HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-07-14, Page 6Chicago- is movitig for pure milk, Ana will tr,y to strut out the product of tub- erculous cows. It is a great test:, but Some day it will have to be grappled with. There are indicauona that Japan will probably murex Corea. It id probabie that the people of Corea would benefit by outer an Arrangement if it coula brought about without causbeg interua- tional complications. The news from clermany j Clitt the Kaiser is eashiering Ministers wlio not suit Ms purposes. Well, NON! the Getman people eare to do so they can make their power felt, Until then the Kaiser may run the performance. 4., ror an insane man, aile murilerer Charlton was pretty shrewd, if tee eat to cannot try Moo and Rah' does not want th, he may go free. Not ever.), sane murderer could have so carefany selected the place for his crime. Michigan furnished 00,747 men to the Northern Army, only 70,404 of wbom came back at the close of the war. Only About 10,000 of them now survive, and ouly 2,000 of them were able to turn out at the Grand Army reunion at Hol- land, Mich., reeently. In his lifetime Goldwin Smith was much misjudged tend abused by thimble - beaded crities, but Ms great ideal, a union of all the Anglo-Saxon peoples, was too great for these critics to grasp. You can't put a quart into a pint meas- ure. The Italian Parliament has voted near- ly $1;200,000 for airships for war pur- poses, In the present state of aerial edenee, a good deal of this money will doubtless yield nothing, but serve aft graft for certain promoters arta coo- tmctors. Some of the results of the thirteenth deeennial census of the United States will s000 be ready to be given out. Of the 70,000 reports of enumerator's, 47,- 000 have been received. Two thousand clerks are working on the tables day and night, 4,* Rev. E. B. Crawford, of Chicago, is iu trouble. Mrs. Mary A. Lavender Ims sued aim for $50,000. damages, charging that he said that she confessed that she had been "living in sin for five years." Pretty soon it will not be safe for a preacher to make his pulpit illustra- tions too personal and pointed. _ The Society for the Study and Preven- tion of Tuberculosis in its report re- cently issued, says that over $15,000,000 is poured into the coffers of quacks and fakirs who advertise consumption cures. These "cures" not only do the victims no good, but in many cases take away the only chance for recovery that remains to them. The public is sadly in neeci of education on matters medical. • • There is a strong desire among. the Chinese people to have Parliamentary Government. The Crown, however, re- ferees to entertain. the petition. Prince Chun, the regent, has decided that there will be no national assembly for nine years. Perhaps the Chinese people will wait. But it might be better to fore. stall an. Agitation for popular govern- ment than to risk worse things later on. [Saved From the Sea ClIA.PrIlit XXIII. "Ralunrce," bald fat. ;Maur, one unit -.the iudiw, vs venal, camped down la his inalteir's rootn-"you must give Mrs. airriogtine letter for me tiontotiow Wove diaper -time." nate sahib shall be obeyed." No need to tell the acute Baatern that the letter must not bo sew; the bright black eyes would have looked mute ra. prom+ at such an insult. The neat day, in the afternoonafter playing lawn - tennis, the party, pending the arreval ot the five-o'eioeh, wore grouped about, Sit. tiog, reclining, or eauntering to and fro. St. Maur had thrown himself at Blanche L-eroy's feet, his curly head mt. ed on his hand so that leis eyea florae - times upraised to Blanche, could eaeily, unobserved, follow the greceful figeire of his wife, who was strolling up and down with Dr, Clifford, a little way otf, hie hand linked within leer an ris he talked in stencilled tones aml with bent bead, and the lover'a heart woe raeleed oath jealousy and gnawing pain as he Neatened the ensured femiliarity of mien and meaner which be, her husbaud-lter lover -dared net ammo, What was he speaking of to so suledoe his dear, vete orient voice? Was he talking of tali pro. agilely not 'distant time when his girls would leave the paternal nest, and hint - lug that his lonely widowhood might tIteu be replaced by new Etweet ties, des- pite the diapnrity of years? What the doctor was really saying iast thea was this: "You think, then, with me, my dear, that Northeote is in earnest in his at. tootions to Minder?" "So entirely in earnest, doetore that elmost every day I have been expecting to hear that he has asked your con- sent." "Ah so have 1, Mrs. Errington; and if the childloves him, I see no objeotien, only there must be an alteration on one or two points," "Yes?" she queried; but her heart sunk, for she knew what was coming next. "Well, the companious he is most with and most affeots are harum-soarum fellows, as you know," said tho doctor, in his downright way, "and he has, am certain, even frora things. he - Archer himself -and others have let fall, been drawn this season into more turf - betting and play than I care for un- checked in the man, who is to marry my daughter. I draw no hard and fast line, but I do at such clubs as, for instance, the Fawley, -where downtight gambling goes on and a man may easily follow the lead of others there or in the batting, ring, especially the lead of a reckless fellow like St. Maur, whose great person- al attractiveness uaturally makes his careless example all the more