HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-06-16, Page 2While it may not be necessary to be-
stow quite as much time and thought
upon tielectiug the evening gowns for
the season's wardrobe, none the less is
the subject an importaut one. To begin
with, evening dress is far more univea
sally popular than it was some twenty
years ago, and the low cut gown is now
accepted as the correct model for the
evening, for theatre and at home, as
well as for the more formal dinner;
and wbile there are many different
styles, some waists' being cut much low-
er than other...ft, geitteathria °lithe
and quite unlike the elaborate
high neck gown intended for afternoon
reception, card or garden party. When
selecting the summer evening gown
there shoula be taken into consideration
where the season is to be spent, for, in
spite of the extravagance of modern
dress and the really absurdly elaborate
clothes that are worn to small informal
entertainments; the instinctively (or
eultivatedly) conservative woman of
good taste Is most perticular to have
her gowns appropriate to the occasion.
They may be just as costly -are often
more so -but there is a most marked
difference between her gorgeous ban
gown and the gown intended for an in-
formal dinner in the height of summer.
With such a choice of materials it is
not a very difficult proposition this
summer to gselect, gowns unlike those
that bave been muter all winter, Chif-
fon, voile de seie and silk muslin and
the finest of ordinary muslin make up
intoethe daintiest and most attractive of'
evening gowns and are delightfally un-
like the heavier, more elaborate fash-
ions of the last winter.
There is nothing tio practical as the
black evening gown; in truth, one of
-name- ..._the great objectients to it is that it is
so, for every woman posessses at least
one, so that if an informal dinner is giv-
on the chances are greatly in favor of
every woman being attired in black. •
There are many black materials this
season that make up effectively and also
tbat combine well. Liberty satin, lace
and voile de solo are charming together,
while, as there is no rule that commands
there shall only be all black, most at-
tractive combinations of color are in-
troduced in the colored lining or in the
• touch of color somewhere in the waist
or in the trimming. This is to be a sum-
mer for black and white effects, and
the white lining showing through the
transparent (Wok voile de sole or lace
shows off the thinner fabric to perfec-
tion. Bands of satin or velvet ribbon
are used effeetively, as are folds of the
material, and in many of the smartest
gowns no other trimming is require&
Sometimes the underskirt of satin is not
entirely covered by the overdress, which
is more like a tunic or overskirt. This
is so decidedly a contrast that it is ob-
jected to on the ground that it cuts
• the generally becoming lines, and a
scant flounce of the voile de sole or lace
is preferred showing beneath the tunic,
but again this is a question for the in-
dividual taste to decide, and consequent-
ly there are not often two gowns made
alike, though the identical model may
be chosen for several.
The simpler evening gowns ell have a,
youthful, exaggeratedly simple effect,
and are almost without exception far
more suitable for a young girl than for
the older women who insists upon the
terial„ or of fine lace, and with occa-
sional rosettes or bows of Oft ribbon,
has for all time been (sniped to the
debutanteand when it is chosen by -the
woman of mature years any sincerely
conscientious dressmaker has a task al-
most ;beyond her power to turn out a
gown that will Mt be so inappropriate
as to be fairly hiecoue.
Modifying the Style.
More length to the skirt, only one
band, if any, and but oue reeette or how
jest at the back of the skirt to hold
pack and to gather the material into tea.
aceepted width is one way of ealving the
difteulty, for then the general effect is
lot so ebeurdly girlish. lhe. full waist
with simplel•
...rimming le harder to adapt.
bet a more elaborate finiee in berth.), or
beim style works wontlers, east ae it is
for a young girl, the moot in voile &
2010 or any transparent fainie is urest
charming and becoming. If an elnolute
ly simple dinner gown is selected there
is nothing mere attractive then one *:
chiffon, or vane de sole, made quite plain
but with double skirt cleat and a mine
fiche edged .withnarrew erystal fringe,
This is a good model for a tenor, white
a, W
or block, and if eek or wIlite ie
chosen then e spray of attificial flowers
or one largo rose and a how of ribbon
ie the only trimming needed ou the
Included in every wardrobe there is or
,Stigula be a more elaborate evenint
gown, TOT teeea-te-wieenteeenteteeneteresi
during the slimmer season wcen formal
dress is required Many women keep for
tbis purpose the fresheet of the laet win
.ter's ball gowns, but when there is no
need to consider the cost the um gown
i3 ordered. Satin, always a satisfactory
material, is worn in summer, the eta -
est. most graeeful quality. The dote
fitting primes- style, with the Nun df
Bet, ince or Wile. with embroidery, ,is
not extremely new, but it is generally-be-
eoming, and here are mauy new designs
and patterns, for the tunic, so that the
feebion &s still popular. Another of the
winter 'fashions that ore again popular is
the ,skirt ofesntin with the upper pact of
the waist of chiffon, either over a con•
treating calor or the same, and with
sleeves of the &Mon.
gut in one pieta With the rest, thus
avoiding tbe interrupting seam. The
idea approaches that of the kimono, and
the Mune seen On some gownnone
to argue a return tti that style, go melt
overdone two er three seasons. ago. Pet-
tedly plain gypsy blousee aro also in
fashion, the wbole thing made in one
piece, without any fullness, or any
shape, for the matter of that. They
milt a certain kind of vivid beauty, but
commonplace typo would do well to
avoid them, aa they rank as "self-eon-
scioue"-that class which includes go
many things in dress.
