HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-06-02, Page 8TILE WINGHAA
ADY'.A.. 'O
T t E
Capital Stook (all paid up):$4,000,000,00
Reserve Fund, and Undi-
vided Profits $5,400,000,00
Deposits by the Publi.o.. , . $•t4,000,000,00
Toted Amite, over...... , .$50,000,000,00
Bit ANOIfrs AND AGENTS throughout
Canada and the United States.
Savings Department
Currant Rates of Interest allowed,
and Deposits received of $1,00
and upwards,
Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and
advances made on them at lowest
rate of interest.
Wrisartem BrrANOn.—Corner John and
Josephine hine Meets.
W. R, GEIKIE, Manager
R. Yanetone, Solicitor
I At 40 I
You will regret you did not
attend oneof Canada's High
Grade Business Colleges—
located at
IiPeterborough Welland
Orangeville Wingham
Clinton Walkerton a
Now is a good time to enter.
Our graduates receive from
$400 to $1500 per annum.
Mail Courses in 100 different
Write for particulars
We are open to rent any number
of acres of land for the growing of
• Flax, or will buy any quantity of first-
class pulled Flax, dry, for which we
will pay $11.00 per ton delivered at
the Wingham Flax Mill. Seed can be
obtained at T. A. Mills' Seed Store.
A.- TIMING, Manager.
The Council of the County of Huron
will meet in the council chamlier, in
the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday,
the 7th day of dune next, at 3 p. m.
Accounts against the county must be
placed with the Clerk before the
rbove date.
Dated, May 23rd, 1010,
A Real Delicacy In
Scotch Herring.
This is. something above the average
quality. We've sampled them our-
selves and can declare them Tip -Top.
They are put up in Tomato Sauce in
Aberdeen, Scotland, for Holbrook's,
Per Tilt 15o
Oiafar rn
S d os
Ilere'a a Sardine that's xecond to
none. It is a very small delicate
Ade packed hi the finest of oil. To
lovers of a high-grade Sardine, we
t'eoommend this One,
Per Ti 1
Tin ,.,,.. 5n
Hol b r ok
b o s Punch Sauce
Boy ane bottle and yon won't be
able to resist the temptation to buy
another one. Ii'a great.
Per Bottle 25o
The Tea and Coffee .eeStore
WANTED trina ITutter led
Mr. And Mrs. Cleo, Dano spent Sun-
.i ,,
day a E. At trstra s.
t p
Y 6
Mr, stud sirs. 0, Kent attended a
wedding in ,grin last week.
1+7, Armstrong and daughter Jennie,
spent a day last week at AL Dane's.
The _cold, backward weather has re -
tattled the growth in this township.
Deputy Reeve I3ainstook is not im-
proving as quickly as his friends wish
to see.
The carpenter work of the addition
to Mr, John Patterson's house is well
under way.
MISS E. Musgrave returned to her
school after a holiday visit in her
Wingham home.
The memorial service for King
Edward in Trinity Church, Fordwich
was well attended,
.AIrs. Geo. Strong has recovered
from her recent illness and is now able
toa o about but her daily duties.
A new shed has been erected at the
Tankard church, to replace the one
that was burnt some months age..
We are pleased to be able to report
that Mrs. McKee is improving nicely
after the serious operation she re-
cently passed through.
Alex. Gibson raised his barn Iast
Monday, though the weather was
unfavorable. It will be a fine barn ;
E, Albright is doing the work.
One of one young men, by mistake,
brought home the wrong horse from
Brussels on Tuesday, but it was after-
wards restored to the rightful owner
in Wingham,
Council met on Wednesday, May,
18th 1910 in the Tp. Hall, Corrie;
members all present except Deputy
Reeve Iiainstock.
A communication from a number of
residents of Lakelet, asking to have
the pathmaster in their Division
changed, was read; no action be
G. W. Walker was granted the use
of the ground around the Tp. Hall for
the summer for the sum of fifty
The CIerk was requested to prepare
two By-laws, one dismissing John
Rogers as Township Engineer, and
another appointing Lewis Bolton as
one of the Engineers for the Town-
shi p.
Tenders • for the construction of
abutments for the new bridges were
received from James Walkom, Chas,.
Barber and Andrew Strome, Moved
by Winter and Underwood, that the
tender of Andrew Strome to build the
abutments for the Laird bridge for
$3.60, and the Hamilton's bridge abut-
ment for $3.70 per cubic yard be ac-
cepted, his being the lowest tender—
Tenders for making tile for the
Township were received from James
Walkom and Andrew Strome. Mov-
ed by Winter and Underwood, that
the tender. of Andrew Strome be ac-
cepted, the 18 inch tile for $1.30, the
12 inch for 85 cents, the 8 inch for fifty
cents. He also agrees to deliver half
the tile at Gorrie for 10 cents each,
only such tile as are satisfactory to
the Council to be accepted and paid
After passing of accounts, Council
adjourned to meet as Court of Revi-
sion in Gorrie on May 27th.
L. Walker, Clerk.
BUTTER PAPER 1—The Advance
Office has a supply of vegetable parch-
ment Batter Paper on hand—the real
genuine article. You can get• it any
size you wish.
Cattle Astray.
Strayed from the premises of the
undersigned, since May 12th. nine
head of Cattle, six two -year-olds and
three. yearlings. Three of them are
white, two gray, one roan, rest spot-
ted. Information of whereabouts
gladly received; finder rewarded,
Th n e
y ,
Bluevale, P. 0,
Lot 10, con. 3, Morris.
Round Trip Summer Tourist
Tickets at Low Rates
Portland and Astoria, Ore., Seattle,
Tacoma, Everett and Bellingham,
Wash. , Victoria, Vaneonver and Near
"Westminster, B. O., San Francisco,
Los Angeles and 'San Diego, Cal,
Return JOWL Oct. 31st, 1910.
Homeseekers' Excursions To
Western Canada.
Via Chicago, May 31 and June 14.
Via Sarnia and Northern Navigation
Co, Steamer Leaves Sarnia 3.80 p.m.
May 30th and Jens 15th.
Secure tickets and full information froth
W. UENRY, Town .Agent, or
J. D. McDonald
'Astrid Passenger Agent:, Toronto,
Mrs. 11i11 of 1ondesboro visited her
sot h
a �. as, Hill.
Miss Minnie Nethery holidayed in
London last week.
Miss Dora 1Vatson visited last week
with friends in Ethel.
Chas. Grasby sold a line heavydraft
two-year-old colt for $210,
Dr. Kirkby of l3elgrave visited; Ws
parents at Walton last week,
Findlay Andresoni visited his daugh-
ter, Mee. Brooks, of Centralia,.
Mrs. J, Taylor visited her sister,
Mrs, Brooks of Centralia, last week,
Miss Grace Clark of Wingbatn was
a visitor, over Sunday at Mrs. O. Proc-
Miss F. Ethel Watson of •Wingleam
spent a few days at her home here last
Robb. Stonehouse attended the fun-
eral of his aunt at. Wyoming, last
Miss McCallum of Wingham spent
a few days with Mrs, Sproat, last
The Trustees of Brandon cemetery
hbereavod, had the lots re -staked and num-
Mrs. Lindsay of Londesboro spent
at the home ef her sisto
r Mrs.
