The Wingham Advance, 1910-05-12, Page 8rWON M1,1101MI01.111 I t r
At 4 0
Homoseekers' Excursions
Through the metropolis of Chicago,
thence via Duluth and Fort Frances,
or through Ohicago and the twin
cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul,
MAY 17, 31,
Via Sarnia and Northern Naviga-
tion Company, Steamer leaves.
Sarnia at 3.30 p, ne., May
the 30th.
]WINNIPEG and return
EDMONTON and return
Proportionate rates to other
western points. Tickets
good for 60 days.
Full information as to dates, eta„ front
W, HENWsr, Town Agent, or
J. -D. McDonald
'District Passenger Agent, Toronto. ,
Great Lakes
Now Open
Regular Sailings as follows :
- 8. S. "KEEWATIN')
Most 1'leaSant and Cheapest Route
to Winnipeg and West
Through Train to Winnipeg and
West from Toronto at 2 p, m.
on above date.
J. I3. Beemer, Agt. -- Wingham
Capital Stook fall paid np?.$4,000,000,00
Reserve Feud aud Undi-
vided Profits.. ,,,,...$5,400,000.00
Deposite by the Publio,...$44,000,000.00
Total Assets, over $59,000,000,00
BitA.NOHI S AND AGENTS threughont
Canada and the United States.
Savings Department
Current Rates of Interest allowed,
and Deposits received of $1.00
azid upwards.
Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and
advances made on them at lowest
rate of interest.
WINGRAM Bis twcri.—Corner John and
Josephine Strets,
W. R, GEIKIE, manager
R. Vanetone, Wolter
Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.S.O.
1897, Chap. 129, Sec. 88, that all persons having
claims against the estate or Cieorge easeniore,
late of the Township of Morris, Farmer, de-
ceased, who died on or abont the 19th day of
March. A.D., 1910, are required to send by post
fprepaid Exec foto deliver
of the su d dR. eceased, onlortbo
fore the 17th day of May, A. D., 1010, their
names, addresses, and descriptions and a full
statement of particulars of their claims and
the nature of the security (if any) held by them
duly certified, and that after the said day the
Executor will proceed to distribute the assets
of the deceased among the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to the claims of
which he shall then have notmo.
Dated this 18th day of .April, A.D., 1910,
11. VANSTONE, Wingham, P.O.
Solicitor for Executor.
For Sale Or To Rent.
The building now used by me as
tailor shop and dwelling, in the vit.-
il•Iege of Bluevale. Possession given aI-
most at any time.
C. R, BRINKER, Bluevale.
c« Fprivi Rett oww 9j ?f
Clearing Out Sale Of China !
China, Crockery,
Glassware, &c.
we are going to offer you some exceptional values. It
will be worth your while to call and have a look over
these bargains.
Dinner Sets, regular $15.00—Clearing at $9.00
Toilet Sets, regular $5.75 --Clearing at 3.75
Toilet Sets, =regular $4.50—Clearing at 3.00
French Limoges China Stork .... Clearing at Half Price
Maple Leaf and Clover Leaf sg ek Dinnerware—
Clearing at One.Third Off Regular Price
All our Fancy China, at . Half Price
Everything must be cleared regardless
of what it cost us.
Highest market prices for produce.
Wroxeter PHONE 18 Ontario
Opening Announcement
New Store
New Goods
Spring and
Season 1910
All Work
I Have much pleasure in announcing to the
people of Viringham and vicinity that I have
opened up a high-class tailoring, establish-
ment. You'll find herd the finest line of Im-
ported Woollens in Martins, Fancy Worsted
and Tweed Settings, English Tronserings, the
Kingfisher *Black and Blue 'Worsteds, Borges,
Cheviots, Vicunas, Lama Cloths, &c. It is an
acknowledged fact that these are the best pro-
duced in the world—they near well and give
entire satisfaction. My establishment will
be found replete with the latest novelties in
materials forentlei>ten's wear, and I trust
you will pay me an early visit.
LADIES' GARMENTS made in latest, up*
to-daate styles—eatiefaetion guaranteed.
