HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-04-14, Page 138DI YEAR, NO. 33. WINGHAM, ONT„ THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1910. stlogioutextost EZ 'runXW Anviwoz unscannuto u. SANCTUM, PARAORAPHS. 00 School concert. Next Tueeday evening a concert; will be given in the Tanen Hell, under fi• sh s 11 - . oes It will be , ii" ° °°1 awin. - ' • ten evening with Steams and 1, e . . • , enhYson. In Which Tennyon a maw.. id,11, .013noch Arden," anti the special pianoforte musk of Rich- erd Strauss (Leipsie) likewise .entitled, "Enoch Arden " will be rendered It . ' . ' ' ' Will be rendered by Mist Mabel Green „L. Mt eVaiter Booth, ad ehoold constitute a firsnelaes enternalument. 'the .. . admission ha 2.oc • for reserved seats, And the plan of hall opens at • eicKibbon's drug toe on Frida,y. - - - ' - e e - oara Os Health Active, e For once at least, the Booed of Heath of the Town of Wingbam. is alive and active. It has rented a lot, where refuse of all kinds can be dump- ed, end where it will not. be a nuisance or menace to anybody. At a meet- ing of the Bead last Friday, a motion waa passed ordering Sanitary 'avec- tor Allen to make an inspection.• of back partite eloseta etc., and report to ehe Board wherever a nuisance exists Perties abating a nuisance _will be notified of setae, and if not attended to within the time given, will be look- ed, after lay the Board and the expense charged to the perty allowing sucha nuisance. . About 'The Sanitarium. On Thursday of kat week the cone- mittee .of the °aunty Council ,appoint- ed to gather inforroation concerning the esta,blishinent of a County Sant- tarium to deal with tuberculosis pat. lents, met in Clinton. The coannsittee will report to the jape session of the Co. Connell, as to sites available' t I e e* •ehe Ontario Government offers a grant of $4,000 toward a County Sani- tarium and $3 per patient on mita- tenance. This is one of the hum • alu• tarian movements of the 20th century, is an eat:nest and possibly best known plan of fighting the . white manestion plague. The committee hexing . the :natter in hand is Warden Irwin ex- , Warden Lamont and Reeve Shearer. Winnipeg Roeption. A recent issue of the Menitoloa Free 'ess Press contained the following notice in its society columns :-"Mrs. T. H. t Maxwell of Winni e p g (formerly Mies Ella .11faxwell, of Wingham) received Friday afternoon, April 1st, for the arst time since her marriage. She wore a beautiful gown of cream satin trimmed with pearls, and was assisted by her two sisters, Miss tottie Max- well gowned in pale blue satin, and Wm M rt wearing. a, 1 '. a ha Maxwell, dainty gown of pink silk organdie with touches of blank velvet. The tea table was prettily decorated with pink carnations and illicit of the valle'y and presided over by Mrs. j. H. Allan and Mrs. (Dr.) J. E. Jones and later by Mese neestbae aria Mes• N. Ilender- son, Mrs, G. O. Long ata Mrs. (Dr.) Bruce Hill eat the ices, assisting were' Miss Stevvart and Mrs. C. A. Monk- men." • Doing A Good Work. 7 Toronto Seturday Night,' d ' ' th uring e. past few months, has been turning its search -light upon — mining pi a b lt. d t-• h .•k h so els, an jet rie -gum se eines in I It ' a i o 1 • th t' genera . is o ng s met ung a no th Canadah h d the o er paper in as a e courage to do -that is to expose these schemes, which have been increasing and theiving at the expeiese of the hard-working people of the country. Saturday Night hes to date exposed eorge unroe, e ar e e 1 ver G M Th B 1 tt S'l Mines, The Universal Signal Co., The Berne Taxi Co., The California- Alberta Oil Go The Chicago Albert ,.., ' uu Co' . Mackintosh's Toffe' e Ltd H. t , . " te awes, eemitea, and now Patriarehe , five million (tellers of h Co. Over,We •ntended fur the nubile and a ares' 1 - - ' partially fed to them have been ten, . - , er . P a ed worthless and the com antes forced out of existence. Two romo- . P tete have landed in ail a have ski • d ,... J ,. P P out Post -Nuptial Reception • s ' , Mrs, Frame A.. tsoryelt (Evelyn itsy- nolds) grand-deughter of Mrs. Rey- molds of town, held her potteitsptial remotion last Thursday afternoon at her pretty- tew house in Jameson • ' Avelino, Toronto, Where the daanty