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The Wingham Advance, 1910-07-07, Page 4
1 King's For Bargains 1 We Want Your TradO' K I N G' S The Busy Store WOOL We want 50,000 lbs. and are prepared to pay the highest CASH or TRADE Prices. If you need goods of any kind, bring along your Wool and exchange it for goods. YARNS, BLANKETS, SHEETINGS.—A complete range in these lines to choose from. STAPLES. -- Flannelettes, Towelings, Denims, &c,, in a large range. DRESS GOODS.—We have the most complete stock to be seen. CLOTHING. --- One of the largest and finest stocks of Men's and Boys' Clothing shown —all new styles and the best patterns—no old stock. Bring along your Wool and see the goods. BARGAINS. — Clearing lines an which you can save big money in all departments. WANTED Large quantities of Butter and Eggs (20c) GEO. E. KING Good Goods 1 I Cheap Prices �d�t��t3fiOt OOO© OO Ot3f3E3Ot'O X fav+C+�'?(".+4+©F3 OOOoOCOOOO003 6 TWO WF3I3KS - L * Knox'sAnnual Sale Will be Continued 2 Weeks Longer, Until July the 14th UNHEARD-OF PRICES —IN Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewelry, Fancy Goods, Chinaware, Etc. Cali in and take advantage of the greatest Bargains ever of- fered in Yiringham KN OPPOSITE BRUNSWICK HOTEL ONE DOOR NORTH OP KING'S 8 C C3 C3 Cr3 8 t 0 8 0 §c C atiqbam ante Theo. Hall Proprietor. strhtscR2rTuoN PRtcw,—$1.00 per annual in advance, $1,60 if not $o pail, cas- ual advertise a ntb010e per nodi al and i other line for tlr;,t insertion, 3o per line for each subsequent insertion, Advertisements in the local columns are Charged 100 per line for first insertion, and de por line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements t Rent,ndsmillar, .00 firstee weeks, and 25 cents for each subsequent in. sertion, CONTRACT IIAmcs. --The following are our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods Sraon 1 Yr. 11 Mo.. 31tle. 171;o, One Colman $70.00 $10.00 $22.50 $8,00 Dalt Column,. , 4100 25.00 15.00 0.00 Quarter Column20.00 12.50 7.00 3.00 One Inch.,.....,., 6.00 3.00 2,00 1.26 Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged ac- cordingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance, WHERE THE FAULT LIES. The Weekly Sun is not a political organ, and hence its strictness may be considered fair, Here is what it says regarding the recent frauds at Ot- tawa :-- Wholesale frauds have been discov- ered in the Government printing bureau at Ottawa. The extent to which the public treasury has been. robbed varies, according to different reports, from a quarter of a million to a million dollars. The method by which public money was stolen was the same as that pursued by certain officials in the Marine Department, and uncovered by the evidence brought out before Judge Cassels; dis- honest public servants allowed equal- ly dishonest contractors tocharge exorbitant prices for supplies purchas- ed for public purposes, and part of the rake-off found its way into the poc- kets of faithless servants who aided in this form of robbery. As a result of the discovery of the fraud in the print- ing bureau the chief offender is, we are told, "a fugitive from justice," while five others have been 'dismissed from office and one suspended. ti It seems strange, in view of the fact that investigations into the frauds had been going on for months, that the chief offender was allowed to get away. A bank official under suspi- cion would not have escaped so easily; he would have been under surviellance the moment dishonesty was suspected and arrested as soon as proof was obtained. The case becomes more peculiar in view of the excuses being put forward on behalf of the chief cul- prit. The old excuse of "the system" being at fault is again made to do duty, and we are told if temptation, due to Iack of check on his work had not been put in bis way, the one who is now a fugitive, might have continu- ed an honest man, The circumstances are such as to almost justify the sus- picion that the escape of the chief cul- prit has been connived M. Further- more, if "the system," under which the robbery was perpetrated, is at fault, why has it remained so long un- changed ? The present Government has been in power for almost fourteen years. How much longer time does it require to devise "systems" that will not be at fault ? The Government al- lowed the public to be robbed of vast sums in the Marine Department, as was shown by the Cassel's report ; it has since allowed further robbery of another branch of the public