T, Hill,
Mr. John Watson spent part of last
week with hie brother, James of
Miss Carrie Stewart of Wingham
visited with her uncle and aunt, Dr.
and Mrs. Stewart, last week.
Dr. Anderson of Philadelphia, Penn„
is visitingap
t the home of his parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Findlay Anderson.
Iiugh McLean leaves this week for
Winnipeg, Calgary and Edmonton,
on business combined with pleasure.
Mrs. 0. Burney of Exeter visited her
sister, Mrs, H. Hopper, while in at-
tendance at the funeral of her cousin,
W, Rath.
Belgrave junior baseball team play-
ed at Westfield on the 21th with the
Westfield juniors ; the latter won the
game, 0-7.
Miss Robertson of Toronto, daughter
of the late Dr. Robertson, the great
North West missionary, was the guest
of her cousin, Miss Tessio Halliday.
Geo. Dalgarno, who has been unable
to move about owing to an injured
hip, was removed from his home to
his daughter's, Mrs. Geo. Robinson, on
Monday last.
Mrs. Lawence Perrin of near West-
field, while milking a wild young cow,
was knocked down in the stall acid
badly tramped on and bruised, but it
is thought no bones are broken,
John Hopper's little boy that fell
29 feet down the elevator shaft in
Hanna's store in Wingham, last week,
is doing nicely, and could play with
the rest of the children if permitted.
About twenty-five young people
from Brick Ohurch appointment drove
over to Belgrave one evening last
week and spent a pleasant time with
Rev. and Mrs. Cook at the parsonage.
Trinity Church Sunday School will
hold its annual picnic on Saturday, in
J. L. Geddes' grove. Everybody is
invited; come and have a good time
together, and don't forget the baskets
of provisions. Feel free to come ; you
are invited.
Mr. Skelton, while coming; down
the hilljust west of Belgrave, lost
control of his wheel, consequently be
had a bad fall, got his face and hands
badly cut, shoulders and arms bruised
and a bad shaking up, laying him off
for a couple of weeks.
Live hogs commanded $9.50 per cwt.
last week in Belgrave, there being two
carloads shipped, one a double -deck.
Just to show what some of the farm-
ers are making might be interesting.
Mr. Scott received for one large load
$359 ; Jas. Bone, $251 ; Wm, Isbister,
for 7 hogs,
, 1S3 The.price seems to
g $
be on the increase and he money de-
rived from them is enormous. The
first named load of hogs would pay a
year's rent on a 150 -acre faun. Farm-
ing ,must pay, as prices, are equally
high for everything the farmer has to
sell, and now is the time to save a
little for old age. Never in Ontario
were the times so good for the farmer
as to -day. '�
All kinds of Chop in stock at right
prices.—Fn ant Howsoiw, Wingham.
Mrs. Morrow is at present visiting
friends at Hamilton,
The peculiarity of a crank is that
he always thinks it's his turn.
Me. and Mrs. Win. Mitchell of
Wingham spent Monday with friends
in the village.
Johnston Fc Duff shipped ta; car of
horses, and D. McDonald a ear of
cattle, from here on Saturday.
Mr. Will Hall will conduct the ser-
vice in the Methodist Church 'next
Sunday morning, owing to the ab-
sence of the pastor.
Rev. J. W. Andrews is at present
attending Conference at Chatham, and
during his absence Mrs. Andrews will
visit friends in Mitchell,
Chas. Forrest delivered eleven head
of cattle at the station on Monday,
for which he received the handsome
sum of $1057.00. It pays to raise good
Mrs, Thos, Biggins -left for the
West on Tuesday, where she will
spend a few months she was aeeom.
panied by her son, Vernon, who pur-
poses etarting a barber shop west of
Edmonton. •
The ro ular monthly hI . e.
n of th
Ladies' Aid and Missionary
nary s diety of
Knox church will be held on Tuesday
afternoon, June 7. All the members
are requested to attend, as net,. busi-
ness will be discussed.
Rev. W. J. West left Monday morn-
ing for Halifax, where he gilt attend
the General Assembly of the .Presby -
Orkin Church, and on his way back
will stop off at Montreal to attend the
meeting of High Court Of Canadian
Order of Foresters,
'The monthlymeeting lasting of "Women' s
In$ tit t Ste will be held at the home of
Mrs. P. 13. Scott on Thursday, June
Oth, at 280 p.m, The ofiicers for the
Fear are—President, Mrs. WWI' Vice.
res,. Mrs. George Macdonald ; Sec,-
Treas., Miss Nettie McNaughton. All
the ladles are cordially invited to
There wilt be no service in the Pres-
byteritmta church matt Sabbath, owing,
to Ret. W. .3*. West being at latalifax
attending the General Atasetsabl , but
on Sabbath, Jtrtte 1 tb, Rev. L. Perri a
of Wm: rater will pre** at '8. to'isleek
ira this affiewf nom The Gest1
nxe t eatllz Sot iubla owterrl SS
Elft 7 prLi'l,
Arthur Ballaugh spent Sunday last
at the Brickyard.
Mr, Wm, Edwards has purchased a
new threshing outfit,
Mies Etta Elliott of Southampton
spent the holidays with her parents.
The boundary brick and tile Works
started to make the on Monday last,
Nies. Etta Elliott of Southampton
spent last week under the parental
Mr, and Mrs, Jaa, McGlynn spent
Sunday wish relatives in East Wawa-
Mr. Ohas, Aitken left last -'week for
the West, where he wiil spend the
Mr. and Mrs.. H. A, McLean spent
Sunday with her sister, Mrs, George
1VIr, Donald McLean of Teeswater is
spending a few days with his son on
the boundary.
A. number of the young people of
our burg took in the circus in Wing-
ham last week.
Rev, Mr, Edgar of Orangehill occu-
pied the pulpit in the Presbyterian
Church on Sunday.
Mr. Wm. Elliott's broken leg is ina
proving nicely, and he is able to get
around with crutches.
Mies Lizzie McKee of the Stratford
Normal School spent a few days visit-
ing under the parental roof.
Mrs. Alex. Rogerson and grand-
daughter, of Toronto, spent the 2tth
with her niece, Mrs. Wm. Elliott.
Mrs. S. Swift and family, who bane
spent the last month at the home of
Mr, J. Hamilton have returned to
their home in Toronto.
The South Bruce Telephone Com-
pany are busily employed on the line
east of Belmore and soon the instru-
r e s will nt w Il loo. installed.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred. Weldon and
family of Torouto, are spending a few
weeks at the latter's home, Mr. G.
Barton's on the gravel road.
Mrs, A. Pollock is on the sick list
this week.
Miss Eliza Willis is visiting friends
at Oollingwood this week.
Mr. Robt, Shaw of Bluevale preach-
ed in the Hall, Sunday night.
Jas. Moses took a trip on Empire
Day to friends near Ailsa Craig.
Mr. and Mn,sCleo. King of Blyth
visited at Job King's last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eckmier and Mies-
Ferne spent Sunday with Ethel
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Smith of Morris
were visiting at Andrew Simpson's
last week.
