The Wingham Advance, 1910-05-12, Page 40
THURSDAY, MAY 12', 1910
The aged father and mother
o£ a prominent I3oston lawyer
safely ,carried through. the last
two winters by
::;3k The son says; " My father
uta\ �,��... and mother owe their present
A°•V� strength and good health to
• Vinol. During the last two
trying winters
neither of them had a cold, and were
able to walk farther and do more than for years.
I think Vinol is perfectly wonderful. It certainly is
the greatest blood -making, strengthening tonic for old
people I ever heard of.';
We want every feeble old person in this town to try
Vinol. We will return their money without Question it it
does not accomplish all we claim for it.
�. W 1L' Oil Io a iilb' +ill , IlDrugaiist, WingI'aaa>I.
The Serious Business Of
Curtain Selection.
Half the trouble of buying curtains is gone when you
don't have to "shop around." When you get ready to
buy, come down and look over our curtain section. We
will show you our New Fish. Net Curtains with double
borders, also Nottingham, Ballenburg and Irish Point.
All new patterns and up-to-date stock.
MADRAS MUSLINS.—In all colors suitable for din-
ing -rooms and dens, also in white and cream for
bed -rooms and drawing -rooms.
WASH SUITINGS.—In the fashionable new cotton Reppa,
Serges and Piques.. Also Ginghams and Zephyrs, and
the new plain and. mercerised Mulles in all the new
pastel shades,
We are age'ats for the famous MoOa]1 Patterns.
We seri the McCall Magazine for 5 cts.
Highest Prices for Trade.
King's For Bargains
We Want Your Trade
The Busy Store
WARM WEATHER Mouse cleaning
1' swing—
in full sw g
you will need a new Carpet, Art Square or Cur-
tains. We have the largest range to be seen.
Ltnoleums, Floor Oil Cloths, Japanese Mattings, etc., all
widths and in a beautiful range of patterns, and quality
guaranteed. Art Muslins, Art Sateens and Cretons in all
the new and natty designs,
DRESS GOODS. --New stocks arriving daily to replenish
those selling so freely. We have a select stock to
choose from. Large variety, the best quality, and
reasonable prices, make this department a busy one.
WASH GOODS.—We have them in great abundance in
all the new materials, weaves and colors.
LADIES" WAISTS.—Come in and see the largeet and
most select range in town.
SEEDS.--Mangels, Turnips, Corn, etc.,
all the best kinds.
Butter, 25c. Eggs, 22e.
Good Goods
Cheap Prices
Eibt Naingbam Abbott
Theo, Hall Proprletot,
The majority in the Canadian
/louse of Commons has decided that
Canada is to have a navy. Now
watch the money fly. Charles E, Jef-
ferson, D.D,, in his book—"The Delu-
sion of Militarism"—outlines the ten-
tleney, when he says :
"The expensiveness of armed
peace is just beginning to catch
the of legislators. The extra-
vagance of the militarists will
bring about their ruin. They cry
for battleships at ten million dol.
lars each, and Parliament or Con,
gross votes them. But later on it
is explained that battleships are
worthless without cruisers, crui-
sers are worthless without torpedo
boats, torpedo boats are worth-
less without torpedo-boat destroy-
ers, all these are worthless with-
out colliers, ammunition boats,
hospital boats, repair boats ; and
these altogether are worthless
without deeper harbors, longer
docks, more spacious navy yards.
And what are all these worth
without officers and men, upon
whose education millions of dol-
lars have been lavished ? When
at last the navy has been fairly
launched, the officials of the army
come forward and demonstrate
that a navy, after all, is worthless
unless it is supported by a colossal
land force. Thus are the govern-
ments led on, step by step, into a
treacherous morass, in which they
are at first entangled, and finally
Just such a course as this has Cana-
The following is the report for S. S.
