HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-04-07, Page 5To Be Hanged Before July lst, 1910. 20 Thousand Rolls o Wall Paper JUST RECEIVED The largest stock of Wall Paper ever shown in Wingham, from 5c. to $1.00 per roll. . KNOX OPP. BRUNSWICK HOTEL WINGIIAM LAKE OF 111E WOODS MING CO.. LTD., MONTREAL TITU2,si):lY, APRIL 7, 1 Q o THE WINGILA,M ADVANCE 5 A Permanent Fit In Ten Minutes We guarantee to give nine men out of every ten " a per- fect and permanent fit. In ten minute we can alum you a dozen Suits, any one of which will be an ideal fit when you buy, and will retain its fit after months of bard wear. Should you happen to be the man we can't fit, we will have a suit tailored to your measure. No fit --no pay. Two hundred patterns and twenty-four styles to choose from. McGee & Campbcll Clothiers and Men's Furnishers / 10 L a Humor and. Philosophy ar t>`VJi►CA N PIV-SNITS A Happy Time Citizen, De happy time a-CRnitn', ter 1 knows It by de way 1 hears my heart g-hummla' lak' • addle wants ter play. Ae whistle 0" de blizzard wig Is halt o' tt hooray— Time ter take my troubles ter Ota dancin'i I black ex is dechlmbiy, but I bet I deo an' shine Rt I ever sit my troubles in de halleiutals line. W'en happy time corse knockla' an' he give de countersign Time ter take my troubles ter de dancln' 1 W'en de )py time is emilin' tate' a Ann= ny h day Whiter sorter spruce up ter de meetin' wid de May. Joy, he hang his hat up, an' de vary Word he say— "Time ter take yo' trouble ter de dancin' 1'. —Frank L. Stanton !a Comer'$. A Chaste Compliment. The late Chief Justice Chase was noted for his gallantry, While on a visit to the south shortly after the war he was introduced to a very beautiful woman who prided herself upon her devotion to the 'lost cause." Anxious that the Chief justice should .know her sentiments, she remarked as•sbe gave bim her band, "Mr. Chase, you see before you a rebel who has ,not been reconstructed." "Madan]," he replied with a pro- found bow, "reconstruction in your case would be blasphemous."—Every body's Magazine. A Rare Product. "Do you believe in the supernatural?" I asked of the genius who Directs and shapes the play and tells The actors what to do, And ho answered, "Though I've spent my life In the theater, I regret To say I have never, never seen A 'super' natural yet." Keeping Up Appearances. Husband (suddenly waking up at dead of night)—What in the world was that noise? Wife (calmly)—It's all right, dear. The guests of the Moneybags' ball are just coming home, and 1 slipped down and gave our front door a slam so the neighbors would thhrit we were there." —New York Journal. TAKE ONE OF THESE LITTLE TABLETS AND THE. PAIN IS GONE. "I have awful spells of Neu- ralgia and have doctored a great deal without getting niucll benefit. For the last two years I have been taking Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills and tl:cy always relieve me. I !.ave been so bad with Neuralgia that 1 sometimes thought I would go crazy. Sometimes it is necessary to take two of tlleni, but never more, and they are sure to re- lieve me." ?JRS. FERRIER, 2434 Lynn St., Lincoln, Neb. Price 25c at your druggist. He should supply you, it he dons not, send price to us, we forward prepaid. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Toronto. )2.e. send us a r aastearcl cater 140011100141 and allow us to send you a worth -having fret boob full of hints about the hundred uses your own borne could find for It is more than merely the supreme fieer.tinish. Opq 4 It renovatca nid furniture; makes all woodwork look new again; won't fade nor crack norshow tv;ar In n larg while. Make your floors easier �" to k.ep aleau and <lustleta with bl I. Slgorglaze, �r Gct the book--rsk fur it rfOW. Any of the Seventeen handsome solid enamels of M t. Visor. IhiPBi2IAI. VARNISIu s glaze will look better and last far longer than painter varnish. -- -----� Sq will any of the aaven l.t t. Lace that sei perfectly imitate COLOR Co., LltsrrnD hardwood -•-pr the Transparent natural-llinirh. eemes In tins, ^ --"m :kohl) .7. big and small, A Callon coats 5G) E9uare fest,. Aasy to ,o apply, Dries hard ovareightl Atk your dealer or write us. Pecomn:ended tlt nd Sold by. All Reliable Dealers, inaludin J. O. STI JT & CO. M Does Your Flour, Madam, Whiten Through Kneading We well remember our little chat with Mrs, B„ an Al breadmaker, Said she ; "After kneading my dough awhile, t often wonder how it whitens so noticeably ynder the hands. The more 1 knead and "" work it, the whiter it gets, more wholesome -looking, you know. '" That's a very encouraging thing in FIVE ROSES flour which I'i,'e "" sadly missed elsewhere." Maybe, Mistress Housewife, you've noticed it, too. But all flours, alas! are noe FIVE ROSES. With flour from poor quality wheat, poorly milled, there's no material improvement in the color of the bread due to kneading. It's the gray that's developed, Ma- dam, not the while. It's whiter dough you want, whiter the longer you knead it, and you want it So without having your elbows hinged and lubricated like John L. Sullivan's. And FIVE ROSES, Madam, responds beautifully to the least exertion and in the morning your dough Is up as light as a cork. The strong, live dough crackles and snaps heavily as you knead it down. Then the snowy whiteness in the pans to be proved and baked! From the oven your crusted golden loaves yield the aroma of freshly - barked hickory nuts that portends a tooth -teasing flavor trresblilble. And the kiddyktns need no other call to breakfast, Madam ; just fol- low their noses. CCAANAQA r r m Don't let your neighbour beat YOU at breadmaking. You can so easily do better,, Mistress Housewife, By getting FIVE ROSES. So roll up your sleeves, Madam, and— DO IT NOW. (0) Advantages In Clipping Horses. A soft horse with a long coat of hair, if left to stand. on a cold day after perspiring freely or, if stabled without ample protection on chilly nights, is apt to take cold, says Farm, Stock and Home. Tho clipped horse makes a great deal better appearance than the unclipped animal in the spring, and is more easily cleaned and kept in good condition. Popular Names For Girls. Iielen continues to retain its popu- larity as a name for girls. Not long ago it was voted the favorite name by the students of a men's college, and it has been discovered, as the re- sult of a canvass of the names of the students in Smith College, that more than a hundred of the total of sixteen hundred bear that name. Mary, with less than ninety, comes next. Mar- garet, Ruth, Florence and Elizabeth follow in the same order. The good oltLfashioned womanly names have fortunately displaced the fancy names of a generation or so ago. —Do poultry pay? A fifty-six pound turkey exhibited at the Buffalo Poul- try Show was sold for one hundred dollars. At that rate, poultry ought to pay well. Do You Realize What A Savings Account May Mean To You e A valuable asset for every one is a Savings Account Pass 13c..ok,. in which deposits have been en- tered frequently, and withdraw- als seldom. Not only sloes the ability to save indicate "character"—which the business world of to -day de- mands—but it establishes "an anchor to windward" against temporary adversity. Why not commence to -day to build vopr asset ? . One dollar will start an ac- count in the RANI% OF HAMILTON, and interest will be credited every six months, C. P. SMITH AGENT ii 1ham, Ontario. ilest.d tffice, IStong Ptiid-up Deserve iota I:redivide& TotalAesete .. 'HAMILTON $2 500,000 (lira 2,900,000 :• ovrttr 011,000,000 Humor and Philosophy 8Y 2 VJvCAN M. SMITII PERT PARAGRAPHS. 'RJILL the leaders of aesthetic culture please note that poverty can't be beautiful as long as it is uncomforta- ble? An excellent reason for keeping your temper is found In the fact that nobody else .:wants it. Fun A. bud habit bas lots of relatives that dont like to•own It. Being pretty, according to a girl's philosophy, is being plenty. 011.111 ;111) .4 woman's club is sometimes liter- ary and sometimes culinary, but al- ways lively. Of Course. "How 1 envy a two beaded woman!" "Can't you pay enough With one tongue?" "it isn't that at all." "isn't it?" "NO.