The Wingham Advance, 1910-06-30, Page 6This promises to be a Led meeth in the statistics, of fatal lin it in Cad Moutreal and Niagara Valle aireada Inas the tail 1»ark. np Idgle • - Out in the Wien they say you eun actually itt,ar the wheat grouing. Cer- tainly, with good luck, you may bear inane- threshera going in a her menthe. Last year Ituaein, exported 23,41h,658 "great hundreds" (120) eggs, of which Great Britain took 6,044448. The Bei - tali import of eggs bet yeer was volued at $30,176,510. • --red. A eoutemporary finds that the pride offered farmers for intik aro uot high euough to tempt to hog-raisiug. What say the cal -winners? Pork at retail priees has become ahnost too emelt of a luxury to be indulged in by the masses. The Indian wheat etop this yecr b timated at 9,535,003 tons, ae camparett with 7,530,803 tone in DOJO:aid 0,101,..0a tons in 1008. The poesibilitiea of Indiap wheat. growing .are hardly appreciatea ii our people. Infant mortality accounts for 29 per cent. of the death rate of this Province, while tuberculosis, so much Oreaded, is only 8 per cent. of the total death rate. Evidently there is need, to care for the chilaren„ The clean milk movement de- serves pnblic support. The London, Eng., police force num- bers 18,474 men, and their pay and equipment is over $8,500,000 a year. Last year alaout 0,5o0,000 was paid in peesions to the police. It is the finest body of police officers in the world. Complaints are made that a great deal of punehed and deftteed coin is still in circulation, Nobody is obliged to accept such at its face value, as the Treasuoy Department will redeem it at about 75 per cent. There should be ad effort made to get it out of circulation. e • * Chicago is to have a 30 -story hotel, fitted with 1,400 bath tubs. Evidently those hotel builders bave hopes that some day Chicago will experience a re- vival that will turn it far enough toward godliness to make cleanliness feshion. able, Saved From the Sea t.% • _,- • "She 'dosnn't iihe sank, though," said He *topped into the -carriage, and it hddeeoll "but sio mild, 1 rentembor, - drove tin through the park. Coat elw bad to lean when he was Mre. Addieen quietly put a soiled travelling so much with there foreign mite lope into Eatconeres hand, saying; ladies; t,:,1111(Cf whom, we know, ale rare bands at is "Ithal yes, Weed: liho Madame Ra' .coni« Fele tangled, and told Mrs, Erringion Unit she wog an adept." "Awl he is a very good judge,' seid Addison, with a laugh. °I never iniew any fellow lucre expert. No one could teeth hint anythieg, by ;level Practiee makes perfeet; but I should. be very sorry to play as high, or as much, as he doce; he is so awfully reekless, By the bye, I wonder whith of the Meet crit - tem be lias taelsedn't "Nene, I think, Frank, for Mrs. En- rington aekeet him teat aght if im was going to. Ascot, and he laughed and said, 'Noe and he hadn't even backed a single horse for it.'" "Glad to hear it," said Addieion, tele - Ing out his pocketbook and tossing patter to his wife. "There's your flimsy, Nell; pay Fele, and take rare it deesn't happen again. It Isn't the money nor Maur I mind, but—well,, you see, ever, when one gets excited, and stakes run high, it's very like gambling." Helen canto over to him with tears in her bright eyes, and puttingher tines round his ahoulders, kissed him. "You are just the dearest olti Frankl" site whispered. "I'll never be so stupidly tempted again, if you'll forgive this time," Frank drew her down, and fondly kneed the tears away. "Kiss and forgive, eh, darling?" aeid he, smiliug. "Flirt with handsome Fale St. Maur as much as you please, but don't let bine teach you to pay high." "It waen't he the dear fellow, though be only laughed; it was Madame Ra - colder and Darnley; and the moment Mrs, Errington checked the piay die only suck a woman could) Falebacked her suggestion tbat the stakes were too night. Ole no, Frank, -don't blame poor Fele." "-All right, dear, I'll warrant his own sine are enough for his shoulders, like the rest of us. Now, what abOut guests for Nest Hill, Nay? We ought to be securing the favorites even now, I think." "Yes. Well, of course, St. Maur?" "Certainly, Only he must not apoil the brats too nitwit—Effie especially." "I'll take nim in hand," laughed Helen. "Archer, then, Captain Darnley, and I do hope the Cliffords—perhaps a kw more later," "Very well, dear. Tben ask these ite soon as you like." "I'll eall in Hyde Park Gardens to- day with Faleoner St. Maur. I shall see hi mon the Row—told him to meet me about four." "Upon, my word—an assignation!" laugbed Addison. "You're coming on, you two. Pm afraid it'll end in 'pistols foe two, coffee for cam' There, now, let nie read my paper in peace, instead of telling me to my face of shocking assignations with handsome young men." "That's better than not- telling you, Isn't it?" retorted his wife, merrily, quite happy again. "Go and pick the dead leaves of your flowers," said Frank, contentedly. 4.