furniehecl rooms Were greedy admired by a large number of visitore. The handsome large drawing room WM decorated with pink roses and ferns, and the beide was assisted hy her . mother, seeming a black satin gown with gold embroidery., lace yoke and sleeves, and bouquet of piek snveet peat, Mrs. aeryou was looking very charming iti her wedding gown of white embroidered °ham -muse, With rube hecklace and corsage bouquet of lily of the valley. In the dieting -keens the polished Mehogatty table was pret- ty and sanded with a centrepiem of pale yellow tulips taro:nide& by smal- ler vases of white awed peas, the whOle lighted by a handsome gold- colored Tiffany shade, The table wet presided over try Mrs. Geo. Set:ogees wearing a handsome lace gown over pate pink, end hat with pink &ethers. She was assisted by Miss Correll, Mist Atha end Rtes. mama survide ; Nuts vcrh thy and Mos Saute Misrules, sweido, the hrm *made itessmair thoit Pretty *low kooks Wed In Hospital; - Mrs. Walter Soott, from near Luck. tow, died in the Wingliem Respite,' on 'Diode o his wee a t e Y f t in t he an of 43 years. Deceased had been ill . tor aboub a year with that incurable dieease, cancer, and for the past three weeks has been a patient In the Hospital here, Rer maiden nem° watt M A E Con t,a . ' ' -"-. g "I. Family gathering. , N Nut many Parents who heve reach, ed the advanced age ee err, and mrs, Mithael Walker, enjoy the pleasure er having their family all home at once. This elderly couple vale are In failing health,' had this pleasure last Friday, There are eight sons and one dangle. ter -G, Ct. and R, A., of Toropto ;see. L. and Wesley, of Clinton ; T. R., of Cookeville ; Isaac and Rlisha of East • Weevanosh ; and the daughter at home. . A Directory 01 Breeders. The branch of the Live Stock Corn- messiener at, °seam, has issuea fl, re- vised edition of the Directory of Breeders of pure bred live stook in ar ing to. t le pre am oaoada, A er 1 f m page the work is a compilation of in- formetion received through corres- d t f b d • 11*f pen eu 8 emu ree ere in a the pro - vinces in regard to the • eize of their breeding herds, and the number of males and females of the - several breed e they have for sale. Spring Feeding 01 Cattle. ' Prof. Thos. Shaw writin in the 4 e . 0. . It ' 'et g s woman. Aerru 'nee , very truly says that special care. is necessary - ' when cattle. are passing from .winter to spring feeding conditions In no - -- - ' case should the change be . suddenlye made from dry feed to pasture If - • ' - ' Me be done an unduly laxative con- dition is created with the result of o 1 d • fwered vit.ality in the animal end. loss ' ; itchy! pfowedr. As a prepare- hor siprihng ee ing, roots and sin age s ou d e freely ueed as these tend. to keep the bowels open. . FOR, SALE.-- Rolled oats. bran, shorts flour etc at the ' : . ... . Winghara chopping nell. Mill running every day. Also oatmeal and rolled wheat,from either fer. sale or exchange for grain. li'z 2°. RA: nititrAfY,, . An Interesting Lecture. - Miss . Lucia F Gilbert of Malone' N , • Y., evho is the guest of Rev. and Mrs. Steeves, gave an interesting leettsre in the Ba,ptIst chinch. on Moliday even- ing, on "The City of Florence and her her . g oes "- There was a goo atthnd- ance, and everyone seemed. to enjoy the lecture, which. was given in a most entertaining fashion. During the evening a welnrendered quartette was given by Mrs. Pringle, Mrs. Steeves and Messrs. Haley and Mack, and a solo II AMA Nellie Murch. At the close of the program, those Present were'treated to ice cream and cake ... . League Rally. . Au npeace% Leagse Rall- consist - ing of the Leagues of Vordwich, Gor- rie and Wroxeter will be held in the G ' M 1 d• • orrie . et so ist church on Friday, .April 15th, commencin at 8 p m. g .. • . • ' - - Some of the members of the District , ` w' Exeoutive ill address the Leaguers on this occasion. The program will D consist of :- evotional exercises, music by Gorrie choir end. Miss Kate Hazlewood 1 ' MissiOns and Mission Study in the Epworth Lague, tip. Worth League Topice, by Roy•Pryne' Brussels ; Discussion Rev. J. Bal s Th • - '' e Social Departenerst by' iteV. H.. W. MeTtavieh ; Some Aspects of Liteiary Work in the League, Rev. 