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The Wingham Advance, 1910-04-28, Page 4
a 4 TRE WINC'RRAMVM ADXANCE T1tURSPAY, APRIL 28, 1911' 32* f yam wirwywyre0 Pc - Inc 6('siless Goods Ness See the Fine Range of Spring Dress Goods in all the newest Weaves and Colorings 0 0 COTTON SUITINGS. Linen in white and colors—Cotton - Suitiugs in tho new shades -- Ooiored Piques and Serges in shades of Born, new Blues, Rose, Sage Green and Wisterea, IS IRT WAS. T SHR We have one of the finest ranges of Shirt Waiets that we've shown ter some years --all styles and prices. EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. Ask to sen our Embroidery Edgings and Insertions, also All -Avers in Lace and Embroidery. CURTAINS AND MADRAS. CURTAINS from 25e up to $8.00 per pair -- all new designs and patterns. MADRAS in White, Born and colors in the popular stained glass effects. We take Butter and Eggs in exohange for these new goods D. M. CORDON • ...w......... a. King's For Bargains IWe Want Your Trade K. I N G'S The Store At Which To Deal j House -Cleaning Time This is the busiest season in Housekeeping, and with it comes the necessary replenishing of Home Furnishings. We have a complete range of the necessary articles for this purpose. CURTAINS. — Madras Curtaining in all colors, Fancy Draperies, &c., An. CARPETS.—Ingrains, Tapestries, Brussels, Unions, &c., in a fine range of colors and designs. RUGS AND ART SQUARES.—Velvets, Axminsters, Tapestries and Unions. • . LINOLEUMS AND FLOOR OILS.—The largest _ and most superb range we have ever shown. Come in and let us show you the goods. TO 'CLEAR 1200 Yards Flannelette Ends 2 to 10 yds., regular 12-1•c to 15c- to Clear at 70. 25 Dozen Ladies' Black Cotton Hose Regular 15c Per Pair—to Clear 10c. Butter, 25c. Eggs, 22c (20e Cash) Theo, Rall - proprietor. HISTORY AND POLITICS.. write; Dr. l?'arkln, "and wide range of ability, but with little imagination or enthusiasm, "Both In Parliament and through- out the country ,the new leader em- ployed his power in delivering a set les of eloquent lath mournful attacks up- on the railway contract, in watch he fancied he saw the ruin of the State." ter Mr. Blake fought many notable par- liamentary battles and two general elections, and lost them all. As a speaker he was without an equal,. and on some of the issues he was no doubt right, Sometimes he was defeated, on his merits, at other times he was out-gen- eraled by the more skilful political tactics of his opponents. Perhaps the party became discon- tented with his leadership, perhaps Mr. Blake became weary of leading P. O. the party. He certainly came to dia- approve of its stand on the question of unrestricted reciprocity. Any way, he Y'etired from the lead- ership in 1887, and declined to be a candidate for Parliament at the genet.- al elections of '1801. That closed his public career in Canada. The following from the Montreal Standard will be of interest, and -night be preserved for reference, Oor young, readers will find it instruc- tive, v, Forty-three years have passed since Confederation, and during that time the two parliamentary parties have bad thirteen leaders, considering the different capacities in which they served, although these leaderebips have been tilled by nine then. The Conservative Party has furnish- ed Canada with five Prime Ministers. In Opposition it has had three lead- ers, two of whom were also Prime Ministers—Sir John Macdonald and Sir Charles Tupper. The third is Mr. Borden, who bas not yet tasted, the sweets of office, Only two Prime Ministers stand to the credit of the Liberal Party—Mr. Mackenzie and Sir Wilfrid Laurier— and in Opposition the party bas had only three leaders, two of whom be; came'Prime Ministers. Its third lead- er in Opposition was Mr. Blake. He and Mr. Borden are the two party leaders who have not been at the head of a Federal Government. as CEO. E. KIN� Good Goods , • ICheap Prices At Confederation the natural leader Of the Opposition was George Brown, but as he regarded bis defeat in South Ontario, in 1867, as an opportunity to retire from parliamentary life, his ser- vices were not available. Journalism and his farm absorbed his time and attention for several years, and it was not until 1874, when his successor, Mackenzie, was in pow- er, that Brown returned to Parliament as a member of the Senate. During the first session after Con- federation Sir John Macdonald's Gov- ernment did not have arrayed against it a very strong or aggressive Opposi- tion. "The early session of Parliament," writes Dr. Parkin in his life of Sir John Macdonald, "were•chiefiy taken up with questions of administration and organization. On these matters