HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-04-14, Page 7IIALLEY'S COMET 1.....11.••••••••••• Washington Professcrs Looked at It For About Fifteen Minutes, ..,nr<mrsom.1.0 Don't be Alarmed; It Won't Hurt Makes People Sleepy, Washiugton, April 11.orlfa11e1's cornet wita seen here yesterday foe the first time by Prof. Asaph Hull, of the Nava/ tilise,rvatoryand his 4901444a, througl. the 2t1 inelt telescope. For about 15 minutesthe eomet remained vielble to the naked eye, Popular appreheusion eegardiug harm te the earth and its in- habitants duriug the vita if the empot to this podiaof the universe, is um - feuded, The tail of the comet, through which the .earth probably will pass, will be eoticeable only as an absolutely harmless illtneinoue gas or dust. It May produceelettrical mid patiguetie effeets titet can be detected only by self-recore- iog instrumeuts. MAKES THEM SLEEPY, . Evansville, Dale April 1L-Seeres. of people tn this conunueity complain that they are urtable to get enough sleep; in fact, in eeveral instances people have' slept for fifteen or twenty-four b.ouxs an still were sleepy, They Weil:tate We inclirtation to sleep to Halley's 1 comet, KILLED A I3URGLAR Philadelphia Man Repulsed the In- truder With a Club, (•••••10.../•••••••• Philadelphia, Pa., April 10,--3a.mos Gallagher, a notorious burglar, with a long prieon record, waa killed with a club this morning, after a desperate atruggle, by a householder whose home be had attempted to enter, Samuel Zeangulnitua, of 2431 North 23rd street,. was awakened shortly after midnight by his wide, who said a, men was trying to get into a neighboring house. Looking out, Zettnquinian saw the man in. a yard several doors away. Hastily aressing, he went to his cellar and picked up a long, heavy club used as a lever in a wine press. By tide time the inrtuder, failing to effect an en- trance in the other house, had appeared at Zeanquiniaies cellanwindow. Running into his back yard, Zeanquinian sprang at the strange): and a desperate struggle ensued. The burglar managed. to secure possession of the club, but before he could use it Zernquinian closed in on him and recovered it. The burglar then ran to the street, followed by Zea,uquinian, who struck Gallagher with, such force that he was thrown against a lamp-postana smash- ed the lamp. The burglar managed to crawl on his hands and knees about a block from the scene of the encounter. There he was found lying unconscious, with a fractured skull, and removed to a hospital. Re died shortly afterward. , BEST GIRL" t Wedding Took Place of a Bevy of Bridesmaids, ••••••••••••••,•11.10 New or April le, -.A. cable dee- , patch to The Sun from, London says: A. novelty Was inteodueed in Englsh -wedding tustotas to -day at the marriage of Miss Pickerigill to Arthur Randolph at the fashionable St. Paul's Chuech, Itxtightsbridge, The bride was attextdeel by a best giri instead of a bevy of bridesmaids, The best girl did not fol- low the bride up the aisle as brides- snaids do, brut stood at the head of the centre aisle opposite the position of the best man. There both awaited the ar- rival of the bride and bridegroom. With the hest man the hese girl followed the pair down the aegis after the ceremony. Th. 'bride said she liked the innovation became et was economical. She had to f %PUYa preeent for the best girl only, -et-instead of for a. bevy of bridesmaids. -4 • • LAND FOR ALL. rim...emiefamelorm.e. Over Sixty Per Cent. of Western Ter- ritory Still Uncultivated, Ottawa, April 10. -The Department of the Interior has issued a new homestead cop of the proirie Provinces, showing at e lettuco the disposal of lands al- ready taken ne and the amount yet available for settlement. Out of a total e.xeet. of 834,894.320 acres, the surveyed area. ie now 146,240,085 acres. The to- tal ares tinder homestead entry, includ- ing patented homesteads, ia 44,027,000 acres, Railway grent lands total 81,84, 074 acres; elided laud, 7,94,8,500 ems; Hudson Bay Co, lands 6,666,00o acres and and otherwise disieefeed of, 77,400e- 100 acres. The total area, under grein crop last year Was 11,060,000 notes of 'width the area. under 'wheat. was 8:878,- 000 acres, producing147,000,800 bushels, • The total urea cultivated is only as yet about oncetwelftle of the total surveyed area, considerably less then one-third of the homestead land, and about one. twenty-eighth of the total land area, ere. COL STEVENSON. aut. p:ibileher, earryitig en a large Web- lielonent with1s lnother, pride- era..ed him. For many rare he coin- inanded the Montreel Field Dattevy end toek pat in la tny field services, breities taIli ng part in the Follett rattle ef 1847 . and WM lie W 011,(3 of the leadiug Maeons et the Dominion auti wee ler oeveral oeare Orand Maiter ot the thane: Lodge of Canada, anti also beat. of the lenighte Tempters of Cattalo to. Mach peeition he WaS appointea by the. Prince of Wales, For lowly ye:ire Col. Steveneon