0. W. Mc- Kenzie Every League member is ' ' • sieved to be eresllection will ent A. co , - e • . i oe taken up to pay expenses. Decease Of Mrs Ni - - - -- -- - --• cholson. . On Monday afternoon, April llth,aaore a Mrs. John Nicholson paw& the - bounds of time in her 67th yette. Deceased hed not enjoyed good health for a number of years, as es result of a eevere attack of pneumonia in her earlier life. A few weeks ago the took ill and. the imminent+ mune as a result, of a general breaking up of the system. She was born in 0obotarg and married her deceased laneband about forty years ago. After spend- • ing a few years in the township of Clark, they removed to Tureberry, and atter five years of residoice there, moved 0) Morris len the Blutivale .road) where they were higlaly-reepect- ed resieents for thirty-two years. Since M r. Nicholson's death, whiela ric- cured about seven years ago, Mrs. Nicholson, vvhoee maiden bane wee Catherine Illayne, has resided A good dead of the time with her nephew, Ernest Gs Nicholson* of Saskatoot, . Sask. Recently, she has been living with her nephew in town, Wm. Nichol- son, at whose home she pmsed away. She was an hitelligent, Well-read wo- man, and always took a keen interest in everything that was of general in. terest. -Mae was a kinieheasted WO. man, a good neighbor, tura a COnsts. Wit menthol, of the Presbyterian Church, She is gurvived br two brethers-itobt. Mayne of Orr Lake, mat James of Oanningttett, RUG'S tit ail kinds Choke sods _ 0,44 Itommiinyt.,obL A Dsstariliy Mt. While the service was in progress hi caleiu church, East wometumeh, last Sundey, a lumber of young men performed a ciaetarilly act on elr, Jae. i,VinGetee horse, by cutting off its tail. On Monday niornlns the matter was. placed in Prov, Constable Phippen's banes, and before forty-eight hours had elapsed, be had the gang roundedee„ up, ant warrants are nove out for. their arrest. Ilow yetting men of in- telligence could. stoop to such an act is beyond comprelsenelon, and it is hoped that the exempts to be made of these young men will not only be lesson to them, but to other boys and young men who have any inclination to be inhuman or Meddle with pre- perty that does no belong to them. Constable Phippen deeervee credit for rounding up the gang in snCh a short time. . , Death Of John hicillwain. One of the pioneera of Wingliam passed awayt ti h f li• d h a the home o is aug ter, Mrs. hfcDonald of Goderich, on alleeday, in the person of Jobn Mc liwain. Receesed had been a resident o log am or a, ou i y years., f W• Is f ' b t thi ,t Pnu revious to that he spent a mber of years in Ternberry. Deceased- was native 0 le an , a,n was in I ' I d d ' bus 77th year. Since his vvife died, a,bout seven years ago, he hes been residing with members of his family.' Rita only son, Sanstiel, died a few months ago, Six daughters survive. as fol. low -Mrs. McDonald of Gioderich, Mrs, Robertson of Manitoba, Mrs. Kent of Brantford, Mrs Armstrong of Detroit, „e _ t rs. Reigene c ona o ingham u el D Id f W and Mrs. Chas. Elliott of Bluevale. e unera oo place to 1 ghats] Th f 1 t k W'h cemetery on Weenesday from the h f h* d ht . i - °rue ° is an el' °town' - rip. 0a e ng W ddi T • el * d 111 Ch . e _ . r. an rs, t .as. W. Itoss of oCladicr on thteiiir reddin, gh telp in tore visitingchr a i e former s ome I town ri.r: le , s a sterner -Wing- ham boy, but is one taf the tbouttands of young Canadians that are holding responsible positions in the greatest city of the middle States The young g lady0 ' ' y - whom harhe has linked his_Keep fortunes with is Miss Helen Grantman Weeks, and the wedding. which was - a quiet one, took place at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and etre. Chas. B. 'Weeks 5321 Winthro ave . , P er Chicago. Mrs. Ross is one of the four Ohicago giik who were saved feom the Slavonia, - width was wrecked last on the Agores Islamise.% For several yours she held a osition hi , p ' the Commercial National Bank of . , . ' Chicago, and the groom occupies a responsible position in the same bank, He is also well known in Iowa, baying- represented that institution at group meetings of the banks and at the annual meetings of the Iowa Bankers' Association. They are receiving num- erous congratulations, and The Ad- vence joins in wishing Clem man Y years of happy married life. Hata, Fon, TUB FAIMERS.