the Opposition, led by Alexander Mac- kenzie, who had been chosen as leader in succession to George Brown, re- frained almost entirely from mere. factious disputation. "Both parties tried to rise to the level of their new opportunities, and more than one suggestion from the opposition side of the House was adopted by the Government." a FOR SALE. 200 acres in Boron -county, one and one-half miles from b'ordwich, being' two corner lots, sideroad serves as lane, buildings on sideroad, about cen- tre of farm, hence no land • far away from buildings; comfortable dwelling house, long distance telephone ; new bank barn, 30 x100, with 21 outside posts, straw shed in rear 50 x 50, which makes a very convenient barn, mod- ern stables underneath. all, with ce- ment floors, water and littercat'rier throughout stables ; implement shed 3:l x 40, hennery 16 x 21; two never failing wells; 150 acres cleared, in a good state of cultivation, soil deep clay loam, open bottom, natural drain- age, 25 acres hardwood Welt, over 1000 maples, sugar orchard, balance pasture land withnever spring reek ; farm alt well fenced with ex- ceptionally x ceptionally large cedar rails. Will be sold at a bargain as owner is giving up farming owing to i11 health. For further particulars apply to Fordwieb or on the premises to ACHESON LAIRD. TRANSFORMATIONS POMPADORS SWITCHES CLUSTER-CLIRLS COMING Prof. Dorenwend OF TORONTO the well-known Hair Goods Artist Will visit WINGIIAM At Brunswick hotel On Wed. May 4 Dining this visit he will be sheaving the latest Parisian and New York styles. Yon are particularly invited to call, inspeot .and try on any of these creations. Mr. Blake having resigned, the Lib- eral Opposition turned to his first lieu- tenant from the Province of Quebec, and who had also served under Mr, Mackenzie both in office and in Oppo- sition—the Hon. (Sir) Wilfrid Laurier. Like Mr, Mackenzie, he led his party from Opposition to office, but, unlike Mr. Mackenzie, he has not yet been driven from office into Opposition. Sir Wilfrid led the party in Opposi- tion through two general elections— that of 1801, when victory was• missed by a narrow margin, and that of 1800, which ended the eighteen years' wan- derings in the wilderness of Opposi- tion and gave it a tenure of power of which the end is not yet. For nine years he was leader of the Opposition, two years longer than Mr, Blake's terns, and exactly as long as Mr, Mackenzie's two terms, one be- fore and one after his four years of of- fice ; but Sir Wilfrid's tern' of office is already more than three times as long as that enjoyed by Mr. Mackenzie, the only other Liberal Prime Minister since Confederation. • In regard to the relations that exist- ed between Mr. Brown and Mr. Mac- kenzie after the latter bad succeeded to the leadership, Mr. Mackenzie on one occasion said :—"Nor did he (Mr. Brown) ever in after years attempt to control or influence parliamentary proceedings as conducted by the Lib- erals in Opposition or in the Govern- ment ; while always willing to give his opinion when asked on any particular question, he never volunteered his advice." As time passed this first Opposition in one Federal Parliament became sufficiently aggressive and determined to satisfy the most belligerent parlia- mentarian. After six years it drove its oppon- ents from 'Ace, Mr. Mackenzie and Sir John Macdonald changing places. That was late in the autumn of 1873. The election came on early in the following year, and in a House of two hundred and six members the Conser- vatives carried only forty-five seats. Sir John, who barely escaped defeat in his old constituency of Kingston, "bowed to the storm, faced the situ- ation. with undaunted courage, and took up with cheerfulness the work of leading the Opposition. To this task he was called by the absolutely unani- mous vote of his small band of follow- ers in Parliament:" It was during those four years of Opposition that was evolved the National Policy whose foundation was protection for home indttsteies by means of a custom tariff. In 1878 that policy returned Sir John to pow- er, and although somewhat modified to suit the changed conditions of the country, that policy is still the basis of'm a fiscal system, The Dorenwend Sanitary Patent Toupee The OORENWENO i3'or Gentlemen who are bald, is a hend. covering, far superior in both style and durability to any other manufactured. At the present day over 90,000 of these are in use through- out Canada and the United States'. C3ts11 said Have free demonstration. il>1t1ti4B1Slllll ,, ONE DAY ONLY. COI of Toronto, Limited Ye"amtt,te s ..t Notice To Creditors. A Word To Our Customers Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1887, Ohap. 