HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-06-16, Page 1The Wingham , Advance.
gliiYEAR, NO. 42.
$1,80 Pent TZAR uADVAleggs sas
8171315CRIPU°X $1.60 To 1517130010intliti IN XL 13. —
—Just think of it, Thursday, inch of
June; only five days off the longest
day of the year, and summer scarcely
it * *
—It is a fect that tile late King died
in barness, for thirty-six hours before
he died he gave audienee to Lord
Islington, the new Governor of New
Zealand, and to Major T. B. Robinson,
Agent General for Qaeensland.
—Dr. Ratherford, director-general
of the Dominion veterinary depart-
ment as to animal tuberculosis, is
worth repeating. "Stamp out tuber-
culosis in cattle, and very soon there
will be no tuberculosis in human
—Hundreds of acres of land origin-
ally grantea in Northern Ontario to
veterans, have fallen into the hands
of speculators, and regulations have
been ignored. The Ontario Govern-
ment acted wisely in cancelling the
grants, where settlement regulations
have not been complied with.
* * *
—A reminder of the Ross regime in
Ontario's political history is the state-
nient, that the then Administration
actually granted to one of its members
the right to cut hardwood in Algon-
quin Park for thirty years, The own-
er of the concession now values it at
nearly one million dollars, and is in a
position to say --"Well, what are you
altP; going to do about it." Ontario's re-
sources are being better husbanded
* * *
—Farmers from the United States
are still being attracted to the Cana-
dian Nothveest. Despatches from
Winnipeg state that on June 9th, 780
homeseekers and land purchasers
from the:States passed through that
city, representing wealth amounting
to one million dollars. It will not be
long until the West will be the deter-
mining factor in the political affairs
of Canada. For many years, politi-
cians have been -pandering to Quebec
as holding the balance of power. The
centre of gravity in population is
changing, 'and it is well for Canada
that it is.
* * *
—Dr. 3.'11. Kellogg of Battle Creek
makes a statement that seems sweep-
ing ; as he is a specialist, his words
may be taken as a warning. He
says :—
"Physical degeneracyand chro-
nic diseases are increaisng, and in-
sanity has increased 100 per cent
in fifty years. This is due to de-
generacy originating from our
manner of living. Only three wo-
men out of four nurse their infants,
owing to physical degeneracy,
which makes it impossible, and 75
per cent of the bottle-fed babies
die before they are a year old.
The increasing use of tea, coffee,
tobacco stela alcohol spells the end
of a sape human race.
* * *
s An adjourned meeting of the Town
Council was held on Friday evening,
10th inst. ; all members present, ex-
cept the Reeve, who was attendieg
County Council.
A petition was presented from the
Western Foundry Co., et, al, for a six
inch waterrnain ; referred to the Com-
missioners, with request to proceed if
properly signed.
A communication was read from
Oonernissioner J. A. Morton asking for
lengthening of the term of water-
worke debentures. On motion of Mc-
Kibbon and Elliott, all waterworks
debentures to run thirty years.
Petition was presented for a sewer
from John street to the Hospital; re-
ferred to special committee.
John Armour addressed the Council
regarding damage done to his crop by
horses belonging to Mr. Angus.
By-law 606 was passed authorizing
the borrowing of $5000 for current
By-law 607 was passed appointing
John Armour as Poundkeeper ; W. P.
Grierson, Wm. Moore and Thomas
Deans, Fenceviewers.
—The first general election in Unit-
ed South Africa will be held. in Octo-
ber, This will give General Botha
sufficient time to formulate his policy
and also permit of the organization of
an opposition. The population of
these States is 5,471,490, of which only
1,188,750 are white. There are, how-
ever, several nationalities to be con-
sidered, but it is pleasing to hear,
judging from the temporary cabinet
Gets. Botha has chosen, that racial
lines are not going to be arbitrarily
drawn. The race question can do a
lot of damage if allowed to work, and
South Africa will do well to steer clear
of it,
* * *
County Councils Fraternize.
