HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-03-31, Page 6--esereesor
v V
British oknage peneione call for ee0o
100,000 this year. And the demand. will
The cable • fakir who canuot produce
uew war -ware every second day is a
beck uumber.
It me a gre• at bawler to make jail life
so eomtortable that able men prefer it
to working for a living.
It may be interesting to note that
the total number of Japanese Loma
grants arriviug at Victoria, II, C., in
1909 was 74 males and 110 femeles.
The Mancheeter Canal bas been deep-
ened to 2a feet, nua the earniuga have
somewhat increasee, there hosing been
a gain of 40,000 tons traffic last year.
Australia expects to have 52,000,00
bushels of wheat available for export DOI:risen Hallethereby ramming the sus-
picion .of Flame Austin, but to remoin
this year, Her total crop is estimated at
In hiding in the .mountains until the
83,000,090 beishels, an increase of about great battle between the villagers and
20,000,000 over last year.
They are maineg flour out of cotton
seed now, and they tell us that it 13
five to seven times as uutritioue as
wheat flour. No. 1 nertnern Isow-
ever, good enough for Canadians,
New York city lest year had over 100
homicides, beeides nearly 2,000 Oath,' by
violence for which responsibility could
not be fixed. In addition, the police re-
ported 442 suicides. Life le anything but
sacred in the naetropolls.
Sweet Norine
When be liscovered that there was
no train, that it might be a matter of a
day or two ere it teftelled Hadley, and,
in fact, might not coine through any
ferther than Spokane, hie intense terror
tro, annoyance knew no bounds.
"If we are to have a through train at
said the ticket seller, "it Will be
on Wedneedey night at this time; this
is Monday night; the clionoce loon fo-v-
orteble to me. for it is getting warmer,
and that means -thaw, and If that ge-
nus the Eastern express will leave little
trouble in making headway. I think I
can promise you will heve little diffi-
culty in getting off Wedn,esday night."
"1 enn caught Like a rat in a trap,"
thought Caxlisle, wildly, ,"there is no
escape from tate accursed, place.'
But one emirs° prewented Itself to his
mind, and, that was Ott to go back to
An order has been insued forbidding
Canadian transportation companies to
remove dogs from any -part of the coun-
try in which the muzzling oreer is in
force. That part of Ontario is to be re-
garded as under a canine quarantine.
A Michigan man has been acquitted
of a charge of manslaughter, en the
ground. that his victim's skull was thin-
ner than that of the average enau. Com-
fort for thick-skulled Michiganders in
that verdict:
Victoria, B, C., milk dealers have re-
cently jumped the price of milk frora
$1.50 a month for one pint each day
to $2. A number of the dealers, how-
ever, refuse to abide by the combine
figure and. are selling at $1.75. •
In the United States there i$ it pliyea
clan to every 568 inhebitants. And the
ratio is increasing, because as the stan-
dard of the regular schools it raised, new
fake "doctor -factories" are turning out
hordes to prey upon the suffereng.
- •
The United' States Government's suit
against the Standard • Oil Co. is again
before the courts. There is a large sized
suspicion that the chief purpose which
the prosecution is intended to serve is
the piling up of costs to enrich the law-
Montreal is operating a water sterili-
zation plant as a temporary measure,
pending the completion of the city's fil-
tration plant. Sixteen million gallons
of water ia daily being treated with a
eolution of hypochlorite of lime, 120
pounds of which last 24 hours.
According to a recent cerems bulletin
the total value of the field crops of
Canada in 1900 Was $205,071,014; in
1009 it was $532,992,100. -The inerea,se
in value from 1880 to 1900 (20 years),
was 29.46 per cent.; and from 1900 to
1009 (9 years), it was 150.90 per cent.
' Chicago municipal solons are to pass
an ordinance stipulating that hat pine
than not protrude more than an inch
through the crowns of ladies' hats. Next
they will be prescribing a limit to the
size of the peach -basket and wash -tub
the Pawnees was well over, then watch
out for the Eastern. express, whieb. was
bound to come through. sooner or later.
Clifford. Carlisle had a natural horror
of all hardships; clamping out, as he
proposed to do, was most horrible to
him, but be saw no other way out of
the difficulty whieh hedged him in.
With morning foresight he made his
way back to the village, and there pur-
slowed a. stock tee eupplies which should
last him far beyond the time for the
train to arrive,
He had little fear of the weather, for
leis heavy sealskin overcoat would amply
protect him.
At the juneture of the mountain road
and. the road to Hadley there was a
deep hollow in a pile of rocks, which
he had discovered during his ramblings
euite by chance. This place had served
him well on several emulous when he
Imd been forced to find a retreat quick-
ly. Neither the villagers nor the Pawnees
seemed to know of its existence, he soon
discovered, and therefore in it he felt
safe from both alike.
With Clifford Carlisle, his own safety
was of the utmose importance to him;
he would never face danger when there
was a way to avoid it. Therefore he
hied himself to his place of comcealment
with all possible deapatch.
Thus that night palmed, as did the fol-
lowing, and as there was as yet no sign
of the eacciunter which the half-breed
had spoken to him about, it dawned
upon him that.the Pawnees were waiting
for him to join therm
He realized, too, that the half-breed
was probably searching for him, furious
over the delay he was eausing in their
He knew, too, that if he fell into their
hands after that length of time they
would be pretty apt to wreak their
vengeanee upon him.
