HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-03-31, Page 3BRONCHITIS
colds, Coughs, Catarrh
and Throat Trouble.
Evert'. sufferer fiom coughs,. celde,
bronelutis, aud ell throat and cheat ail-
teenti minds a soollsiug, heeling Inedie
eine, witielt iroee direct to the breathing
organs iu the chub and lungs, atteeks
the trouble at its source, dutpereita the
germs of diem*, and °urea
the ailment thoroughly.
And this Medicine is "Ca-
The gertaskilliug
runt vapor Mime* with the
breath, deeoende through
the throat, down the bron-
chial tuts% and finally
toachee the deepeat stir eelle
in the lunge. All -parte are
soothed with rich, pure,
medicinal eeeenees, where-
as if a. liquid or tablet re-
medy were used, the affect-
ed parts *mild net be Teach -
ed, and harm 'would re-
sult through benumbing
the stomach with drugs.
A Breath -able 'Direct' Medicine.
No medicine brings such
prompt relief, exerts eueh
an iavigorating influence,
or so thoroughly speedily
cures throat troubles as
"Catarrhozone." Doctove,
hoopitals, sanitariums -all
may that for those who suf-
fer from changeable weath-
er, for thesis -who are pre -
dispelled to catarrh, luug
trouble, deafnees, or bronchitis, no
treatment is eo indispensable as "Ca-
For es3rtain cure, for relief in an our,
ie Catarrhozone, the ouly direct,
breathable medicine. Two months'
treatment, guaranteed, price $1; smaller
size, 50o;, at all druggists, or the Ca-
earrhozone Company, Kingston, Ont,
President Diaz and Other Men of
Prominence Will Help In the Work.
The central committee on census
work appointed by the local author
Hies to draw plans for the taking of
111.0 the census In the Federal district has
completed arrangements for making
an accurate estimate of the inhabi-
tants of the capital and outlying
towns and has decided* to appoint
prominent persons in every town, to
take down tius names of residents
personally to preclude the possibility
of any names being left off the lists.
In former years it has been the ex-
perience of eensus takers that a large
majority of the natives refused to give
the names of all the raembers of their
household for fear that they might
be recruited in the army. The Gov-
ernment has decided to appoint prom-
inent persons as ^census takers in or-
der that this actual number of inhabl-
tante of the republic may be secured
within a close margin of accuracy.
President Diaz will personally take
the eensus of the block on the north
side of Calle de -Cadens, where he
lives; members of tite Cabinet will
perform a similar duty in their re-
spective neighborhoods; the Arch-
bishop of Mexico will take the census
of population in his own quartere and
an effort will be rade to have all
prominent citizens accept the oppoint-
meant foe their neighborhoods gener-
ally In order that confidence may be
• inspired among the natives and the
figures may be as accurate as pos-
But in interior Mexico an uphill
task is in store for the authorities,
as the majority is bent upon thwart-
ing the census work, being formed of
illiterate peons and farm laborers
who are still afraid of compulsory
military service. -From the Mexican
'AT •
Honored by France for Saving the
Lives of 5,000 Sable',
This one man saved the lives of 5,000
babies in Paris, 'ranee. alone during
1008. Then he die& Though dead, it
may bo aaid that he ia atilt saving
live*, over 2,000 children of Paris, dur-
ing the !trot five menthe of 1009, ow'
Ina, their livea to him.
HO said: "To instruct the children
Is good, but to instruct mothers is
the moat important of all educational
work, for what's the use of having
schools for children when the children
die because of the ignorance of their
Prof. Pierre Budin said this; then
he went to work. He inaugurated in
Paris a "school for raethere." Being
a physician himself, he headed a
small body of volunteer doctors who
agreed to give part of their time each
week to the cause of saving the lives
of babies -that is, children, from birth
to the age of two years. That was ten.
years ago.. First there was only one
email bureau. Here, each day, two
or three practitioners (the doctors
taking turn about) lied "office hours„"
and mothers were invited to bring their
babies for examination and treatment.
They came in droves. Infants were
weighed, their little ailments were
diagnosed and remedies prescribed.
But that was only a very small part
of the work.
While babies were cared for in tills
manner, the mothers were instructed
in the art of caring for their own,
When baby acted in this way, it
meant so and so. When it had collo,
do this or that. Hold baby in this
manner; never the other way. Feed
It on this food or that. Take it out
In the open. In fact, nothers were
taught the thousands and one little
details 'of the proper care for babies.
This opened up another channel for
doing good. Proper food being half
the battle with babies, and milk be-
ing the principal commodity of food,
pure milk was urged as an absolute
necessity for the little ones.