On Thursday last the County Coun-
cils of Bruce, Huron and Perth had. a
very pleasant social time together in
Goderich. The gathering was the
happy suggestion of Reeve Joynt of
Lucknow, who with his characteristic
energy and liberality chartered a
special train from Lucknow to Gode-
rich, taking the Bruce Council and
about 200 guests. Itfi. Joynt does
nothing in a half hearted way, and on
the train, he treated the excursionists
to oranges and other refreshments.
The Highland Pipers' Berta accom-
panied the -excursion.
On arriving in Goderich, the Bruce
Council was met by a committee of
Huron Council with carriages, and
headed by the Goderich Band proceed-
ed to the Town Hall, where Warden
Irwin extended the visitors cordial
welcome, referring to the historical
connection of the two Councils, and
the fact that for ten years after the
erection of the Court -house in Godes
rieh, the Bruce Council had met there.
Warden Crow replied on behalf of the
visitors. After luncheon, the after-
noon was spent in bowling, etc.
—Itis the duty of the King to act
solely upon the advice of his minis-
ters. If he should take the initiative
on any political question he would
be breaking the constitution and in-
terfering with the rights and liberties
of Parliament. If the King felt that
he ought not to act on the advice of
the ministers in power, then those
ministerts should resign, and the King
would be obliged to call upon others
who could get the consent of partite,
matt to adopt such measures as the
Ring advocated. But he would be a
very tinveise Xing, wise would. under-
take to go counter to the wishes of his
cabinet if they had the confidence of
Parliament. Charles the First ttied
that and we all know the result.
At 7 p.m., the Perth County Council
arrived and were met with the Band
and carriages. A banquet at the
Brunswick followed, and after the
good things were disposed of, a num-
ber of excellent speeches were given,
and thus closed a most pleasant inter-
change of courtesies.
Mr. Joynt certainly deserved the
appreciation, which he received evi-
dences of, but perhaps Ms greatest
pleasure was to see so many others
enjoying themselves. He is not a
resident of Lucknow, but it seems that
when they needed a real good Reeve,
they went outside the village and
found a man that "does things," and
is a capital entertainer.
The Editor of the Advance thanks
Mr. Joynt for a kind invitation to
join the excursionists, and Dr. Irwin
for Banquet courtesies, both of which
we were unable to accept, much to
our regret.
Cburcb 'news
(IV 'V • 1....".1WW.6".~..
The Scriptural oratorio, "Esther"
the Beautiful Queen, was successfully
rendered by local talent in the Opera
Hall on Thursday evening, under the
management of Prof. Cline, and. in aid
of the funds of the Y.M.C.A. The fol-
lowing were the characters and the
names of those who personated
them ;—
Eether, The Queen. „Miss Alice Mann
Ahasuerus, The King T. Stalker
Haman, The King's Counsellor and
Overseer of Reahn P J. Hill
Mordecai, a Jew.... ..Robt. Maxwell
Zeresh, Hantan's wife. .Mr. R. Beattie
Mordecai's sister Miss Farquharson
Prophetess... ..... Mrs. W. H. Willis
A. Persian Princess Pearl Duncan
Sertbe H. W. Mack
Hegai Roy Mundy
High Priest, F R. Howson
Harald - R. G. Willis
Iranian Ross
Maids of Honor' • " " s
. ... eFlorence Orr
Beggar Ti. la Hicks
Besides these, a number of young
people and children assisted in the
singing. The coauraes were appro,
priate and the whole rendering credit-
able to those who took part in it.
The leading characters, Ahasuerus,
Queen Esther, Haman, and Mordecai
were naturally the most difficult, but
their personation was excellent, Miss
Mann as the beautiful Queen having
perhaps the most difficult part, and
doing it well. Mies. Stalker and Mr.
Christie rendering excellent service as
The rendering is rather expensive
on account of the costumes, etc., but
there was a large attendance, and
when all expenses are paid, about $50
will remain to assist the Y. M. C. A.
in their work.
Rev. D. Pertie will preach annivers-
ary sermons in Millbank next Sunday,
and Rev. Hague of Millbank will oc-
cupy the pulpit of St. Andreve's.
Confirtnation Service will be held in
St. Paul's Church nett Monday even-
ing (instead or Tuesday as announced)
at 8 pan., and -will be conducted by
Bishop Williams.
