HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-07-07, Page 1The Wingham Advance. .
38T11 YEAR, NO, 45,
$1.00 vAo
Fiat airert les .4.uxs.
,xo Etwasoairoxas zr; S.
—A leading agrieultoral journal ad-
vocates the erection of "scratching
posts" for hogs, bat °mite to state
whether it refera to the two or four -
legged kind.
* *
—"Gouldthrite" was the chap's
name that lived like a millioneire en
the proftts he swipea from the people
of Canada in the Governraertt Print-
ing Bureau, It should have been
* * *
—We are ksow fairly well entered on
the second half of 1010. Let us make
the last leelf the best from every point
of view, if possible, remembering the
troth, that—"A men's life consisteth
not in the abundance of the things
which he possesseth."
* *
—In connection with the recent scan -
dot in the Dominion Government's
Printing Bureau, it is Geld that tons
of scaling wax were purchased,
enough to last ten years. No wonder
the real facts were so well sealed up,
that it took years to break the seal
and lift the lid.
if * * •
—Get rid of everything that will at-
tract and breed flies about the house
and dairy. The old-fashioned custom
of keeping a festering swill barrel just
outside the kitchen door was no doubt
responsible for a good many of the
doctor's visits, to say nothing of the
ever-present stench and swarm of
* * *
—It is not easy to get even with
Trusts and combines. When corner-
ed up, they generally trump up some
excuse. For instance, they say the
law of supply and demand control
prices. Not so much now, as in years
past. In foodestuffs, the cold storage
has worked revolutions, and some
foods can be stored to such an extent
as to force the price up to such a point
that tate Trust can squeeze the con-
* * *
The public meeting held on Thurs.
day evening was pOOPly attended,
only about two dozen being present,
although the meeting was well adver-
The question at issue is—Where
shall tbe test wells be drilled ; at the
power-laouse or at the electric light
*ben the Comtnissioners were
elected, they, as well as others, were
of the opinion that the power -house
was the best. place, Since then the
Commissioners have given the gees -
tion very careful thought, and have
unanimously deciclea that at the elec-
tric light plant is the best place, Brit
before making so radical a change,
they thought best to lay before the
people their reasons for the change,
Mayor Holmes presided, Commis-
sioner VanNorman laid the figeres and
cost before the ratepayers, making it
clear that the Commissioners had
gone carefully into the matter. He
was followed by Coinmissio'r Morton,
who regarded the change as a good
thing for the ToWil to the ,extent of
about $10,040. The initial cost of the
new plan will be greater than the
ether, but the saving annually by the
change will, the Commissioners claim,
far exceed the extra outlay.
By the change, let—More ($300) can
be secured yearly from water rental
at the upper dam. and—No extriz
man will be required at the power-
house, as would by tbe old plan, as
the pumping would. be done by the
night man, towards morning when
the electric lead wotild be light. 3rd—
It will save the building of the trans-
mission line frem the plant to the
power -house, as the power will be got-
ten from the main shaft. Extra cost,
however, will be incurred by the pip-
ing from the plant to Leopold street,
and the six inch main from the G.T.R.
to Patrick street ought to be enlarged
to an eight inch.
—Gouldthrite, the ma,n in charge
until recently of the Dominion Print-
ing Bureake is dead. -That is settled,
by the finding of his body in the
Detroit river. Ib was rumored last
week that he had suieided, but some,
tlaought that report was untrue, and a
mere ruse. What good now has his
dishonesty and graft done him ? For
a time he enjoyed his ill -gotten -gains ;
now his home is wrecked; his family
disgraced and bereaved, and his life
prematurely ended. There is surely a
moral here, and the old truth—"Be
sure your sin will find you out," has
again been exemplified. Aside from
any party view of the matter, it does
seem strange that such extensive
graft should go on so many years
without discovery, and then only leak
out by the complaint of partisans,
who complained that they were not
getting their. share of the Govern-
ment patronage. Such conditions
could scarcely obtain in the manage-
ment of private or company business,
The country's interests demand the
same safe -guards and equally honest
The regular monthly meeting of
Wingham Town Colleen was held on
Monday evening;, all menabers pre
Minutes of last regular and special
meeting were read and confirmed.