danger- ous." • "But, doctor, surely you don't think that St. Maur has deliberately in- fluenoed or led young Northcote into -shall 1 say -gambling?" "No no, child; the man is not capable of sueii wickedness; but he is a ,good deal addicted to le jeu himself (that is plain, I fear), is a high and reckless player, and thoughtless. I have not changed my opinion of him, but it is more than time he pulled up, and sharp- ly, too," added Clifford, a trifle severely. "I wish I could. quite make out whether It is he who flirts with Blanche, or Blanche who flirts with him.' "The latter, Doctor Clifford," said Fal- coner's wife, quietly; "and when the wo- man so throws the gauntlet, what man is there who will not take it up and toss it up in sport? Left to himself, the poor fellow does not pay her more attention than he dime Limy °lemming or Mrs. A.d. Caen: "Or yourself," added Clifford; "he is not the man to mles the fleur des flews." "You flattering -oh, doctor i -well, add that, then, if you like; he is cer- taioly not in love with her; tend if she fancies she is with him, it will not be a bad lesson to her vanity to findthat he has not, and could not, bring hand- some Falc St. Maur to her feet.' "Is that his sobriquet?" "Yes; so the major says he got nick- named, Ah l there is Snowball coming across the lawn -this way, too -with eomething white in his hand." Italetrinee came up saluting, and offer- ing a fine white canibtie handkerchief to Christine. "Alemorahib, just now I find it by door of the dining-roona and 1 see 'C. R.' in corner; the mem-sahib Must have dropped it." "Yes, I did," said Christine, readily, as he instantly telt that paper was in the folds of the cambric, she took. "Thanks, Rahmnee; I could not think where I hod dropped it.' One swift, covert glance between the two, and the Indain salaamed iteia glid- ed away; but his matter had seen him, and laughed to himself. llis order had been cleverly and boldly carried ote. Lairs, Erringtoo niefely put the hand- kerchief into her pocket, and turned back with the doctor as Helen. beckoned them to tea; but later; when they all went to dress for dinner and. she was alone in her room, she took the fabrie. out, and from it it note in the -writing she knew so wen, and kissed itow before she recti it. it was short; ntust see you to -night -that is, as SOon as the whole house Is safely asleep. At one o'clock, then, I shall be In the little wood near the shooting -range to meat you. You can easily pass out arta in by the library window, and for mo the stone facing outside iny window will "Mite Servo such a catamount as myself for a 'leader both ways. Give me i,orne sign this evening, lit pity, for I omist Leave to -morrow." Plat burnea the letter carefully; and wiren, much later, she was asked to sing. she itelred Et. eireur to turn far her, and nt the applauee that followed the song she seid, under her breath, as lie stooped to remove the musk: 'It evil: come." Ire Unveil slightly, and, turning away, striae en to e lounge beside Mrs. Addl. son. "7 run se, sorry, Helm; but t feel" I must ter minitte my pleasant visit toottor- row, inetead of a week hence." "Leave US! Nonsense, St. afatirit retelebned Helen, in dismay. "What fore anrely"-she droppea into art elarmea and indigerint whieper--"surely eine haven't let that horrid little flirt eatangle your . Faleoner rippled into it :d'art laugh, net rellevea her quito As Much ns hie words: ' • "tly deer Helm. Menet Allem young, en thet seoire at All. Fin pest praying for. It is ethyl, that my rnele Will wrote to me kat everting to Kele me to ran over to him, if liossible, at one for a week. if you +Koala kindly must me. It is semi thing about this strike, and I ner ani six months or eo, drool out Ana Sitendtl. lotadlo like to put him eff, you A. New Yorker figures out that Roose- velt's dlaim to descent through nine- teen generations from Robert the Bruce, if proved, given him but a very muck di. luted blood strain. Ile estimates Bruce's descendants at 1,048,574, and by ening "1" es a, numerator finds .the exact frac- tion oft the Scottish warrior'e blood to which the ex -President tan lay claim. That is 'applying matheinatics to hered- ity with a vengeance. 4,• The first announcement of the United States eensus returns is that of the eity of Washington. The increase of popula. tion between 1000 and 1910 was 18.8 per cent. At this ratio of increase through. out the country the United States popu- lation itceordiog to the 1910 oensus would be 90,048,423. It is hardly likely, however, that the inereftee in .population throughout the country will maintain the Waahingthn ratio, although the offi- eirti estimates look to 90,000,000. The Socialists of XOW York have is- sued a pamphlet in which it is stated that the Average wage of the workets of the United States is $437 a year, while the average produceion of 446 is $3,500 a year. Do you believe iba The idea is to make it appear that tate hated "capitalist" gobbles up the earnings. According to the United States Govern- ment Manufacturing returne (1904) there was paid. in wages $4.00 for ev- ery $1 paid to eapital. Reeent returns of the railways dhow the average wage to bo $640 a year. Pan the Socialists not afford to get within gunshot of the factie? 