Rev. Dr. Rutledge occupied his own
pulpit on Sunday lasts and has enter-
ed en his second year's work in Wing -
hare with his accustomed energy.
De. Rutledge is Chairman of the dis-
trict this year, but this is nothing
neve to him, and as this le the four-
teenth time he has acted in that
capacity, the work will no doubt he
successful masa. his Chairmanship.
After a long wait and the hearing of
many eandidatess the Lucknow Pres-
byterian Church has extended a call
to Rev. J. S. Dancan, B.A, The drill
was absolutely trostemoue ; not anoth-
er name came before the meeting and
not a single dissenting voice was
heard. Mr. Thirteen recently gradu-
ated from McGill University with
vetry high honor, and with the dis-
tinction of having been chosen by his
clam to deliver the 'Valedictory ea-
Former Witigham Lady Married.
A quiet wedding took place on June
8th, at the residence of the' bride's
brother, Luther A. Ball, Talbot street,
Aylmer, wbere his eldest sister, Eliza-
beth, was married to W. J. Edmond
Scott, a prosperous merchant Aylmer.
The bride was given away by her
brother, Dr. Ball, of Toronto. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. A.
Walton Tonge, pastor of the Metho-
dist church, in the presence of the
immediate relatives. The house was
tastefully decorated with fern d and
cut flowers. After the wedding
breakfast had been served, Mr. and
Mrs. Scott drove to St. Thomas, from
which city they left to spend a short
honeymoon in western cities. On
their return they will reside in Mr.
Scott's residence, Talbot street west,
which has just recently been remodell-
ed. The bride's Wingham friends
join in wishing her a very prosperous
---The Weekly Sun is an authority
on cortmereial affaire, and its opinion
given in its last week's !mine is worth
noting. The lesson to be gleaned
from the extract which we give bes
low, may be expressea in one wotd—
"Economy." The Sun tale
The general cominercial eiturstion is,
in eoine respects, not unlike that
whieh preceded the eollapse of thas
fall of 1007, Peeples in ities are living
extraaagantly and general business
activity, particularly along speeulative
liner, has been pushed to such a, limit
that signs are not wanting whiett indi-
cate art approath of etringency in the
money market. A bad crop season in
America this year would be altogeth-
er likely to bring about the same con-
ditions that followed the short erop of
1907, if a good crop is reaped the
danger maw he tided over, but in any
ease it ecarcely seems pateible that the
protient pace earl he kept up for any
great length of tines With/set Wag
met bi 0, scrims setback,
For the -past two Snndays, the Pres-
byterian Church at Atibnen has been
holding jubilee tervieed in eom-
meneoration of the fiftieth year of the
organization of the Church. On Sun-
day last, Rev, S. Young of Clifford
preeched in the morning and Rev. A.
MacMillan of Mitnico in the evening.
On Monday evening a, fediVal WAS
held, and tacit -eases were given by
three former Telefon, including the
teen just mentioned, and Rev, Pritch-
ard. All referral to the hietory af the
Church during their charge of the
ossogregaelon. The chat of Se. An-
drew' l Ofearela VV1 anal fternaeheel
leartatelletrt Mak tort. akna.
Liberal Convention.
The annual meeting of tile Liberals
of North Huron will be held in the
Town Hall, Winalsam, on, Tueeday,
21st inst., at 2 p.m. A. full attendance
is expected.
Clearing Sale,
J. T. Holmes of "Whitechurch an-
nounces a clearing sale of hardware,
tinware, plows, etc., commencing on
June 15t13, and lasting thirty days,
People in the vicinity of Whitechurch
should see the posters announcing this
sale and secure some of the bargains
offered, which ought to attract a,
crowd of purchasers,
Will. Britton of Monroe, Mich., is
visiting friends in town.
Miss Ida Steinaeher spent Sunday
with relatives at Listowel.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Gordon are
spending a few weeks in Toronto.
Mr. Lawrence of Welland called on
his friend, S. Gracey, on Thursday
Miss eloorby of Toronto is visiting
her uncle, Mr. T. 0. Graham, this
Garden Party,
The Salvation Army will hold a
garden party on the lawn of Mrs. A.
