HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-04-14, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL Iii, 1910
Clothing For
The Boys
lkiasaaffix 'Code\s 7,So
1‘,N, tkkkkt ed\c‘ays
Sailors in the Newest Models are Smart
Suits for Boys, ages 5 to it).
The College Suits, with Bloomer Knick-
ers, a correct- Suit for Canadian Boys.
Boys, like men, want the latest thing in
Cloths. We sell the best to be had,
quality, choice of materi.ls and tailoring
`�3oys' I'mtslisms
A choke assortment of Caps, `Hats,
Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Ties, etc., in the
latest Spring Styles .in stock here.
gar", 151*ISILSKII193,0••••••=1•3111=9111.1V6IIRACISIMMIN
McGee & Campbell
Clothiers and Mon's Furnishers
A physician of Currie, near Ellin;
burgh, who has Iong been known as
"the starving doctor," has died at the
age of ninety-one. The peculiarities
of his treatment were that he gave
little medicine, no alcholic stimulants,
and encouraged rest and fasting clur-
ing illness. "Open the windows, go
to bed, eat nothing at all and drink
plenty of gcod water,' he was accus-
tomed to tell his patients. His suc-
cess was attested both by his large
practice and by his own retention of
health to extreme old age.
• .^ i.... r. n. i.l..e.'ir. �'ifb: ivy"... .•? •-.� ."•;'�t'e,�G.nY tL y,.l.. Y. •._•.v ;�+:.•.'+•n7'• ✓}',
That the best body-building
and strengthening tonic for
Delicate Chlldren
"My 9 year old daughter was "My two children, who were puny
weak, pale, and had no appetite. 1 and ailing, rapidly gained flesh and
gave her Vino!, and she began to strength when I began to give them
thrive at once. She gained rapidly Vinol. 1 proved that Vinol is a eplen-
in weight, color and strength."— did tonic for delicate children."—
Mrs.W. H. GILMORE,Durand,,Mich. Mrs. C. ALLEN, New Bedford, Mau.
Vinol builds up healthy flesh and makes thin little limbs round
and plump. Children love to take it.
We return people's money without 'question it Vino'
v does not accomplish an we claim for it. Try i1, please.
J. Vet A .,`1 ON tilu .4 t, NAkir.mur,,.graylitE-2=1.12MMUMEsm =ma
$atnmer pruning Is best for shade
Ilse the pruning knife freely on .the
tops of weak and declining plants in
order to give them a new start.
Don't prune until after the bloom-
ing period,
Nearly all flowering shrubs bloom
on. the wood .of the previous years
growth -
.Dy cutting back the heads of young
plants, a thicker, broader growth is
Never cut downward on a limb, a
ragged wound is usually the result of
so doing,
When planting shrubs, cut back the
branches one-half, to balance the root
To produce a low -headed fruit tree,
trim on all branches and cut back the
top to 15 or 20 inches at planting
To avoid crotches in mature trees,
remove all limbs in two-year-old trees
that form crotches with their neigh-
Don't forget to cover the wound.
made by pruning with tar or common
paint, preferably drab.
Do not depend upon winter praising
to keep formal shrubs in shape. They
will never look well. Prune two or
three times during the summer..
Remember that summer pruning in-
duces fruit -bearing, while winter
pruning encourages a heavy growth
of wood Summer pruning should be
light, however, and pruning in winter
is often necessary in any case.
It is much better to cut away a little
wood each year than a largo amount
occasionally. I3eein when the tree is
young and you can shape it in any
way that you desire. Remember that
a low -headed tree is easier to spray
and easier to pick the frnit from than
one whose branches are high in the
To Cure The. Egg. Eaters.
Readers will in all probability bo in•
torested in the following recipe for
the egg eating habit :—Mix a mash of
equal parts of corn meal and bran,
dampen with vinegar. Feed this
mash in the morning when the fowls
are hungry. No other food should be
given until a little of this has been
taken. After some has been eaten,,
feed and water as usual.