For Foundation a Oown of Last Year
May be Used to Advantage,
4 net or -chiffon over -dress, for in.
same, ppears at first sight to be an
extravogant item, but when its possibili-
ties are rightly understood it will be
snit to be an extreniely econoraicat in.
neetment, By the help of a net or chif-
fon over -dress a last year's frock of sat-
in, taffetas., foulard, etc., may be en-
tirely remodelled', provide a the material
of which it is composed was in the first
instance purcbased with with a, view to
real economy, viz., that it was thorough-
ly good value for the money.
Ill this way last season's gown may
be brought into line with the preseet
fashion at a small expenditure of money
and time.
Under -Dress.
The under -dress should be fashioned of
chiffon taffetas, or some similar fabric,
and 4% yerds of double -width material
will be needed. The plain bodice is of
the Mager variety, having the sleeves
and bodice cut in one, and both bodice
and skirt are trimmed with strappinge
of the material. The over -dress will re-
quire 3% yards of double width spotted
The maOing of the under -dress is real-
ly very simple if a gocd pattern is as-
sured, the point calling for most careful
attention being the sleeve, which is cut
in one with tho bodice.
Attractive Color Schemes.
This is a mart model and most precti.
cal, made in black liberty satin, wall
train sairt, the fold; either caught toge-
ther ab the side or beck with full neette,
or with the double skirted effect, the up-
per skirt pointed in front arid made high
at the waist line, but in draped folds,
not merely the high sleirina elect. The
white lace or colored chiffon, tae black
voile de sole, plain or embroidered in jet,
crystal rhinestones, gold or silver, or
merely. with an edge of the embroidery,
ie almost invariably becoming and ef-
fective, while if a more startling and
ecnspicuous effect is desired the pale
pink or cream white chiffon in Deft folds
is draped over. the shoulders, aaving
kimonolike sleeves. An expenaive cream
lace over pale pink is .a.lto fashionable,
but while startlingly effective it does not
meet with so enthitadastia and universal
approved with the plain bleek and,seems
better suited to figured brocade.in the
light eolorin,go.
aaseinatingly dainty and most. Marna
tive are the chiffon, yeale de sole and
muslin gowns mule of the plain mate -
teals with fancy borders. The double
ekirt style can easily be carried out in
these fabrics, while the want needs no
other trimming than is given lief the bor.
der. Again, there is a chance to work
out most fascinating color sehemes. for
in a blue ground with a border of pink
flowers the lining of the gown, of pink,
will show the faintost glint of oink
through the blue and give that trans-
parent, cloudlike appearanee that is one
of the fa,shions oftbie stetson. And the
fashion is practical also, for an old white
lining can be utilized by veiling it in in.
expensive mousseline de sole over which
is put the elliffon or voile de sole need
to veil the white underskirt costing far
lees than would a new silk or satin lin-
ince and in just thee small details Call
the ceet of a gewn ba kept within pea
A. .
e ate -Shade° Tip.
A very comfortable fashion this le if
rightly handled; but some amateur
dressmakers make the fatal mistake of
trying to fit is too smoothly up to the
armhole, while others, again, err as bad-
ly in the opposite direction. Do not at-
tempt' to fit it into the figure or it will
be utterly spoiled. It should fit smooth-
ly over the shoulders, with lest a soft
graceful drapery at both back ond front
of the armhole, and should fall into
folds under the arm.
The over -dress. too. is very simple to
handle, neat, light sewing only being
necessary. It is gathered in at the
waist -line by a soft crush belt of the
under -dress materials, and a strapping
of the same fabric gives o, finishing
touch to the elbow sleeves. The opening
of both under and over -dress comes at
the back.
The under -dress of this model lends
itself to the re -making of a last year's
Si.uldtay Set -tool.
LESSON Mi. -JUNE 10, 1010.
The Parable of the Sower, -Matt.
13: 10-23. -
Connuentary.-1. Jests by the sea Am
1, 2}. 1. same 4y -The dey on
welch he delivered the diseourece re -
anima in the preeeding ehapter. it was
ou the evening following this dety that
Jesus and His dieciplee eroeeed the lake
and were overtaken by the storm which
Jesus stilled. The house -Probably that
of Peter, where he had lee bome, if be
may be getia to have had Sa
ad a home. t
by the sea eide-lt wus custoinery in
our Saviour's day for the teacher to sit,
and the tileciples to stand. Rabbi Gap:ut-
ile), was prdbaaly the first wbe, by ar.
rangemenn toolan elevated seat,and
allowed his upile to Mt upon geato
lower than hie own platform, So Saul
of Tersus was brought up at the feet of
Gaineliele-Whedon. The smooth betica
along the water's edge of the Sea of Gal-
ilee afforded a convenient place of As-
sembly. 2. Great multitude :_The Plow.
Sees had been laboring by base (mammies
to drive the people away front Jesus,
but they still flocked after Rim as miteli
as ever: Christ will be glorified in epite
of all opposition; He will be followed.-
Henry. This was the popular peeled of
Ohriet's ministry. Great munbers lis-
tened to every alseourse and the ayan-
gogues were crowdea awn Ile spoke.
Doubtless many had come out from idle
curiosity, but A largo number di:easel
LQ be beuefited by Ohristte teaehiug.