4. conummication wa received from
the 0,P.R, offering to erect a freight
shed for 0, Lloyd & Son and the gen-
eral public, if the Town would close
Albert street and. give a lease of that
portion for 90 years. Coun. Elliott
moved, Corm. Ittelaibbon seconded—
That that Council is not in a position
to grant the C.P.R. any fnrther pri-
vileges than contained in the Lloyd
A resolution was read from Berlin
Council re unitecl action to memoria-
laze the Legislature to make granting
of reduced fixed assessments equal to
the granting of bonus. The Council
endorsed the action of Berlin Council
on raotion of .Irwin and Redmond.
A communication on hose was refer-
red to the Fire committee, wittk power
to purchase what hose is necessary,
For cement sidewalk from lot 60 on
on John street, 61, 62, 03 and crossing
on John and Carling signed by E. Mc -
Cloy and others; referred to Street
From 8, B. Elliott and others, for
water service on Frances street, be-
tween Diagonal a.ad- Vitoria streets;
petition referred to Commissioners
with request to proceed with the
work, if petition properly signed, on
motion of MoKibbon and Bone.
The Finance committee reported on
the following accounts :—
A. J. • Malcolm, bal. transient
Traders' License $23.21
ainnicipal World, supplies L'70
Hanna & Co., 5.55
G. McKenzie, expenses Seaforth. 2 35
Wm. Holmes, "
The Oommissioners cannot of course
guarantee finding good water at
either place, but the prospects are as
good in one place as the other. Hav-
ing given the matter very much
thought, the Commissioners felt that
they could not conscientiously drill
the test well id the place where it was
first intended, having found a better
plan for the Town's interests.
It is of course a matter of regret
that pure water will not be obtainable
for some time. But it should tot be
forgotten, that this is the first year
for the Oommissioners and they have
had to give the question much
thought and calculation. Should the
ratepayers not give them credit for
their thought and care, instead of ad-
versely criticising them?
The following are the names of the
successful 'students in the promotion
exams. in the High School. The
names are not arranged in order of
merit :—
FORM 1 TO 2.
E. Armour, E. Bower, L. Bowman,
W. Brandon, W. Buchanan (honors),
F. Chtbb, Ce, Cruikshank, H. Day, M.
Dobson (honors), L. Edgar, L Fergu-
son, 0. Fowler. M. Gray, W. Rano,
G. Hamilton, M. Hotnuth, 0. Irwin
(honors), S. Irvine, E. Linklater (hon-
ors), V. McLaughlin (honors), E. Mills,
G. Muir (honor), P. Muir (honots), E.
Paterson, M. Paterson, 0. Fender, R.
Stonehouse, It Sturdy, L. Sturdy, G.
Sheriff, J. VanNormen, M. Webb
(honors), A. Wilson (honors). '
41 235
Arthur Haines, work on Park.. 3.00
W. J. Boyce, work at cemetery. 2.50
T. C. Graham, flower -bed 10.00
Rol* Deyell, salary, etc 32.00
J. F. Groves, sal. & postage 55.50
Geo. Allen, salary chief 22,50
E. Lewis, salary night -watch20.00
R. Rankin, salary bellringing7.50
Elec. Light commission 47
Dom. Express Co., express 35
Bell Tel. Co., account 2.25
Firemen's salaries 13 men 65,00
D. 0, McDonald, work on Sts. 31.80
A, Sanderson, teaming 13 30
., watering street51.10
If the Town is without pure water,
should not the Council of 1909 bear
part, if not all the blame? They were
authotized by a large and representa-
tive public meeting to drill a test well.
They did not do it. The Council was
divided on the question. Some were
for carrying out the wish expressed
by the resolution passed at that repre-
sentative meeting; others opposed it.
