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The Wingham Advance, 1910-06-16, Page 5
TiruRsrav, JUNE 16, 1910 r 25 Per Cent. .. OFF .. Straw Hats 11111111111111011111.111 rss~i 110111111111 The weather has been against the sale of Straw Hats this season --- there fore, .we have decided to clear out all this season's goods at a discount of 25 Per Cent. All shapes and all sizes in stock—get first choice. McGee & Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers r vaarsm6assrg10111 Merchant -Tailor Clothes Look Better They Always Have—They Always Will That elusive something called style cannot be made in a factory. Good tailoriug—the draping and nutting and modeling of cloth —is an Art, nothing less. Every good merchant tailor believes this with all his soul, He knows it from his own year's experience, patience and toil as a craftsman. He knows that merely to fit is but a small part of a good tailor's art. The right sort of clothes—the clothes you want— appeal as much through fitness as through fit. Through au air of distinction and elegance a good tailor can express the best there is in you. He can make your clothes bespeak class. He can preserve individuality. He can give personality a ohance. You want such clothes and they can be had in only one way—they must be cut and made expressly for you, from faultless fabrics, by that artist of merchants—a merchant tailor. These are tailoring facts. In neglecting them you wrong opportunity, E. 'C. WHITE W1LSON BLOCK The Fashionable Men's and Ladies' Tailor WOMEN'S WOES. IYin&has Women Are Minx Relief At, Last, It does seem that women have more than a fair share of the aches and pains that afflict humanity ; they must "keep up", must attend to duties in spite of constantly aching backs, or headaches, dizzy spells, hearing -down pains; they must stoop when to stoop cleans torture. They must walk and bend and work with racking `pains and many aches from kidney ills. Kidneys cause more suffering than any other organ of the body. Keep the kidneys well and health is easily maintained, Read of a remedy for kidneys only that helps and cures the kidneys and is, endorsed by people you know. Mrs. Runstedler of Leopold St., \Vingham, Ont., says: ---""I had suf- fered with an attack of pleurisy which had greatly weakened ale. A severe pain had settled in the region of the kidneys and extended around my sides, I could scarcely stoop over and straighten myself up. headaches and spells of dizziness were frequent and my eyes became weak and painful. Booth's Kidney Pills were recommend- ed and I tried them, they soon re- lieved we, The pains and soreness left use and the headaches and dizzi- ness were also quickly relieved. I be- lieve Booth's Kidney Pills to be an excellent remedy and shall not hesi- tate to recommend them." For sale by .1. W. McKibbon, Wing - ham. Price 50 cents. The R. T, Booth Co., Ltd, Fort Erie Ont„ Sole Canadian Agents. THE WINGS A.M A.DV.A.NOE NOT EVEN SCRATCHED. Curate --"I heard your husband has sigfed,the pledge. ]foes he keep it to the letter?" PariehionerIt worn': a letter, sir, it wor a card," "I mean, has he kept his pledge inviolate?'' "No, sir, he ain't kept it hi violet at all. I've kept it in lavender in a drawee." "I'm afraid you don't understand me, What I mean is, has he broken the pledge since he took it P" Re ain't touched it, sir. rve kept it wrapped up in paper, an' it's as good as new," Then the curate gave it up as hope- less, Capital. In Electricity. It is only thirty years since electri- cal energy began to be utilized, and since the telephone came in use. To- day there are five and one-half million telephones in operation in the United States, and these represent an invest- ment of $650,000,000 of capital. In the same time there have been con- structed in the United States over 40,- 000 miles of electric railways with nearly 00,000 cars and a capitalized value of four and one-half billions. In all, about six billion dollars are in- vested in electrical enterprises in the United States. send us a postcard and allow us to send you a worth -having free book full of hints about the hundred uses your ' own home could find for It is more than merely the supreme floor.finish. It renovates old furniture; makes all woodwork look new again; won't fade nor crack nor show wear in a long while, Make your floors easier to keep clean and dustless with M L Flporglaze. Get the book—ask for it NOW. Any of the seventeen handsome solid enamels of M L Flaor- IMPERIAI. VARNISH & glaze will look better and last far longer than paint or varnish. --"�' 50 will any of the seven M L Lacs that so perfectly imitate COLOR CO., LIMITED hardwood—or the Transparent natural finish. Comes in tins. TORONTO big and small. A gallon coats 500 square feet. Easy to —�T :o apply'. Dries hard overnight, Ask your dealer or write us. Recommended and Sold by all Reliable Dealers, including 3. G. STEWART & CO. P�loo��l On the Trying Art of duff Paste Making --i Across the briny we are told, when a tenor is up for Grand Opera honors, they test his range in all manner of ways, If triumphant, they hand him the score of "William Tell" Which floors manybeing a stumbling block for young tenor ainbitions. Which all reminds one of the difficult art of Puff Paste Making. Being, as you know, the supreme test of cooking ability, She who risks above the level at ordinary everyday paste must be an artist. She is one in a hundred, mighty good marrying material. Could YOU stand the test, Mistress Housewife ? Can you really make Puff Paste, Paste that is Puffy? With a clear, delicate ap- For we wont allow it, pearance, a golden creamy Madam. brown that is eye -tempting? cl;r; * With a crinkly, close -grain- ed texture that is tender, melting awayon the tongue - tip while producing a rich d :CAN AO tN FIVE ROSES richness im- proves ' every recipe its healthfulness its quality and evenness never vary. nES For puff paste, all sorts and conditions of puffs and tartlets, FIVE ROSES will effect of the soft spot of the seem like another Alladtn's palate ? Plus that longed -for quality so hard to secure—an even flakiness ? The kind mother tried to make but couldn't, you known. Don't say; "`Ahl iflcould only make Puff Paste like that."0 Why shouldn't you Madam ? You can get FIVE ROSES flour, if you really want to. Milled in the perfect way to fill your every need in plain and fancy cooking. Lamp. With the same amount of shortening and water, because of higher absorp- tion, you use at least ONE-FIFTH LESS FIVE ROSES. ft makes up so much lighter, raises so much higher even when rolled thinner from slacker dough, makes so much richer -looking pastries. Don't you want YOUR puff paste perfect combined with economy? Wont YOU try FIVE ROSES, Madam ? LAKE OF 111E WOODS MILLING 00., LTD., MONTREAL a (s) Brussels, Nearly 0,000 lbs. gf cream was re- ceived at Brussels creamery from three routes in Grey township last weep. Wednesday the annual excursion was run on the W. 0, and 13, to the 0, A. O. a Guelph, It took about 450 passenger]; to the Royal Oity, Of that number 00 were from Brussels depot. A 52 foot cement smoke stack is being built at the I,wan Carriage Works by Geo, Barkley and staff.. This is the first in this locality and Mr, blwan is to be commended on his enterprise, The metal stank had eery - ed its day. Ls,st Saturday a fine young man passed away to bis reward in the per- son of Will S. Grieve, son of Mrs. Jno, Grieve, of town, Deceased put up a strong and heroic fight against the grins monster but it was of no avail, Will, was a general favorite and hie. demise was deeply regretted. Rev. J. Oaten, M. A., now conclud- ing his 4th year at Milverton, has been appointed pastor of the Metho- dist church here. Mr. Oaten was in- vited to Victoria Ave. church, Gode- rich, but like a number of other invi- tations, it was not honored. His pas. torate will open in Brussels on lst Sabbath of July. Brussels Foot Ball team went to Listowel last Friday evening and play- ed a League game with the eleven of that town. As the result of the bat- tle 1} hours the score stood 1-0 in favor of Listowel, This completed the schedule for