service in precisely the same way. Is not this shifting of the blame upon "the system" becoming rather attentuated? kIow long a time does the Govern- ment think it ought to have to change ?the system" all the way through—a hundred years ? If a few of those who plundered the treasury through the Marine Department had been sent to the penitentiary, as offenders who plundered the State Government of Pennsylvania were sent, is -it not pos- sible oven the present "system" would have since been found sufficient to en- sure a reasonable measure of honesty in the public service of the Do- minion? System nothing ; it is the men, who are at fault, Lucknow. The reunion of Bruce old boys and girls at Lucknow, July 31st, Aug, lst, 21id, 3rd and 4th, promises to be a great success. CCeHS. MARRInr—In Lucknow, on Wed- nesday, June, 29, Miss Lou„ eldest daughter of Mrs. D. Campbell of Lucknow, to Mr. Wm. J, Barber, of North Bend, B. C. The inconling train on Monday flight overtook and killed two horses on the tracks about a tnile east of the" village. They were owned by 4C M MCEEenzie, Rev. J. 8. Duncan, the chosen pastor of the Presbyterian Church here, is ill and his induction has been indefinitely postponed. An attack of rheumatism during his college course left behind it physical conditions per. taining In part to the nervous system, which were never quite eradicated. After five years those conditions have re -asserted themselves, necessitating, according to medical advice several weeksof absolute rest, The death occurred In Chicago on Inns 14, of Thomas Donovan, form- - erty resident on the 10 eon., Klttltrss, aged S8 recurs, The relnalns were brought back sncl interred in Holy - rood B. 0, 0 n etry. A wife and Wally of too obildirto sartito. RE WINGRA ADVANCE Turnberry. Mtntltes of Council meeting held in Clerk's of lee, Bluevale, on Monday, June 27; membersall present except IXr. Kelly ; the minutes of last meet- ing were read. and adopted, Communication was read froin Wright and James Hyslop, James- town, re boundary drain opposite lot 1,. Moved by Messrs, Mulvey and Rutherford, that Mr, A. Wheeler at- tend meeting on July 4 regarding this drain,—carried. Err. Willitts was present and re. ported having met those interested in drain below the railroad and stated that they would accept whatever the Township Engineer decided dam- ages therefrom amounted to, and that if this did net prove satisfactory they would return amount they had receiv- ed, for damages as well as pay their shareof drain if extended to outlet.. Moved by Messrs. Rutherford and Mulvey, that the Clerk be instructed to write 0, A. Jones, Township En- gineer, and have him write out agree- ment necessary for parties interested in this drain to sign, and the amount of damages he considers those below trace;: should receive,—carried.. Mulvey---Wheeler•--That T, Finnen be allowed to -use the grader and engine two days in Lower Wingham —carried, Rutherford and Mulvey—That we grant $15,00 to Turnberry Agricul- tural Society—carried. The matter of enforcing muzzling of dogs was discussed and left until re- port is- received from Board of Health. Wheeler—Rutherford-,-That Court of Revision re Jermyn drain be held,. at next Council meeting at 2 p,m., and that parties interested be notified— carried. The following accounts were passed and orders- on treasurer issued :—John Burgess, part salary, $50; G. E. Wright, gravelling, $50.50; Mrs, B. Holmes, gravel, $2,40; Galvin Wilson, inspecting, $9 ; J. I. Wylie, gravel, $2.10; Wm. 11. Mundell, inspecting, $7.25 M. Wylie, gravel, $3,22; Wm. Reid, grading," $12 ; Wm. Campbell, jr., gravel, 42c ; Thos. Weir, inspect- ing, $10.27; Jno. King, gravel, $3.82; S, Vanstone, gravel, $2,17 ; D. Eadie, gravel, $7.80; R. Anderson, gravel and damages, $5.10. Council adjourned to meet in Clerk's office, Bluevale, on Monday, July 24th, at 10 a,mi, Walter H. Burgess, Clerk pro tem. Minutes of adjourned Court of Re- vision held in Clerk's office June 27th, 1410. North Huron Telephone Co. and Wroxeter Rural Telephone Co., not properly assessed ; stands. D. A. Marshall, G. A. Marshall and S, B. Marshall, to be assessed as part owners, Geo. Edwards, added to roll, F., lot 2, con. 8. Omar Stokes, added to roll M, F. F., lot 1, con. 11. Wm. Jolinston, no income taxable; stands. Albert Elliott; to be added. F.S.M.F., lot 10, con. 4. Wesley Abram, to be added, F.S.M.F., lot 0, con. C. Jos. Barton, to be added, F.S.M.F., lot 3, con. 0, David Colvin. to be added, M. F., lot 