That (in our humble opinion) as
where the mistake was made. Had
the Council of 1909 obeyed the man-
date of that representative meeting,
the location of the well would have
been fixed, the well drilled, and (pro-
bably) we should have had pure water
by this time. Neglect to "go ahead"
then, is (we believe) responsible for
the absence of pure water now. For-
tunately many have excellent wells
and good water, but pure water is
needed by many others, and. the rate-
payers have voted to. secure it, and
avoid if possible another fever
POEM 2 To 3.
I. Amour, M. Ballagh, L. Beecroft,
0. Brock, L. Clark (honors), L. Currie,
0, Cerrie, A. Geddes, W. Geddes
(honors), N. Geddes, D. Hobasee, E.
Ilupfer, L, johns, la, Sohrtston, L
Kennedy, C. Kerr, A. Knechtel, E.
Linklater (honors), A. MeBurney,
Mclaaven (honors), I. MeRitchie, II.
IVIcCroztie, N. Nicholls, F. Orr, L.
Roo, A. Shen?, G. Shiell, Tipling,
IL Wilton, J. Weir,
reburcb 'Pews
Wheat— to 00e.
0ete-34 ter85cts.
Barley -45 eta.
Peas -05 to 70 eta
11a7—$10,00 to $12.00 per ton.
Butter -18 to 20 cto.
Egg -47 to 18 cht.
Potatoes -250 to 90c per brilea,
Ur. Hogs -48 00.
Wool -28 eta.
Por tal Toronto market reports Pea
The following is the result of En-
trance to High School exams. held at
Wingtuten, Wroxeter and. Fordwicle.
ails,ximurn raavks 050. To pass 390.
Honors 487. The papers of ell cancli-
dates who failed have been rkeread.
The arithmetic was the plucking
paper :—
Maguire Fred Winghara
Mk:Ritchie Anna
Wilson Annie. SS
Geddes Hardy... 5.S.N0.17,E.W.&
Stnith Norah Wingham
Nicholson Gladys
Bottrell Irene ... . .... ......Winghom
Buchanan Hilda,
Bower Lucy 14
Barber Florence
Brydges Annie.....No, 17, E.W. & M.
Cantelon Leon... Wingham
Davidson Laura
Dunkin Alice Bell, ..,No. 3, Ternberry
Elliott Weir Wingham-
Fixter Aunie
Fixter Tom
Hingston Lloyd
Isard Mabel
Joyn t G eorge it
Johnston Ansi........No, 10, Kinloss
Jewett Harold No. 8, Morris
The above report eves adopted on
motion of McKibbon and Elliott.
Coon. McDonald reported on drain
near cement factory; the matter was
left in the hands of Street com-
Mr. Binkley, for Bell Telephone Co.
asked for renewal of the franchise of
streets. He had written asking for
two free phones, for the Council and
hope1 to secure them. This matter
was left over till next meeting.
The Town clerk submitted the esti-
mates, which in brief are :—
Coupons $2380.00
Sinking Fund 1387.12
Instalment Debentures,..,.,2442.05
Controlable expenditure— 9619.75
Total •
Estimated receipts
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cnurels,
Blyth, will celebrate its jubilee,
October 9 and 10.
Rev, 1. S. Duncat, pastor elect of
Lucknow Presbyterian Ohurch, is ill
arid under medical eare. Ills induc-
tion has beet indefinitely post-
Next Sunday evening, July 10th,
Wingheat L. 0, L. will attetid Divine
eeevice in St. Paul's Ohurch, whet
tiro. Rev. E. II. Oroly will tkreach to
the brethren. Members Will xoeet in
the lodge room at 0.15.
To raise
Maddison Lottie
Miller Della
Mathews Hattie
McPherson Metha
Mathers Wilfred No. 8, Morris
Mason Allen.. , .No. 13, E. Wawanosh
Maxwell Jean No, 8, Turnberry
Nicholls Millie • Wingham
Perrie Margaret If
Pearen Anna M..No. 8, E. Wa,wanosh
Scott Ella .1 13, E. s
Thynne John Morris
Wilkinson Elmer No. 5, "
aleKercher Robt. ..... , ....Wroxeter
Bolt Willie No. 0, Turnberry
Brown Margaret Wroxeter
Clinkunbroomer Mabel. No. 7., Howick
Doig John No. 7, Carrick
Galbraith Torrance, .No. 2, Turnberry
Gibson Mary H , Wroxeter
Hamilton Elinor
Miller Vernon
Munro Annie
Nichol Bessie M
Scott Agnes
Williams May
F 0.R D W 10 IL
Albrecht Mabel
Brown Mary,.