Nearly Unanimous. •
Last week a vote on local option
was taken in Megantic, Rue., with the
ri:sult"that only ono vote was recorded
against the by-law. Lake Moganio,
a place of over three thousand inhabi-
tants, has been noted for the large
quantity of liquor sold there. At one
time there were nine licenses, now
there are six, and after May I, there
will be none. Father J. E. Choquette
has led the prohibitionists for over
five years in the light for temperance.
Going to sleep in church is likely to
be no m )re awkward and rude a thing
than waking up suddenly in church.
An i' en: in a country paper, says
Ynn mi Companion, aptly illustrates.
th4s. No doubt the lady who behaved
L, rself admirably under the circum-
stances, was quite as much embarrass-
ed as her husband.
Major Young went to sleep Sunday
in church just before the plate was
passed. He snored for a while in a
ladylike manner, bat suddenly lot out
a few links that sounded like a trom-
bone solo.
At that point his wife jabbed him
in the ribs with her elbow, Which
awakened him sufficiently to remark,
"Let me alone ! Get up and build the
fire yourself. Its your turn."
EOPLE use ML Floorglaze for the hulls
of sailboats and motor -boats, and are
satisfied with the way it looks and lasts.
That proves. M L Floor laze is water -proof.
A good all-purpose finish, therefore.
EQPLE use ML Eloorglazeon vehicles,
too, and find it looks better and lasts
longer than any kind of varnish. or paint
That proves M L Floorglaze is fade -proof
and weather-proof. The perfe>tt pros
ted'. or for all woodwork, therefore,
).EOPLE find that M L Floorglaze helps
house'wivei keep floors dust -free because
the surface stays glass -hard and glossy..
M L Floorglaze doesn't mind wet, sun, scuff
of feet nor dragging of furniture across it.
L FLOORGLAZE is the best thing you
can get to help renovate the whose house.
Fine for all woodwork, indoors and out.
Makes old furniture look new again. Goes
farthest, too—gallon. ` covers 500 t square feet.
Choose among 17 pretty colors in solid enamel
—seven Lacs to imitate hardwoods—and Trans-
parent for natural finish. Comes in little and
big tins. Easy to put it on right. Ask at
your dealer's or write us for news of the hundred.
uses you could make of M L Floorglaze, The
Imperial Varnish & Color Co., Limited, Toronto
Recommended and Sold by all Reliable Dealers,
including J. a. STEWART & CO.
'WhTWiiCornese to Pie•, Madan,
Words Fail Us
Even in the long ago when the preacher said "Dearly Beloved",
even then did we ticlde our fancy with the greedy.ihought that
he really meant --PIE.
For pie, in each of its myriad varieties, is the grand wind-up to a
Joy spread, the last act of a play with a happy ending.
Do you make good pie, Madam—pie that is pie ? Do YOU ?
Says the eminent editor of
the New York Sun :
"The apex of a wedge of pie
"is the alluring- overture to a
"crescendo of a delight which
'reaches • its climax vt the
"crust end", and as this
"crust becomes part of oneself
"one knows what pie is for."
"The "crust end" is the Aral
"cause of pie itself, its raison
"ddtre, the solution of the
"blissful, riddle, why is pie,"
But the crust is made of flour, you
know, and FIVE ROSES is a won-
derfld flour for pie crust, and puff
paste, and such like.
e• * * x
Because, Mistress Housewife, FIVE
ROSES makes your paste close
grained, even of texture and eating
With a delicate, indescribable fla-
vor, sweet as a nut, tender and rich
in color and appearance,
If you should make such pies,
Madam, with the FIVE ROSES
"crust end"—
Whether of apple, or lemon, or
tartlike peach ;
Whether of healthy custard,
juicy pineapple, glorious
mince or dear old pump-
kin and squash ;or all soppy
with the itch red ;Wee of
the cherry—
Why, you get the flower of
the pie farniyevery' time (no
black sheep in that family),
a truly succulent, tasty
With richfillingof your own
composition, daintily baked
in a crust that leaves no unpleas-
Never fear the dire vengeance of
an offended stomach, or any
calamity due to "inside information'
—If you use FIVE ROSES,Madam.
