The Wingham Advance, 1910-07-14, Page 4King's For Bargains 1 1We Want Your Trade KING'S The Busy Store WARM WEATHER The season for light cool dresses is at hand and we are prepared to meet the demands of the trade. Come in and look through our stock. COTTON RAJAH AND REPPS –A beautiful range of colors in these lines which are very suitable for ladies' and children's Summer Suits, Dresses, etc. Ging/rams, Zephers, Prints, etc., in Large variety and fast colors. TO CLEAR–Our stock of Summer Muslins–large stock, neat patterns, Erne texture and good colors, regular 15c to 35e–to clear at, your choice, for 10c per yd. DRESS GOODS -6 pieces, in Cream, Pale Blue, Ecru and Pink, worth up to $1.00 per yd–yours for 30o per yd. .MEN'S SUITS -8 only left, regular $10.00 to $14.00, to clear at $7.60, COTTON -1000 yds, Factory Cotton, 34" and 36" wide,.. regular 10c and 12 c per yd., to clear at 8c. Put in a supply of this. WOOL WANTED -50;000 lbs. Highest prices, cash or trade. Butter, Eggs, etc., in large quantities. GEO. E. KING Good Goods 1 8 Cheap Prices 000000000000000p0000000000 0000000G Or'3t'+i3E3f.+4^00000000? Trial Tri w°° New Subscribers Are Invited 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 THE Wingham Advance Until End of 1910 ea O 8 0 e 0 8 8 e3 e5 ,0 0 `r t C 'lui m ,b,txn Theo, Hall Proprietor. SuBsonIPT10N Num.—P.00 per annum in ad`t'auce,10.50 if not se paid. laderlsuensironpallictnaviemttpeRavel—Legal neer first insertion, 30 per line for each subsequent insertion, Advertisements in the local columns are charged 10e per line for first insertion, and 5e per line for each subsequent insertion. .Advertisements of Strayed, Farms for Sale or to hent, and similar, $1.00 for first throe weeks, and 25 cones for each subsequent in. sertion, O01 TttA0T ILATas.—The following are our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods:— SPACE 1 Yr. 0 IIIo. 3 Mo. 1 Mo, One Column $70.00 Half Column 40.00 .00 One Inch uarter Column„. X5.00 $10,00 $22,50 $8.00 25,00 15.00 6.00 12,60 7.60 3,00 3,00 2,00 1.25 Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged ac, cordingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. WHAT SHAI:L WE" EAT Long ago the Teacher said, "Take no thought for what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink," We are taking so much thought about these matters that there will soon be no need of thought because there will be nothing left to eat or drink. The childish rhyme will soon be fact. It asks "If all the world were made of paper and all the seas were ink, if all the trees were bread and cheese, what would we have to drink ?" The world we live in is all made of microbes or things that breed mic- robes. If there is any substance that does not breed microbes, that is the home of the bacilli. Where these enemies of life are absent, come the bacteria in an army and enter: in and dwell there, A Londoner has discovered that nearly all the diseases to which the people of his. country fall victims are from potato. Another is of the opin- ion of Moses that the pig is full of all uncleanness, and a third would rob Scotland of the "staff of life" there, oatmeal. It has not been asserted yet that the horse would live longer, be more tractable and do more work if the nose -bag were taken from him and sawdust put in his manger in- stead of hay. One fact no more establishes a law than one swallow makes a summer, The London food faddist who stamps the tuber for which the world is in- debted to America as "death in the pot" probably generalized on few pre- mises. No doubt starchy food is not good for old persons, but that will ap- ply to all the cereals as well as to potatoes. No doubt these foods are not good for those who lead sedentary lives. It is a fact that oatmeal re- quires much cooking and is not quick- ly digested. The pig is unclean if his keeper forces him 'to be, and if per- mitted to put on too much fat the meat is not the best kindof food. At best it is a very concentrated food, and if used in too large quantities will not prove conducive to good health and longevity. In some climates less pork may be eaten with advantage than in others, and the idle may not eat as do those who work hard, or in some way get plenty of exercise. As a 'natter of fact, the Scotch are peculiarly robust in spite of oatmeal being difficult of digestion. The Eng- Iish who can get a fair share of good Limerick bacon for breakfast enjoy better health, live longer and do more work than the Englishmen who get no bacon at