Olark May
Downey Ethel
Denny Ernie
Harding Maude
Martin Gladys
McNeil Edna
Patterson Inez..,...,..
Ries Matilda
Williauason Vera
McNeil Roselle— . ,
• , .
Town rate 17 mills
Public Sehool al 41
High School 2 "
County rate. ........ . ..
Total rate 26 t
No. 1, Turnberry
No. 2, Turnberry
No. 7, Howick
No. 6, Howick
Fordw Loh
No. 12, Howick
No, 6 "
it ti 64
it 6 41
By-law 011 fixing the rate as above
received its readings and passed on
motion of McDonald and Bete,
The L, 0. L. Celebration committee
headed by W. Master Greer, wait-
ed on the Oouncil to present the Town
with a, large flag, and asking that it
be put it position in the park for Slily
12th. The committee also asked that
the lino of march (if necessary) be well
watered. The Mayor thanked the
committee for the flag, and promised
to see to the other requests.
On motion of Mellibbon and Bone
the quarterly grant of $37,50 was
given the 13ancl, and six knonths' sal-
ary ($25)- was paid te la, VaeNorman,
chief of Fire Brigade.
On motion $200 was placed. to the
credit of the School Board, and Coun-
cil adjourned.
There are 157,101 feraillea and 270,-
556 mernbera hi the Presbyterian
church in Catada, Lett year $811,-
526,00 were given for Missions and
ljenevoleneea and. the sum of $4,078,-
301 was raised for all purposes.
The Sunday evertirg service at the
Salvation Army wili coeatetenee at 8
o'elock irk future, iusteaa of 7 30.
Everybody cordially invited. On Sun-
day next Capt. Riches -will take for
his, subject "The Ctitics Critleleed."
The musical servioe in the Metho-
dist Church last Sunday eveting was
much enjoyed by s, large congrega-
tion. Mr* (Dr.) Wellwood, who was
Onft *fait to friends in Vlinghton,
rendered a role in good. style. The
choir, enlarged for the semzeston gave
went sassEssit seisosteas,
Lack Of Support.
Another weekly paper has succumb -
ea to excessive competition, and the
Wroxeter Planet has discontinued.
publication. Mr, Chisholm published
a very neat little paper, and gives as
the reason of discontinuance—lack of
support. The truth le, the field is too
limited. With papers at Gorrie,
Wroxeter and. Fordwieh, it could not
be expected that all could thrive in so
circumscribed a field.
Entrance Examinations.
The results of the Entrance exara,
inationa are given in this issue. At
Wingham as A centre sixty-four
pupils wrote; of these 35 passed,
From Wingham public school, Prin-
cipal Stalker recommended 21 as like-
ly to succeed, but 30 decided to try
and twenty-three succeeded. This is
certainly a good record, and Principal
Stalker has reason to feel pleased.
The arithmetic paper was the rock on
which some of the candidates' ship of
promise struck. The list may be seen
in another column.
At Increased Salary.
The Fordwich Record has this to
say of Miss Viola, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. S. T, Davidson :—"Miss V. M.
Davidson, who hs successfully taught
the senior department of Fordwich
Public School since New Year, has
handed in ber resignation, having
accepted a position as assistant in
Brussels Continuation Selsool at a
salary of $700 per annum. Miss
Davidson is a good teacher and all are
sorry to hear she has decided to leave,
but glad to hear of her preferment in
her chosen profession."
Geo. Leeson Deceased.
The Winnipeg Free Press gives an
account of the death of Geo, Leeson
of Calgary, Alberta, who, we under-
stand, was well known in Wingbam.