FrOM his plaoe of eonceahnent he
knew that he could. easily reach the de-
pot when. he heard the welcome whistle
of the lommotive from afar off.
Amateur searehers for Halley's c miet
wiJl be unable to see it well. until seme
time toward the middle of next month,
bemuse of the fact that it will b3
.nearly in it line with the sun. After the
Cast week in Aiwa the beckgroend
against which it may be viewed will be
lees brightly immuminated.
4 • 0
The sales of IOWA shees Al the
United States are steadily inereasing.
John Bull gives better leather and work.
manship for the money; and he hay
quickly removed the reproach that hie
goods "hae. not the style." Peehientible
New Yes -kers told Bostonese noo seee
the MHO). footwear,
A hill is 'before New York Legisla-
ture Whose object is to tax bill -boards,
whieli have come to be 'regarded as an
intolemblo nuisattee. It is prorated te,
reech the bill -boards by taxing the pro-
perties upon whith they aro nituated.
The tax will be impesed according to
the &erecter, sire, do., of the bill-
boaree or printed matter dieplayed.
The young lediee Of Cabatine ISfethed-
ist Church, St. Louie, are going to urge
a millinery reform hat which would en-
able num' passeogers to be tarried in
the caret ears. They are publishing a
booklet, and 'will put on a play called
'The Millinery °petting" order to pusli
their idea. Unfortunately for men,
Dame Fashion ie just noW dernareling
wanh-tub hats and their scheme is doom-
ed failm'e.
The latest thing in the eporting lino
se a gun for "piteliing" baseball. It is
-mounted on a swivel, and may be Adjust -
at any angle. The power for the pro -
villein of the ball is eompressed air.
The operator in manipulating the tone
goes through ell the motions of throw-
ing. As hie hand tshoote out lite toitellem
the trioger of the gun, thus Telma:bag the
ball. The striker has then time to place
himself in poeition. Perluips the next
bine a moan of intenese pain, 'ivnielt lie
tainly endeavored to repreise, broke
front hie lips,
"Ole Joel Joel what is the Tnatter?
Are y:00 here?" peteously oTied Norine,
throwing hen:elf ebeivn on her knee* be-
side him,
"I am afraid nave repining -a my
tentkee," whispeeed; "but it is nothing,
Norine, nothing.'
"Noe:age' exclaimed the girl in the
greatest terior. "Oh, Joel haw cou you
Walk awl further if -if your ankle is
He took her trembling band in his,
"I am afraid( caunot, little one," be
saki, With almost a eat, in his voice, "but
let me tell you wha•t you inuet do Nor-
ine. You must go on to the •411age
without -mie. Tell them, if you find any
one, what has hoopeseen in,e; if you can
pet no one to -to comes to nee, mile
baok yourself, litth 'Norine."
She Woe too excited. to notice hoW
strangely Me sentence we worded ellen-,
but It a came back to her afterward, •
In vain oho begged, to stay by him,
but Joe mode her understand prreciently
three the 'plan he suggested was beat,
and the only :feasible one. So, drying
her team, Norine set off bravely on her
mdssion tto euxemon. assistance for him.
joe was suffering far more than he
had Leadmated to Norine; the world
seemed to grow dee* around him) he
feared his lave hour lead oomos-ithat he
was deelligo •
3S-Ienenwhele Norine epee rtipidly on-
ward, swiftly areating ethe bead in the
rotul where were the huge pile of rooks
that she lied regarded so enviously
many and many a time. At last elm
yeas abreast of them, and thee ousidenly
in the clear, brighte moonlight she sayr a
dark figune. The next inatent Nora°
had fallen senselests be the path, and
knew no more.
Ile was well e,nough a,equainted with
the Pawneee to know that they would
not attempt to interfere with the train,
for they stood too much in, fear of the
big, puffing engines, that had once ,upon
a time swept over a score of them who
refused to stand off from the track as
It v.pproached.
Ile knew that Florice Austin pause
have discovered ere this that he had not
caught the train; but, as he had not
returned to Harrison Hall, no doubt she
supposed. he must have gone .over to
Spokane to try to get a train from
Thus he settled the matter and dis-
missed the oubject from his thottglas.
There was only one thing that troubled
his °one:deuce and that was the fate
little Endue had. met with at the honds
of Chowsky. During the lonely hours
he vent in his place of concealment he
could think of nothing else.
In those hours he learned a startling
truth, and that waa, that he cared for
Norine-ay, cared for her a thousand
times more than he had dreamed pos-
sible that he could ever care for anyone
save himself.
The eventful Wednesday night rolled
areund, and Clifford Clat ;We waited
with all the impatient:3e imaginable for
the welcome whiatie of the train. He
was glad to think that it would come
and go ere the raid of the Pawnees
would take place; perhaps that was the
very thing that they were waiting for.
He wondered that that solution of the
mystery hied not occurred to him before;
biss Pawnees would not put their
raid agatiost the villagere into exeoution
until after that tavern had gone, if it
wane roontle
grip of *teal. "lit Norine your wife-, or
not r
"No:" spluttered Carlisle, struggling
furiouely to free' hiniself from tlutt her-
cuteau bold, and ta the same- time re-
cover his breath, which Ms cuitegouist
wee nearly eltaking out of his body.
