HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-07-07, Page 7NEWS OF THE
Man Killed in Toronto by Falling
From Tree,
Ilail Falls. Five Inches Deep in
Senator Forget Seriously III From
ea -a,
The comer stone of the uew Peesby.
terian Cantrell. ae Wychwood was Mid on
Captain Robert Marsliall, the dram -
tit, is dead at London. lie was boru
at Edinburgh, acotland, June 21, 1863,
Jacob Weber, aged 52, teamster worle-
lug for 'Winnipeg, aied in the hospital -on
ataturday as a result of being cruelied
between two wagons ou Weauesday.
The Montreal New Company's promi-
see on St. dames street were badly dam-
aged by fire, the loss being placed at
about $8,000, partially covered by insur•
Dr, G. F. Lang, v, Pittsburg drugged,
was instantly killed and the building in
wbich hie store was located wits wrecleed
by the explosion of a sodawater tank
he was charging.,
The latest report of the Suez Canal
Company allows that nearly five million
pounds sterling -were received last yea;
making it the most profitable in the Ms -
tory of the canal.
A private cablegram received from
Bleefields, Nicaragua says General Ma-
tuy Las been executed, following a trial
by court-martial. It was cbarged. that
he betrayed the Estrada eause.
James Matelieta of Otonabee, 55 years
of age, was seized with apoplexy while
buying a ticket at the Peterboro' up-
-town (a P, R. ticket office on Saturday
afternoon and died shortly afterwards.
A reported. discovery of silver twenty
miles north of 13rokenhead, on Lake
Winnipeg, has caused some excitement
and several parties have made a hurried
trip to get in on an apparent good tbing.
The public meeting hold in the Town
Hall of North Toronto on Saturday
nigla decided that a petition be circu.
lated asking the council to submit an
annexation by-law to the electors at an
early date.
Herbert 3. Goldie, late manager of the
°oldie Mills; Dr. Fraiale Buchan, dentist;
Theron Buchanan, jun„ hardware mer-
chant, and Allan Deans, grocery travel-
ler, have left Galt to settle in British
A bad hail storm struck Lewisville
district, fourteen miles southeast of We-
taskiwin, Alta., cutting a path two miles
miles wide and five miles lone-t'in a thick-
ly -settled district. In placesthe hanky
five inches deep. a
A lumber train backing into a lumber
yard at Ottawa ran into Michael Mat-
thews, on a branch siding, and cut him
up severely. He is in the hospital is th
hie left an severed, with fractured ribs
and a broken nose.
Harry Andersoe, 101 Bartlett avenue,
a Wakeman on a Canadian Northern
freight train, broke his ankle yesterday
al, afternoon. Jumping from the train op-
posite the Rosedale ravine', lie lit on a
stone and fell.
The laiiiecias old drill sergeaut, Lucke,
has just died in Berlin at the age of 78.
The Kaiser never forgot him, and when
ever his eye fell upon hini among the
bodyguard at the palace he used to ad-
d] ess a cheery word to him.
Delorme James fell front the loft of
his father's learn in Dereham township
and fractured his stun. The full extent
of his injury was not suspected and the
boy attended school for a week. Tee
days after the accident he died.
John D. .Collins, formerly of Cooks-
ville, Ont.,' died at Brandon, Man., from
the effects of a kick by A horse. Collins
was employed by a farmer named Wind -
over in that district. He WAS kicked in
the chest and internally injured. "
Col, Septinius J. A. Denison, chief
etaff officer of Western Ontario militia
district, has received the appointment of
aela commandant at Halifax. This will ne.
cessitate his removal, with his family, to
that city for five years.
Three million dollars' worth of gold
Iditet has been received. by the Fairletuke
banks since the season opened six week -
ago. Mare than $1,000,000 worth of dust
hits already been shippea to Seattle,
awl more will follow shortly,
The C, N. It telegraphs head ()Mee has
been moved from Toronto to Winnipeg,
and Mr. William Muir has been placed
in charge. He succeeds Me. Scott Grif-
fin, who goes to England to take cluerge
of the company's steamship business,
A new site, situated oti the Davenport
Heights and forming part of the Colonel
Swear estate, has been donated to the
officials at the Bishop Strachan school,
Toronto. The donor is said to be lifr.
Janice tHrtaersom of Madison avenue,
While Waterworks Engineer Pellowes
was asking Toronto Citizens to be care-
ful in the watering of Weir lawns' dur-
ing the daytime,. the caretaker of the
City Hall grass was busy pouring water
on the, lawns around the civic building.
A Toronto cable to a London 110\V. -
per states that Lord Rosebery intends
visiting the Canadian Nationra
tion in Toronto in August. Speaking to
the Canadiau Associated Prose Lord
Itesebery said: "It is the first I have
lima of
A thousand aprilleatioes have been
reeeived in answer to the Anstreliati
Defertee Departmente" navertieement
throughout the Commonwealth for
200 non•commieeionell officers!, at a
salary of 4150 a year, to stet as in
atriteters itt eanip.
The 'condition of -Queen Elizabeth of
Ileinnoul% (Carmen Sylva), who is en/
, feting from a Revere littriek of rippenai.
Otis:, is reported as improving. Her Ma.
jesty% ..physiciane state. that sdie is ex.
perienenig wee poin than in the preced-
ing days of her ilinese.