He went west about 25 years ago, and
became an owner of extensive ranch
lands. His holdings near Calgary, as
that city developed, made bim weal-
thy and he accumulated several hun-
dred thousand dollars of competency.
Ete ran the first mail and passenger
stage to Calgary, and is spoken of as
one of the best known and most high-
ly esteemed pioneers of the West, He
was 68 years of age. He leaves a
widow, two daughters and one son.
He was buried under Masonic aus-
Meals On Twelfth.
For the information of the public
we may say that in addition to all tbe
hotels, there will be other places
where refreshments can be secured.
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
Claurch will serve meals in the school-
room of the church; the ladies of St.
Paul's Church will cater to the public
in Gregory's store on Main street;
possibly other churches may also.
There are several private individuals
who purpose serving refreshments in
convenient locations, but they have
not intimated their intentions to the
Farill Sale By Ailetien,
On Saturday, Jely 10th, at tlae
Brunswick hotel, there will be offered
for sale, lot No. 0, COD. 16, in the town-
ship of Rowielt. Time of sale, 2
o'clock: auctioneer, E. McConnell;
:Solicitor, Dudley Holmes. See pos-
ters for particulars,
A Western Wedding.
The following item, from the Sask-
atoon Evening Capital refers to a
young lady who was well known in
this vicinity :—"A very pretty cere-
mony took place on June 28th, at the
home of Mr, and Mrs, J. J. Armour,
Main street, Nutana, when their
daughter, Myrtle Edens was united in
the bonds of holy matrimony to Mr.
Otto Schmidt of Nutana. The bride,
who was given away by her father,
was prettily attired in a dress of ivory
white silkelienne and carried a boquet
of white carnations and maiden hair
fern. After the ceremony, which was
performed. by the Rev. W. R. Tatou
of Sutherland, in the presence of the
immediate friends of the bride and
groom, a daintily served wedding
lunch was partaken of. The happy
couple left on the evening train for
Winnipeg, where tlae honeymoon will
be spent. The bride's travelling dress
was of blaele chiffon taffetta."
July 21st Excursion.
This is the date of the Union S. S.
excursion to the lakeside at Kincar-
dine. Posters have been issued giv-
ing full information. Train leaves
Wingham at 0,15 a.m. and returning
leaves Kincardine about 7 o'clock.
Hot water, tea and coffee wail be sup-
plied, but excursionists must supply
their own pitchers, cups, cream,
sugar, etc. Baskets properly labelled
must be at the station early ;they evil'
be taken charge of by the committee
and taken to and. from the park in
Kincardine, free of charge. The fare
from Wingham is 70s; children under
twelve, 35e.
Next Tuesday.
With fine weather, next Tuesday
will witness ote of the largest gather-
ings Wingham has ever. had. Secre-
tary McKibbon has notice of the com-
ing of several lodges that were not
expected, and everything points to a,
successful celebration. The erection
of arches has been begut mid citizens
have purehased flags galore, so that
Wingham will put on gale, dress that
day. It will require patience and
effort to supply all the excursionists
with meals, but Wingham has never
failed yet to do that satisfactorily.
The line of merch will be—from the
Park aloeg Alfred street to Shuter;
along Shuter to Sohn, east on John
street to Frances, thence to Diagonal
till Victoria is readied, along Victoria
to Sesephine and back to the Park.
No, 70± will meet irk their lodge room
at 8 a. M. for business, preparatory to
naeeting the incoming treble.
Automobile Accideet.
Mr. Richard Hohnee of Toronto
(formerly of this town) and faintly,
accompanied by Mr. Lane of Toronto,
Wereitt Wingham lest week. They
had been ntaking 0. tour in Mn.
Hahne& large tortritg car. On their
*ay home on Saturday morning,
when passing a bad piece of rod near
Blyth, the auto turned overdowan
embankment. Mr. iloimes and his his
sere who Wete in the driving seat,
were 'pitched headlong out isf the car,
and the other passengers Were under
the tonnean, Sire. Hones and Mr.
Lane Were the niest teverely blared.