"Then you don't board thie train to-
night!" roared Daniel Gordon, "You
Obeli come beek to the village with me,
and there anewer nee for what you have
In vain Clifford Carlisle attemptee to
expoetulate; he might ae well have en-
deavored to reason with an enraged lion
of the forest, Daniel Gordon did not eviee
hear him,
The heart animist etoo d still in Clif-
ford's boom wnen another voice fell upon
Jus ear -the voice of Florice Auotin,
"I am convinced beyond all doubt now
a Me mann duplicity; he was fleeing
vweintleimann:etboT;hei.NeoesvvomhaeleF3hevahliorefehele Ntvie
(Wiling. Bring iiiin back to the village,
good Mr. Gordon. It will be ray turn
when you. have done with him,"
"Florian" exclaimed Olifforcl
in intenee agitation; "I can explain all
this to your aanisfoction if you will but
allow me to do so -if you will only
lieten for one moment to my side of the
She laughted a head, bitter laugh.
"What my eyes behold, that I shall
believe!" she creed. "Yeeel can make a•
fool of Florice o longer. Listen, every-
body!" she cried, raleing her voice to a
01011, high key; "1 demount:a Clifford
Carlisle as the woret of froudal I saw
Mm force Mrs. Benison,
on her death-
bed, to sign that will which he offers to
the world as the genuine article. My
price of silence was that he should make
me his wife, sharing with me the ill-
gotten fortune. Ay, and *brae! He sys-
tematically ewindled the o/d lady out
of money for yea" pretending that he
invested it in a gold mine for her in
Arizona, but the gold mine had no ex-
istence save in his own brain. Ayl and
hie rascality does not even end. there/'
she went on, with growing rage; "our
handesome, dapper gentleman is a high-
wayman as well!"
"Floriee!" cried Clifford Carlisle, levid
with terror, "you are enad! Say no
raore, if you expect me to fulfil my
Pledge of =Trying you. You will bit-
terly rue all these tales- you are telling
about me. Can you not realize that?
I never thought that it would be you
who would try to ruin me."
Again she laughed that horrible, bitter
laugh that made the blood run cold in
his veins as he answered:
"Marry youl Why, I would as soon
think of throwing myself before this
train. I shall never marry a man, who
would deceive and willfully de-
sert me for another. I ean hate a• thou-
eandfold more bitterly than I can love,
and this I say to you, Clifford Corlisle:
I am your mortal foe, and all I want is
revelage-and I have it in this hour.
"It was he," she wiidly continued,
"who made away with the -young express
agent for the money he heel with hint: I
was an eyewitness to it LI followed -him
that night because I was suapicious that
be intended visiting some village maid,
and I repeat that I witnessed the rob-
ber•y and the tragedy,
Tlie effect of those words on the
mooed which had gathered was electrical,
they would have hanged him to the
nearest tree but for the stern decesion
of Daniel Gordon that he must be taken
to the village and the truth of the wo-
mazes assertions clearly proved.
This was. accoydingly done, a terring
crowd. following.
It wee ;lot until Norine was token to
the town ball and they had worked ever
her for emeue time that consciouenese
was restored to her,
Who shall attempt to describe the
excitement that followed when she told
of the safety of Joe Brainard from
death, but of the occident he bad met
with, and that he lay on the niountain
road in the greatest pain awaiting help,
which was despatched to Jinn without
an instant's delay,
Norine was as muce amazed as any
of them when she was told of the at-
tempted 4abduot4ou, .and she thanked
Heaven indeed for the timely interim',
ence through which she had been se
mercifully aaved.
Finding that fate had closed in around
him, and his wieked career was brought
to an matimely rid, Clifford Carlisle con-
fessed everythag from the forging of
the Barrisoo will to the attempt to
make away with the young express
agent -for tlee thirty thousand dealers
in emit which he had about him -and
promising to make full restitution if
they would but set aim free and let him
go his way.
It was jos who pleaded for the man
who tried his best to be his slayer.
eAll is well that ends well,' . said
Joe, "and since little Norine has prom-
ised to marry me at once'ean feel no
resehtment against even this mon. I
say, let him go, if he will promise 'lev-
er to come near the western plains
Very reluctantly the villagers consent-
ed, and a hooting, jeering men followed
the dandy of other days to the train to
See him Way away from their locality.
Foremost among them was Florio'
Anstin, and her face was the last he saw
as he crept aboard the train and the ex-
press moved eastward toward the ris-
ing sun.
Norine kept faithfully her promise to
joe. In the hours of her peril she had
learned his true worth, and that his
wail a. heart of gold-nOt one of tinsel.
And the love that awakened in her
heart for noble, heroic Joe, she knew to
be the true love of her soul, and she re-
alized that it had been only the glamor
of Infatuation which she had experienc-
id for the handsome, debonair stranger
who had came intee their trddst,
The antasement o Norine on learning
of the relationship between, Mrs. Harri-
son, the deeeased, and herself was great
-and greater still was her surpriee to
fad herself the possessor of the great
wealth that was hers through her poet
young Mother who had been so cruelly
disinherited long years ago,
Daniel Gordon lived long enough, as
did his good old wife, to see theft dari-
jog wedded to the Inan of their choice,
and it is &safe to say that not a jollier
weeding ever took place in the far west.