11. DeLiaser, Vice-liresident, of tile United States Motor Company, says the price of rubber would rise to $4 it pound if the itariOUS nifillilfaCtlittra of Tubber goods VCrO tO hid at once for erudie eubtier. Isayet an automobile tire costs front SIC to $78. He denies that there is any tombine among the tiro makers, but he, expeets prices to be regulated on the basil; of an inerelee of 40 per eent. this fall. Otis thing about rubber is that it etionot be ootro tred And kept out of the market. very long becitise it is a perishable article. Even A rubber tire that *tends in a tor- .. • . AM** 411041t010.0.0....0~1.....~.1.04 or'et4i:le. alti‘evivit:ttiliatt,st'tuflii:*its,:liii:tu: stelytiutormintfitee, . "ttliciallnii%"04L. etrooyhVIZu'aullatk:eu:Itat'fit'ilhhei: • wet': 1 ' egItiktituee447:vdata'let:illicligblilleti•tiutitilot.:(114"oLtiotluillteavttals°4..:411.11/rilti+1.1, and Itatitieteue be, ennui, of eouree, the loideorouin, ulibipering are inionetion in her eats. Then it grew maimed, tura mutinied into o ainti of metetuttere, In altieb tit. thoar hail tuenea into Mesa rated faapeain latruley, one. Aire, Erring - ion, witle a bitieuus eatai in her hereto otte aragging a rine. oft Intimate's finger -now sou women wore, teat had leetin her mother's keeper'. In her boner ana nip the dreamer wrenchea hereelf away, lout waking herselt, and, starting up, telt for the ring. It was not un Iter finger,: and. now thorottintly awakened mid adarnied by its lode, tile girl lumped up, lighted the hemp, and omit to the tenet table to Joule Sor it there lie vain. She searelted about the floor with like result, Ana stoud thinking. "Where cart 1 have dropped it'?" slut said, in distress, ".I wouldn't lost it for any oioney. Oh, dear! olt, clear! I PIMA have dropped. it in the drowing-roome 1 tuuet try to find it be -fore any serva,nte go into the Min; but it's near one," glauci»g at her wretch, "and km afraid to go down alone." She meditated in dismay, then throw- ing on her deessing gown, "That's it-Allime ie sure to .be fast as a top; but Airs, Errington is as like- ly as not to be up still .- certainly itiviekei anyway, she sleeps like a cat, and will come with me, 4 know, and net lough at Inc, I'll go." Blauche, you aee, could make use of the woman she beted-horrid thingl- autl she stole noiselesly out into the cor- ridor. It was a long one. Miss Leroy's own room faced oast, termivatiug the gallery which ran east and west, Airs. Erring - ton's apartment was nearly at the other cod by the staircase, and was almost above the library; the windows, there- fore, like those below, haying a south- ern aspect, and overlooking the lawn likewise. Blanche gently tapped. at the door. Oio answer; she 'tripped again as loud as she dared, and. listened for the soft "Come in." it did not come, and Blaoche just opened the door and peeped in. "Mrs. Errington," she whispered, "are you-nd Then she saw that the bed was empty -bad never been disturbed, that. Chris- tine was not in the spacious room at all. "I'll wait for her," muttered. Blanche. "How vexing! I dere pay she is still in the library; she often goes there where we leave the salon, to read or write tin- cle's letters, I know. She won't be long, though, I hope. What it lovely night! 111 sit by the open window and put out my lamp. What fun to startle madame when she comes in and sees me like a glitest in the oteonlight," She had closed the door, and now, put- ting out the light, walked to the win- dow and hat down behind the lace cur. tato to wait. „ As she did so and looked out, she caught full sight of a woman's figure crossing the Imo, diagonally, swiftly. "Oh, ha -o1" went Miss Leroy, in a long breath of utter surprise triumph, spiteful joy; "what does tat mean, I wonder, most immaculate exesteward- ess?" . There was no mistaking the tall, slen- der figure, with its singularly graceful, easy undulation of movement, It was Mrs. Errington. "1 always thought," muttered Blanche, viciously. "that there was something ugly about that woman. She must breve gone out of the library window, and nnist return by it, la1 wateli for you, Madame Cbaperon, and slip off before you can catch me here. Uncle Role shall know, and, if I don't get rid of you. my name isn't Blanche Leroy. Art assigna- tion, of eouree-but with whom?" She clenched her hand in a fury of jealousy, "If it is -hint, or any fellow in this house, he must come in this way, too, ana . I shall know; he is wild and daring enough for anything, and if she makes him flirt and meet her, no man is too good to hang fire. Oh, it can't be him; I won't think it, I can't bear the thought; I'm sure he -cares for Me, as I -as I do for him. She is a wicked wretch of an adventureas, whose past won't beer light. Married at sixteen, indeed; not she, or why didn't she show her cer- tificate? She just went off with some scamp of an artist, if the truth were known. How can the men call her handsome? Ugh; but Uncle Roland shall hear of this pretty game, my lady." Poor young Christine! a gambler's wife; heel she not bitter trouble enough to bear without the loss of her fair name? Blonde Lad long to wait; nod, truth to say, nodded. tt good niany. times; but at last her evil, eealous vigilance was partially. rewarded, for she Saw their two figures come out from under the belt of trees a step or two itito the moonlight -a woman and a man. At that distance she could Make out noth- ing more than those two facts -and that the limn held Mrs. Erringeon's hand - for, .of course, she was the woman, then in a moment he drew her back under the trees, and Blanche's straining gaze fancied -it might be -only fancy, so shadow' were the forms -that