In ten yeara the death rate et babiea
between the ages mentioned has drop.
ped from about 10,000 per year to net
more than 5,000.
The mothers' schools are now in all
the, principal cities of France, and in
every instances the result has been
t the ratio shown by the Paris
A. monument is now building in
Paris to the memory of Dr. Budin.
EXPresident Loubet, Dr. Henri de
Rekhschild and other notables are
leoders In the movement.
How to Get New Health awl New
Strength in the Spring.
Even the most robust find the winter
months trying on their health. Confines
tient indoors hi often over -heated and
4_ nearly always badly ventilated room -
In the home, the office'the Shops and
the ecliool-taxes the vitality of even
the strongest. The blood begociness thin
and watery, or clogged with impurities.
Sometimes you get up in the Meriting
Just as tired art wheti you went to bed -
Some people have headaches and a
feeling of languor; others are low epic.-
ited and nervous; still othens have pim-
ples and side eruptions. These are all
spring eymptems that the blood is out
of order. Many people rush to purga-
tive medicines in the spring. This Is a
mistake. You can't oure these troubles
with a medicine that gallops through
your systetn, and is sure to leave you
weaker Mill. What you need: to give
you health and etrength in the spring
is a tonic medicine, and the one always
tellable tonics and blood -builder is Dr.
Williams' Pink Pill. These pills not
benish inning ills, but guaxcl
against the more serious ailments tiutt
follow, iamb eta alliterate, nervous de -
hefty, indigestion, rheumatism, and
other disecums due to bad blood. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills actually Jmake newt
rich blood, which strengthena every
terve, every organ and every past ef
the body. Try thie menicine tide spring
and gem will nave strength, and energy
to resist the torrid heat of the cording
Mr. Geo. W. Johneon, Itemford, N. fle
'eye: "A eouple of years ago when 1
tone 'home front a lumbering amp
Where I had been employed my bleed
was in each a condition that mg whole
hedy broke out ht boils-44mo six or
eight in a most. Thee were eo
that / was confined to the, home and
for three months wee treated by my
&redly elector. I got no better; le feet
the sores began to set IMO my flesh,
and at times% were so offensive that I
refuted to sit at the table with ney fata-
lly. A friend taken me <me day why I
did not give Dr. Williams' Plink
ft trial, and decided to do so. I got
mix boxes and before they wore all gone
the sores began to dtatwar and any
system was tau& etressgted. r 0011-
tWutd tieing the pills until 1had taken
twelve boenet, when entry boll arid sore
bad aist/Vtaitd, and 1 have einos en -
forst the Yeti beet of health.°
ROM by ell medieine dealers or 11
mall at 60 kweritil a box *r et* boxes for
$2.50 from Th. Dr. Williams Melkilte
Oa, Brookville, Oat.
Dame Parent's Heart Disease
Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills.
She Suffered for Two Years But Now
Advises Ail Troubled as She Was
to Give Dodd's Kidney Pills a
St. Robert, Riehilieu Co., Que., March
28. -(Special) -"I reconunend
Kidney Pills to all my friends." These
are the words of Dame joeeph Parent,
of this place. And the good dame gives
excellent remelts why she does so. "For
two years," she says "I suffered from
Heart Disease, Headache, Backache and
a dragging sensation aeross the loins.
Seven boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills cured
imurrea.vIwitopegii,aell DowhdodssareKitarnoeuyblepdinsas aI
Some people may ask how Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills, which are purely a Kidney
remedy, can cure Heart Disease. And
the answer is simple. Diseased Kidneys
101 to drain the impurities out of tho
blood. If these impurities are left in
the blood they not only increase the
work of the heart in propelling the blood
through the body, but not on the valves
ca.lising disease. Pure blood removes the
cause of the disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills
make pure blood by putting the Kidneys
in condition to strain all the impurities
out of it. •
- •
Newest Arab Ian Nights.
"The queer thing abbut Insomnia," re-
marked the Sultan of the Indies, "Is
that, although I have elept well for two
nights, I am just as certain 1 shaul
sleep to -night as I ever was."
"There's a reason," responded elehen-
ario-zede. •
"Nonsense. I only had a demi-tasse,"
said Schah-riar. "What the jinn er has
become of my pajamas? 0, here they
"Why don't you look before you ask?"
said Schenario-zade.
new chamber slave'" grumbled
the Sultan "has a perfectmania for
picking up, If she doesn't let my things
alone I'll have her bowstrung." He dis-
posed himself upon the royal couch,
while Schenario-zade took a seat at his
feet and began to braid her hair.