Soon after Joe purehassed the Great
Bear Gold Mine for Norine, and today
you read in the daily papers of our little
herohie Wog worth many millions; and
you also reed now good see hi to the
poor, how beautiful ,zhe is, how toyed
and admited-nay, ideolized-by all with
Whorit ehe comers in contact; are, knoet-
ing her as you do, deer reader, you do
not wonder at it, knowing how youhave
mite to love her yourself, from the first
moinent you taw theoe -dear, dainty lit
tie hands aceoloplish the wonderful
feat of faehioning a real horseshoe.
There wee never a more adoring hus-
band than Joe; but while be elosps hie
clearly -won darling in his armee etreht-
ing her to his heart as he moms her
blue -lag feet with kitties, he Nichisperis,
teasingly, ofttimeel
"They say you were Wee, hut I still
believed you true; Vetere my oWie holt-
ny, invest )urine."
Clever men are good, hut they are net
:Kerins had anade the fatai mistake of
belie** the dark Bearer which sudden-
ly eoomed up belocre her to be a Pawnee,
whoo snatt.na of feet it waa .mm1 laths
eT than Clefford Casesisle.
He node ventured forth trim his Voce
of congealment to serettch his cramped
lesnles, and the tient ,ohject he beheld was
a woman hurryivg down the monntoin
One gleam, nod an exola,mation of the
most intense amazement broke frem his
astoneshed Boa:
"NoTine, by all thart's wonderful!"
He instantly divined that she had just
mode her escape from, the Pawnees,
"Wen, _now, ef tins lien% a piece of
luck!" he ejaculated, sprin,geng toword
her, Ms handeome, evil face lighting up
_ with delight. "Norine will be lust in
time to take the train with wee'
Before lie hiet term to call to her, he
saw her helt quickly, then drop soden-
Ie clown in the path.
"Confound RI" he imuttered. "She has
fatintedo, I do believe." .
As soon as he weaved her side he
founel tiea•t his surmise was cowed.
"Of comae, frigelvtened her," he mut-
tered. "I suppooe it is little wonder. A.
pretty fix I would be in, to
-be sure, if the train came along
sciousness. By George! there's luck in
tbis opportune encounter. Norine is far
too beautiful to pass the rest of her days
on these wild western plains. I'll trans-
plant her to the gay metropolis, and Pli
warrant -there won't be a beauty in
Gotham who can compare with my little
western wild flower. I'll—"
But here his soliloquy was suddenly
cut short by the loud, shrill, earsplitting
screech of the eastward -bound express
whistle, resounding far over the plains
and dying away over the mountain.
"The train at last!" he cried, with
wild enthusiasm.
"Come Norinel" he cried, catching the
slight figure up in his stalwart arms.
"I haven't time to attempt to restore
you to consciousness now; when next
you open your bonny eyes, it will be
far away from Hadley."
Louder and more shrill sounded the
whistle of the far-off train, as it thun-
dered over the frozen rails.
Clifford Carlisle knew that it would
reach time station now quite as soon as
he could; he had not one moment to lose.
Down the mountain road he ran
swiftly, though the burden which he car-
ried was no light one.
For a moment he paused to see if the
comet was clear; he had no wish to en-
counter anyone, for take Norine aboard
of that train he would, he told himself,
no matter what occurred; but he trusted
to the darkness and the exoitement to
escape attention.
He more than suspected that Florice
Austin would take that idetitice,1 trait,
but it would be a very easy matter for
him to come in contact with her by
boarding a different car.
He would not buy an extra ticket
Lor Norine, thus being obliged to step
up to the ticket seller's window, but
would pay for her on the train.
Thus he settled the tlifficultles of the
carrying out of Ma dastardly scheine, one
by one, as they presented, themeelves.
Reaching the depot, he cieutiously
crept around to the other side of the
puffing train and was just about to
board it with' the still unconschue figure
of Norine clasped closely in his arms,
when a heavy hand was laid ott his shoul-
der, and a deep, husky voice, trembling
with mighty passion, exelaimed, hoarsely:
"So I have caught you at laet, my
fine fellow! What or whom have you
Before he Could collect himiself to
utter a word, or, in fact, to gather his
scattered senses, he was hurled. baekWard
by la heavy blow and the girl grasped
from hie hold.
The inetant he ma heard the voice,
even ere he had beheld his face, he knew
that he -Wm standing face to face with
Daniel Gordott-Norine's gre.ndfa.ther-
and that hoe need expect little mercy
from him.
.As Mr. Gordoze spoke he threw off the
heavy desk whieb, was 'wrapped about
the Blender form and held a lantern
down close to her face,
"Yes, it is Norine-my Nerinet"
he meal, with intense excitement, "and
she is dead! Great Godi-my little
Novae is deed!" he wailed.
"She hag only fainted," responded
Clifford Carliele, coolly, adding: "Now
that the hao paseed-mven though forci-
bly -front my care to yours, / leave her
be you."
Ile was about to spring upon the trate,
but, quick as a flatth, the sturdy old
Dam inteteeptad him.
"Stop!" thundered the old bIeckernith
in it yoke velekh Inkle Clifford Carlislen
heart quell In spite of bie rionclialeet
briteado. "Neerine hats been away from
our home two days. Have you needs
theaoter wife?"
"fibe Inas not bliene—"
6 q fletn Mrs 01011110 eel -Senivkleekollkiii
and boa ot.r lex/tux:441a mnduttonst Lee the ineet.-Oarlole.