Then watch the hungry wedges
disappear, showing fine appreciation
of YOUR culinary slit!.
To say nothing of the surreptitious
pieces between meals, you know.
And pie it is at its very best when
wrapped up In a FIVE ROSES crust. 1
So, Madam, use your own judgment.
-There is a serions outbreak of dis
temper among horses in South Oa-
tario. Walter Kerr, near Ashburn, is
reported to have lost two horses in one
day from this cause. Oae of these
had been sold a short time before for
$050, but the animal became ill before
delivery could be made. The other
was valued at $350.
.,� �a�_»,.� - ate, ,,.,ams.
�? • =
It is not &eater Income That You
Need, So Muth as the Habit
of Saving
How much of your income
have you left over, at the end
of the year.
Old age is approaching
for all of us—are you mak-
ing provision for it
It's not hard to accumulate
money, once you begin.
The best way to begin is to
open a Savings Account.
Open one to-day—at the
nearest branch of the h#ANlt
Interest credited—at high.
est current rates—on deposits
of $t.oe and upwards.
W n liar , Qntario.
Meed Office, HAMILTON
dApltel Parti -up y $2,000,000
Rosati aid Undivided Profits 2,900,000
1,611,1 Asrct% over $8.000,000
Humor and
24.0111/04./Y r1.4711r11
riiurn kinks In some men'ts busy brawl
Are hard to Understand.
One person to one special canoe
Will give lila heart and hand,
While others Who are lust as wise,
With heads about as long,
On schemes exactly opposite
Wilt bear dawn Just as Arron&
It's pretty hard to comprehend
How men who seern to be
About as bright as any one
With some cults can agree,
And yet if you will look to home
Some notions you mar find
That will not be accepted by
The balance of mankind.
Wo cannot look at things alike.
Each bas his little. fad
That seems to him, if understood,
Would make the whole world glad,
But, some one else may think as welt
Of something that would seem
To you to be a wild and vague
And iridescent dream.
And that Is whY each little cult"
FIas ones by it who swear
And who are looking for a chance
To boost It anywhere.
If we could see things Just aitkR
Perhaps it would be nice,
But. oh, the world would lust for that
Be mighty short on spice!
Kind Words Can Never Die.
"Why is a girl a good cook'"
"Generally because she is too home-
ly to, be frivolous,"
"Right. Why do we so often say 'He
Is very good to his family?"'
"it is ri°cessary to say some good of
"Se's apt to bo an exposed grafter."
You can't become a good workman
by studying bad workmanship.
it often hnppens that we don't knott
it when we get what we want, so don't
know what to do with it.
Confusion of mind Is a dazed condi
Om people Who have minds are some
times subject to.
Any joke Is good enough if it is jolt
Ing timo.
Some people are able to sing, and otb
•ers snore desirable as companions art
able not to.
The Difference,
"it Is hard.";
"What is?" i • }
"To win a rich wife." k: r
"Different with a poor one,"
"She is easy to get, eh?"
"Not exactly."
"What then?" , i , =
"Hard to lose." s ' 'n se, t
Considerate. "
"I hear you have traded doctors."
"What was the matter with the old
"Nothing, but I couldn't pay him just
now, and I thought I would divide up
my favors." -
Double Culture.
"Going to night school?"
"Can you learn as much as at day
"More. I can spell just as well in the
dark as in the light."
And Getting Them.
"Why are you waiting?"
"For all things. `Why are you worir-
"For some
things." ;Piss' •
Defined. 117
"What is a policeman?" o
"A policeman?"
"One who isn't out looking for trrou-
if you have indigestion, year food
fertnetits in the stomach and bowels.