the man stooped and put hie arms rowed his cone- PaTull°1111' next minute the woman alone came out, and skirting the lawn, came awiftly toward. the library window be- "ne 0; leal, very enamel," conoluded Mts. Addition (math ae elo uttered the alarms "And yet it moves !") "You. shall not go, though, tin to -morrow, sir; that's nut:. ' "You are very kind," he add; and,: rising, Fawned. over to another group. How long that evening seemed to Owe itt thet room! how all too short to tee) others, for whom there was the "AffInenco of love and time." CUM:ern:II XXIV. Ono o'clock in the morning; bot the cold effulgence of the 'half moon, now mounted high la the heavene, only deep - (nen the shadowe of the trees under which. that tall figure was pacing to mut fro, with restlele impatience in every movement and in every line of the trot'. taed, paesoinate faee. lie 'maw that, like himself, she must chavge her evening attire for morning dress, but that would uot take her long; and the house had been still and the windows dark when he left it, twenty nanutes ago. Five minutes past one. The breeze rustled. the leaves and it sleepy twitter of same bills, disiurbed in their nests above, broke the intense sileoce around. But as St. Maur turned again, he saW the slight, dark -robed form within the shadow of the trees, her head bare, a sclera thrown over her shouldera. The man sprung forward, "My darlingi my derlingl mitre alone! Yet every word and look must bo guard- ed, It maddens me beyond' endurance this separation you have decreed! I eau not, will not bear it! It le breaking both our hearts awl tearing our. lives asunder for indefinite years of misery! You mutit come back to mer he stud. "You shall not leave. met" ' "Falconer, you frighten zne! Don't tempt me!" It was half a cry. half a gasping sob, smothered in his breast. She, was un. nerved, trembling. "It is not temptation! You are my wedded wife, and I want you batik! Oh, Chriatine, I only fall back -back with- out you! It's no uee trying alone. told you it would be .so, I have gam- bled as madly as ever many times since May; and whether I lost or won, it was all the same. There was no home to come to, only u blank, desolete room1"4" She tried to loosen his hold. He tight- ened it -vith that ruthless settling of the rno "No, by Heaven! not till you ley your lips to mine and tell me yeti will come back to neer She knew he had "fallen back" long before to -night, which was but a cul- mination. The better nature she had roused to strive for his had striven, failed, and despaired before that first inevitable fall, The struggling soul was maddened with its own bitter self -scorn, self-reproach, and remorse, its haughty pride and hopes wounded to the core. The whole man- mentally, physically, morally -was paesing through an almost inevitable stage of such a battle -the hard depression of despair, the fierce hardening of hopelessness, whieh son, nobler feeling, were in abeyance -- passion, impulse uppermost. All that was evil, his wildest, darkest temper, held sway; and the woman who loved him knew, by the very instinct of her love, that if she yielded nOW,her power was gone, and he -lost. She must strike the exact medium between too soft a tenderness and too sterm a severity. For mu moment she hid her face in Falconer's bosom, then liftea it. Ile bent his, with a flash of triumph, for the kiss. Instead, it white ,hand lightly struck that haughty, triumploint mouth -as lightly, physieally, tee a child at play; as heavily, morally, as.a, blow from a gauntleted hand. The man staggered back, loosening his clasp, gazing at her like one stricken dumb. "Shame on you," she said, "to use your man's strength against my weak- ness, and. hold me by forcer "Christine -,—d "Stay, hear ine! I made that fatal mistake then, in my youth and dread of estranging you. I got you and one, or two of your companions to teach me, too, the gamut of play, thinking that, as you would have it, I could thereby keep you more at home, by ma,king home more attractive to you and your asso- Ciates. There was my bitter error! I should have sternly cast out the hideous rival, instead of bringing it to the very hearth. I stepped down to be in some taeasure an attraction to gamblers, hop- ing to control the demon (vain hope of iomoraneel) and keep you from the yet wilder play outside. It was all a miser- able failure, and one I will never repeat, for your sake." He had heard her, not shielding still, but walking to and fro before her; but as she ceased he stopped abruptly and put his two hands on her shoulders, "I have deserved every stab you have given Inc to -night," he said, hoarsely; "but -brit -but the wound bleeds so cruelly! Mist we part like this?" "Part?" Christine stetted. in A kind of terror that she had stabbed too deeply, per- haps, and made hint yet more aesperate. "Ay. My uncle has sent for me about the strike, and I leave to -morrow. From there I shall go abroad. I had. hoived to take you--" He paused, the tem- pest. within unabated, the hope not quite relinquished. "Well, it cannot be, / suppose -yet. But must we part as worse than stranger's, without one em- brace, one last kiss, wife?" She thing her anis about his neck, dinging almost convulsively as her hue. band strained her closely to his heart, long and. silently, before he rekased her with one more lingering kiss. "My darling one, I will try still; but, Oh, it is so hard -without youl aud there stems no end to the