No, 11, Turnberry, for the month of
April. Those absent from any exam.
marked .:---9r. 4th --Total 400, Alfred
Lockridge 051, Inter. 4th—Total 400
Minnie Saunders 862, Jessie Currie
3.60, Alvin Groves _ 827, Jun. 4th --
Total 4Q0 --Susie Sheriff 805, Vernon
Allenby 253, Myrtle Lockridge 247.
Sr. 3r4—Total 400---FrancaisLook-
ridge 350, Milton Groves 311, Mindred
Mercer 298, Ethel Finley 00", Ross
Forsyth 01", Gordon Ransom 80'.
Jr. 3rd ---Wilfrid McGregor. Se: 2nd ---
Total 220, Mary Austin 170, Winnie
'Ransom 145, Ernest Johnston 140,
Roy Forsyth 138, Jimmie Selis130, Isa-
bel Austin 05;. Jr, 2ad—Total 200—
Olive Groves 100, Sammie Lockridge
00`, Gz'ace Calhoun 41-, Pt. 2nd—
Total 100, Gertie Groves 08, Eddie
Shrigley 44, Tommy Cruikshank 82,
Frank Icing 20, Isabel Simmons*, Earl
Bart*. Sr.—Roy Finley, Mayse
Hart, Howard Finley, Tommy Lock -
ridge, Gordon McGregor, Richard
Clark. Jun, lst—Maudie Sell, Donald
Cleghorn, Margaret Linklater, Lizzie
Cruikshank, Magme Finley. Class A
—Alma Lockridge, Charlie Lockridge,
Freddie Seli, .Nellie °lark, Gertie Sim •
mons, Thomas Calvert, Walter' Lock.
ridge, Calvert Cruikshank, Joe Aus-
tin.—M. Walsh, teacher.
da been started on, by the Liberal ma-
jority at Ottawa. When many mil-
lions have been spent, even then the
so-called navy will be practically use-
less in a conflict with the Dread-
noughts with which they would have
to deal.
200 acres iri Duran county, one and
one -halt miles. from D'ordwicb, being
two corner lots, olderoad 'erves as
lane, buildings on sideroad, about cen-
tre of farm, hence no land far away
from buildings ; comfortable dwelling
house, long distance telephone ; new
bank barn, 36 x 1.00, with 24 outside
poste, straw shed in rear 50 x 60, which
makes a very convenient barn, mod-
ern stables underneath alt, with ce-
ment floors, water and litterearrier
throughout stables ; implement shed
32 x 40, hennery 10 x 24 ; two never
failing wells ; ,150 acres cleared, in a
good state of cultivation, soil deep
clay loans, open bottom, natural drain-
age, 25 acres hardwood bush, over
1000 maples, sugar orchard, balance
pasture land with never failing ispring
creek ; farm all well fenced with ex-
ceptionally large cedar rails. Will be
sold at a bargain as owner is giving
up terming owing to ill health. For
further particulars apply to Fordwich
P. O. or on the premises to
St. Helens.
The following is St, Helens School
report for April:-51h—John Webb,
Ethel McPherson, Nina Woods, Edna
Woods. Sr. 4th—Margaret. Miller,
Clarence McDonald, Bert Miller, Maud
McQuillin. Jr. 4th—Winnie Woods,
Clara Woods, Frances Anderson,
Hazel Anderson, Roy McQuillin, Ern-
est, Gaunt. Sr. 3rd—McKenzie Webb,
Earl Cranston, Wilfrid McQuillin, Gor-
don McPherson, Cecil Hyde, Roy
Smith, Stewart McGuire, Ewart Mc-
Pherson, Beattie Snaith, Andrew
Gaunt, Jr. 3rd—Gladys Webb, Della
Cranston, Ethel Anderson, John
Gaunt, Gladys Hyde, Mary McQuillin.