Mrs. Arthur Yeoman of Balmy
Beach, Toronto, is visiting her moth-
er, Mrs. Jas, Strachan,
There is some talk of a wedding
south of Jamestown in the near
future ; particulars later,
Mr, and Mrs. Fred. Wilson of To-
ronto visited Mr, and Mrs. D. McDon-
ald Monday of last week.
Wm. Willets is making prepares -
tion for putting up a straw shed ; he is
making a great improvement on his
new place.
Mrs. M. Gibson has put up a new
driving -shed ; it was raised last Fri-
day. George Haney of Bluevale has
the contract.
Misses. -Clara, Minnie and Masters
Leslie and Cecil Pollock of Listowel
visited their uncle, Andrew Pollock,
on Sunday last.
Mrs. Samuel Pollock of Paisley is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Jared King,
who is very low at present and not ex-
pected to last very long.
Mr. Samuel Burke drove to Exeter
on Tuesday of this week to see his
son, William, who is in bakery busi-
ness there, and is doing well.
John T. Strachan of this place, who
is studying for the ministry in Knox
college, Toronto, took the service in
the Hall Sunday night, and did very
The Trustees of Victoria Hall held
a meeting on Wednesday of last week
and decided to hold a Box Social and
entertainment on June 17th, Mr.
Cameron, principal of High School,
Brussels, has consented to act as
A peculiar accident happened on
the farm of Mr. S. Hoggarth, Stephen
township, one day 'recently, The cat-
tle were let out to pasture, and, feel-
ing good, were jumping and kicking,
One steer jumped into the air, and
landing on its front feet broke both
its lege, The animal had to be
Kidney Diseases Cause Half The Com.
mon Aches And ills Of Wing.
ham People.
As one weak link weakens a chain,
so weak kidneys weaken the whole
body and hasten the final breaking -
Overwork, strains, colds and other
Causes injure the kidneys, and when
their activity
y i is lessenedthe whole
body suffers front the excess of uric
poison circulated in the blood,
Aches and pains and languor and
nrinary ills come, and there is a aver-
inereasing tendency towards diabetes
and fatal Bright's diseat#e. There is
no real help for the sufferer except
kidney help.
Booth's Kidney Pills act directly on
the kidneys and cure every kidney i11.
Wingham cures are the proof.
T. Dewitt Holmes of Victoria Ave.,
Wingham, Ont., says:—"I had felt
Miserable for some time with lumbago.
It had settled across the small part of
my back and' in the region of the kids
neys. I could not stoop. over at times
and when 1 would for
of bine I mild scareel et up, The
yg p
urine plainly told the disordered state
of the kidneys and although I had
tried several kidney remedies I found
nothing to give the desired results un-
til on recommendation of out- drn gist,
Mr.clGibbon I used teeth's Kidney
Pills, The one box airetee uckl
and entirely. The lutimba o soon
went ant of Pity' back and here has
not been it, sign of it since. Booth's
Kidney Pills ars Certainly a grand
remedy and I feel grateful in mem-
ding thein." For vale by W, J,
cit rbcfwty Winglsam, ?,rise SO els,
LwMr O Y,tT'ralrt hill,
East Wawa nosh.
IB.eport for S. S. No. 0, Exist W ,wa-
nosh :--Jr. 5th -M, Currie 204, U4, O. piir-
rie 85. Sr, 'tth—M. Pollock 810, E.
Sheill 206, H, Walker 213, II.. Carle
181, O. Taylor 30, Sr. 3rd—A, Currie
280, 11. Deacon 28-, F. Deacon 273, W.
Taylor 163, M. Minton! 130, L, Robin-
son 100, Jr, aid --.(I. Posoek 275, 11.
Pocock 273, B. Burchill 210, 114, 1110-
11e-Don alt 103. Sr. 20-0. Currie 177,
P. Sheill 174, A. Leaver 130, T. Kerr
02, Pt, 2ncl--D. Deacon, V, Nixon,.
Sr, Pt. lst—J. Taylor, G. Sheill.• Jr',
B• --Chester Bitten), Lyla Leaver, Jr,
A- •R. Currie, P, Naylor, M, Hunter,
S. Nixon. Average attendance 20.
A. Lawrence, teacher.
Tuesday of last week a highly and
respected resident of this township, in
the person of Fred, J. Rath, passed
away at his comfortable home, lot 42,
con. 5, aged. 38 years. The funeral
took place on Thursday afternoon et
2 o'clock, and interment in Union
cemetery, For the past year deemed
heti been in pour health,
theo a
ing pot o ing of is sytemfrom obs
strutted jaundice. Mr. Rath's father
died 17 yeah agoand his mother is
very ill at present. The subject of
this notiee was married 11 years ago
to Miss Eva Jackson, daughter of the
late Jos. Jackson. She and three
children—Joseph, Bert. and Gladys
survive, Wm, Rath of Clinton is a
brother and Mrs. Grimoldby of Sea-
forth is a sister. IIe was a Conserva-
tive in politics, a Methodist in church
relationships and born iu East Wawa -
nosh. Pallbearers—Neil Taylor, J.
Cuming, D. Stalker, J. Dingwall, W.
Lear and Jas, McGill. The bereaved
family will be deeply sympathized
with in their sorrow by the communi-
ty, whop held deceased in high esteem
forhis y g qualities of head
foci heart,
The Council met May .26th as a
Court of Revision and Appeal ; mem-
bers all preset. Having each several-
ly subscribed to the affirmation re-
quired by statute, the following ap-
e ieebr ht
l s a were tug up for consider-
ation :— Henry Deacon complained
that he was too high assessed on his
properties, S. ; lot 39, con. 10, and. N. e
4V. 4 lot 30, eon. 9, in proportion to
other properties in that locality ; as-
sessment reduced $50.00 on buildings.
Mrs. Leishman, W, pt. lot 33, con, 0,
too high assessed ; assessment reduced
$50.00 on buildings. ,David S. Scott,
N. 1 lot 34, con. 7, assessed too high on
land ; assessment reduced $100.
The North Huron Telephone Co.
and the G. N. W. Telegraph Co„ also
appealed, exemption from assessment
being asked for in both cases. The
appeal of the North Huron Telephone
Co. was granted, and the assessment
ordered removed frond the roll, while
that of the G. N. W. Telegraph Co.
was laid over till next sitting of Court.
The following manes were added to
the Roll :—Elezeor and Geo. I3. Orvis
added as T. and T. M. F. respectfully,
lot 30, con, 11 ; Allan Fralick, agent,
lot 33, con. 14; Chas. Keating, T.M.F.,
lot 36, con. 5 ; John. Nixon, T.M.F., lot
39, con. 13 ; Wm. J. Elliott, M.F.F.S.,
lot 41, con, 15 ; John Burchill, M,F.F.
S., lot 36, con. 13 ; Ernest Hinking-
bottom, M.F.F.S„ lot 28, con. 3.