E. Simmons, Lower Wingham, in the
evening of Tuesday, June 28th. There
will ba a. good progranime of music by
the Band, also String Band and vocal
selections. As the receipts are in aid
of the local work of the Armee, there
should be good attendance. Pro-
gramme begins at 7.30; admission 10c.
Hot cofree and cake, sandwiches, ice
cream, fruit, etc., will be for sale on
the lawn.
Miss Fay Morton of Toronto was a
visitor over Sunday with her uncle
and aunt.
Mr. Wilcox, M. P. for North Essex,
gave his brother, J. A. Mills, a brief
visit one day last week.
Mrs.Hamilton and son David left
this week on a trip to visit relatives in
Manitoba and Saskathaewati.
Mrs. F. Harris of Vancouver, B. C.,
*Red last week at the home of Mrs.
Copeland Heath, at Mt. Pleasant,
Mr. McKenzie, proprietor of the
Teeswater News and Lucknow Senti-
nel, gave the Advance a fraternal call
on Thursday.
a Dr., A. Colvin of. St. Paul, Minn.,
a,nd Mr. Geo. Colvin of Teeswater,
visited their sister, Mrs. W. J. How-
son, during the past week. •
Mr. Mort. Srnith of Oskosh, Wis-
consin, is visiting his father and, other
relatives here, lie was called here by
the death of his brother-in-law, John
' J. J. McManus of Povvassate a form-
er residenCof Wingham, visited his
Winghana friends last week. He was
called here by the illness of his father, i
Who resides n Lucknow.
Mr. John Anderson Of Warehron is
in town this week visiting his daugh-
ter, Mrs. Thos. Deans, end attending
the wedding of hi e grandson, Peter II.
Deans and Miss Harriet Bell Gannett,
es. John Armour had a pleasant
/surprise on Saturday evening, when
her sister, Mrs. Jas. Helps of laettver,
Colorado, tante to visit her, The
Sisters had not met for twenty-two
years, ana the visit is A pleasant one
to both ladies. Mr. lenesell, a nephew
of Mrs. Helps, aleb of Denver, accost -
panted her.
County Council.
Warden Irwin returned last week
from the June session of Huron Coun-
ty Council. A special grant of $2.000
was made for the High Schools. The
matter of the Tabercolosis hospital
was not decided and the ,committee
will investigate further regarding
available sites, and report at a special
meeting to be called later. The ex-
penditure will be less this year thr4
last. In 1909, $52,000 was spent on
bridges; this year not more than
$18,000 will be needed. Last year the
county rate was one and seven -tenth
mill; this year it is one and a half.
West Huron Liberals.
The Liberals of West Huron held
their annual meeting in Goderich on
June Oth. The officers for -the year
are :—President, H. J. Morris, Loyal;
ist Vice -Pres., W. Baillie, Dungan-
non ; 2nd Vice -Pres., Jos, Dalton,
Kingsbridge; 3rd Vice, Jno. Finglancl,
Witmer; pee., W. II. Robertson,
Goderich; Treas., Jos. Bell, Carlow.
The queltion of the nomination of a
candidate to contest the riding at the
next election was discussed, and it
was decided to recommend to the exe-
cutive that a convention be called in
September of this year for this pur-
easiest Shoe on earth; makes walking
a pleasure. See them at W. J. Greer's
(sole agent.)
A Sudden Death,
The Advance regrets to Lear of the
death of Mr, John G. Smith of Grey.
Death came to him without a warn-
ing illness, He had retired to bed on
Saturday night in his usual health,
and in a short tine, the spark of life
had fled. He was 47 years of age.
See Grey items.
Social Evening.
Four of the organized classes ef the
Methodist Sunday School spent a very
pleasant social evening in the school
room of the cluirch on Tuesday. A
short program was enjoyed, after
which the guests, about sixty in num-
ber, sat down to tastily -prepared
tables, and partook of refreshments.
A. few after-dinner speeehes followed,
and the company dispersed. A most
enjoyable evening was spent.
A Fowl Accident.