2nd—Carlyle. McDonald, Herbert Mc-
Quillin, Lorne Woods, Wilson Woods,
Willie Foster, Alex Purvis, Versa
Woods, Majeska Gaunt, Eddie Mc-
Quillin. Pt. 2nd -Jos, Foster, Evan
McQuillin, Willie McQuillin, Victoria
Nixon. Se. Pt. lst—Torrance Ander-
son, Madeline Gaunt, Stanley Todd,
Emma McQuillin, Lizzie Purvis, Jean
McQuillin. Jr. Pt. let—Jean Gaunt,
Leslie Purvis, Annie Purvis, Lorne
Webb, Viola Baker, Earl Gaunt, Beat-
rice McQuillin, Stanley Nixon, Cecil
Foster, Josephine Gaunt, Sinclair Pur-
vis, Mabel Woods, Thelma. Smith.
Number on roll 62. Average attend-
ance 48. Letitia E. Durnin. teacher.
H,11i. S. Niobe will arrive at Halifax
in July and will be stationed on the St.
Lawrence, with headquarters at Hali-
fax, H. M. S. Rainbow will arrive and
be stationed on the Pacific coast, with
headquarters at Esquimault. The
capital cost of the Niobe is $1,025,000,
with $500,000 for repairs and fitting
out. The capital cost of the Rainbow
is $250,000 with $27,600 for fitting out
and repairs.
The annual cost of the Niobe, inclu-
sive of pay, provisions, etc., will be
$363,000, and the Rainbow $230,500.
During the first year 422 recruits
will be enlisted in Canada, 228 of
whom will be seamen. Seamen and
officers from the British navy will also
be taken into the service. At first, of
course, all the officers will be from
the British navy, British officers will
be borrowed for two years, and sea-
men for five years. The present pay
of the captain and commander of a
British warship is from $5,50 to $12.50
per day. In the Canadian navy it will
be from $8.20 to $14.10 per day.
British seamen are paid from 30 cts.
to $1.30 per day. Canadian seamen
will be paid from 20c to $2.40 per day.
Midshipmen on British vessels are
taken at the age of from 12 to 13 years.
On Canadian vessels they will begin
duty at the age of 14 to 15. British
officers, while serving on Canadian
vessels, will receive Canadian pay,
FOR $1
Town of Wingham
BYLAW 8051 1910.
"It all amounts to $45,88—a pretty
high price for spree," was the state-
ment made by Magistrate McLean to
Mr. Wm. McPherson of Kinloss who
was on the carpet Tuesday last to
answer to a charge of assault.
As a resttlt of the local option con-
test last January, in which 77 munici-
palities in the province carried the
local option by-law, 203 licenses have
now been cut off, Nearly three-quart-
ers of rural Ontario is now dry. On
the northern branch of the Grand
Trunk there is not a license left be-
tween Barrie and Meaford, a distance
of 52 miles, or down the Beeton and
Hamilton line between Meaford and
85 miles,
distance of
Georgetown, a
On the Owen Sound branch of the
C.P.R., local option has been carried
in Dundalk, Shelburne, Orangeville,
and the townships of (aledon and
Albion, making the 70 miles "dry," or
on the old. Credit Valley line there is
not a license left between Streetsvilte
and Markdale, a distance of 80 miles.
Taking a straight line through the
country from Woodbridge to Wiarton,
one can travel a distance of 100 milds
in a "dry" belt.
New subscribers can have TOE
EMPIRE (Weekly) from now
until the first of next January
The Gall Of
The West
A. By-law for the issue of debentures
of the Town of Wingham to the
amount of $1800.00 as a bonus to
C. Lloyd and Son, also to grant
them a lease of Town property
now occupied by John Davidson
for 21 years, and a lease of part of
Albert Street to C. P. R. for a pub-
lic freight shed for 21 years.
Whereas t1esseurs C. Lloyd and Son have
erected within the said Town of Wingham a
wholesale door manufacturing establishment
and have successfully operated the same for
a number of years, furnishing employment to
a number of workmen in said Town.
And Whereas the said Mosseurs 0. Lloyd
and Son have represented to the Conned of
the Corporation of the Town of Wingham that
the increased demand for their manufactures
would warrant them in enlarging and extend-
ing their present manufacturing premises and
And Whereas the site now occupied by the
said Messoura C. Lloyd and Son is not suitable
for such enlargement and extension and is in
a locality distant from the lines of railway
now operated in the said Town.