Dr. P. G. Be/deter died ettaaenly ab
Montroee, Scotland, on June Otli. He
was "born in altitaieft 40 years age utta
graduated M. tt. from Qiteen'e in 1807.
He afterwards obtained the diplomne of
Edfnburgli and Glaegow, and had been In
prectice In Montrosse tins* 11100.
Fred Bathes was killed mi the C. 11, n,
a mile ronth of Brampton, on Irridity
night or Tully Saturday naerning. Ile
Its an Eugustuaaa, 32 year of age, un-
married, an employee during the past
three months of the Dale estate, lie
mule to Canada in Mareit :rem Nor-
wich, England,
Lockjaw originatiug in a small wound
in the ear caused the death of Harry
kaleas aged 7 years, at hihnieo. The
boy,, who Jived at 214 Howland avenne,
was pushed front a fence at Heron
street mimel by a playfellow on June
21. A small twig pierced the lobo of
one ear.
A surplus of nearly half a million dol-
lars, more than double that of any pre-
vious year, is shown in the revenue re-
turns for the colony of Newfoundland
for the Racal year ending June 30. The
total revenue was three aua oneaialf
million dollars, mid the expenditares
about three millions.
Hon, Senator Forget, of Montreal,
while out on a gelling expedition on the
Bonaventure River, was taken ill from
over-exertion in eihnbing a steep hill.
He was taken home, and Is now at his
summer home at Sennevitle. He is im-
proving data hopes aro entertained for
Itis complete recovery,
John William ITalahan, jun., one of
the most prominent of the yettug, mem-
bers of the Philadelphia bar, was kil'ed
w}i'mIte sh'PriPd front a hotel elevator,
at Calm May, New Jersey, after the ear
had started. Ile was caught between the
ear and the floor, hie neek being broken.
If American owners' of vessels fishing
or trading in Hudson Bay refuse to re-
cognize Canada's jurisdiction over that
body Of water they must do so at their
own risk. The United States Govern -
meet hes not advised, them to refuse to
pay the licenses and dues which have
always been aemaialede
Mrs. Woolmer, wife of a Toronto
laborer, waom the immigration regula-
tions would not permit to join her huss
bentd ia consequenae of being an assist-
ed immigrant, sailed on, the Empress ef
Ireland, her passage being paid by pub-
lic subscriptions. Sympatluzere decorat-
ed her cabin with flowers.
Out -of a total of 199who tried in the
Berlin entrance 'examinations 121 were
eueceseful, five teeuring more than 80
per cent. of the total marks, and 35
more than 70 per cent, Out of the total
of 25 who wrote in Elmira eixteen were
suceeseful, four of whom secured more
than 70 per cent, of the total marks.
W, E. Mallon, lessee of the Inveterie
Hotel, Port Stanley, pleaded guilty be.
fore County Magattrate Hunt at st.
Thomas on Saturday to the charge of
assaulting Joseph Coffey, proprietor of
the Loney Ifouse, and creating a dis-
turbance at the Franklin Hodse. He
was fined $25 and costs, $45.10 in an.
Garland Murray, a negro stable boy
for "Dick" Williams'at the Fort EriBuffalotrack, is at the Buffalo General Hospital.
hovering between life and death, as the
reside of it 38 -calibre bullet wound, while
the police of Buffalo and Canada are
searching for a negro hostler known as
"Big Boy" Graham, suspected -of the
.The appeal by the license iiispectoe of
Oxford County front the judgment of
the county judgeof Oxford, quashing
the zonviction of one Patrick Farrell by
the police magistrate of Woodstock, Was
dismissed on Saturday by the Divisional
Court. The offence chayged against Far-
rell was that of selling liquor to a youth
under 21 years of age.
A fall of thirty-five feet from a tree
on the lawn of Mr. Justice Maeleunan,
10 Murray street, Toronto, resulted in
the almost instantaneous death on Sat-
urday afternoon of Franklin D. Eld-
ridge, of Akron, Ohio, 10 years of age,
and employed by the Davie Tree Com-
pany of Ohio. Eldridge climbed. the
tree to remove a dead branch.
Will Bilingual System bi Introduced
in Essex ?
Windsor, Ont., July 4. -It is reported
here that au inspector of Separate
Schools, la 3. Sullivan, of London, who
has Outage of the Separate Schools of
Western !Ontario, nos resigned and In-
spector Cheney, of Essex, appointed in
his stead. The former is known to be
opposed to the bilingual school system,
wbile Inspector Cheney is said tie be in
favor of it. The entire secular teachieg
etaff of the schools here has has been
dismissed and religious teachers are to
be put in their pietas till fall. It is
not known whether this will mean the
Intel:Won of the bilingual teeebing sys-
tem or not.
The Pope in Excellent Health Since
Eliminating Audiences.
Rome, .Tuly 4. -The Pope's health
continues excellent. Recently he sus -
paneled private audiencea in order to
take put in a series of religious, ex-
etcises which he himself establihsed
hy deeree. He has been stronger and
brightet since eliminating the aue
dieneee, which sometimes are very
trying on him physieally, especially
in the summer months. Only thie
evening his Holiness remarked on the
excellence of his health.