all, As to the potato, across the "nar- row seas" is the green isle which has robbed America of the credit of giv- ing the world the potato. o. Now, it is notorious that Irishmen whose daily ration from the cradle to the grave consists for the most part of potatoes, or who, when a change is made, take to oatmeal porridge, live to extreme ages. They wash down the potatoes with buttermilk that sometimes has. an edge on it as sharp as a knife. Absolutely, some of the Irish peasants who reaeh four score, or the century mark and beyond, who do a man's work for fifty to seventy-five years and are strong and vigorous, know little of any diet excepting potatoes, buttermilk and oatmeal. They are very happy it a bit of bacon is part of the menu. In all the 'populous parts' of Europe the potato crop is important. About the only meat they have is pig treat. Why? Because an acre of good land will produce more stomaehfuls of victuals if seeded to potatoes than any other crop. Next comes cabbage, a very much enjoyed delicacy on the part of many poor persons in those lands where it is not permitted to be too curious about what is eaten, As to the pig, he will put on meat faster and at less expenbe than any other beast used for human food, 11e is filthy only when. forced to lie in the dirt, The Irish peasant is too intelligent to compel his pig to be filthy ; the pig is kept in a Olean, warm bed because he thrives there. 1f the pig is fed on unsound food he will contract disease and pass it on, Eat If the refuse of the kitchen and of the table is given to him before it decays, he will be sound and his meat will be wholesome. Who more hardy than the Scotch, who have keener brains, who are more industrious P Yet they live on oat- meal, potatc;ps and bacon. They line longen this rather monotonous raton. People generalize too rapidly and run to theories not founded on wide experience. The mho_ap'pl'e here as well e11 as In morals t Frcrve things f elopealIt is i1, tlaef� Willela I* TUE WINGIIAAT ADVANCE THE FARMER'S WIFE. There once was a farmer who had a good farm, Where hard and long toiled he ; But hesaid he could do more work in a day Than.bis wife could do in three. "If that be so," the good wife said, Then this you must allow, That you should do my work for one day While I go drive the plow." Se the little wife took the lines in her hand And went to drive the plow, And the big "ran took the nice clean pail To milk the Jersey cow. But the Jersey mooed and the Jersey chewed And the Jersey switched her tail; But when be begged her to be good, She promptly kicked over the pail. So when he'd milked the Jersey cow For 'tear she should go dry, Ile then must feed the seven pigs That were within the sty. And then he watched the speckled hen Lest she should lay astray, But he forgot to iron the clothes His wife washed yesterday. By night, the tired farmer swore By a)1 the stars in heaven, That his wife could do more work in one day Than he could do in seven Vinegar Talks ey The Wilson Lytle Badgerow Co,, Toronto (The Largest Vinegar Works In America) TALK NO. 2–QUALITY OF VINEGAR. ' Quality counts every time, The critical house -wife wants the "best" always. Nobody wants strong butter or stale eggs, so in vinegar nobody wants to use the inferior and health destroying acidous vinegar that is frequently offered for sale. It is pos- sible to go round to the drug store and have a vinegar made up, but who would want to use that kind of stuff on their table. Vinegar of quality must be absolutely pure, of high strength, strictly clean, of palatable flavor, well matured, containing all the essential ethers, etc., etc. Wil- son's vinegar contains all of these good qualities and more. It is made under Government supervision which in itself is a guarantee of quality in a, measure. All leading grocers have Wilson's in stock, Demand WiIson's and no other. The following grocers in Wingham always have Wilson's vinegars in stock:—J. H. Christie, J. T. Lennox, H. Isard & Co., W. Bone, A. J. Mal- colm. WHAT CURED HIM. Sao. had neurasthenia—(doctor said) Cannot tell you why— Knew there was no hope for him, And so went home to die. John announced his tragic fate, And said unto his churns, "I might as well enjoy myself Until the summons comes." And then he went a -fishing Every morning for a week, Took a swim each afternoon. And then in manner meek, Began to take an interest In work—heard nature's call ; But instead of mooning around, He whitewashed the house, the Barn, the garage, the chicken House