-Another party of 50 young fann laborers, nous- tonied to horses are being brought • out from Scotlartil and Wiles by G. • 11. Mooney of Ripley. Farmers In need of a, hired man should write Mr. Mooney at Ripley and secure ene of these d • bl.' - ese elms, e men. A good. looking girl by the naisae of Potts hes been arrested for stealing a quantity of salmon. A pretty ket• tle of flab this ' ' A meeting iot the Royal Seatlet Chapter will be beld, 'in the Orange Rail on Thursday evening of this week at 8 o'clook. Many a bad penny is to be. found in the jale but Canada'sP ine Arni s 1 ' 1' a 1 ****- Bays roast a the bad silver comes - - from the churches, Wan Pellet' from 50 to $LOG Pee roll, at Knox's. a Mr, W. R. Willis /4 remoying "this week from Leopold St to the rest- dance on Shuter St. formerly occoplee toy lift j, A.. Taylor. e To remove- paint from windows maiden the 'edge. Of. a, ellVer coin and t •u rut) thuspot of paint, The Pain eel disappear like magic, ' . Rooms To Lr -Repecially suitable for ,dress-naaking shop, Apply to . R'''' 11.""144. Various name are proposed fcir the new ten dollar gold piece which is to bo issued, but most people will linable to cell them "-ea ne " b rex les. - Tb ' e Southampton Board of Trade h Id 't 1 b I • e 1 s anima anquet est Fricke, evening. Mr, H. 0, Bell, formerly of Wingham, is the President. ., 4.1 ewest and latest designs in Wall Paper at Knox's. The Street Comnalttee of the Conn- cil had the scraper doing duty this week. As a resat, Josephine Street has an insproved appearance. A camel in New Yo k Z has been r oo presented with twins. Considering. the hi h cost of livin D dd I g g, a y Came will have to get a hump on now. WA.NTED.-A good girl, at ood wages. Apply to Mrs. K. Erskine, elolson's Bank, Clinton.missed A meeting of tne Tennis Club will be held in the Council Ohauaber on Friday eveniug at eight o'clock. All interested are invited to trpresent e . - , Is it tinse to take em off," is the question that is exciting many dis- traded young people. We would say -NQ. Kee ' hil on a w . e yet. Call in and have a' look at Knox's new 1010 Well Paper. , . , .. ,, • adle one of Wi . h • .4 Mr. VP Br ' e k ... Y, ag a°3 8 a ers* is driving a, fine, new, uptos .data delivery wagon.. It is a, splendie :la =king rig and is the product of W. Dore cottage works. . ROM-. Aehesone 6:nether of the pion . . p eers of Huron county, and brother of h . - t e late G. Acheson, Goderich, died at h's h i G d • 1 ome. n o emelt Tp„ on Satur- da last in his 76th ear 3' , Y • Walsall:re-A good girl for general housework. Apply to Moe 0. P. Oar- lisle, lielgrave. ee n le 1 zra, lilerkley hag purchased the residence near the chopping mill, and is comfortably settled in it. The house was formerly• d oaeatnandeissued osvned by Chas, Rintoul. Chief Allen is inspecting back yaeds, t. d tl e c., an the general order is, "Olean ei. e P It will not be his fault if every yard it town does not present a spiek and span appearance in a couple of weeks. . ... We are paying at the Wingleam th e nu ry 75 to 00 eents for rat skins. - W. D. ProNaLic. The birds were singing in the tree tops this morning, and all nature was smiling, but not the man who got up and, saw his neighboes hens pros- tieing a, two-step in, ' his .ne wly dug garden. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Itolzmen of Pal- tnerston are new residehts of town. aft IL is engaged with RM obb, ax- well it his tinkling establishment. wekome all new comers to our busy bing. . .. . . . . . is away up in price,e but Chop is lower than last year. Lerge quan- titles in stock.