HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-05-26, Page 8TH DOMINION BANK, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Capital Stock (all paid up) .$4,000,000.00 Reserve Fund and. Undl- vided. Polite .,,..$5,400,000,00 Deposite by the Public, . , .$44,000,000.00 Total Assets, oyer $59,000,000.00 BnANGnn£S AND AGENTS throughout Canada and the United Staten. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Savings DOPartment Current Rates of Interest allowed, and Deposits reeeive4 of $1,00 and upwards. Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on them at lowest rate of interest, WINentele Exaxcll.-Corner John and Josephine Strets. R, GEIKIE, Manager R, Yankton°, Solicitor TOWN OF WINGNAM. COURT OP REVISION. Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Town of Wingham will be held in the Town Hall, in the Town of Wingham, on Monday the 30th day of May, at 8 o'clock p,m., for the pur- pose of hearing and settling com- plaints against the said Assessment Boll. Persons having business at the Court will please attend at the said time and place, JNO, F. GROVES. 2t Municipal Clerk For Sale Or To Rent. The building now used by me as tailor shop and dwelling, in the vil- lage of Bluevale. Possession given al- most at any time. C. R. BRINKER, BIuevale. 1AL421 10 0 I I I 1 1 B 1 You will regret you did not attend one of Canada's High Grade Business Colleges - located at Peterborough Welland Orangeville Wingham Clinton Walkerton Now is a good time to enter. Our graduates receive from $400 to $1500 per annum. 1 Mail Courses in 100 different subjects. wriosmonamen Wrlto for particulars s.® WINGHAM • BUSINESS COLLEGE SPonoie, PxrxOIP.tL. Round Trip Summer Tourist Tickets at Low Rates JUNE 1sT TO SEPT. 30Tu .TO ---.- Portland and Astoria, Ore., Seattle, Tacoma, Everett and Bellingham, Wash., Victoria, Vancouver and New Westminster, B.O., San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego, Cal. Return limit Oct. 31st, 1910, Iotneseekers' Excursions To Western Canada. Via Chicago, May 31 and June 14. Via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Co. Steamer leaves Sarnia 3.80 p.m. May 30th and June 15th. Seeuro tie'kets and full information from W. BENRY, Town .gent, or J. D. McDonald District Passenger Agent, Toronto. TUESDAY TLITINSDAY Great Lakes Navigation Now Open Regular Wellings as follows MONDAY ' - 8. 8. "ATIIABASOA" - . 8. S. "NEEWATIN" WEDNESDAY * S. E, "ALBE12TA" * 8. S. "MANITOBA" SATURDAY « S. S. "ASSINISOIA„ The Most Pl*arAlrt fin4 Cheapest Mato to Winn4eet and West 1101VI {SEEKERS ility 01. 'EXCURSION' . . Mil Through Train to Winnipeg and West from Toronto at $ p. Irl. on abate date. . , ,G7eeni , is, y'°.. IV inehat Blyth. Division Court Clerk Code inaa. ov- e i office theca d to hie new offs in recently vacated postoffice building. Dr, .Annie Rosa of the McDonald Institute, Guelph, visited her; parents, Mr. and Urs. Thos. Roes, East Wawa - nosh, during the holidays, Mrs, Mills of Hullett has pnrehaeed Mfrs. Uele's property on •Queen St. and will build a cammadioes residence thereon. T, .frill has secured the con- tract, A branch of the Women's Institute has been organized here by Mrs, Watts of Clinton, district organizer,. The officers elected are :--President, Mrs. George Powell ; Vice -President, Mrs. Jas. Tierney ; Soc.-Treas., Mrs, D. Crittenden, Blyth Base Ball team will not take part in the League gainer this season owing to the- numerous ,removals of last year's nine. They were so well used to being well to the front that they decline to play where they would be almost sure to be tail enders. After a lingering illness of several months, John, Connor passed into the great beyond, on Wednesday evening; service was conducted on Friday morning in the R. C. Church, Rev. Father Hanlon officiating; interment at R. C. burying ground. Deceased was twenty-four years of age. After 411 years of marked success as Rector of Trinity Churches at Blyth, Belgrave and Auburn, Rev. W, H, Hartley preached his concluding dis- courses Sunday, 22nd inst., a fact occasioning no small regret to the three congregations. The special committee appointed to interview the Bishop as to the new Rector, have nothing to report as yet but hope for a speedy and happy appointment. Last Friday evening Dr. Long was presented with a gold ring bearing