and thh corn crib ; hauled Gravel from a gravel pit in The woods, and made paths . Where paths were necessary ; Chopped wood, carried water; Did more fishing, more swimming, Moredriving ; ate large Quantities of plain food ; Drank large Quantities of water and Buttermilk ; And didn't die at all. ECZEMA IS CURABLE. In Every Case Where Are Remedy Fails It Is Supplied Free Of All Cost. In making this statement we back it up with our promise that if our re- medy does not substantiate our claim in every particular, we will without question or quibble return every cent you paid us for it, We take all the risk --you take none. We strongly recommend Rexall Eczema Ointment, antiseptic, gerilni- cidal, soothing and healing qualities. It is a grayish -white emolient, with a pleasant odor, and very cleanly for use. The first application produces a refreshing sense of relief, and it quick- ly subsides and overcomes the infirm - Illation, irritation and discharge when present, 1t is intended to be applied with a piece of muslin or linen, or it may be applied and allowed to dry in, It affords very prompt relief for pimples, blotches, discolorations, ringworm, acne, tetter, barbers' itch, ulcers, in- sect bites, nettle rash, hives, sores and Wounds, llexall Eczema Ointment relieves itching and irritation of the feet, It is Ideal for the treatment of children Who are tormented. with itching, burning and disfiguring diseases. Try a box at our rick. TWO sizes, SOO and $1.00. Renlemb r, it is only sold at our store–The Rexali store, J. W. McKibben. --Delbert VanhorsAged eighteen, was attacked by a hog on his father'. farm near Chilton and badly wounded In the ,legs. A Woman's Suggestion, A good story on one of the reeves at the last Bruce Oeunty Council meet Ing is vouolled for by a subscriber. The worthy reeve has a number of fine cattle on his farm, and one day while endeavoring to teaeh a calf to drink from a. pail, he became so dis- couraged that he went to the house and told his wife his troubles, saying;. "Well I've tried every thing to make that calf drink out of a pail, and he simply won't drink," The good wife ill a quiet way replied:"Well, J -- why don't you take it to County Council."--( Port EIgin Times, During Past Six Months, Fines paid by offenders against the Provincial liquor license law for the Brat six months of 1010 totalled $8,323, according to the half -yearly report of Superintendent 3. E. Rogers, of the Ontario Provincial Police. During that time members of the force seized 4,740 bottles of whiskey, 82 gallons, 216 flasks, 15 barrels, 1 keg of whiskey, 2 gallons of gin, 1 barrel of stout, 3 kegs of beer, 221 bottles of wine and 4.9 gal- lons of high wines, Fine imposed for offences saucier the criminal code totalled $35,101,955, and constables' fees returned to the department amounted to $1,351,81. Thirteen Eggs, 18 Chicks. The following is from the Dundalk Herald, and we should be inclined to doubt it only that we know the editor of that paper to be a truthful re- porter ; e -porter; here it is :—"Reeve Van Dusen, of this place, is the owner of a remarkable mother hen, which was set on 13 eggs with the expectation of bringing out a good brood of chicks. The day the chicks were due, the reeve and his family were away to the fishing reserve and on their return were more than delighted to find the hen mothering 18 nice lively birds. There were evidently a number of twins in the lot and the reeve is somewhat puzzled over the freak, which is his first experience with fowl." Where We Lose -Money. Here is an illustration of how our finances are managed, The last load floated by Finance Minister Fielding in England brought 992 and the rate of interest we have to pay on it is three and a half per cent, This money is being borrowed for the pur- pose of lending it to the Grand Trunk Pacific. The rate the Grand Trunk Pacific pays us for it is three per cent. Hence on every hundred dollars for the Grand Trunk Pacific we lose 50c. That is not all, after that we lose a half of one per cont, per annum, be- cause we have to pay that much more for the money than we are getting for it. No banks would care for trans- actions of this nature for the reason that they are not conducted on party political principles. A Holiday Suggestion, Isn't it tinge to consider a merger in national holidays? Let Dominion Day stand, because that is our very own, but there are three other holi- clays which mightpossibly be consolidated. These are Empire Day, Victoria and the King's