On application, dogs owned by the
following parties were struck off the
Roll :—J. Woods, Geo. Quinn, E. Dex-
ter, Dan McGowan, Geo. T. Robertson,
Wm, J, Rodger, Wm. Fothergill and
Robt. Johnston, The Court was then
closed for the present to be re -opened
again and finally disposed of on Mon-
day, June 20th,,next.
Council was resumed and ordinary
business proceeded with, minutes of
Last meeting read and "confirmed.
Tenders for the construction of Mc-
Lean's bridge, con. 8, were received
from Messrs. John Gaffney of •Ken-
nicott, Wm. Love of Marnoch, Robt.
Vint of Blyth, and Geo. Taylor of
Belgrave. The tender of Mr. Taylor
at $500, being the lowest, was ac-
II. B. Elliott and R. B. McGowan
waited on the Council and asked for
grants of money in ,aid of Wingham
and Blyth Fell Fairs, respectively ; no
action taken in either ease.
Application of Robt. II. Thompson
for theposition
.Lax Collector,1910,
receiveand ordered to be file.
On motion of Couns. Chimneyand
Burchill, the
c , Reeve and Coups. Chim-
ney and Scott were instructed to view
what is kuown as Quinn's bridge, cons.
2 and 3, and to take whatever action
deemed necessary in repairing, or the
building of a new bridge, this'coniing
Complaints having been made of
failure of some of the residents of this
township in not complying to the
provisions of By-law re muzzling of
dogs running at large, it was moved
by Mr. Scott and seconded by Mr.
Chamney, that Alex. Scott, con. 7, be
the carryingt of saidofficer
The following accounts were pre-
sented and ordered to be paid :—Win.
Wightman, salary as assessor, 1910,
$05 ; F. G. Todd, plank, and deliver-
ing same at riven bridge, con. 9, $11.-
30 ; Duncan McCallum, putting in
tile crossing, lot 39, cons. 8 and 9, $5 ;
Dr. Hamilton, services as M.H.O., $3
Miss L, Barber, Wingham, copying
specifications for McLean's bridge and
material, $1.75; P. W, Scott, freight
and telephone charges, $1.50 ; Law-
rence Pearen, filling washout, lot 32,
con. 4, $1.00,
The Council then adjourned to meet
on Monday, June 20, at 10 a. m,
Alex. Porterfield, Clerk.
Mrs. IIarkiiess and family of Ed-
monton ari`ived here on Monday on
a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Pearson.
Mrs. Robt. Musgrove and her lady
friend visited' friends on the 4th con.
last week. We are pleased to see
Mrs. Musgrove so much improved in
health, and hope it continues.
.Tames Pearson of Victoria College,
Toronto, took charge of the services
in Roe's Ohurch last Sabbath, in the
Absenco of the pastor, who is still ill.
Mr. Eli Smith of Brussels will take
charge next Sabbath,
Everybody went to Ethel last Fri-
day evening to the Brussels and Ethel
foothill' match. The visiting team
won by two goals. Our boys are net
discouraged its the least, as they cer—
tainly put up good play.
We are sorry to report the serious
illnessof Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Bateman.
Mr. Bateman took pneumonia on Sun-
cla _. and Mee, Bateman was taken
down on Tuesday. At the time of
writing, there is no improvement
whatever, and their condition is pre-
The Ethel circuit Sunday School
convention on the nth was a decided
snouts. The several topics up for
dtscnssion were well handled, and
especially the paper given by Mr. Ray
Payne of 1lrumserte, oil: "Bow the Hp -
worth Leseegne can help the Sunday
School," Tise music througb ut wise
brisehS and everything prcrsec1, helpful.
Mr. Hugh is B,iohmondl was -
talent tot flexb year,
Rev. and Mrs. Farr paid friends In
Durham a visit last week,
Jno. King of Luelsnow spent the
241h with his parents in town,
Mrs. ('Rev.) McTavish visited her
mother in Toronto over Sunday,
Mr, and Miss. Wilkins spent a few
days last week with their sister, Abs.
Led. James,
Rev. Mr, McKenzie of Wroxeter
Ocoupied the pulpit of the Methodist
Church on ,Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Sheriff of Lucknow
spent part of the holidays last week
visiting their daughter,. Miss Irene
Miss Sheriff, teacher in the junior
department of cue school, was forced
to give up her work fora few days on.
account of illness, and went to her
home in Lucknow to recruit ; her
many friends, and especially her
scholars, are pleased that she is able
to resume her duties.
Mr, Jno, Reidt has the jobof filling
in the approaches to the bridge. This
place has been for some time in a very
dangerous condition, and the wonder
is that no accidents have occurred ere
this, The parties, whose duty it was'
to attend to this matter, have been
very negligent. However, the Gorrie
people are glad to see it attended to,
even at this late date.
The 24th of May celebration proved
to be a grand success in every way,
Although itt the early part of the day
the weather looked far from promis-
ing, it fared up at last and the day
proved a fine one, A game of baseball
was played in the forenoon between
Teeswater and Cargill, the score being
7-4 in favor of Cargill. In the after-
noon, a lacrosse match was played be-
tween Mt. Forest and Harriston, the
score being 7-4 in favor of Mt. Forest.
Then followed foot races. The firet.
was a twn.nrile race ; those entering
were -T. R. Bennett, Calhoun and P.
Sanderson n On ; T. R. Bennett won. The
heavy men's race was won by T. J.
Shera ; those who entered were --T. J,
Shera, Jno, Darroch, J. S. Lyons, .A
race for boys under 16, and a race for
girls, was then run ; in the latter, M.
Earle was lst, and Lottie Beswitheriek
tad. A second game of baseball was
then played by Cargill and Teeswater,
and won by Cargill. Tho concert in
the evening was quite a success ; the
entertainers were — Mr. W. Edwards
and Miss Mae E. Davis of Toronto ;
Miss Maud Skilling was pianist.
Howick Boundary.
The telephone gang is busy putting
in phones on the B line, and con. 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Doubledee spent
Sunday with Mrs. Halliday of Wing-
Willie Cameron of Toronto is a
visitor at the home of his uncle, 13.
Crawford and daughter spent
Sunday last with friends on the Oth
line of Turnberry,
Miss M. (lathers of Gorrie spent last
week at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Lathers, on con. 15.
is the best, reme4."
known for sunburn,
heat, rashes, eczema
sore feet, stings and
blisters. A skin food !
Ali Druggists and Stores. -509.
J. Y. EGAN, Specialist of Toronto
Procrastination is the most common error of
ruptured people. In most eases they do not
realize the risk they are running. Yon may
have been ruptured for some time and not
noticed any change for better or worse. But,
remember, no rupture stands still. Even If not
getting larger the bowel is owing fast to the
inside, and any day your ordinary truss is liable
to slip while lilting or Coughing and let mere of
the bowel. escape. Ili Such a Case strangulated
hernia may result in death. Many people eome
to me constipated, nervOns, irritable, suffering
from indigestion and constant colds. They sel-
dom charge this to their rupture, but that is
where their ill -health originates. A rupture
strains the whole phy�siral organism and to a
constant nerve Irritant a breecitng place for the
germs of typhoid, and frequently causes rhea.
matism, paralysis and sterility. 'Your rupture
cured willmakeyou feel like
c ed ane
N Acing.
your nerves Will recover their normal tone and
jour rundown condition replaced by vigorous,
oyous health. Act at once and remove the
daily(tailor et death Which like A threatenhi
thalerclnd, hangs over the head of every
ruptured person. Don't delay, to suffer and die.