• 6 The Chicago Record -Herald figures that every resident of that city (on an average) paid $8.94 to mane up the 017,- 887.500 required to pay the licenses, rent, salaries, etc., of her 7,155 saloons, allowing. not a cent for profit. That is a big sum. There are about ten saloons for every church. • 4. • Of the area of the six western States, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington, ell told 417,- 118,723 acres, 26.9 per cent, or 112.442,- 542 acres, is reserved from settlement underthe forest reservation laws. Too late the people are awakeuing to the int- portance of preserving the forests. The west is wise. Kaiser Wilhelm will get his Methane in salary, slid the poor man will: not be compelled to suffer by Lite rise in the prices of the necessaries of life. ni4 $5,000,000 remuneration will probably enable him to pay the butcher, the baker and the ice man and keep the landlord'a bailiff off his doorstep during the year. • • • Already fears are being expreseedthat the big wheat harvest cause a gen- eral decline in the price of that cereal. Perhaps. If no, however, it is pretty certain that the farmers will be the only people to discover it The middlemen have got the handling of the consumer down pretty fine. The rumors that King Alfonso suffers from tuberculosis persist, hi spite of official denials. The cable man will hey° it thab he is doomed. No sootier have specialists declared his lungs to be sepia than the "news" agencies locate the dis- ease in his royal throat. Alfonso may as -well tidniit the corn. Patten, the Chicago market speculator, together with a umber of others, has been indicted by a Federal grand jury under the Sherman anti-trnst law, the charge being conspiracy in restraint of trade in rafteiptilating the price of cot- ton. There are 0, good many farmers throughout the continent who would not grieve much. if the manipulators ot the corner spend the warm season behind bars. w-4 • 6 - Over in Neat York State a warm dis- cussion is going on as to the proper tam itt autotnobile signs, "slow up" or "slow deem" Why, either "up" or 'down"! *What a lot of redundancies we telerate. But the public is trainedto it by the intelligent writers who "pull off" the oevents" in which sporting favorites "win out" (why not "in"?) and "bests" (by worsting) their °mounted It is a glor- IOUs. English language; rend we are very ptodigal in its tote—or abuse. wihanke Fel WWII. for Wing my Witt- er. 1 do hate to leave a wird-titbit) in debt, and. I didn't think the play would ga no hioh. I knew Frank wouldn't like it, and 1 was coward enough," said she, half leughing, "to try and eseolici saylng itvnito? atthe note Was for, but ho would "You should have tola him it was ail my fault," said Falconer, coolly. "The idea!" cried. Helen, "when it Was madame herself and Darnley, who got it up—not von; end told Frank so.' c'44,141 then he did lay the blame to nut nantailly," sala entur, with a leuen. "You need not have asiced him; I teld you not to return the leen till Doone - day; but I doe't suppose he was. very terribte in his wrath—who could be to _your "Dear old Frank; no, he wasn't emu for long, and of course didn't mind your helping me. Now tell me what are your autumn engagements?" 'I haven't matie any yet, Helen; it's early for that." Mrs. Addison clapped her hands. "Gioriat 1 then I have you safel You must come to us at Nest Hill, and we'll have jolly fun. Don't say no, now." "My lips wouldn't form that ugly little word. to you," waa the gallant reply. "I shall be too happy to accept the invita- tion. For when?" "Well, we want a nice party for a month, you know—hist after Glooawooci —0e Nurse you'll go there?" Fakoner shrugged ha shoulders. "Quiet say; 1 may, but I'm not At all oure about it." "Oh!" thought Helen'"is that Blanche at the bottom of this?" Then sleuth "I'm going now to ask the Cliffords to 001210." eyes iles fleshed. A. whole month un- der the same roof as Christine! • "I don't think they heve any plans let, either," be said; "for I asked Mrs. Er- rington last night, and she said the doc- tor hadn't spoken of it at all as yet. Here we are, so you will soon know," "Olt, I'll take Ito refusal!" declared Helen. tee the minima stopped and St. Mem. handed' Iter out. The inevitable 6 unlock tea had just been brought into the drawing room, where they found themselves, for a won- der, the only vieltors at present; •so, after greetings and s little chat, Helen opened fire direct on the doctor as he took his cup from letra-Errington, who was doing the honors, while Blanche chattered to St. Maur. "Wo shall bave asmall but select par- ty, doctor," laughed Mrs. Addison, 'and plenty of fun and gayety, I -hope. So do say yes." • "My dear Mrs. Addison, personally I need no further inducement than your fair presence," said the doctor, bowing; "and if my three girls are agreeable, I can only say I shall be 'delighted. to ac- cept your hospitality," "I am sure I may speak for us, then," said Christine's Soft, low tones, "for I see 'agreeable' in their faces; so you. may consider It settled on our side." "Thanks so much!" returned Mrs. Ad - (138011, with whom Christine was an es- pecial favorite. "Puts my mind, at ease now I have secured you people and Mr, St. Maur. Jolly people get snapped up so, you know. Well, we'll say. the thir ter -Oast of July, then, Dr. Clifford, please. And, by the bye, if you like to bring down your own riding horses, pray do. Every one prefers his or her own, and we've no end of stable room, and good mounts, too; so please yourselves. Nest Hill is Liberty Hall," said she, ris- ing to take leave; and Falconer departed with her, to Blanche's chagrin. "Aire. Addison will get herself talked about," she remarked, when her uncle bad left the drawing room. "I wonder the major allows her to flirt so