Went into a ship -Che fisaermaa's boat,
into which He entered was • pushed a
ltietatlie.erds.istancAl from the shoree.so that
fle could commend. a full view of Ills
II, The parable (vs. 3-9). 3. Many
things -The. mimes of the people wsre
dark as to spiritual truth. There was
neea of much enlightenment, in par-
ables -A parable is a story or deserve.
tion of nature or of nceeiahetteliirennee,
.deekaeleitateotteleitlatilleal truth, 'rhe
s child was not far wrong who said the
Wedding Gift Choices.
Think first.
It takes thought.
Avoid the commonplace.
Tpo many duplicates annoy.
Heavy silver sugar tongs are gpod.
Brass and copper pieces should please.
A. silver tea-caddy is among the at.
Try to get something which is abso-
lutely good of His kind.
Beautiful plates range from chop
pletee to ritil plates.
• A few friends or relatives may buy
together it brgss, sliver or gold desk set.
All eorts of aceutifel seta may be pur-
chased in this way, from table to toilet
Unless one has good taste and knows
the taste of the recipient thoroughly,
pictures tin out of the question.
It is Easy to Put It in the Collarless
Although in Paris the collarless cor-
sage is being refused by many eelgantes,
it is so tempting to a vast proportion of
women that many are taking instant
means to beautify their throats.
The throat that has been attenuated
and marked by a high collar worn too
tight wiU benefit immensely by the
freedom and play of air afforded it by
opepvering it altogether, and the good
reptiles will be very •ttparent when even-
ing ayess is worn.
To improve the neck that is thin it is
a sefe and excellent plan to massage it
with almond oil every .dity, using up-
ward etrokes. Should there be any ten-
tlency to that bane of the woman who
wishea to weer the collarless corsage, a
double chin, the'clen snould be stroked
same style. The skirt, made without a T. Aehmoreupward with the palm of the hand
tiain, rather full, gathered or in fine moistened with warm water and simple
pleats, with bands of ruching or ribbon
Blouse Smartness. tincture of benzoin, which is useful for
run through shirred bands of the mit- The smartest bodices hen the sleeves its stringent properties.
No Romantic
Courtship For these Royal Girls.
Love, courtehip and roxnanee are
woefully lacking in the lives of Prin-
cest Patricia of England, Princess
Louise Victoria of Germany and the
Grand Duchess Olga of Dussia-three
rg the Marriageable princesses of
Europe. The delightful thrills of ro-
mance 'which even the humblest of
peasant girls enjoy is denied them;
Their marriages will be state affairs,
and their husbands will be selected
f the
Willful. Princess Pat, as she is at,
itotionateiy called, has for years I
loved agallant member of the royal
guards, but no roya 1 blood flows
through his veins. Her uncle, the
King of England, once invited Al.
Phaneo of Spin over to lay his heart
at her feet, but the princess flatly
turned down the Spanish weakling.
Later she was forced to listen to the
Pleadings of another kingly suitot,
the boy ruler of Portugal, who is
many years her junior-, ond whom she
doesn't like half as well as the
It was because Princess Pat %aimed
to rnarry Prince Adelbert, Emperor
Williatriai son, that the XftiFer be-
sought a new means of binding the
two eountriee together. His only
daughter, the Princea Louise Vie-
toria, had no sooner put on long
treses and gathered up her childish
braids than her father hastened to
arrange for her marriage to Prinee
Arthfir of Connaught, Prineees Pat's
brother, who it is aaid, will be Made
Duke of Kent in Stine.
The husband for the Grand Duchess
Olga, a mere girl, or elm is only 15,
has already been picked out by her
Lather, the Czar, in the pertent Of
Grand, Duke Dmitri, only eon of the
Grand Duke. Paul. They have long
been playmates, for the bridegroom -
to -be is only a stripling of 18, but in
the event of the Czarewiteles death
he would be heir to the Czar's throne,
and the wily father is taking no
chance upon having his scepter pass
parable was "an earthly story with a
.1.eAveuly meaning." Nature ana life all
About ue abound hi material for thti
kind of instruction, nrshold-The open-
ing of the parable is vivid and it is more
than probable that one or more Soweto
were actually scattering seed within
sight of the hearers, for the region on
either side was rich and adaptea to
agriculture, and it was, the season for
sowing, which commence4 in Oetdber. A
:tower went forth to sow-Ele was pro -
%fitted with wed and went forth with a
definite purpose. He went where there
was soil prepared to receive the seed.
The soil of Palestine was prepared for
sowing by being stirred to a depth of
four inches. The people lived in via
lages and literally "Went forth" to theii
fickle in the country. The sower repre.
Beets the Saviourtwho came to teach the
truths of the kingdom, and the apostles,
who were taught by Him, and ant others,
who as public or private workers scat.
ter the lamed truthe of Christ's king.