9 and 10. Philip Hoffman, to be added, M. F., Bellcore. T. K. Powell, income assessed too high ; stands. Jno. Willitts, not assessed for lot 2, con. 8; to be assessed for $1700. The Court of Revision was then closed, and the Assessment roll for 1910 stands. Teeswater. Atex, Stewart, C.P.R. section fore- man, left Tuesday afternoon for CaI- gary, where he will take charge of a speeial track gang for the remainder of the summer. _ Jos. A. Waddel, recently returned from British Columbia, has gone to New Germany, Ont., where he is in charge of construction Work on 0. rural electric road. - Mike Goetz of`town received the startling news on Monday that his father bad been found dead in his bed early that morning. Deceased was in his 79th year and for some time had not enjoyed good health but it was not thought that the end was near. He retired Sunday night feeling no worse than usual, but when towards morning his wife visited his room he appeared to have just passed away, evidently from heart failure. The following is a list of the Cul- ross farmers, who have entered the field crop competition this year., The crop entered is oats. The name of the variety entered is given in each case:—J. S. Armstrong, con. 12, Scot- tish Chief; D. Grant, con. 10, Golden Flake; E. con. 2, Siberian ; It. Iteith, con, 5, Siberian ; T. R. Aiken, con. 5, improved Siberian; Atex. McItague, con. 8, Bumper King; Andrew Meant*, eon. 7, Siberian ; Joseph McKagtue, con, 7, Siberian ; Kenneth McSenzie, con. 5, Siberian ; Jas, Moffat, coheession 5, Siberian. I 1 ay Ptove Beneficial. If the devastation wrought by wire. warms and white grubs last sunimer and this, in the meadows and other field crops of Western Ontario, lead spline of us to the adoption of short rotation as a general practice, bring- ing in clover once every three or font years, it will prove mere beneficial than barraful. Short rotation is the thief hope of keeping these two petite cheek. Inoldenfally, yah a rata. tion will inerease the produot of our :torte and contribute to the cleaning and enrichment of tsar fields. arrraw err' lat*ollite, Novel Sonic, Peatuie, They're anticipating history at the Canadian. National Exhibition this# year where they will produce ae one of the big features of the tireworkth spectacle a battle between .an airship and a dreadnought. The monsters of the sea and air advancing from differ- ent sides of the arena will meet in a terrific fight in which the dreadnought is sunk and the airship finally blows. up. It's something entirely new in fireworks and as speetacular, Iiig Cattle Shipment. On Thurrday, Mr, James Scott, of Waterloo, made his annual shipment of cattle. The lot composed about 1300 head of very fine cattle, and average weight was 1350 lbs. each. The market price of beef is 7i cents per pound, and the shipment is worth about $00,000. The' cattle have been confined in the stable for the past eight months and are what is known as distillery fed, The shipment was made by C.P.R. to Toronto, and it required 45 cars. The cattle will be shipped • direct to. England from Montreal, Cow Goes Mad, There was considerable excitement in Mitchell on Sunday over a cow which went suddenly mad. The ani- mal was owned by Mr. John Davis, and her actions were such as to cause much alarm, She bit the ground, bit at a calf, and was so frenzied that no- thing Gould retain her. Finally she tumbled over an embankment and broke her neck. It is thought that the cow was bitten, by a mad dog some three months ago, but she show- ed no symptoms of rabbles until Sun- day, which goes to prove that the period of incubation is not definite. The brain bas been sent to Ottawa for analysis. The milk was used by the family, but it is hoped that this will leave no serious effects. --[Advocate. Vinegar Talks By The Wilson Lytle Badgerow Co,, Toronto (The Largest Vinegar Works In America) TALK NO. I --VINEGAR VS. VINEGAR, Some say "Vinegar is only Vine- gar so long as it is sour," What a serious mistake ! Vinegar may be "good" "bad" or "worse." That only small quantities are used is no reason why we want to place on our tables for ourselves and our children the "bad" and the "worse." A little of the "bad" and the "worse" is altogeth- er to much. but a little of the "good" is a joy and a delight. Most people want the "best" and the "best" only. Merchants sometimes for extra profit try and sell poor vinegar to their unsuspecting patrons. If you will fol- low carefully our series of "vinegar talks" you