suffragists. If the vote is itnfavorable to the bill many talem• berg of Parliament are already deter. mined to . sneult'out of the back doors of the House. being afrala tit fatie the waiting nunisas of women in front. Admittedly the vete will not be de- termined by political bin, Tbe Toriese Liberals, .Laborites, Sociallts and' Irish will talk and vote actoraieg to their personal litlieft. For: (wee they will vote as they please Withoutfeitthlo ° • the wrath of the peaty whipt, Suffragettes will be interested to Ian of the formation of the opponents on the eve of the battle. It has been known for monithsathat the Cabinet has been at lo,geerheads on the quattion.. Mr. Aetna opposes the bin and the Suf- fragette.s attribute his attitude 'to his wit's antagonism to the came,. How the Chancellor will vote is not known by even Lis wife, who sell reeently she did not know how he would vote. It is known that if Lite Chencellor opposes, tit, tila it will merely be beeeuse he does tot consider it a demecratie measure be- cause the bill gives the franchiv to it limited number of women. Political oh. eervers are unable to mitlerstaud wjy Cho Liberal party stands for the bill, be - canto, while the women in the 'Midland ana the North are Liberal, tbe women or Lendon and the South of Eugland are certain to vote Tory, when they got rue Ira nehise. On Monday. Frederiek E.Smith. Tory, will move the rejection of the bill, and John Anran Itryee, Liberal, brother of Ambassador Bryce, second the mo- tion. The following table foreshadows how the leaders of the Tory and Liberal parties will 'rote. For the bill—Sir Edward Grey, for- eign steretary; R. B. Haldane, secretary of war; Winston Churchill, hotne mere- titry: ex -Premier Balfour; John Burns, president of the Una Government here; Timothy Healy, Nationalist, and Phillip Snovden, Socialist. Against the bill—Premier Asquith, Austin Chamberlain, Lewis Hareoutt, first commissioner of works; Reginald McKenna, first ;mad of the Admiralty; Viscount Morley, secretary for India; ex -Chief Secretary for Ireland, Walter Long; Mr. Bryce and Sir W. S. Robson, attorney -general. The advocates of the bill assert that tbey have enough votes to carry on its second reading, but its opponents deektre they an eirtng enough to defeat' it. tartifalgar Square was packed last evening with women favoring the bill, There were six platforms, from tvhieb the speakers addressed the meeting. Speeches were made by ,Lady Frances Balfour; Dr. Anna Shaw, Ladies Roberts, Horsley and Slack and others. There was great enthuehisin. The women are confident that they are on the eve of victory. T. T. O'CONNOR TALKS. Ching'', July 11.—T. I'. O'Connor cables the Tributie as follows from Lon- don: The peacemakers, the members of the vetc? conference, are experkeeing bbs uenal rewards •of their beneficient tivity. 'They are equally suspected by their followers on both sides. Mr, Balfour notoriously cares little for tariff reform, has the scantiest faith irt it, tied, if he could, would drop it al- together from the Conservetive platform, Any little steps he has taken—And he luts taken his step; by inclun—he 'heti taken under the relentless pr SS of the tariff reform tieetian of the Chamberlain family. T1te. result is that tariff referna, ors are always intrigaing Against him. Deuce ever eines the eonferenee beeitn Hare have been floret vetea of warning in the eolumna of the Morning Post, the ablest and niost powerful' of the reform organs. 