While these tluoughts were drifting
tbrough nation quite a thrilling scene
WO being mem:reed lees than half a toile
from the spot where he was so securely
oonoewleds-a, scene in evidok Notine and
Joe--hoeuesrb,,faftfhful Joe -were the ac -
Although so Was- freedom they had
been unable to venture from 'their peace
of coneetalmeart etre dlairlences fell vole
them, own* to the roving hands of
Pawneee that passed their Mang place
from time to tirne.
When est length they did venture
forth, they -were boo late to enciounter
any of the ebages going eitlee•r way.
It was witth a feeling of joy at their
heard that own better be realized tban
deiseribed when their feet etruelt into
the mountain road at last. -
"Our worst -danger is over now, little
Nortinte," mum:tuned Joe. "We shall
have to week el lbhe way into Hanley,
but that will be only a little over e, isile
bode tthat bend: in the read you pee you.
Novae could bove oried aloud, fot
veal' joy, hut Joe was +strangely silent;
when Um oompainon rallied hini upon lie
he tine& her evasive answers. How
oould he her the fear tbat woe
weighing down this heart so heavily-
libea, of Chowaky's threat vete true,
there was no village and he kindred for
them to return to. If the Paw/lees liad
eareied out the ball -breed's tivreat,
Ioy was now lying in oases, and evety
man, vito-num and. ehild itt the village
Were Maeeaeredl
Ho, no, he &Ten not tell Norine of
the btooding fear that tlay like a dark
poll over his troubled heart. lie thank-
ed heaven that he WOuld be With; her
When else entered the village.
Intes-eh, mei-bow strangely the wico
eSt end best laid eitlene inkier:try, How
little Joe knew whet the note" moment
uoli to bring forth.
Scr ciieeply was he engroeteed with hie
own *Oughts that rfor brief instant
he earls* to emboli tem treeetherons rord
'befog* hene, walked*, as they were, in
the donee ehieceow of the trees; 'the re -
ant wee he aneule a Misatep and MI
bell& f4114heriegr°111014
thing Vre shall have Will be an armor- OA Noelloo
/detail fititomeitie etriker. lotion oilie
VIOLENT CATUARTICS1 inter""" 13"71"rs'°t the
cisco Fire.
Few rum on the read arc better known
than genial George Fox, whose friend's
throughout the West are legion. the
follewing letter he expreeees gratitude
for signal services rendered by Dr. Ham-
ilton's Plies. He goes on to say: °Until
I used. Dr. Hamilton's Pine and experi-
enced their wonderful validness and cura-
tive power, I estimated the value of
every pill b'y its activity. Talking about
this to a well-known physician I met on
the train the other day, he ere:Mined
there are different kinds of drugs that
act upon the bowels, the most active
being known as drastic. Except in ex-
treme mai where the life of the patient
depende upon speedy evacuation of the
bowels, pills should never be drastic.
Purgatives cause catarrh of the bowels
and inflammation; their dose must be
ineteased, causipg even more harm. With
moll a clear explanation I could see why
Dr, Hamilton's Pills aro curative arid
not irritating, why they are mild, yet
moat eearching,
"From my experience I recommend
everyone that takes pills to give up the
old-fashioned tharsh, purging pill, end,
instead, te use Dr. Hamilton's. They
cure headache, biliousneee, eonetipation,
bad stomach, and keep the system in per-
fect condition,"
Refuse weer subetitute for Dr. Hamin
ton's Pills; sold for Ono, all dealers, or
The Catarrhozone Co., Kingeton, Ont.
Was ,a Fair Question.
Traveler -I've been all over the world
and I've met only two really beautiful
Totty-And, pray, who wee the otleer
one?" -e -Philadelphia Inquirer.
cutdckly stops coughs, cures colds, heels
tho throat and lungs, - • . 23 mat&
At the Old Bailey, not long ago, a me,n
standing in the dock awaiting els
took out a sandwieli and conerieencecl eat -
nig it,
"Put that away, sir, at once," said the
"Pm putting it away as fast os I can,"
was the reply of the prisoner, as he took
another huge mouthful.
4 • 410-
No sane mother would wish herself
treated under the condition of xnedie
chic or curgery a half it century ago.
Why, then' should she give her tender
lithe childthe ola-fashiouecl medi-
cines that have not changed in half a
century, end whieh more likely
than not . contain poisonous opiates
that will not cure the child, but
!nem drug it into temporary insert -
Whiny, Baby's Own Toble•ta is a
modern medicine prepared with all
the care .and skill of modern medical
science. This medicine cures all
stomach, bowel, teethilig and other
ailments of childhood and babyhood.
And the mother has the guarantee of
a government analyst tat it con-
tains net opiate or poisonous drug. Sold
by medicine dealers or by anal! at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co,, Brockville, Ont,
San Frans
A diffieule undertakilig and. one which
required the work of six men for nearly
two weeks was reeently accompliehed in
California, when two thirty-foot palate
were move(' from the abandoned. reel-
denee of II. E. Huntington, on the top of
le.neb Hill, San Francisco, and traneporten
a distant* of 500 miles to his new resi-
dome at Los ltonles, near San Clainiel,
Palm movnig la a eommon occurrence
hi California, says Horticulture, but it is
not likely that any have ever been moo-
ed so great a dietetic(' with so much sue -
cuts. leach palm when boxed weighed
eighteen tons, and a string of ten horses
was required in order to transport the,
peals to the railway station, a dietance
of two 'calks, through some of the bine
est streets in San Francisco.