They were conveyed to the Ceramer.
eila hotel, Where a &yet clan attended
to their fah:ACC None of the in.
juries are serious, hut all in the eat'
had a morb rtutate and wonderfa not miss this meeting. Anyone wish.
mospe, ooveldering that the oar tune Ing information abont the drainage
ad tstrtle moth it danneerone port of work should write Prof. W. a Day,
the mod, 0, 0. `Guelph.
lidocat Items
Do not get mad when you fall over
a harrow or a hoe or a rake that you
have carelessly lefb where yoe last
used it. As you hold your bruised
and paining shank, quietly resolve
that you will never be carelesa
W. D. Pringle has added three new
machines costing $2,000 to his plant at
the tannery, One of these machines
was a carload itself. He also received
two carloads of sheep sains. Mr.
Pringle has a good plant and intends
to keep it up-to-date.
Miss Bessie Kennedy, a bright
young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lack
Kennedy of town, has distinguished
herself at the Entrance examination
itt Seaforth. She was oue of the three
pupils who took honors, and won the
Scholarship offered as a prize to the
one taking the highest marks. Well.
dote Bessie,
Ladies' Oxfords, Ties, Pumps, and
Slippers in the handsomest models
that ever graced a shoe store—$1.75,
$2.25 and up to $3.,00 or $3.50.
Mr. M. Richardson of Flesherton
was in town on Tuesday in connection
with the Children's Aid. departkrtent
of Ontario, He has six counties under
his care, looking after neglected and
dependent children. It is a good
work, and from what we know of Mr.
Richardson for many years, he is well
adapted for the work.
Good Flours—Ay/do's, 'Wingham.
Wear Greer's Shoo and Rubbers.
Read Willis & Co.'s advt, on page 8.
Mrs. A. E. .Ault will bola her recep-
tion on Tuesday, Aug. 2nd.
Decorate, decorate, decorate for the
Twelfth, Make the Town look attrac-
W. G. Patterson has a special ad-
vertisement this week for the Twelfth;
see it,
Knox's Annual Sale continued for
two weeks longer, till July 14th.
Two schools advertise for teachers
in this issue, Winghara Junction and
No. 0, Turnberry.
It is a wise man who can tell exact-
ly when he ceases to ,be firm and
begins to be obstinate.
Mr, F. H. Walley of Waterloo
(formerly of Wingham) has purchased
a drug business in Seaforth.
You are wanted at W. G. Pat-
terson's jewellery store on the 12th.
Huron Old Boys' excursion from
Toronto to Winghatn, Kincardine and
Goderich on Saturday this. week.
The average man is firmly convinc-
ed that he does seventeen times as
much for others as others do for
Boy Fatally Shot.
A sad affair disturbed the peace and
quiet of last Sunday near the village
of HoImesville, in this county. Two
boys, Albert Proctor, aged 17, and his
nephew, J, Palmer, aged 13, were
playing burglar and policeman at the
former's house on Sunday last and as
a resalt Proctor was shot in the head
and killed instantly. One bad a rifle,
the other a shotgun, and there seems
to be no doubt but what it Was a
mere accident, as the boys were close
friends and evidently had no idea of
their danger. The coroner was called
in and a jury from Olinton sum-
moned, who visited the house, which
Is just west of Hohnesville, on the
Huron road, Monday and adjourned
till Monday next. Young Proctor
was a very bright Is.d, and his widow-
ed mother's right-hand sopporter on
the farm,
Drainage Detnonstration.
The Ontario Agricultural College is
emphasizing the Valtleot ltainage
again this attnemer, for which purpose
drainage demorkstretions are being
held in matiy parts of the province,
Ort Friday, Stay 8th, at two o'clock in
the afternoon, one of these demonstra-
tions wilt be held on the farm of Wm.
Glenatman, con. 12, Turnberry
Tp. This meeting ehould be of special
interest as some difficult places to
drairt are invtaved. Besides the dia.