with such a—well, last sort of a man as Mr. St. Maur." "My dear," said Falconer's wife, with a contemptuous smile, "whatever Mr. St. Maur may, or may not be, I think that both Major and Mrs. Addison know tho world and their friends, and how to take care of themselves, very much better than Miss Leroy can know for them. Men who have no intention of marrying prefer devoting themselves to married women. It's safer when they have no sexdous meaning?' Blanche reddened with anger as Slut retorted: CFIAPTER XX. Helen Addison's account of the party at :Madame Raconier's was perfectly correct. The hostess had, some three weeks before, met Mrs. Ellington at Monte Carlo, while the dater was trav- elling -companion to a Neapolitan prin- cess—remarkable, even for a Neapolitan, for her inveterate gambling wherever she went. Meeting Christine one day at _Mrs. Addison's, the French lady had delightedly claimed acquaintance, and invited to her evening at home." Chris- tine accepted, because she knew her hus- band went to. the Raconier house, and once or twidedwhen she could be spared, had dropped in. • But Helen had seen but the surface of the deep waters. She heard the careless question. "And which horse have you backed tor the Ascot otp, Mr. St. Maur?" and the answer, with laugh as nonchalant, "None, my dear Mrs. Erring- ton. I am not going to honor Ascot at all"; but Helen had not seeit the covert look exelianged, the anxious pleading in the wife's eyes, the tender smil in the tnan's that answred it; "For your sake I have trodden under the temptation, this time, at least." Still, Och knee( that the turf was not his greatest _temptation. Gambling, in the more usual acceptance of the grim word, was the form hi which the passion held him in its strongest, most RAM° and insidious grasp, and It wee there the battle would be the hardest to fight out, there where there must be, many a time, one step forward and two backward be- fore a firm foothold was gained. At the possibility of finel defeat the gambler's wife refused to look. Years ago her attempt had failed, but them what it difference in the weapons! His love for her had been, perhaps, less deep and strong thee now: and she, -4d-wife of sixteen, had, hr her youth and utter inexperience, untie a great mistake., not hi the least realizing—how should sliet— the evil forces artayed spinet her feeble • hands. She had learned to play, Ler- self—ofahim—aed had card parties at home, to bring the atttections there, not out, hoping thus, evhere she was their companion, to be some check on his and h14 tompanione gambling. She stooped to his level, instead of forc- ing hint to etep tip to Iters; uncertain of her hold, ihrinktig in terror from lott- ing it, perhaps, and only by bitter --ah, -what bitter experiencel—leareed her mistake and the equivacal position she held, to outward seeming, in theer Bo- hemia. She was seareely likely to repeat the mistake of thateen at bur- or flve-aun- twenty. She had for the time waived • her debit to he 'tidally/ledge& but ehe. knew that Vale:on:Ws Secrht heart Run: refused to recegtilee fully her refusal to eceept his terms. His mean, his better self, yielded; but the heart paeeionately yentiled for her, unconvinced, end the old, evil Adam took Its part, not yet giviu uo its will tit titnes—fer the "Man ewe:bleed attainet ha will le of the nine opinion "Still." About four onloeic of that game June day Mrs. Addaon drove to the park, rod strolling goietly near the Prinee's Nth was reledner St- Nat within the Dark. Ile tinned et the soiled of wh %els. held up it hand, end the e0.1ehtltati palled: up be the path. "How do? no feet of your being Lite at te rendezvous," sill Heart, only, as She shenk handl. "Frank tare It's gait% ton aerial to be making aseigilettione with truth a winked wimp 55tra• Step *4 -• The public- is patiently awaiting the promised evidence that the bones dug up en St. Anne's island are those of Te- cumseh. Already there is a strong pre- sumption that the bones are not those of the Shawnee. thief. Perhaps it does not make much difference; but as a man liver! who useerts that he is the only custodian of the !secret of the place of Tecumseh's sepulture, and effare to eltow the plate. and prove his eltdm, if the Government will *tett * M01111Ment to the chief, it might be well not to take Dr. 14itehell's find as the last word In the inatter. 1•10.001. CHAPTER XXL Neat Bill Howie was a fine old coun- try maneion, stauding in a, good sizea park, and having' immediately atatitt it heantend gardens and, lawn*. 'Xite coun- try in ----Shire was pretty:, with two or three placea of sufficient tnterest for rides, planes and. so forth. In the park there was a ahooting- range at the end of a picturesque glen, only three-quartere of a mile from the hOuss, and there was good shooting in the various masons for those who were eportsmen; so, with the addition of a de, lightful beet and hostess, a mouth at Nest Hill bid fair to be a very oujoyulde time. it. Maur was the last arrival, reach- ing in time to dress at once for dinner and, join the party in the drawing -room, where, besides the Cliffords, Archer Northcote, and Captain Darnley, he found a daughter of Sir Artliue Chau - Mug, and two young men, named Tee- lawney and Fitzroy, both racing mon, known to St. Maur and the Addisoes. Falconer was received vdth the great- est cordiality. But how his heart