'the Waimea look with suepicion upon any denlings in Nellie!) Asquith tithes part. This etiticism also 1 do not think Altogether well foturied. Asquith was wrone in Johann the tiberal Leaguers, mid wreag in rediteina home rule to stieh eeenty proportiene in the Coouneil bill, but he is undoubteay a convineed home ruler. Finally, ternel Menge has his crities, end entre of these ere amanaghis beet frierule end morst Anima edithrers, Itt his (nee the sitspieione Are doe to his merits rather than to hie itlevairite Ire is generous, off-lutml, impulein , 0U to to pieties:- in Amt. it Celt, But an lint Pilate that anybody who) knows Mm well bell •vee Hut Lloyd George wertla enrrenatr Anythate Ott would etttria for home rule. Ito Is too goo.1 a l'a`aktiorttliet for that. Ala 1;e , coal ot betreer home trite withont beirying Weleer ahreitabBsliment, and that I art- thialeiletet SUDDEN END, Toronto loin Girl Oollaped, On Steamer's Gang Plank, Toronto, July 11.—just ait the, wee leaving the steamer Cayuga at Niag- ara-on-the-Lake.at six -thirty on Sat- urday evening ta opend her holidays . with Wendt; there, Ittiss Ruth 'Smith, who lived with her mother and two gisters at 93 Alexander etreeta 001-, lapsed,end died in a few mitmtee, BUM Sinith went to LeWistenwith a party of Mends in the afternoen, and said geod-bye to them as sbe step* ped to the gang -plank toleave the steamer at Niagara. She immediately collapeed. People on the wharf and her triends on the boat thought she ltd fainted, and she was carried to it bench. Br. Anderson was called, and when. he arrived he stated that Mies Smith must ...have died almost instantly. THE DOCTORS Discuss the Question of Fall and -Other Examinations, Dr, Young on Top—The New Legis- lative Committee. 40140••••••.•••••••• Toroato, jute, 11.—Members of the On- tario Medical Council Saturday placed themselves on record AS being in favor of the abolition of All medical examine - tions, except the finals,' which are held in the fall each year, As Dr, Hoar's no- tice of a motion to abolish all fall exam- inations was ruled out of order nu the ground that a by-law was ueeessarea Dr, Cormack moved a reeolutioti foe an expression of opinion, which was carried. 'The students thus will have it full yearn notice, and unless next year's council de- cides to hold the supplementary and final examinations in the fall, as at pres- ent, no "sups!' will be held. When the question was broached Dr. Spankie said the final examinations should be behl, but tile supplementary examinations might well be abolished. Dr. Cormaek agreed, and thought the finals should be held in October or No- vember. Dr. Starr said it would be bet- ter to send tbe recommendation on to the next council, so Hutt the students would have notice. It would be unfair, he said, to make stuelenta wait a year. Ile favoind the British system of hold- ing examinations every time months. Dr. Haag discovered that it was neces- sary to pass a by-law to change the dates of examinations and asked for a ruling. Dr. Cormaek elairaed that tho notice of 'motion given by Dr. Hone:made the discussion in order, Dr. Love, the president, ruled thaathe notice of inotion should have stated that it by.law was to be introdeced, and that the entire discussion was out of order, Dr. Bascom took exception to the rul- ing, which was sustained by a large ma- jority. In order to get an expression Of opin- ion, Dr. Cormack moved that all fall examinations, except the fiats, be dis- continued. The motion was carried by a vote of 13 to 7, and the opinion of the council therefore is that alle fall supplementary examinations will be dis- continued. Dr: W. A. 'Young's letter to :the coun- cil was again disenssed, Dr. Bray, tbe regnant., asked if he would have to ae- khowledge the letter. Dr. Moorehouse thought that --the laying of the letter on the table finished the whole thine.. Dr. Hart said the intention was Co throw the books open for the inspection of any maim' man, "Dr. Young has tee, whichever -way we aet," said Dr. McCallum, "simply be- cause, we lost our tempers and made a greet tactical error. If Dr. Youngtwants that information, he should be able to get it." Dr. lartraon expressed the same opinion arid said any doctor should have access to the books if he went to the college and asked. It. therefore, was de- eided ot allow Dr. Young to have ac- cess to the treasurer's books. Doetors Merritt, Vardon, King, Hardy and Griffin werenominated to act as the Legislative Conunittee for the year. "That eommittee is -too large," said Dr. Hart. "A coannitee of three, is suf. -fieient. especially when it is -it paid com- mittee." rfe moved that Doetors Hardy, Varann and Merritt be the committee. "We should be well rapresentea, irre- spective of expense." said Dr. Vardon. The committee of five was appointed. STEAMER SIGHTED German Vessel Which Collided With the Steamer Baltic. —a.