A most peculiar accident, involving
a bewildered bird and a broken win-
dow, transpired in Lucknow oft Sun-
day evening. A wild duck, flying
around after sunset, evidently lost its
way while passing through Lueknowe
A light in the window of Miss Mur -
ray's residence, over Wm. ConnelPs
store, was probably mistaken by it for
the gleam of the river to which it was
directing its flight; and with a crash
nd a sound of falling glass, it plung-
through into the room. It was
er found and captured, apparently
armed, under a piece of furniture
he room,--(Luoknow Sentinel.
tkeereca.—We are prepared to buy
any quantity of wool. Highese cash
peke paid.—T. A, Mmes.
-Sewer Extensions.
4 \
Quite a number of citizens 'are. tak-
ing advantage of the opportunity of
having sewers on their streets con-
necting with the main sewer. So far
petitions have been dealt with cover-
ing part of Josephine north, Patrick
Street from Leopold to Frances, parts
of Centre, Maple and Frances street,
John street from Josephine to the
easterly end of John, and from the
hospital to John street. Other peti-
tions are unaer consideration, These
brancbes will be done under the Local
Intprovement plan and thercost spread
over twenty years. In this way, it
will never be felt by any ratepayer,
and the work can be done at less cost
now, when the larger contract is let,
than later on small extensions,
From ,Mr. Wrigley.
In renewing his subscription for the
Advance, Geo. Wrigley, formerly lead-
er of Wingham Band, says :—Business
here (in Lewiston, Montana) is good;
settlers are flocking here by thou-
sands, and everything is booming. I
am glad to see that Wingham is in
line and hope it will continue to pros-
per. Mrs. W. and myself enjoy the
Advance very much. I get several
weekly papers from places in this
State of from 4,000 to 10,000 popula-
tion, but am bound to admit that the
Advance leads them all. Several peo-
ple I have shown it to can scarcely be-
lieve that it comes from a town of
2,500. I am now running a profes-
sional Berta of my own, and am doing
great, I am glad to hear that the
Wingham Band is prospering. Wish-
ing you and your paper success, yours
truly, Geo. Wrigley.
..Mr. and Mrs. Wright of Malone,
N. Y., are visiting their daughter,
Mrs. (Rev.) W. L. Steeves of town.
They are accompanied by their two
dangbters. They mune all the Way,
Qfl miles, in Mr. Wright's large lotto,
r. Wright ia much pleated with
oette eepeotelly was be in love,
With the beautiful reatintry atenend
Hamilton and Grimsby, and has form-
ed Vary favarabiss opinions of this
Town df Wingherce,
L 'Local Items ~.1
Good Flour.—Awde's, Wingham.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
Read 'Willis & Co,'s 114vb, on page 8,
The High School entrance exams.
will commence on Wednesday, June
Don't be afraid, of overworking your
cominon sense.
that; you can't doNito.body ever did
SEWING WANTED—Enquire at Ad-
vance Office,
Farmers in the vicinity of Wing -
learn report the crops looking well, but
in some places, the wire -worm is do-
ing considerable damage,
Little Jean Dulmage of Gorrie, who
was operated. on at the Hospital for
appendicitis by Dr. Kennedy last Fri-
day, is improving satisfactorily.
WANTED.—Any quantity of wool,
cash or trade.—T, A. Mims.
Poor harness, with weak or defec-
tive parts, is responsible for many ac-
eidents, Keep your„ harness in good
repair, and prevent broken bones. -
Bert, Murchison of Turnberry rais-
e his barn on Thursday last. Wm.
Campbell had one finger smashed by
a pike -pole being pushed through it.
Pure Manitoba Flour, $2.60 per bag.
—Frank R. Howson.
Mr. Allan Galbraith had a slight
stroke of paralysis a couple of weeks
ago, but at last accounts is recovering,
and hopes soon to be able to be out
once more.
Parties wanting to lease booth pri-
vileges in town for jelly 121h should
apply as soon as possible. A few good
stands are yet _available. Apply to
T. J. McLean.
Clearing sale of millinery at re-
duced prices,—E. McKenzie.
Learn a lesson ha persistency from
the despised potato bug. In spite of
Paris green, London purple, and other
snares, you will find him right on the
job every season.
North Huron County L.O.L. will
meet in Wingham, on Tues., 21st inst.,
at 2 pan. A full attendance is re-
quested. M. Dane, Co. Master; Geo.