And Whereas the said C. Lloyd and Son
have represented to the said Council of the
said Town of Wingham that they would re-
move, enlarge and extend their presentmanu-
facturing premises if they wore granted aid by
way of a bonus of the sum of One Thousand
Eight Hundred Dollars, and were given a
lease of rho Town property, now occupied by
John Davidson. for a period of Twenty-one
years at a rental of Gine Dollar a year, and
a lease of part of Albert Street to U,P.R. for
public freight shed for period of Twenty -ono
years at a rental of One Dollar a year, and
wero granted a refund of alt taxes (except
school and county taxes and local improve-
ment rates) paid in excess of what would have
been paid on an assessment of Two Thousand
Dollars, for a period of Ton years from too
Fist day of Janaary 1911, by the building and
equipping of a factory to cosy at least Ton
Thousand Dollars and would employ as many
hands as the condition of their business would
And Whereas it is expedient to grant the
said bonus subject to the aforesaid terms.
And Whereas in order thereto it will bo
necessary to issue debentures of the said Town
of Wingham for tho sum of Ono Thousand
Eight Hundred Dollars as hereinafter provid-
ed (which is the amount of debt intended to bo
created by this By-law) the proceeds of said
debentures to bo applied to the said purpose
and no other.
And Whereas the total amount required by
the Municipal Act to be raised annually by
special rate for paying the said debt and in-
terest as hereinafter provided,is the sum of
One Hundred and Thirty-Eigt Dollars and
Thirty -Eight Cents.
And Whereas the amount of the whole
rateable property of the Town of Wingham,
according to the last revised assessment roll,
is $773,052.00,
And Whereas the existing debenture debt
of the snid Municipality is $139,218.74, whereof
no principal or interest is in arrears,
Local Option made its advent very
quietly in Teeswater on the first day
of the week and month. Those who
expected that there would be a gen-
eral blow-out on Saturday -the last
day of license—were agreeably disap-
pointed. There was nothing • of the
kind. So far as we can see from the
outside the hotelmen have accepted
the situation in a commonsense way.
They packed up their stocks of strong
drinks and along with the equipment
for handling them they were shipped
out of town on Saturday or early
Monday morning. There was ' no
locking up of stables or refusing to
give meals, facts which speak well for
those in charge of the hotels. They
have shown more sense than that ex-
hibited in many places. --[News.
A dog owned by Sohn Crerar, 'Oth
con., supposed to have contracted
rabies, was put to death on Wed-
nesday of last week while in a con-
vulsion. The most of the dogs in that
neighborhood have been destroyed
Local Option, which came into
effect last Monday, tut olT four hotel
licenses in Grey.- township, viz.,
Long's at Cranbrook ; Ooughlin's, at
Ethel; Seehaver'e, tit Molesworth
and McEwen's, at Jamestown. All
will continue to cater to the public, it
is said, in supplying meals and
Joseph Mambo, who had his collar
bone broken Wednesday of last week
by the upsetting of the buggy while
returning from the wedding of his
grand -daughter at Listowel, is making
as favorable progress 'as oould be ex-
pected foot a man of his years-. Ile is
still at the home' of his daughter, Mrs.
A. McDonald, Cranbrook, neer where
the accident happened by turning -a
earner too el� in the dark and get-
ting into the iboh.
Every man in the West 18 a
"boomster," Ile finds himself in
a big country and Ms ideas ex-
pand proportionately. But let
ne not forget that Ontario is,
still the premier .provinoe.
Far oaf hills always look
green, and many a man in the
West is looking forward to the
time when she oats sell out and
come "home" to Ontario,
The West is a good place to
make money -- or lose it, But
Ontario is HOME, with all that
word mbans,
Huron County land is as good
as any in the world, and there
is no investment on earth so
safe as the earth itself.