"Well, my love," said the Sultan,
"What is the latest of your 'Monet
Tales? That castaway Island yarn was
a dream,"
"I decided not to read toetight," re-
plied Schenselo-zade, "as my eyes have
been troubliug me. Instead I MIMI tell
you about the new flat that my sister
Dinaneade has just taken."
"Fine," said Sohaleriar, punching a
dent in the pillow and depositing his
royal head therein.
"It is a perfectly wonderful Bet,"
said Schenano-zade; "six large rooms,
southern exposure; and, as the apart-,
moist building is brand neva there wenn
13e any cockroaches or other things for
at least three months."
"Of course," said the Sultan, yawnitig,
"the neighborhood is very much euperior
to the one your sister is leaving."
• infirutely. It is so much quieter,
for one thing. You see, it is on a boule-
vard, and no traffics teams or peddlers
are allowed, so there is no noise except
automobiles, pianolas and Caruso re-
"I suppose the landlord will permit
her to select the paper and decoratione,"
said liichah-riar, sleepily.
"0, yea. For the parlor she can go as
far as she likes, up to the dollar fifty."
"I take it for granted," drovezed the
Sultan, "that it's the ettolest flat in
"By far," replied Schee:trio-rade.
"There Is always lime* oinhe hot-
ted nights. And it is so' cheap, too. My
inner tells me that a frieed of hers has
a fiat with two les* rooms, in a 11111th
poorer neighborhood, and has to pity
fifteen dollar* more a month fein it. I
forgot to tell you about the janitor-"
It Was tot necessary. The Sultan of
the /tulles was Rotten -Chicago Tribune.
(Louleville Courliir-Jou mat)
"He had a good buelnewe lett he lost
• he drinkt"
"No; but he was too busy bel
prantletent (citizen to attend to
Editor Used 0, Well Known Tunic
and System, Euilder
The Editor and Manager of the Burk's
Falls "Arrow," is only human. This beteg
SO it is not eurprising that he eheuld feel
and suffer as other men. Mr. Alez raw.
cett eons: " I had s, very severe Week of
Le Grippe which left me very week, spirit,
less aid rue slowa. I seemed to have lost
all ambition. "At We point I realized that
ray condition was likely to become more
serious wilese I took myeelf in hand. One
day while in thie Half dead and alive con-
dition ' I was listlessly lookiag over recent
fyles Of my paper, The Barkh Falls Anew'
(of tyhich I am Editor and Manager), whea
my eyee reated on an advertisement of
f'SYCH1NE. This clearly and explicitly
riot forth a MO BO exactly resembling my
own that I at once purchased a bottle at
the Medical Hall, After taking two or'
three doses 1 felt like a new Men, and
before half the second bottle had boon used,'
every trace of the bad effects of La Grippe,
had left me. " PSYCHINE is a marvel and
I have strongly recommended it to some or
my friends similarly afflicted and they have
used ib with equally beneficent results."
For Saler by all Druggists and Dealers,
50c and $1.00 per bottle.
Dr, T. A. SLOCUM, Limited - Toronto
Mending Men's Olothes.
(Mary Evans.)
Lots of fittle things may be done to
make a man's garments last longer and.
look better than if he bas no woman-
kind to care for him and his wardrobe.
A man's clothes are expensive and usual-
ly well made, but the best tailoring in
the world can't prevent buttons coming
off or coats wearing shiny at the seams,
Now, every man has a theory about
the way a button should be sewn on.
Ile knows it should bays a "neck," and
nothing will persuade him that his wo-
menfolk Aare this knowledge. He is
therefore firmly convinced that if he
sewed the buttons on they would never
COME off. He wouldn't believe It if you
told him that the fault lay not in omit-
ting to give the button a "neck," but in
neglecting to finish it off properly after
the neck had been twieted. At least half
a dozen firm stitches are needed to do
this well.
It trousers•fray at tne edge and it is
necessary to turn up a slightly deeper
hem, open the hem out all around, brush
It andetoap it on the wrong side. This
makes it set well, giving it a firm ironed
apearanee. Of course, It is necessary
after slip stitching the hem to press
on the wrong side with a darap cloth be-
tween the cloth and the iron.
Shiny seams and shoulders must be
sponged gently with warm water to
which a little ammonia has been added.