-Ffnenit liOWS011. . Mrs. Chas, Adams, Who has been in poor health for some time, went to Teronto on Tuesday, and will undergo treatment in the hope that she may be restored • to health. IMr. Adams ,- accompanied net to the city. MN Laughlin MeLeae;one of the esteemed pioneers of Viinghtent, was seized with a stroke of patalysis lest Thursday evening. At tiine of going to pros he Is doing as well as can be expected considering his Advanced age . WANITI1-600 hushele of Oats, at .Win ha Oho •ng Mill -Ezra the . g m pm eferkley. • During OM hivestigatien by, Dr. elc- Garen Chief Feed Inspector at Mon- ' . ' treat, iewas found in one ceold storage plant, no less than 2,000 sheep which - had been kept for the last two years. °mien of the sheep declared that 0- they are still in good condition and et for consumption, Ataxy had a twee lane% But it she meld not keep ; Por ere a year had naeted away it I, le ' h - Wes a grab, g a tem Then a naughty butcher eaniEt, Wise in the art of sham, Alla "It' d" " hitt 131)11"t" The sheep again was lamb. NV.mun. - Blacksmiths sad lath ands foe genera week. Apply a ; onncae,iresdta. t-ingA. expenreinenEoetnaandel-swerativtnee O,Qasada, natted, Ciederieh. eerionsly ill during the past week Miss Edna Love, who has been, tioFo with %flagmen:at,* rimumatiem, is elightly better aa we -go to preen end 4" ma°3' fliend° at° tielighted. to learn that her chancee of recovery are growing brighter. ZrIt, Murray Wilson of Turnberry has eold hie !nook bull to Mr, p. Role Moon for shipment to Toronto, and bee purchased a thoroughbred ehort- horn hall from Mrs Rs W. Simpson of °arose, Mr. Wilson believes in keep- ing the very best kind of stock. .A.11 partio having repairs at Man- tosh's joYelry store will please call for same beforEa Monday, April 18th, at Dr. Macdonald's residence, By the death of Ma John Backe's- den; Clinton loses one of ita most re - citizens. He was the father of Mr Cleo Brickenden a member. of a . . .. , wholesale Arra in London, and three daughters, one the wife of Mayor Tay- lor of Clinton, also Mrs. Roda,wey of -- . - - . . . . ... ... Linuton and ears. Anew or coltirog- wood. He was in his 75th year. . The St. Thomas journal has the fol- Meiling to eaY about Miss Green, who takes part in the High School Concert to be given next Tuesday evening in the Opera noose' ;--"Miss Green is a musician a exceptional ability. Her rendering. a Strauss, following the theme of Tennyson's powerful enao- tonal story, was accurate in every de- tall of interpretation." Ladies' Oxfords, Ties, Pumps, a.nd Slippers in the handsomest models thee ever graced a, shoe store -$1.75, $2.25 and up to $3.00 or $3 50. - we joenennit. A. little hoy named Jobnston had a; bad fall on Sunday, which might easi- ly have -resulted more seriously than • • it did. The lad was descending , the steps at the G. T. R. bridge, and when 'about the third step from the top g -. his footinand rolled the re :minder of the way down. Tlae em- bankment. is steep and higb, and the wonder is thab the little fellow escaped . : injury. , les • Mr. Hob. Walsh has been appoint- ed by Chums' Limited, to the position of manager of their branch produce establishment in Wingham,. to else- ceed Mr. C. S. Graham. Herb. has grown up with the business, and al s , though only a ycaing man, i8 fully conversant with the business rightfrom front the bott tn d • ' 't 0 LIP/ an ss elea 0 aaP` • able of running the business: of the firm in a successful manner. LOT Fon Sem-Choke park lot. No No. 9 Josephine Se east, 60 ft. front- age. `'Very cheap, must be sold. Of- ere receive y un era gne at runs- f • d b d i d B wick Hotel, up to Thursday night, , April 14,-J, $,, Timmins, Executor A quiet wedding tvas performed at the Methodist Parsonage by Rev. Da Rutledge on March 30th, between Wm. Jas. Hewett and Mise Melinda s le . . ' me zei, both of Turnberry. An • in - teresting _feature connected with the ceremony was that Mr. II. Davis, wbo the license for the marriage, also issued the licenee for the mar- ' nage of the groom's father, Mr, Isaac Hewett, some 25 years ago. Mt Frank Matthews, Vice-Presi- dent of the Flax Fete Co., letaid, of Montreal, was in town this le .