Call and see our list of fine
Farms for sale,
Ritchie & Cosens
The ADVANCE is North
Huron's Ieading news-
paper. Are you a sub-
scriber ? If not, why ?
Only $1 per year.
Therefore the Municipal Council of tho
Corporation of the Town of Wingham enacts
as follows :—
L Tho sum of One Thousand Eight Hundred
Dollars shall be expended by the Town of
Wingham for the purpose of granting a bonus
to C. Lloyd and Son, and for tho purpose of
raising the said sum, debentures of tho said
Town of Wingham shall bo issued to the said
sum of Ono Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars
in sums of not less than ;',100.00 each, on the
day of 1910.
2. The said debt and debentures issued
therefor shall bear interest at the rate of Four
and One-half per cont. per annum ; each of
said debentures shall be dated on the date of
the issue thereof and shall be payable in equal
amounts in oaoh of the Twenty years next
succeeding the said date, such amounts being
made up of the aggregate sum due each year
on account of principal and interest.
3. Each of the said debentures shall bo
signed by the Mayor of the said Town of
Wingham or by some other person authorized
by By-law to sign the same and bythe Treas-
urer of the said Town and the Clerk of the
said Town shall attach thereto the corporate
seal of the Municipality.
4. Tho said debentures shall be payable on
isle day of in
each year during the said Twenty years at the
Treasurer's office in the Town of Wingham
in the County of Huron.
5. During the currency of the said debentures
there shall be raised annually by special rate
on all tho rateable property in the said Town
of Wingham the sum of Ono Hundred and
Thirty -Eight Dollars and Thirty -Eight cents
for the purpose of paying the sum dice in
each of the said years for principal and in-
terest in respect of the said debt.
0. This By-law shalt take effect from and
after the final passing thereof.
7. Tho said Council reserves 10 itself the
right to sink artesian wells and to do any
necessary work in connection with Lho water-
works system of the Town, on the aforesaid
yandS on.
Iota wink)wink)leased to the said C. Lloyd B
8. Tho votes of the electors of the aforesaid
Town of Wingham shall bo taken on this
By-laW at the following times and places, that
is to say, on Friday, the 20th day of May, A,D.,
1910, beginning at nine o'clock of the forenoon
and continuing till five o'clock of the after-
noon of the same day by the following Deputy
Returning Oflioere and Poll Clerks, namely:
In Ward 1—At William Johnston's tailor
shop by J. G. Stewart, Deputy Returning of-
ficer, and W. J. Heins, Poll Clerk.
In Ward 2 —At William Gannett's impientent
shop, by A, J. Alderson, Deputy Roturning
Officer, and B. Jenkins, Poll Clerk.
In Ward 3—At the 'Town Hall, by John F.
Groves Deputy Roturning Officer, and Walter
Hall, Moll Olorlr.
In Ward 4—At Albert Boll's house, by !rhos.
Deans, Deputy Roturning Officer, and John
Eider, Poli Clerk.
On Thursday, tho Ifith day of May, A,D.,1910,
the Mayor of the said Town shall attend at the
Town Hall in the said Town at Eleven o'clock
in the forenoon to apeohtt persons to attend at
the various polling places aforesaid and at the
final summing up of votes by the Clerk oh
behalf) of thol persons interested in and desir-
ous of promoting or opposing the passing of
this By-law respectively,
9. This Clerk of the said 'town shell attend
at the Town Hall at eleven o'clock of the fore-
noon of Saturday, the 2tst day of May, A.D.,
1910, to sum up the nlubbor of votdsgivon for
and against this By-law.
Dated at i'Vinghanl this 22nd day of April,
A..D,, 1010.
Rev. P. F. Laugill, The Manse, Carp,
Ont., writes :—"Some considerable
time ago I began using Zam-Buk with
a view to testing it thoroughly. I am
troubled'with ec
zema which is alwya s
worse'in the early part of winter, and
seems to leave the about spring. I
tried Zam-Buk immediately my hands
started to break out, and am pleased
to say that it check the disease, which
is more than I can say for anything I
have ever befor tried. We now have
Zam-Bok in the house continuously.