the novelty of the gempol.-Chelet. The
stony ground hearers go farther than
the first class; they not only hear, but
believe, and receive the trutb, and the
seed epringe up. Thy tette upon them-
selves a profteision of religion. anon.-
"titra,iglttwoy."-It. V. 21. yet hat% he
not roote-There was no deep moil of re -
potence s.441 true faith, Into which. the
rode of a religious experience could
dtrike, de -nth for a while--"Endureth.,"
-11.1T. tribulation Or perstieution-The
eeorching ray* of the :tun act upon the
plant growing in stony ground soil, as
tribulation and pereecution do upon tae
superficial professor of religion. Bata
quickly wither and die. is offendea--
22among the thorne-There is a re-
ception of the word and it promiees to
have it* effect, but the heart is open to
other thiugs, as worldly anxieties and
the love of wealth, so the fruitage of
godliness is not realized. "Care dwelle
with pander and wealth. The poor
grow troubled; the rich fear lest they
lose awl long for more." Those thins
smother the good seed drawing :to netteli
of one'satteettop, absorbing so muele of
outlet interest and using so much of (meal
time that only the drop remain for
spiritual things, -J., St B. unfruitful
-The semi of the kingdom. can never
proatice numb. fruit in Any heart till the
thorns of vicious affections and impure
desires are plucked up by the roote and
burned. -Clarke. 23. good ground -
Those given up to God's will. We are
responsible for the of the soil of
our hearts, We mayrid them of the
hard wayside paths, the rocks and the
brambles, and We may receive tae word
into the depths of our hearts, where it
will bring forth an abundant harvest of
the fruits of the Spirit,
The Sower. elle that soweth the good
see el is the Son of man" (Matt. 13:37),
The Sower's representatives here on
earth are missionaries, ministers, evan-
gelists, colporteurs, tract distributor*,
Bible teuehershand all holy people.
The seed. "rho seed is the word of
Goa" (Luke 8, 11), the oritten word
and the living Word. The seed must be
sown to be produitive. We sow the weed
when we, 1. "Preach the word" (2 Tim. 4,
2). In tale, Jeans awl His disciples are
our examples, He began Hie preaeliing
ab Nazareth with a quotation from the
seripbures, ana they wondered at His
egramoutt words" (Luke 4, 16-22). In
His last prayer Jesus twice declared: "I
lutre given unto them the worde which
Thou gaveet (jOhil 17, 8, 14). Men
the disciples were scattered abroad they
went everywhere preeching the woid
/Acts 8, 4). 2olecaoh the word. In a
day sehool in Utah the Ohrietian teacher
took the filet hale hour of each day for
Bible ,study, closing it with prayer. The
ehildren were sadly addietea to profan-
ity. She taught the cemintindment,
'Thou shalt not take the name of the
Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will
not hold him guiltlees that taketh1114
name in vain" (Exod. 20, 7). She had
them repeat it often, and after a time
the perntelous 'habit was entirely over-
come, and no smth was heard on the
playground. 3.*Scatter the word. Sow
it bountifully at, tamt. 9, 6). It is eons -
tom among the Indaine, when sowing
maize, to put seven areins of corn into
one hill. An Indian being asked why,
replied, "We put in one grain for the
crows, another for thee worm' s a third
for the squirrels, and we owedthat the
rest will bring forth fruit." The chil-
dren of alas world should not be wiser
their generation then the children of
light. To sow bountifully iz to reap
bountifully. One man preheat& hun-
dreds of Teetaments, and cut the loaves
.ind distributed them on the railroad
trains. He learned of many bleeeed con-
versions as the result. 4. Preach Jesus
(A.ets 8, 35; 18, 28). Jesus, the Crud -
fled One, who gave Himself for us;
Jesus, the Risen One, nithqut whole all
preaching it vain; Jape, the intereediug
One, who lives eo appear in the presence
of God for us; Jesus, the glorified One,
who has gone to prepare a place for us,
and will come again and receive us unto
Himself; Jesus, the author and finisher
of our faith; yesterday, to -day and for-
ever the unehangeable One; Jesus, our
strength, our power, our patience, our
Lore, but all. .
The 'soil. 1. Wayside soil (vs. 4, 19.
The hard heart, the prey of every un-
elean bird. 2. Stony soil (vs. 5, e0), The
oluillow heart. The impulsive, su,perficia.
heater, like the rich young ruler (Matt,
19, ea); like thole disciples who "went
back." after the "hard saying" of the
leord(John 6, 60) 66); like Pliable in
"Pilgrinna Pregress." 3. Thorny soil
(n. 7, 22). The worldly heart, "choked
with ottres and riches and pleasuree"
(Luke 8, 14). Our churches are fan of
anxious, ambitions, worldly prefessors,
who "bring no fruit to perfection." The
imusemente which ehoke the seed and
render it tinfruitful are those which are.
ef doubtful propriety (Rom. 14, 23).
which, followed by others, might lead
them into sin (1 Cor. 8, a; Mark 9, 42),
grieve fellow Christians (Rom. le, 15),
and which the hellcat Ohrietiatis con
deem (Heb. 5, 14). 4 Good ground eve.d.
8, 23). The good anhonest heart. The
one who receives "with meekness the
implanted word" (James 1, 21, 11:
The Christian hits the seed to sow awl
has access to soils of variouskinds, het
mud not withhold the reed because eon.
ditions may seem unfavorable.
A. C. M.
4. When he sowed -The field contain-
ed all the different kinds of* ground
mentioned, but the sowing must be
done, even if some of the seed would
fall in places unfavorable to a harvest.
There were in Jesus' audiences represen-
tatives of all the soils of the parable.
By the wayside -The grain fields are
rarely fenced, though the landmarks are
definite and plain. There aro little
paths leading hither and thither, some
befog the highways along. which the
horsemen ride and asses carry their
burdens. lt was along such a way as
this, a foot or so in width, that the seed
fell which the birds of the air immedi-
ately devoured. -Prof. Hall. The seed
dropped nearest the path is threatened
by a double danger' the feet of passers-
by•and the birdsof the air. -Lange.