129, Seo. 8, that all persons having claims against the estate of David Scott, late of the township of East Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 7th day of April, A.D.1909, are reqnired to send by post prepaid, or to deliver to the undersigned executors on or before the 10th day of May, A.D 1910, their names, addresses and des• ariptions, and a full statement of par- ticulars of their claims and the nature of the security, if any, hold by them duly certified, and that after the said day the exeentore will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which. they shall then have notice. Dated this 7th day of April, A.D. 1910. ExEcuTORs PETER W. SCOTT, Belgrave P. 0. DAVID S. SCOTT, Marnoch P. 0. GYRUS W. SCOTT, Belgrave P. 0, The second Ieader of the Conserva- tive Party in Opposition was Sir Char- les Tupper, who, after his brief pre- miership from May 1st, 1890, to the 8th of the following July, led the min- ority in the House of Commons until Feb. 6th, 1901, when he was succeeded by Mr. R. L. Borden. As Prime Minister Sir Charles fought one election, and one as leader of the Opposition, and lost thein both, although .it cannot be said that in either case defeat was due to lack of ability or energy on his part. Mr. Borden has now led the Opposi- tion nine years, .exactly as long as Sir Wilfrid held a like position. He has been defeated in two general elections, and probably two years have yet to pass before he can again put his for- tunes to the test. MORTGAGE SALE On the first day of�May we shall have completed our third year un- der the firm %Janne of Ritchie Omens, and we desire to thank all our friends for their loyal support during that time, We think we understand the Insurance business; and spare no. paine to please our policy itolciers, When a loss occurs we are on the spot et once, and eecure an early and satisfactory settlement. We have no unadjusted donee on our books, either Life, Fire, )Accident or Plate Glass, sReal Estate of band,t e We u ell Y ad'to a kinds, a are 1 ace s all]cols nt e tat twe tenjay the confidence of the community, as our constantly growing business testifies. Just here we may say that 1010 is going to be the most prosperous year Wingham has had for a long time, and money put into town proper- ty right now, would be well in- vested We have one other word to say, n word -we would rather not say, We have a good many accounts outstanding, which we would like paid at once, so that we can bal- ance- up our books at the end of our partnership year. Ritchie & Cosens Of Town Property, in Town of Wing• ham, in County of Huron. Under and by virtue of powers of sale con- tained in certain, snortgages • which will bo produced at. time of sale, there will be of- fered for sale by public auction (subject to rosorved bid) by Frank McConnell, auetion- eer, at the Wingham Auction Rooms, Holmes Buildings, Main street, Wingham. on TUESDAY, 17'rn DAY OF MAY, 1010 at 12 o'clock' nom the following lands and pro- mises, that is to say :—Tho East half of lot number eleven on the south side of North street, Saddler's third survey, containing twenty-eight hundredths of an acro more or less. On this property is situated a sub stantially built stone house, TERMS or SALE. --Ton nor cent. of pur- chase money to be paid to the Vendor's Solicitors or Agents at litho of sale and balance within thirty days thereafter with interest as in said mortgage stated. Loans on said properties may be arranged through the Vendor's Solicitors at very reasonable rates. For further particulars and conditions of sato apply to the auctioneer or to the "Ven- dor's Solicitors and Agents. RICHARD IIOLMES, Holmes It Holmes. Barristers, Solicitors, eto., oto., Toronto and Wingham, Ont. Toronto Offices -75 Yonge street, N. E. Corner Yonge and King streets. Wingham office—Holmes Buildings, Main street. Toronto Telephones—Office, Main 3289. Residence, Park 281. Dated. Wingham, Ont., this 14tit day of April, 1910. A Valuable Cow. Donald Anderson of the 2nd con. is the owner of a very valuable cow, half Durham, • half Jersey. The cow is now 15 years .old and she has had 14 calves, none of them twins or triplets. If that cow's progeny were lined up for sale they would net a large gum at the present fancy prices for bovines.