=salon of the particular problem s of
this farm, there will be a demonstra-
tion of methods of finding the fall over
a ditch, determining the grade, dig.
ging true to grade, etc. Thetas of our
readers Interested in dreAnage should
For Babies And
"7SIOTHF2 /CROWS InelelEDIaa" for the
Babies and Cenarark aro now for sale in
Wingham. They have proved a boon to
mothers is United Statue during past five
years, "Mother grolVe iternoclies"-,
COLI g Rismfloy —Relieves infantile Collo
without me ot oPlum,
ESSENCE Oil CATNIP —A tonie for the
weak puny babies,
WORM SYRUP —A reliable remedy to re-
move worms.
COUGH SYRUP —74'Or coughe and cold%
LAXATIVE SYRUP—An ideal laxative,
TEETHING SYRUP—A, reliable remedy for
nervous irritability incident to teething
CROUP SYRUP—Valuable in croup, whoop.
Ing eongh and. 'lemmas% Gives in-
stant relief.
SOOTHING SYRUP—Believes pain and ner-
vous Irritability. Toni° to stomach and
bowels. No opium.
stomach tonic; bowel regulator.
July 1st was observed. in town as
a holiday. Some citizens went to see
the spoets in adjacent burgs. Others
rested, or attended picnic. St. Paul's
Church Sunday School held their
festive gathering on the prairie 'and
the Methodist Ohurch School enjoyed
theirs in Lower Wingham. The
afternoon was enjoyed by both
We sell Wonder -Shine for cleaning
silver and gold—Patterson's jewellery
store. -
Greatest bargains in Watches and
Jewelry ever heard of in Wingham at
Knox's Annual Sale,
Ex -councillor D. Bell is having his
cottage painted so as to look well
for the 12th. Some were naughty
enough to say that something was
going to happen and that Charlie V.
would soon have to move. But all
the feminine smiles seem wasted on
good-natured Dave, and take no more
effect than water on a dack's back.
However, we haven't given up hope
Mr. Lack Kennedy gave a box of
chocolates to the boy a,nd also to the
girl in Wingharu Public School taking
the highest marks at the Entrance
examination. He also gave a box to
the pupil from outside schools taking
the highest marks. The winners of
the chocolates in town are Anna Mc -
Ritchie and Fred Maguire. The win-
ner out of town is 3. Hardy Geddes
of Belgrave.
If you want to get a, diamond ring,
we have a fine stock to choose from—
W. G. Patterson.
easiest Shoe on earth; makes walking
a pleasure. See them at yr. J. Greer's
(sole agent.)
With fine weather, everything
points to a big day in Wingham, July
12th. No effort is being spared by
No, 791, to make the day a great suc-
cess. No expense will be spared, and
strong committees have the work of
preparation ha band, Two Bands
have been engaged by the local lodge
to meet tlae in -coming trains. There
will be music galore. The citizens are
co-operating with the Orangemen to
make the day successful.
The Epworth League meeting next
Monday evening promises to be an
interesting one, You will be made
Greatest bargains ever given in
Jewelry at Knox's Annual Sale.
Before giving others advice on how
to manage their business, be sure that
you know how to make a success of
your MD.
The uniformed representatives of
the Ladies' Auxiliary of Wingham
Hospital will be pleased to "tag" you
on the lath.
Scientiiic eight and testing artistic
frame fitting at Patterson's jewellery
Might Have Been Fatal.
The construction of the trunk sewer
was begun promptly by the contract-
ors, and cotsiderable progress has
been made. On Monday the men
Avert!' working on a very deep cut
through Thos. Hicks' property on
Scott street. The excavation had
been made to the depth of about 15 or
16 feet, and Sas. McKay Was laying
the pipe. Two-ineh elm planks stand-
ing on end. were holding the tsvo
gravelly bank& in remittent, when all at
once, one aide burst in at the bottom,
piening McKay fast and covering him
with graVol. The men with him
went energetically to work under the
direction of the contractor and In -
specter pm. Nieholson. The upper
part of his body was soon released,
but his feet were wedged in by the
plonk and pressure of the bank.