Masonic emblem as a parting gift from the members of St. Georges club. Dr. Milne in a brief, eulogistic address voiced the sentiments of the departing citizen who for seven years had taken an active interest in the Pc b1ic School, Public Library, Ma- sonic Lodge, athletics, etc., expressing regret at the removal of Dr. and Mrs, Long from Blyth and good wishes for their future well being, (trey. Mr. Robt. Pearson took charge of services at Roe's Church, last Sunday. Mr. Jas. Pearson has the material on, the ground for remodeling his house. Mrs. Jos. Murray and daughter of Goderich are visiting with their aunt, Mrs. F. Miller, Alex. Dunbar, who had his leg broken while playing football, is im- proving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson of God- erich were 'visiting at the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. McQuarrie, last week. They have just returned from spending the winter in Colorado, On Monday of last week the funeral of the late Percy Baker, son of J. K. Baker, Henfryn, took place and was one of the largest ever seen in the locality. Percy, who had been here on a visit to friends and relatives, left only three weeks ago for the west in good health.: He took typhoid fever and was only eighteen days sick, The sad intelligence came with a great ehqck to everybody. The funeral was conducted by Revs. McTavish, Gerrie, an old pastor, and Wells of Granton, where he had spent a number of years in the hardware business. Being a O.O.F., the Ethel court took charge of the service at the grave, which was very impressive, the family re- questing them to sing "Nearer My God to Thee." The floral tributes were many and beautiful. CHRISTII 'S GROCERY PHONE 59 A Real Delicacy In Scotch Herring. This is something above the average quality. We've satnpled them our- selves and can declare them Tip -Top. They are put up in Tomato Sauce in Aberdeen, Scotland, for Holbrook's, and HOLBROOK'S NAME STANDS ron T= $EST zN ma LAND, • Per Tin 150 King Old Sardines ]:Tare's a Sardinethat'd second to none, It is a very small delicate fish, peeked in the finest of oil. To lovers of a high-grade Sardine, we recommend this one. Per Tin ,,.,,. 150 LOOK OUT FOR PINEAPPLES NOW Holbrooks Punch Sauce Rny one bottle and you won't be able to rerist the temptation buy another one. 1[t'a great. Per Bottle ...... Sde The Tea cod Coffer Store wA.nr raglirtt,er and Beigrave. Mrs. T. Hill and children visited relatives t es in Se f a a>rtti over .Sunday,. Rachel Mies 1 Bates ates of Clinton spent the lith at the home of her parents. Mies M. Shoebottom attended the wedding bf a friend in Eippen on the 24th. Clayton Proctor of the Stratford. Normal School spent the 24th with his parents, Armstrong & Co. shipped a double - deck load of hogs on Tuesday, at $9;60 per hundred lbs. Mrs. Caesar and her sister, Miss 141aDougai, spent the 24th with their sister in. Lucknow, Thos, Black is visiting bis daughter and son-in-law, E. Seekrider at Temis- eanning for a few weeks, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bryant of Hul- lett spent the 24th with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wray, Geo. Dalgarno, who fell and hurt his hip a couple of months ago, is able to be out of bed for a short time each day. The injured hip is getting stronger. Brussels and Belgrave junior base- ball teams played iu the park last Saturday evening. After a well -play- ed and spirited contest, the game was in favour of Belgrave, 15.13, Mr. Frank Wheeler and his son Roy, will start for their B, 0, home on Thursday morning. They will 'take boat from Owen. Sound to Fort Wil- liam, thence to Calgary, and will visit friends at Edmonton before reaching Vancouver. Rev. and Mrs. Cook entertained the members of the Trustee Board of the Methodist Church and their, wives, one evening last week, and the finan- cial matters of this circuit are all settled up favorably. Mr... Cook is doing good work and we hope the Church will continue to prosper. Rev. J. A. Ferguson will attend the Presbyterian Assembly to be held at Halifax next week, while Mrs, Fergus- on will visit at the home of her parents at Newmarket. On Mr. Fer- guson's return from Halifax, he will visit relatives in Sing, also at New- market. They expect to be absent two or three weeks ; we wish them a pleasant time. Rev. R. Tbynne