— [Chesley Enterprise. On May xst. In a few days, says the Orangeville Sun, local option will be in force in Orangeville and the thirsty will have to fill up on town water or go to a blind pig for the fiery liquid that al- ways touches the spot. Local news- papermen will net be the least' affect- ed by the change for they are all total abstainers, but some good temperance men (in theory) will find it a little in- convenient at first and for some time afterwards. xar Once more Sir John and Mr. Mae kenzie exchanged places, and this time the exchange was permanent. The former never again sat in Opposition; the Latter never again 'held office. Mr, Mackenzie's last term as leader. of the Opposition, which lasted for only two years, was .arduous, discour- aging and uttfruitfal, so far as making headway against hie opponents was concerned, In a House of two hundred and six members he had only sixty followers, and it took the little band some time to recover their spirits after the rout of September, 1878. It was at a political picnic at Rath, Ont„ on June 20, 1814 that Sir John Maodonald first announced that nego- tattoos wore on foot with a syndicate of private capitalists for the construc- tion of the Oanadlan Pacific IIai1• way. In the following September the eon. tract Was signed. That year Mr, Me.o- ketlzie retired from the leadership of the Liberal Opposition, and was turn ceecled by the Hort. lMward Blake, 'ea Indic of equal honesty of purpose," NOTICE TO FARMERS REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE We are open to rent any number of acres of land for the growing of Flax, or will buy any quantity of first- class pulled Flax, dry, for which we will pay $11.00 per ton delivered at the Wingham Flax Mill. Seed can be obtained at T. A, Mills' Seed Store. CANADA FLAX FIBRE CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL. A. TIMING, Manager. et The ADVANCE is North Huron's leading news- paper. Are you'a sub- scriber ? If not, why ? Only $1 per year. A Record Child. What is probably the biggest baby to be born in this section of the coun • try arrived at the home of Mr. Wal- ter Booth, the barber, on Friday last, when his wife presented him with 'a 13 lb. son. This is only 5 lbs. behind the world's record, an 181b. child hav- ing, it is said, been born seventy-five years ago when the Halley Comet last visited the earth, The stork has cer- tainly been generous in this neighbor- hood of late, having left triplets in Cargill and a record infant in Walk- erton. -' l� ill' "'' �, �, r��,�` 'A���'l • �,,�; , ,... CAN'T EAT 1 STOMACH OUT OF ORDER You are losing strength and vitality, That listless, languid feel. ing is due to the weak condition of the system, These are sure signs of a, breakdown, Cheek the breakdown quickly and effect• ively by using PSYCI:IINE the Greatest of All Tonics, If you feel worn out, and run down, it is `time for a tonic. `Use PSYCHINE early, do not wait till you are worse. It will tone np your aystefn and restore you to your old -tithe vigor and health, $eep your stomach in order, increase your appetite, restore your system to a healthy condition by taking PSYOHINE to -day, Mrs. J, T, Miller, of 63 Notre Dame Street, Winnipeg, proved this, for she says t " I am thankful for what PSYCHINE has done for me. r was laid up with weakness, Oh, how 1 enl"fe ed i y appetite was very poor and my stomach was greatly disordered, To -day I am strong and well, for PSYCXIINB has brought me permanent relief. X feel like a new woman now to what I did before taking PSY0IIINE. 1 feel the vigor of girlhood in my veins once mare," For Sahibs, alt Druggists and Dealers, 80a and alt M. T. A, !ILO rUoMzoNTm,Oed CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. The great practical training school of Ontario Three departments—Commer- cial, Shorthand, and Telegraphy. Wo assist graduates to positions, The demand upon us for trained help great- ly exceeds the supply. The three most recently planed aro receiving $40.00, $50.00 and $100.00 per month respective- ly. Business mon state our graduates aro the best. Enter our classes now. Got our free catalogue. D. A. McLACHLAN - Principal 1 Do you want a business position 7 Then choose the right school in which to get your education. ELLIOTT �a TORONTO, ONT. Is noted throughout Canada for high class work. Thirty-four of our students lately accepted good -positions. The demand for our graduates is constant. College open all year. Enter now. Magnificent ental- , ogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. .Cor. Yonge and Alexander Ste. r Spring Is Here ' and with it has come the same old story— "Want something to eat that we never beard tell of." Come to Malcolm's and you will find something to tempt every appetite. Try our As- paragus Tips — they are de- licious. Or a can of Roast Beef, Veal or Tongue. Have you had a bottle of our Mus- tard Pickles, either sweet or. sour. • All kinds of canned Vegetables, Teas and Coffees, and Fresh Groceries: Malcoirn's PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 