leaped end his blood quiciteried, as, last hut not least, he could turn to his wife! And wile could kuow, save herself, how close was Ow elan') of his hand, or how hie eyes looked into hem, as his soft tortes greeted her with words under Which she alone could read a deeper lauguagel Then came dinner, when he was placed between Miss Charming and Bleach° Le- roy, evitich materially mereaced the let- ter's enjoyment, although she found ib quite impossible to monopolize her handsome neighbor, St. Maur was far too thorough -bred a gentleman to neglect one laely for an - Other, where courtesy gave each an equal claim on his attention, and, far too thoroughly a man of the world to be drawn into an overt flirtation one step beyond Ins own choosing. Ito had no mind to set Dr. Clifford thinking about asking him "his intentions," or making ineonveniently close inquiries, which would possibly result in that kind 1;:lf coolness wilich politely theta paternal doors against a marriageable, but dan- gerous man. In the drawing room, again, there was very soon an instinctive exodus through . the toraptiugly wide-open • Free& 'windows on to the bread, law terraee and lawn bewoud. • "A. positive sin to be in -doors such an evening," eaid Falconer, leading the van. 'Mrs. Erriugtona do come and look what a glorious sunset." "It's quite your own assumption that Mr. Si. Maur has no intention of marry. ing at some time. I suppose yonire not exactly in. his secrets?" "Jealous of me, are you?" thought the wife, smiling. "Are you, then, Blanche? Let me warn you to guard your tongue .outsicle, at least, if you do hot at home, or Mrs. Addison may retort to such innueeidoes by saying that Miss Leroy is a jealous, scandal -mongering flirt." Blanche got up angrily and flounced out of the room; but the home -thrust frightened her, and resolving to reserve her powers for use in the country, when under the same roof with St. Maur, she was more careful when she met him in society. So the few weeks slipped by, and Fal- coner St. Maur, quickly missed from Ascot, and chaffed thereat, was, in the weeks that followed, missed sontetinies for eights together from the Fawley or other such haunts of reektees play. Then he would "turn up" again, tometimes gambling as wildly as ever, with vary - Ing fortune, when the (lemon, resisted for days, seized him with redoubled force. Sometimes', whether he we're evinter or loser, he would leave the glinting table* an hour earlier titan his wont, decline ing he had had enotgle and. either look on or go off, utterly regardless of chaff or sneers. For the first be had alwitys some wit- ty repartee, for the sena A laugh, or tutting macaw. What it cost him to gait eve use little—to put even SO slight ana evanescent a curb on the indulged Vice of years—he best knew. Then he was tortured by remorte, de- epaire-he Wati a hopeless garalder--it W121 no use; the old jealousy of Clifford, because, to a great extent, he held the jewel that was Falconerhi; MA he grew net more chafed tend restive undet the separittion—together, yet apart—forced upon hint. In thie temper the title mtesion tswept over hirit and drove hint beek-- back at the lest. In this temper the thirty-firet of July ettnit, end he and Bahmee, with his four -footed Arab few. orite in the horse box, left London for Neet Hill, in --shire, and perforce for the time left pudding and boss be- hind—lied he nod loot lately rather hewn It was about eight o'clock. The min itself had just sunk behind the nills to the west, flooding the heavens in crim- son and golden hues of gorgeous 'beauty that no hand of mortal artist ever ap- reached by the thousandth part, glow- ing with the light from Him who had once said, "Let there be light!" and had seen that it was good—marvelous hues that changed every minute into count- less shades, that melted into the dusky gray of the far oast aa the evening shad- ON70 stealthily crept up to meet° it. It tipped the ridge of hills and waving tops of nearer woods with red -gold glory and deepened the lengthened shadows of the tree, and in that mysterious, sole rowful husk of nature, whirl falls at eventide, it seemed as if Time itself stood still before its sole= beauty to worship. "It fades—it fades so fast into night," Falconer said, at last, still gazing up, "like our human lives!" • "But the nigbt passes, and the . sun rises on a nevr day," Christine answered, under her breath. His eyes dropped on hers. "There is no sun for me where you are not," he Bald, in a passionate under- tone. "I want you so, and he has you, while I—" THE 11011110,0S OF STOMACH TORTURE tisrmagsnoN 01P A =MUIR DIACSUPTIM OOHED DY "FiltUrDeheTIVES." Mrs, 0'. R. Viocic, of London, Ont., for yeare received the best metlical Attention that Canada afforded. Her husband was a prominent lihYe alcian, rot his shill Ana that of his celleanUee, was of no avail la belohnr lure. She writea "I was a constant mar. tyr to Stoniach Woeiniess rny life and no physician multi mare me, but 'Fruit-a-tives' gave me entire relief anti I cordially recommend this teen - ma fruit medicine to the public)." "Frult-a-tives" correets all disor- ders of digestion, and Is it poisitive and speedy cure for Indigestion, Dyen pepsin, end Constipation. "Fruit-a-tives" are sold by deal - ere at 50e a box, 6 for $2.50, er trial box, 25c, or xnaY be obtained Orem_ Fruit-a-tives, Limited. Ottawa. "Falc—Mrs..Errington," called