O. Thornton, Co, Secretary.
Bring along your Shoes, We do
repairing and we do it right.—W. 3,
Funeral Of John McCauley.
The remains of the late John Mc-
Cauley, whose death took place in
Vancouver on the Oth inst„ arrived
hero for interment, on Monday even-
ing. His mother, Mrs, Jas. McGee of
Morris, keenly feels the suddenness of
his death. The deceased was in
good health, in the prime of life, and
engaged in his duties as foreman of
the Vancouver Electric railway, when
he fell from a pole and was killed,
He was a trusted employee, and had
many friends in the western city.
The funeral took place on Tuesday,
from the residence of his sister, Mrs.
Ellacott, Frances St, Mrs. Mort,
Smith of Oekosh, Wisconsin, is also a.
sister; she was unable to be present at
the funeral, but Mr. Smith came.
Deceased was 30 years of age.
WANTED. — Non-union carpenters,
300 per hour. Apply to Wm. Han-
over, Niagara Falls Centre, Box 93.
For The Cabbage Worm,
It may not be out of place at this
season of the year to Tete the follow-
ing, which we have selected. The
cabbage worm is the caterpillar of the
white baterfly wbich deposits its
eggs frequently during the sunnner.
Their destruction requires conetant at-
tention. Persian insect powder dilut-
ed with five times its bulk of flair or
lime and dusted on the plants early in
the morning, is one remedy. Hot
Water at a tenhperature of 130 degrees
is a good thieg and does not hurt the
plants. Kerosene emulsion is an ex
cellent remedy, if not used when the
plants are too far advanced. Air -slak-
ed lime, or road dust is said to be
good. Paris green and heelebore are
used, but should not after the had
are half formed. A smell patch may
be kept clean by picking the grubs off
with a pair of small tweeeers. Xero-
sane emulsion ie made as follows :—
Hard soap, one-balf pound; boiling
water, one gallon; kerosene, two gal-
lons. Diseolve the soap in the water,
remove front the fire, and add the
kerosene. Agitate or amen this mit-
tura 'violently for five or triOre InitallbeS
with a pump until a perfect emulsion
results. This is the "stoek solution."
Before tee it thould be diluted with
isbeut fifteen parts of soft water to
one part of the ennilsion, This is
good for killing plant lice, thrips eti
rosebushes(/' and Soft -boatel pests.
Dr. Nelson Tait of 408 Sp/idiots Ave.,
Toronto, Will be at the Queen's Hotel,
Wing -ham, on Friday, June lattb,
from 8 0.11:1. t.ilI 10_1a.ro.Lfor tonsulta-
tion in diseases of Bye, Bar, Nose and
Throat-, Glasses fitted.
Deans -Gannett Nuptials.
A quiet wedding took place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Gannett,
on Diagonal street, in the evening of
Tuesday, June 1441, when their third
daughter, Harriet Bell, and Peter H.
Deans, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Deans, were united. in the holy bonds
of matrimony, in the presence cif only
the immediate relatives of the con-
tracting parties. Rev. D. Perrie offi-
ciated. The bride was beautifully
gowned in pearl grey silk, her going
away dress being blue striped serge,
with silk blouse to match, The happy
couple left on the early morning train
on Wednesday to spend a short honeys
mean at Acton, Toronto and other
places, followed by the best wishes
of a host of friends in town, On their
return to town they purpose residing
on Frances street.
Company 13, 33rd Regiment, left
Wingham on Monday for their an-
nual Oarnp. There was a full quota
of men under command of Lieuten-
ants W, A. Campbell and 0, G. Van
stone. We hope the boys will have
fine weather for their outing,
ENGINEER WANTED,—Good station-
ary engineer; must have certificate.
Apply to Western Foundry, Wing -
The Ripley Express says :—"Tb's.