Criglishnnan in Toronto Who Applies
for Work as Assistarit Hangman,
Toronto, July 4. -In the batch of lot-
ters which was received in Crown At-
torney Baird's office at the City Hall oh
Saturday was 'sin epistle, tontaining an
extraordinary request front it man ap-
pulying for the positiot of assistant
hangmati. The letter is as follows:
"Trusting you will kindly pardon
me for 'writing to you, bat / wish to
tiek you if there is any poesible diem()
plying for the position of assistaut
executioner, ,to assid 11r. Ellie in his
"/ have been pet up twice in Eng-
land for the position 48 assistant
hangraati, hna my mane is 4111 en
the Waiting lied, there, but as 1 have
condi ant to Candle to settle, 1 would
be prepared to give up the /mat irt
England, if there was any :chew: of
getting ti, similar position here.
"I am willing to carry out sitything
Oita the law requires: in -connection
with the poeition. X are an English-
man, 34 pare old, strong and pos-
etteing etll kinds of nerve, all of which
en absolutely neeesseary for the p0 -
Fell 1,000 Feet.
Geneva, July 1L -A bellooniest lioe
day fell into Teaka Geneva from a
height of 1400 fest. He WOO reeromed.
Bank Manager and a Young Man.
Drowned in. Toronto Bay.
Three Young Men. Lose Their Lives
at London.
Young Soldier Drowned, -Young Man
Drowned at Stratford. •
Toronto, July unoecupied
canoe, floating on Humber Bay, contain-
ieg it coat which had belonged to Victor
Kirkpatrick, manager of the Deer Park
branch of the Dominion Bank, is the evi-
dence ivhicli leads to the belief that the
latter was drowned some time durlug
Saturday night. The canoe was, hired
on Saturday evening a the boat house
of Messrs, Devine & Orr at Sunuyside,
and Mr. Kirkpatrick went out in it
alone, Early yesterday morning it yonng
man, while bathing, noticed. the canoe
floating it short destance from the eliore
at New Toronto. He swam Out to it
and. brought it to shore, Letters and
papers in the pockets of the coat iden-
tified it as the property of Mr. Eirkpat,
Mr. Kirkpatrick, ado was 28 years of
age, has been manager of the Dominion
Bank, branch for some time. Ile was
formerly -with the bank in Guelph, Linde
say and Print. He was a son of the
late Richard Kirkpatrick, of Gmlerich.
Toronto, July 4. -Sylvester Johnston,
20 years old, of 329 Western avenue, was
drowned in the bay on Saturday even-
ing at the foot of Bathurst street. lar
and four other young men had just
launched a new gasoline launch evhich
they had built among them, and were
putting the finishing touches to it with
the expectation of making it trial trip
yesterday. One of the young men lit a
matelt to see if they had succeeded in
Etc:PO][4g air the leaks in the boat. The
match caught some gasoline,and a small
explosion resulted.
Taking fright, all five of them jumped
toward it punt lying it few feet nway.
--Four of them gained the punt, but .John.
stole misjudged the distance and fell in-
to the water. Be sank in about eight
feetaof water and. did not come up, Al-
thougb his companions recovered the
body with it pike pole in about fifteen
minutes life was extinct.
London, Ont., July 3. -Three young
men were drowned in the Thames River
to -day while bathing, two of them in
the north branch and one near the pump
house at Springbank Park. In all three
cases the men were in swimming, and all
apparently were taken with cramps. The
deed are: Alfred Clark, aged 22, it young
Englishmap, evil° was employed at the
McCormick biscuie works, drowned at
the Adelaide street bridge; Ernest Neil,
aged 22, barber at the Tecumseh Rouse,
drowned at Smingbank (the body had
not been recovered. at a late hour to-
night), and Wm. Baker, aged 24, employ.
ed at the Gorman Eckert spiee mills.
Sussex, N.Rs- July 3.-4. gloom was
cast over Sussex military camp to -day
by the drowning of it young English
soldier lad, who perished in an at-
tempt to save a companion. Frederick
Lovejoy, aged sixteen, and Russell Page
et, of Rockland, Carleton county, went
bathing in the river near by. Paget yen -
turned out too far, and. got beyond his
depth. His cries for help brought Love-
joy to his aid, but he was unable to
swim as well as his cotnpanion, and both
sank: Two sergeants passing heard the
cries- and rushed into the water, and
brought both boys ashore unconscious.
They were unable to resusciate Lovejoy,
but had better results with Pagnet, as
he eceovered just as the camp wagon
with doctors arrived on the scene. Love-
joy was an immigrant.
Norway House, N. W. T., June 29. -
Alexander Seymour, an Indian halfbreed
of Selkirk, Men., met death by drowning
last week in the Nelson River, at it place
calLed Manitou Rapids, while, attempting
to run the swift rapids in it canoe. Two
others, Fred Cameron and his son, Fred,
• both from Selkirk, and in the canbe along
with Seymour when the fatality occur-
red, narrowly escaped the same fate.
and were only successful after a. fierce'
struggle in the water for several hburs.
Young Cameron, being an expert swim-
mer, succeeded in saving his fatter, and
then went after Seymour, who had.
floated with the current several hun-
dred yards ont of reach of the canoe.
Se'veral times, at the risk of his own rife,
young Cameron made desperate efforts
to rescue his drowning companion, but
the eurrene was too strong, and in a
few moments Seymour was earriect out
of sight.
Stratford, daily 3. -John Wood, it
young man abdut twenty years of age,
was drovvreal in Vietoria Lake last night.