this district and leaves Brussels at the top with the advantage of one point, Our boys will now go into the larger arena and will put their best foot foremost to hold Intermediate chafnptonship. BIG HATS IN CHURCH. The opinions of the ministers of a New Jersey town on .the wearing of mountainous headgear by the women in church were canvassed. There were a variety of opinions. Here are four of them :-- No. 1—"I believe that big hats are a hindrance to the salvation of souls in our churches." No. 2—"While in church women's heads ought to be covered, However, I wish the styles would change. No. 3 -"Women are not expected to come to church to give a millinery dis- play." No. 4—"Women in this church may wear hats as large as they desire. If necessary a woman may have a whole pew to herself." Not Worth Mentioning. "See here—when you sold me that horse you said he hadn't a fault." "What's the matter with him?" "He's blind." "Is he?" "Yes, and be has the heaves.'► "That so?" "There is a spavin on one foot." '"Well, isn't he all right otherwise?" Certainly. "Ile has a most amazing appetite. It embarrasses him." "Does It?" "Yes, awfully." "Too bad. What does he do about it?" "Takes it to the dining room." His Stunt. "He talks an awful lot." "Too bid, isn't it?" "Pretty bad." "Can't he stop?" "No; he earns his living that way." "Auctioneer?' "No; husband of a rich wife." Another View of it. "Poor fellow! Ile is dead." "But not poor follow." "No?" "Didn't you know he was just about to be married?" PERT PARAGRAPHS. f SING at peace with yourself some. tittles means that you have just had a satisfying scrap with some one else. Tatting care of yourself shouldn't mean injuring your neighbor.. If you were to get acquainted with yourself you alight encounter some startling fir -relations. The thing that one man hates you for another man may admire you_ for, so stop worry- ing and choose your man. Keep out of harm's way, but in doing so don't run up against an in- dictment for cow- ardice. The world doesn't own the man a living who has the earth. Sorrow shows how to keep out of the way of trouble, but It is a heavy price to pay for the information. Some people go so far out of their way to do another an injury that they never succeed in finding their way back. Many a man thinks he is the whole thing when he is only married to the whole thing. Sorrow is a sort of internal revenue for the support of happiness, Just Ahead. I/eighol What I would like to see IL l could have my pick Of all the things that 1 desire I'd choose It pretty quick, 15 by a magic word or sign Or -wishing I could bring The thing, I'd have It here at once-. Just spring. 1 think old winter I admire As much as any one, But there's a limit, you'll admit, To winter's brand of fun. I'd like to lose it and Instead Get hooked up on my string The way an angler lands a fish-• Just spring. There may be other things as nice If pushed, I would allow, 1.. taut I can`t think of anything To equal it just now. Pd litre to sen the snow banks rise And for the north take wing, That we might have in place of there Just spring. Oh, joyous days of daffodils And so forth without end, Come in a hurry, if you can. And you will find a friend. Your praises to the choicest words Most gladly 1 will sing. Come, cunning, sweet allinity— Just spring. Unsophisticated. "He must be a kind hearted man." "Think so?" "Well, I just judged from fragments of his conversation that I heard last night that he has taken one of his aunties to•raise." The New Definition. "It Is a poor rule that won't work both ways." "No?" "Not by any means. It is a poor rule that won't efface itself when de- sirable." • Queer. "It is funny." "What is?" "A. man never knows It when be has a good wife, but when he has a poor one he finds it out mighty quick." .r Out of Sight. "Ile has a large bump of selfishness all right." "Where Is that located?" "In the hip pocket in his case." Aggravating. Now that you're loaded up with clothes, Enough to do the that through, Perhaps you notice that the stores nave Out the prices Just in two, 