Mills, merchant of Wingham, is et the
opinion that Sir Wilfred Laurier
should be given the late King Eds
ward's position. Mr, Mills is too late
in speaking, the vacancy is filled and
Sir Wilfred will have to wait,"
Mr, Armour, sr., recently passed
the ninetieth milestone of his life, and
on his birthday had his photograph
taken. Not many are spared to so
advanced an age. Just think of the
many changes and improvements in
the world since Mr. Armonr was a
For Babies And
Babies and Ceildren are now for sale In
Wingeam. Tee7 have proved a Wen to
mothers in united States during past five
years. "Mother 1eroh's Remedies.",
COLIC REMEDY — &Moves infantile Collo
without use of opium.
ESSENCE OP CATNIP A. tont° for tile
weak puny babies.
WORM SYRUP —A, reliable remedy to re.
11101/0 WOrrner
COUGH SYRUP —For coughs and colds.
LAXATIVE SYRUP—An Ideal laxative.
TEETHING SYRUP—A reliable remedy for
nervouS Irritability ineident to teething
CROUP SYRUP—Valuable in croup, whoop-
ing oongh and hoarseness. Gives in-
a UP—Relieves pain and ner-
vous irritability. Tonto to stomach and
bowels. No opium.
NEUTRALIZING TONIC — A. pain reliever;
stomach tonio ; bowel regulator.
GIRLS WANTED.—For work on pow-
er machines in knitting mill or on day
work. Clean, steady work and. good
wages, Apply to The Watson Mfg.
Co., Paris, Ont,
W. M. Davis, the Engineer who
deew- the plans for Wingham eSewers-
system and dispnsa Worlar has ac-
cepted the position of engineer for the
town of Prince Rubert at a salary of
$5,000 per annum and expenses. He
will leave for the West in a couple of
It would be well for local fishermen
to remember that the close season for
black bass is from April 15th to June
15th, both days inclusive. The season
does not open on June 15th, as many
Of the 80 schools in South Grey In-
spectorate, 40 will be vacant at the
end of June owing to expired cer-
tificates, removals to the West, or
teachers' resignations to attend Nor-
mal school.
Wingham Flour, purest and best;
every bag guaranteed. $2,45 per bag.
—Fiume Ti, HOWSON.
Mr. John Imlay was in Bay City,
Mich„ during the past week, attend-
ing the funeral of his brother. De-
ceased visited in Wingham not long
ago, and the news of his death came
as a shock.
July 12th Celebration,
The committee in tharge of the cele-
bration of July lath in Wingham are
energetically at work, and their ef-
forts are likely to result in the largest
attendance of visitors. Winghane has
over had. Special trains will be run
on the 0. P. R. from Teeswater and
Grand Valley, and on the G.T.R. from
Exeter, Mildmay and Xificarcline, re-
turning early in the evening. Wing -
ham Citizens' Band and Lucknow
Pipe Band have been engaged by
Wingliam Lodge te entertain the vis-
itors. 13ce1des these, there tvill be sev-
eral other Bands, in addition to the
nuineroue fife and drum aceompana
utents of the lodges. The hotels, some
of the churches and °thee organiza-
tions are planning to provide Mum -
dance of eatables for the huatente
crowde expected. 'With fine weather,
ten thousand visitors may be expect-
ed. Among the speakers, are R. It
Hobbs of Bliabeirr MIA RIM WM. LOW'S
of LOIR1011,
Walton MoKibbon
The many friends of Mr. John Bur-
gess, Clerk of Turnberry, will regret
to hear that be was thrown out of a
waggon recently and seriously hurt.
See Bluevale items. Mr. Burgess has
not been in good health lately, and
this accident has rendered his condi-
tion rather critical.
LOST.—On evening of June 9th, be-
tween Town Hall, Patrick and Leo-
pold. streets, a lady's gola ring with
small stone setting. Suitable reward
to finder by leaving at Advance
John Goy of Guelph, formerly of
Turnberry, has disposed of his 100 -
acre farm in the township of Turn -
berry, to Messrs. J. A. and Hugh Mc-
Kinnon, who now have three good
farms adjoining each other. This sale
was completed through the real estate
agency of C. N. Griffin.
A Garafraxa farmer's wife sold a
mixture she called butter to a mer-
chant. She was brought before a
magistrate, and before she was
through it cost her $1.08 a pound to
get the stuff back, and then she got
off easy. This should be a warning to
others not to adulterate.