will learn something about the "best." In the meantime, ask your grocer for "Wilson's Vinegar" only, then you will be safe. Look for the barrel with the red ends, Colborne Dispute Settled. The township of Colborne and the West Shore Railway have settled the dispute as to the Dunlop crossing in a manner that should allay the irri- tation, which prevailed during the past few weeks. Instead of prolonged and costly litigation the two sides came to an understanding, the Rail- way Co. withdrawing its complaint against certain residents of the town- ship for interference with its proper- ty, and the township withdrawing -its action for a mandatory order and its opposition to the Company's track in dispute, each side to pay their own costs. Other provisions agreed to, looking to the safe guarding of the public, are the stopping of all south- bound cars ten feet south of the north edge of the concession road at Dunlop, and the ringing of a gong before starting, and the Railway Co, enter into an agreement to level out the road and attend to its repair, and be- came liable in case ofdamages. through accident, the township to be free from liability in this regard. Pains or Cramps "I carry Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills with me all the time, and for aches and pains there is nothing equals them, I have used them for rheumatic pains, headache, atld pains in side alit) back, and in every case they give perfect satisfaction." UENIi;Y COURLEN, Boonton, N. J. Pain comes from tortured terves. It inay occur in any part of the Head or body where there is weakness or pressure upon the nerves. Dr. Miles' Anti•Pairt pills Relieve pain, whether it ilc nen- ratgiac, rheumatic, sciatic, head- ache, stomache, pleurisy or ovarian pains, Pries kilo at your drugolat. H. tlhttuld supply you. If he dealt not, land pPloa es us, al forward palette. DR. MII.0 MKD le.tAL. l`i0., toralti•0, A SAFE INVESTMENT The safest investment on earth is the earth itself. See Our List W Farms For Sale The exodus to the West has reached Ito limit, Ontario- farm lands will soon be in demand again at good prices. The Shrewd Man Will Buy Now This is an Agricultural community, and when farms increase iu value town property advances in price in proportion, Buy a house and lot in Wingham. We have whet will snit you. When you pay rent, yon are paying your landlord's insurance and taxes, and also interest on his investment, Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE CENTRAL ifraidf STRATF'ORD. ONT. The great practical training school of Ontario 'three departments—Commeri clat, Shorthand, and Telegraphy. We assist, graduates to positions. The demand upon us for trained help great- ly exceeds the supply, The three most recently placed aro. receiving $10.00, 00.00 and $100.00 por month respective - y. Business men state our graduates are the best. Enter our classes now. Get our free catalogue. D. A. McLACHLAN - Principal OPEN ALL SUMMER Many business colleges close during the summer months, but this popular ELLIOTT TORONTO ONS, remains open and admits students at any ij time. This is an excellent time to com- mence a course so as to be ready for a position in the fall- This college is well- known throughout Canada and the United States for strictly high -plass training. Write for our large catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRtNCJPAt. Cor. 7iongo and Alexander Sts. 1 r -o Business Change awassamat As 1 have disposed of my Grocery business, it is necessary that all ac- counts owing me should be settled by JULY 2nd A prompt response will be appreciated A. J.. Malcolm L. _J Jas. Walker & Son, WINWiAM Furniture Dealers and Undertakers We are spebially qualified Under- takers and Tmbahners, and those entrusting their Work to us may rely on it, being well done. Night calls received at residence. Office Phone 100 Rouse Phono 125 The ADVANCE is North Huron's leading news- paper, Are you a sub- scriber ? If not, why ? Only $1 per year. Butter Paper We have on hand rt stook of the genuine Vegetable Parchment Butter Paper. You, may have . it cut any size you wish. Come in and see it. ADVANCE OFFICE TIiURSAA"it, JULY 7, 0 The Peoples' Popular Store WINGIIAM, ONTARIO KERB •& Bt.'