Fowls -Little birds. Devoured them -A
flock of boat, hungry birds watch the
sower; and, as soon as bis back is
turnedatthey are down with a swift -
winged swoop, and away goes the ex-
pend grain. So there is an ena of it;
and the path is as bare as ever, five
minutes after it has been strewn with
seeds. -McLaren. The seed has not
had time to germinate. 5. Stony pima
-insome parts of Palestine .only an
inch or two of soil covers the underly-
ing layers of reek. 6. Witbere.d away -
The hot sun would quickly dry out the
scanty soil.
7. Among thorns -Thorns, briars and
other prickly plants thrive in Palestine
and indicate a fertile soil. There are
twenty-two words in the Hebrew Bible
that denote thorny or prickly plants.
The farmer is accustomed to go through
his wheat fields before these noxious
plants ripen to cut them out. If this is
not done the /and becomes over -run
with these pests. Choked theme -Tile
thorns were so thrifty that they grew
more rapidly than the grain, robbing the
latter of the moisture and substance of
the soil. The soil was good and favor-
able to an abundant harvest of grain,
but for the fact that ia was preoccupied
by seeds of thorns.
8. Good ground -'-The soil was deep,
• free from noXiouts seeds, ana had been
• properly prepared. Brought. forth ....
an hundredfold -One teed produced a
hundred. This denotes an abundant
• yield, yet suck an increase has been re-
peatedly known in that cOuntry. 9.
Hath care to hear, let him hear -This
usnally follows au important statement,
Intimating that he who has the discenr-
• runt to underetand will find the deeper
meaning. -Schaff. Who bath faeultiele
let lihn remember that lie is responsible
for their use.-Whedt n.
III. The explanation (vs. 1843). In•
Parsee 10-17 Josue explained to his dis-
ciples bat reasons for teething in para-
bles. Those who relished 'spirituel
truths could receive, and be profited by
them, while those who eared not for
them would not receive them to trample
them under foot. 18. hear... .the para-
ble of the Sower -In Mark 4:10 we read,
"They that were about hint with the
Well% Mated of him the parable," hello
what follows NUS in Antiwar to this re-
quest. 10. when any ons heateth the
word -The parable of the sower divides
the timers of the pupal into four
&lame. 1. The mere eitintelligent hear-
er, who hear' but reeeivee not. 2. The
alienate hearer, who're emotions are su-
perfieially touthed, but erhoge heart le
still herd. 3. The hearer yawn heart ie
fully right, but is at lest corteatered by
other temptation. 4. The pereevering
and fruitful reeeiver of the Word. Of the
four dittoes, Meet only one cell; be tan-
ed.-Wheaon. understandeth it uot-
rails to grasp spiritual tenth. lie isnot
impressed with a tome of duty or privi-
lege, the wieked one -Satan. "There is
a terrible truth in the hitt that every-
thing which leads nien to forget the
truth is (Wag the work of the ertereyat
-Plumptre. eatelvialt away -The good
seed Is isnatehed away Wore it luti tot -
'Hell into the soil of the lievirt. The
been of the wayside hearer hi hard and
nee neatly euteeptible to truth, 20,
entirely out of the control of his own received the seed into stony places -Su -
descendants. perficial, exeitable natures ehernied with
Water Tower Fell From Roof of Building to Cellar.i-Bod
Several Girls Taken Out -Job Room and Bindery Sufferod ost.
Montreal, Que., June 13. -The Herold
Vietoria, square, is lit flames.
The water tower et:1101)30d and several
persona aro bellevea to lieve been killed.
The fire started from the outlaw of the
water tower above the roof. This broke
the gas pipes of the machinery and set
fire to the debris.
Various estimates are given of the
dee& some running as high tag forty.
Many are :buried limier the debris, end
prolbably will be burned to death, if they
are not already dead. Fire spread very
rapidly, and the plaeo was a furnace by
the time the first eontingent of firemen
arrived, It is, still burning., fiercely,
and looks like a total loss of plant and
buildings. The fire node a fierce blaze,
and the entire city brigade is already
fighting the flames or on its way to
the scene from distant sectious of the
Noted Temperance Lecturer Passes
Away at Oshawa.
Oshawa, Ont., June 12.-Folwaxd Cars-
well, the noted temperance leeritrer, died
here yesterday at the advanced' age of
82 years. He had been eonfinea to his
house for the past two years, and hav-
ing been prostrated with a. stroke on
Tuesday lest, did not. regain conscious;
Covering a period of fifty years, de-
ceased had leetured alt over Canada and
the United States. Ile woo actively con-
nected with the Sons of Temperanee
to two years ago, aml was:Past Most
Worthy ,AssOelate of the National
vision. One son and three daughters
• 410
Writer in Lancet Says the Disease is
1 nfectious.
London, June 12. -Writing in the cur,
rent issue of the Lancet, Dr. Donald
Hood advances the theory that appladi-
eitia is infectious, Ito says:
"If the disease is due, as Ilielieve, to
the effect of mierobie influence, the mi-
cro-organism may under certain tonal -
tieing be konveyea from individual to in.
lIooa dwells at length on the
great inerease in the number of Oates,
and points out Cott within recent years
the type of the disease has changed, be-
ing now nitwit more virulent than for-
Por honesty templed ta beauty is to
have honey a Bence to sugar.-Rhaker,
TIM water tower went through to the
Imeement. It was construeted only a.
yeti*' ago, when the building was reined -
oiled, and consielerable money was spent
on it.