You will regret you did not
attend one of Canada's High
Grade Business Colleges—
located at
Peterborough Welland
Orangeville Wingham
Clinton Walkerton
Now is a good time to enter..
Our graduates receive from
$400 to $1500 per annum.
Mail Courses in 100 different
Write for particulars
11111111NMI J
The following shows the happy re-
lations existing between the pastor of
Auburn circuit and his congrega-
Monday, May 2nd, brought to a
close the last of a series of Quarterly
Official meetings held by Rev. A, E.
Tones of the Auburn circuit, the last
one being held at Auburn. During
the pastoral term of four years, Rev.
A. E. Jones has been very persistent
in his work, striving to the utmost to
advance the spiritual life of the cir-
cuit, instant in season and out of sea-
son, looking after the welfare of the
circnit. The opinion of the people is
expressed in the following resolution
of the Board :—
"Whereas . the time has come in
the Providence•of God, that Bro. Jones'
term as pastor has nearly expired,
that we as an Official Board place on
record our appreciation of the services
that he and his partner have so faith-
fully performed during the pastorate.
The untiring zeal and energy that
they have manifested in every part of
the work, has endeared them to all
the people on the circuit, so much so
that we are loath to say good-bye.
Yet we wotilcl not he selfish, knowing
that there are other fields where their
labors will be appreciated, •and we
would ever pray that the blessing of
God will follow them and make them
useful aid helpful where ever their
lot may be cast."
After the Board adjourned, Rev. A,
E. Jones and wife manifested their
good -will toward the official brethren
by entertaining them and their wives
at the parsonage, the event taking
the form of a banquet. A program
WAS placed in the hands of the Record-
ing -Steward, who acted as toastmas-
ter. The following toasts were pro-
posed and responded to with short
speeches :—
I—The Auburn appointment, pro-
posed by R. II. Anderson, responded
to by Jno. Robertson.
2—The Westfield appointment, pro-
posed by Wm, Thompson to which J.
H. McClinton responded,
.3—The Donnybrook appointment,
proposed by Samuel Thompson ; re-
sponded to by A. E. Johnston.
4—The retiring pastor, proposed by
Wm, Campbell, and responded to by
Rev. A. E. Jones.
5 -The Auburn circuit by Rev. A.
E. Jones, and responded to by J. H.
Then all joined in singing :—
Blest be the tie that binds,
Our hearts in christian love
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like to that above.
The remainder of the evening was
spent in a social conversation, enliven -
with music.
Owing to the good prices being ob-
tained for good horses, increased in-
terest is being taken in this branch of
stock -raising, and we call attention to
the following: --
SIGNALMAN, 8970.—This pure bred
young Clydesdale is a beautiful silver
chestnut, of specially good breeding,
his pedigree tracing three times to the
world-renowned Darnley. On one
side be is a direct desendant of the
celebrated Prince of Wales, and on
the other from Darnley and . Prince
of Wales. 3. E. Ellis of East Wawa -
nosh is proprietor.
ATIIOL KING, 0778.—This horse
is an imported Clydesdale, and is a
fine animal, of dapple brown color,
white hind feet and stripe in face,
He shotes splendid breeding, and
should prove a successful venture for
his owner, Alex. Anderson, St. Augus-
tine, and should produce good stock,
as his dam weighed 1700 and his sire,
2000 lbs,
DAWN R TIIO 12101.—This
A is
another imported Clydesdale, a beeuti-
ful bay, with white face and hind legs,
bred by Jas. Claylands, Ratbo,
Midlothian, and imported by Graham
Bros., Claremont. Ile weighs 1000
lbs., and is owned by the Belmore
1•Iorse Syndicate, and managed by
Con. Baker. His owners are expect-
ing a good season.
PRINCE VICTOR, 8814,—This flue
young Clydesdale was breed by his
owner, J, F. 'Davidson of Wingham ;
he is a dark bay, stands oder 10 hands
high, is well proportioned, and has
line lege and a good eet of feet. Ito
was foaled in 1001, lienee this is Ws
first season. He comes from a long
line of exceptionally fine stock, attd is
from imported sire.