He appears to have been bathing and
got beyond kis depth, This was about
10.30 tame and an alarm was sent in
and. the lake dragged until about 2 a.m.
ev'thout result, The search was reeuni-
ed this morning and the body reeovered.
Bratebridge, duly 2. --Clifford Gibson,
son of Mr. ,Tolin Gibsion'of this town,
was drowned at the foot of the South
afeskoka River, three mike out of
here, yesterday evening. The boy was
carmeing with his brother and upset in
an eddy.
Alig, Alta., ;tidy 3.---ITowara Freder-
ick, elerk in the Vain Bank, and son
of L. Freaerick, this village was drowri.
witik bethiver in the Wel on the out-
skirts of the town on Friday afternoon.
Ire was with Mr. T. W. Itobkirk, mali-
nger of the bank, and being it poor siwint-
vier. sank when he lost his hold of the
boat in the (centre of the lake, while
troukirk was swimititg tome dis-
tance AWAY.
TOIION'I() BOY imovntim.
Ottawa, july le -Vernon Tater, it thir-
teen -year-old Toronto boy, was drowned
while bathing sit Brits:heist Bay on Sun-
day. Ele Nitride only eirrivell rit noon
that day, anti while, thee were
fawn Ito went in swimming with ether
boys:. Me trekappesrance ere.% not node -
(el, hat his body was found at 7.30 fide
msiimg neer the pier. Aet inquest may
Eight Passengers Had Narrow Escape
From Death, Near Blyth.
Blyth, July 3. --About 6 o'clock
Sunday morning a heavy 60 horse-
power touring car Was flying through
Blyth on, its way to Toronto, when it
suddenly ewerved to the eido M the
road, skidded on the wet grass at the
edge, and without any warning, turn-
ed turtle in the ditch, imprisoning its]
eight passengers, with the exeaption
of those on the front seats. who unap-
ed. Only the height of the back of
the car Raved the lives of thoae in
the tonneau. This kept its two tons
of heavy machinery from crushing
them to death. In about ton minutes
all succeeded in crawling out of the
debris, saturated, with gasoline, which
flowed down like a waterfall from the
tank, The wife of the owner of the
car la,c1 her shoulder disloceted and
was badly bruised about the body,
and one of the other passengers was
unable to walk from injuries sus-
tained to his back.
The cause given for the accident
was the dangerous condition of the
road, which had, gravelpiled in ridges
on the centre, not giving suffiment
clearing foe the heavy car.
Rev. A. B. Simpson Raises Lot of
Money in Toronto,
One Subscriber Gave $5,000, Another
$4,000 and So On.
Toronto, Jula 4.---1ollowing an appeal
fee the eauee of M13810118 by Rev. A. B.
eimpsen, New York, some $23,000 was
pledged at Parkdale Tabernacle yester.
day. et the meetings of the Christian and
Missionary Alliattee. This is not the
first time that Rev, Mrs Sialasoa aas
erailemi in aid of missione in Toronto,
and on each previous oceeaton his re-
marks have met with tangiNe apprecia-
Three services were held yesterday.
.at the morning senate Rev. air. Simp-
son preached. on "Epistles and Apoe.les
nearing Fruit." Hie subjeet in the al-
ternoon was "Bearing Fruit," which the
meeting did to the sum of $22,957.05.
Reveletioas xxii. 2, as, las text
he pointed out that the aymboi of the
tree of life .would have a literal fulfill.
mutt in the coming ages in the city ot
God. He emphasized .the need of mis•
Mons and the importance of missionary
effort among the heathen.
' Item II. L. Seephene, founder of the
tabernacle, conducted the pledge -taking
campaign by means of earde. The high.
est pledge was for 53,000; one was for.
$1,000; one for $2,500; another f.n. $1,-
500, and three for $1,000.
The evening offering augmented the
niter:Mon contributiou by $41.25, when
the speakers were 'Rev. A. L. Mershon,
Alliance School, New York•, Mae. Carrie
Judd Montgomery, Oakland, California;
Rev. F. A. Christopher, South China.
A quilt made by a Celgery girl, on
which -the collection was taken, it IVAi
stated, would be taken to Thibet by
Miss Edith Moull, Toronto.
Westerner Who Made Grave Charges
Against Liberals Suddenly Called.
Winnipeg, Man., July 3. -At 11
o'clock yesterday morning j. Prud-
homme, a preminent mident of St.
Boniface, dropped dead. He speang,
into prominence last -week by pub-
lishing a charge aleat a Dominion
Government representative, through
him, attempted to sell o. local judge-
ship to his brother, judge Pruel-
homme, for el0,000. The charge has
remelted in much bitter antagonism.
Deceased was a prominent Liberal in
politics, and his direct charge would
probably have led to a searching in-
vestigation had the chief witness not
been removed by death.
Sir. A. Douglas Speaks of Alleged In-
terview With Him.
London, July 3. -Having read itcra-
ting .giving A summary of an interview
in Montreal, Sir Archibald Douglas
was most indignant. Ho said: "1.
did not make a speech of any de-
ecriptioa. Neither have 1 given any
newspapers in Canada mit interview.
The, whole thing is absurd. 1 am very
indignant that remarks ShOtild 110 at-
tributed to me which. I never made.