Let me help you live and enjoy life. What I
flaw done for thousands in the past fifty years
I can do for you to -clay. Awaken to the fact
what a cure means to you --viz,, immediate
security, eomnfort and it perfect physical con.
dltion. This is alt yours to-dayfor the as ing.
tens 0:n eohsun :t rn t
Out-of-town patients t i It ma tmd t mtn
bottle same day relieved of all rupture trouble
permanently. No operation, pain or loss of
ime. Tear off free coupon now.
Free Consultation Coupon.
Thls coupon, 'upon presentation to
Egan rupture specialist, 331 West Icing
Street, Toronto, who will visit the towns ten
Oleg ., mentioned below) will entitle the
bearer to free consultation and' Cxanibmetien
of his'or• tier case. Ask at hotel office for
number of my consulttng-room, NOW dates.
Mt, Forest; June 16
Wingham, Friday, June 17th
012111 BAY ONLY
Kintaratne, June 18
Barefoot Sandals
For The Kiddies
Cool Cheap - Comfortable
All sizes, from 3 infants to 2 Misses,
in brand new goods (in fact just opened)
5ov i5c VT 1a\x
Note the difference between these we
offer at above prices compared with
other stores, viz ----Closed sides and.
oak -tan soles. Read the full descrip-
tion in our ad. in the Times.
Willis & Co.
Sole Agents
For The
Sole Agents for the "Astoria" Shoes for Men
canna & Co.
"The Big Store
Ladies ! Ladies !
fi i" We are offering on sale this week only, our
new up-to-date Raincoats in Blues, Fawns and
Greys, with the Prussian collar. These Coats
are all guaranteed rainproof, and to retain their
color. Made by the best firm in Montreal ; we
only have a few at this price -49.75. Coats are
on display in the window.
Fancy Dress Mulls
Ili Greens, Browns and Wisteria. A. good
chance to get your Summer Dress. On sale at
22 cents per yard. .
Ladies' Skirts
Twenty Skirts in Blue. and Brown, for street
wear. $
Regular $ 5.5 and $5 o .co --on sale for this
week only, for $3.33,
Men Suits
We have on sale this week only — in sizes
36, 3Z 38, 40, 42, 44 -Men's good wearing Suits,
Regular $io.00 and $I2.00 ---we are clearing this
line for one week only, for $7.9o. Get your size
before it is sold.
Five Dozen Pairs of Hose, in Blacks and
Greys ---- on sale at rg cents.
l'ien's Shirts
Negligee—it i stripes and fancy prints. These
Shirts are all full size. Regular $x 25. and $1.00
on sale at 73 cents,
:w 1t
Great Lakes
Now Open
Regular Settings as follows :
Tii1 SDAY - - S. S. "ItItEwATIN"
WEDltl'ItSDAY - S. S. "'AL]1iill1'A0
SATttRDAY a S. S. "ASS110E0110
The Most 1*leaiant olid Cheapest Route
to Wlttttilreg rtnd West
Linn oi
XCU •'
E iCl ..
Threat h Train to Winnipeg and
West from Toronto at s p, In.
on above date.
Ft,, Arlt, — 'fig%
Mrs. 11i11 of 1ondesboro visited her
sot h
a �. as, Hill.
Miss Minnie Nethery holidayed in
London last week.
Miss Dora 1Vatson visited last week
with friends in Ethel.
Chas. Grasby sold a line heavydraft
two-year-old colt for $210,
Dr. Kirkby of l3elgrave visited; Ws
parents at Walton last week,
Findlay Andresoni visited his daugh-
ter, Mee. Brooks, of Centralia,.
Mrs. J, Taylor visited her sister,
Mrs, Brooks of Centralia, last week,
Miss Grace Clark of Wingbatn was
a visitor, over Sunday at Mrs. O. Proc-
Miss F. Ethel Watson of •Wingleam
spent a few days at her home here last
Robb. Stonehouse attended the fun-
eral of his aunt at. Wyoming, last
Miss McCallum of Wingham spent
a few days with Mrs, Sproat, last
The Trustees of Brandon cemetery
hbereavod, had the lots re -staked and num-
Mrs. Lindsay of Londesboro spent
at the home ef her sisto
r Mrs.
T, Hill,
Mr. John Watson spent part of last
week with hie brother, James of
Miss Carrie Stewart of Wingham
visited with her uncle and aunt, Dr.
and Mrs. Stewart, last week.
Dr. Anderson of Philadelphia, Penn„
is visitingap
t the home of his parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Findlay Anderson.
Iiugh McLean leaves this week for
Winnipeg, Calgary and Edmonton,
on business combined with pleasure.
Mrs. 0. Burney of Exeter visited her
sister, Mrs, H. Hopper, while in at-
tendance at the funeral of her cousin,
W, Rath.
Belgrave junior baseball team play-
ed at Westfield on the 21th with the
Westfield juniors ; the latter won the
game, 0-7.
Miss Robertson of Toronto, daughter
of the late Dr. Robertson, the great
North West missionary, was the guest
of her cousin, Miss Tessio Halliday.
Geo. Dalgarno, who has been unable
to move about owing to an injured
hip, was removed from his home to
his daughter's, Mrs. Geo. Robinson, on
Monday last.
Mrs. Lawence Perrin of near West-
field, while milking a wild young cow,
was knocked down in the stall acid
badly tramped on and bruised, but it
is thought no bones are broken,
John Hopper's little boy that fell
29 feet down the elevator shaft in
Hanna's store in Wingham, last week,
is doing nicely, and could play with
the rest of the children if permitted.
About twenty-five young people
from Brick Ohurch appointment drove
over to Belgrave one evening last
week and spent a pleasant time with
Rev. and Mrs. Cook at the parsonage.
Trinity Church Sunday School will
hold its annual picnic on Saturday, in
J. L. Geddes' grove. Everybody is
invited; come and have a good time
together, and don't forget the baskets
of provisions. Feel free to come ; you
are invited.
Mr. Skelton, while coming; down
the hilljust west of Belgrave, lost
control of his wheel, consequently be
had a bad fall, got his face and hands
badly cut, shoulders and arms bruised
and a bad shaking up, laying him off
for a couple of weeks.
Live hogs commanded $9.50 per cwt.
last week in Belgrave, there being two
carloads shipped, one a double -deck.
Just to show what some of the farm-
ers are making might be interesting.
Mr. Scott received for one large load
$359 ; Jas. Bone, $251 ; Wm, Isbister,
for 7 hogs,
, 1S3 The.price seems to
g $
be on the increase and he money de-
rived from them is enormous. The
first named load of hogs would pay a
year's rent on a 150 -acre faun. Farm-
ing ,must pay, as prices, are equally
high for everything the farmer has to
sell, and now is the time to save a
little for old age. Never in Ontario
were the times so good for the farmer
as to -day. '�
All kinds of Chop in stock at right
prices.—Fn ant Howsoiw, Wingham.