occueird a seat in the City Commit antiwas Chairman of the Fire Cenunittee. iie was Jetrgely instrumental in lima:lug eiount Royal Peek air the City, Vol, Stevenson Watt notea as one el the tepee entimehtetic macre in the Delehlion, awl up to the very last took an interest en the game. With the Pussing of "Sandy" Stevenson, AS lie was knewn by his friends, elontecal todo one of ite most uoted citizens. The members of the Hamilton City Colwell and others, who went to Mont- real on one of Vac then. Mayor efelrel- iane3 auntie' jaunta will rentember how the wliole-hearted $cotebman worked to make their weeles stay in elontrea/ a notable and enjoyable affair. • • Montreal •Loses One of Her Best Known Citizens and Aldermen. • ARE STILL TARING The Vatican -Roosevelt Incident Sup- plying Food For Discussion, Rome, April 11, -The Vaticazt-Roose- veti incident es still ceueing, erainetea discussion between partisana The party which has rallied to the eupport of Car- dinal Merry del Val insists, Heat it mat- ters not what consequences mey toisua as any other outcome would be better than to lave exposed, the Pope to Wavle aton,ae would nave been the case bad eer. Itooseeelt visited the Pontiff ani later called upon the Methodists simply to demonstrate that be could net be treated ae was farmer Vice -President Fairbanks, • The • faction hostile to the Papal Sec- retary's attitude asks what the Vatigan wouldthink if next autumn, wh•en Cita dinal Vincenzo Vannutelli, atter attend- ing the Eecharistic Congress at Mout' real, should, upon going to the United States, be asked to dine with Preside. Taft on the condition that he would n %lett the Apoatolic miseion Itouec Washington, directed by lgr. A. Doyle, and which mission, like tha the Methodists in Rome, is engage zonberting persons to the faith it sent:. TOO HEAVY. DRIVING OUT JEWS Russia Engaged in the Work of Ex- pulsion FeCIM That Country, Harrowing Tales Told by Hebrews From Rokhara and Elsewhere, Berlin, April 10. Expitleione of joie from ROS414 are taking place on a teal() unprecedented in extent and cruelty, The &tads xeceived by the German Eewkirlieliee Ado:elation bulicate that the number is luereasieg from day to day, and already rea.elies far into the theueancle. The entire jowish population of the Russian Empire is in a state of the ut- most terror. Almost every contin.unity outeide the limited regions where Jewit Aro permitted to dwell is daily the scene of wholesale otrIctiens, Jews who liave elieriot. dyfor many years in the Baltic, pro- vinees and. also those resident ia Itieff are being pereecuted with especial coy- Rieff alone 3,200 families have wee deprived of the right of further One thousand six hundred families of Bokhara Jews have been driven from their homes (luring the last few weeks„ and tom find themselves in a, most des- perate plight. 'The Emir of Boichara, acting in cooperation with the Jews' Ruseian persecutors, has refused to per- mit them to re-enter the couutry. Several Bokhara refugees arrived in Berlin this week with harrovring tales of oppression, Even, in the sooalled settlement distriots, where Sews are supposed to enjoy the unmolested right of domi- cile, the expulei.on regime is in full swing. The authorities have harked baok 10 the notorious Ignazieff "May laws" of 1882 and 1861 and with un- restrained cruelty are driving- out the comparatively eew Jews who inhabit tae settlement districts and are corn - pelting them to seek refuge in the overcrowded oities, where starvation and pauperism sooner cle later CM - pia theme to flee the eountry. Protests at the Russian Ministry of the Literior, which formerly -resulted in the abatement of the articularly 120 ion the or - Woman in Burning House Cove With Tarpaulins By Firemen, Ottawa, April 10.-Pinding it impos- sible to get Mrs. Lachapelle, an invalid, and a, very heavy woman, out of the se- cond story of a burning house at 71 An- drew street late on Saturday night, Chief Graham and his men of the fire brigade adopted the quick-witted expedi- ent of seating up the door of the -MOM and tovering the woman with tarpaulins so as to prevent death from. suffocation. The fire was discovered about 11 p. m. by Mrs. Ladhapelle's son-in-law, Mr. E. A.tchambaula of the Royal Mint. He gave the alarm at, once, and all the in- mates got out, except hire. Archambault, who refused to Iwo her mother, an she was unable to walk. When the firemen arrived Mrs. Archambatile was brought down on a ladder. Her mother was too stout for the firemen to put through Ike window, and Chief Graham there- upon temporarily sealed up the room, while salvage tarpaulins were used to cover the invalid. o • * Montreal, April 10.