/ did met go near the weet. My them
was spent between XONY York and
Montreal, 'Views expressed, hi the at -
tide ate atiraly the opposite of nay
views. Such attempts..to erode ;bad
feeling are absolutely wicked,"
Issues to Come Up ih Congressional
Washington, Silly 2. -Defining the
issues on whieh it expetts to eoriduct
its campaign this fall, the Demoeratio
Congressional Committee to -day is-
sued its first °Mend promineiamento
sinte the opening of itse headquarters
in this eity. Itsete forth that, the is-
atieS will bee: "The tariff and its, eon-
eequentes, the extravagant expendie
tures, wrong -doing of officials, graft
that is shown to exist in nearly every
Government braneli, and the ankierat-
is =ling of the majority party." /1
is eontended that these will be the
factors in "bringing about Demo -
untie victory in Noyetnber."
Cateb Them 'Owls.
London, July 3. -The 'Times says the
day is not far dietant, if it has not al-
eemly come, when the Dominions can no
longer expect to draw frotn us the flow-
er of the very (+1,8808 which we munt
need at home. They must be eontent
with a good average. One of the best
wave to same it It to attraet their bre
migrants while they areatIliyoung
Another International Dispute That
May Reach The Hague.
0a.nada Claims Jurisdiction and Will
Assert It,
United States Makes Claim byVirtue
of Discovery.
Ottawa, July 3.-4.n international
dispute of considerable proportiona is
looming up as a result of the Hudson
Bay clues:Hon, Far years Iluited States
whalers have been operating on lanason
Bay. These people are chiefly from New
England, Thai ail into the bay and
make their Imeaquartere at Marble Is-
land, whieh lies off the west coast. Here
they catch whale and other fish. Their
business is very profitable. It is esti-
niatea that they have warted away
wealth worth millions.
One bowhead whale will net- $10,000,
and. .oach whaler will get several on a
trip. The white whale and the walrus
are also caught by these parties. The
walrus is valuable for its bide and foe
the ivory. One walrus Mae is worth
$40. Other fish abound,. and the United
States citizens help themselves, using
Canadian territory as their base 01 op -
Some years ago the Ottawa Govern-
ment took cognizance of what -was going
on and determined to license the whal-
ers. An Act 1VA8 therefore passed in
1000 laying on it tax .01 $50 for each boat
engaged in whaling :within Canadian jur-
isdiction. The same Act declared that
Hudson Bay ie Caned -hal property', Ian-
deatly the United States objects to the
clahn that the Hudson Bay is it Cana-
dian sea, for it has authorized the whoa-
ers to refuse to pay the license. Tale
brings up the entire question of the sov-
ereignty over the area hitherto regarded
as Northern Canada.
The Dominion clahns jurisdiction due
north to the Pole, This position assumes
that the waters within the area referred
to are Canadian. Thus, Hudson 13a,y,
which is approached by Hudson Strait,
antl is surrounded by Canadian territory,
is a Canadian possession. The eight to
Hudson Ray is founded. upon several
consiaerations. The first ie the fact that
the region was discovered and taken pos-
session of by the British in the sixteenth
century. Sir Martin Frobisher found the
southeastern pert of Baffin Land in 1570
and Captain Baffin took possession of
the northern part in 1610.
The only parties then contesting the
ownership of the great north at that
time, and. immediately thereafter were
Britain and France. France, however,
relinquished her claim in favor of ,Bri-
tain in 1713, by the Treaty of :Utrecht.
That treaty says: "The said Most
Christian Majesty shall restore to the
Kingdom and Queen of Great Britain to
be possessed in full right forever, !the
bay and Straits of Hudson; together
withall lands, seas, sea coasts, rivers
and places, sibuate in the said bay and
straits, and what belong thereunto, no
tracts of land beim* excepted which are
at present possesse% by the subjects of
France and Britain had fought over
the ownership of the territory and the
by, and, the former now conceded the
British claim. Following that the ma-
son Bay Company resumed possession
under the charter given to that corpora-
tion years before. With the purchase
of the Hudson Bay rights, Canada se-
cured jurisdiction in the horn. The
authority, however, was made the more
certain by alt Ituperial orderin eouncil
passed on September 1, 1880, under
which Canada took over everything that
had formerly belonged to Britain in the
north. Thus the Canadian title is very
The United States, according- to .some
authorities, disputes the ownership by
Canada of the Hudson Bay and of a
good. deal of the territory in the north,
The position taken by the republic with
respect to some of the territory is that
it was annexed to the United. States by
United States explorers who first saw
it. The parts of the Arctic in this cate-
gory are Grant Land, Grinnell leindrAr-
titer Laud, Hayes Peeinsttlar, Hazen
Land, Hall Land and Cape Washing-
ton. On the same principle the United
States owns the pole, through the al-
leged visits of Peary and Cook to that
In virtue of the ownership of the
lands in question the United States
claims rights on Hudson Bay. But there
is another branch of the United States
ease. Aceording to the tteaty of 1818
Britain granted to the United States
fishing right, not only on the west
coast of Newfoundlande but "through
the Straits of Belie We, and thence
riorthwardly indefinitely along the coast
without prejudice, however, to any pf
the exclusive fights of the Ihnisot Bay
Company." Now the Hudson Straits
onen out from the Labrador coast. The
United States, therefore claims that the
grant of the right to fish on the Labra-
dor coast includes the right to enter the
Hudson Streits, to pass into Hudson
Bay and to fish there.
rt ie tot certain that the United
States will twee time Canada hag ex-
clusive riglits within the three-mile
limit in the etreits, and the bay, tied
in James Baa, which is en extension of
Hudson. Hay. On the part of Canada,
the elatin of the 'United. States itt oppos-
ed for two reasolis other than those als
ready advanced.. The first ie that it is
tut invesion of what are spoken of iti
the treaty of the '‘exelitsiVe. tights of
the Mason Bay Company." The 8etkOACI
18 Ma, the taratee to Hudson fitrait is
but forty-five iniles tterose from head-
land to headland, ant thie narrow
streteb of alder, as illuetratea in the
elm of Chesapeake Bass, eonetitutes all
the water behind it territorial water,
mut therefore, the property of Canada.