Mrs. Morrow is at present visiting
friends at Hamilton,
The peculiarity of a crank is that
he always thinks it's his turn.
Me. and Mrs. Win. Mitchell of
Wingham spent Monday with friends
in the village.
Johnston Fc Duff shipped ta; car of
horses, and D. McDonald a ear of
cattle, from here on Saturday.
Mr. Will Hall will conduct the ser-
vice in the Methodist Church 'next
Sunday morning, owing to the ab-
sence of the pastor.
Rev. J. W. Andrews is at present
attending Conference at Chatham, and
during his absence Mrs. Andrews will
visit friends in Mitchell,
Chas. Forrest delivered eleven head
of cattle at the station on Monday,
for which he received the handsome
sum of $1057.00. It pays to raise good
Mrs, Thos, Biggins -left for the
West on Tuesday, where she will
spend a few months she was aeeom.
panied by her son, Vernon, who pur-
poses etarting a barber shop west of
Edmonton. •
The ro ular monthly hI . e.
n of th
Ladies' Aid and Missionary
nary s diety of
Knox church will be held on Tuesday
afternoon, June 7. All the members
are requested to attend, as net,. busi-
ness will be discussed.
Rev. W. J. West left Monday morn-
ing for Halifax, where he gilt attend
the General Assembly of the .Presby -
Orkin Church, and on his way back
will stop off at Montreal to attend the
meeting of High Court Of Canadian
Order of Foresters,
'The monthlymeeting lasting of "Women' s
In$ tit t Ste will be held at the home of
Mrs. P. 13. Scott on Thursday, June
Oth, at 280 p.m, The ofiicers for the
Fear are—President, Mrs. WWI' Vice.
res,. Mrs. George Macdonald ; Sec,-
Treas., Miss Nettie McNaughton. All
the ladles are cordially invited to
There wilt be no service in the Pres-
byteritmta church matt Sabbath, owing,
to Ret. W. .3*. West being at latalifax
attending the General Atasetsabl , but
on Sabbath, Jtrtte 1 tb, Rev. L. Perri a
of Wm: rater will pre** at '8. to'isleek
ira this affiewf nom The Gest1
nxe t eatllz Sot iubla owterrl SS
Elft 7 prLi'l,
Arthur Ballaugh spent Sunday last
at the Brickyard.
Mr, Wm, Edwards has purchased a
new threshing outfit,
Mies Etta Elliott of Southampton
spent the holidays with her parents.
The boundary brick and tile Works
started to make the on Monday last,
Nies. Etta Elliott of Southampton
spent last week under the parental
Mr, and Mrs, Jaa, McGlynn spent
Sunday wish relatives in East Wawa-
Mr. Ohas, Aitken left last -'week for
the West, where he wiil spend the
Mr. and Mrs.. H. A, McLean spent
Sunday with her sister, Mrs, George
1VIr, Donald McLean of Teeswater is
spending a few days with his son on
the boundary.
A. number of the young people of
our burg took in the circus in Wing-
ham last week.
Rev, Mr, Edgar of Orangehill occu-
pied the pulpit in the Presbyterian
Church on Sunday.
Mr. Wm. Elliott's broken leg is ina
proving nicely, and he is able to get
around with crutches.
Mies Lizzie McKee of the Stratford
Normal School spent a few days visit-
ing under the parental roof.
Mrs. Alex. Rogerson and grand-
daughter, of Toronto, spent the 2tth
with her niece, Mrs. Wm. Elliott.
Mrs. S. Swift and family, who bane
spent the last month at the home of
Mr, J. Hamilton have returned to
their home in Toronto.
The South Bruce Telephone Com-
pany are busily employed on the line
east of Belmore and soon the instru-
r e s will nt w Il loo. installed.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred. Weldon and
family of Torouto, are spending a few
weeks at the latter's home, Mr. G.
Barton's on the gravel road.
Mrs, A. Pollock is on the sick list
this week.
Miss Eliza Willis is visiting friends
at Oollingwood this week.
Mr. Robt, Shaw of Bluevale preach-
ed in the Hall, Sunday night.
Jas. Moses took a trip on Empire
Day to friends near Ailsa Craig.
Mr. and Mn,sCleo. King of Blyth
visited at Job King's last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eckmier and Mies-
Ferne spent Sunday with Ethel
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Smith of Morris
were visiting at Andrew Simpson's
last week.
Mrs. Arthur Yeoman of Balmy
Beach, Toronto, is visiting her moth-
er, Mrs. Jas, Strachan,
There is some talk of a wedding
south of Jamestown in the near
future ; particulars later,
Mr, and Mrs. Fred. Wilson of To-
ronto visited Mr, and Mrs. D. McDon-
ald Monday of last week.
Wm. Willets is making prepares -
tion for putting up a straw shed ; he is
making a great improvement on his
new place.
Mrs. M. Gibson has put up a new
driving -shed ; it was raised last Fri-
day. George Haney of Bluevale has
the contract.
Misses. -Clara, Minnie and Masters
Leslie and Cecil Pollock of Listowel
visited their uncle, Andrew Pollock,
on Sunday last.
Mrs. Samuel Pollock of Paisley is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Jared King,
who is very low at present and not ex-
pected to last very long.
Mr. Samuel Burke drove to Exeter
on Tuesday of this week to see his
son, William, who is in bakery busi-
ness there, and is doing well.
John T. Strachan of this place, who
is studying for the ministry in Knox
college, Toronto, took the service in
the Hall Sunday night, and did very
The Trustees of Victoria Hall held
a meeting on Wednesday of last week
and decided to hold a Box Social and
entertainment on June 17th, Mr.
Cameron, principal of High School,
Brussels, has consented to act as
A peculiar accident happened on
the farm of Mr. S. Hoggarth, Stephen
township, one day 'recently, The cat-
tle were let out to pasture, and, feel-
ing good, were jumping and kicking,
One steer jumped into the air, and
landing on its front feet broke both
its lege, The animal had to be
Kidney Diseases Cause Half The Com.
mon Aches And ills Of Wing.
ham People.
As one weak link weakens a chain,
so weak kidneys weaken the whole
body and hasten the final breaking -
Overwork, strains, colds and other
Causes injure the kidneys, and when
their activity
y i is lessenedthe whole
body suffers front the excess of uric
poison circulated in the blood,
Aches and pains and languor and
nrinary ills come, and there is a aver-
inereasing tendency towards diabetes
and fatal Bright's diseat#e. There is
no real help for the sufferer except
kidney help.
Booth's Kidney Pills act directly on
the kidneys and cure every kidney i11.
Wingham cures are the proof.
T. Dewitt Holmes of Victoria Ave.,
Wingham, Ont., says:—"I had felt
Miserable for some time with lumbago.