Addi- son, "come here; NY0 want to try some al fresco part -singing with your help." Both of course turned at once to give their musical assistance, and for Borne time the party amused themselves by singing venom trios, quartettes, and part songs, unaccompanied, widen are perhaps more in their place so than in a oaucert-room. It was some time after dark before they in; and then musics in good earnest and of a very different stamp .was inaugurated by Helen asking Mrs. Errington to give them. one or two of Chopin's lovely nocturnes. . "Now for a real treat," said St. Maur, sinking into it seat beside Blanche. ."What it touch Mrs. Errington has! how she bringa out the rich tone of that grand!" "Yes; the likes Broadwood's best," said Blanche, not relishing private of the wotaan of whom she was fast get- ting jealous, but happy to find Falconer at her tide. "I should know that by the tone, if 'I were blind," St. Maur said. "Could youP wash I were as clever as you!" she whispered, coquettishly. Ile lifted. a finger, and Blanche dared not chatter, lest he should, move away. His "Thank you, Mts. Errington," was a thousand times more to the pian- ist than all the applause of the others. "By the way, St. Maur," said ' Dr. Clifford, turning to him, "have you heard any more from Mr. Cede about his threatened bother with the miners?" 'Well, doctor, so far I have heard from him, only lest week, that matters were getting 'ail worsed atia no bete tor,' as the nigger said to his wife. There have been some little semi.. secret, unofficial ineetingo hetti, an)1 suy uncle and manager are daily expecting some Absurd demand to be made." dear, how dreadful!" aided -Blanche. "What will he do?" said Fah eo'n'llere.fuse them, oi eaueshe "But these people gat violent, don't theyt and ishoot their masters, don't they, these miners?" dThea may if we give them the ehauce." •'Oh, yea won't go, I hope, Mr. St. Maur?" He laughed. 'I shall be the very one to go directly, you May be sure, Miss Leroy; it wiil my siinple duty, and certitinly my wish, too." "You think, that," remarked tdiffoid, "thet there will be n. 'strike t" "Unqueetionably, awl Imola If, as ex- peeted, they dethand an advance of eight • per tett, they will be flatly refused; then they may strike.' "I'ethap3 Mr. Orde may offer ti cote promise?" euggeeted the doctor. "Il'ini he may," Intoner looked doubtful. "But they won't ateeph it, I expect," "tt wino," eeia Cliffota. "that this • plaee is uot more then twenty miles from 'hfr. Orde's neighborhood, so Addi- son says." 'Quite right, eleetor; that is about the distinee from Griteedtowtion.' Vp tante Helen. "Now, then, t]ease, tiny first tenor. • you are wetted. Pitied to etng; Mrs, Ellington will kindly aceompate you," "1 aril torn between two pleasuread said lit. Maur. "Miss taro Rural Free Delivery in the South, Throughout the mouptain districts of the south the mail is carried on horse- back, The pouch is about five feet long, divided in two sections and opens in the middle. Half the mail is put in each side of the sack and in thie way it is carried on the horse's back. In the rough mountain sections the work is anything but easy, Where there are no roads it is hard work, riding through storms, fording streams, climb- ing steep and. recny trails with almost perpendicular cliffa above end below, One misstep means death to horse and rider on the rocks below. The poinnaster is notified to Irave the mail ready by the tooting of the horn whieli every mail carrier carries. Ile blows the horn, before he gets to the post pffice, as a signal to be ready for him, SO that there will be no delay in making his trip on time.—Eur News. Es a,c1 1E3 cg is the direet and inevitable result of irregular or constipated bowels and -cloggetleup kidneys and skin. The uudigested food and other -waste mat- ter which is Allowed to accumulate poi- • sons the blood and the whole system. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills act dir- ectly on the bowels, regulating them— ep the kidneys, giving them ease and strength to properly filter the blood— and on the skin, opening up the pores. For pure blood aud good health take er. r I in aim re FF2cuzet, 17:211 I ss Church Built in a Day. TALK NICELY* Y, Telephone Co. Sends Abroad a Plea For Forbearance. The New York Telephone Company„ a corporetion evidently not wholly soul. leae, eermonizes as followe lit an advere tisentent recently sent abroad Among its !subscribers, wherein. is a plea, for fon. bettrance, concord and gentle Speech, "Do 'nver the telephone an you would face to face. The fact that a, line of wire and two shining instruments imp- arate you from the rersour4 with whom you are talking takes none of the isting out ot the unkind words, "Yes, indeed, always remember that a Ault enemy turnoth away wrath. If it should happen occasionally that you are cut off in. the middle of a conYet- eation, or you can not hear dietinetly or at all, or 'somebody is reviewing the woricl's social history while holding the ivire, do not take it out on the unfor- tunate person with whom you are at tempting to converse. Try and contain youleelf, keep cool, patient and. sweet, be it ever se painful, A. quiet demeanor and self-abnegation saves wear and. tear on the nerves as well as on the proper- ty of the telephone company. Auger, mixed. with profanity of any sort, burns out too. minty fuses." 