The full pedigrees of those fine
home and al particulars as to route,
et:., eau be aaan front printed matter
Miss Mina. Pengough is having neer
house re -shingled,
Mrs, Patterson of Wingham vieited
her cousin, Mise Owens of Belgrave,
last week.
Fred Scandrett of the School of
Science, Toronto, is at the home of
hie parents,
Mrs. Fletning of Toronto is nursing
her sister, Mre, Carlisle, who is im-
proving nicely.
WRobert Owens received word of the
death of his. cousin, Thomas Owens of
Elmira, last week,
Mrs. Will Proctor is visiting friends
at Wingharn, also her mother, Mrs.
Naylor, who is sick,
Mrs. Walsh of Winghant is spend.
ing a few days at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. J. L. Stewart,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Stewart of
Blyth visited the farmer's parents at
Belgrave on Sunday.
Mr. Stapleton of Stratford spent a
night with Rev. J. E, Cook ; they
were old schoolmates.
Mr. Ernest Wray of Winnipeg
visited bis uncles, Win. Wray and
George Daley, last week,
Mrs. Douglas of Stratford visited
her daugher, Mrs, Wm. Corbett, and
her sister, Mrs. Wm. Bates,
Rev, 3, E. Cook of Belgrave ex-
changed pulpits with Rev. Mr. Thomp-
son of Whitechurch last Sunday,
John Armstrong shipped a car of
hogs on Tuesday and Chas. Johnston
a car on Wednesday ; price paid was
$8.90 per 100.
Mr. Frank Wheeler and his son
Roy, of Vancouver, arrived on Tues-
day and will visit •friends around
Belgrave for a few weeks,
About 150 head of cattle changed
hands hi Belgrave last Saturday, to
be put out on grass by the buyers.
C. McLelland placed 40 head on his
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Watson of Melita, Man., formerly of
Belgrave, was gladdened by the birth
of a daughter on April 30. This being
the first, we extend congratulations.
There are quite a number of young
Englishmen being installed among the
fanners of this locality, and if they
take to farming, they are just what
is wanted, and will in course of time
command good wages,
Last Friday being Arbor day, a
number of ratepayers with the trus-
tees of the Belgrave school, gathered
at the school"grounds and planted a
fine row of maples • around the lot,
which will in time very much improve
the appearance of the grounds,
Mrs, McKenzie, mother of Mrs.
Wm. Geddes, is very ill and not ex-
pected to recover. Her son and
grandson of Owen Sound, visited her
last week, and on Monday her son
Philip of Casselton, North Dakota,
came to see her ; it is 25 years since
he was here last.
Mr. and Mrs. John Scandrett at-
tended the funeral of the latter''s
sister, Mrs, Graham of Saginaw, who
was brought to London for interment.
Mrs. Scandrett was called to the bed-
side of her sister three weeks ago,
pending an operation which was not
performed until the latter part of last
week, and proved unsuccessful.
Mr. Simon Vannorman is leaving
Belgrave this week for the West.
He intends spending his time among
his sons and daughters for a while,
this being his first trip to the West.
Mr. Vannortnan remarked that be
has helped to take off 55 harvests in
the 'Vicinity of Belgrave, but thought
he might assist in Manitoba this sea-
Mr. Wm. Robertson of East Wawa
nosh was married last week to Miss
Abraham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Abraham of the 1st con. of Mor-
ris. The young couple will reside on
the old homestead on the 10th con.
of East Wawanosh, about one and a
half miles west of Belgrave. They
are both well and favourably known,
and we wish them success and a pleas-
ant journey through life.
East Wawanosh.
Mrs. Harvie McDonell still remains
on the sick list.
Mr. and Mrs, Cunningham of Mar-
noch Sundayed at Westfield.
Misses Mina and Ethel Carter visit-
ed Summerhill friends last week.
Mr. Tom O'Connor and his friend,
Miss Montray, of Blyth, spent Sunday
with Marnoch friends.
Mr. and Mrs, Snell from Radlett
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Snell, 3rd line, over Sunday.