• Wee la connection with the flax industry. The conma,ny is an established one, d th y are a mous that more farm- ere go into the flax growing, in order to supply the green fibre for the matinfactute of binder twine. Read their advtha another column. Mr. Arnos Tipling is their tnanager in this ' vicinity. , KING'S for all kinds Choice Seeds - Alsike Clover lucerne • r and TimOthy. If it chap with a grudge against an- . other fellow shot him full of holes . would that be ventilating agrievance? r . -- PC1100418 . r� (Formalin) OP MUt ' , in •• (1.8t8 the best s . , • , . . -Thirteen million buga are in the State I:amatory at Sacramento 10 Dharga of the State Commissioner, rhe y have been secured for an Inv memo conflict to be waged against he orchard poste a Oelifernie. They are- the parasites that destroy. the in- 4ects Jana IWO upon the orehards of . hat State. ... -The largest olive ranch la the vorid is said eo he one hooded ebont ive miler from Los Apgeles, Califors da. It contains 2000 acres anti each 1,0re has 11UliVe beefing. trees, Oli ve ail is vaned at about $3 a, gallon, Che wood of the tree takee a very fine aolish, and it is clainaed that they live o be several hundred years old. Tee olive was • introduced, into Californla,sPeeted ay the Franciscan leathers many yore tgo, when in charge a th5 missions. * e ik -One would imagine that the gen- oral advancement. and enlightenment at the twentieth century would have andered impossible such scenes as vitnessed arming the cerinetes strike n Philadelphia, the city of "brotherly cave," Oars Wrecked, dynamited, win- tows broken, bawling mobs, and dam- .ge to property and business running nto the rnillions, 'When everythine s reckoned up, and tlie wee a time 4nd wages taken into consideration, t may be questioned -"Do strikee my?" • * * , 'v.2 L. .1, -a. enerpone Morgan is a man of peiet Poem, end lie wastes but few vords. Recently a visitor to his office Indeed a, member of the staff place a. ype-written document in Mr, Mor- ei,n's hands. He read it, and after a eW brief. words of approval handed it lack. Yet that sheet involved the xpenditure of twenty million dollars. nvo•of the best qualities a business cian can Ise/tare axe coneentration nd quiet force. The f sissy man as: ale is not the man of great athieve- non. • * * * -Lord Strathcona, attributes his uccess to frugality taught hina by his aother, He said recettly--" When 1 as a boy, my needier taught me to re honest and to save my money. Vhen 1 earned fifty cents a day, 1 eved half of it. No man can. succeed r he spends all he makes. Frugality a a necessity in every ' man's life !he same may be said a Mr, Carnegie nd of the greet railroad magnate, Mr. Ell, Each of these three financiers id two things. First, they learned o he frugal, secondly•-ethey prepared hemselves for life's tasks. • Young aen thould follow their example atop n hese two lhaes. • * * * . e...0fficial repoets show that Canada Lad 24404. miles of railwaY la oisere• . ion on June 30th last, an itcrease of ,138 miles during the year. A Much Teeter increase is likely io be report- I text year, for over three thousand ailes were under construction at the free of the that report, and many' new oads have been projected eince. Mc- ' •• Cenzie Se Mann are gradually linking heir lines into a third transcontieen- al railway and will spend five millions tn ternunals and an entrance into fontreal. The O. P, R. will spend, hirty millions in , . ' the west and the G 7e:ink Paeifie expect to open many rune miles of their' road within the ' ' lame year. Canada does hot take '8, melt seat in railway building, when ter population is eonsidered relativelY vith that of the United States. - * * * . . -Rev. ALticolm el dosed, • pas or of eastedena Preebyterian °hued), is an 61ile preacher (a 0a.nadian by the fey.) Recently', he offered to tate barge of one of the city daily Mates- wipers for one issue,to show his plan of an mom nevvepaper, tlae proceeds toTenders ao given to chariteble purposes. New ?asaden4 pitperS are both Olean, owl- table newspepere, but that is more ,han can be. said of the Leos Angeles ;beet% at leant most of theni, Mr. leaned succeeded in getting out a rery reditable number of the rasa, tena, Star, but in doing so he found lse editorial sanctuni quite the ee- mete of the quiet of the pastoes Itudy. Ife found such "bustle,. such lorry, such rush and excitement,.. bat one day was quite saffitient in he sanctum. Mr. Meese(' is now get- ing $6,000 a year with sit months meation, and en assistent pastor that toes the visiting and preathes on Sun lay eveningsno has mooted a eon ;0 a Neel york church oo the follow., ng terms -gamy, $15,000 A, year, if se renaeint their pestoe nail he esiehee a certain time of like and :hooses then to retire, •$10,000 a year vshile he lives, aboald he die while in twee servloo, ikto woo is to receive au triunity of meets! the:Imre:le during ler life, veo do not wonder that, mr. geLeod prefers. the ministry to the atrenuette life of a newspaper WA. ere is what he said le ,rloslog hie tclitoritd experience of one day:- Never more shall I criticise newspaper seem e sheet 1:41,7 for them. They shelt have my hernetest forheerente heneeforth and fee ever -the hardest -worked, Ogaden estellerett Noise:kb-paid Wan Werke oeruersI,n" thi4. 