— London, Any 11.—The German. tank steamer Standard, which collided witli the White Star Liner Baltic, on Juno 30, was sighted Itriday last by the flial mant, in latitude 55, longitude 24, about 500 mike due west of the North 'Coast of Ireland, The. Diamant offered aesiettante, but the Standard declined ths offer. eke Tho ollision oreurretlin a fog, more than 1,000 milee east of the Ambrose Channel lightship. The Rattle - 1W' a large holo stove hi her bow, but covered it with, steel plates, and reached New York wifely on july 4.—The Standard, which was bound for Copenhagen, re- futed help from the, Battle, and pro. eroded on her eourse. SUIGIDE IN CEMETERY, 1.1141..... ea It White Plains Nlertherit Kills HImeelf at Graves of Parents. New York, july 10.—Henry Tischer, t weIlete*do merchant of White Plains, was found late last night lying beside the gravea f hie mother, father mid brother in Woodiawn Cemetery, at Fort Lee, N.Y„ *with it bullet holo in his temple and it revolver in his limp band. Nearby lay a note to 41 friend in which the enicido wrote: "I take this tonne while T ant rtill in Ply retann, as 1 fear that if ehould eentinuo trying to etettighten matteee out 1 would go mad, whieh wealth be still wove for my loved S far es is known, he had Tin bugle ts .4 troubles and his family life was happy. THE AVIATORS AT TORONTO Great Crowds Waited Long to See th.e .Ascents on Saturday. 1 Comte de Lesseps and Wright Avi- ators Make Five Ascensions, Wind Too High to Permit Manoeuvres -.Today's Programme. Toronto, July 11,—Bive flights were made by the airmen at the Aviation Park At Weston on Saturalty evening -- two by Count de Lesseps in his Bierlot monoplane "9," two by Rapti dolutstone, of Kansas Oity, and .one by Dubel Lache- pelle, of Paris, France, The two last named aviators operated the Wright bn plane No. 2. Thousanas of people tvitneseed tire Manoeuvres of the daring navigators of the air and inspected their frail - looking, ships.- The hitta woo, made flying impossible until after six oracle, but the spectators, who commenced to reach the grounds at 2 o'clock endured the delay witu patience and even good. nature in spite of the stifling heat and the plentitul dost. No contests between the various aviators, and only exhibition flighte were made. Ralph Johnstone, of Kansas City, in the Wright biplane No. 2, was to have been the Slat to fly, He had great difficulty in starting, however. Tbe big machine seemed to move un- steadily on the sIngie rail from which it rises. Two attempts were nutde and each time the small wheel beneath the plane left the track before sufficient mo- mentum for an ascent had been pined. The runway was then taken up and laid itt another place. The, failure of the machine to rise at the outset was said to have been due to the Menet:fence of some of the starters. DE LESSEPS FIRST TO FLY. %Ile these attempts were being made, Count ,Tacques de Leseeps' illealot monoplane "9" had been tale ezt to the ecornerof the field farthest from the grand stand. At 6.39 p. Um whirr of the propeller was heard and the airshm rose from the ground, wbile the liana played tale Marsell- Misc." The Count circled the field thine times noo received. an ovation as be passed over the crowded grand stand. Finally, at the conclusion of his flight, when about 12.5 feet in the air, be headed' his raachthe at an angle of 45 degrees