HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-05-05, Page 4TEE WIC\A l ADX ANCE
Cured of severe compound
cold and cough by
`+Front Dee. 20, '08, to March 1, '09s
1 had three bad colds, one on top of the
other. 1 got so weak 1 could hardly
get around, Nothing seemed to help
me until 1 began to take Vivol. The
change was magic. Three bottles come
steppe ! fixed
h terribcompound
e c ugh and cold
surprises me most, at the same time
it cared me of a severe stomech trouble
that has bothered the for 2O years,
Vivol is Certainly a wonderful medicine."
Mr. Tappan is one of Lynn's most prominent and highly respected
merchants, whose word is as good as his bond,
The reason Vinol is so successful in such cases is because it
contains the two most world -famed tonics the medicinal, strength-
ening, bat y -b* wid g elements o Co Iver OU and Tonic Iron,
Your Money Backlit You Are Not Satisfied.,
J. W.ALTON McMBEON, Druggist, Wingham.
The Serious Business Of
Curtain Selection.
Half the trouble o£ buying curtains is gone when you
don't have to "shop around." When you get ready to
buy, come down and look over our curtain section. We
will show you our New Fish Net Curtains with double
borders, also Nottingham, Ballenburg and Trish Point.
All new patterns and up-to-date stock.
MADRAS MUSLINS.—Iia all colors suitable for din-
ing -rooms and dens, also in white and cream for
bed -rooms and drawing -rooms.
WASH SUITINGS.—In the fashionable new cotton Repps,
Serges and Piques. Also Ginghams and Zephyrs, and
the new plain and mercerised Mulles in all the new
pastel shades.
We are agents for the famous MoOail Patterns.
We sell the McCall Magazine for 5 cts.
Highest Prices for Trade.
Theo, Hall - Proprietor,
Bjornson, the great Norwegian
writer, was very ill when he wrote
the following words ;—
"Sly life probably can be pro-
longed only a few months at the
most, but I consider it oyery man's
duty to live as long as possible.
IIis most useful moment may be
his last."
Bjornson then went to Paris for
treatment in order to prolong his
life that he knew was soon to end.
Like many another who has enrich-
ed human thought and sentiment
through the channels of literature,
Bjornson stood at bay and fought
Death to the last, all the while keep-
ing up the work that will be treasured
by mankind, for generations after the
author has passed into eternity.
King's For Bargains 1
We Want Your Trade
The Busy Store
WARM WEATHERITouse cleaning
in full swing—
you will need a new Carpet, Art Square or Cur-
. tains. We have the largest range to be seen.
Improvements And Taxation,
The following Reins from the press
of different tieotione of Canada show
the treed of public opinion on the
question of taxing improvements :—
"Manitoba in so far as rural values
aro concerned, does not tax the farm,
ere' improvements, but only assesses
the value of the land, The immediate
tendency is to break the land up in
small lots and highly improve it."
"Edmonton, however, is the better
example of the taxing of land values,
It bas, in the past five or six years,
increased from 5,000 to 25,000 in popu-
lation. This rapid increase has caused
a tremendous rise in the value oflav d,
a tendency that has been assisted by
the public ownership of street ears,
gas, water, lighting and telephone
systems—the latter a general govern-
ment concern. Yet the value is not
a speculative one, but a real one and
building is fully up to the land
"Vancouver, B.C„ has just taken
off all taxes save on the land values.
The result, is the greatest building
boom in the history of the city."
Throughout the entire Province of
Alberta there is no tax upon improve-
ments among the farmers."
"There are 02,000 farmers less in
Ontario than there were eight years
ago. All gone West or into the
"Waterloo County, Ontario, has
for some time practically exempted
all rural improvements from taxation, -
the result being that when you cross
the line into Waterloo from any direc-
tion, it is like coming into another
country for thrift, and. enterprise."
"Already this spring more than a
1,000 Ontario families have gone West
to settle where their personal enter-
prise will not be subject to tax-
General Grant made such a brave
fight as this, when be lay on Mt. Mc-
Gregor, rocked with pain, but patient-
ly, persistently working away on his
'Memoirs. The indomitable will power
that carried him to victory after vic-
tory from Fort Donelson to Appo-
mattox, won this last triumph for
him over the Grim Reaper. The
memoirs were completed before he
General Lew Wallace was another
who held off Death by sheer will pow-
er until be had completed the literary
work he had in hand.
Instances might bo multiplied al-
most without end of authors who
have struggled against physical dis-
ease for afflictions that robbed them
of one or more of their senses. Robt.