Tide 58 the headland. question once
coin, The discussion at The irava
(1,,atq with '0118 18Atte to :some extent;
but the lame is not lseing tliSelISNI, with
the Mullein Ray entestion itt mind, The
alibied 'wilt. therefore. timebo eome up
later on, and in another way'. Mean-
while Canada's inrisdlition will he as -
58 in the peg.
Mr. eial atm F. /T. Graham. of Flesh -
mien. enerrlea only itweets
ter, were thrown from their buggv in e,
runnwey, .teral Mr. eltriliem wee sadeveda
initireil, Mrs. Greltam aeettped With but
little Weirs'.
Lost by Young Man Willie Firi
Sunset Gun at Toronto R. 0, Y, C.
Toronto, July 4. -While attempting
to load it small cannon prenaratory to
firing the ennset gun, Eimer $itttli, IS
years of age, was seriously injured at
the Royal Canadian Yacht Clith at Cen-
tre island, on Saturday. Ile was taken
to 8t, Michael's HoseitaL where his right
arm was ampetated below the elbow.
Ile was badly wouudeel rebout the head
aad the eiglit of one eye was destroyed.
Smith had been employed. at the yacht
club ouly for a short time, but lied fired
the gun at sunset on four successive
days without accident. On Saturslay, se.
cording to one report, the blank eart-
ridge used in the cannon jammed. in such
a way that the breech would not leek.
Smith thereupon attempted, it is saia,
to drive the charge into its place with a
second cartridge, which exploded in his
hands. He was at once hurried across
the bay aua taken in an ambulance to
St. Michael's Hospital, where Dr. B. E.
King operated upon him,
Smith is 18 years of age. He roomed
at 48 Argyle street, but all his relatives
reside in Euglard.
Stonemasons and Bricklayers Go Out
on Open Shop question.
Union Men Objected to Work Witli
Nonunion Foremen.
Montreal, July 3, -The indications are
ilea building operations in Moutreal
will be completely tied ith within the
next week. On Saturaay the brieklay.
ers declared it general strike againit the
open shop system, and OA MOIldaY morn-
ing soma 1,500 men have been instreeted
le report at the Leber Temple,. Si. Do.
minique street, inetead of to the fore-
men. The fight began same (Jaye ago,
when Ilte bricklayers and stonemasons
employed by ateeers, Peter Isyall Se acne
refusea to work with non-union foremen;
and declared a (strike on the Lyala eon -
tracts all over -the Deminion. The elli-
seals of the firm of Messrs. Peter Lyall
Sons contend that their foremen con -
not serve two masters -the union and
their employerseaand under tha drawn-
stanees should not be compelled' to be
members of the anion. The officals, of
the company say theh have AO ObjeCP
i1011$ whatever to their brieklayere or
mmone beieg members of a union ot
any other organization, but they will
nab agree to their officials being mixed
n eite 011
nttnders. thn other
that the establishing of the openaioor
system in Montreal in the building
trades is a, move on the part of the em
ployers tel smash every union connected
with the Building Trades Council. The
bricklayers and the stonemasons hae
amalgamated, tied the fight it .expected
to be bitter. Building operations, on all
the big structures wate.h are being erect-
ed in Montreal and aistrict will be tied
up if a eettlement with the bricklayers
is not reftehed eitOrtly. Some tea er
twelve thousand Men are employed in
the building trades in Montreal, and the
fight for the recognition of the laden
will be waked against every employer in
the eity,
Interment Took Place at Lindsay on
Lindsay, juty 4. -The remains of the
late Snsan L. Perkins, killed inean auto-
mobile accident in Hamilton on Thurs-
day hist, arrived in town on Saturday
morning by the G. T. R. train. They
were accompanied bzr her mother and
two brothers, Charles and William. Miss
Josie, her sister, arrived later by 0. P.
R. The funeral cortege proceeded to
St. Paul's Church, where services 'were
conducted by Rev, Canon Marsh, assist-
ed by Rev. Mr. Bilkey, The choir, of
which the deceased was formerly it
member, was present. The coffin was
covered with many beautiful floral tri-
butes. The remains were interred in
Riverside Cemetery. The pall-beerers
were Messrs. L. IL Knight, B. L. Mc-
Lean, M. Sisson, A. Hooper, H. Wallace
and A. L. Campbell.
Pittsburg Woman Sacrifices Hair to.
Keep Wolf From Her Door. •
Pittsburg, July 4. ---Mrs. Beeele Ander.,
sou, a young wulow who is remarkalee
.or her heavy head of beaudful bionde
iuir,walkud into one of the Eashionalee
Aaildresslng establishments in the city
and letting down her hair asked: "Meet
will that be meth to you?"'
aGoodness, woman, you cannot mean
to tell me you laud to part with that
wonderful head of hair?, saki the shop -
man„ "It is the most, beautiful I have
ever seen."