Birthday, Wouldn't it be better to focus our patriotic fervor on two big significant occasions than to spread it thinly over four? The amalgamated holiday would fall on the 21th ,of May, which has been bred into us with 64 years of habit, and it would be called Victoria Day, because under that good, great Queen the British Empire went furth- er ahead in all the walks of life, than under any other Sovereign. The school teachers could lead up to the proper spirit for it by telling the children of the great statesmen, warriors, philosophers, authors and inventors who have but the British Empire where it is today. For Dominion Day the teachers would tell all about the constitutional develop- ment of Canada, our resources and our judicial, Provincial, municipal, penal and educational systems. To know the Empire and Canada like a book would vastly help the influence of two great holidays, Regulate the Bowels "I have been troubled with constipation for several years, and have tried a great many kinds of pills, as well as medicine from the doctor. Nothing seemed' to help nie until 1 be- gan taking Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills. I found the little pills very effective, and 1 ain thankful that at last I have a reliable remedy." MRS. F. M. DUNKIN, LeRoy, Ills. Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills simply cause the bowels to "love in a normal manner, and with- out the griping effects of cathar- tics and purgatives. That's why they are so universally used by women and children. The longer they are taken the less are needed Natural conditions gradually being restored. Price 264 at Your dru0e st. 140 should rereely you. if hs does not, tend olio to trs, w e f6•rwxrd elrepaIth bfl'1 MILKS MIEDIOAia C08 'tit*ntc, A SAFE INVESTMENT The safest investment one .earth is the earth itself, See Our List Of Farms For Sale The exodus to The West has reached it$ limit. Ontario farm laude will soon be in demand again at good prices, The Shrewd Man Will Buy Now This is an agrieultural community, and when farms increase in value town property advances in price in proportion, Buy a house and lot in Wingham. We have what will.suit you. When, you pay rent, you are paying your landlord's insurance and taxes, and also intereSt on his investment. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. The great practical training school of Ontario Three departments—Gommer- cittt, Shorthand, and Telegraphy, We assist graduates to positions. The demand upon us for trained help great- ly,exceeds the supply, The three most recently placed are receiving $10.00, 550,00 and 5100.00 per month respective. 11', Business mon state our graduates are the best, Enter our classes now. Got our free catalogue. D. A. McLACHLAN - Principal „,,,,.............,...„ Fall Term Opens August 29 S This year the attendance bas been the greatest in the history of the ELLIOTT TOROWTo, ONT. There is reason for it. Day by dsy and year by year THE SUPERIOR WORK 01"BETTER KIS NOWN. IS BECOMING readily get choice positions, Catalogue .is free W. J, ELLIOTT, PntNo,pal. Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. w � N CURRIE'S MACHINE SHOP LADIES 1–Get you Go-carts and Baby Carriages re -tired, FARMERS i --Get your plow points sharpened and made as good as new, for a dime. Have a look at our stock racks. Bargains in Bicycles and supplies. W. A. CURRIE WINGHAM Chopping Mill Having contracted for Bran, Shorts, Flour, Feed, &c., to be shipped in oar lots, I will be able at all times to sup- ply these in any quantity. Also all kinds of Chop always on hand, and can be obtained in any quantity. Market prices paid for all kinds of Grain, I will exchange Flour for wheat on the usual terms. Ezra Merkley, Prop, Smetaisemustmemamemiessm Jas. Walker & Son WINOIIAM Furniture Dealers and Undertakers We are specially qualified Under. takers and embalmers, and those entrusting their work to us may rely On it being well done. Night calla received at residence. Office Phone 100 house Phone 125 The ADVANCE is North Huron's leading news- paper. Are you a sub- scriber ? If not, why ? Only $1 per year. Butter Paper We leave on hand a tock of the genuine Vegetable Parehment Butter Paper. You n1ay have it tut any size you wish. Come In and. see it. ADVANCE OFFICE TIIUitsDA'f , JULY 14, 1910 The Peoples' Popular Store WINOUAM, ONTARIO KERR oR. BIRD Summer Holiday Feat a res Aro you going .away ? Did it ever strike you in this way–” What shall I wear and where shall I get it?" COOL DAINTY