HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-05-26, Page 44
The Serious Business Of
Curtain Selection.
Half the trouble of buying curtains is gone when you
don't have to "hop around." When yon get ready to
buy, come down and look over our curtain section. We.
will 611o4V you our Ne* Fish Net Curtains with double
borders, also Nottingham, Ballenbuvg and Irish Point.
AU new patterns and up-to-date stock,
MADRAS MU"LTNS.•-�••In all colors. suitable to for din-
ing -rooms and dons, also in white and , cream for
bed -rooms and drawing -rooms.
,WASE SUXTXNGS.---Tn the fashionable new cotton Reps,
Serges and Piques. Also Gingham and Zephyrs, and
the new plain and mercerised Mulles in all the new
pastel shades.
We are agents for the famous McCall Patterns,
We sell the McCall Magazine for 5 cts.
Highest Prices for Trade.
King's For Bargains I We Want Your Trade
K er '
The Busy More
We're showing a beautiful range of these materials
for Summer Suits, &c. It is safe saying that there
is nothing nicer for the warm weather than a nice
Wash Suit. We have the goods -- Repps, Indian
Head, Foulard, Brooklands, &c., in all the new and
popular shades and fast colors.
LADIES' WAISTS .A large selection to choose from, in plain
tailored and fancy Embroidered effects, at
all prices. The goods and prices will please you.
DRESS GOODS 'AND TRIMMINGS As usual, this department
is well stocked with all
the new • and staple goods, and at present we have one of the
most complete stocks of Dress Goods to be seen.
HOUSE FURNISHINGS Carpets, Art Squares, Mattings, Floor
O11s, Linoleums, Curtains, Madras, .Art
Muslins, &c. A large range, which we'll be pleased to show you.
5 Pieces Lawn, wide width, fine cloth—to clear 8c
WANTED ---Large quantities Butter and Eggs (22c)
Good Goods I
I Cheap Prices
Opening Announcement
New Store
New Goods
Spring and
*Season n1910
All Work
1, have touch pleasure in announcing to the
people of Wingham. and vicinity that X have
opened up a high.class tailoring establish-
ment. You'll find here the finest line of Im-
ported 'Woollens in Martins, Fancy Worsted
and Tweed Stallings, English Trouserings, the
TC.ingfisher Black and Blue Worsteds, Serges,
Cheviots, Vicunas, Lama Cloths, &c. It is an
.acknowledged fact that these are the best pro-
dueed in the world --they wear well and give
,entire satisfaction. My establishment will
be found replete with the latest novelties in
snaterials for gentlemen's wearr and X trust
you will pay me an early visit,
LADIES' GARMENTS rade in latest, up-
to-date Styles- satisfaction guaranteed.
044 iii gbn<m Ab nntce
Theo. Hail " Proprietor,
SvnsoazprioN Pa101c.-01.00 per annum is
advance, $1.50 if not so paid.
,ABVEItTIe0NG lt4.Tss.--Logal and other oas-
mol advertisements loo per nonpariel ltno for
first insertion, 3o per line for each subsequent
Advertisements in the local .columns aro
charged 10o per line fer first insertion, and ao
per lino for caeh subsequent insertion.
Advertisements of Strayed, Penns for Sale
or cks,, and 25 cents for eaoh forseque three
CONTztaar RATES.—The following are our
rates for the insertion of advertisements for
specified periods ;+
SrAon 13. r. 0 Mo. 3 Mo, 1 Me,
One Column $70.00 $00.00 $22.50 $8.00
Half Colnnln 40.00 25.00 15.00 0.00
Otte Inch ..... ., 20.000 3.00 00 2 00 1.25
Advertisements without specific directions
will be inserted till forbid and charged ac-
cordingly. Transient advertisements must be
paid for In advance.
—The fanner of the hour proposes
to use less brawn and more brains,
giving the drudgeries to the machin-
ery and leaving himself time to solve
the farm problems which can turn Ioss
into a profit. Throughout the North-
west the gang plough, drawn by a
gasoline tractor, ploughs one and one-
fourth acres an hour at a cost of
'750 per acre. With the old-style
plough two acres a day could be
ploughed at an expense of two dollars
an acre. So with other lines the days
of drudgery on the farm are past, for
the men at least. Now for more com-
forts, conveniences, and labor-saving
things for the domestic department.