darkness!" "But the darkest hour is the hour beforte day," the wife said, smiling up, to together they moved onward toward the gardens, which they readied by the thieket of trees at tho bottom, of the hewn. at, Mater was paseing out of the sha- dow into the moonlight, when Christine stoppea him. "No further, deareet, lest by defence some one might be at it front evindow. I Du can skirt tonna by the shrubbery to ycur window, bat 1 must croae some opera moonlit.spacte to- reach the library. Let me go." Ire had her hand still al they woo wife intone again, even for a 'moment; in the inoonlight; but he drew her biek chance, afraid of Ides recklessness. perhaps she, too, partly avoided. such a for that mfnute-that fatal minute -- 'no woo, terribly miteieel out of the dr - de, for he left a gap no one else 'could fill, (To be oemtinartida 11* i; -o;; crtocked and non.pliable. SHP POISONING YouRau fleadaches and . Neuralgic rains rreauptlY Cared by Wridt-avtives," Iow. 'The unseen spy May ten -maned to retake cooler certainty that the noctur- nal todrist was indeed Christine, and then stole beck to her owe room and bed, flushed, triumphant, but half fright- ened, too, at her discovery. "I'll tell wide," she thought, panting as she lay; "but the mon went the other way, ant wore; so it ean't be St. Maur or leitzroy, or arty of the men here. Anyhow, I won't hint such a poesiaility to T.Thele Bolo; he's so evivfully blunt, he would go as straight to that (leer, bandsonte Falconer as he will to Mrs. lierrington, who'll deny it all, I date say; eta anyhow, if he even suspectect $t. Maur of latch it gem of flirtation, he woula cut hino I'm sure. That, wouldn't do et And having settled thus her plan of attaele, Miss Leroy soon slept, Admitting to herself that she much dreaded tellihg lier etude, but eltoold tertainly not do eo at all till Faleoner tit. 'Maur had lift. .aea the ring she found herself, arter all, in her bed, having probably lit her dream pulled it Off. In the afternoon at, Maur took ids leave; but he bed no chauee to ace his Where there are frequent attaelte of Ileur.Plgia and Headaches, there 18 always Constipation, Weakness or the Kidney's and Mood rolsoning. Non -action of the bowels compels the blood to absorb foul matter which should have Passed trent the body, Weak Kidneys fall to niter from the blond the necessary amount of waste. The blood thus becomes poisoned and it is this Poisoned blood which hurts the nerves and causes Neural- gia and Keadaehes. "Vrult-a-tives," mad* from fruit juices, acts on the bowels and kidneys and is tha greatest blood purifying medicine in the world. "Fruit-it.tives" Is sold by all dealers at e0o it box, e for ee.10. or triral size, 25e, or may be obtained from Prult,a. tivos, Limited, Ottawa. SKY PILOT faiel THE LAKES, The Rev, W. 1-1. Law's Parish Ex- tonds From Buffalo to Duluth. A parish 1,800 nines in length and 300 miles in width is in charge of the Rev. W. 11, Law, known from Buffalo to Du- luth as the Sky Pilot of the Gzeat Lakes. The membersleip of this parish runs lute tne thousands and the great major- ity of the parishioners never worship twice ire Ilk same locality, for services are held mostly in moving snips. Some are held, in lonely lighthouses far from other human habitation. No wedding hes ever taken peace in this parish oue christening of a baby, no services for the burial of the dead. Tais sky pilot seeks bis parielaioners in it small gasolene boat twenty-two feet iu length. Besides carrying the mes- sage of the Gospel to these men he takes to them books, magazines, papers and news a the outside world. His visits are looked forward to by the lighthouse keepers and the lightehip orews, for Ms territory is so large that he is unable to visit them more than once during the season. He maintains it small circulating library of not more than sevesty books, He also carries with him a phonograph with tecords of the most popular hymns. Some of the lighthouses visited are far from the mainlaud and the trips to them are hazardous, Standard Rook light, for instance, is nearly fifty miles out from Marquette on Lake Superior. It is erected on it small but dangerous reef which resembles a whale's back, The light is 105 feet in height and rests on crib work, which is encircled by a railway, and for weeks at a time the weather la so bad that it dang- erous for the keepers to venture out Of doors. Between tho light and Keweenaw Point there is it depth of 1,008 feet of water. On his +ravels the sky pilot visits 300 lighthouses, fifteen lightships and sixty life saving stations. Mr. Law does not outwardly reeemble a minister of the gospel. He is big and healthy and has a rolling gait like a sailor. He preaches siinply to the sailors, with Ovhora he is very popular. under tile trees to fold her orate more in he terms before be let her leAve hint. Then he st(Ani end watched the light figure flitting away swiftly till it die-. appeared through the library window. Hie. darling was safe their, And Atli PrOM a meeectiline paint veeve, mitt' mad. his 0wri way' back int° woula it be heresy to question the Sax apt alai* tit, of timi aeon? Digby, N. S. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited: Gentlemen, -Last August ray horse was badly cut in eleven plea's, by a barb- ed wire fence. Three of tae 'cuts (email ones) healed soon, but the oilers be- came foul and rotten, and though I tried nutny kids of medicine they had no beneficial result, At last it doctor ad- vised me' to use MIN.A.RD'S and. in four weeks' time every sone was healed and the hair has grown over mph one in fine condition. The Lira. ment is eertainly wonderful in its work- ing. TORN R. HOLDEN, Witness, Perry Baker. TU LAvoNio WIrm He Has a Way of His Own of Saying Things. Tbe waiter wbo bawls out his order to the cooh he the batch= may S094 as extinct as Om dodo, but his mice should live forever. "'Mutton broth in a burry," says a ells - tomer, "Beenbaa in the rain! Make ban run!" shouts the waiter, "Beefsteak and onions," says a cus. tomer. lobo Bull! Make him a itinny!" shouts the waiter. "Where's my baked potato?" asks a customer. "Mrs. Murphy he a sealekin coat!" ehoute the waiter, "Two fried eggs; don't fry 'em too hard," saya it ettetomer. "Adam and Eve itt the garden! Leave their eyes open!" shouts the waiter, "Poached eggs on toast," soya a tilfl• tomer. "Bride and, groom on a raft lo the middle of the wean!" Shouts the waiter. "Chieken croquettes," says a =stoma. "Fowl ball 1" shouts the waiter. • - Mash," says it customer, "Gentleman wants to take a chalice!" shouts the waiter. "11.1 have hash, too," says the next customer, "Aliother sport:" shouts the waiter. "Glass of milk," says it customer, "Let it rein!" shouts the waiter. "Frankfurters and sauerkraut, good hots," says it customer. "Fido, Shop and a bale of hay!" shouts the waiter; "and let 'on sizzle i" -New Yorie Even- ing Sun. NERVOUS SYSTEMS 0101.1111,1,11•••••10 Always Follow a Ron Down Con- dition of the Blood, It is an old story now that nervous people tell of how tae blood nominees poo r and thin, and then the neraeus symptoras followed. How many really know that the thin blood was respon- sible for the nervous disorders? The nerves get all their nourisbnient Rom the bleed, and as thin blood is cleficaent io nerve -building material, the nerveer become starved and pain and nervous -breakdown is the result, Dr. Williams Pink Pills aro a tAndo for the blood that supply it with the neces,sary elements to nourieh and tone up the nerves and, the cause being removed, nature does the rest and health is fully restored. IStra Harry Patterson, Dauphin, Man., telli how she -was cured of nervousness and general debility through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, She says: "A. few years ago I was all Fruit down, and eny nervous system apparently air broken up. I was weak, tired and nervous 211 the time. When I got up in tho morn- ing I seemed to be more tired than when I went to. bed. I could not walk up and orditutry flight of stairs without letting down panting for breath, and my nerves trembled like a leaf. I got so that it was almost impossible to do any house- work, and so nervous that I wanted to cry about everything I did. I teak sev- eral different medicines without the least benefit; then I read- of Dr, Wili llama' Pink Pills and decided to try them. After taking two boxes I felt a little better And I got a further suppler which 7 continued taking for about it month, -When I was as well as ever; could do all my housework without difficulty, and could walk for a long distance without being all tired out. In view of the wonders Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for me I sincerely recommend them to alt weak, nervous, run-down people." a- field by tat naedicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a boa: oo six boxes for $2.60 from the Dr, Williams' liedleiue Co., Brockville, Ont. Absent Minded Workmen. The "boss" was a Ithstler. Two of his Men were not. Long experienee, hoty. ever, had made them wise in their way. "Now, then, where aro yoe going; asked, the fortinau on ono occasioa, "Please, sir," responded one ef the inert, "we're trdein' this 'ere plank up to the sawmill." "Plank? What plank?" snapped the .boss. "I don't see any plank!' The man looked down .at his hands, tSon over his shoulder, and turned blandly to his mate. "Why, bless me, Bill," he exelaimed, "if we ain't been an' forget the plank !"-From Answers. • • Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in -4 4S °"Tramp Took "the Same." Representative Rucker of Colorado was in a strange town during the late cam- paign and -wanted a drink. Ire had a constitutional objettion to drinking alone and called n hobo who was standing In front of the saloon to join him. They walked into the bar and Mr. -Rucker ordered two highballs. The he thought he might have offended his companion and eaide "Meg your pardon: I neglected to ask you what you would like to have." "Whitt did you order?" asked the tramp. "Two rye bighbrills." answered Mr. Rucker, "Thetas all right; Pll take the sitmee"-Washingtono syeet. HE VACATION TRIP. (Cleveland Leader.) I:husband-Non, don't ask for money every titre you write. Wife---130o-hool You don't want me to 'write so often, then? Dinner. A good. ainneir is a work of art; so is the eelection of the time to eat it. ln Charleston people dine at 3 in the after- noon or therdocotts, supposedly because tome time in the long ago that suited the school children, or because there were such large families in those days that it took tile cook that long to get the necessary quantity cooked. In Mo- bile they are giad to dine at any titian, although some orthe older and richer families have regular dinners every day.. In New Orleans. those who dine go to the restaurants. In fact, without its eating places New 'Orleans would not last a day, and half The town would be bankrupt. However, it is pertinent to remark that some of the best cooks in the world are down in the metropolis, and -they haye a way of cooking ordine ary potatoes that makes them taste like one of Bob Taylor's promiees.