MUSLIMS --- Of course you want light dresses, and right here you have the best selection in cool Muslins in plain white and a, variety of colors. Then too, we have the Homo Animal. Patterns, which are readily acknowledged to be the very best. PARASOLS are other necessaries. We have them in Black, White and colored. Then they keep one so eunuch cooler, that they are necessary for comfort. Do You Know ? We have a new idea in dainty Verandah Mats ; they're made from genuine Japanese matting in various dainty designs. Price, 50 ,Gents each. Taylor's Borated Antiseptic Talcum ; a healthful, sanitary Talcum with a delicate violet perfume. Only 25o. Have you a Summer Cottage or large airy Verandah ? Then you need Curtains or Screens, and here is the place to find the most suitable Art Satecns and Mils- lins. We studied this thing ourselves, and all you have to do is procure the requirements and arrange them to suit yourself. Yes, It Is. Too hot to do much cooking. Now, we have Peanut Butter at only 20 cents per lb., and its ever so .much cheaper this way than in bottles. We are right into the fruit business and will have first-class Bananas, Strawberries, Oranges, &o., on hand at almost any time. DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Office :-- Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office. J. P. KENNEDY M,D., M.C.P.S.O, (Member of the British Medical ,Association) COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Speciai attention paid to Diseases of women and children, OSEIcE Horrts :-0 to p.m, ; 7 to 9 p.m, DR. ROBT• G. REDMOND M. R. C, 9, (Loud. L, R. C. P. (Ens. Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) DR. MARGARET C. CALDER Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Licentiate of Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. Devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and 'throat. Eyes Thoroughly Tested. c• Glasses Properly Fitted. Office with Dr. Kennedy. Offieo Hours -- 3 to 6-7 to 8 p.m. ARTHUR, J. IRWIN D.D.S., L.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. —Office in Macdonald Block— W. J. PRICE L.D.S., D.O.S. Honor Graduate of University of Toronto and Licentiate of Royal College of Doltal Surgeons of Ontario. OB'FtOE IN BEAVER Broex WntoitAnt W INGI IAM General Hospital, (Under Governnlent Inspection,) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Bates for pratients (which inclilde board and nursing) -43.60 to $15.00 per week, according t0 location of room. For further intorma- tion Addre6sMISs L. lidA.TTHEWS Superintendenb, Box 223. Wingbatn, bub, R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLIDITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. 0r ton :-BnAvnrc RLOex, WNGHAM. OMPTLY •seafertize—iiirincss ot"riauu acturere, i "Rioters and other* who realise the advlsabil, lir of having their r'tcitt business transarted- by $zpetta. Yreour lIlim�llnneryedvica frer1e. Chargrst t$IM*t 7id1riooaimarloon,7ferre sw'York�lfes, 1104 Walklatte*, P,f.'y U.Lh, DICKINSON & HOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Office : Meyer Block, Wingham, E. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office :—Morton Block, Wingham WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1830. Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in- surable property on the cash or pre- mium note system. JAMES GOLDIE, CHAS. DAVIDSON President. Secretary, RITCHIE cic CO SENS Agents. Wingham, Ont A. E. SMITH BANKER . WINGRAM — ONTARIO Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle or hogs to feed for mar- ket can have it on reasonable terms. Money transmitted and payable at par at any Bank in the Dominion. RATIS.-85;00 and under. 8 cts. • $10 to $30, 10 cts, $30 to >p50, 15 cts. Same rates charged on principal banking points in the 1J. S.. V. N. GRIFFIN" IN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. Office over M:alcolm'e Grocery oVi=11 t;G YEAfa' tXPtfileNCg ThAtie MOMS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending ft sketch and description ninY omelet amrorinln nor o,,Intnn free ',nether nn Invent Ion islri,hnblYpat ntnh`o. den,nwrint• 1loner sttletryrnnOdnntla1. wItieussit nni'ntnnta sent free. t.ldost sone,' for nenrtngpedants, 1'ntents taken. through Munn .t Co. racehd tpertatttotice, xlthout ehnrgo, In Mb SCdtuutIIi JlmCr A. hltndirornctr nlnrtrated woke.. 7#rx.st rrr- rnintlun nt asy hrirzttnn fnnrnnl. Tel els Tor ('nnsda, et.;s a year, polltage prepnld. bold l;g r<ll noissaleri, M(, _ °4otllratrasrr, W tra • t •