4 BRIGHT LITTLE ONES MAKE HOME BRIGHT Babies that are well, sleep w ell, oat evell and play well. They steep naturally and wake up good natured. The child that is utit nosy-theeked and pleyful needs prompt ettetttion for it is not well. A. sickly chilcl can be restored to health with .a few doses. of Baby's Own Tablets, *hien cure colic, indigestion, .constipation, • teething troubles and the other disor- ders from whicb. young children suf- fer. Mrs. Thos. Whiting, Waterford, Ont, trays: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets in my home for same years atul would not be withoet them. fincl them just the right medicine for little ono." Sold by inedioine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 4 4 44 The Unfashionable Oracile. Cradles are going out; children are not wearing them any more. People tell U4 that reeking' is unhygienic; babies, ac- cording to modern idea., should go to oleo naturally in a stationarY, germ - Proof bed. with antiseptic pillows and a sanitized rattle. Sentiment may save the cradle for a little while, but sooner or later it will go to the dusty attic along with the hair cloth sofa, Maybe the in- fant of to-morow will bear up somehow under these accumulated misfortunes, will struggle along somehow to maturity, but what about the artists, the poets, the song writers? What a world of senti- • ment and melody has been woven around the theme of the mother and the gently rb.:calscsingtricirnamlls.What kind of song will the poor poet of the future be able to make about an enameled iron crib 'with —Success Magazine. The central Christian Church of Pe- oria, Ill., wee built in record-breaking time. It took just ten hours all told to eomplete the structure ready for oc- cupancy. Ono hundred and ninety men, members of the congregation, started to work at eight o'clock on the morning of May 30, tied at six o'clock the even- ing chimes on other churches throughout town were rung to announce the conn pletion of the building. The. ItPV. Mr. Turner, pastor of the church, conducted memorial services in the ehurch idelit. The material for the building was- given by ,various concerns in Peona and other cities.—The Christian Herald. •o • • It is estimated that seven thous- and children die weekly in New York from bowel complaints most- ly caused by the house fly. If there are children in your house use Wilson's Ply Pads freely and persistently, and thus reduce the risk to a rainimum. • "'From *pot to isnot they lturry me— th, and ght a cup Of list At the it hBa not wen hie vrife for a fort- And think that 1 forget.' Cilifferds'. I waist to ask pea somethiflg. night before tearing town, but he hod Fenton my flight to the ?Ulrich° tee." trot One to 0Ood-M7041. t'No, be emettneed..) • • o Such a Bore to Dress. A belated traveller who was compell- ed to stay all night in it backwoods cab- in down in the Little River country in Oklahoma saps that soon after the fru- gal meal a- tall, gaunt youth of 18 and an equally sallow and. gaunt girl of 17, both barefooted, took their hake from wooden pegs in the wall and prepared to go out, whereupoit the mother, tak- ing her pipe .from between her teeth, said, reproviuglyt "Go 'lone an' wash your feet, Levi; you and, Illy, both! Hitin't you 'sham- ed to go off to an evenin' party without eve.shin' your feet?" They obeyed, but as Levi took the washpan from it bench by the door he said with it grumble: fix "I'd 'bout as soon layhotne from it party as to have to up for 'flour Druggist Wm wen You Murillo Eye Ttemedy Itellevea Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Byes. Deesn't •Sntart, Soothes Eye Pain, at.ti Sells for 50c. Try Mtirine in Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes for scaly Eyelids and Granulation. dr — LITTLE MORE NEEDED. (Cleveland Limier.) • "Mamma, -when I say my prayers to- Ilig")0At fenicreayrj, pdreaeYe. for ram? you think we've had enough rain?" "Not grate. Jetittie Jones is going to • have it. picnie toenorrow, end / ain't. in- vited. Minard's Liniment LuMberman's Friend. t OF COURSE NOT. (Succese Magazine) "By the Way, Elaer Browne, why is it you always address your congregation alf 'brethren, and never mention the wo- men in your /sermons?" "But, my dear madam, the ,0110 braces the other." "Oh, Init. Elder, not it church." A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL To All Women: I will send free with full instructione, my home treatment which Dostively cures Leueorrhoea, Ulceration, Displacements, Falling of the Womb, Pain- ful or irregular periods, Uterine and Over - Ian Tumors or Growths, also got Flushes, Nervousness. Melancholy, Pains in the Head, Back or Bowels. Kidney and Bladder troubles, where caused by weakness peculiar to our sex. You e.an oontir.ue treatment at home at a oast of only 12 cents a week. Idy book, "Woman's Own Medical Advisor," also sent free on request. Write to -day. Address, bins. M. Saran:era. Box H. 8, Windsor, oat. • ,SFIREDOE13, 1,7,7,1771,.37177. -1" A meat diet is too heating Shredded Wheat ie. tho Warn' ounnner food. Cooling, yet fa or rich nouriebments ,41 the grenob-giving element* of the who wheat. A biecuit covered .vvith &cab .fruit is enjoyable. Serve witb cream and ouptr. sold bs, ell. Orem,. Ihe mew, two the 2de. 2d25 CLOUDS AND THE WEATHER. Forecasts of Thunderstorms and Hail —Violent Drops In Temperature. Cloudy weather forecaets made by Dr. A. de