Louis Stevenson made a plucky fight
against the destroyer, only to lose
when he should have been in his
prime. Chas. Darwin was anything
but robust in body as he was in mind.
Milton's• immortal work was done
after the shadow of blindness had
closed around him for life. Francis
Parkman gathered the material for
and wrote his famous histories of the
pioneer conquests of the new world
while virtually blind and suffering in-
tensely. Fanny J. Crosby has given
the world some of,its beautiful hymns.
from inspirations that had to come
through the eyes of the mind and
soul, her physical vision having been
All through the history of litera-
ture, ancient and .modern, are found
heroic examples of men and women
who "came up through great tribula-
tion" to the heights of thought and
sentiment and inspiration and left
imperishable works that have impress-
ed and influenced the whole course of
human history.
Minolenms, Floor Oil Cloths, Japanese Mattiiigs, etc., all
widths and in a beautiful range of patterns, and quality
guaranteed. Art Muslins, Art Sateens and Cretons in all
the new and natty designs.
DRESS GOODS. —I ew stocks arriving daily to replenish
those selling so freely. We have a select stock to
l• choose from. Large variety, the best quality, and
reasonable prices, snake this department a busy one.
WASH GIOODS.--We have them in great abundance in
all the new materials, weaves and colors.
LADIES' WAISTS. ---come in and see the largest and
most select range in town.
SEEDS.--MangeIs, Turnips, Corn, etc.,
all the best kinds.
Butter, 25e. . Eggs, 22c. .
Good Goods
To meet this alarfning condition a
petition from 280 municipalities, in-
cluding all the large cities of the pro-
vince save one, asking that power be
given them to put a higher rate on
land values than upon improvement
was rejected by the government, the
only reason given being "lack of uni-
formity," which describes the present
condition exactly.
To meet the objection of the Gov-
ernment and at the salve time relieve
them of embarrassment pending a
closer review of all assessments, it
is now proposed to organize the whole
province. So that a complete popular
deeand may leave no room for doubt
as to the wish of the people upon this
proposition or the further demand for
the power of initiative and referen-
dum so that these needful popular
measures in future can he taken up
and the province brought to the front
with other progressive counties with-
out embarrassment of any kind to the
government. Already some twenty-
five local associations have been form-
ed and a great quantity of printed
matter distributed.
The motions of Halley's Comet are
of interest jnst now. Starting out
from us on its 75 years' journey, many
of our readers will never have the op-
portunity of seeing this comet again.
The comet will be no great sight tb
see until about May the 10th, when it
will be 2 h. 20 in. ahead of the sun
before sunrise. As soon as the sun
comes up, the comet and all the stars
are blotted out. The comet could
be seen only in the evening sky up to
the end of March, and is a morning
object from then until the 18th of
May and then becomes an evening ob-
ject again. A day or two before we
run into the tail, it will likely, on ac-
count of our nearness to it, stream
right across the sly. The same will
apply the day after we plunge
through, though the head of the
comet will on both occasions be too
near the sun in the sky to be readily
seen. Our side of the earth will be
turned away from the sun on the day
the comet passes across its face, so
that we will not be able to see the
transit from this part of the earth.
The comet will be at its greatest
brightness on May the 19th, but un-
fortunately, moonlight will interfere
with the exhibition of its tail. We
are tined to dash through the tail
at 9 o'clock on the night of May 18th,
eastern standard time.
Cheap Prices
FOR $1
New subscribers can have THE
EMPIRE (Weekly) from now
until the first of next January
J. W. McKibbon Has an Invigorator
That Makes Hair Grow la Abba•
deafly Or Money Back.
At this season, scores of people,
girls and women especially, find
their faces marked with pimple*,
dark spots. eruptions, etc. The
slain need, attention. needs renov-
ating after the trying winter season.
Just think what it has had to go
You have been out in rain and sleet
and snow.. Yon have been perspiring'
from skating, or some other exertion.
Then you have stood to "cool off." You
have spent hours of the day indoors at a
temperature equal to summer heat.
Then you have covered up your skin,
except your face, and gone out into a
temperature away below zero 1 No
wonder that the skin of the face and
neck shows signs of needing attention,
Zam-Buk is a skin food. Smear it
lightly over the spots, the eruptions,
the sallow patches, at night, and notice
how quickly your appearance improves.
As the rich, refined, herbal essences
sink deep into the tissue, the hard
sourvyliko patches are removed.