It had settled across the small part of
my back and' in the region of the kids
neys. I could not stoop. over at times
and when 1 would for
of bine I mild scareel et up, The
yg p
urine plainly told the disordered state
of the kidneys and although I had
tried several kidney remedies I found
nothing to give the desired results un-
til on recommendation of out- drn gist,
Mr.clGibbon I used teeth's Kidney
Pills, The one box airetee uckl
and entirely. The lutimba o soon
went ant of Pity' back and here has
not been it, sign of it since. Booth's
Kidney Pills ars Certainly a grand
remedy and I feel grateful in mem-
ding thein." For vale by W, J,
cit rbcfwty Winglsam, ?,rise SO els,
LwMr O Y,tT'ralrt hill,
East Wawa nosh.
IB.eport for S. S. No. 0, Exist W ,wa-
nosh :--Jr. 5th -M, Currie 204, U4, O. piir-
rie 85. Sr, 'tth—M. Pollock 810, E.
Sheill 206, H, Walker 213, II.. Carle
181, O. Taylor 30, Sr. 3rd—A, Currie
280, 11. Deacon 28-, F. Deacon 273, W.
Taylor 163, M. Minton! 130, L, Robin-
son 100, Jr, aid --.(I. Posoek 275, 11.
Pocock 273, B. Burchill 210, 114, 1110-
11e-Don alt 103. Sr. 20-0. Currie 177,
P. Sheill 174, A. Leaver 130, T. Kerr
02, Pt, 2ncl--D. Deacon, V, Nixon,.
Sr, Pt. lst—J. Taylor, G. Sheill.• Jr',
B• --Chester Bitten), Lyla Leaver, Jr,
A- •R. Currie, P, Naylor, M, Hunter,
S. Nixon. Average attendance 20.
A. Lawrence, teacher.
Tuesday of last week a highly and
respected resident of this township, in
the person of Fred, J. Rath, passed
away at his comfortable home, lot 42,
con. 5, aged. 38 years. The funeral
took place on Thursday afternoon et
2 o'clock, and interment in Union
cemetery, For the past year deemed
heti been in pour health,
theo a
ing pot o ing of is sytemfrom obs
strutted jaundice. Mr. Rath's father
died 17 yeah agoand his mother is
very ill at present. The subject of
this notiee was married 11 years ago
to Miss Eva Jackson, daughter of the
late Jos. Jackson. She and three
children—Joseph, Bert. and Gladys
survive, Wm, Rath of Clinton is a
brother and Mrs. Grimoldby of Sea-
forth is a sister. IIe was a Conserva-
tive in politics, a Methodist in church
relationships and born iu East Wawa -
nosh. Pallbearers—Neil Taylor, J.
Cuming, D. Stalker, J. Dingwall, W.
Lear and Jas, McGill. The bereaved
family will be deeply sympathized
with in their sorrow by the communi-
ty, whop held deceased in high esteem
forhis y g qualities of head
foci heart,
The Council met May .26th as a
Court of Revision and Appeal ; mem-
bers all preset. Having each several-
ly subscribed to the affirmation re-
quired by statute, the following ap-
e ieebr ht
l s a were tug up for consider-
ation :— Henry Deacon complained
that he was too high assessed on his
properties, S. ; lot 39, con. 10, and. N. e
4V. 4 lot 30, eon. 9, in proportion to
other properties in that locality ; as-
sessment reduced $50.00 on buildings.
Mrs. Leishman, W, pt. lot 33, con, 0,
too high assessed ; assessment reduced
$50.00 on buildings. ,David S. Scott,
N. 1 lot 34, con. 7, assessed too high on
land ; assessment reduced $100.
The North Huron Telephone Co.
and the G. N. W. Telegraph Co„ also
appealed, exemption from assessment
being asked for in both cases. The
appeal of the North Huron Telephone
Co. was granted, and the assessment
ordered removed frond the roll, while
that of the G. N. W. Telegraph Co.
was laid over till next sitting of Court.
The following manes were added to
the Roll :—Elezeor and Geo. I3. Orvis
added as T. and T. M. F. respectfully,
lot 30, con, 11 ; Allan Fralick, agent,
lot 33, con. 14; Chas. Keating, T.M.F.,
lot 36, con. 5 ; John. Nixon, T.M.F., lot
39, con. 13 ; Wm. J. Elliott, M.F.F.S.,
lot 41, con, 15 ; John Burchill, M,F.F.
S., lot 36, con. 13 ; Ernest Hinking-
bottom, M.F.F.S„ lot 28, con. 3.
On application, dogs owned by the
following parties were struck off the
Roll :—J. Woods, Geo. Quinn, E. Dex-
ter, Dan McGowan, Geo. T. Robertson,
Wm, J, Rodger, Wm. Fothergill and
Robt. Johnston, The Court was then
closed for the present to be re -opened
again and finally disposed of on Mon-
day, June 20th,,next.
Council was resumed and ordinary
business proceeded with, minutes of
Last meeting read and "confirmed.
Tenders for the construction of Mc-
Lean's bridge, con. 8, were received
from Messrs. John Gaffney of •Ken-
nicott, Wm. Love of Marnoch, Robt.
Vint of Blyth, and Geo. Taylor of
Belgrave. The tender of Mr. Taylor
at $500, being the lowest, was ac-
II. B. Elliott and R. B. McGowan
waited on the Council and asked for
grants of money in ,aid of Wingham
and Blyth Fell Fairs, respectively ; no
action taken in either ease.
Application of Robt. II. Thompson
for theposition
.Lax Collector,1910,
receiveand ordered to be file.
On motion of Couns. Chimneyand
Burchill, the
c , Reeve and Coups. Chim-
ney and Scott were instructed to view
what is kuown as Quinn's bridge, cons.
2 and 3, and to take whatever action
deemed necessary in repairing, or the
building of a new bridge, this'coniing
Complaints having been made of
failure of some of the residents of this
township in not complying to the
provisions of By-law re muzzling of
dogs running at large, it was moved
by Mr. Scott and seconded by Mr.
Chamney, that Alex. Scott, con. 7, be
the carryingt of saidofficer
The following accounts were pre-
sented and ordered to be paid :—Win.
Wightman, salary as assessor, 1910,
$05 ; F. G. Todd, plank, and deliver-
ing same at riven bridge, con. 9, $11.-
30 ; Duncan McCallum, putting in
tile crossing, lot 39, cons. 8 and 9, $5 ;
Dr. Hamilton, services as M.H.O., $3
Miss L, Barber, Wingham, copying
specifications for McLean's bridge and
material, $1.75; P. W, Scott, freight
and telephone charges, $1.50 ; Law-
rence Pearen, filling washout, lot 32,
con. 4, $1.00,
The Council then adjourned to meet
on Monday, June 20, at 10 a. m,
Alex. Porterfield, Clerk.
Mrs. IIarkiiess and family of Ed-
monton ari`ived here on Monday on
a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Pearson.
Mrs. Robt. Musgrove and her lady
friend visited' friends on the 4th con.
last week. We are pleased to see
Mrs. Musgrove so much improved in
health, and hope it continues.
.Tames Pearson of Victoria College,
Toronto, took charge of the services
in Roe's Ohurch last Sabbath, in the
Absenco of the pastor, who is still ill.
Mr. Eli Smith of Brussels will take
charge next Sabbath,
Everybody went to Ethel last Fri-
day evening to the Brussels and Ethel
foothill' match. The visiting team
won by two goals. Our boys are net
discouraged its the least, as they cer—
tainly put up good play.