WANTED.—In Wingham, good re-
liable name' owning horse and wagon,
who will push a permanent business
that will pay well. S. R. L. Waldo,
Chatham, 'Ont.
The Advance recently declined a
large advt. covering several columns
in several issues at a paying figure in
cash. It was of a speculative nature,.
and we think there are already too
many losing money in mines and
other speculative enterprises. An
editor, who went on the recent Cobalt
trip, states that of 125 mining com-
panies in Cobalt district, only 12 are
paying profits, and only three or
four are paying huge profits, and. only
one very large profits,
WOOL WANTED.—so,000 lbs.
Highest prices, cash or trade.
Mr. E. Coulter of Toronto was in
town this week in connection with art
effort to secure legislation to secure
needed changes in the Assessment
Act. He calleit on a number of our
leading citizens.
wanted to learn moulding. Apply
Western Foundry, Wingham,
Warden Irwin of Huron and. War-
den Crow of Bruce are both dentists.
They are both known as "pushers"
of any project they undertake. We
happen to know that they are equally
expert "pullers" as "pushers."
Canada now has 892 newspapers of
which 525 are in Ontario, 117 in Que-
bec, 39 in New Brunswick, 62 in Nova
Scotia, 12 in Prince Edward Island, 79
in Manitoba, 25 in Alberta and Sas-
katchewan and 33 in British Co-
Ladies' Oxfords, Ties, Pumps, and
Slippers in the handsomest models
that ever graced. a shoe store -a.$1.75,
$2.25 and up to $3.00 or $3,50.
W. le Gittart.
A postcard addressed to John Brod-
erick, a frulagrOwer, of St, °ether -
ince, took twenty-two years and
three Months to reach him. It was
Mailed Feb. 18, 1888, but got into some
crevice in the post -office box outfit,
and was not discovered until recent
changes were made. It was stamped
again May 31, 1910, and thus the card
beets dates over 22 years apart.
The first locomotive whistle Was In-
vented by Gee. Stephenson in 1833,
shortly after one of his engines had
StrUelt a farmer's wagon and destroy -
ea a inaa of eggs. Previously the
only signal had been a horn blown by
the engine driver.
IensT.-11, Canliffe, Who evotks for
Reba Anderson, Turnberry.is
young Mati just Out front England.
On June lot, en the way to Wingheen
by the B line, be Iota his pone with ftti
in 1t As this was all the run* mart
baa to atext life in Canada with, it is
hoped the finder will leave at the Ad -
Mtge Oftigith
A complete representation of the
funeral of the late King Edward VII
neill be given at the Lyceum cm Friday
and Saturday nights. All first-class
films; plainer than actually witness-
ing the event. Open Saturday at 2
p.m., Friday 7 pan. Also "Hiawatha"
or some other first-class film will be
shown. Admission 10c,
I will pay good wages to a good
singer that can sing by note.
Geraniums Foliages
Begonias Ferns
Hanging Pots Etc.
See our Poultry
FMILW.,,Witi=rttor.;1749,—Vgr",l' ,
How to Have
• Foot Comfort
This is the season of the year
when you wear light clothing.
And this -is the time of the
year- when you cannot feel com-
fortable unless you wear light
INVICTUS Oxfords are the
most comfortable Shoes made for
summer wear.
They're always cool and light
and allow free circulation of air
around your feet and ankles.
INVICTUS Oxfords fit easily • •
and snugly and never sag at the
sides as most Oxfords do.
They're the most stylish Ox-
fords made because they lead the
shoe styles in Canada.
J. LAwdel
W. J. Greer
ICommittees will find it to
Itheir advantage to get
Velvet Ice Cream
the best for ALL occasions,
You will find your receipts
larger by using same, Al-
il ways a large assortment of .
IPeanuts, Oranges, Bananas,
&O., Stc,
ems asommeo
phone it
Wileon niock — Opp. Natimial Hotel
‘rs animaimes tom inessnesios
LADIES 1—Get you Go-oarts
and Baby Carriages re -tired.
1411M1ri.g 1 --Get your plow
points sharpened and made as
good as new, tor a dime, rrave
a look at our stock racks.
orgaing in ninynion
and supplies.