Every person is looking forward to
the ice-cream social at Westfield on
May 2 Ith. There is always a good
program and a good time for every
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs,
Fred Rath are very sorry to know
that Mr. Rath still continues very ill
and no hopes aro entertained for his
Miss Josie Woodcock left on Wed-
nesday for an extended trip to Eng-
land. She expects to be away all
summer. A good time and safe re-
turn is the wish of many friends.
All kinds of Chop in stock at right
prices.—Fnaeue Howsorf, Wingham,
You Will Never Have It As Long
As You Have Dyspepsia.
Just as long as you have dyspepsia
your food will not properly digest,
and the nutritious elements in the
food will not be extracted or absot'bed,
and impoverished or watery blond
will follow.
This condition may #lot be apparent
at first, but it Will come just as sure
as the sun will rise again.
Any stninaeh ailment, including all
forms of indigestion, can be promptly
Cured by rasing Mi -o -nit tablets, a
scientific tr tment unsurpassed.
11 stops mentation, belching of
gas and tact of sour food almost at
The mighty wer of Mi -o -ria to in-
vigorate and r 'tore the stomach to
perfect •cenditi n is known every-
1i»o-na y bundles Il
cures t . dhn up—by
the ca se. 1! or thin people
11 le a great fle r builder, because it
eathses the storn ch to give mere and
purer nutrition, o the blood, 11 cures
sea and scar alo nest ant vomiting of'.
pregnancy al set min y. J,
W. McKlbbon tstalla Miee-na for Stu a
llaoney arge box, and tuaranteee ft to ours or
The Advance:regrete to hear that
J. T. Holmes of Whitechurch le 111'1
with pneumonia,
Mzi, and Mrs. Ren, Patterson wish
to acknowledge gratefully the many
kindnesses showy to them bytheir
neighbors during the affliction trough
which they recently passed.
Chao. Milner .of Whitechurch was
born in Binbrook, England, and is
Mow nearing the 88 year merit, He
remembers seeing Halley's cornet
when he was a boy, and the comet.
has taken all those years to get back
within sight again. Its speed on Tues-
day last was 1601 miles a minute.
Death with its -accompanying pun-
gent grief invaded the home of Mr.
Dan. Martin, near Whitechurch, on
Wednesday morning, May 11th, tak-
ing from the home the young wife
and mother, Her maiden name was
Mary Isabel Dawson ; she was a
daughter of the late John Dawson,
and was in her 33rd year. She leaves.
one child about a year old, and an
infant just born into a world of sor-
row, and left without a mother's lov-
ing care. Mr, Martin will have sincere
sympathy in the very sad bereave-
ment that has befallen hire.. The de-
ceased, was a member of the Presby-
terian Church, At time of writing
the time of the funeral has not been
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hamilton visit-
ed Wroxeter friends on Sunday.
Miss Jessie Strachan visited at D.
McDonald's a few days last week.
Will. McDonald and Will. Moses
visited at Wm. Gibson's, near Wroxe-
ter, on Sunday.
Miss Muriel Brothers of Brussels is
helping her aunt, Mrs. D. McDonald,
in the store at present,
Miss Mims Smith left Monday of
this week for Saskatoon, Sask., where
she has secured a position as dress-
Wm. Holt bad his flag flying at half
mast all day Saturday, in memory of
late Ring. Long live Ring George
the Fifth. -
Thos. Wilson has given up his posi-
tion in the store, city life evidently is
not agreeing With him ; we miss hila,
as he was kind and obliging.
Rev. Mr. Andrews of Bluevale took
the service in the Hall Sunday night.
Rev. Mr. Perrin of Wroxeter will
officiate next Sunday night,
Wm. Possum, dog inspector for
Grey, called at nearly every house to
see if the dogs had muzzles on. We
hear he took down the names of quite
a few, who had not complied with the
St. Helens.
Miss Clara Woods is laid up with an
abscess on her foot.
The masons are busy building the
foundation of the new Manse.
Mrs. D. Todd and Miss J. McDonald
spent Saturday with friends in Wing -
Jas. Joynt of Blyth spent Saturday
and Sunday with his mother and
Miss Minnie Ramage left last week
to spend a couple of months in
Mr. and Mrs. John Agar of Luck -
now visited at Robt, Woods one day
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reid, Ashfield,
spent Friday last with Mr. and Mrs.