toward the earth, stop- ped his engine and plunged downward with lightning rapidity. laverytone gasp- ed, but at- about twenty feet front the ground the daring aeronaut raised atis elevating plane, started his engine and ecared gracefully skyward. Ile then gradually descended, and, after skim- ming eloper at a height of about ten feet, alighted, ?laving been in the air just four minutes. • The Count's sensational dive Is it leis - melees feat to undertake. Shouli the airman be unable to start his engine as he neared the ground he would lose con - trot of his inane and be dashed to the k!t1,1:th*FLEW CLOSE TO EARTH. Johnstone. succeeded in taking the Wright biplane up at 6.57, and dune? his eight -minute spin gave some yemark! able exhibitions'particalerly ot low fly- ing. He rose to •a }might of 150 feeett describing a double figare eight. He de- scended in it spiral,and it was noticed that at the cuives his plane Was tilted at an angle like a racing automobile rourelieg the corners of a 'fag eOttrae. At the conclusioa of his flight -Johnstone broagitt bis main° to within ten or fifteen feet of the earth and steered an undulating course, Asing and falling, un- tii filially he brought his plane to a stroculauttdill. e Lessepa made it second as. cent at 7.18, remaining about four min- utes in the air and attaining itu altitude of about no feet. Then Duval Lacha. pelle, of Paris, took the Wri,e,at machine and 'circled the field a number of jes, DANGEROUS W4DS1 The last flight of the evening was made by Ralph JOhnatone, WhO Set out at 7,51 p. ni. to spiral up to it height of 2,000 feet in order to drop it bomb on a shelter in the aliddie of the field. He theta some very unfavorable air cm -- rents, which made the big Wright bi- plane rock daagerously. The aviator wite, theerfore, -compelled to deseena altet Teaching it height of 250 feet. Ile said himself that lie had never flowit before in each bad winds. Arrangements have been made for ealealating the heights atteined in the eontests of the eoming week. Count de Lesseps will hew It', taltieret Moniqilane, "Le Se4iabee,a amity for todayti Highte.. Inter in Joe week he win eompete with Walter lapel:ore wb o will arri ye from Ate lentie City in a few &act. • There will be four more aeroelenes enema at the nvietion growl& to -day. itnight Bros. •are sending two, one of them Leine their veree -latest model, e they'leive just completed. The aeopping of bambi by aviators - 'ono ante will take plate bailey. On aftirnona 'ev wything was in icadinese, but the aeroplane; conld not. mount high enough to be sefe faint tht reeinting exploeion on neeount of the !lige whet. prevailing about 200 feet /tom the mound. MORE RECORO SMASHING, Blerlot and Antoinette 'Machines Carred Off the Henries. Rheims, July 10.—Tie swim ion met a ing hove clost.d to -day with further re- eurd enetehing, Tbe mmtb,,r w.t; exco„ lien. The most notlible event wae the lime for the Warms' of 1.001 franet. It ae the most exelting event of tie* week, end prow,' te be fir Pieter taan freebie vonteets. Sevin nieuopleees and one bi ;Ilene started on tt erthss4Itt eattrie, the remitting of it eteeple et tatty Lee Illielme, mai ti f mim.eo elim- a* at Ilazeneourt. Leblene. in it Verbal- ninalte, won. Earlier in the diy i's. in a Bier' 1;,- isteelatte. 1 ave:tel the eto Id nnetre rentd, eroverine tat die. 11- Mir. 45 3-3 A' (.4, Tie eirerea ten kilom, tre* et tee rite nf valve nn hour. The arta fineared with e arra. ennui flight by bileelagetee ht Varlet iteteione, lie beat tile eemitite tee t itia ktionemace. ale Mel :beta begat la Gm air witeu the meta% wee closed, but it kept oinuutil lie bed reelaa Oft eta mils* wittiout, eteppine. Hit tittle Wa4 4 hotain 3 inmates to evemitia. Mamie; .tad Autoritu •Irett the ptesen- eitemerrying records, bbs 10110or tt.tl4,y ing tw.0 paetengera 5 inilee and 0,0 lite, tee one paesenaer ter milea. Both nad 11nteillneg. 