--Lieutetea. A, kitevenson, one of the °Idiot •And best known eitizene of 'Montreal, whose name was known all over (dinette, died at his residence in this city Sat. why after a brief Inc. Col. Steven- ellpee 000 'wee Years of age; lotd beet) in felling heitItti for some time, eutd his death wits not unexpeetea. In his Oarly lye. Col. Stereneoe »leyed a •v./nee-am- out pint in the eitiee leber pioininentin Militetry, smarting end thee affairs. By busittees he WAS a printer THEATRE BURNED. • Scott's Opera House at Galt Destroy- ed and Stores Damaged. Galt Deseatch.--rire vldrilt broke out shortly before 1 o'clock this afternoon, completely gutted Scott's Opera Muse and caused a loss estimated at e20.000, partially covered by Insurance. A. defec- tive wire le thought to have caused, tbe blaze, Leon Shupe, agent for James Scott, of Waterloo, the owner of the building, says that if the town does not purchase the property for .an addition to Queen's Square, the theatre will be rebuilt. and enlarged. The total loss on bUilding la estiMated at tt20,000. Lockhart, plumber, on the ground floor, lose heavy, insurance 42,000, divided between the Anglo-American and the Dominion, * DOMINION DieYeDOOK CO. A Strong Company. Incorporated to Operate at Quebec. Ottawa, Apeil 10. -The Canada Gazette announces the incorporation of the Dominion Drydock Company, with headquarters at Quebec, and a capital stock nominally placed at $1,000,000. The incorporators art: Sir Thomas Shaughnessy and Mr, Hugh Andrew Allan, of Montreal; George D. Davie and William AL Dobell, of Quebec; Walter E. roster, of St. Sohn, NAL; term Perrie, of Belfast, and Sir Robert W. Perks and Arthur M. Grenfell, of London, England. The company is empowered to carry on a general business of ship -building and ship -repairing, building and operating drydocks and subsidiary undertakings. Tho Gazette allot announces the in- corporation *f Wornen's Garments, Limited, of Toronto, with a capital stock Of two million deflate. de-ededeedededeed BRAKEMAN KILLED - Springfield, Ill., April 11. --In a toll'. ssion between a trowded street ear and it Chicago & Alton freight, train on a grade crossing lad night, Walter Foote, brakeman on the trait, Was kilicd, and ten passengerd in the %hag car Were !seriously itdured, one of whom, Mr. Arthifr Reed, may die, At But the Count Explained and Hos- itlities Were Called Off, St. Petersburg, April 11.-A duel be- tween former Premier Count Witte, who represented Russia in the peace negotia- dans with Japan at Portsmouth, and General Kuropatkin, formerly command- eren-chief of R,ussian forces in the field, has been averted, through an explana- tion by the former. Gen. Iduropatoin took offence at a speech in which Count Witte aseerted that the modern Russian military com- manders were lacking in moral courage, and were prone to blame others for their e own failures. The general accepted the reference as a pmernal insult, and, challenging, see - ends were appointed by both men. Sub- sequently the count expressed regret that ide spoken words were such teat the general could consider them as re- ferring to himself, and said that the re- marks were intended merely fer general application. In eending the communica- tions exchanged to the newspapers, thi seconds state that the ineident has been aatiefactorily disposed of. MULES BURNED. Pittsburg, April 00--flitsty-three mules 'belonging to the Weestraoreland Ceel were berried fin a that irt 5fire which destroyed the oormarte's efialdee At Shelton near here eerie tenday. The Ices of the stook and buildings is eletird4. ted et $16,00ti, all insured. - IP` LAURA SECORD. 41.••••••••••••••••11 St, Catharines Man Gets the Contract For Her Monument. t. Cotharinee, Ont., April 11.-t1ie tract for the Laura. Secord Monument, ment has been awarded to James Mun- ro, of this city. It will be a square block of marble twelve feet high with a settee foot square base carved, liberal- ly with maple leaves and bearing a bronze medallion of the "Heroine," The Cost is $2,000. A year is given in Which to eomplete the work. The memorial will be placed at Queenstown Heights; within a few feet from General Brock's monumeat. • e FOUND GUILTY. Gouin Escapes Conviction For Murder --Judge Censures Jury. in aback on tits outskirts of Cobalt last Novenalier, the juey went out et 11.25, and returned at 1.15 on Saturday morning. Mz. lilaekstorkes address to the jury was dramatic la its force of accusation, and the marelialling of the evideuce. In a very -clever (+Adresse counsel for the prisoner, Mr. T. W. McGarry, K. C., dis- credited the evidence of the Crown's principal witness and outlined the proofe of the reasonableness of Goulie's story, besides setting up a strong story of death from tuberculosis apart from any connection with. injury. An unusual feature of tile C400 Was the Judge retarding the verdict until eertain portion!) of tho (widow° wrong- ly interpreted by the Crown lind been reread. He asked them to retire for consideration. This the jury reftteed to do, stating tbat all the evidence had been carefully considered and a verdict bad been arrived at of not guilty. Mr. Neel:stock cliaracterizea the verdict aa a. traveety on justice, and announced that two other charges of wounding with intent would be pressed, Citief Justice Muloek made no connneet in aismissing the jttra. IN COLLISION, 11,•••••••.1.,,. Brakeman Jeffries, of St., Thomas, Fatally Scalded Near Waterford. St. Thomas, April 10.