The children use it for scratches, cuts,
and any skin injury or disease, and I
carry a small sample box in my pc,
ket. One evening I happened to look
in where an old man had -met with an
accident a week before, and had lost a
flnger nail. His wife was dressing
the wound. I dressed it With Zatn%
Buk and left the little sample box
with them for the next dressing. I.
have seen the old gentleman since,
and he has now the same high opinion
of Zam-Buk as myself and my family
"On another occasion a farmer call-
ed at the Manse, and 1 noticed a rag
on his finger.Enquiring about the in-
jury, I Learned that he had somehosv
taken a piece of flesh off, and the
wound had started to fester. He was
afraid it would turn to blood -poison-
ing, t gave him about a third of a
boa of Zam-Buk and he
applied it.
A few days later I saw him, pand he
said "That's great salve of yours ; my
Linger is now doing fine."
This is a Scotchmail's opinion ; it
has taken a good while to convince
hint, bat he wanted to make sure of
Zatn-Duk's merit before endorsing it.
"It is well worth recommending."
This is exactly the kind of testi-
mony we most appreciate. Test Zain-
Bak ! Don't go by hear say! You wilt
find ,it gives the best results in oases. of
eozoma, ringworm, festering sores,
pales, cuts, -burnt~, face ]gores, erup-
tions, and all akin injuries and dis-
eases. At all drug iete and stores,
80o a box, or from Zam-Buk Oo„ Pc
ronto for prior bub Masa cheap and
harmful itu orates e,ud itnitatlona,
/%CEN�T�RAAL � �� ;
The great practical training school of
Ontario Three departments—Commer-
clal, Shorthand, and Telegraphy.
Wo assist graduates to positions. The
demand upon us for trained help great-
ly exceeds the supply. The three most
recently placed are receiving $40.00,
$50,00 and $100.00 por month respective-
ly. Business mon state our graduates
aro the best. Enter our olasses now.
Get our free catalogue.
D. A. ilicLACHLAN - Principal
.,,..,..,.. Mayor.
Do you want, a business position 7 Then
choose the right school in which to get
your education.
Is noted throughout Canada for high class
work. Thirty-four of our students lately
accepted good positions. The demand for
our graduates is constant. College- open
all year. Enter now. Magnificent catal-
ogue free,
Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sta.
TakPO notice that the above Is a tree oepy of
n Into-
Ct nsiderationq anIwai ooh will miff n of To passed
by the Oonnett ofthe Mnn a y
Wingham (in gthe eveaatt of the assent of the
Omoontthst em the it publioatiun therreatter oin
The Wingham Advance, the -bate of which
publication was the 28th day of April, A.D.
1010, and the vetea of the electors of the mad
Municipality will be taken on the day and at
the hours and p one heated therteht.
Town 1se11, Wingham, .April find, 3910,
JO1111 ll', GROViDS, Olt rk,
r cri
Spring Is Here
and with it has come
the same old story—
"Want something to
eat that we never
heard tell of."
Come to Malcolm's and you
will find something to tempt
every appetite. Try our As-
paragus Tips -- they are de-
licious. Or a can of Roast
Beef, Veal or Tongue. Have
you had a bottle of our Mus-
tard Pickles, either sweet or
eour. All kinds of canned
Vegetables, Teas and Coffees,
and Fresh Groceries.
The Peoples' Popular Store
Dainty Suitings, linen, colored with neat blue
stripe, also plain, pink, mauve, blue, etc., a very
special assortment of seasonable goods.
Our Cotton Suitings have a rich silky appear-
ance, and make charming Suits for summer -- a
Superb Collection.
Our New Trimmings are indeed very beautiful—
in plain white and cream, in colored effects, and
also in the new two-tone desi ,ns—just the thing
to improve and beautify suitings of any kind
and ' color.
A ' large range of Scribblers, Pencils, Mucilage,
Inks, Erasers, School Bags, etc,, etc., at very
Popular Prices.