'the amninant inipreeelon at the meet. ing wee the este:as:time develteement of the manoplane, whieb defied wind •and rain when the biplanewere uneble to leave the sheds. All the farat prima were eeptured lly 'malts of Bleriot anti Autoinette tun. MADE ALTITVDE ittliC011D. Atlentic City, N. J., Jen! la,—Waler Brookens, in it Wright biplane, broke the world's altitude recota here latt evening, when he attained it height of , 6,175 feet, Ife used bus last drop of gal- oline at hie bight -et altitude ana wee still climbing witen his engine mieeett explosions. ORANGE CHARGES Ars.•••••••••,..,... Catholic Prayers and Catechism „Taught in Public Schools. Bev, Mr. Coburn On Schools and Mixed Marriages. Toronto-, Ally 11. ---The school clues - Hot in the comities of Russell, Prescott, aud Glengarry and the attacks of the Church of Itome on mixed marriages, were the two main subjeeta dealt with at the Ortingemen's service in Caskets Church yesterday afternoon. Rev, John Coburn, of Parliament Street MethodIst Church, Grand Chap- lain of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West, conducted tatt services. The words of the text were "Prove all things: hold rest that elation 'is gooa." Proceeding, the preacher araued that urangemen souglit for the truth always, And prized it beyond. measuie. In the current events of the day Can - adieus could uot fail to see the need for such an organization as that of the Orange Order.' An inquiry, said the .proaeter, het beet male Mb eeneaL conditions in the three eaetern counties of Russell, Prescott and Glengarry. Conditions were tueh as- to demand an immediate remedy. The present Govern- ment inherited these oonditions from their predeeeezors. If, however, no re- medy was found then Orangemen inust hold the, present Government equally guilty with its predeeessora. What Orangemen and every patri- otic Canadian desired was a system of nationally lion -sectarian schools where the children of Protestant, Roman Catholics, people of all creeds Wad races slioald have their eltildven taught side by side from the same text -books. In the meantime, and until that longed -fur day arrived, it was necessary to ettrefally watch sehool conditions' lit the counties named. Rev. Mr. &bun 'then eirtmeedeil to give instances Where it is alleged that in some, etliool sections of the counties needed Roman Catholic pray - era aud the Remhat Catholic sate- ehism are tan% ht Jiablie schools during school hours, that a etoo has been placed over some Faille selictole, that confession is heard by priests in such public schools, and he added, tkat the general beating was defective, that the French language was predom- inant, and that the English-speaking people, Ronnie Catholic and Protestant alike, wet placed at a very great dis- advantage in all school matters. Turning to the mixed marine ques- tion Mr. Coburn said in part that while he was not himself in favor of such marriages, yet they were perfectly legal, and it shoinid be mane a cant beat offence if lb was net se already for any clergyman or priest to de- clare. that parties coetraeting such Mar- riages, were guilty of adultery. Su& a charge was eritel beyond manure and especially cruel when Wade from the altar rails of it Church. These attacks must cease, declared Mr. Coburn, and the remark was loudly applauded. FOR DESERTERS, Terms Under Which the Clemency of the King is Exercised. Ottawa, July 10.—A militia order, premulgated on Saturday, gives the con - (Mame under which deserters from the permanent forces of the Dominion will be pardonea by the Sovereign who re- cently ascended the throne. When a tle• eater is undergoing detention for it term \Oath commenced before His Maj- esty's accession he is to be released, pro- vided the sentence was for not more than 90 days. When the terin of a de. sinter woe for more than uinety days be is greeted a remission of one-half of the uneapired term. Absentees seeking par- don Must surrender themselves within three months. 