—Because so many farmers have
left Ontario to go to the Northwest,
there is no cause for worry. Their
places will be taken here by newcom-
ers. The vacant farms in Ontario are
being picked up by Old Country far-
mers, and the young men of the On-
tario farms are every year learning
that scientific farming in Ontario is
both profitable and pleasant. More
and znore young men in Ontario are
taking courses at the Guelph Agricul-
tural College and reaping the benefit
of its teaching on their farms,
tant fields look green, but already
then who have made money out West
are looking back to Ontario, good old
Ontario, for old homesteads, where
they may spend the remainder of their
days amid familiar scenes of youth.
There is no occasion to worry about
the exodus to the West. These mat-
ters right themselves.
—It is apparent that for some years
to come owing to railway, mining and
other large construction work in Can-
ada, there will be a continuous de-
mand for draught horses of the best
class. As the industry grows there is
going to be an increasing need for
good big draught stallions. The size
of the mares in districts where the
horses are to stand will determine
very lardy the size of the etallions
used. It is not a wise policy to get a
big, slow stallion weighing a ton or
more for use in a pony mare district,
The stallion should weigh from 500 to
000 pounds more than the mares. In
a vicinity where mares weigh 1,400 to
1,800 pounds the ton stallion is the
horse to be used. Weight must be
present in a draught horse, for it is
weight that brings the highest market
price. The best financial return is
made from the production of geldings
weighing 1,600 and upwards.
Justice Riddell in addressing the
grand jury at Toronto the other day,
uttered words in regard sympathy
with crime which are worth ponder-
ing at a time when a veritable carni-
val of murder and crime is sweeping
over Canada. This is what the judge
said :—
"On visits to the United States I
have heard references made to the
law-abiding character of Canadian in
the highest terms, and the uprightness
with which the criminal law is admin-
istered in Canada, I am not sure that
we in Canada are still upholding that
high standard, and I feel there is get-
ting abroad amongst Canadians a
sense that is not of Very great import-
ance after all that crime should be
punished, and that it is a pity to pun-
ish those who have committed crime,
and that means should be taken to
effect escape of those who are un-
doubtedly guilty. That is a very false
sympathy which has been the curse of
a great part of this decade. We now
are at the parting of the ways, and
have to determine whether life and
property shall be secure in the English
sense in which it has been for a Cen-
tury, or whether we are to deteriorate
to that course of civilization Which
characterizes some of the States in the
adjoining country."
The warning is well timed. There
are seven or eight murder cases now
before the Canadian courts, some of
than for most brutal crimes. Wheth-
er the disposition at Ottawa to repri-
eve murderers has anything to do
with these murders is problematical,
but certainly it is high bite we did
some close reasoning, and determine
that no sympathy shall be shown to
erlsrzo in Canada. Else we shall soon
Ioss our good reputation,
-The assessment of Oarrlak Tp.
is 102„ 7114, ; , the highest of any mutt-
eipal las Bradt county. The perils -
tion 11 MO. '
' c $ *kkenie
--Business will no doubt be very
brisk at Shallow Lake this summer.
Every available man is working. The
Sun Cement Co. is employing 20 Then
and chore will be put on,
--The appeal of George Copeman
against Oblef Justice FaIIconbridge's
refusal tp quash the local option by-
law passed by Dundalk was dismissed
by the Divisional Court.
—It is said that the Ontario Ooveru-
meat intends to further develop the
plan of agricultural training in the
schools. Agricultural teachers have
been at work in eleven high Schools
or Callegiates, and provision was
made at the recent session of the Leg,
islature for four more. An encourag-
ing increase inthe
in g i as is re.
—Thirty different kinds of weed
seeds were found in 13 samples of
alfalfa seed examined by the Branch
Seed Laboratory of Purdue Experi-
ment Station, Indiana. One sample
of seed, if sown at the low rate of 10
pound per acre, would distribute over
a hundred and seventy-five thousand
weed seeds per acre 1 Examine the
seed you sow 1
—The average cost last year of each
patient per day in the Bruce County
Hospital at Walkerton was $1.51;
Wingham hospital, $1.87 ;; General
Hospital, Toronto, $1.38 ; City Hos-
pital, Hamilton, $1.31; General Hos-
pital, Stratford, $1,25; Owen Sound
Hospital, $1,29; Woodstock, $1,32;
Berlin, $1.07; Sault Ste Marie, 83c;
North Bay, 790; Fergus, $1.59; Gode-
rich, $1.44; Welland, $2.02.—[Walker-
ton Telescope.
—A starving sow ran among a num-
ber of children who were playing on
the roadside near Enniskillen on Sat-
urday of last week and knocking
down the 3 year-old daughter of Mr.