-Thomasb. Jeffries, a lerakemaie died in the hos- pital here on Saturday night, and Os- car S. Poss, engineer, is recovering from severe scalds received in 4 Wreek On the M. C. R. at- Waterford at midnight on Friday, when a mere ebandise freight crashed into the rear end of a dead freight. Seven cars were derailed, five of them demolished. The engine was thrown (woes the oppo, site track on its side, and the eseapieg deem caused the injuries to the engi- neer and. brakeman. P. Maloney tried to escaper over the coal tender and was bur- ied in the cm!, but escaped unhurt. The damage to rolling stock will be about $5,000. All the injured men were on the' second trnin. The dead brakeman was twenty-five years old, manarlied, and lived in the eity with his widowed. mother. His sufferings before death were severe. An inquest has been ordered et the request of the deeeaeed's mother. It is said Engineer Foss misunderstood signals, and ran past tbe brakeman sent out to flag the rear of the first train. • THE LORDS' VETO. Government Will Resign or Dissolve Parliament if Bill is Rejected. London, April 11. --The Master of lei - bank, Chief Liberal Whip, speaking at Manchester to -night, indicated that the Government will resign or dissolve when the Lords decide either to reject of sus- pena the veto resolutions, whieh, pre- sumably, will be at the end of May. A further issue of £4,000,000 three months' treasury bills is announced to meet the national expenditure. During the last six weeks the Government has been borrowing at the rate of £4,000,000 weekly. The Chronicle says there is a growing belief that the political crisis allay end in a compromise. The latest theory is that the King may act aos pacifica- tor. North Bay, April 10. -After it weary, nerve-wreeking seseion which lasted from Monday until late Saturday night, the Spring Aesizes tame to a close. .All day Saturday the court 'wrestled with the charge against Saul Gouin of wounding Mary Smith with intent to kill and the lesser charge of wounding and tettsing serious bodily harm. After be- ing out two hours, the jury returned it verdict of guilty of wounding ate in - Meting serious bodily harno Judge Mu - lock made a scathing aenunciation 01 Gonin, wbern he charged with being guilty of cold-blooded murder without the shadow of reason or excuse, end sent him back to jail until the Autuinn Aa. tiros!, when he will 'receive sentence, his time in jail in the meantime to be count- ed. upon his ultimate sentence. Walter ROtOs was sentenced to be hang- ed on Friday, :May 20. lamest Moran Was Sentenced to ten years in penitentiary. Moran's counitel, G. r1. T. Bull, made a strong plea for clemency. Mn. Blacketork neeonded the request for mercy, and. the judge son - in both. but 'id that the ittterest of juetiee demended a !sentence. In the catie *Oust Saul Goethe se. atse4 of the murder of Mary Z. Smith GOLD MILL BURNED Quarter of a Million Dollars' Dam- age Done By Explosion, Goldfield, Nev., April 9. -The 850 ton mill of the Golfield consolidated mines compariy was damaged by fire to the extent of a, quarter of a. million dollars last night. Following an explosion in the refinery where over half a million dollars in. bullion were stacked for :ship- ment, the fire spread to a huge convey- or that carried flames to the saanpling department and stamp batteriea. A shut down of sixty days will probably be en- tailed. 4 14. SUICIDE'S GRAVE. Waterloo Murderer and Suicide Buried -Victim Laid to Rest, Guelple Ont., despatch: The body of Albert Aatuns, of Weisenburg, who shot his wife and committed suicide, was laid yesterday afterooan in an unconsecroted grave, without the parish ground, at New Germane,. Mrs. Adams wan buried this morning. Rev. Father Footer, th.e parish priest at New Germany, offitheted, aud there was a large attendance of people from all points around, The body of Mrs. Adtons was placed in the New temenany burying ground, outside whieh the remains of her suicide husbana had been placed. '• HE FINED HIM. To Say I Love My Wife, But Oh, You Kid," Held Lawful, A. Voter, a Toronto barrieter, is dead. Ma IX G. efacelartite of Perth, has been appointed Sheriff of Lanark dimi- ty. Preparations are being Made foran- oiltehetir. world ernire of the United States Enehteer J. Byrne, of the etamer Vivo °Roses, is in jail. at Rainy River, charged with obootieg Ids wife. Mrs. John Deckberiser, of Cereal, gide birth to triplets yeeteeley. Wei eirle au+ a bey. They are all =1 eng well. Essex County Coutwil lute rejeetea Windsor's offer of a free site for the county buildinga, and will build it large alditioni Sendwiele The great warehouse of the Salaila Tea Company, at 3.?