4•41 DEATH LIST. A Boy Drowned, Two Men Rilled by Street Cars and One by Auto. Mofttreal, Ado 10.— Four fatalitlea occurred nen on Saturday— one dreaming, two with street cars, and mie evith an automobile. A etrikieg brieldayer, nemed Swell Seabees, Was Sa413t he a Sbt3)t or Oa St. Catherine street, and is 'dying with a feacented uukuown MAU. Committed suicide by throwing hinteelf mailer the wheele of a Lachine ter. tI is thatight he was 'driven crag by the heat. Ile Was blatantly killed, and his holy Vas tnkeet to the Morgue nith that Of 4 boy drowned at The foutth eitee. Was art elderly man riamea relwara Menday, who was ettuek by an automobile At Derni and 1r thrown from one of Morgan's delivery e wagons and killed. 4-t 11 ITolin1111 GottfriNI Ualbs, a Germen I. t trimmer, wbn wile the Vint observed of o ,the planet Neptuate, died et Potsdam a yeetertlety. to TR MEN MAY GO ON STRIKE The Trainmen Reject Company's Pro- posals Made By M. Hays. eft Negotiations Are Off and Men Will Now Vote on Strike. Statement Made by the Men as to Why Increase Is Needed. Montreal,.July 10.—A strike vote be to be taken thee week of the 4,500 conductors and traiumen in the em- ploy of the Grand Trunk Railway in Canada and the United Statek, and of the 350 Inert employed in the same capaeity on the Central Vermont Rail- way, This ie the result of the nego- tiations, which, for the time being at lent, came to an end tate last night between the committee aud President trays. las Grand Trunk offered to give the men, the rates recommended inthe majority report of the Boaret ut Con- ciliation, whieh Was signed by the chairman and the repreeentative of the men, the company's representa- tive dissenting,. ane committee, bow, - over refused to accept the tate e agreed to by the merits representative and also the suggestion by President Hays that, tlte wage question be referred to a committee of three practical railway men for arbitration, the finding to be binding on both parties. Melte the committee had full power to call it strike, it was telt that in view of the Atter suggestion it wouid bit fultassable to mania -consult the men as tar whether they were willing to accept arbitration with a binding :ward, or would go out at once for tne eastern standard' scale. This settle,. the repreeentatives of the men eay, has been adopted by the 0.P.R., there only remaining a few details in connection with the rules to be clear- ed up to make the settlement coni. PetPlailchiefiGrand Trunk anc trainmen have handed out a d Canadian .statement settxng forth their reasons for refusing to accept the award oe the Conciliation Board. After setting forth that on lines west of Chicago and the Mississippi River uniform wage rates obtain much higher than on the railroads east of Chicago, the statement goep on to detail the riske that railwaymen have to take and the exactions of,ethe business. It is pointed out that the tonnage handled by. railroad men in freight trains has increased materially, while mileage .made by those men has de- creased, piece workers paid on a mileage basis ahave heretofore in many cases suffered a wage reduc- tion, because they have been able to earn 'very much more for their em- ployers and not as much for them- selves. This sounds strange, but fewer slow freights even with over- time produce more for the companies than many last freights' with testa tonnage and :more emplboes. The Inter -State Commerce donnnistion for the tinted States shows in the fol- lowing figures the tonnage has wetted up Mid mileage down. The number of tons carried by the railroads for each trainman employed in 1813, was 5,595 tons, while itt 11108it was 7,358 tons, an increase of 2,275 tons per man. The average number of tons in a train ie 1893 was 184, while in 1908 it was 352, an increase of lo2 tons per man. The umber of freigbt cars