Martin Massel, blacksmith of Enniskil-
len, proceeded to make a meal off the
child. Her 7 -year-old brother, with
great presence of mind, dragged the
little girl away, the sow following and
snapping viciously at her with its
teeth. The heroic action of her bro-
ther alone prevented the child being
eaten by the sow,—[Bruce Times.
—No less than seven wife murders
have blotted the annals of Ontario
during the last eighteen months—
truly, an awful record. The murders
were :—
McLaughlin case at Uxbridge.
BIythe ease at Agincourt.
Weldmark case at Smith's Falls.
Hunter case at Bobeaygeon,
Adams case near Guelph.
Washington case at Toronto.
Dressler case at Leamington,
In the last four cases the husband
also took his own life.
—Lewis Fisher of the suburbs of
Flesherton owns four cows and 55 hens
that produced 90 doz. eggs and 144 lbs,
of butter in the month of April. The
eggs were sold for 20c per doz. and the
butter in pound prints with printed
wrappers sold for 27/c pound, making
a total of $57.00. Two of the cows
have been giving milk for seven
months. No hay was fed, the feed
consisting principally of ensilage. Six
pounds of chop were fed to each cow
per day. This is conclusive evidence
that the silo is a paying investment.
—A wireless telegraphy station near
Berlin claims to have established a
record in combined overland and sea
transmission of wireless messages.
The station recently succeeded in
maintaining wireless communication
with an ocean liner during the entire
voyage from Hamburg to the Cam-
eroon. The greatest distance signaled
was 6,600 kilometers (over 4,000 miles).
Although messages had to pass over
the Alps, the Algerian tableland, and
the Adamana Range, communication
war, it is stated, effected with aston-
ishing ease,
—An old man—seventy or so—was
led rather unwillingly to the altar by
a widow of about forty-five. rte was
a slow-witted old fellow, and the min -
later couldn't get him to repeat the
responses properly. Finally, in des-
pair, the minister said :—"Look here,
my friend, I really can't maty you un-
less you do what you are told." But
the aged bridegroom still remained
stupid and silent, and the bride, losing
all patient° with him shook him
roughly by the arm and hissed "Geo
on, you old toot l Say it after him jest
as if you were mocking him."
Abolish The Cause, And Misery And
Distress Of Indigestion Will Vanish.
Can indigestion be cured? Hundreds
of thousands of people who suffer
from belching of gas; biliousness, sour
stomach, fullness, nausea, shortness of
breath, bad taste in mouth, foui
breath, nervousness and other dis-
tressing symptoms, are asking them-
selves that question daily,
And if these same doubting dyspep-
ties could only read the thousands of
sincere letters from people who once
suffered as badly as they da now, but
who have been quickly and perman-
ently cured by the use of Mi-o-na, the
mighty dyspepsia remedy- that cures
by reproving the cause, they would go
to J, W. Mcltibbon this very day and
get 6/large box of Mi•o-na tablets, and
start themselves on the right road to
health at one°.
The price of Mt -o -art tablets is only
60o and J. W. Meltibbon guarantees
them to cure indigestion, or money
Thin or lean or acra.wneyY people will
find in 1111 -o -no a maker of 3lenh and
blood, because It clauses the stomach
to extract more nutritiotul Matter
from the od, whioh otokly enricher
the hl . �t
Tenders will be received by the un-
dersigned at the office of the Clerk of
the Township of rl'ttrnberry, Bluevale
P.0,, up to the 2,30 pan, of the 80th
day of May next, for the furnishing
material and building two concrete
abutments for an iron bridge on the
river Maitland at lot 1, con. O. Alen
for the taking down of .the old wooden
bridge and piling where directed by
inspector. No good timber to be cut
or broken up. A marked cheque for
10 per cent, of tender must be attached
to tender. No tender necessarily ac-
cepted. Plans and eeeeitications can
be seen at the Township Clerk's office,
John Burgess, Township Clerk.