4amesmvaaoaaaaaauaaaeeeammmaoaumaommmmaoommS— Stop, Madam ! Do not throw out that old piece of furniture. It's marred and the worse of wear, true, but some of your fondest recollections are associated with it. "Lacqueret," the specially prepared Lacquer, will restore its original beauty, concealing the mars and blemishes of wear and tear and mak- ing it as good as new. The next best thing to a new suite for any room in the house is a coat of "Lacqucret"--the wonderful furn- iture renewer. Our free booklet, "Dainty Dec- orator," tells the story of "Lac- queret"---the home beauti- tier. A post -card brings it. Interesting and informing. Write for it to -day. Leading Hardware and Paint Dealers sell "Leequeret." International Varnish Co. Limited 2362 TORONTO—WINNIPECt ISARD'S 20 Per Cent. Discount Sale OF MEN'S HIGH-CLASS TAILORED SUITS. We make this BIG ° CUT IN PRICE to reduce our Clothing stock, which must be reduced one-half in 30 days. Great chance to save 20 cts. on the dollar. Buy a Ten Dollar Suit and have banded back to you a two dollar bill. 110 Men's Suits to choose from, comprising Plain Worsteds, Fancy English Worsteds, Black or Blue Berges, Fancy Tweeds, &c. MEN'S PANTS in all the New' Patterns and best makes and styles, at 20 per cent, off our close selling prices. BOYS' SUITS—Big Stock of new patterns ; .: two and three-piece Suits, made with the bloomer or plain pants ; your pick of the BEST SUITS at TWENTY PER CENT. off regular prices. TWENTY PER CENT. PROFIT for you if you buy your Clothing . here. Move quick and get first choice. H. E. Isard & Co. 1 150,0 0 Pounds Of Wool Wanted CASH OR TRADE, We have 'in stock for the Wool sea- son the best Blankets, Sheets, Sheet- ing and Yarn, made from our best Wool by Ifowe & Co. of Wroxeter. We also have one of the best stocks of Men's ready-made Suits ever shown in this store. Boys' 2 and 3 piece Suits, of the latest cuts and styles, from 52.76 to $5.00 each. It will pap you to see these suits before buying elsewhere. Ladies' Suitings, in all the newest shades, from 50c per yard up. Ladies' Wash Suit materials, in all the leading shades. See our Ladies' White Lawn Waists and White Wear. We also have the best range of Carpets, Rags, Oil Cloths and Linoleums, shown in Wingham. Genuine S'eotoh Linoleum and English Floor 011 Cloths, just arrived from the manufacturers, which we are offering at special prices. Umbrellas and Parasols, Men's and Boys' Vine and Coarse Straw flats, Shirts and Shirting, overcalls and Smocks of all kinds. We will give 10 per cent, off all the above goods in exchange for Wool. Remember that we are selling No, 1 sugar at $51.46 per cwt. cash, and sugars are advancing. Best grades of Flour always in stook. ALL KINDS PRODUCE TAKEN. NOTE.--" ,LAcouswar *0 It sold le fall Imperial Nam paekagos arty Per Sale By J. O. Stewart & Co,, Wingham. © 11'1 Do You Realize 'What a Savings Account May Mean To You . A valuable asset for every a.nchar to wind -ward" againet one is a Savings Account temporary. g o t Pass adversity. Book,in which deposits have been entered frequently, and Why not commence to -day to withdrawals seldom. build YOUR asset ? Not only does the ability to One Dollar will start an ac- save indicate "character"—which count in the B. ill;. ol? HAMI -. 1I� the business world of to -day de -Torp; and interest will be credited '' # ri . - -tri tiz Ii � _+i+,' �,' ' `-' = ., ,�!� i cam, ( � i (� 1 a. r~- dp i �p=' 1 t'r'.�. „ n.., } ` a. ".3 Ili a �r _ _I�`�� ' R;,,' � *'! • l.k. r p �.._ \ so v 1 �I' ', . pry ' t! ' ii 1 , `""'� Irl , . t i�' Ri `, ' ' 1 jj"IIS• �+Ili.1,iif l n� ►°�> �I �' ! tr, tl; {; I , Zi ; ,�!t't iEr! n'Ii`'l1 r 41'7: �I� �'I e r>+ '}! I '' ' a1;l t•t , 11 +!