Quervain, of Zurich, are of the eit- most scientific and practical import- ance. His deductions are based on the familiar cumulus cloud of warm sum- mer days. When reaching heights of six or seven rodeo it becomes a trundle cloud. The high fleeting top minium the shape of a fleecy ica needle cloud and extende sideways in anvil shape. The ordinary cumulus cloud uudergoes similar trans- forioution at a level of three to four miles, and so does not lead to the for- mation of thunder clouds, but merely to the production of fleeay clouds. This sort of cloud cait be regarded as it presage of good weather. The veil - shaped hooded clouds have not been suf- ficiently explained. Often they encom- pass the top of a quickly rising cumulus eloua sod until reeently were thought to be instrumental in the production, of hell. They are always found to be in- timately connected with existing fleecy clouds, and on the other hand presage bad weather, occurring previous to thunderstorms. Even such relibode presages of thun- derstorms are the remarkably delicate variety of fleecy clouds which are most- ly found fleeting about four miles high. On a darker layer they are superposed, delicate white heads. These lofty curly heads, generally in the morning, safely predict & thunderstorm within twenty- four hours. By balloon ascents it was founil that the oceurrenee of these clouds coincides with a violent drop in the temperature.--Chieago Tribune. Novel Rodent Exterminator. A new rat and rabbit exterminator is being tested out in India and Australia. It consists of an outer and inner metal shell, like one small egg in it larger one, In the outer shell is sulphruia acid, in the inner metal egg is dry cyanide of potash. The outer shell is filled -with the acid and placed in the rat hole ot burrow, and all rat holes are tightly +sealed. After an hour or so the acid eats into the cyanide and turns loose a lot of most deadly prussic acid gas. A PIANO FOR 50 GENTS A WEEK This is it golden opportunity for any- one to own an instrument. We have it large stock of used pianos, taken in ex- thange On Heintztean n Co. pianos. These instruments are such well-known makes as Weber, Chickering, Ithines Bros:, Thomas and Dominion, and the priee ts from 860 to Oa Each on' guaranteed for five years, aud will be taken back in exchange with full am- ount allowed any time in three years. Do not let .this chance: slip by you. .A post card. will bring full particulars, Eteintztoan dr. Co., 71 King street ease Hamiltoe, Ont. EARLY HABITS. (Catholic Standard and Timm) "That last opeaker," said the first poet at the banquet," was quite enter. "Yon" replied the other, "and he's it self-made man, too," "I can't say, though, that I liked his delivery. It was rather slow." • "Oh, neturelly1 He began life as a messenger boy." Keep Minerd's Liniment in the house • ne MAKING HISTORY. (Puck.) "Caesar had hie Brutus! Charles the Pleat his Cromwell! And Theodore Roosevelt. --0 "Treason! Tretteonl" sheeted the Ten- nis Oeleinet, "--hest a way of hinting all tradi- tions wide open. If this be treasen, makethe moist of itl" Minard's I -Iran -tent used by Physicians National Dish of CenAda. Ono menet be long in any hotel or restaurant in Canada without seeing halibut on the hill of fair. In this re- apeeb it asettmes the positiort of it na- • tional dish. It is there on Chrietmas 1/tta aud again ort Midsummer Day, and there are • tot many days between acid twO dates when helibut finds no piece on the menu. flo plentiful Is halibut in the wetera of the west coast of Vancouver • /eland that Mr. Ernest ItleGeffey on one °erosion swathed few Indians with their treats fishing arrangements catch 21,009 iteund itt Clayequot Sound in one day. When it is remembered that it halibitt itotnethnes weighs as much as 400 pounds peelteps thi* aelikvernent will • Iota it titiy pent of its glory,—From Can - Wee. - • ISSUE NO, 26„ 1910 AGENTS WANTED. dOTAIIT A =Amu= TO -DAY. SEND J Postal for Circular*. or 10e for Barn - Plea and terms. Alfred Tyler, London, Ont. FOR SALE. T THST-CLASS GROcnRY STOOK AND buildings for sale. Address Sydney Smyth, 404 Talbot street, London, Oat. Dr, Martel's Female Pills SEVENTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD Prescribed and recommended for wo• men's ailments, a scientifically pre- pared remedy of proven -worth, Ina result from their use Is quick and per. manent For sale at all dein stores. SENTENGE =UNIONS. Some have no faith except when they are feeding. Saint's sighs may do more harm than sinner's smiles. When a man makes his own halo he always gets tangled up in it. Preachere would get nearer to hearts if they eared less for counting noses. IIe cannot love his fellows who helps one man to hate another. Casting your care on the Lord does not mean quitting your job. There's a world of difference between borrowing trouble and sharing it. An honest prayer for harvest always inspires a man to get out and hustle. The man with an eye only efor the main chance usually gets off on the side track of selfishness. No man knows how much, joy there is in the world until he bkontes concerned in the sorrows of others. It's not much use talking of giving your heart to God when you leave only the fag end of yourself for your family. Love enlarges the limits of life. You can kow true faith by its fore- sight. The seeret of right tieing Is right liv- ing in secret. We