H. Woods.
Mrs. G. Irwin and son Clarence, also
Mrs. Jas. Irwin, jr., spent a few days
with friends around St, Helens.
Mrs. Montgomery and Mrs. Earner
of Wroxeter called on Mrs. Abram on
Monday last.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gallaher and
family visited at Edward Bryans in
Grey, on Sunday.
Miss Mary Abraham is, we are
pleased to report, recovering from her
very severe illness,
Harry Westlake, who has had a
slight attack of appendicitis last week,
is recovering slowly.
Mr. and Mrs, D. L. Weir spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Higgin, Bel -
grave, one day this week.
The axe which was taken from a
fence post here two weeks ago, has
been returned. It will be more serious
next time.
Mr. Riley is able to be around again,
after his recent illness,
Mr. Scott, who has heen very i11 for
some time, is improving slightly.
Ted Watson shipped a carload of
hogs from Londesboro this week.
Geo. Moon shipped a carload of
potatoes on Tuesday of this week;
price ranging about 20c per bushel.
John Taylor attended the funeral of
his niece, Mrs, Will. Fairservice's
mother, Mrs. Maine, at New Dundee,
on Tuesday.
The Tea and Coffee Store
WANrti el4es tuner an=t
Fresh mem
John Lynn has gone to Calgary.
Wro. Baker lost a valuable cow
Mr. and Mre. Wesley \Vallee° are
leaving for the Soo.
Jno. McDermitt has moved to
Minto; be was a good; citizen.
Gowdy lost a valuable colt last
week; distemper was the cause.
A number from Howick heard Dr.
Cleaver's lecture at 'Wroxeter on Jean
Val Jean.
The Township Council will meet in
the Township Ball, Gorile, on the
18th inst.
Mr. J. Finley is all smiles these
days, as a *bouncing boy has come to
his home.
T, Lathers has had the telephone
installed ; that and the Rural mail are
up-to-date ideas.
Mr. Isaac Baylis of Howick, finished
seeding on Saturday, ,April 23rd, 1010,
putting in a crop of 52 acres,
Jas. Hood, a former resident of
Howick, died at his home, near Pais-
ley on Monday, April 25th.
Mrs. D. Gailaway returned home on
Saturday last, after spending three
weeks in Toronto undergoing medical
David Vegan has purchased Robert
Wynn's fifty acre farm, consisting of
the west half lot 11, con, 18, Howick.
This lot adjoins Mr.Vogan's farm.
He gets immediate possession.
Mrs. Jae, Hogg of Brussels is holi-
daying with friends in this locality,
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Gallaher of
Wroxeter spent Sunday at the home
of Ed. Bryans.
Miss Maude Bryans of Brussels, who
has been in Stratford during the win-
ter undergoing treatment, was a
visitor with her sister, Mrs. Jos. Ames
on Sunday.
The Ethel circuit Sunday School
convention which is to be held in
Ethel on May 21th is the topic of in-
terest now. Rev. Reid of Atwood will
conduct the round table conference,
also give an address at the night ses-
sion. Excellent music will be given.
Arbor day was well observed at S.S.
No. 4. Planting trees, making flower -
beds and a general cleaning up in the
afternoon. The teacher chaperoned
the pupils to the woods where they
spent an enjoyable time as well as
profitable, studying the flowers and
TAKE NOTICE That the Court
for the revision of the assessment
roll of the Township of Turnberry
will be held in the Clerk's office, Bide -
vale, on the 30th day of May, 1010, at
1.30 o'clock pan, All persona interest-
ed will govern themselves accordingly.
By order
John Burgess, Clerk.
Dated at Bluevale, May 5, 1010. 7.8
Township Of East Wawanosh.
Notice is hereby given that the
Court of Revision of the Assessment
Roll of the Township of East Wawa -
nosh will be held in the Foresters'
Hall, in the village of Belgrave, on
Thursday, the 26th day of May, at 10
o'clock a.m,, for the purpose of hear-
ing and settling complaints against
the said Assessment Roll. Persons
having business at the Court will
please attend at the said time and
place without further notice.