�i,+ r f 7 i ', yl', mands—but it establishes "an every six months. _. - t C. P. S 1 1+fit + ° AGENT Ifes,d Office, HAMILTON Paid-up ,. - . $2.500.000 Wingham,>l'i+�6 Ont aneweryg.ad ilndlvldcd Profit* a 2,9110,000 Tohl AlnNeta .. - - neer 3$,040,O00 Brussels, Nearly 0,000 lbs. gf cream was re- ceived at Brussels creamery from three routes in Grey township last weep. Wednesday the annual excursion was run on the W. 0, and 13, to the 0, A. O. a Guelph, It took about 450 passenger]; to the Royal Oity, Of that number 00 were from Brussels depot. A 52 foot cement smoke stack is being built at the I,wan Carriage Works by Geo, Barkley and staff.. This is the first in this locality and Mr, blwan is to be commended on his enterprise, The metal stank had eery - ed its day. Ls,st Saturday a fine young man passed away to bis reward in the per- son of Will S. Grieve, son of Mrs. Jno, Grieve, of town, Deceased put up a strong and heroic fight against the grins monster but it was of no avail, Will, was a general favorite and hie. demise was deeply regretted. Rev. J. Oaten, M. A., now conclud- ing his 4th year at Milverton, has been appointed pastor of the Metho- dist church here. Mr. Oaten was in- vited to Victoria Ave. church, Gode- rich, but like a number of other invi- tations, it was not honored. His pas. torate will open in Brussels on lst Sabbath of July. Brussels Foot Ball team went to Listowel last Friday evening and play- ed a League game with the eleven of that town. As the result of the bat- tle 1} hours the score stood 1-0 in favor of Listowel, This completed the schedule for this district and leaves Brussels at the top with the advantage of one point, Our boys will now go into the larger arena and will put their best foot foremost to hold Intermediate chafnptonship. BIG HATS IN CHURCH. The opinions of the ministers of a New Jersey town on .the wearing of mountainous headgear by the women in church were canvassed. There were a variety of opinions. Here are four of them :-- No. 1—"I believe that big hats are a hindrance to the salvation of souls in our churches." No. 2—"While in church women's heads ought to be covered, However, I wish the styles would change. No. 3 -"Women are not expected to come to church to give a millinery dis- play." No. 4—"Women in this church may wear hats as large as they desire. If necessary a woman may have a whole pew to herself." Not Worth Mentioning. "See here—when you sold me that horse you said he hadn't a fault." "What's the matter with him?" "He's blind." "Is he?" "Yes, and be has the heaves.'► "That so?" "There is a spavin on one foot." '"Well, isn't he all right otherwise?" Certainly. "Ile has a most amazing appetite. It embarrasses him." "Does It?" "Yes, awfully." "Too bad. What does he do about it?" "Takes it to the dining room." His Stunt. "He talks an awful lot." "Too bid, isn't it?" "Pretty bad." "Can't he stop?" "No; he earns his living that way." "Auctioneer?' "No; husband of a rich wife." Another View of it. "Poor fellow! Ile is dead." "But not poor follow." "No?" "Didn't you know he was just about to be married?" PERT PARAGRAPHS. f SING at peace with yourself some. tittles means that you have just had a satisfying scrap with some one else. Tatting care of yourself shouldn't mean injuring your neighbor.. If you were to get acquainted with yourself you alight encounter some startling fir -relations. The thing that one man hates you for another man may admire you_ for, so stop worry- ing and choose your man. Keep out of harm's way, but in doing so don't run up against an in- dictment for cow- ardice. The world doesn't own the man a living who has the earth. Sorrow shows how to keep out of the way of trouble, but It is a heavy price to pay for the information. Some people go so far out of their way to do another an injury that they never succeed in finding their way back. Many a man thinks he is the whole thing when he is only married to the whole thing. Sorrow is a sort of internal revenue for the support of happiness, Just Ahead. I/eighol What I would like to see IL l could have my pick Of all the things that 1 desire I'd choose It pretty quick, 15 by a magic word or sign Or -wishing I could bring The thing, I'd have It here at once-. Just spring. 