handled par trainman employed in 1803 was eight; in' 1008 it was ten, an inerease of two cars per inan. This increase in weight of trains, number of tons 1tate.c.1 and number of ears per man employed, has been accompanied by -a decrease in the number of train miles run for each ti ain- man employed, and consequeutly a re- duction in tint earnings of the trahunce, The number .of train Miles for each employee in 1903 was 5,764, while in 1908 it Was 5,520, a deereaS? or 344 train miles run for each trainman employed. This indicates that by reason of heavier and longer trains the task of gettiug the trains over the road has become more burdensome, mid the men are not able to run its many miles in the same length of tinte as formerly. This means, bit means anything, that While responsibility has been increased, wages really helm been reduced. In the same connection the latest re- port of the Inter -State Commeree Com. mission in the United States shows that railway net income for 1909, Was groater than for 1008. Operating net revenuee for the year ending June 30, 1908, wae $2.877 per mile, and for the year ending June 301 1009, they were $3,189. ehowhig a fair increase for the time When the railroads were suffering frem busines, dc pression. So far as the Gland Trued; men are concerned, tbey have been paid for many years abnormally low wages, in fact, Grand Think men employe -I in train and yard service have been tieing name work and making more mil: a for lower wege rates than those paid to the men on any other rood of any size on the eontinent, ulnae it might be some roads ie the south where the services of .the Ulna man have been utilized to keep the wages down. The rellway men end their organize - Hens have the greatest respect for the public end for public opinion. The hie. tory of thete oreardeetione we believe proves conchteively that they have neVer resbly itt, anneeessaray inconvenienna tititi,criwlt(fl it has been possible to The ralltoitd men tte representul iatet Itlotftnalte finel utco .ome of tlie siteation their morel committees have no.doulit The situation at the meseet bine 15 entirely up to the reilroade, end the twain tesponeibility rests with them, and not with their employeee, nt eer- titiu emit:out in the prone, - elan might have the believe, The statemeut it signed by S. N. Bor. ry, viempresiileut Order of Railway COit- duttora, and .ThulleS aturinela viee-presi. LI: Brotherhood ef Railroad Train- NIOntrtial lafants Dying Past, Montreal, july 10. --The usnaI high infentile fatality incident to hot wee*, ther 1.1 Montre IT hats terted with a n01 °win!: to the unusual beat. Last yak there weee 240 deaths in the ity, ns ramp:teed with 109 birth, a Pt deererten itt pepuletion of 42. Of S'40 dentite„ 184 mere of eltildren rider five :veers, most of whom were filed by bowel coinnlaMte incidental hot vtatlym and bad tmxl. PASSED AWAY. s Left Track at Woodstock Storm Does Damage. Weiotlakock, (Ma, July 11. Wm. 0. tiaekay,. 1011 WA' -19r 21$ -,,yeari ilemose hospecter Jr North Oxford, plteeil awae an Saturday •afternoen at the alvanet4 ege of 80 years. ler Jule that potitien Natal the Vonstevative party anti re. 1,Lnett to power in tentaria alma faer yeiore ago, The engine of C. it. train No. 0, dm it, re at oileir" p. us, left the trztek yester- oley jest outside the city. The tr. 14 waS aelayedan hour, but net much dant. Age wes done. Yeeteideyn thanderitornt "did muslin erahle 41.neigo to crops in tltia dietlien iiete, wbrat, corn wire. Pad .fht, by 1,111 and rain. Lightning ltired itvelitable ame btionging to itainess Rog.ers, . CANADIANS AT 'REY RANGES .....or•re.rm•••• Pte. Steele, of 30th, Guelph, Won the Daily Telegraph, 11101.14,••••••••, Bisley Catnp, July 11.—The Caned, Ma marksmen scored another victory at the ranges to -day. Private J. A. Steele, of the 30th Wellington Rifles, carried off The Daily 'Telegraph cup, lu this competition, whtelt le Open to all tanners, seven sleets are firea at Beeiler the oat; there are 130 prizes, raturitig from 41.