A splendid wearing Shoe', and well made, regular
$4.00—now only $3.25.
E N !
the Sterling Christie — it is a neat, stylish
Hat, and only $2.25.
Jas. Walker & Son
Furniture Dealers
and Undertakers
We are specially qualified Under-
takers and P,mbaltncrs, and those
entrusting their work to us may rely
an It being well done. Night calls
roceiVed at resideneo.
Office i'hOne 108 House Phone 125
Butter Paper
We have on hand a stook
of the genuine Vegetable
Parchment Butter Paper.
You may have it cut any
size you wish. Come in
and see it.
Office :—
Upstairs in the Macdonald Block.
Night calls answered at office.
M.D., M.C.P.S.O.
(Member of the British Medical Association)
Special attention p id to Diseases of women
aOrF1os 11o17us :-1 to 4 p,m, ; 7 to 9 p,m,
M, R, C. 8, (Enu.
L. R. O. P, (Loud,
Physician and Surgeon.
(Dr, Chisholm's old stand)
Honor Graduate of Toronto University.
Licentiate of Oannar o Coll sge of Physicians
Devotes Eye, Ear,NoseDiseasesrof the
Eyes Thoroughly Tested.
Glasses Properly Fitted.
Office with Dr. Kennedy.
Offioo Hours — 3 to 5-7 to 8 p.m.
D.D.S., L,D.S. Farmers who want money to buy
horses, cattle or hogs to feed for mar-
Pen -reasonable
the n
of have Surgery ket can h v
c or of Dental
nsylvania College and Lieent ate of
Dental Surgery of Ontario. Money transmitted and payable at
—Office in Macdonald Block-- par at any Bank in the Dominion.
RATES.—$5.00 and under, 3 cts.
$10 to $30, 10 eta. 530 t0 550, 15 eta.
Same rates charged on principal
banking points in the IT. S.
Barristers, Solicitors, etc,
Office : Meyer Block, Wingham,
E. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes
Office :—Morton Block, Wingham
Established 1840.
Head Office GUELPH, ONT.
Risks taken on all classes of in-
surable property on the cash or pre-
mium note system,
President. Secretary.
Agents. Wingham, OiS
B.S,A., L,D.S., D.D.S.
Honor Graduate
UnivTersitynt0nLiniteof of f
Det tal Surgeons of Ontario,
oasios tx BgAvsit Bnoog — Wixarfeaf
General Hospital.
(Under Government inspection.)
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished.
Open to all regularly licensed physicians.
Rates for patients (which include board and
nursing) -3.60 to #15.00 per week. according
toloon io Des Wim. For further informa-
Sox 223, Wingham, Ont.
Money to loan at lowest rates.
O 'riCn t-$EAVElb Emelt,
e solicit the-Ineineea of Menu'acturers,
Tfagltteetsand others who realise the advisabil-
itp of haviag their Patent business transacted
by Experts. Prt limtnaryadviee fret. Charge'
InOcil;tatu. Our Inventor's Advise sent u
f i la Wlutl artSc 'tto A,+ ., U.LA,
Issuer of ]Marriage Licenses.
Fire Life, Accident, Plate Glass
and Weather Insurance, coupled
with a Real Estate and Money
Loaning business.
Office over Malcolm's Grocery
Anyone bending is bketrh and deeeripptlnn mny
(Mem, ascertain one opinion free whether en
invention to probably ppntenta 1 u�enimoe(r:t•
tioneetrietlf ennf,tentlal. meows e"rntente
sent me. (Meet Wee,' eer f eeenrmS patents.
Patents taken through Munn k Co. r'acolTI'
apse tat notke,Withon1Charge, In the ,y
$CIgnf iifIC JlmcrIkati. ;
A bandeotnetr itltlientted *Way. XArsh,t
rnieti n of any ...Ienri5rt journal. let.ay r.,r
t'anena. #a.46 a year, Pectase Yrepald. sold by
isi ra•r.daderk
11 9ra19ttltullwttf, 1 i