John Taylor, foreman of the con.
posing room, who escaped with severe
injuries, believes there must have been
thirty killed., The collapse of the water
tower, he says, practically cut the build-
ing in two, The fire started up in all
direetiOns immediately often The fire
seems to be ureter control now, but the
whole plant is a wreck.
The 'bodies; of several girls employed
in the bindery have been taken out of
the ruins.
It is said the collapsed water tower
was built on the roof without adequate
support beneath, and the officials were
warned at the time it was erected (four
years ago) it was not safe.
It is impossible as yet to get intellig-
ible returns of the dead and injured.
It is said the principal loss of life Is
in the biadery and. job printing depart-
ments. These were nearest the path of
the collapsed tower.
The editorial and business offidesin
the front part of the building eseaped,
being well removed front beneeth. the
Every available maul -duce in the city
was hurried to the scene to teke awaer
as many of the injured sus could be
rescued. Cabs were also pressed into
service. Victoria Square le a struggling
mass of humanity watching the efforts
of the firemen tn conquer the flanies.
Before the first reel waived the fire
was &hooting through the roof and soon
spread to all parts of the building.
We is the fifth time the Herald has
been burped out in 23 years, once being
when the building was situated hunted -
lately across the street from the present
The loss is estimated at 8250,000.
Detective Carriton was into the base-
ment with the •firemen, and says it is
impossible to say how many are buried.
isclaaa kLvIa4.
Trade was good in all classes of live
ostivoeekn, be
:10\1.11 be seen by the many :sales
Salesmen were able to push prices up
a little during the past two days be-
aus receipts were only moderate, and
the demand strong.
There was a good active trade from
start to finish on both days, and results
seemed to be satisfactory to the drovers
and country shipper.
Exportera-There were a few lots and
loads of exporters, but most of them
were bought for local killing, as they
were light weights. Prices ranged. from
87 to $7.35 for steers, and bulls at $5.50
to $6.30.
Butchers --George Rowntree bought
160 buthers' cattle ter the Harris .Abat-
toir Co., as follows: Steen and heifers,
$6.50 to $6.80; cows,113.50 to $6.25; has
$5.00 to $6.30.
Stockers and Feeders -Harry Murhy
reports a light trade during the week in
stockers and feeders, on account of the
enmity of butchers' cattle and lii0t
prices of all cattle with any fiesta in
them, as they wen talrep for killing pur-
poses. Mr. Murby got less than 75 eel
told during the week, and reports Kips
as follows: Steers, 800 to 1,0q0 potitele,
$5 to $5.75; steers, 600 to 800 ponds,
$4.50 to $5; stokers, $4 to $4,75,
Milkers and Springers -Receipts of
milkers and speingers were lame, and up
to Thureday ttaele wee good a,nci prices
about steady, but on the latter day
drovers and commission dealers reported
the market slow and price ti ertsfer by
about $5 per head. PT1C(18 for the bulk
ranged from $35 to $60 and $e5 per head,
with an odd cow now and again at $70.
'Veal eaalves-Receipts of veal calves
were melerate. Prices were steady at
$3 to $13 25 or an average of $5.50. A. few
of extra quality were reported at $0.50.
Sheep and Lambs--Recelpts moderate
and trade good at folrowing prices:
Ewes, light weight, $5 to $5.50; ewes,
Iambs, $3 to $6 each, or Me to 10e per
pfaotunadn.d heavy weights, $4 to $4.50;
Hogs -The market for hogs closed
eteady to firm at the following prices:
Selects fed and watered at the market,
$9.35, and $9 to $9.10 for hogs, Lab cars
at country points.
buZi.A1111.ERS' MARKET.
loads of oats, which mild at 38 to 39c
The receipts of grain toolay were two
There was a good supply of taxmen'
produce, with, little cliiinae in prides.
Dairy bubter sold. at 20 to 25e per lb.,
and eggs cilia* at 22 to 24e per dozen
Hay quiet an4 steady, with sales oI
10 loads at $18 to eel it ton for timothy,
and at $12 to $15 for mixed and clover.
Bundled straw nominal at $15 a toa.
Dressed aohis are pectianged, with quo
tenons eplin,gat $12.50 to $1e.75.
Wheat, white, neer .. ..$ 0 05 $ 0 08
Do., red,' new 0 95 0 00
Do., goose „. 0 85 087
Oats, bushel ... .„. le 0 a
Peae, 0 70 0 00
Barley, bushel 0 48 0 49
Bye, bushel 0 05 0 00
Hay, timothy .., 18 00 21 00
Do., mixed, ton ... le 00 13 00
Straw, per ton ... 13 00 16 00
Dressed hags ... ... 12 50 12 75
Butter, (bury 0 20 0 23
Do., inferior ... „ 18 0 20
Eggs, &nee „ „ 0 21 023
Chickens, spring, lb. , . 0 30 0 33
Turkeys lb. 0 17 0 20
Fowl, , ... 0 14 0 13
Apples, bbl. ... 1 00 2 50
Potatoes, bag, by lona 0 45 0 53
Onions, sack .........9 50 2 73
Beef, hindquarters +30 13 50
Do., forequarters ....9 00 10 25
Do., choice, atioase .. 10 50 12 00
Do., medium, carcase .. 8 50 9 00
Mutton, per cwt. .. 10 00 13 00
Veal, prime, per cwt. .. 11 00 .12 50
Yearling lamb, lb. 0 15 0 16
Spring lamb, lb. ... 0 13 0 20
Load quotations are: Washed fleet°,
19 to 20c; unwashed fleece, 12e to 13e.