1 think old winter I admire As much as any one, But there's a limit, you'll admit, To winter's brand of fun. I'd like to lose it and Instead Get hooked up on my string The way an angler lands a fish-• Just spring. There may be other things as nice If pushed, I would allow, 1.. taut I can`t think of anything To equal it just now. Pd litre to sen the snow banks rise And for the north take wing, That we might have in place of there Just spring. Oh, joyous days of daffodils And so forth without end, Come in a hurry, if you can. And you will find a friend. Your praises to the choicest words Most gladly 1 will sing. Come, cunning, sweet allinity— Just spring. Unsophisticated. "He must be a kind hearted man." "Think so?" "Well, I just judged from fragments of his conversation that I heard last night that he has taken one of his aunties to•raise." The New Definition. "It Is a poor rule that won't work both ways." "No?" "Not by any means. It is a poor rule that won't efface itself when de- sirable." • Queer. "It is funny." "What is?" "A. man never knows It when be has a good wife, but when he has a poor one he finds it out mighty quick." .r Out of Sight. "Ile has a large bump of selfishness all right." "Where Is that located?" "In the hip pocket in his case." Aggravating. Now that you're loaded up with clothes, Enough to do the that through, Perhaps you notice that the stores nave Out the prices Just in two, 4amesmvaaoaaaaaauaaaeeeammmaoaumaommmmaoommS— Stop, Madam ! Do not throw out that old piece of furniture. It's marred and the worse of wear, true, but some of your fondest recollections are associated with it. "Lacqueret," the specially prepared Lacquer, will restore its original beauty, concealing the mars and blemishes of wear and tear and mak- ing it as good as new. The next best thing to a new suite for any room in the house is a coat of "Lacqucret"--the wonderful furn- iture renewer. Our free booklet, "Dainty Dec- orator," tells the story of "Lac- queret"---the home beauti- tier. A post -card brings it. Interesting and informing. Write for it to -day. Leading Hardware and Paint Dealers sell "Leequeret." International Varnish Co. Limited 2362 TORONTO—WINNIPECt ISARD'S 20 Per Cent. Discount Sale OF MEN'S HIGH-CLASS TAILORED SUITS. We make this BIG ° CUT IN PRICE to reduce our Clothing stock, which must be reduced one-half in 30 days. Great chance to save 20 cts. on the dollar. Buy a Ten Dollar Suit and have banded back to you a two dollar bill. 110 Men's Suits to choose from, comprising Plain Worsteds, Fancy English Worsteds, Black or Blue Berges, Fancy Tweeds, &c. MEN'S PANTS in all the New' Patterns and best makes and styles, at 20 per cent, off our close selling prices. BOYS' SUITS—Big Stock of new patterns ; .: two and three-piece Suits, made with the bloomer or plain pants ; your pick of the BEST SUITS at TWENTY PER CENT. off regular prices. TWENTY PER CENT. PROFIT for you if you buy your Clothing . here. Move quick and get first choice. H. E. Isard & Co. 1 150,0 0 Pounds Of Wool Wanted CASH OR TRADE, We have 'in stock for the Wool sea- son the best Blankets, Sheets, Sheet- ing and Yarn, made from our best Wool by Ifowe & Co. of Wroxeter. We also have one of the best stocks of Men's ready-made Suits ever shown in this store. Boys' 2 and 3 piece Suits, of the latest cuts and styles, from 52.76 to $5.00 each. It will pap you to see these suits before buying elsewhere. Ladies' Suitings, in all the newest shades, from 50c per yard up. Ladies' Wash Suit materials, in all the leading shades. See our Ladies' White Lawn Waists and White Wear. We also have the best range of Carpets, Rags, Oil Cloths and Linoleums, shown in Wingham. Genuine S'eotoh Linoleum and English Floor 011 Cloths, just arrived from the manufacturers, which we are offering at special prices. Umbrellas and Parasols, Men's and Boys' Vine and Coarse Straw flats, Shirts and Shirting, overcalls and Smocks of all kinds. We will give 10 per cent, off all the above goods in exchange for Wool. Remember that we are selling No, 1 sugar at $51.46 per cwt. cash, and sugars are advancing. Best grades of Flour always in stook. ALL KINDS PRODUCE TAKEN. NOTE.--" ,LAcouswar *0 It sold le fall Imperial Nam paekagos arty Per Sale By J. O. Stewart & Co,, Wingham. © 11'1