.:D Summer Holiday. Feature: Are you going away ? Did it ever strike youin tiljs way ----'s What shall I wear and where shall I get it?" COOL DAINTY MUSLIMS --- Of course yon want light dresses, and right here you have the best selection in cool Muslins in plain white, and a variety of colors. Then too, we have the Home Journal Patterns, which are readily acknowledged to be the very best. PARASOLS are ether necessaries. We have theta in Black, White and colored. Then they keep one so much cooler, that they are necessary for comfort. Do You Know ? We have a new idea in dainty Verandah Mats ; they're made from genuine Japanese matting in various dainty designs. Price, 50 cents each. Taylor's Borated Antiseptic Talcum ; a healthful, sanitar-y Talcum with a delicate violet perfume. Only 25c. Have you a Summer Cottage or large airy Verandah ? Then you need Curtains or Screens, and here is the place to find the most suitable .Art Sateens and Mus- lim. We studied this thing ourselves, and all you •have to do is procure the requirements and arrange them to suit yourself. Yes, It Is. Too hot to do much cooking. Now, we have Peanut Butter at only 20 cents per lb., and its ever so much cheaper this way than in bottles. We are right into the fruit business and will have first-class Bananas, Strawberries, Oranges, &c., on hand . at almost any time. DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Office :— Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office. J, P. KENNEDY M.D., M.C.P.S.O. (Member of the British Medical Association) GOLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special attention paid to Diseases of women and children. Omen HovRs:-1 to 4 p.m, ; 7 tog p,m, DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND M. R. C. S. (Eno.) L. R, C. P. (Lond.) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old eland) DR. MARGARET C. CALDER Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Licentiate of Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. Devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. ,Eyes Thoroughly Tasted. Glasses Properly Fitted. Office with Dr. Kennedy. Office Hours — 3 to 6-7 to 8 p.m. ARTHUR J. IR WIN Doctor of Dental, Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. —Office in Macdonald Block— W. J. PRICE B,S.A., L,D,S., D.D.S. Boner Graduate of University of Toronto and Licentiate of Royal College of Dettal Surgeons of Ontario. Orr'xoID mN BRAVER BLocit;' — WINE/HAM W INGHAM General Hospital. (tlndor Government inspection.) Pleasantly sitnated,Penutlfully furnished. Oen to all regularly Iiconeed physicians. Raton for patients (which inolude board and nursing) -43.50 to $15.00 per Week, according to Ideation of room. Nor further informa- tion--Addre80MLSS L. MA'1'TIIE'WS Superintendent, Bo* 223, Wingham, Ont. Ra VANSTONE ONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. Olrt'ICn :-- PEAVita )3to Ii, WINGTRAM. PROMPTLY SECURED atoiat theIttainesi Df Diane acturers. Ian neers and others who rralire the adrisabil• ity of haying their Patent businrxh transacted by!aperta; Prebminaryadviet free. Charge3 aaod.rate. OutUP/tutor,. Advisee apnt n request. Marion &Marlon,iiew'York Lift it li Ilgieirtal i na4 WubinKtoq, Ih.0.1 U.41a1. DICK I NSON & HOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Office : Meyer Block, Wingham. E. L. Dickinson Dueley Mimes J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, MONEY TO LOAN. Office:—Morton Block, Wingham WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1810. Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in- surable property on the cash or pre- mium note system. JAblks GOLDIE, Chits, DAVIDSON President. Secretary. RITCHIE &.• COSENS, Agents. Wingham, Ont A. E. SMITH BANKER W ING}IANI ONTARIO Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle or bogs to feed for mar- ket can have it on reasonable terms. Money transmitted and payable at par at any Bank in the Dominion. RATES,—$5.00 and ander. 3 cts. $10 to $30, 10 cts. $30 to 350, 15 cts. Same rates charged on principal banking points in the V. S. C. N. GRIFFIN FIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and. Monsey Loaning business. Office over Matoolm's Grocery OVER 66 VEAfS" EXPERIENCE RAD( MARKitt Anyone sondhiqKnketrCh onMirdDaracsHtppertrr& m6;giuekly aerortain nue opinionroe r►frotbrr rn lnxentlnn 10--probahlypat paternal, (`emmuntrs. twee strictly rannaenual. BANG 0K on Pateute pant free. OMeet *Rork."' foreerurtug,patents. Patents taken through Munn% co. receive . ,maxi tante., Sal thou t helm, iu tiie S kntIfic ,Iinevlcaite A hanM4mely illnstrated 1ttrkly" Lsr,'.st rlt'- eni:ufnn of Rey eelentI8, ioutnsl. ''eerie for i'nn'1da. to ;1 a yt5ar, pt»tage btspstd. Sold by all no- Wag., DI . , tarstdosylieWlytirk fr r