We are sorry to report the serious
illnessof Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Bateman.
Mr. Bateman took pneumonia on Sun-
cla _. and Mee, Bateman was taken
down on Tuesday. At the time of
writing, there is no improvement
whatever, and their condition is pre-
The Ethel circuit Sunday School
convention on the nth was a decided
snouts. The several topics up for
dtscnssion were well handled, and
especially the paper given by Mr. Ray
Payne of 1lrumserte, oil: "Bow the Hp -
worth Leseegne can help the Sunday
School," Tise music througb ut wise
brisehS and everything prcrsec1, helpful.
Mr. Hugh is B,iohmondl was -
talent tot flexb year,
Rev. and Mrs. Farr paid friends In
Durham a visit last week,
Jno. King of Luelsnow spent the
241h with his parents in town,
Mrs. ('Rev.) McTavish visited her
mother in Toronto over Sunday,
Mr, and Miss. Wilkins spent a few
days last week with their sister, Abs.
Led. James,
Rev. Mr, McKenzie of Wroxeter
Ocoupied the pulpit of the Methodist
Church on ,Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Sheriff of Lucknow
spent part of the holidays last week
visiting their daughter,. Miss Irene
Miss Sheriff, teacher in the junior
department of cue school, was forced
to give up her work fora few days on.
account of illness, and went to her
home in Lucknow to recruit ; her
many friends, and especially her
scholars, are pleased that she is able
to resume her duties.
Mr, Jno, Reidt has the jobof filling
in the approaches to the bridge. This
place has been for some time in a very
dangerous condition, and the wonder
is that no accidents have occurred ere
this, The parties, whose duty it was'
to attend to this matter, have been
very negligent. However, the Gorrie
people are glad to see it attended to,
even at this late date.
The 24th of May celebration proved
to be a grand success in every way,
Although itt the early part of the day
the weather looked far from promis-
ing, it fared up at last and the day
proved a fine one, A game of baseball
was played in the forenoon between
Teeswater and Cargill, the score being
7-4 in favor of Cargill. In the after-
noon, a lacrosse match was played be-
tween Mt. Forest and Harriston, the
score being 7-4 in favor of Mt. Forest.
Then followed foot races. The firet.
was a twn.nrile race ; those entering
were -T. R. Bennett, Calhoun and P.
Sanderson n On ; T. R. Bennett won. The
heavy men's race was won by T. J.
Shera ; those who entered were --T. J,
Shera, Jno, Darroch, J. S. Lyons, .A
race for boys under 16, and a race for
girls, was then run ; in the latter, M.
Earle was lst, and Lottie Beswitheriek
tad. A second game of baseball was
then played by Cargill and Teeswater,
and won by Cargill. Tho concert in
the evening was quite a success ; the
entertainers were — Mr. W. Edwards
and Miss Mae E. Davis of Toronto ;
Miss Maud Skilling was pianist.
Howick Boundary.
The telephone gang is busy putting
in phones on the B line, and con. 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Doubledee spent
Sunday with Mrs. Halliday of Wing-
Willie Cameron of Toronto is a
visitor at the home of his uncle, 13.
Crawford and daughter spent
Sunday last with friends on the Oth
line of Turnberry,
Miss M. (lathers of Gorrie spent last
week at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Lathers, on con. 15.
is the best, reme4."
known for sunburn,
heat, rashes, eczema
sore feet, stings and
blisters. A skin food !
Ali Druggists and Stores. -509.
J. Y. EGAN, Specialist of Toronto
Procrastination is the most common error of
ruptured people. In most eases they do not
realize the risk they are running. Yon may
have been ruptured for some time and not
noticed any change for better or worse. But,
remember, no rupture stands still. Even If not
getting larger the bowel is owing fast to the
inside, and any day your ordinary truss is liable
to slip while lilting or Coughing and let mere of
the bowel. escape. Ili Such a Case strangulated
hernia may result in death. Many people eome
to me constipated, nervOns, irritable, suffering
from indigestion and constant colds. They sel-
dom charge this to their rupture, but that is
where their ill -health originates. A rupture
strains the whole phy�siral organism and to a
constant nerve Irritant a breecitng place for the
germs of typhoid, and frequently causes rhea.
matism, paralysis and sterility. 'Your rupture
cured willmakeyou feel like
c ed ane
N Acing.
your nerves Will recover their normal tone and
jour rundown condition replaced by vigorous,
oyous health. Act at once and remove the
daily(tailor et death Which like A threatenhi
thalerclnd, hangs over the head of every
ruptured person. Don't delay, to suffer and die.
Let me help you live and enjoy life. What I
flaw done for thousands in the past fifty years
I can do for you to -clay. Awaken to the fact
what a cure means to you --viz,, immediate
security, eomnfort and it perfect physical con.
dltion. This is alt yours to-dayfor the as ing.
tens 0:n eohsun :t rn t
Out-of-town patients t i It ma tmd t mtn
bottle same day relieved of all rupture trouble
permanently. No operation, pain or loss of
ime. Tear off free coupon now.
Free Consultation Coupon.
Thls coupon, 'upon presentation to
Egan rupture specialist, 331 West Icing
Street, Toronto, who will visit the towns ten
Oleg ., mentioned below) will entitle the
bearer to free consultation and' Cxanibmetien
of his'or• tier case. Ask at hotel office for
number of my consulttng-room, NOW dates.
Mt, Forest; June 16
Wingham, Friday, June 17th
012111 BAY ONLY
Kintaratne, June 18
Barefoot Sandals
For The Kiddies
Cool Cheap - Comfortable
All sizes, from 3 infants to 2 Misses,
in brand new goods (in fact just opened)
5ov i5c VT 1a\x
Note the difference between these we
offer at above prices compared with
other stores, viz ----Closed sides and.
oak -tan soles. Read the full descrip-
tion in our ad. in the Times.
Willis & Co.
Sole Agents
For The
Sole Agents for the "Astoria" Shoes for Men
canna & Co.
"The Big Store
Ladies ! Ladies !
fi i" We are offering on sale this week only, our
new up-to-date Raincoats in Blues, Fawns and
Greys, with the Prussian collar. These Coats
are all guaranteed rainproof, and to retain their
color. Made by the best firm in Montreal ; we
only have a few at this price -49.75. Coats are
on display in the window.
Fancy Dress Mulls
Ili Greens, Browns and Wisteria. A. good
chance to get your Summer Dress. On sale at
22 cents per yard. .
Ladies' Skirts
Twenty Skirts in Blue. and Brown, for street
wear. $
Regular $ 5.5 and $5 o .co --on sale for this
week only, for $3.33,
Men Suits
We have on sale this week only — in sizes
36, 3Z 38, 40, 42, 44 -Men's good wearing Suits,
Regular $io.00 and $I2.00 ---we are clearing this
line for one week only, for $7.9o. Get your size
before it is sold.
Five Dozen Pairs of Hose, in Blacks and
Greys ---- on sale at rg cents.
l'ien's Shirts
Negligee—it i stripes and fancy prints. These
Shirts are all full size. Regular $x 25. and $1.00
on sale at 73 cents,