Granulated, $5.30 per owt„ nbatrels;
No. 1 golaen, $4,00 her cwt., in barrels;
Beaver, $d per cwt. in 'begs. Theise prices
are for delivery here. Car lote 5e lees.
tn 1004b. bap, prices are 5e lees.
IsTeNv York. --Sugar was firm; Musco-
vado, 3.74e; eetarifugal, 3.24e; molasses
sugar, 3.40e; nfinea steady.
London. -London Ana Liverpool ta-
bles quote live cettle (American) steady
at le and 15e, dressed weight; tefriger-
otor. beef steady', at 1 21:o 1 1-2e per
Liverpoole-eJohn Rogers /t Co. table
• thet there were no States matte ofi the
Dlikerbeeta to -day, supplies cormisting
enthely of Canaditne and fed ranchers,
Welt met a quick treat at the follow -
Intl prices: Canadians, 151-4 to 15 3-4e;
fed and watered, 14 to 14 1-2e.
London. -At Deptford cattle market,
1172 Canadian cattle landed...past week,
sold yesterday, and averaged 14 1-2c.
TuE ounsu MARKETS.
'Canton, N. Y. -To -day 1,800 tabs but-
t1e3rs4oeld at 27 1-40; 2,200 boxes cheese at
3 -
Under:, Ont.-Toelp.y 15 factories of-
fered 2,817 cases, 1,340 white, balance:
colored; no sales ; bidding, 10 1-2 to
10 13-14
St. Ilyacinthe, Que,-To-day 900 pack-
ages o -so.
elsb7utter at 22 3-40; 700 boxes cheese
Watertown, N. Y. -Cheese /sales Sat-
in:47: were 9,500 at 13-3-4 to 14c for
has been some improvement during the
past week.
Ottawa reports say a steady•tone of
improvemeint is noted to general 'busi-
ness there, although the volume of
trade has been affected by the 0001 Eta,
Loudon. -Very small market tooley,
dseulellitigo zalill.e111).01trasned d131°121giiptscricilltVetd'
.e nli°v‘ve
hogs ( Hay,sel eet s) ,12
8aandfo3r13toMoli. dayS•tsrattw,elievu.
ami $7.50. Butter and eggs unehauged.
Buttergdairy, retail, 20 to 220; erodes,
10e; rolls, 20c; storea and mixed, 17 to
18e. Eggs, crate, dozen, 18 to 19e; fresh -
laid, 21 to 2ec. do., basket, 10 to 20e.
Peterboro.-On the market the dress-
ed Wogs sold at $12.50; live, $9.50. Baled
hey, $17; loose, 314 to $17. Farmers'
hide% 8o; butcleeres bides, Oc. Potatoes,
4011eltititlee.V-O4 20to
1arlseT?,toeffgsyw' 8 iltslt:0crg2elY
attended, There Was little change in
pprrile: awriotphpot:otoex:eg.:;oudroefssepitoullyterlys:e
which had a big advance. The live hog
312. Eggs, 18 to 20c. Butter, 25 to 27e.
Hay scarce the past limit at 313 to 314.
No straw offering. Oats, 40 to 43e.
Potatoes averaged 43e bee. Butchers'
hides, 0 1-2c; farmers', 81-2o; lambskins,
to 31. Washed wool,
o -To continuoue
doivnpour of ram effected the quantity
of produce on the market, but will be
worth thoueends of dollars to the pru-
ducers, as the crops were suffering from
a slight set -back 0.2 (1 result of the frost.
Butter in pound prints brought IS to
20e; eggs, 16 to 18e, There was ee bay
offered, but the week's selling price has
been 313.50 and under. Hogs, dressed,
light, $12. For tbe next week's delivery
of live hoga the price is quoted at 30
Chatham. -A fair market, with but
slight chancres ,prices. Butter, 18c;
eleckens 2eto 65e each; eggs, 18e; bar-
tey, cwt., 00e; corn, ehelled, 55e per
butthel; beans, 31.50 to 31.05; oats, 20e;
wheat, 85e; hay, clover, $12 per too,
timothy$13; beef hues, et to he per lb.;
calf, 10 to lee; weehed, 18 to 20c,
evillitosliee 10 to lee; cattle, export, 31.75
to $5.40 per cwt., hatchers' $2.50 eo
$4.50; hogs, live;$8.05; lamb, live, 34.50
Stratford.-Hogs, $8.75 to $9, droesed
313 to $13.50; cows, 41-4 to 43.4o, dress-
ed 8 to 8 1.2e; steers and lwifers, 48-4
to 5 He, eressed 81-2 to 9e; calves, 50:
dreamt 8e; lambs, 5 to 6; dressed 75 to
18e; hides, farmers' Ile, packers' 12c;
twitliiiedniape8a5se: 7s2tea;ndbaarrtilery,osoat:; 431e.40,11,33t1a711;.
shorts, 320; eggs, gee; better, 20e.