Sponging with cold tea will do wonders
toward restoring a black suit. Inking
the seams is a time honored method
which cannot be recommended, as the
ink Is apt to leave stains and noticeable
When putting away clothes brush
them thoroughly and hang them out in
the sun for eight hours. Repeat the
brushing process. The object of expos-
ing them to the sunlight Is to cause any
Moth eggs in the fabric) to hatch, and
then the young caterpillars are easily
dislodged by the second brushing. Hav-
ing done this, put the Ruin or whatever
It may be, away, with eome moth pre-
ventive, taking care to place the preven-
tive espeoially down the front of the
R -
Taking Lydia E. Pinkbam's
Vegetable Compound
Columbus__,Ohio. "X have taken
Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Com-
pound during
change of life. My
doctor told me it
was good, and since
taking it I feel so
much better that I
can do all my work
again. I 1; h in k
Lydia B. Pinichara'a
• °getable Cora -
pound a fine remedy
for all woman's
troubles, and I
never forget to tell
Miff,. ends Whet it has done for me."
El. E. lIelfsohr, 804 Bast Long St.,
Oo =bus, Ohio.
Another Woman Helped.
Graniteville, Vt. "1 was passing
through the Change of Life and suffered
from nervousness and other annoylng
symptoms. Lydia B. Pinkham's ego -
table Compound restored my health and
strength, and proved worth mountains
of gold to Me. For the sake of other
suffering women X am willing you
should publlsh my letter." MRS.
CECAR110 BASICLAVS Granite.Ville, Vt.
Women who are passing through this
critical period or who are suffering
from any of those distressing ills pct.
Wier to their set shouldnot lose at ht
of the Not that for thirty years L
B. Pinam's Vegetable Oom
which is made trona roots and herbi,
has been the standard remedy tot
f male ills. In almost every *Maputo
ty you will And woraet. who have
bsen teetored to health by Lydia N.
Tagetslale 00%apeuud.
veit, on the lapele of the root, in feet,
anywheregrease is meet likely to be,
When darning large twice in under-
wear place a piece of fine net under arid
eatending a ball inch tat+ eide of the
tear; herringbone over the joint with
bell the atitch On the webbing and hell
on the garment itself. When the rib-
bing is quite worn out it may be re-
placen by the special ribbing old at
most outfitters.
Men's gloves should be mended with
wax thread -not silk, as that cute. Use
number forty cotton drawn across a
piece Of beeswax, Be sure to finieh off
the ends carefully.
Lattly, do all these things in time;
dou't wait to ha,vo your attention call-
ed to them. lie doesn't want to be re-
minded before started out to business,
and your businens, equally turportant, il
not so well defined, lies itt just these
little things, which make all the differ-
ence between a comfortable, happy man
and a neglected one.
• *
T own the lightning of the storm, the
thwider of its roar.
My eye a blazing meteor ha and sees
what lies before.
earry a volcanic flame within my bow-
els of steel.
A pent-up majesty of might within my
breast I feel,
I do not stop to eat or chink; I do these
as I go;
In lakes whose bottoms hint sides are
iron I quench my thirst below.
With mouth Aflame I seize my food and
roar with savage glee
When it is quality number one, for then
it just suits me.
When I am fed a glory red I throw up-
on the sky;
And on my cloud, white as a shroud, I
see that glory die.
I glare upon strong greeds of' steel,
from them Isechoes wring,
And proud are they to be my slaves
and own me as their king.
Bright signals fall before my glance,
they feel its mighty power. ^
And the stars fade out and 'slink away
behind my meteor shower.
My guards staed all Along the line itt
uniforms of blue .
And green and white and blood -red light
to see me safely through.
I carry the power of light and death;
• I'm a god of weal and. woe?
As o'er the blazing lines of steel omni-
potent I go,
I leap within deep eaverns dark that
man has made of me.
And the earth a -tremble quakes with
fear as my Midnight revelry.
I shoot from the bores of tunnels glum-.
like a shot from a mighty gun,
And my aim is true as I fIy to greet the
first beam of the sun,
And old Father Time keeps close to me
with every turn of wheel*,
As I fly and thunder o'er my course;
I'm a thoroughbred in steel.
-John Clouston.
A Happy Mother's letter
Tells How She Brought Her
Sick Daughter Back to
"My daughter enjoyed a vigorous and
happy childhood," writes Mrs. Eugene
Jardine, from Shepherd's Point. "Being
an only eland, our =dales were great,
when just at her approach upon woman-
hood her strength failed and her mind
became somewhat depressed. Her appe-
tite became so variable that no effort 1
could make to supply variety and
changes of diet would induce her to
take comfortable meals. I never saw
a girl tire out so quickly --she had noth-
ing to fall back upon no resistance at
all. Her natural funodons were checked,
and her color was blanched. It looked
like pernicious anaemia until I found
how quickly Ferrozolle was building up
her blood. Even the filet sign of red-
ness in her cheeks, and the improved in-
terest she began to take in things, gave
us courage. This improvement was only
the beginning of good that Ferrozone
skirted. jennie's appetite improved, and
her daughter's case proves Ferrozone
the best tonic treatment for growing
girls. It restored Jennie's health when
we were almose in despair, and I hope
many other mothers will see their girls
use it, too."