„ *denier! street, To- ronto, took fire this =meg. The loss will be abod $50,000. A. fine wing will be added to tee leingrton oost-office, and when it is completed there will lie changes made iso that all the offices, will be accessible from the plain lobby. The busieese seetion of Middletown/ Pee o town of about 10,000 peed?, wee swept by fire on Saturday, about ow- arity-five buildings being burned, with a lose of about 8400,000. For stabbing his wife to death at De- troit last December, Prater Dickerson was found, guilty of murder in the first degree Saturday afternoen. The mur- der tvas it most brutal one, Fourteou men were killed and ono fat- ally injured by the preanature explosion of dynaoaite et a construction estop near Novite, on the U.'extui extension of the Santa Pe Railroad on Sunday. Hon, W. 0. H. Grimmer, Survepor- General, announces that the lumber-eut on the Crown lauds of New Brunswick will be at least 205,000,000 superfieial feet, and may run as high ae 280,000,000. Peterboro' milkmen have raised the priee of milk from Ge a. quart to $o for patrons who take milk from neighbors in the eity during the pasture months, The high cost of -winter feeding .is giv. en 59 a. reason. Italian Freemasons have bought the Palazzo Giustiniani, in Rome. They in- tefid to expel the priests occupying apartin.ents in the palace, and to use the building as the licadgmeriere of Free- masonry in Italy. Jeanette Muir, the four-year-old daughter of W. A. Muir, and his wife, who were paseengers eu route from the east to Crandel, Mau., died on Board passenger train No. 97 shortly after ite departure from Renora. . In o ruuning, fight im which a iinzen shots were exchanged, Jack Hardy. ate eused of robbing the bank at Rani> pie Nebraska, of $10,000 recently, was caught in the Des Moines railroad yards by Special Policeman Bond. Dr. Andrew F. Heermance Smith, ono sultiug „physician to a number of New York hosoitele and author of many monographs ou medical stibjeets, is dead at the Hotel A.Igonquin, New York, which he owned. He was 73 years ale, Shortly after 3 o'clock on Sunday morning John Finlayson, a St. Cathar- ines taller, was killed ;by a Michigan ,Central train at the Main street cross- ing, Niagara Palls. In stepping oft one train to allow an eastbound train to pass he stepped iu front of another train. Thrown from his trap when his horse shied at it passing auto at the comer of Vancouver and McClure streets, Victor- ia., B. C., Capt. R. G. Tatlow, late Min - later of Finance and Agriculture in the McBride, Government, sustained injur- its which may yet prove fatal, All the gas -lighted buoys from Detroit to Port Huron are installed and the Grosse Pointe and Lake Huron light vessels have moored on their respective stations. The gas buoys are now . quip ped with mantle butners, greetly in- oreasing the power of the light. The Manila court has ordered the re- lease of three of the six Chinese who were -Arrested upon their return there after having been deported. Attorneys for the Chinese have secured a tempor- ary injunction restraining the authora ties fieen again deportiog them, Free* Keiser, principel in the fatal prize fight of schoolboys at Garfield, N. I., which resulted iu the death of Gil- bert Trehou, was arrested yesterday in Wilmington, Del. Last night he was brought back to Hackensack, N.J., and lodged in jail, charged with murder. Buffalo, April 11- When Miss Rue lat- lidera of Cedar City, received a picture posteard upon which was -Written ''1 love my wife, but oh, ,you kidt" sbe had James Sehantith, a young Callaway county farmer, arrested for sending im- proper matter through the mane, eans it Jefferson. City. Mo., meeial despitteh to Ilia St. Louis Globe -Democrat. 'Recently Judge Pollock, of the 'Culled. Steam Dis- trict Volta, held that "1 lov.? my wife. but oh, you kid!" is all right. but that the posteard in iteeli was bad, eio time' eeltamith, who eateria a plea of euilty, $1 and eoete, Ilea warned idin t be catefill 1» the future. - - SHOT WIFE 1OI1 DANCING. Fort Frances Mad Will Likely Face Muirder �harge. Wort Wrafices, Ont., Deseatele-But twelve months married, a an named Burns shot Ida bride beams she attend- ed a dance: against lila exereseed wishea tee hi now in custody and mite Is dying. • Towing ills abeence she attended it (lama, going to the home of it Indy trend to spent the balonee of the itight. omens returning and not finding Ms wife (It Mane started mit with ft 14,V, iVt.1 t'lld. 011 finding liar, fired two •:!ttne, Loth tatting erect In the brad. 11.0 victIM Is a tia.unhter or a t...1„ N. it. engineer, named Good, of Pauly Myer, HAVE YOU A TELEPHO virs,, y041401174 ylrouatublatoug&rtipboroLoireeta. weiledweeteelduletituu;r at,...„...4.2,1,1_, .....Q.,i,, VP- WM* *•"Meth. T:cowuletiltAciet4ov...4r"4011,74.14 40. 