54 trwurristerawisste Jas. Walker & Son WINOLIAM Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Wo aro specially qualified Under- takers and Embalmers, and those on itstbeing Dwell done. Nighty calls received at residence. Office phone 100 House Phone 125 Butter Paper The PeoplesPopular Store WINGIIAM, ONTARIO KER.. 1 Spring Goods Our stock of Dress Goods is very Elaborate and we have many dainty shades. We have all the necessary trimmings, &c., and are sure We can suit the most particular people. Just now is the time to make improvements in your home. May we help you ? Dainty Madras, very fine, at 3o cts. and 50 cts. per yard. Cre- tonne, Scrim, Muslin -- exceptionally . neat patterns and very dainty colorings, Beautiful Damask and Chenille Curtains. O Carpets, Rugs, linoleums, Oilcloths, Etc. SATURDAY ONLY A quantity of neat Silk Ties, some knitted, others plain, in new dainty stripes and also plain colors, at 25 cts. Also a small lot of Men's Belts and Hosiery, at 25 cts. See our north window. HATS ! . HATS ! More Hats this week—in dainty Straws, Linens, Felts, &c. Many entirely new styles in boys' and girls' Hats and Caps. Also a very neat and up- to-date assortment of men's Hats and Caps. The Sterling Christie $2.25 We have on hand a stook of the genuine Vegetable Parob mean t ] 3 titter Paper. You may have it out any adze you wish. Come in a11d see it. ADVANCE OFFICE DR. AGNEW • PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Office • Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office. J. P. KENNEDY M.D., M.C.P.S.O. (Member of the British Medical Association) COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special attention didchto Diseases of women an°Mon Hua os: -1 to 4 p.m, ; 7 to 9 p,m. DR. ROBT. C. REDNMOND M. R, (C31.1'1., 0. P. S., (Le(Eng.ind.)) L. R. Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) DR. MARGARET C.. CALDER Honor Graduate of TorOntp University. ',Licentiate of Ontario College of Physioians and Surgeons. Devotes !pecial attention to Diseases of the Eyes Thoroughly Tesfedd.Throat. Glasses Properly Fitted. Office with Dr. Kennedy. Office Hours — 3 to. 5-7 to 8 p. m. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. —Office in Macdonald Blook— W. J. PRICE B,S.A., L.D.S„ D.D..S. Honor d icet©ffvolltleOfotoLniatoRoyaColeg Dot tal Surgeons of Ontario, Orion IN tlnAvax Moos — WINOnAld W INGIIAM General Hospital. (Under Government Inspection.) PIeasantty situated. Beautifully furnished, Open to all re ularl1. licensed physiolans. Rates for patients (which Include beard and nursing) -13.80 to $15.00 per week, a000rdiug to location of room. For further informa- tion—Ad dressM188 L. M.&TTnEWS Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham, Ont. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rate&. °num t–,Bi tvElt Br orx, WINGIIAM. eroll�t"t-lcc-Tuskless r Msnu aetn-era, l n1$geerr and ethers Who realize the xd:a.cnbit- til• ,,f staving th. itFltrnt business irtn!.atted by Experts. Prelimtnaryadvirofree. Chattel tomtitInediratok Our 't Advt4sr Rent epee 11i i pd iitesstN,ew , ths., f n -- - DICKINSON & HOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. 4 Office : Meyer Block, Wingham. E. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office :—Morton Block, Wingham WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840. Head Onto GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in- surable property on the cash or pre- mium note system. JAMES GOLDIE, CHAS. DAVIDSO�lT President. Secretary. �tl► RITCHIE & COSENS, Agents. Wingham, Ont A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAft — ONTARIO Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle or hogs to feed for mar- ket can have it on reasonable terms. Money transmitted and payable at pt}r at any Bank in the ,Dominion. RATES, -55.00 and under, 3 cfs. $10 to $30, 10 els. $30 to $50, 15 cts. Same rates charged on principal banking points in the U. S. C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled With a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. Office over Malcolm's Grocery OVEl1 65 YI`tAR£i' EXPERIENCE 'Matt MArta, DESIGNS P Anyone trending 1 atcetrb �3 tlndYRIdesee!ettnnQHT$&C.day gtttokiy a*ecttein our opinion frog w tett,cr 11 Intent & I to mummy Sate t6 1 otnnlnnira. tinnaatrletI1e*nn.lnntiat. HAi1 B 0nt'atonta.. Rent free. t+14591 agency fora cur n pntente. Patents taken through stun 'Ca roost's. 9presitnotkM nithenae Mimeo, lathe Scientific BmerkkAf. A t,andscIt:rly ftlnttratM %rs k1y. Zaresst .1'- catmtiM1 fit 0,71 9+.1t,ntine f,mrhnt. ger :,1 I r t'aneeta, ix•;j R 755» posOae prepaid. Solt by ne 3012,40.«,, NA Qt. - i t, r tttt'6r'adt