It's from twelve to twenty nhat every
girl needs iron for her blood -a bracing
tont° to keep her vitality high -all she
requires is combined scientifically in
Iverrozone; try it, one or two ta.blete
with meals; Me per box or The Catarrh -
ozone Co., Kingston, Ont.
• •
(Republished by request.")
Baby bye, here's a fly.
We will watch him, you and I;
Lest he fall in baby's mouth,
Bringing germs from north and south.
In the world of things a -wing
There i5 not a nastier thing
Than this pesky little fly;
So we'll watch him, you and I.
See him crawl, up the wall,
And he'll never, never fall;
Save that, poisoned, be may drip
In the soup or on the chop.
Let us coax the cunning brute
To the tempting Tanglefoot,
Or invite his thirsty soul
To the poiSoninaper bowl.
believe with six: such legs
'Vat or I could walk ori eggs;
But he'd rather crawl on meat
With hie Microbe -laden feeet.
Eggs vvould hardly do as well -
Ire could not get through the shell;
Better far, to spread disease,
Vegetablee, meat or cheese.
There he goes, on his toes,
Tickling, tickling baby's nose.
Heaven knows where he hats been,
And what filth he's wallowed in.
Drat the nasty little wretch!
He's the deute and all to ketch.
Ahl He's settled on the wall,
Now the thunderbolt shall fail!
Baby bye, see that fly?
We will meat him, you and. T.
"Cif the International Fly Association.
Fad and Farley.
The potato, like love, grows less by
Lampe burn quite as much oil turned
down as up.
Some people are too pOlislied ever to
tell the plain utrearniehed truth.
The dragon fly can fly backwards -a
feat impossible to any bird.
Perhaps it is the stale bread they are
obliged to eat that makes drspoptice 80
No insurance company will insert the
Czar of RUelia.
Some of theee sosteide %Witte have to
wear belts to keep them from bursting
with cones%
It would take more than a musk
tember to cultivate the TOite Of C011-
$(41100 100rite people,
Stratford Centre, Wolfe Co„ Que.
"I have been completely cured of a
frightful condition of my Stomach
through the wonderful fruit medicine
'Fruit -a -dyes', I coulkl not eat auythiug
but what I suffered awful paiu from
My bead ached incessantly,
X was told to try 'Fruit-a-tives' and
sent for six boxes, Now I am entirely
well, can eat any ordinary food and
never have a Headache."
sec, a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial box,
25c. At all dealers or from Pruit-a-
tives Limited, Ottawa.
(Chicago News.)
"That cavern seems to he popular
'with the 'woman visitors," remarked the
"Yes," responded the guide, "Is hes
such a wonderful echo, Every once ie a
while ono of the wonien stands On a
ledge of rock and shouts: 'Is my hat on
straight?' "
"And the echo responds?"
"Yes, the echo answers: 'It is, mad-
am, it is!"
A Novel System of Education in Cape
(Prom Daily Consular and. Trade Re-
A railway school system has been de-
vised and inaugurated for the edireation
of 'children living in out of the way
places, and it has also 'been utilized in
eases of railway employees in centres of
considerable population. Statistics of
these railway sthools for 1908 show that
there are forty-one schools on the rail -
Ways, With total enrolment of 2,133
pupils. Many of lame children would
have no educational advantages if it
were not for the railway sehools estab-
tithed especially for thene The expense
to the Cape Government realways for
these schools was $28,367 for the year
Whenever railway employees in isolat-
ed places can guarantee an average at-
tendance of ten children or more, not
otherwise provided far by the railway
schools, the Railway Department and
the Education Department, acting con-
jointly and each furnishing half the ex-
pense, provide suitable premises and a
certificated teacher at a sfilery of $300
to $487 a year and quarters.