-Chades. ton News and Courier. Three packets of Wilson's Ply Pads cost twenty-five cents, and will kill more flies than twenty- five dollars' worth of sticky paper. - Simplon Tunnel Fortifications. Both Italy and Switzerland aro forti- fying the entrances of the Simplon Tun- nel, \ladle in the tunnel itself engineers are engaged in constructing mines and strengthening those already in plate in order to blow up the tunnel at a mo- ment's notite in the event of war. Near the middle of the tunnel, a few yards front the Swiss frontier, Italian engi- neers have pat in place it double iron door. which can resist the rush, of an express traizt travelling at sixty nines an hotir. The iron door is worked by electricity from Iselle, the station at the Italian end of the tunnel, Ana tender ordloary conditions th is hidden in the rocky side of the tunnel. The aoor 18 carefully tested once a week. The mines are connected with Brigue and. ladle by' electricity also, and by simply presstoo, a button the Simplon Tunnel Would be destroyed in ssecond,-London Glebe. - Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. losoct Which Sits on Its Eggs. iiennoy matters, in the case 01 ineects, usuelky mean onty the depositing of iggi in suitable situations for the mdepeoa. ant development of the offspring, the parent i»secre ften dying befote too -young appear. The earwig, however, provoles it remarkoble exception to the general rule, for it eta upon its 30 or more eggs until they are hatched, just ao it bird would do; and, moreover, if the eggs get nattered, it carefully eolleets them together again. In the early months of the year, when digging the soil, female earwigs may frequently be found together with their batch of eggs, At the slightest signs of danger the young, that usually coine front 'the eggs, huddle elese to their mother, hiding be. math her body so far as it will rover iso lerge a fallilly.--,Strarid :Stagazitte. es. "Yon treat that gentleinart 'very re- Yesf he's one of our early stittlem." "An early settler.? Why, man, he's ttot more than 40 years dd." allot but ha pays his bills on the first of t1r- ery montle—Cleveland Loader. AS EDDER . Clears the Brain and Builtls Up the Muscles. A Healthy, Economical Substitute for Meat or Eggs. For dinner, serve hiacuit smothered in creamed veg. etables. ior breakfast or,Itmcheon, cover biscuit with seasonable fruit and add cream and pogo, leo deliciouo. At iOor grocer!,, 13e, a carton,. two for 25c. 2330 THE WINO AND OUR NERVES. Effects Upon Ug of Winds From the East, West and Northwest. The east wileda hug the earth more closely and gather more moisture, dust and bacteria. They are cold and hum- an arid animal life and rendering it susceptible to the disease germs widen the wends wary and. disseminate. The cool, pure northwest winds corno from it region of dry, highly electrified air where Of,o00 Oxiata in comparatively /ergo quautities, They are invigorating. frameivork of turves in the human being is like a delicate electrical appar- atus, the nerves being the wires and the brain and ganglia receiving mid dis- tributing centres. Every ono knows that a telephone works better on a clear, dry day than on a wet, muggy one, The moist atmos- phere lessens vitality. The nerve wires grow flaccid awl heavy. The messages become confused. Renee low spirits, mel- ancholia, distorted mental outlook, faul- ty assimilation, and disease. The opposite effects flow from the northwest winds. 'The weet and north- west winds keep the mucous membranes of the body in good working order. The coating of moisture which is always present with the east wind disappears. Absence of any wind, if long continued has a bad effect on the human body and mind. A. prolonged calm means lack of venti- lation on a great scale. The winds serve to mix in -normal proportions the gases tvhich cetaposer the atehoapbere, and in this way they are cond.ucive to health up to a certain point. Beyond about twenty miles an hour their influence be- gins to be unfavorable. -From the Chi- cago Tribune. Aerial London. With the aid of a balloon a British scientist has for several years industri. ously explored. the atmospaere over London, and the results of his Investiga- tions afford a strange picture of the skyward extension, of the world's great- est city. Somewhat fancifully and yet with a certain degree of truth, London might be said to be six thousand. feet high, or deep, for up to about that level the air over the yast town is unmistakably Lon- don air. Between three thousand and five thou- sand feet above the housetops is a. re- gion where dust resembling chaff, fila- ments and woollen fibre, such as would arise from thoroughfares and from the sweeping of housg, seems especially to accumulate. At least there is more there than nearer the ground. ln calm wea- ther aerial London becomes to a certain extent stratified. From above six thou- sand feet one can often look down upon the surface of the haze, as if it hail it definite limit. A PIANO FOR 50 CENTS A WEEK This is a golden opportunity for any- one to own ati instrument. We have a large stock of used planoe, taken in ex- change on Heintzmaa & Co. pianos. These instruments are such well-known makes as Weber, Chiekering, trainee Bros., Thomas and Dominion'and the price is from $80 to $125. Each one guaranteea for five years, and will be taken back in exchange with full am- ount allowed any tinte in three years. Do not let this chance slip by- you. A post card will bring full particulars.