Dated May 4, 1910,
Distance from railway stations
wroxoter. O.P,I., 3 miles • wing•
hath. G.T.R. 0 miles ; Bluevale,
O.T.R., 5 mites. 37-39
200 acres in Huron county, one and
one-half miles from Fordwich, being
two corner lots, sideroad serves as
lane, buildings on sideroad, about cen-
tre of farm, hence no land far away
from buildings; comfortable dwelling
house, long distance telephone ; new
bank barn, 30x 100, with 24 outside
posts, straw shed in rear 50 x50, which
makes a very convenient barn, Mod-
ern stables underneath all, with ce-
ment floors, water and littercarrier
throughout stables ; implement shed
32 x 40, hennery 10 x 2.1; two never
failing wells; 150 acres cleared, in a
good state of cultivation, soil deep
clay loam, open bottom, natural drain-
age, 25 acres hardwood bush, over
1000 maples, sugar orchard, balance
pasture land with never failing spring
creek; farm all well fenced with ex-
ceptionally large cedar rails, Will be
sold at a bargain as owner is giving
up farming owing to ill health. For
further particulars apply to Fordwich
P. 0, or on the premises to
We are open to rent any number
of acres of land for the growing of
Flax, or will buy any quantity of first-
class pulled Flax, dry, for which we
will pay $11..00 per ton delivered at
the Wingham Flax Mill. Seed can be
obtained at T. A. Mills' Seed Store,
A. TIMING, Manager.
The Huron Orchards Co.
This is the registered title of the
fruit syndicate that has located on the
Donald Bruce farm on the Bayfield
road near Goderich. On the premises
is a young orchard of 125 trees now
commencing to bear fruit, and 2175
young apple trees have been planted
this season, a total of 2,300 trees,
making it the largest apple orchard in
the county. The whole farm of eighty
acres is now devoted to fruit -raising
and next season the company intends
to set out a Iarge number of peach
trees between the rows of apple. On
the premises is a comfortable frame
dwelling house which is being remodel-
led by the addition of a spacious ver-
andah and large kitchen in the rear
for the reception of the occupants
who will be here this summer. All
the fences have been removed but the
boundary lines, and the rows of trees
extend from the concession road to
the rear end of the lot, just one-half
mile long, and will be a conspicuous
object for the passers-by when the
trees will be in Ieaf and Iater on when
bearing fruit. --[Mitchell Advocate.
0 eUse it to finish
floors with a
beautiful and
most dutable
surface that you
can keep clean
most easily.
Use it instead
of paint or var-
nish for vehicles
of every sort.
It withstands
the weather.
i L
Use it to renew
the looks of old
furniture and
every sort of
q gllll�nl 11'
get It in erne—choesetrom
I/handsome in colors 1 , tend
Hemel/4 7 ahedes of Lacs
to imitate hardwoods, or
Transparent Lad +(01' ti t.
twat finish, Mk about the
hundred tilts M 1. i►Idor-
klate hat ire your beret..
shown in our Free nook,
-Gallon coats 5OO tat. feet.
Imperial Varnish fe color
Corneae'', Ltd., Terest*
R000snmended and Sold b7 all
Reliable Dealers, Including •
a, G. STSWAIM & 00.
The Call Of
The West
Every man in the West is a
"boomster." He finds himself in
a big country and bis ideas 0X -
pawl proportionately. But let
as not forget that Ontario le
still the premier province.
Far ea hills always look
green, and many a man in the
West is looking forward to the
time when he can sell out and
conte "home" to Olitario.
The West is a good place to
make money or lose it. Bat
HOME,withall that
Word means.
Huron County land is as good
as any in the world, and there
is no investment on earth so
safe as the earth itself.
Call and see our list of fine
Farms for sale.
Ritchie Cosens
The ADVANCE is North
Huron's leading news-
paper. Are you a sub-
scriber ?' If not, why ?
Only $1 per year.
THURSDAY, MAY 2e, 1910
The Peoples' Popular Store
Carpets And Linoleurns
We are making things bum in our Carpet De-
partment, and are still giving a discount of 25
per cent. on any piece of Carpet. We will lap'
any Linoleum bought here, Genuine Scotch Lin-
oleum, 4 yds. wide, extra fine patterns, $2.00 per
yd. 1 piece, 2 yds. wide, at $1.00 per yd,
About Dress Goods
Just a word about this line. We have the most
complete stock of Dainty Dress Goods, with some
of the most popular and winsome weaves, that
we have ever shown, and they are here for
your inspection.
The great practical training school of
Ontario Three departments—Commer-
clal, Shorthand, and Telegraphy.
We assist graduates to positions. Tho
demand upon us for trained help great-
ly exceeds the supply. The three most
recently placed aro receiving $40.00,
$50.00 and $100.00 per month respective.
ly. .Business men state our graduates
aro the best. Enter our classes now.
Get our free catalogue.
D. A. McLACHLAN - Principal
House -Cleaning Lunch
No one has time to cook, but we can supply
the table dainties — Peanut Butter, Canned Had -
die, Potted Ham, and the new Smoked Herring
in Bouillon ; we have the famous English Sugar
Syrup, direct from the old land, at only 6 cts.
per pound.