° "Well, what is it?" "'Thin* of 00 love of 11 hat on each head, ono itn egad tell for the other." A Substitute, "Clan you keep my daughter in the manner to watch ale has been accus. totned?" asked the grouchy old parent. "1 think ao," sale the young man, "She bas been living with you, hasn't she?" "She certainly has." "Weil, we might att a pet bear." Couldn't it. "Lie doesn't seem to be a practical man," "No, and be hasn't the least bit of faith in himself, Ile is always build•. !lig castles in Spain, and yet when I tried to get bila to study Spanish he turned up his nose." The trouble with some people 15 'Lbey want to be themselves and you too. The man who doesn't throw any mouey away doesn't understand how to stimulate the circulation, Woe of the improvident. 'With the dying of the summer And, the coming of the chili Several little things may happen To unload a passing thrill On the man who Spent the season Vyithlout giving thought or heed To the winter days approaching .And the things that he would need. There are problems that are pretssing And Occasion Much distress 'When the chilly winds of autumn Come to oiler their caress. in July and changing August Clothes don't coUnt for such a sight.. But they're something of an item When the ground is painted white. All the undertones, unfeeling. Play upon the minor note, Asking in a startled whisper. How about the overcoat? There's a shyness of provision! In the bin and On the ehelt. It's a mortal cinch the icebox Will not go and 1111 tteelf. There are many things annoying When to man is not prepared Por the tiitrsing et the blizzard, And lads feelings are net Spared. It's no time for him to Idle. On his duties to rook. If he didn't !Dave In summer la the Winter he must dig. Ilse Was Rioh. "Do you earn your own living?" do:' "Bow?"4.(h.;1 y �l.• l� "By work," �+ �`i t.,ir ` I' �yorlt at what? •'t+iy fattier." ' Exactly. l "Do you know what an optimist is?" "1 do." "Well, what is it?" "A pessimist who Is operating in a fair run oL good luck." Correct. "What is meant by a wise man?" "Meant by it?" - "That's it." "The guy that never gets caught" A Drop. "Ile wouldn't be satisfied until he tried the stage." "Did be make a hit?" ""ti'Veli, he hit the sidewalk." Did Not Understand. "Poets, sir, are bot'u." "Are they?" "Yes. sir." "1 wonder why." Danger Zone. j "I met my affinity today." "Did you grab her off?" "Not much! 1 grabbed my bat and ran." Generous. �} 1 have a corn upon my toe. I'd like to lose It, Say; you rein have it pretty Cheap if you can use it. HEALTHY ---- CHILDREN Psychine Made Her A Robust Child • Women's and Girls' Stylish Spring Coats and Shirts We have just passed into stock a large shipment of New Spring . Coats f*nd Seperate Skirts, Every Garment well made by the best tailors, We got at the rock -bottom price when buying these sty- lish ,Garments, and we're going to pass them on to our customers at Close Cut Prices, I3xceptional Values Ladies' Fawn Covert Cloth Coat, very pretty style, nice length, would be good value at $6.00—our price only . .............$5.00 Ladies' two-tone Fancy Stripe Coats, a very stylish • garment. Prices are $6.00, $7.50 and $10.00 Women's Tailored Skirts You don't run any chalices of mis-fits when buying your Skirts here. You can try them on in our Skirt and Coat department on -second floor before deciding to buy. We guarantee that the garment we sell. you will be satisfactory in style, fit and finish. All Wool Panama Cloth Skirts in the leading shades --Special at $4.00 All Wool Voile Skirt, very pretty. style, in Black, Blue, Brown and Taupe—our special price.. ..... .