The paline figured were also of more
than ordinary interest to the citizens of
San Franciseo, having stood there for
more than twenty years. In addition to
this fact they might be cheesed as most
intereeting Tellies of the earthquake -fire
of 1900, at which. time Mr. Huntington's
magnificent residence was destroyed,
along with everything in that district.
The fire stripped the palms completely
of their foliage, leaving only the Imre
and blackened stems. -Since that .time
in the course of three years fresh growth
has been. made by them, new, well-de-
veloped orowns have appeared, and they
bid fair to becoine two of the most in-
teresting objects on the Huntington es-
IN 2,009,
Transient -When that prosperoes,
looking fellow over there?
Native -That's Squire Shuvvel, the
millionaire aitch -digger. Everybody
laughed at him years ago when he re-
fused to become a doctor or it lawyer,
and even turned down the correspond-
ence schools' offers to make him a win-
dow-dresser or an electrical enieueer.
Time proved his wisdom, and to -day, as
the only unskilled laborer iu this sec-
tion, he can coMmand almost fabulous
Ctr IVI Qr'E
Inclisart F2coat.IIL
cure many common ailments which
are very different, but whieh all
mists from the same cause -a sys-
tem clogged with impurities. The
Pills cause the bowels to move reg. .
ularly, strengthen and stimulate the
kidneys and °poi im the pores of
the skin. These organs immediate-
ly throw off the accumulated im-
purities, and Biliousness, Indigestion,
Liver Complaint, Kidney Troubles,
Headaches, Rheumatism and similar
ailments vanish. Dr. Morse's Indian
Root Pille
Sines vise a cot 0 'es' Mill 1st
0 •
Trouble in ttie Higher Circles.
Phoebus was becoming irritated.
"One of these days," lm muttered,
"some blundering aviator wilL.drive his
teirehip athwart my pathway, ond then
he'll get a. sunstroke."
Thus it is that conservation'', grown
arrogant with the ages, ever seeks to
discourage the daring innovator with
the new Mese-From the Chicago Trib-
Minarciee Liniment Cures Burns, Etc.
• • IP
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
• ••
South Carolina Just Heard It.
"Don't have regular habits. You are is
weakling if yon do. The reason the city
boys were enabled to endure the hard-
ships of war better than the country
youths was because the latter had rev -
lex habits, and it broke them all up to
break them,"
It is needless to say that this philoso-
phy is some more of the Chicago pro-
duct. This new data on the subject of
youth in war is highly entertaining in
view of the fact that but few of the
young men in the confederate armlets
were from the eities.-Charleston News
and Courier.
What is the MOMS?
A Long Island man on his way to
take a trip on an airship stopped to get
a drink. He tnissed his trip, but the
machine was wrecked and he thereby
°seeped, in all probability, being killed.
I.et the Prohibitionists make the most
of that -Washington Herald,
Kills Bone Spavin
Rich Valley, Alta, May 20th. 1909
have need your Spavin Curt for a
long time and Would not be without it.
Have killed a Bone Sphvin by its use."
That tells the whole story. And
hundreds of thousande have bad the
/4204- experience itt the put 40 years.
For Spavls, *hipbone, Curb,
Splint, Swellious
III tameness,
ftendall'e Spavin Cure tette the
troubleLerialsee the here sound *ad
wen -and saves utoney foe the tarsier
hiatiuse ft Tee:levee the eaves Of the
Xerp battle Always it hind- ger 11
for B. Geed for *ten and beast. Ask
your dealer for fret copy of our leek
1•A Tree:doe Ge The Horse" br write nil.
*LC 3.101MDALL CS. WIWI ft.
HAPPY eelliiieel
efarriage is called a tie. and men
ehould be ,careful in the selection of their
tie ti Met they get, it in the neck.
When you feel that a pretty girl ie
fishing for you be earful haw you bite.
You may get the heek.
The nmo who remains a bachelor all
the daye of his life gets only a half por-
tion at, the bauquet board of earthly
The reason why a great many people
believe that the devil :s not as Mack as
ee is painted is probably that he is al-
ways peinted red.
There are no eleepingmars on the reed.
to succeee, and he trim trice a special
train must watch ma for the switches.
Try this
ONEtwEvoRA (woos.
You don't have to know what your Goods
are made of SAME Dye for AU.-- No
chance of mistake!. All colors to cents from
your Druggist or Dealer, Sample Card end
Booklet Free. The eonnsomniehardson
ON}co., Limited, Dept.1., Montreal, Que.
PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any
ease of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 600
•- •
Clothes ef Artists' Wives,
When the Society of American. Ar-
tists or the National Academy of De-
sign holds a reception 14 18 always in-
teresting to a sartorial observer to
pick out the women whose husbands
have designed their ectstumes.
Some of the wives with artistic hus-
bands plainly do not care for color
or line and come out in the latest
fashions. Then there are others whose
gowns show evidences of planning in
which the spouse has had a finger
regarding the tint of the fabric or the
way it is fashioned.
Some of the women one Bees at
these exhibitions trail about in artis-
tic and soulful robes which look as
though plucked from an unwilling
Botticelli angel and become slightly
strained in the fray. Very charming
are other of these artistic draperies
even though they lack that perfection
of finish and trimness which in fash-
ionable life is regarded as the height
of sartorial perfection. -From Brook-
Take LAXATIVE BROW) Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money tt it fails to cure. E.