It does more : it decays, and the nutri-
tious matter which should go to make
new blood decays with it, and this
leads to an impoverished condition of
the blood, to nervousness, biliousness,
constipation, sick headache, bad
breath which disgusts your friends,
and other disagreeable and unpleasant
And all this trouble is canned by ,the
food that doesn't digest, but ferments
and often rots In the-rtomach.
And fermentation ie caused by the
stomach not being strong enough and
energetic enough to thoroughly mix
the food with the digestive juices.
M-I.O-N-A is responsible or tens of
thousands of cures, In fact, it is such
a positive cure for indigestion and all
stomach troubles that it le gnat/Aced
by J. W. to cure or moneyback. The price of a large box of Mt•
o•na tablcte is 500c, and they are sure
to promptly relieve the worst case of
indigestion or 'vowels. Try tiseti,
ains or
"I carry Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain
Pills with me all the time, and
for aches and pains there is
nothing equals them. 1 have
used them for rheumatic pains,
headache, and pains in side and
back, and in every case they give
perfect satisfaction."
Boonton, N. J.
Pain conies from tortured
icrvcs. It may occur in any
part of the head or body where
there is weakness or pressure
upon the nerves.
Dr. Miles'
Anti -Pain bilis
Relieve pain, whether it be nen-
ralgiac, rheumatic, sciatic, head-
ache, stoinache, pleurisy or
ovarian pains.
Price 25e at your druggist. 14e choutd
supply you. If he does net, send price
to us, we forward- prepaid.
Apr. 5, 10 Law 14, 28 Att. 9, 23
May 8, 12, 31 lily 12, 26 Sept, 6, 20
tdeeee Toronto 3.O0 pan,
on above days
'Through Piist and Steoad Claes t oaebte,
blonietand Tourist Sleepers.
pi utmost
Agent 01 writs
ThomponPA., t.
ASIC 1!011 nourststliEttS' tanner
ri. iJ. stiffer, Agent, 'lfifingllairi
New Spring Tailor-
Made Suits.
We have just opened up a large shipment of Men's,
Boys' and Youths' High Grade Tailor-made Snits. Every
garment made by expert tailors and guaranteed to give
satisfaction in every way — FIT, CUT, STYLE, HANG
and FINISH. The Proof of the Pudding is the Selling.
We're selling great quantities of Ready-to-wear Clothing
—There is a reason. Come and see. Clothing Depart-
ment on the Second Floor.
MEN'S TOPPER COATS.—New styles in Men's Spring Over-
coats in gray and olive shades, Prices begin at $0,50
MEN'S RAINOOATS.--In all the best makes, Cravenette
and Rubber, special values in all grades. See our leader. .$5,00
MEN'S SUITS.—Made of English Worsteds,, in fancy- pat-
terns and choice colorings, Every suit made to our or-
der by expert tailors ; take a 'look at them. We can
.save you money on a Suit that you will be pleased to
wear. Our prices begin at $13,00
MEN'S PANTS.—A large assortment of Tailor-made Pants,
new patterns in tweeds and worsteds. Every pair will
look well and give excellent wear. Prices are
$2,00, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00, $8.75
BOYS' SUITS,—In the leading styles, all sizes in two and three
piece Suits. Ask to see them. All prices.
Large quantity of Butter and Eggs wanted. Bring along your
eggs to Isard's and get into the Big Egg Competition,
Get particulars at the store.
oast atm:1aq
ckCpiye.;a..alts* '
O rl
Warm spring days suggest house cleaning
and house cleaning means a new CARPET
for a certain room, a • certain room needs
new CURTAINS and a certain room needs
Japanese Matting . Floor Oilcloths
ScotchUinolateis Ones
Carpet Squares In Tapestry,
Brussels and Velvet
You will realize substantial savings if you buy your
Spring House Furnishings from us.
Carpet Squares
$6.O0 to $30,00
Number at Small
Ends Carpet Cheap
See our line of Ladies' Suitings in latest colors. Also
our Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Waists.
No, 1 Sugar, $5.35 per cwt, cash.