"Yes, I must sell it, or 1 ana my three
eitildren will starve to death," saia the
woinan. "The rent is not 'Mid and there
is riot it crumb of bread in the house,
.cannot bring myself to ask for char'
ity. I expect to get a position soon, bub
until then I am depeudeet -on my awn
"Well, 1 will give yon $50 for 01f: -
hair," said the man, aril the bargain,
was closest
Sleep Welker Killed,
Lindtay, July 3.-A fatal aceiderit
oceurred here, when Timothy Shane,
a sleep walker, who lives, in Ope
Townehip, walked off the balcony of
the King Edward Hotel and fel; a
distanee of About fourteen feet, badly
fracturing both atria and. injuring his
brain, resulting in hiit'. death a few
hove later. Ile was found early on
Saturday morning by Night Conetstbk
iternembering hi i ivo eeperieneee, fi
mart hates the Melt of his wife being it
Was Floating Near Trenton Mich.,
in Detroit River.
Detroit Police Surprised to Hear He
Had Suicided,
Detroit, Miele, July, -The body 01
Frenk S. Gouldthrite, the Cansullam GOV'
eminent official, was found, to -day float.
in near Trenton, Mich., a little village
a few miles soutit of Detroit, by a Trete
ton fisherman. This ie finis to the trap
edy, and puts an end to the axle that
Gouldthrite had hoaxed the police b)
walking off the big Detroit and Buffalo
passenger steamer Eastern States, leavs
ing his coat and hat and a note to the
effect that he had. committed euiehle.
The finding of his body to -clay was it
surprise to the Detroit police, who did
not believe that lie had committed sui-
ciae. Goldthrite evidently juntped. aft
itroit, after slashipg his throat, 1118
e East= States a, few tulles below
sh rt and collar were covered, with Mewl,
halieating that he aad also tried to cut
his throat before throwing bimiself over-
board. Ills body has been identified by
ptloielicie.ocal police officers, ami is held here
awaiting instructioas from, the Ottawa
IOttawa, July 3. -Mrs. Frank Gould-
tlirite, wife of the late Superintendent
of Stationery at the Government Print-
ing Bureau, whoreturned to Ottawa yes-
terday from Detroit, was notified this
evening of the finding of her husband's
body in the Detroit River, Tlie news was
just received here through it press des -
pleb, and Mrs. Gouldthrite received
over the 'phone from it newspaper man
the sail confirmation of her fears. On her
return to the city yesterday eke found
awaiting her the letters left on tbe boat
by her husband prior to his suicide,
These _pathetic letters told of his inten-
tion of ending the tragedy and his dis-
grace by seeking the release of death. She
naturally declined to see anyone; and
was completely prostrated over the ap-
palling wreck of her previously happy
!tonal life:One young son of six is left
to her. Prior to Gouldthrite's flight
flight from Ottawa, two weeks ago he
had with difficulty been persuaded by
her not to end his life by leaping into
the Chaudiere Falls, Standing on the
interprovineial bridge at the Falls, she
pleaded with him for over half an hour
not to carry out his intention. At that
time he compromised on flight from the.
city, but when he left her he told her Ae
would never be brought back alive.
News of the finding of the body was
received here to -night with' expressions
of general regret at, the tragic ending of
the story of Frank Gouldthrite's downs
fall. He was popular among a large
circle of friends, and the past fortnightai
disclosures of scandals at the Printing
Bureau have come as it great shock to
the hundreds of citizens who aave
known and likea him for many years. It
18 probable the body will be brought here
for interment after the coroner's inquest
at Detroit.
Company Refuses More Wages and
Makes a Proposition.
Men Refuse it and Ask For a Don -
ciliation Board,
Toronto, July 4. --At the meeting of
the Toronto Street Railway employees
on Saturday night. Manager R. 3.
Fleming sent along the company's coun-
ter proposition to the union. It oontain-
ed an offer to renew the old agreement
between the company and the men for
a further period of three years. This of-
fer was prefaced with s. declaration that
the company did not consider it was ei-
ther necessary or desirable to have any
form of agreement with .its employees
covering the conditions of service. How-
ever, if the men thought so, the com-
pany would renew the old agreemeut,
but would go to further. Should the
employees reject this offer and insist
on making an appeal for arbiaration
under the Lemieux Act, the eompany
would require modifieations in the now
agreement' providing that the conclitiohs
of service and rates of pay sheuld ap-
proximate to those prevailing in Mon-
treal:- that the men shoula nob wear
any button, badge or emblem to show
they were Members of it union; that the
men thould .agree, not to discriminate in
any way against any employee who was
not a member of a union, and that they
should tefraia from asking outeide per-
sons, or the publics generally, to use
their influence to get non-union em-
ployees to join any union or to discrim-
inate against au& non-union employees.
This proposition of the company,
together with the report of the COM-
Initt4e which was entruested witb the
duty of trying to arrange the terms
of a new agreement on belief of the
men with the eompany, was read at
a 311588 meeting of the men at the
Star Theatre an Saturday night and
unanimously rejeeted.