W. GROVE'S signature IS bo each box. 260.
4f. -
"Let's go to the theatre."
"I've nothing to wear."
"Then we'll go to the opera."
4 - e
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
intelligent Steam Pipe.
Bob Footlite (actor) -Failure? I
should think it was. The whole play
toeus! How was that?
-At the end of the last
act a steam pipe burst and hissed me
off the stage. -London Tit -Bits.
Minard's Liniment for sale every-
What Did rie Mean?
"We have now beers married fifteen
years, ,Archibald, and I have never omit-
ted to make a cake for you on your
"That's true, my dear, and every one
of them was, so to speak, a milestone on
the path of my life1"-Life.
Camphor Ice'
12 Vaselipt. Remedies in Tubes
Capsicum, Mrated, Mentholated, Carbo-
1ated, Camphorated, White Oxide of Zino,
eto. Each for special purposes. Write for
Free Vaseline Book.
3711 Craig 8t. W., Montreal
deeemeerneree... _______
(Chicago News.)
The Bachelor -I'm in a terrible way.
I am worried so much that sometimes I
don't know my own mind.
The Benedict -You are lucky, old elm.
What worriee me is that I don't kuow
nsy wife' e mind,
Marion Bridge, C. B., May 30, '02.
I have handled. MINARD'S LINI-
MENT during the past year. It b al-
ways the first Liniment asked for here,
and unquestionably the best seller of all
the different kinds of Liniment I handle.
The London Daily Express gives a list
of American titled hostesses who are
adding to the gayety of the London sea-
son, and who have either married Eng-
lislimen or who make their permanent
hone in London. The list is an inter-
estisisng one and worth reproduetion. Here
Duchess, of Roxburghe.
Duchess of Marlborough.
Duchess of Manchester.
Consuela, Duchees of Mancheeter.
Cora, Countess of Strafiord,
Lady Cheylesmore.
Lady Beton:tn.
Countess of -Craven.
Lady Heeketie
Lady Deerhurst.
Lady Esseo,
Lady Lister -Kaye.
Lady Newbotough Drummond,
Lady Paget.
lady Cunard.
Helen, lady- Abinger.
Margaret, Lady Waterlow.
Lady Donoughinore,
Lady Dofferin.
lady Willoughby de Ereebes
Lady Tenkerville.
Lady Suffolk.
Fairy Tale.
Torino -Tell us a fairy tale.
enunit-Onee a man who Mid is baby
that didn't cry and a deg Vita didn't
bite went to live iti a suburb Without
ttioarattoes,-Hargeres imetter.
(Memphis Cemmercial-Appeal.)
A Philadelphia suffragette found a
man under her bed the other night and
sat on him until tho pollee arrived. The
suffragette never takes a chance on
losing a man when she once catches him.
ett •
To prevent dry, thin and falling hair,
remove dandruff, allay itching and iri-
tation and promote the growth and
beauty of the hair, frequent shampoos
with Cutieura Soap and occasional
dressings with Cutieura- Ointment are
usually effective when all else fails.
Special and full directions accompany
each package of Cuticura, or will be
aent free on application to the Potter
Drug & Chemical Corporation, Boston,
Le 5, A. In the treatment of eczemas,
rasbes, itchings and chafings, for sana-
tive, antiseptic cleansing of ulcerated
and inflamed mucous surfaces and far
all purposes of the toilet, bath and
nursery, these pure, sweet and gentle
emollients are absolutely indispeneable.
City Editor -One minute, Jones.
Reporter -All right.
City Editor -I don't know whether
it is absent-rainnedness on your part, or
an expression of your views of matri-
mony, but I'd rather, when you have
occasion to write about a wedding, not
have you Bay that Miss Smith and Mr.
Brown "underwent" a marriage cere-
mony. ,
If you suffer from bleeding, itching,
blind or protruding Piles, send me your
address, and I will tell you how to cure
yourself at home by the new absorption
treatment; amd will also send some of
this home treatment free for trial, with
references from yew' own locality if
requested. Immediate relief Red per-
manent cure assured. Send no money,
but tell others of this offer. Write to-
day to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P. 8,
Windsor, Ont.
is Oki word to remesi4
whenyou need arm*:
ISSUE NO. 13 1910
ting; can make good money with
short experience; permanent position age
puree, chipmaroleolton Knitting CO.,
Hamilton, Qat,
The Umbrella Conscience.
An insurance mon declares that he
tried this scheme the other day, and
that it worked. He found himself caught
in a rainstorm and being hi too much of
it hurry to wait for it to stop he waif
obliged to acquire on umbrella, right
away, quick. Ile paused under an awn-
ing end waited, he says, until somebedy
came along who sized up as a man with
a guilty conscienee. • Thene the insurance
roan stepped up to the etranger, saying
"I'll trouble you for my umbrella!"
The stranger stared at him a moment,
handed over the umbrella end walked
away, muttering a word of apology.
Of course, the insurance man a.dmits,
the scheme might not always work and
it certain amoont of discrimination
Ritould be used in the selection of the vie-
tiin.-From the Cleveland Plein Dealer.
Dr. Martel's Female Pills
Prescribed ,and recommended for we.
men's ailments, a scientifically pria
pared remedy of proven worth. rho
result from their use is quick and per-
manent. For sale at all drug stores.