Children of railway employees are car-
ried to and from these schools free of
charge'and are charged slightly lewer
fees tb.,..en in the regular Government pub-
lic schools; they must also provide their
own books and stationery. No ohjection
le raised to the attendance of the chil-
dren of ffirmers who also may be living
beyond the conventenc.e of any Govern-
ment public... school. An official of he
railway, known as the education officer,
aots as manager of all the railway
schools, and where there are a sufficient
number of parents they form local com-
mittees to aasiet hint in managing the af-
fairs of the school. He is always more
or lees guided by the opinions of the sta-
. tion masters or head officials of the rail-
way. The school s are inspected regular-
ly by the inspectors of the Educetion
Itepartment, and the children are ad-
vaneed according to the standards of
the public school system;
Children attending these railway
schools range in age from 5 to 15 yeers,
over 20 per Cent. of the children being
over 15. They are taken as far as the
seventh stanaa.rd, whith "campriaee
knowledge of the following subjeeta:
Arithmetic, Euclid, algebra, gramma;
history, dictation, eomposition, writing,
reading, botany, geography, sewing,
Dunne French and Latin. The echools
are supplied with libraries, furnished by
Railway and Educational Depertmente.
There are as many as 1,665 industrial
and 381 mercantile continuation schoole,
of which 1,514 industrial and 222 mores*.
tile receive support from the State, The
industrial ceutinuation schools have
298,740 pupils the mercantile echciels
43,109 male Anil 4,622 female pupils. At
all but sixty-eight of the industriel and
fifty-four of the mercantile sehools at-
tendance is compttleory, /n exidition
there are 402 training schools, with 22e
168puplls, eupported by gulins and assn..
delimit, I. e., barbers, smiths, painters,
etc., and 120 training and continuation
schoole foe the female sex, assisted hy
special appropriations item the State.
Free I "N,oaarhtlitii,,..
We will give yen your
Stoke 01 osof tbosi boa*.
pint rings, guaranteed 14,
karats solid gold shell
plata, engraved, or NI
with elegant sionulate
Jewels, for tho Ago of 4
boxes env. at 216. a box,
of Dr. Malaria's Portunor
Vegetable Pills. They
aro the greatest remody
for indigestion, eoactipa.
tion, rheumatism, *oak
et imprint blood, catarrh,
iliossoo 41 the liver and
kidneys. 1Vhon you bars
sold thole 4 boxes of pills,
toad tb6'money $1, and
that adze of tho rlec1es1isd
and we will osnd yen,
yorroleol000f of those
ereetel or est welt precious sten . aena
7010.110os a,na immedletsly and N.
win Mend you, poot.poid, tho Pills arid fusty
no *Mob ritO giV• away to parobsetrio of
• Pillo, We do not ask any amity before
s pint ire sold tad vrs Wks book What you
oannot JIM
"g*g 11w5409 • hettnor Yea*
The Azure Lake,
Although 0 s of Fire water, nhe.-
ther it be frelt, or tea -water. is. invert -
ably color/fee yet ill bil/k it apparently
varies in hue in a neat btlatv :Intl re-
inarkable mariner. Vie everediangine,
colors of the ceeen, tete chilly, are men
striking aud leautiful. At times, when,
the sun haviu8. suak beneath the watery
horizon, the heavens are emblazoned
iu a glory of carmine and gold, tur-
(1110i00 anti emerald, pale mauve and am-
ber,. and the watt° of waters refleets
end blends the vivid coloting of the wes-
tern elty, lier beaviug eurfece is trans-
formed into a veritals'e Fee fd opal, grad-
ually, as the fiery hues of the western
eky pale away, failing into a dark, som-
bre indigo
Or, as is sometimes the ease on the
eorist of North Africa, and also probably
elewelicre, the ocean assumes a'brilliant
cerulean azure, brighter and more vivid
even thau the deep blue of the sky over-
head; while perhaps at is few miles dis-
tance it has assumed aa intense emerald
hue, again to °Lange into a livid jet-
black intensified and darkened by the
eontrast of the white foant thrown up
by the entwater of the steamer.
But, pernaps, the most striking in-
etauce te be teen in the whole world of
the wondrous apparent coloring of bod-
ies of water is the marvellously beauti-
ful "Blue Lake" in Switzerland. Einem-
passed on all Aides by lofty mountaine,
their lower ranges luxuriantly clothed
with verdure down to the edge of the
water, and adorned with many fine for-
est trees, while their higher acclivities
are gerbed in a mantle of eternal snow,
the little lake, nestling in its deep hol-
low basin, and protected from winds and
storms, is quite startling in its singu-
lar and straugo beauty. The water, al-
though really pure and colorless, ap-
pears to be of a most vivid and intense
aky=blue, brighter and more brilliant
even than the wondrous coloring of the
sea off the African coast already refer-
red to. And its trauepareney is so re-
markable that a small white nickel coin
dropped into the water in the centre of
the lake can bo seen gyrating downs
wards until it reaches the bottom ap-
parently more than a hundred feet be-
But, however beautiful the varied col-
oring of this earth may be, it has been
revealed to us that the most striking
feature of the Realms of Glory is the
dazzling variety and brilliance of the
many strange and vivid Imes which pre -
vain everything appears to glitter in a
flashing coruscation of glowing coloring?:
the orystaline "sea of glass" is rend -
gent with rays of scintillating fire; and
the firmament, described as the "ter-
rible crystal" bewilders and amazes the
awe-struck prophet. But those of us who,
obeying the laws of the Majesty of Hea-
ven, and tvho have laid their sins on
the Redeemer, who has made atonement
for them, will, with certainty, inherit
a mansion in that Realm of flashing
glory and many -hued beauty,
..N 24 HOWL
You ran painIttaily remove any eon, Wirier
hard, sgft or bleeding, ty applying rummest
Cora Ex txactor. it never Immo, inns:ono seer
inWee no a '1s; Is bareness beatiuee winos
illy or tenting gems anti baton. Piny yesre Izi
wife Cute gustanteetl. Field ost all artigsiste
re. bottles. ea hese saw/tetra.