1 weary, old world o/ towWnelatnerTitueossaeayo!.Teeswater was In Ern. Button of Shelburne spent Sunday with friends in town, Chester Davis of Toronto spent San- day with his parents in town, A. IL Wilford and. Walter Jacobs of Blyth were in townon Sunday. Mrs, Cody is visiting her daughter, Iffrs. Jno. Dey, of Southampton. Ares• W, 3-• Reines. visited ber parental home in Blyth last week, Geo. Sadler of Detroit visited Ins grandmother, Mrs. Sadler, lest week. Miss McBride a 'Waterloo is visit - ing her grandnaother. Mr Sather - land. Miss Tamale Currie bas t d re erne home from an extended visit in °on lingtvood. • Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Robinson of Teeswater, were in town on Thursday of last week, Miss Blanch Beatty of Sault Ste. rieSela is .6. i e vi st ng her uncle, Ma EdgIle"' ' Miss Laura Kerr is in London. this week, on account of the serioes illness a her grandfather, • me a - , an ems. Arche Howson of Arthisr spent Sunday with the form - er's brother in town. Mr. le Je Watt of liflo, Mich., paid a flying visit to friends in Witghana and vicinity over Sunday.' Mr. Lyons, editor of the Gorrie Vidette, gave The Advance a pleasant call on Thursday of last week • Miss jean McGregor of leengside has begun a course of study in the Stenographic Department of Wing- ham Business0 t ol ege. Mt and Mrs Jos Bradwin attended th ' d . ' • • cling. of their niece, Miss Bride', of Paris, on Wecinesday of last Week. They also visited Mende in Stratford. • Mise Iona Stewart of Duragannon hes recently arrived in town and has zloonarummeenrcoladi si). ecpoiturrgne eonfteottlye iecsv 1 tnhge. ,haan Business College. - kr. S. S. Timmins of Toronto is in town this week looking after the sale of the lot bet ' te.G M , . Once and WiVrae.e Holenloes' lotlaocliksorord; shop. He 18 at the Brunswick Rotel • . Mt Jina. Kerr, who bas been 'so- 4eurning in Vaecouver, B. C„ started his homeward journey me Sunday, in response to a telegram that his father in London was not e ' xpected to re- cover is illness Is' The editor Id the Advance and his wife left Pasadena,, Cale on Tuesday of last week, and arrived in Chicago on the Friday following. They are visiting their eldest son in Plymouth, Wis., before returning home. • Jae H Chisholm of 'Xoronto was in • * . tovvn during the past week a•ssisting his mother and sister in the packing process prior to moving th Toronto. By the removal of Dr, Chisholm's faraily, Wingham loses good Chi. zens. • , . The best Is ' . . . cheapest We sell the . that's made W eff e i Con MORIDD011 • DRUOGIST 0................., e. A ..so es . • .. .,. ..;sepe-..areei - • - ;Our new ankle Oxfords and Pumps ' h .Nyet great admiration. e every Woman sees them. • The .models a.re new.. This new • is not only handsome -e 1 prevents slipping the heel as well , • * sures a perfect We'll t k 1 a e p easure showino: you, Madam. to strap meet • that entirely design. but • at and as- fit. ' in patent new sonae • heels. and width to $3.00 itaerAMIGIammliaiSCOMMMO The leathers are Kid and Colt -the colored leathers and handamxte suede leathers. French and Cuban Csegrataanow.lemmtusearst We have your size . $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 • Caned& is primarily an agrieulttiral country, end the industries most closely related to agrictilture are the first to respond to better times. This was shown by the earnings of the /a el • • 9 1,, 1 ego ma ing companies in 190 . o - lowing the good cro f p o 1908, the ave. rage surplus earnin`gs on the • common stock of the three largest coripa,nies was 22 88 per cent. This compares with an average of 10,82 per cent for year 1908. The latter earnings are based on the smaller. crop of 1907. Thus, with a. good. crop in 1908, the milling industeies showed over double e arn ngs that they had the pee. vious year Probably no other in dustry in the country uld respond so readily to improved condition 0 0 Greer THE SHORE ' ' ' ' ' ' eme . - . w...