The cuticle is softened. The cells be-
neath are stimulated to healthy opera-
tion. The pores resume their work
properly, Better color results. The
cells of the skin being purified by Zam-
Buk's stimulating balm, become trans-
parent; the blood beneath is able to
impart its proper coloring to the tissue,
and the delicate bloom of health replaces
the sallowness and pallor of disease.
A few days of Zam-Buk treatment
will transform a "muddy," speckled,
spotty complexion into ono of attrac-
tiveness and prettiness.
Use Zam-Buk for more serious skin
troubles such as eczema, pustules, boils,
ulcers, festering sores, ringworm, scalp
sores, sores on the body due to brood -poison•
lug, etc. Mothers will find Zam-Buk
unequalled for baby! 50o box all stores. o
The CaU Of
The West
Every Int}n in the West is
"beomater," 1`ie hods himself in
a big country and his ideas ex-
pand proportionately But let
us not forget that Ontario is
still the premier province.
Far off hills always look
green, and many a man in the
West is looking forward to the
time when he eau sell oat and
come "home" to Ontario.
Thb West is a good place to
make money or lose it. But
Ontario is HOME, with all that
word means.
Huron County land is as good
as any in the world, and there
is no investment on earth so
safe as the earth itself.
Call and see our list of fine
Farms for sale,
Ritchie & Cosens
The ADVANCE is North
Huron's leading news-
paper. Are you a sub-
scriber ? If not, why ?
Only $1 per year.
The Peoples' Papular Store
200 acres in Huron county, one and
ono -half miles from Fordwich, being
two corner lots, sideroad serves as
lane, buildings on sideroad, about cen-
tre of farm, hence no land far away
from buildings ; comfortable dwelling
house, long distance telephone ; new
bank barn, 36x 106, with 21 outside
posts, straw shed in rear 50 x 56, which
makes a very convenient barn, mod-
ern stables underneath all, with ce-
ment floors, water and littercarrier
throughout stables ; implement shed
32 x 40, hennery 16 x 24 ; two never
failing wells ; 150 acres cleared, in a
good state of cultivation, soil deep
clay loam, open bottom, natural drain-
age, 25 acres hardwood bush, over
1000 maples, sugar orchard, balance
pasture land with never failing spring
creek; farm all well fenced with ex-
ceptionally large cedar rails. Will be
sold at a Bargainas owner is giving
up farming owing to ill health. For
further particulars apply to Fordwich
P. 0, or on the premises to
Mr, Isaac Baylis, of Howick, finish-
ed seeding on 'Saturday, Apr. 23rd,
putting in a crop of 52 acres. Clip
this out and keep for reference for
future generations. There ,nay not
be a record like this for years.
The Howick Agricultural Society
has decided to enter the Standing
Field Crop Competition this year and
the Secretary, Mr. J. H. Rogers, has
notified the Superintendent Mr. J.
Lockie Wilson, to that effect. The
Society has selected white oats as the
crop for competition, of which five
acres must be sown.
The Howick Telephone Company,
which is composed of Gorrie citizens
and farmers who make our village
their headquarters, has purchased
what is known as the Ashton line.
They have also staked out the terri-
tory on the sideroad as far as the
school house ; poles have also been
bought and are to be delivered on this
section and also for some distance east
and west from the sideroad. The first
consignment of instruments has arriv-
ed, and their installation is only a
matter of a short time. A wire hes
also been strung on the 6th con, to the
corner beyond the home of David
If your hair is thinning out gradu-
ally it tbon't bo long before the bald
spot appears.
The time to take care of the hair is
when you have hair to take caro af.
For thin falling hair the best re-
medy known to mankind is Parisian
Sage. it is compounded on scientific
principles and furnishes to the hair
root a nourishment that acts quickly
ana promptly and causes the hair to
But remember this :—Jt kills the
dandruff germ, the pest that appro-
priates all the natural nourishment
that should go to the hair root,
Periaian Sage is sold by J. W. Me-
Kibbon under a positive guarantee to
banish dandruff, atop falling hair and
itching scalp in two weeks or money
ft gives to women's Hair a butte
and radiance that la most fa/winattng
and banses it to grow abundantly..
Parisian Sego le now eoid in every
first-elass town in Canada. A large
gesstrona bottle oasts 80 *nuts~; and tt e
gtarl with Nabern hair is en emery
Notice To Creditors.
PETER W. SCOTT, Belgrave P. 0.
DAVID S. SCOTT, Marmot). P. 0.