Alex. Porterfield,
Township Clerk.
Dated this 10th day of May, 1910.
Tenders will be received by the un-
dersigned at the office of the Clerk of
the Township of Turnberry, Bluevale
P.O., up to the 2.30 p.m. of the 30th
day of May next, for the furnishing
material and building two concrete
abutments for an iron bridge on the
river Maitland at lot 1, con. 0. Also
for the taking down of the old wooden
bridge and piling where directed by
inspector. No good timber to be cut
or broken up. A marked cheque for
10 per cent. of tender frust be attached
to tender. No tender necessarily ac-
cepted. Plans and specifications can
be seen at the Township Clerk's office,
John Burgess, Township Clerk.
Dated May 4, 1010,
Distance from railway stations—
Wroxeter, C.P.R., 3 miles ' Wing -
ham. G}.2.R.. 6 miles ; Bluevale,
G.T.R., 5 miles. 37-39
Of Town Property, in Town of Wing -
ham, in County of Huron.
Under and by Virtue of powers of sale con-
tained in certain mortgages which will be
for sale ibypublic� auction (subject t
reserved bid) by Frank McConnell, anotion-
oer, at the Wingham Auction Rooms,Holmess Buildings, Main street, Windham, on
TUESDAY, 17TH DAY OF MAY, 1910, at 12
o'clock boon, the following lands and pre-
mises, that is to say .—Tho East half of lot
number elevon on the south side of North
street, Saddler's third survey, Containing
twenty-eight hundredths of an acro more
or less. On this property is situated a sub.
stiuttaily built steno house.
Tullius or $Mita.—Ten per Omit. of pun.
eliase money to be paid to the Vendor's
SOlieitors or Agents at tlm0 of sale and
balaneo within thirty days thereafter With
interest as in said mortgage stated. Loans
on said propertie8 =nay bo arranged through
.1116 Vendor s Solicitor§ at vary reasonable
For further particulars and conditions of
sale apply to the auetionodr or to the Ven-
der's Solicitors and Agents.
RIOEARRIi HOLMES Holmes et Hobbes,
Barristers, Solicitors, eta, ete., Toronto end
Wingham, Ont. Toronto Offices -73 Yong()street, N. 10, corner Yonge and Ding streets.
Windham Oflice--Itolmes Buildings, Main
street. Termite Telophones—Oflieb, Main
3289. Residence, Park 281.
Dated. Wingham, i of
April, 1 910. Ont, this loth dap
We are o pento trent any number
of acres of land for the growing of
Malt, or will buy any quantity of first -
Oasts pulled Flax, dry, for which we
willay $11.00 per ton delivered at
the Wingbam Flax MM. Seed can be
obtained at T, A. Milia' Seed Store,
CANADA F"t,,ilX FIBII,E co.,
warn% MONI't1.iuA.L.
A.Txtlata, liattager,
Flame -Proof Shoes
A New Thing That is Guaranteed Absolutely
Just Think --A Leather Shoe That Wiii ' Not Burn
We have it and are the only shoe house in
these parts where yon can get it, for the
reason that we have been appointed SOLE.
Williams' " Flame - Proof " Shoe
Made in Congress only and at one price
P. S. — Fine Patent Colt and Tan Calf Shoes for men at $3,00 per
pair. Onr south window is full of them. Take a look. -
Willis & Co
Sole Agents
For The
?,"d9 FOR
Sole Agents for the "Astoria" Shoes for Men
Six Specials
Ladies' Parasols
Only a few of these Parasols left, with
silk & wool tops, brass handles,
regular $2.50—Sale Price ���
Ten Pieces Print
To clear this week, in light and dark
patterns ; only 10 yards to each cus- C?C
tomer. Special PER YARD
White Lawn Waists
Sizes 34, 36, 38 & 40 ; fancy embroidered
fronts; regular price $1.75 and $1 *10
$L50—Special at ... V
Men's and Boys' Caps
In fancy tweed effects, regular 75c �j
and 50c—Sale Price "*
Men's Odd Pants
Good cloth, make and finish. These Pants
aro regular $2.50 — Sale Price
thi3e k only
1 X60
W fi ....