of Palrnerston will supply in the absence of Mr. Ferguson. A very unfortunate accident hap- pened to Mr. and Mrs, John Hopper's two-year-old boy, while in Wingham last Saturday. He was on the upper flat of Hanna's store with his mother, when the little fellow managed to toddle away from his mother unseen and fell down the elevator shaft to the basement below, a distance of twenty-nine feet. Strange to say, be was not killed outright, but had' his shoulder broken and other bad bruises, but it is thought the little boy will recover. Last Sunday afternoon, Trinity Church, Belgrave, was filled to over- flowing with a mixed congregation to hear Rev. W. II. Hartley's farewell address, as he has accepted an invita- tion to become rector of Durham congregation. The following is an address read by Mr. R. McCrae, of which a copy printed in gilt and framed was presented by Mr. R. Proc.' tor. Mr. Hartley made a very suit- able reply. To Rev. W. 11. Hartley, Dian FrameD,-We realize that today, we as a congregation and you as our beloved Rector have come to the parting of the ways; and we desire to publicly. express from full hearts some things re- garding the happy relations dur- ing the past four and a half years. Your almost unbroken record coming to Trinity Church, Bel - grave, in storm and ehine, for the Sabbath services ; your clear-cut, richly -stored, practical exposition of the Truth (with special empha- sis on the memorial service to King Edward VII) have grown better as the weeks went by ; the devotion to your laborious duties as pastor ; your unwavering manli- ness, brotherliness and cordiality, making smooth paths for the War- .dens in financing the business of the congregation, are among a few of the noticeable features of your pastorate which have greatly en- deared you to us, from which we part with no small reluctance. We sincerely thank you for the deep interest you have always manifested in our social, moral, and spiritual well-being, and your name will long be treasured in our households. Nor would we over- look the kindness and hospitality of your good wife, who has so ably seconded your efforts in the parish. She deservedly holds a warm place in our affections. Although. perhaps selfishly, we begrudge yon and Mrs. Hartley to any other charge, we desire to assure you that no rector and his wife ever moved away enjoying the good will of the community more than you two. While sin- cerely regretting the severance, we unite in the prayer that the best blessings of our Heavenly Father may rest upon you and your work in the years to come. We as ask yon to accept a framed copy of this address, trusting that it may often encourage you in your service in the Master's Vine- yard, and that whet ,your labours are ended, that we may alt Met in our Father's llouse, Where congregations ne'er break And Sabbaths have no end. Signed on behalf of Trinity Church, Belgrave, by Rich. Proc- tor and Robt. McCrae, Wardens ; R, McMurray and 1:1. Johnston, past 'Wardens, Belgrave, May 2Z 1910. +.a UPPUR LACE STU'Allltts. Failings of peiteeoger steamers from Sarnia for Soo and Port Arthur every Wednesday and Saturday at 3..., rn. Monday, additional sailing* on onday, May SOth, its.I11ngs from Ilineons 1.8(1 p.m., and Owen Sound 11.45 pan., Wed esd .. r -ad SatnrcU, for Soo and 0 lay ports, Tia and mow > any Ormad Trtvolk Ali THE WING -HAM ADVANCE Bluevale. Miss Alice Patti spent Victoria Day In Lueknow. Mr.o il. bt, Musgrove 'a e u t ve mad. a bust- nem usiness trip to. Toronto last week, Mr. Fred. Ilaney of Toronto spent a few days At his home this Week. Mr. A, 0. Dawes of Brussels shipped a car of cattle from, here Saturday. Mr. Thos. Stewart and son Howard, spent Victoria Day with Mends at London. Quite a number from here spent Victoria, Day at Brussels and report a good time. Mr, Melvin Anderson, Dungannon, spent a few days with his uncle, Mr. Tos, Smith, this week.. Mrs. Robt. McPherson and Miss Mary Scott of Monkton, spent a few days with Mrs. C. R. Brinker last week.. Rev. W. T, West, M. A., leaves on the 80th, to attend the General Assembly at Halifax, which begins on June 1st, and to attend the. High Court of C,0,F, of which he is High Chaplain, which opens on June 14th in Montreal. Mr. Wm. R. Gallaher has quite a curiosity in the form of a chicken, which has four perfectly formed legs. The chick is about two weeks old and is doing aswell as any of the others of the flock. This is no fish story, but a real true one. • Very helpful evangelistic services were conducted during last week in Knox Church, by Rev. Mr. Robinson, Me. Urie, and Mr, Matheson, of the Knox College Gospel team. By their earnestness and zeal, they Ieft a good impression. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed on May 22nd, when the names of 23 members were added to the Commission Roll. The team left for Teeswater, where they will Conduct evangelistic services this week, On Wednesday, May 4th, a quiet wedding took place at West Lebanon, Penn., when Miss Carrie B. Ralston became the bride of Fred. G. Wasman of Nolan, New Mexico, son of Mr. and Mrs. 3. F. Wasman'of Clinton, former- ly of Bluevale. 'The happy couple were the guests of the groom's parents before going to their future home at Nolan, visiting at Chicago, Denver and other cities en route. Mr. Was - man has for a few years- been engaged as commercial traveller, but has now decided to turn his attention to farm- ing in the land of sunshine, as the residents of New Mexico Iove to call their State. Until the past few years it was thought there was too little rainfall there to permit the successful cultivation of the soil, but owing to new process of "dry farming," good crops are being raised. When Mr. Wasman located at Nolan, there was not a house in sight, hut now the land is all taken up, and he looks forward to a bright future for agriculture in that State. The numerous old friends of the groom in this locality wish he and his bride many years of happy wedded life, Howick. Miss Musgrove, teacher of S. S. No. 9, spent the 24th at her home in Wingham. Miss Ilazel Spence is home for a few weeks, as her school is closed on ac- count of scarlet fever, Mr. Joe Hainstock, our Deputy - Reeve, was taken very 311 on Tuesday night with a paralytic stroke. Marshall Armstrong. started to work at Harriston Cheese factory on Thurs- day. Marshall has spent nearly 3 years at his trade. Idr. Thos. Akins and Harold dehorn• ed 13 head of cattle in 1.4 minutes for Reeve Shearer last week ; quick work and done well. Mr. A. Laird is very poorly at pre- sent, suffering from his old trouble: Dr. McNaughton of Brussels was call- ed in on Tuesday. Mr. A. Shaw was elected at the District meeting as a delegate to the annual Conference of the Methodist Chur ch, which meets at Chatham. Mrs, Geo. Strong, one of Howick's old residents, was taken suddenly ill with appendicitis, but she is improv- ing ; her many friends will be glad to hear of her recovery. Mr, Robb, B.A., inspector of Public Schools in East Harem, was in our burg last week, and the children got a half holiday ; they and their teacher, Miss Musgrove, along with others Went fishing. A. Paulin, Wroxeter liveryman, has exchanged his business to George Rosewell for the Tatter's 200 acre farm in Carrick, As Mr. Paulin will not be able to occupy his farm until next March; he has for the present, moved i►ie fancily to Wm. Rutherford's resi- dence, The residence of Wm. Mitchell of 1Towick, had a narrow eecape from being burned on Tuesday morning. Some hot ashes ]it.d been net outside, and, as there was a strong wind, they were carried to the roof of the tura- mer kitchen whieh was in a blaze, but owing to the assistance of some of the neighbors, the fire was soon got under control before any serious data. age had been done, On Tuesday Mr. James Wright, Ir., of Lakelet vicinity, lost his residence by fire. The fire was caused by a de- feetive stove -pipe or chimney, and the blaze was seen by Mr, Thos. Akins as it brcke through the roof. Willing hands assisted alt they- could, bat the Wrote was totally destroyed. The barn, which ware in great danger at dame, attd hi1, of the WAWA, were saved. Mre right, who has beenet:ind sed to r room for the past month, was removed to Mr, Bush. field's., The telephone wilt of groat rags, in +l g a tl*tatnna tiowick Boundary. Herb. Neil spent Sunday last with friend* near Bluevale. Mrs. Halliday ay ltfto nMonday to visit with friends in Toronto, Miss Maggio Law of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr, and ¥re. Nichol, of the B line, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Merl4by and. family of Wingham spent Sunday last at the ;home of Mr. 11. Merkley, Quite a number of the young people of tills vicinity attended the special services at Formosa Chapel during the past two weeks. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Galloway and family are improving after their severe sickness. We hope to see them around again soon. All kinds of Chop in stock at right prices,--Fn4NK HOWSSON, Wingham. Corrie, lir, W. I[, Oregg left on Tuesday morning on a trip to the West and will visit Calgary. Edmonton. and other points before returning. The condition of Mr. F. Clegg is serious and last week three of his daughters arrived from distant parts. Mrs. Mooney, his sister, is also here. Miss. Sheriff', although suffering from a very severe cold last week,. stuck to her post of duty pretty well but had to succumb on Thursday for several days. The Gerrie branch of the W.M.S. in connection with the Methodist Much report a prosperous year. The books which have just been audited, show a balance from last year of $9,14; amount raised. for this year, $03,02, malting a total of $72.10. A large donation was sent to the Deaconess' Home Toronto, in November, consist- ing of clothing, bedding, a quantity 01 canned fruit, and two sacks of potatoes. .......••••••••••••••••••••.......•••••••••.••••••• 4 ROUND TRIP PER STR. GREYHOUND Detroit 0 erich to SATURDAY, JUNE i8a Leave Goderich 9.30 a. m. Returning, Leave Detroit Jane 20th X1• 1 1 s 50 1 p, m., Detroit time. E. H. AYER, Excur. Agent. .A. special Excursion train will leave Stratford at 7,25, Clinton 8.35 a. m , on Saturday, June 18th. From Kincardine, Wingham, etc., take morning train June 18th, connecting at Clinton (8 35 a. m.) with special train for Goderich. Returning, special train leaves Goderich for Clinton, Wingham, Stratford and way stations on G. T. Ry,, on arrival of steamer Monday. ITINERARY FROM DETROIT FOR GODERIOH Friday, June 17th, 8 a. in., Central time, Arrive Goderich at 6.80 p. m. Special train leaves Goderich via G. T. Ry. to Strat- ford and via O. P. R. to Blyth, etc., 11.80 p. m. FROM GODERICH FOR DETROIT Saturday, --June 18th, at 9.$0 a. m., Canada time, stopping at Port Huron. RETURNING TO GODERIOH Leave Detroit Monday, Sane 20th, 1 p. m,, Port Huron, 5.30 p. m. Arrive at Goderich 9,30 p. m. Special trains leave Goderich 11.50 p, m. for Clinton, Wing - ham, Berlin, on arrival of steamer from Detroit. FROM GODERIOH RETURNING TO DETROIT Leave Goderich on last trip for Detroit, Tuesday, June 21st, at at 8,30 a. in. (Note the time 8 30 a. m., Canada time.) Meals will be served in the dining room for this Excursion at 50e WHITE STAR LINE The Excursion from Wingham, Belgrave, Blyth and Londesboro will be under the auspices of the "Wingham Times" .•••••.••.•.4••••4...44..• 444.•.0.4 THURSDAY, MAY 26, I9TO Have You Tender Aching Feet P A GREAT MANY PEOPLE HAVE- AND THE GREAT MAJORITY ran be relieved, yes, completely cured from this uncomfortable affliction,by buying the right kind of Shoes, The Dr. Cook Cushion Sole Shoo o .pry Men FOP Men Will Take Away That Tired Feeling Price $5.00 ., w Per Pair All Sizes and Widths EQUAL TO THE BEST MADE The Queen Quality Cushion Sole For Women are superior to all other cushion soled shoes. All sizes and widths, Price -$4,50 per pair. HAVE YOU BUNIONS ?-If so, you can get immediate relief by wearing our Bunion Protectors. 46c each. PERHAPS YOU NEED ARCH SUPPORTS l -We keep "Schols," the best that is. Price, with cushion heel, $1.60 per pair, The same kind exactly as those sold usually at 912,00 per pair. Let us assist you in procuring foot comfort. Willis & Co. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE FOR s 04.. LADIES Sole Agents for the "Astoria" Shoes for Men •.4••...44•.NN4••4••44•IN•4..4i••4**4440.••••••••44444••••••• •••.e••14••••••••.s••4t••1 Clothing Everybodyj i 1 1 We are doing the business in Ready- made and Tailor-made Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys. It will pay you to have a look at our Clothing. Men's three-piece Suits, in Browns, Greens, Blacks and Blues, prices $S,00, $xc.0o, $12.00, $rs.00, $18.0o. All well- made, good -fitting • garments. In Boys' Clothing, we have three- piece Suits in. Blues, Browns and Greens, either with bloomer knickers or straight knickers. Sues from 24 to 34• Prices from $2.75 to $9.00. anna & Co* .4444.4444+++4444.44444444 4 +l4+ft