- Heintzman & Co., 71 King street east, Hamilton, Ont, ISSUE NO, 28, 1910 AGENTS WANTED. Q• TArtai A TriA, ROD= TO -DAY, KIND 1,..7 postal on circulare, or nto for sata-, pies and terms. Alfred Tyler, London,. Ont. IPOR SALE. ▪ IRST.CLASS OROCIBILY STOCK AND 1. buildings for gale. Address Sydney Smyth„ 401 Talbot street, London, Out. Dr. Martel's Female Pills SEVENTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD Prescribed and recommended for we, men's ailments, a scientifically pre. pared remedy of proven worth. I he result from their use Is quick and per torment, For sale at all drug stores. King Edward Via The tespoosive .sympathy from all laiglish-speaking lands ha3 not been it matter of surprise, in view of Bing Edward's cultivation of solidarity ef feeling among all these peoples. leaner - kit has not been wanting in the exeres sion of its genuine regard for his high qualities and its appreciation of his nen forin frimadliness to this country, mani- fested, as it was, in a hundred ways. His death does not tend to dissolve, but to renew, the unwritten pact of friend- ship between two nations who have so much in sympathy -not least, as it tie, the teoessity of working out certain common problems of governinent.-From an Editorial in July Century,. 4 Rod, Vonk, "Iriearr, wintery noes. Relieved fly Murine nye Itetnedy. Try Morino For Tour Eye Troubles. You Will Like Moline. It Soothes. See At Your Druggists. Write For Eye Books, Free. Murine ley° Itemedy Co., TOrcalto. BUFFALO PLAYGROUNDS. (Christian Guardian.) , The city of Buffalo has expended no less than $145,570 upon children's play- grounds within the city since it under- took work of this kiwi], a few years 'ago. It the money hite been at all evisely laid out, we 'lo not think the city has spent any Buell stun for any other purpose that will yield better results. Many of our Canadian cities are lamentably be - bind in tine matter. A mcat forgets his good luck next day, but remembers ids lord luck until next year.—Ateldson Moho. • C. D. SHELDON Investment Broker .A. specialty made of investments in Standard Railroad and Indus- trial. Stooks, Write tor fan particulars regarding plan or investment. Xteeln 101, 108, St. James St., Montreal. The Making of a Garden. A garden is it work of art no less than Is a etatue, it painting, or a poem. Love and wisdom, equally with heat and. light, must unite to produce it, and, to its per- fecting must go that "infinite capacity for taking pains" that is the large part of genius. The spirit of a people expresses itsilf in its gardens as it doe% in architecture or its literature, Japan, Persia, Italy and England are each identified with particular forma, the one no lovelier than the other, but each with its pecu- liar excellences, its laws of freedom and restraint. Americn has not yet evolved a distinct form of its own, but has been content to borrow frOm its predeceatiors, and. to mingle, such styles as suited the PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send me your address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if requested. Immediate relief and per- manent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer, Write to- day to Mrs. M. gummers, Box P. 8, Windsor, Out. 1,200 Rivets an Flour. _Merely to show what has been .done under exceptional conditions we quote the astonishing record of 12,000 hot threequarter inch rivets driven in ten hours. Tne machine doing Gas was of the portable type suspended from an over- head runway and the operator had be- come most expert ia swinging it from rivet to rivet. The next best record eve skinms know a rofwios -rk10.,000 rivets in ten hours on Ordinarily on boiler work, where the rivet must be steam tight and well driv- en, 1,000 or 1,600 rivets might be a good days' work, while on structural -ivork, such aa girders, 3,000, 4,000 or more are generally driver; ana on such irregniar work as trusses probably 2,000 or 2,500, -Prom Cassier's Magazine. * Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc, THEN. Captain KiddiPlau'hekal's the trouble? Can't you make the prisoner walk the plank? Lieutenant --No, Cap; he absolutely refuses to be it part of the spectacle un- less we guarantee Min it percentage of the moving picture receipts. 4- Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. • • te. THE EXPLANATION. (Woman's Home Companion.) Mrs, Youngbride-"Mrs. Smith says there is lots of cream on her milk bot- tles every morning. Why is there never any on Omen?" The Milkman -"I'm too honest, lady, that's why. I fills my bottles so full that there ain't never no room for cream." The source of all intestinal troubles is the common house fly; his buzz is the first symptom of typhoid. Wilson's Ply Pads are the only things that kill them all. KEEPING YOUNG. (Clevelond Leader.) Mer years sit Itghtly on ber." "Yes she has system. Whehever they 1;egin to weigh too heavily she takrea few years off." • Yo.v..% EDDY'S "SILENT" MATCHES datlaify the most particular p.ople. They ars the most perfect Made, noiseless as their name implies, no *putter, no Weil or euiptine, ore quicker, and safe. All firet-tlast dealers keep thews, The Ed IL EDDY COMPANY, Limited, Hull, Canada HERE SINCE 1851. 4