A resolution was thee unanimously
passed .authorizingthe presideat and
secretary of the union to make formal
application to the Dominion Govern-
ment immediately for the appoint.,
ment of a Board of Conciliation and
Investigation, as required by the
Lemieux Ica Mr, John G. O'Doneghuo
was appointed as the men's repreaenta-
tive on the board.
4 •
The Royal Bank Absorbs 'Mali Ilion
Bank of Halifax.
Montreal, July 3. -IL 14 anuouneeL
that the deal by whieh the Royal Batik •
of Canada purebeetel the meets of the ,
Union Bank of Halifax. annaintitas to
:theta Mama tttti1it aohare, 1ee.4 been
ilethately arrangea so far as the alreete
ors of the two inetitetiane are eeueere.
est,. MI all that is now required IS the
tatification of the sliareholders.
Kaiser Believes Women Are Kot QuaB
fled ,for Franchise.
Berlin, July 3,-.a.ccording to the
Poet the laaiser is mu vb interoatad
the feminist movement, and lie frequeola
ly diseusses the subjeer, with his -ha,
mates, lie favors, openlias ali traded and
professions to women, aud in fitting
them Pliticationaily by every means to
it living, generally eleveting theta
intellectually, lie would. gradually open
all universities to them. Hie Majesty's
viewa on women sharing in politima
however, are leas itch/uncoil. ife doubts
that worm are qualified 1,0, exercise ths
franehise, and, he views with epecia: dies
like and suspielen the suffragette time-
ment hi. England and. America and the
tacticeadopted to proMote k.
Young French,Canatlian Girl Dies in
Toronto Hospital.
Deceased Was in Trouble and Had
Threatened Suicide,
Toronto, Ju death at the
General Hospital early yesterday morn-
ing of a pretty young French-Canadian
girl by the name of Marie Ressler him
so far puzzled the doctors. They are
sure that her death was due to Poison-
ing, but what remains to be fount out
is what kind, of poison it was. She was
admitted to the instituion at 9.30 Sat-
urday night, and died three hour & after-
The young girl was in trouble, and
some days ago told a friend, who lived
at the same place as she did, that she
was going to take a dose of laudanum.
The other girl dissuaded her and advised
Jun to go to some hospital where she
could be treated.
Saturday evening its the friend was
passing Miss Ressier's door, the latter
called to her and. said she was sick. Her
face was discolored and she aeeined to be
in pain. The other girl at once called
for an ambulance and hied her taken at
the hospital.
She was questioned there, alai, while
being frank about the condition she was
in, refuded to say what she had done,
and the doctors are uncertain as to
whether the girl died of septic poisoning,
following some treatment she gave her-
self, or whether elm drank laudanum.
The friend that came -with her to the
hosmital said that there was a bottle of
laudanum in deceased's room, but she
did not know wb,ether she had drank
any of it or no. The girl told the at-
tendants at tho hospital that she had
no parents, but refused to say where
She came from. The other girl said that
shed lmonly known her for six weeks.
Deceased was it waitress at Huyler's and
roomed at 122 McGill street. An in-
quest has been ordered and -will be open-
ed to -day by Coroner 3. M. Cotton.
Eighteen Victims in Different United
States Cities,
New York, July 2. -The hot wave
claimed three more victims in New
York to-doay, not counting two sui-
cides, partly 'ascribed to the weather.
The maximum temperature was only
88 at 4.30 p.m.. but the humidity was
Philadelphia, july 2.e -Heat, inten-
sified by high humidity, was respons-
ible for five deaths in this eity to-
day. The thermometer reeered the
maximum of only 89 degrees, but the
atmosphere was heavy, and a mist re-
sembling it light fog hung over the
city all day and evening.
Chicago, July 2. -Excessive hutnid-
ity caused seven deaths and many
protrations from heat hete irt this
city to -day. The mercury stood at
89 degrees, with high humidity and.
no breeze.
Members of Royal Commission on
Technical Education.
Ottawa, Ont., July 4. -The members
of the Royal Commission of Technical
Education will meet at the Parliament
buildings on Wednesday next for organ-
ization purposes. It is expected that
all the: members of the commission will
be in attendance and a eomprehensive
yearbe work will be mapped oat. The
first few months will be devoted. to a
tour of Canada, with a view to finding
out the needs of various tndustrial cen-
tres in regard to technical edumtion.
Sir Wilfrid Wirier and lion, Mac-
kenzie Ming will, entertain the members
of the commission at luneheon On Wed-
Well -Known Turf Man Dies of Blood
St. Catharines, Ont., July 4. --Peter
Seeord, the 'welt knowa turfnum and
fast horse owner, is lying at death's
door et his home At norm., South
Towriship, with blood poisoniug, which
developed eomplications arising from
the extraction of a tooth by a dentist
at Niagara Falls, N. Y., a few days ago.
Five St. Catharines doctors aud Dr,
ituggins,e, epecialist from New -York, are
engaged in the fight against death. The
ease hi a most unusual one.
Cater. -Mr. &cord died at 12.30.
Toronto, :tiny 4. --Albert Morris, aged
80 years, 144 Dufferin street, a driver
for the Toronto Delivery Co., fell forty
feet on it runaway elevator at the Time
Reeording Company's premises, 10 Alio
street, this morning, but tustained no
more ReriOliS injuriet than it broken left
arm and t bleeding nose. Ire is now in
the St. Michaels/ Hospital.