GYRUS W. SCOTT, Belgrave P. O.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
R. S. 0. 1897, _Chap. 129, Seo. 8, that al
persons having claims against the estate
of David Scott, late of the township of
East Wawanosh, in the County c
Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died o
or about the 7th day of April, A.D,1909
aro required to send by post prepaid, or
,tb deliver to the undersigned executor
on or before the 10th day of May, A.D.
1910, their names, addresses and des-
criptions, and a full statement of par-
ticulars of their claims and the nater
of the security, if any, held by them
duly certified, and that after the sal
day the executors will proceed to dis-
tribute the assets of the deceased amon
the parties entitled thereto, having re-
gard only to the claims of which the
shall then have notice.
Dated this 7th day of April, A.D. 191
Council met in Fordwich, Apr. 20 ;
members all present; the Reeve in the
Robt. Whitman waited on the Coun-
cil asking them to pass a by-law giv-
ing him the privilege of erecting poles
and stringing wire on same for tele-
phone purposes. The request was
- The following ehanges were made
in the pathmasters :--Thos. Dobbs in-
stead of W. H. Gregg; Arthur Fitch,
jt., instead of Jas. Douglass; James
Ilyndman instead of Samuel Iiynd=
man ; Wm. Gedkie instead of Jatnes
It was decided to ask tenders for
painting Four steel bridges and also
for making tile ; also to have an en-
gineer for bridge work.
Tenders for the concrete work at
the Laird and Hamilton bridges will
be opened at nett meeting.
A few small accounts were passed
and the Council adjourned.
The next meeting will be in Morrie
on the 8td Wednesday in May.
--Hanover has a plucky and intelli-
gent Celestial in the person of Charlie
Minn. Though about 20 years of age
he Las Iced spunk enough to Hire an-
other Chinaman to do "washes" at h1
hate*" while he *Min t the Dissever
PON* *ham,
The great practical training school of
Ontario Three departments—Commer-
ctal, Shorthand, and Telegraphy.
We assist graduates to positions. The
demand upon us for trained help great-
ly exceeds the supply. Tho three most
recently placed. aro receiving $40.00,
$50.00 and $100,00 par month respective.
y. Business men state our graduates
aro the best, Enter our classes now.
Get our free catalogue.
D. A. McLACHLAN - Principal
Of Town Property, in Town of Wing-
' ham, in County of Huron.
Do you want a business position ? Then
choose the right school in which to get
your education.
Ie noted throughout Canada for high class
work. Thirty-four of our students lately
accepted good positions. The demand for
our graduates is constant. College open
all year. Enter now. Magnificent catal-
ogue free.
Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts,
Under and by virtue of powers Of sale con-
tained in certain mortgages which will bo
produced at time of sale, there will be of-
fered for sale by public anetion (subject to
reserved bid) by Frank McConnell, auction-
eer, at the Winghaut Auction Rooms,
Holmes Buildings, Main street, Wingham, on
TUESDAY, 17mn DAY OF MAY, 1930 at 12
o'clock noon, the following lands and pre-
mises, that is to say :—Tho hast half of lot
number eleven on the south side of North
street,. Saddler's third survey, containing
twonty.eight hundredths of an acre more
or less. On this properly is situated a sub-
stantially built stone houso.
TRIMS Ob' BALK. --Ten per dent. Of pur-
chase money to be paid to the Vendor's
Solicitors or Agents at thno of sale and
balance within thirty days thereafter with
interest properties ay' be a `ranged through
the Vendors Solicitors at very reagonable
For further particulars and conditions of
sale apply to the auctioneer or to the Ven-
dor's Solicitors and Agents.
RICHARD IIOLMES, Holmes & Ilotmes
Barristers, Solicitors, etc., etc., Toronto and
Wingham, Ont. Toronto Ofllces-75 Yonge
street,N. E. neuter Yonge and Xing streets.
Wingam Office --Holmes Buildings, Main
street. Toronto Telephones—Office, Main
3230. Residence, Park 281.
Ap ito 1910. inghafn, Ont., this 14th day Of
r �
Spring Is Here
We are open to rent any number
of acres of Tared for the growing of
Flax, or will buy any quantity of first-
elass pulled Plax, dry, for which we
will bay $11.00 per ton delivered at
the Wingham Flax Mill. Seed oat: be
obtained at T. A. Mills' Seed Store.
A. Tittawil Manager.
and with it has come
the same old story—
"Want something to
eat that we never
heard - tell of."