PLATED BRACELET, one of the latest Nov-
eltiee In Bracelets; will fit any wrist, WE
GIVE FREE tor selling only 8 boxes, at 26o,
TABLE PILLS, the greatest Remedy known
for Weak and Impure Blood, Indigestion, Con-
stipation, Rheumatism, Catarrh and for all
Liver and Kidney Tomball,
Only send your name and address and we
will send you 8 Ilexes of Pills and $ Fancy
Pine to give away IMO the Pills. Sell the
Pilla 254, a box, an When all are sold send
us the proceeds of your sales ($2.00) and we
will send you at once, by mail postpaid, this
handsome Bracelet which will please you
and all your friends, Write to -day.
A specialty made of investments
in Standard Railroad and Indus-
trial Stocks.
Call Or write for full particulars
regarding plan of investment.
Room 101, 180 St. James St.,
Engineering in Hospitals.
Practically all the important infirm-
aries and hospitals in England have
their own electric generating stations
and the size of the installations, says
the London Times, would surprise the
majority of engineers. The equipment
has to be designed with unusual care,
owing to the special conditions which
prevail in hospital work. Even where a
publio supply is available, the use of an
independent system is justified on ase.
count of the security which it jives
against failure of current at a craieal
moment. The installations are used for
lighting, heating, ventilating, telephon-
In and other purposes and many hos-
pitals have laundrMs operated electrieal-
ly. One county asylum has its own pe-
yote eleetrio railway for conveying sup.
Write Murthe EYe Remedy Co., Chicago, for
18 -page illustrated Eye Book Free. Write all
about Your Eye Trouble and they will advise
as to the Proper Application of the Murine
Eye Remedies in Your Special Case, Your
DruggLst will tell you that Murine Relieves
Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes, Doesn't
Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for 50e.
Try It ip your Eyes and in Baby's ears tor
Scaly Eyelids and Granulation.
It has been discovered by our Depart-
ment of Agriculture -a moat wonderful
departmeut it is in these days -and is
called the leguminotherapy doctrine. Just
how much it cost Uncle Jim to hire a
man to figure out this wonderful doc-
trine will never be known, perhaps, but
it must have been a tidy Sum, for the
concluatons are not such as could have
been arrived at in a day. The legit-
minotherapists advocate vegetable in-
stead of meat diets. Now, there are
boiled carrots. They are good for bad
tempers. Too niany potatoes produce
laziness. Greeti peas make a girl flirta-
tious. Spinach develops energy and
constancy. French string beans develop,
the poetic: and artistic instinct, which
explains the signs evhich indicate the
location of the South Water Street
School of Poetry.
4 -
X( every woman, who has kidney or
bladder trouble, could go to Davisville.
Ont., end talk to Mrs. A. Simpson, they
would do just as she did -take Gin Pills
and cure themselves. "E'er 14 or 16 years
I had kidney or bladder trouble, suffer-
ing at times intense pain. X doctored con-
tinually but nothing gave me permanent
relief until X was persuaded to try Gin
"Within a couple of days I received
great relief arid after taking ono box wee
completely cured."
Write National DrUfg & Chemical Co.,
(Dept. H. L.) Toronto, for free sample.
50e a box, 6 boxes for $2.50, at all dealers.
44 • •
Like the Historic Coon.
When Wu Ting -Fang is not corning to
the United States be is returning to
China. -Boston Transcript.
Sweettoned, deep voiced instrutnent, with which you can
play beautiful music for coucerts aud dances. Large frame,
10 keyn. full set of reedn, two stops, double bellows, eboulsed
ease, nickel plated valves and triminingn.
To advertise Dr. Maturin's F001043 Vegetable Pills, a great
retnedy for the cure of weak and impure blood, indigestion
headache, coesupation, neevoue troubles, liver, bladder an
WcineY di/leaser and nil female Weaknesses; is Great B10041
Purifier and Invigorator, is Grand Tante and Life Builder,
etc -will give this Beautiful Accordion PRETt, for the sale of
12 Voce ef these Famous Vegetable Pills, at 25 cents
box. Every person allying from you a x of these Pine. also receives piece of jewelry which
we send you with the Pills. This ntakes thent eery to sell. Send us your name and addrets,
and weVvill {tend you the Pills, postpaid. Ai noon as you have them all sold, remit to us the
proceeds of your Mlles $9.00, and we will send You this Grand Accordion, immediately, We
treat yau svitle the triode Until sold. Write to -day. Address, --
This delimit vrieteh, er roan -Inc, atm wind mut tea holey
engraved eases, FIT UV GUARANTEED, Will be sent to you Ase-
801.tiTELY leRltja
f you will sea only
ate Worth of high
grade *eller buttons
at 1.0e. per card 0
buttons MI 4404
eard). These hut -
tont aro very oat
genera Write to-deyim and we win tend
you is paekagei t eand return the
motley and win thle I ANDSOME LIT-
TLE "WATCH. Yon coo also win it
leYelY TEA BET num ft you will bell)
us emerge our evilness by getting only
Clotho sleets and without hEVittg. bell
anymore goods. Otay 43.00 evert
more no lees, sod you csa wIn both tem splendid pregame rliste
COBALY GOLD OEN Co.. Buttes Dept. 19 Terotate,Ont.