11 :" ifl CVCflP th; $11gUill1r5 for Inn-. •r`o 140a wo n4esi tO el v.t.t: ti 1:01 1:10w v(16%44. • !bout this lestnimeneethe .. f;:',14 ro,„ :kv,,,,:tume:treeike: le 'Memo that cote "Row tiereets the alit euemonthsofeetionesett ''''1•!.: A''' - Simple me mitirenetia i0. 1I$$ P9liztaiti Ptertsilieterilitt tet141.13, country ruatrae tlitUwesgtAGITOIctrO4V40 oseel 4 rot '11 g_et4t:enee::tiOoyonttt 0 otet 411 lihenei the prate= for route* 'WhY Atom r. we r4 Is the Northern Zlectrie batter thee coat st mist eani. itesia it to -4 . attar 'phones?“ 1°110 tlie Mentifectereie c.nd seveliele maparattuised eguipreeriteuid OM keg. ettuctigai pad tanbateneuee eptiosis mad W Meat& &Wan DAUM MONTREAL TORONTO REC4INA VANCOUVER lefutienten Con Nottseiriesere &Ode 150 fiettSL CALWAY rW4( St. W. 199ttiargA It is stated that as a result of the re- oeut debate in the French Senate, when the Government was violently attooked for the inferiority of the French army in •airships, as compared with the Ger- nian army. it has beeu decided to order immediately eight dirigible balloons. From indications at Whinipeg it woulil „went that a Board of Cencillation will hare 10 be convened to eettle the trou- bles between the C. N. R. and its me - ebonies over the wage soliedulee. All negotiations to date have failed. to de- velop. any approach to an amicable set- tlement. , The Vreneb Parliameeb will shortly debate a proposed now law, which it is believed will be a great stop towards di- minishing infant mortality. .11 provides a pension of from 00 to 180 franc; for fathers of families bringiug ap at their own expellee, at least four children nudieiin1go3'tYentl3e Owing feet time Trinity Uni- vereity, which is affiliated with the Uni- versity of Toronto, is too far distant from the latter institution, 1t1e quite probable that before very long some arrangement will be made whereby Trinity will be moved to within easy walking distance of Varsity. Miss Mary C. Wheeler, 35 years old, a school teacher, was found untongsious on her father's grave in Lakeside Ceme- tery, Buffalo, on Saturday afternoop. She died thatnight. A. note requesting that M. MeCleland, her fiance, be noti- fied was found en the body. Symptoras of poisoniug point to suicide. At the Belleville Police Court on Sat- urday, before Magistrate Masson, ex - Alderman Hope McGinnis was sentenced to two menthe' imprisonment in the eounty Tail on two charges, both to run concurrently, for asraulting Constable ?eaphin, discharging firearms, malicious injury to property, and insulting Ser- geant Naphin. • A. bottle thrown overboard from the French liner Touraine on August 9. 1909, of the coast of Newfoundland, was picked up off the coed of Wa'es on Marcb. 25 last, in Fishguard Bay; Pem- brokeshire. It contained the card el Paul Marti a New York merchant, tele./ firetit, heard of it on Saturday, Ile will send 85 to eah of the two boys e found lm Fire starting on Saturday afternoon in the organ loft of the fashionable Green Avenue Presbyterian Church in Brooklynea lofty brick and stone struc- ture, burned out the rear section and badly damned the upper portion of the causing a loss estimated at from $50,000 to $75,000. The high tower, containing a 1,000-1b. bell, NVS4 badly damaged, but did not fall. Ten sfwitchmen in the employ of the Kansite City Southern Potilway have beeti arrested at Kansas City on a charge that they have been operating a syndicate for the stealing of goods in transit. Between $00,000 and $100,000 worth of merchandise hee been stolen from cars by the syndiatte in the last two yearn. officiate of the road say. Last month it $3.000 shertage was re- corded. Begone N.- Foss, Charles Heinen, old eaves- Fitzgerald have Iron invited to speak at a b1g. Democratic convention at Rochester, N. Y., on the subject of reciprocity with Canada. It is under- stood that James S, nevem, Democratic candidate for Congress for the Rochester dietriet, will try to duplicate the fight that was so etice,erefully waged by Mr. Foss in the Fourteenth dietrict of UTI.S. saehusetts, Two women ,agents of Tolman, the notorious New York' money leuderiwere couvleted. before Judge Denton, at To- ronto, me charges of usury. Pines of $260 each, or in default thee months' imprisonment, were imposed. The ac- cused were granted one mouth's stay in order to permit an appeal being en- tered. The Judge was quite severe in his comments and warning to the as- ell:II:fatal accident befell Mr, W. Pont*, aged 75 years, living at the home of J. Wellheaser, Peter street, Berlin, Ont When closing his window, he reached out to get something which he thought had fallen out, aid cverbelaneed and fell down on the roof of the verandah. learnt this he rolled all to the ground, alighting on a fence. ID had several ribs and other bones broken, and. was seriously injured that he died. ttbout half an hour later. The Inter -State Commerce Conunis- sloe, in a decision, holds it to be "unjust and unieasonable" for the Pullman Com- pany to charge equally for the upper and lower berths in its sleeping cars. Differential