Black Bees -Wax.
The Wok was of Burman one Jeanie
from a uote itt Nature, ie made by
email wild bee of the genus nielipona
(M. laevieeih). Tine bee has nests in
hollow trees, and forms a peculiar tram-
pet-shapeil entrance to its hive, It is
wry commonly found in the kstnyin
trees in which large holes are made in
tapping theta for resin. The bees find
these artificiel hollows suitable for their
nests. This wax is similar in composi-
tion to the resin of various trees, while
that forming the vestibules of the hive
at almost certainly the resin of the kam
yin tree.
D, D, D, Prescription Cured Him.
Only those who have suffered from it
know the tortures of eczema. Mr. %Tallies
Lidloch, of Iron Bridge, Ont. knew them
all too well. Ile writes gratefully of his
eu.rtIe hbayvel);upfiepre'd for years with eczema,
and now througli using two bottles of
your wonderful cure, my akin is as pure
as it ever was.
My face was So bad I could not see.
I could not sleep, I could. ont rest at
all* for the terrible itch,
Thanks to your wonderful medicine
I am cured."
0, D. A is a simple compound of oil
of wintergreen, with thyme', glycerine
and other substances. It penetrates to
the inner ekin, where the germs of the
disease are, kills them'.end instantly
relieves the terrible itesh.
For free trial bottle of D. D. D. Pre-
scription, write to the D. D. D. Labora-
tories, Department D, 23 Jordan etreet,
For sale by all druggists.
Number of Bricks.
To find number of bricks required for
house, first find the superficial area of
each wall, by multiplying the width by
the height; add these together and you
have the total superficial area of brick-
work, If your wall is to be nine inches
thick it will require 15 bricks for each
superficial foot; if it is a 14-inett wall
it will need 24 bricks for each superfl-
sial foot. Window and door openings
can be deducted.
It is impossible to make ft record
without breaking an old one.
Page Peaces weer nese-Stytes for T,arrns, Parks, Farms and Railroads. 14,000 miles of Page
Fences and 73,000 Pae Gates now in use in Canada, Our 1910 Fences ere better than ever. Page
Gates for 1910 live Galvanized Seams. Get our latest prices and booklet,
Zargest fence end gate manufacturers in Canada SOO
FREE it... ..A - C Fi
This beautiful Gold Flash Locket, mounted with melons
stones, with this lovely neck chain is one of the latestorna%onta.
dress is complete without an arnainent of this kind.
SEND NO MONEY. f .end_your !lame and endrese ennws
will send you 4 boxes of Lis. Natasha s Famous Vegetatea
the most powerful Tonle and Blood Purifier known. Bell than
at 25 cents a box, giving tree to each purchaser onto! the pins
sent you with the Pills. This help, yOn to sen rapidly. 4s soon
as the Pills are sold, _send us the *Leo collected and we will gond
you this handsome LOCKET & CHA134 FRU Write to.day.
ThoDs.Maturin Co.,Dept.429 Toronte,Ost.
Used by the best Bakers
and Caterers everywhere also by Chefs in the
large hotels and on Dining Cars, Steamships,
Steamboats, etc.
It 4 wise to use food products that are
produced in clean factories.
111111,1j111141i1111111 1111111101111111
.,,,,.. .7-15011j1111iiIiIiiiiiiffliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1111111111111,
A Gents' or Ladles' Solid Gold Watch costs from $26
to $60. Dunn throw your money limey. It you desire
to secure a Watch whlch to kee_p time and last well will
be equal to any 8011d 0 old Watch send us your mune and
address immediately and area to sell 10 boxes only of
Dr. Maturin's Farnot1S Vegetable Phis at eee, a box.