About ten minutes after twelve noon,
he was released from his dangerous
and unpleasant predicament, and as
he walked out, was greeted loyfully
by his fellow -workmen. Ile had been
in the gravel for about two hours, and
was *Med, te be out of danger once
more. The sewer Crosses Scott street,
passes through the back lot of Ex.
=wage hotel and through Mr. Brad-
ley's garden to Victoria street. The
contractors >went to he doing the
work energetically and Inspector
Nichol.= n*7 he trotted to me that
It is done properly.
Walton McKibben
e42.1.4t r;Sifi‘
Don't forget the ice cream social and
"An Evening of Travel and Song," in
the Methodist Church this Friday eve-
ning. Admission 15e.
A very mysterions fire occurred in
Moorefield recently when the large
tabernacle on the camp grounds was
completely destroyed.
For throwing a snake at a, woman a
Mt, Forest youth was brought before
Police Magistrate MacGregor the past
week and fined $1 laud eosts.
Bring along your She. We do
repairing and we do it right,—W. J.
17, Pe VanNorMan reports a good
sale of the crop, stock and iniplements
of the late Iared Rath, on Tuesday.
The farms advertised Were not sold.
The Sacred Heart Church Sundlty
School Will hold a picnic on the Mait-
land banks on LoWer Town flats, on
Thursday afternoon of this week.
The matire congregation is Welted to
come and bting their baskets.
Watches, Clock, Silverware and
Jewelry sltsughtered at Rtieles till
July 14th.
Mrs, Herbert Campbell, Oentre St.,
wilt receive on the efterneon of Fri-
day, July 8, and. efterwards en the
first and third Fridays of the
Aa automobiles go down in price
horse flesh advances, and there never
was a time when a good, sound horse,
either for road or draft purposes, was
worth more than he is today.
Take e,dvantage of some of the
greatest vetoes ever heard of itt Wing.
'am at ittiOk'S anntlal Sale.
WOOL WANTED.—soom lbs.
Highest picas, cash or trade.
Cool Oxfords
For July
Just bring your poor, suffer-
ing feet here and. we'll dress
them so neatly and comfort-
ably, at such a nominal cost,
that they will enjoy every
moment of yol.u. outing.
Oxfords, Ties, Pumps and
Outing Shoes in many new
and attraetive styles.
Leathers of Black and bit*
Tan shades. Suede and Kid --
leathers in new colors.
Oanvaa Shoes and Oxfords
m White or colors.
A spleneid lino of all good.
sorts of Foot Coolers.
60, 75o, 90c, rip to $1.25
or $2.00.
We've Summer foot comfort for
any Man, Woman and Child that
comes here for Cool Shoes.
An ice cream social, and "An even-
ing of Travel and Song," will be held
in the school room of Wingham
Methodist Church on. Friday evening
of this week. Messrs. McNivert and
Eby of Victoria University, Toronto,
will take part in the program, and a
most enjoyable time is anticipated.
Both young men have visited the Old
Land, and no doubt their addresses
will be full of interest and humor.
Admission 150.* tVerybedy cordially
invited. Remember—Friday eve'g.
Von SALE QUICK, — Large frame
house, Six bedrootne, good location.
on Shuter St, • $500 down, balance in
4 years. Also household furniture.—
Mrs. T. 3, Elliott.
.... F E E D „,.
i?: 702.4
.,....i.zr.. A. Car of GoOd
1. also OHOP(Low Grade)
and ;SEAN' I
xtomx noon notin le dif-
fererkt. Have you tried a bag ?
W. J. Greer
FOP July 12th I
Irattles wishing tO receive
Fruits, Peanuts, etc., through
Ius, kindly leave orders not
later than Suly 6th, other-
wise we cannot ensure de-
livery. All goods sold for
• this oeemion will be quoted a
as low as possible.
Phone 12
Biotic — Opp. NatiOnal notel
LAMM i—Get you Go -tarts
and Baby Carriages re.tiret
rARIAB11811--Clet your plow
points sharpened and made as
good as new, for a dime. Rave
a look at our stook racks.
Bargains in tioyolea
and supplies.