charges are ordered in sev- eral instances, and Pull:nen rates from Chim.go to the Pacific are ordered re- duced. A short night's journey, the Commission holds, should not carry a ra.te of more than $1.40 for a lower berth and $1.10 for ae upper. The famine of agricultural laborers continues in Manitoba, and it is esti- mated that. nearly twelve thousand men could find hurnediate employment in the three prairie provinces at wages run- ning from $1811 to $275 per annum, ac- cording to experience. There are also openings for lour hundred married coup- les at wages of $350 to $400 per annum. The immigration authorities have sit- uations available for eight thousand men. Mr. D. L. Rey, Counsul-General for Switzerland, who was shot in the fate by a Montreal policeman, on December 7, while the chase after Vincent Mor- gan, wanted on a charge of housebreak- ing and robbery, was in progress, was awarded $1,500 damages by the jury in the Superior Court on Saturday. The city claims that it is not" responsible for people injured by the pollee when the latter are pursuing tbeir regular work, , A wire tapping coup of gloantie pro- portions was pulled off in the Philadea plea pool -rooms on Saturdayit hi saki it extended to New- York, Ohieago lute about every large eity in the weary. The medium by whieh the tel.& was con- senimated was tee fourth rate at Cala land. One hundred thoosani doileos was cleaned up bere, it is -stated, bet it is said double tbat sum was real- ized by the tappers throughout the eoteeitry. The wire tappere sone Ott wrong prices and jockey to the inrorma- tion bureau. • ••••• 1111141.111111116.;.,6•0101.4.••••••••••••••••ft The Ingredients Used In Medicinal and Toilet Preparations are of the same high quality as those your druggist uses in filling yottr physician's prescriptions. We Could Not Afford to use any but the fittest arid purest materials in each and every NA.niktr.co preparation, because on the quality of each depends the future Of the whole lite. Linked together as they are by the NA.-D1t1T-00 Trade The lgatienal Drag and. Chemical Company supplies the greater part of the drugs diipeased by the phyalca and druggists of Cana, and it is probable *at the ingredients tmettby your own druggist in his prescription work came from out warehouses. Vrora these:tame warehouses come s loent* VM S*** *Ass.. the ingredients used by our expert "'V" 1."svOark, a single lertiele found unreliableellernisee compestinding NA.-D1MCO preparations. Would go far to destroy your conddence in all Everyicle ounce of materiel used in every NA.-DA.IY-CO NA-DKU-CO gmals. Ask your druggist about the lethality of (het drugs artis the best that Our skilled buyers select we supply to itim--,about our facilities for toinportitd.. treta the world's Markets, Ing out -sexier Icedifinel and toilet preparation/se-about our teliability. Go; little &dew if yon like and ask your phy- sician or your druggist what goes =to NA-DRII-00 preparations. They can tell you, for we will furnish toprear apnyapultyoan.iteimi of. druggiet Canfield, On request, 0. full liat Of the ingredients 113 any NA-DRIe.00 We Can Afford to use only the very beet itusterials *Wm, hAYIng In =Maenad quantitiea for our wholesale trade, we get the bast crude drugs at rock bottesti prima. in our &mulct/ laboratoriee the= rowntetwhass roSned and prepared by expert *might =ad int toed Ur tests both for stoanoth and ptirity ote being tit in NA -Ma -CO preparldiets. "Money Back" Plirtheinnore, if *ny NA -DRU -CO article you buy NA.ORLI-CO Owl liver Oil Compound, for instance, Is wade fro= the beet of fataterials, by our does net entirely ettisfy you, return it and your expertcheruistS suul. is consectestly the Moat perfect druggist will reft=t1 your money. tonicNA-DM If your druggist la= not the NA.-D1W-CO article . :I -CO thre•xotte,ip smother aftiking tatitIttAS1O of the mango out okilled chemist* get. from .you Want la ate& he GM get it tor you within two geed ingredients. deye from our nearest wholeaele branch. A PAW NA4),1,8,10;tC0..:1, tj4.0altetritet: • 4er Ott Compound, rallsestioi trait* airata•lithit Oititeieet Tasteless, ie shore =coder ts AS* VerV44044 Witch irsott drogue 44321 tfird" I rile Olotment -Cod &Wet 00 Emoisiot (etteee) National Drug Alid Chemical Company of Canada, Limit Wholonlie IiIrerteinie Ott Halifax, Ottawa, Y..ingston Toronto, London, flemliten, letitiora Vantietreate Victoria. THE LORDS' VETO The Closure WM Be Introduced On Thursday if Necessary4 Uad to Please ,a Nationalist Leader and the Other Also, London, April 10. -The political pot boils soothingly in ,Perilement, but the public listlessly read the headlines only from the newspapers, evading the per- usal of the long relents of the (Wades in the ifonee of Commend and equally dull editorials. Not week the Liberal. Government may begin to diecover precieely where it is at in re- gard to the budget and the Lon& veto measures, Yesterday the