$ dein to it. beimrei Canadians came in for these money prizes. Lieut. Ge Mor- timer waS lOth, winniag £4; Staff- Sergt. F. Richardson was 79t1i, Sere. F. II. Morris Oath, Sergt. Mitchell 108th, `Lieut. Drysdale 126t3t, Lance - Corporal Whitehoree 128th. Each won, a prize of XI The Cauadians scored as follows: Bib- by 33; Crowe, 33; Clifford, 30; Drys. dale, 34; Eastwood, 30; Forrest, 32; Freeborn, 33; Greet, 31; Latimer, 33; McInn' es 31; McHarg, 33; McKie, 32; Monis, 34; 'Mitchell, 34;`: Russell, 28: Rowe, 32; Steele, 35; Steck, 32; Sharp, 32; Whitehorne, 34; Bayles, 33; Bo- wen, 31; Hing, 33; Mortimer 35; Rich- ardson, 34; Stewart, 31. In the Wimbledon Cup competition, ten shots at 600 yards Lieut. Mortimer came fourth winning .96. Private F. Bibby came ninth, winning £2. Staff- Sergb. Bayles came fourteenth winning £2. Captain Mellarg also won .£2. In this competition the Canadian competi- tors seared as follows: Bibby 49; Crowe, 47; Latimer,45; Mallarg, 48; Steel,'47; Bayles, 49; Mortimer, 50. In the conapetition for The Daily Graphic Cup, seven shots at 200 yards, Captain Crowe was 200th, wianing £5; Lieut. Mortimer 45th and Private Mc- Kie Sand, Ninning £3 each. Staff- Sergt. Richardson was 117tb. Private Latimer 124th and Sergt. Eestwood 127th, winning n2 caoh. The Canadians scored as follows in this match: Bibb y , 33; Crowe, 35; Clifford, 28; Drysdale 32; Eastwood. 34; Forrest,' 34; Freaorn, 33; Lati- mer, 34; McInnes, 33; MeHarg, 33; McKie, 35; Norris, 32•*Mitchel?, 33; Russell, 34; Sharpe, 33;Whiteliorn, 33; Bayles, 33; Bowen, 33; 'King, 32; Mor- timer, 35; Richardson, 34; Stewart, 32; Greet, 33. in The Graphic match, seven shots at 500 yards, Capt. Crowe was 19th, winning £5, Sere. Freeborn 48th, win- ning .53. Major Ktrig was 71st, Sergt. Eastwood 98th and Private Bibby 121st, each winning n2. STEAMER SUNK, Struck a Snag and Went to the Bot- tom of the Mississippi. Ninety Passengers on Board—All Got Ashore in Safety. St. Louis, July 11.—The river steam- er Cape Girardeeu struck a snag and sank to the bottom of the Mississippi Elver early today at Turkey Island, fifty miles south ot here. Ninety pas- sagers 'were aboard, and aJ1 were tak- ea ashore safely. The boat Wag returning from Com- merce, Mo. Many of that passengere were wartime and childreu. They were asleep when the boat bit an obstruc- tion. The alarm was given by Capt. William II, Leythe. The passengers crowded on the deeke and members of the crew quieted them. Later they were brooght to St. Louis by train. Pilots John Stewart and john Street, as soon as the boat hit the snag, headed the prow toward shore. Tite boat sink close to the bank of the river soon eater the passengers left. One sine .wits submerged, The pessengers walked from the bomb on the gangplank. MEMORIAL TOWER. •••••••,••••Imoi. Celebrate 150th Anniversary of feepree sentetive Government in Nova Seotie Halifax, N.S., Jule 10.—With the gift of $500 from Australia and it do- nation anticipated Irene United South .efriert in the autumn, aubaeriptions to the fund for the rnemorial tower to be erected on a height of land west of the city in the park on the north- west atm, donated to Halifax by Sir Sandford Tleming, M.G., are approttehing completion. At a, meeting on Saturday after. noon which was attended by Sir Sandford, it was decided to ttsk atehie teeth in Canada for designs for the tower, which is to be. in eornmemora- tion of the 150th anniversary of the establiehment of repreaentative gove eminent in Nova Beetle.. The tower is Ostithated to cost Ape nroxiinattly from $25,000 to $30.000. n the meantime Comedian architecte will be asked in send itt designe. Sub* seriptions have boen Rent in from t ie iloveemeeats ef most of the Britieh derainions and eolonies. Inspiration must find answering irt- 13ronton Alcott.