( Many business colleges close during the
summer months, but this popular
remains open and admits students at any
time. This is an excellent Lime to cem-
inence a course so as to be ready for a
position in the fall. This college is well.
known throughout Canada and the United
States for strictly high-class training.
Write for our large catalogue.
Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts.
Spring Is Hero
and with it has come
the same old story—
"Want something to
eat that we never
heard tell of."
Come to Malcolm's and you
will find something to tempt
every appetite. Try our As-
paragus Tips — they are de-
licious. Or a can of Roast
Beef, Veal or Tongue. Have
you had' a bottle of our Mus-
tard Pickles, either sweet or
sour. All kinds of canned
Vegetables, Teas and Coffees,
and Fresh Groceries.
Jas. Walker & Son
Purniture Dealers
and Undertakers
Wo aro specially gtia1i$ed Ceder -
takers and Embalmers, and those
entrusting their work to Ilk may rely
on it being well done. Night balls
received at residence.
ofileo Phone 106 Rouse Phone 125
Butter Paper
We have on band a stock
of the genuine Vegetable
Parchment Butter Paper.
You may have it cut any
size yon wish. Come in
and see it.
Office :—
Upstairs in the Macdonald Block.
Night calls answered at office.
M,D., M•C•P.S.O,
(Member of the British Medical Association)
Special attention paid tb Diseases of women
and children.
Orme Homes: -1 to 4 p.m,; 7 tog p,m,
M. R. 0. 0. 1Eon)
L. R. 0. P. (Lund.)
Physician and Surgeon.
(Dr. Chlsholm's old stand)
Honor Graduate of Toronto University.
Licentiate of Ontario College of Physicians
and Surgeons.
Devotes special attention to Diseases of,the
Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Eyes Thoroughly Tested.
i#lassos Properly Fitted.
Office with Dr. Kennedy.
Office Hours — 3 to 5-7 to 8 p. m.
D.D.S., L,D.s.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen-
nsylvania College and Licent ate of
Dental -Surgery of Ontario.-
ntario.—Offioe in Macdonald Block -•-
Honor Graduate of University of Toronto
and Licentiate of Royal College of
De>.tal Surgeons of Ontario.
three= IN BeAvER BLoox WnxGIIAnt
General Hospital.
(Under Government Intpeetion.)
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished.
Open to all regularlyy Iieented physicians.
Rates tor patients (which include board and
nursing)—,3.50 to $15.00 per week, accrdtng
to location of re. For further intermit.
teen--AddressMYSS L. M&'TTHEWS
Box 023, Wingham, Ont.
Money to loan at lowest rates.
OFEICls1 :--BEAvini BLOCI{,
solicit the hns
tinesa of bian'ulacturers,
Heglneersand Where wit orealize thtadv1, btl-
ity of having thrtr Patent beeieree transacted
byHxper,t . 1tmtnaryadvicefrbitter it A ren
free. Charges
112:141,te,,Marionz, D. 'Pork faSlid
Barristers, Solicitors, etc. 4_
Office : Meyer Block, Wingham.
E. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes
Office :—Morton Block, Wingham
Established 1840.
Head Office GUELPH, ONT.
Risks taken on all classes of in-
surable property on the cash or pre-
mium note system.
President. Secretary.
Agents. Wingham, Ont
Farmers who want money to buy
horses, Battle Or hogs to feed for mar-
ket can have it on reasonable terms.
Money transmitted and payable at
par at any Bank in the Dominion.
RATES.—$5.00 and under, 3 ots.
$10 to $30, I0 eta. $30 t0 $50, 15 cts.
Same rates charged on principal
banking points in the U. S.
issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Fire, Life, Accident, .Plate Glass
and Weather Insurance, coupled
with a Real Estate and Money
Loaning business.
ofYiee over Malool m'e Grocery
?Stant MASKtil
CoI'YRIallTS &o.
Anvene Nendtng a stretch and doecrtpt,'ttten sew
elntckty nsrartntn our opinion free whether au
Intent ten is pronamy netastapee. Con,mtnttret.
ttmt.ntrtet17rcamndantrat. UkeoeueK'enPat euta
roentTree. oidest aency f eceurenitpatante,
retests taken through mann do Le. recite
tpoNatnotice, 'Without talkative, in the
$CienfihlC 3 n1tlitan*
A lameseineer flleetaits1 Meekly. Lanese rtr-
retA(ten er say 5t•icntene jeturest. ietnlS r..'
('attadd5. Sats k year, po.tios ptepald. hold l y
rMNi ,esd + W n