-%'.-.wl .ocat Iteme L .4.0 Call in and look at the beit Well Paper values ever shown in Winghara At Knox's. , • SIIINGLI1S.--Previcus to the advance m prima I purchased a large quantity of British Columbia Shitgles, from one of the best manufacturers on the coast, and am therefore prepared to sell at close prices,. Parties hi need of shingles would do well to call and get • e_j• A is; • quotations. . . lazier. 32 85 iews Iniesoserease come .ff . ICE - (CREAM -.,.. -._„etiii • is a. , ' e • e .e.e.---eate-e. 1 , 11 , ORTSSIZIEW i ' I . 1. , • • ‘ St ory story nlost ereara. other Always Sr I n tat of ltn. ne an 7 I ' I a i oo i our.- w ea, mg am. G d Pi A d ' W` h 'Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. Real les'll• & 0 ' d t 1 is o. s a, v . on page 8. Have you clean d b k e up your ac yard yet? . Remember the Iligh School Concert . ' in the Opera text Tuesday evening- House ' A contemporMeeinIke about skim. tned milk. Peer fellow. guess he has „ the same trouble*. tool • .. G. - - u Menem -Good girl wanted, at Iletiretittete Bakery. m . h Ladles' Aia of St Andrew's Church inteed serving meals on the church lawn sai the 12t4i of Jelly. AVOInen are said to fat from grace tram a year. See how man has the advantage when he has titt room to fall. DIM ... - oo.n gis..eckberger of Catlin J gave G 4., . • irth to triplets on Sunday, two a'rls and a boy, They ere all dolhg -0,1m nometanta wAxTme.- Uncial" at Vaned o e the Ad. file . 27•85. liov WAarrEn-To learn the Tailor- ing, Appexwe, Appy to Robb. Mll mr. m. W. Athioron g remov ea from Mrs. Gibsoll's boutie on Monday' to a h ' i - tit • P bli outs oppos te e a Sehool. "An evehleg with Steams and Ten. nysom° under ffigh School auspices, 11,,,,Ib T41138daY . evening !II °Pet% LI°I1:fre• Tis said that the diecovery in Northern Ontario is not mai, bat lig- tlte, That's all right, ets long se it will ignite. Win-gluon PIMP, pures.t Anti bee,t 46 The AnvANcE Li North • , Huron's leading news- paper.. Are you a sub- ' scriber ? If not, why ? Only $1. per year. Seated placed by the April create Hall. lars can • Wanted. tenders, with word "tenders' on erivelope, will be received -uodersigned up to Mondale 25ths tor the building of a on vault in the Winghatt Towel Specifications and fall partial:, be obta,ined at rey office. jOHN F. GROVES • t Town Clerk. II -,--. ...,, „ - - ' . Our en eeam 0 I C . out Crease tens Its own lenity and Perfection -the pintoes rents about Good 9 Orme tasted, yOu'll near no aticethetit 10 make you eur, fresh a d otul for dell er n r r v ' eaantity. • WiNdlIAM MARKETS. .--........ Wheat -$1.00 to $1.08. Oats -86 to 87 ets. Betley-50 ets. Pette -78 to 80 ets. - ilay-$12.00 to $13.00 per ton. Butter -20 to 22 ate. ' tgo-18 to 20 cts. Potatoes-e35e to 40e er bush e. se e P • L•IIII -I-I°01-0•45; For full xotsuito market -reports see page 2. A ' ) . nter~eneWeleseeeneeeSeyneWteseeeeteeK lez f•X 1 X ... LAWN X your 1 makes Lawn worker. - Plower tale fresh * I i s-4 see „i 1 L KENNE k - ' . phOtte 12 wagon 1316ek - Olio, National - , - - - iiimitermseisoramemiesso yi Noel .. Now is the time to sow t taitA88 and refresh V lawn. A very little a big difference. Our Girass is a wonder. Get a lb., 250. All kinds Vegetable and Seeds. Not a single package - all strictly seeds. Plower Seeds. la bulk, -:2 s, • BMUS. Taylor -in Rot %vs/smash, Apr. Oth, to Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Taylor, a son. . . mans. Mcillwaiti-In tioderich, April 11th, John McElwain, aged 76 years and 10 months, Nieholson-te Winghats, on April 11, Catherine Mayne, relict of the lath john Nicholeon, in her 67th year . Sainimon -In Bast Wawanoth, on Athperlial te10Tthh,oeA, JganmesiesDonic,kh, i rheelritt7dtolaf year, AUCTION ROOMS . . s Meier X am any with me. Por par. or pbOne CURRIE Having 'secured the store in the Xent limit, prepared to sell by auction article or articles left Terms are reasonable. Umlaut apply at shop, the hottae, No. '21. W. A. • L Awcie . . a.