St. Tlionees.-lead weather conditions
affected the minket toelay. Live hogs
brought 38.85, dressed $1.3 to 314; wheat,
95e; hides, 6 to 7e. wool, washed 18e,
uuwashed. 110; buttr, 20 to 23c; eggs,
Montreal -Cattle pricea were 25c per
100 lbs, higher to -day, and lambs also
advanced about 1-4c per lb.; hop were
fairly steady at about 310 to 310,25.
Receipts at the O. P. R, east end mar-
ket were 600 tattle, 400 sheep and
tenths, 850 hogs and 1,400 calves. Steers
sold all the way from 36.25 for fair to
37.50 for Choice; cows at 34 to 33-25,
bulls at 33.50 to $6, Sheep were steady
at 34.75 to 36.50, while lambs were
stronger at e5 to 37. Hogs brought $10
to 310.25, and sows 39 to 0.25. Calves
sola all the way from $4 to 37, Trade in
the later was slow owing to the rather
heavy suppnest
Montreal remote to BreeletreeT's ray
the week has seern another little spurt
in the eolume of seasonable, busies:es
moving at both *wholesale and leteie
following upon an improvement in wea-
ther eonditions.
Toronto reports to Bradstreet's sat a
good business is moving in all lines
of trade, and prospects for the future
have briglitefned somewhat during the
past week.
Winnipeg reports eay an exeslent
tone is tlOtttl tO all lima of trede then
and throughout the wed.
• Vancouver and Victoria, eeporte say
ia some lines of wholesale trade !t it
etated that orders being %volved ere
for it volume of goods exceeding that
of this tiMO IL ear ago by aver fifty per
Hamilton reports say rather more tea -
sortable weather has resulted In
somewhat ineremed retell trial° there
during the post week, but Tether pro
longed spoll is needed to brieg the vol -
of buebiese up to eittlier expecte-
• =L
London reports say that while retail
Welt is still inelined 1 be light, then
Jewish Girl Jumps From Train and
Picked Up Insensible.
Jews Compelled to .Stay Within the
Pale Set Apart For Them,
Kiev, Russia, June 13, -The ex-
pulsion of Jews from Kiev is attended
with many pathetio incidents. To-
day a girl of Jewish birth who had
been ordered expelled, jumped from
the window of an express train upon
which she was being taken to St.
Peteraburg. She was picked up still
alive but insensible. Inquiry devel-
oped that the girl was suffering from
a violent form of melancholia brought
on by mental distrese, over the loss
of her right of residence here.
The crusade against the Jews il-
legally residing in the city continues.
Those who cannot itstablish their
right to remain outside the pale are
being returned to its confines. The
pale embraces a section of the Polish
provinces and the 'Ukraine set apart
by the original Jewish segregation
law as the only district within which
members of the race might hold resi-
• • •
Chinese Assaulted at Streetsville
by Unknown is Dead,
Toronto, June 13. -Joe Gong; a Chin-
ese, who was attacked in his laundry at
Streetsville on Thunaity night, and beat-
en over the head by unknown persons,
and removed to Toronto on Saturday
morning, died in the tleeeral Hospital
eti Sunday morning. een inqueet %tilt be
held at istreetsville under the order of
Grown Attorney McFadden, of Brame.
Dr. Smith, of Streetsville, who at.
tended ahn, says that as far as could
he ascertained, there was no fracture of
the skull.
Two men of the destription of the
sunspeete passed through Milton on Fri.
ilay night.
••• •
PerrnPr Toronto Man Commits Sui-
cide in Michigan.
Windsor, Ont., June Ie. -Basil (3. 'Ma-
son was found dying at les home, 64
Beresford avenue, Highland Park, efichi.
gan, a suburb of Detroit, early yeater.
day morning. He left it most affection-
ate letter addressed to his mother, 672
Bathurst street, Toronto, in which ha
stated that he had deliberately taken
Ids life as he had, through les unfound'
ed jealousy, lost the love 01 1115 young
tweiefhe,e(o whom 110 WaS passionately at.
Coronet Bennett says that, so fax as
he eould learn, there was no ground. for
jealousy over bis young wife. The wife
is prostrated with grief.
4. bottle of pills was found in his
room, and it is believed Mason took
some of them.
Insane Woman Commits Suicide in-
Erockville Asylum.
Brockville, June 11-.A. patient itt the
Eastern Hospitol for the insane, name.
Nilo. Hawley, of Iroquois, aged 54 years,
died by her own hand this morning. She
arose about 3 o'clock te go to the bath-
room, taking with her a strip of bitinktie
whieit she tied around her neck, feetee
ing the other end to a bar some
from the floor. Stepping tram the divot
her feet barely tonehea the floor, and ire
this position she straugied to (teeth.
Atteldents en G. t
Moncton, Nell„ June 12. -Two men
were injured, one likely fatally, ori the
G. T. P., about 45 tuilea from here on
Saturday. An Italian brakeman
his foot melted, off, and Assistant Rota
dent Engineer Lemont Black, of Bur-
ringtom XS., had Ids back 'broke% Mr
Black was standing on the footboard of
the engine that WW1 eonveying the la-
teral Italian to las botading house, Ina
it La 0111)905e4 fainted and fell in front
of the engine, which etrnek him.
Iluffale, June 12.-A strike of 200
steel and iron •WO21:0111 was called yes-
terday. Musing a Cessation of woLk on
many buildings. The men tleiniend an
Ineroase of 10 per cent,