Come to Malcolm's and you
will find something to tempt
every appetite. Try our As-
paragus Tips — they are de-
licious. Or a can of Roast
Beef, Veal or Tongue. Have
you had a bottle of our Mne-
tard Pickles, either sweet or
sour. All kinds of canned
- Vegetables, Teas and Coffees,
and Fresh Groceries.
.Jas. Walker & Son
Furniture Dealers
and Undertakers
we are specialty qualified Under-
takers and Embalmers, and those
entrusting their work to us may rely
on it being well done. Night calls
recetV'ed at residence.
Office Pbene 106 House Phone 125
Butter Paper
We have on hand a stock
of the genuine Vegetable
Parchment Butter aper.
You may have it cut any
size you wish. Come in
and see it.
Spring Goods
Our stock of Dress Goods is very elaborate and
we have many dainty shades. We have all the
necessary trimmings, &c,, and are sure we can
suit the most particular people.
Just now is the time to make improvements in
your home. May we help you ? Dainty Madras,
very fine, at 3o cts. and 5o cts. per yard. Cre-
tonne, Scrim, Muslin — exceptionally neat patterns
and very dainty colorings. Beautiful Damask and
Chenille Curtains.
Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Oilcloths, Etc,
A quantity of neat Silk Ties, some knitted, others
plain, in new dainty stripes and also plain colors,
at 25 cts. Also a small lot of Men's Belts and
Hosiery, at 25 cts. See our north window.
More Hats this week—in dainty Straws, Linens,
Felts, &c. Many entirely new styles in boys' and
girls' Hats and Caps. Also a very neat and up-
to-date' assortment of men's Hats and Caps.
The Sterling - Christie $2.25
1 • Office :—
Upstairs in the Macdonald Block.
Night calls answered at office.
M.D., M.C.P.S.O.
(Member of the British Medical Association)
Special attention paid to Diseases of women
and children.
OsrICE HOvxs :-1 to 1 p.m, ; 7 to 9 p.m,
L. R.. C. P. (td)
Physician and Surgeon.
(Dr. Chisholm's old stand)
Honor Graduate of Toronto University.
Licentiate of Ontario College
of Physicians
Devotes spebial attention to Diseases of the
Eve, Ear. Nose and Throat.
Eyeshorou Gl asses
rerly Pitted.
Office with Dr. Kennedy.
Office Hours — 3 to 5-7 to 8 p.m.
D.D.B., L,D.S.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen-
nsylvania College and Licent ate of
Dental Surgery of Ontario.
—Office in Macdonald Block—
B.S.A.; L.D.S., D.D.S.
of nthaueltofRya College
Dettal Surgeons of Ontario.
°evict IN Bx &VER BLOOI{ — WINOBaM
Barristers, Solicitors, etc.
Office : Meyer Block, Wingham.
E. L. Dickinson Duuley Holmes
General Hospital.
(Under Government Inspection.)
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished.
Open 10 all regularly licensed physicians.
Rates for patients (which include board Ind
10 location 'o to r000In, p'ot rfu ther Ain orma
tion—Address MISS L. MATTHEWS
Box 223, Wingham, Ont.
Money to loan at lowest rates.
O1;'ICits] :—BEAvstt BLOCK,
seas ethane acture
me and others who the adeisahttll'-
ltytry B h r�-rrelii�mitrielryddvvikkeyn�fr+ business
tither &Mat 1s , Newt kser tfemartin
lin 1 W0stabuttett, D e.,
Office :—Morton Block, Wingham
Established 1810.
Head Office GUELPH, ONT.
Risks taken on all classes of in-
surable property on the cash or pre-
mium note system.
President. Secretary.
Agents. Wingham, Out
Farmers who want money to buy
horses, cattle or hogs to feed for mar-
ket can have it on reasonable terms.
Money transmitted and payable at
par at any Bank in the Dominion.
RATES. -35.00 and under, 3 ets.
$10 10 $30, 10 eta. $30 to e50, 15 cis.
Same rates charged on principal
banking points in the U. S.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass
and Weather Insurance, coupled
with a Real Estate and Money
Loaning business.
Office over Malcolm's Grooery
Tt *ec MARKS
Anyone Minding a aketrh and description may
quickly aerariatn our ortnicn r
tionrrett'em aon rants IS mammy t toyy emmnnlra.
PaCebs 1tn tann &to,ranve
*wrist ratio. without ata on1e
Bm rIlal11
A 'nao ['r'my NonN journal. nvii i t r
< , . $L7t a yaw. a s'e iiricaid. Mid fry
(}„!1!tom4 tn
' if �t„'pfse>t