miss most of our blessings by re- fusing burdens. You never lead men into truth by us- ing it as it whip. Nothing deceives its owner better than pious conceit. The lights of the world never tell you to watch their smoke. Life soon denies all pleasure to those who deny themselves none. The man who likes people can be led to like any really good thing. Some churches seem to mistake the dinner bell for the meal. take it it lot of love to hold our chil- dren from the snare of luxury. Many it preacher fails because while he guards the seed of truth sedulously he knows nothing of the soil in which Henry F. Cope. he plants it, Shows Motion of Earth. Dr. Charles Forbes, of the Depart- ment of Physics in Columbia Uni- versity, has installed in. Barnard Col- lege the first permanent apparatus for the installation of the Foucault exper- iment, to show the motion of the earth. Dr. Forbes set up a tempor- ary apparatus ter the experiment in St. Faure Chapel of Columbia Uni- eetsity tort( tWo years ago, which was described in....t..hese colurans. Ask for Minard's and take no other. C. D. SHELDON Ini370tircnert A specialty made of investments In Standard Railroad and Indus: - trial Stocks. Write for full particulars regarding plan of investment. Room 101, 105, St Samos St., Montreal. •:.ee, • • $ mmettsibfiversity and College The Profeseor Knew. An absent-minded German professor at- tached to a university hi Washington die - covered the other day that he had loft hie umbrella somewhere. As he had visited three stores, he thought It must be in one of them, so he started back and called at all three in tern. "No umbrella has been found here," the professor was told in the first store. The German shrugged his shoulders and went out. At the next store the tame response was ramie; whereupon the professor • einligv.ed his shoulders once more, and went to the third esto.bliehment. There • he found his umbrella aWalting "1 must say," said he to his family, on rammer home "they were more honest at the last place then at the Other stores. —Lipplricott's Magazine 43, A DOW OR A ROW. (Bogen Transcript.) Casey—Next time 01 pdse wihl it lady, Mulligan, yell take aff yer hat. Mulligan --An' suppose 01 refuee? Casey—Then, be hivins, take elf .er ton! KINGSTON! ONTARIO. • ARTS EDUCATION THEOLOGY MEDICINE SCIENCE (Including Engineering) The Arts course may be taken without attendance, but students desiring to grad- uate must attend one session. There were 1517 students registered session 1909-10. For Calendars, write the Registrar, GEO. Y. CHOWN, B.A. 14 Kingston, Ontario. Electric Steam Shovels. The advantages of an electrical shovel over a steam shovel have recently been portrayed, showing that wherever elec- tricity is available at moderate rates, the electric shovel is much to be pre- ferred. One of the great objections to the steam shovel, says the Scientific American, Is the fact that the expenses of a fireman must be paid, and the fuel, as well as the water, have frequently to be carted for a very long distance. Steam must be kept up continuously, despite all delays in operating the sbovel, while for tho electric shovel the same arguments apply as are made in behalf of electric drive in machine shops, namely, that when the shovel is idle there is no consumption of power, yet the power is ready for instent use when- ever it is needed. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,—Theodore Donis, a caste - mer of 'nine, was completely cured of rheumatism after five yeaes of suffer- ing, by the judicious use of MINARD'13 LINIMENT. The above facts can be verified by writing to him, to the Parish Priest or any of his neighbors. A. COTE, Merchant. St. Isidore, Que., 12 May, '98. Little Brother to G. K. C. There is another Chesteron in the field, who appears to be anxious to turn the world upside down, with his pen for A lever, as the more distinguished bearer of the name. Ceeil Chesterton is, in point of fact, the younger brother of the redoubtable "G. X. C." whom he resembles in features, though not in stature. The younger Chesterton, in addition to being an able writer, is a redhot So- cialist, and in his new 'book, "Party and People," which Alston Rivers is about to publish, he -will probably reveal a capacity for treading on the toes of the politically and socially orthodox as pro- nounced as that of his "big brother" hinnelf.—The Bookseller. Do not forget that every ten cent packet of Wilson's Fly Pads will kill more flies thau three hundred sheets of sticky paper. -.11' More Heat in Soft Woods. Controry to the widespreati belief that hard wood give more heat in burning them Boa varieties, the ecientists at Washington was contending that the greatest, heating power is possessea by the wood of the linaen tree, which is very soft. Fir stands next to linden and almost equal to it. Thee comes pine, hardly inferior to fir ana Eiden, while hard oak possesses 8 per cent, leas heating capatity titan linden, and red beach 10 per cent. lese.—Fur News. Now Iteginneth the summer resort men to ley his snares. VOX= ' ----ISZSMOrandikieirdniallatiMaliNglrfgageMIGSMaldeal 1 - EDDY'S "SILENT" MATCHES Utley the . Most particular people. They ars the most perfect Made, tleitelilitt as their nante Implies, no *puttee, no siredl ot ettiphur, ors quicker, tald safe, All firshtleet dealer* keep them. The- E1 B EDDY COMPANY, ihnitadi Hull/ Canada HERE SINCE 1861.