$5,00 Colored Pongee or Shantung Silks Every thread guaranteed bright, rich finish, good for Summer Suits. Colors and ycdopenhagen, all the per pure silk, fast colors, and weight, very serviceable silk are tan, navy, grey, amethyst, new shades—our price 69c Natural Pongee Silks Pure Silk ; comes in Linen shades only ; splendid wash- ing silk ; good wearing quality --our price, 27 inch 39c ; 36 inch, 50c per yd. H. E. Isaril & Co. It is not necessary for us to speak any words of our own, for the facts given below are strong enough to oanvinco the most skeptical as to .PSYCHINir.'S power to restore health. Mr. John Sykes, of Victoria harbor, says: -- When Nellie was about 4 years of age, she had wasted away so much that she looked like a little skeleton. The doctor treated her for 2 or 3 months, but the child got worse, and the doctor said he could do nothing more. We called in another doctor who told its every, thing had been done and that the child could not get better. We decided to take the little thing to a Montreal doctor, who said her lungs wore filled with pus and that she would have to undtrgo an operation if we would save her life. Tho next day he came, down from Montreal and operated upon her, but the open was a fure, as liras unable get any pus fro a the lungs. ' Wratioo ware disappoiailnted. andha fulls thoughtto little Nellie was not going to get better. but it was cruel to let her sutt'er so. At this time we heard what a wonderful medicine PSYOHINS was for the mugs. We had been reading some of tite advertisements in the papers of people who had been cured through P'SS'CIUINIC. No thought it would suit our little girl, and so decided to give it a trial. This we did, and after Nellie had taken the fiat bottle weeaw an improvement. Gradually the Iltt c girl b=gan to 1111 out, and by the time we had natal 8 or J bottles, she was quite well. That was two years ago and she is as well and robltst today as tho other children arc. ZFe have a gr: a',denl to bo thnekfnl for. We iirmly believe little Nellie would never have lived if we bad not heard of YSYCHINlu'. We shall ba pleased to answer enquiries at any time." For Sale by all Druggists and Dealers, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, Toronto. Profitable leturfis Prom Fruit, The London Advertiser reports tl tat the 3'ohnson Bros., whose farm is lunar Forest, least year had fa gross return of $7,500 from 35 acres of apples, 15 acr es of plums and 12 acres of peach t b- ebnrds, the latter only four years on t. Ten acres( of the {duan trees were planted as fillers Its the apple ma °hard. When the opportunity nature i'ote ktntl spteches, make therm* (PRONOUNCED $i KEEN) STRENGTHENS WEAII LUNGS. HOMESEEKER$' EXCDRSIONS WESTERN CANADA LOW ROUND TRIP OATES GOING CAPES Apr. d, 19 lune 14, 28 Aad. 9, 23 lady 3, 17, 31 Italy 12, 26 Sept, 0, 20 Tf111011011 SPECIAL L 'TRAINS TORONTO 10 wiNNIPED AN'ta 'WEST tei'vdenotanve 2,0dar0 rhos. Colonisty ands Tourist Seweder,neir 'Coaches, it,L,pTb01to d 1OA, mill' A. " dronte I' et +Yalta AS1 F0 g0MESlltl1599' ?1M1't%lit 3, Sewer, Agent, iingha4i ry Goods and roceries We take a back seat to no one. We feel confident we can interest you, greatly to your benefit, in the following lines We have now on.' hand—ready for the spring trade•— a large stock of Carpets, hugs, Linoleums and Oil Cloths. We have good values in imported Rugs in Velvets and Tapestry. Now imported (Nairn's) Scotch Linoletlms in Block and Floral patterns—two and four yards wide. Wo have jest received from the Old Country a well selected shipment of Spring Dress Goods and Suitings— Swell goods at low prices. See our imported Silks in 40 inch width, of guaranted quality, Our prices -85c for 20 inch goods, $1.70 for 40 inch goods. A. large assortment of New Prints, Ginghams, Ander- son's Zephyrs, Muslin and Linen Saltine, in new Shades and Fancy Stripes. Just arrived, a well assorted stock of Ladies' White Lawn "Waists. Call and see ours when looking for them. Men's, Boys, and Children's ready-to-wear Spring Suits. All new, up-to-date styles, and prices right. See our Counterpane -•-special at $2.00. Headquarters for pnre No. 1 Sugar. As we purchase by the carload we can offer better prices than those that buy in smaller lots. Price for this week—$5.30 for 100 lbs. We keep in stook the best Flour on the market— Listowel and Seaforth makes. Also Royal Household (pare Manitoba.) Goods delivered all over town. ALL KINDS PRODUCE TAKEN. T. A. Mills INA