Govenunent whips tient urgent netiegs bo the 'Aeries and Nationalists to at- tend next week's debates, The veto resolution debate is destined to be ehort, if aot sweet, for tee guillotine of dour° will automatically cut Off the discuesion. To -morrow the Government's resolution enabling an bine to became law after three rejections by the 1101180 of Lords will enter the eonunittee stage The debate on this resolution will con- tinue until Thursday, when the guillo- tine will be applied and a vote takeu on Ilia whole resolution. On Thursday night the House wilt vote on the GeV. ernment's resolution jimitino, the du- ration „of Parliament to five yearS in. stead of seven. It is conceded that Premier Asquith will have almost Insurmountable diffb culty in planning his prograinme to suit both Mr. Redmond and the members of the Cabinet, who are not yet prepared to demand guarantees froan the throne, while there is Liberal, uneasiness about the fate of the eadget. This Liberals are hoping the Irish will not destroy it, 11 18 admitted that the Irish have the whip band. The Liberal leaders trust that the Irish and the bulk of tire Lib- eral party will be satisfied if they re- eeive assurances that if a Liberal major- ity is again elected the Veto bill will become law or the Liberal Government will decline to remain, in office. Despitt the hopes of the Liberal leaders, it is be- lieved that Mr. Redmond will stand op for his demand for guarantees from the throne. Very few believe that Mr. As- quith will advise the King to take such an extreme step as the creation of 350 new peers. Mr. Itailinand demands that guarantee from the throne but few believe that Mr. Asquith will con- sent ot it. Mr. Asquith is determined to pass the budget, but wbether he will stand firm by the Liberals' desire that the Government shall resign office if it tanuot devise meens to °venom the re- -defiance of the House of Lords to all Liberal measures remains to be seen.- Politically, Mr. Asquith is between the devil and the deep sea, and the public callously does not care which gate him. NOT TRUE, SAYS GEORGE. Chancellor of the Exchequer Lloyd, George repudiates Wm. O'Brien's state- raent regarding the ooncessions he was alleged to be willing to make to obtain Irish support for the Government. Mr. O'Brien read at the meeting Saturday in Cork, at which he made his state, inent, a letter which be said lie had sent to Mr. Lloyd -George after his first interview with him, recapitulating the concessions for confirmation, and he add- ed that he had read the letter aloud to Mr. Lloyd -George at their second toter - view. Mr. Lloyd -George says on this point: "I never received the letter, and it was never read to me. The statements made in it are grossly -untrue. The whole at - fair is a disgraceful breach of confi- dence •es M. P. KILLED. tymeoNda:Iimemblel Thrown From His Horse at a Steeple- chase at Epping, England. London, April 10. -The Parliamentary steepleehases which had not been run for three years were revived on klatur- day and were attended by a fatal acci- dent. The rases were latla at Epping in the presence of it great crowd of legis- lators, racing men, prominent Govern- ment officials and others. Sir William Grantham, Judge of this King's Bench division of the High Court of Justice, and the Right Hon. ,Tames W. Lowther, Speaker of ,the House, :rotted as Judges. In th.e principal eveat of the day, the House of , Genifinons rite, there were fourteen staters, the Hon. Neil Prim- rose, the yourtgest son of the Pearl of Rosebery, and. Viscount Castlereagh be - big the favorites. While leading at fast pace the horse elation by the sep. tnagenarian member, the Right Iton. James Toriakinson, of Cheshire, fell at a fence. Mr. Tomkinson was thrown and suffered a concussion of the brain. He died to -day. Mr. Tomkinson had repro.. ented the Crewe division of Cheithire since 1000 and. was a Libeled. Ito was born in Mei. WAS COSTLY,. Miller Bill Cost People of Canada Over $35,000, 0 laws, ,April 11 -The considaretion et the Miller bill was azi expensive thing for the country. Traroduired in the House on November 11, it was given its eireond reading on December 2, end wits then referred to the arieciali committee. The licering of evidence Woo on Sert- nary 18, and lasted until February 18, during which time the tommittee set 12 days and heard 56 witneasee. The fee paid to witnesses Will ex- ceed 82,500, the printhig of the evidence cost the tountry itt teed $1,000, *Vet/ when taken et the Government bag* of a concern which does its own work; the translation of the repoet and t'he dence into Fiona will cost d700, and taking the value ot time of tine Howes at $21 a minute, as has been atated bv thoFe who have it fans for Norte, it is easy to raleulide a tote) exoesediog 815,000, and all or uothing, Os far Ai venal legielation itt concerned. This takes ito note of the tote • venom which will be $26411 it day at MIT Tete.