They are the greatest remedy 011 earth teethe cure Of
poor and Unpure blood, indigestion, headaches, condi,
potion, nervous troubles, liver, bladder and kidney (M-
oose% and all female weaknesses' they aro tbe Greet
Blood Purifier and levigorator, a Grand Tonle and We
Builder. With tho Pills wo aend 10 articles of jewelry to
give away with the Niro -this makes them Cita), to Sell.
This is the chance of a lifetime. DO lletmliniff. Send us
your order and NVO will fiend eon the 10 NAOS, pest 'paid.
When you have sold that Send us the money ($9.60) and
We will send you
the same day the money Is received.
We are giving these beautiful Washes to Whet:else
our liemediee. This 13 A grand opportunity to genre 6
valuable Watch withoUt having to Spend a cent. And
our Watch is a Stein wind and stein set and net trio cheap
baekwind article generally gleen 89 proniums. Send
tor our pills withmit delay. Address
Ni DM! N C CO* Watch Dept. 20 Toronto, Ont.
Everybody Who Eats Bread
Should avoid danger of impurities in delivery from the oven to
ths home. Ineist on your looker wripping his bread In
We ate the original Me htlfelltUrera of bread wrappers now
used by !aiding bakers of Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and other
The E Bi EDDY COMPANY, L1mIIed Hull Canada
A Song of Hope.
The tears do not wait for the 1110150W,
;•,0(1)11%114111444'i wilill"IlereUifigtil1V;
11$ with eorrow
I lo(11e1r:ibli.leittd1;;te 11 I are /wain',
But the (lite ning, though late, is itprom,
Andrithis the light.
a:it,i,gactfIor the morning;
Wagowgaikilethilictisthietiltd.of our Father
J1 g
awentvwerdeatyve;ary and lonciets,
Anil the joy and the love that axe in it,
Which of es can sayt
We know not the wonderful blessings
A day may bring forth.
iVe stand with the min in our faces;
11'lleniel ern:el:len:1i claret Ilse)
From the east to the north
rbeirtude,out before us,
And the beautiful teeming is given
To zue and to you.
Dear heart, do not fear for the morrow,
do not expect
net the ours will coms laden with
sorrow -
13O often stili aGmoidrgeilvieecstTis,surprises
To cheer us when sad!
Make ready the songs and the praises
For a day that is
Fern! ngha
Mighty Healer, who in Thy life ina
earth didst open the blind eyes Sal
muse the deaf to hear, and make Lite
lame to walk Thou who- didst give
cleansing to die leper and strength to
paashlstiede limbs, we bless and adore Thee
great Physician, full of power
and love. For bodily healing we come
to Thee, for Thou alone canst bless and
make effective the meaue which Thee
bast provided, But not alone forh ai
kat health would we beseech Thy fPalor.
More benumbing than palsy, more defd-
in,g and corrupting than le'prosy, is the
which afflicte our smile Sin blindc our
Gae:00 ,oetd) s. seahanaill tis:itsonupbisees,racioslyitottynr u aepii:ofrniel:cisalaoqrn lt,:hanhadnytd gel tats. aelo,aenci °auto? al -
from our sin. By Thy bitter pain save
us from eternal anguish, by Thy death
give ua eternal life. Amen!
The Tow -Rope.
How often we let ourselveo go; we MA
the tow -rope, or we let is ei.p, and we
are never tris same. This action is vol-
entary and involuntary. We cennot
field utirSeiree, we seem to hues been (a
ve look back) a half-as:oven peop.e. As
we mist) our face, we want away part
ef ourseives. Every seven years we have
a aew outfit ot bon, muscles and
nerves, we enter a new house With a
faint cony of the old structure. Our
childhood is one thing, our youth is an-
other. -Every dae 1 change," says St
Beetle. "Befere use finel death of the
mobile being who 0.116 himself by my
name, how many rne Will iiiready hare
died in me. Of this fife 110 gst a glimpse
and then it vanishes
But pleasures are bat poppies tpreatl.-
Yoti seize the flower, its broom is shed,
Or, like the anowf.t.i is the river,
A moment white -then melts forever.
Sometimea• we cut the tow -rope or
others eut it for ue. SI3010 Old tile tow..
rope of bachelorhood for the married
state, and find; before long, a sickly wife
A little coffin goes out et the door un-
der t1te. ann of the undertaker, business
is dull and health is poor and then there
is light upon the path, and then a voice
is heard. in the closet, "He restoreth my
soul." "Before I gave my heart to God,"
said. a Master. Mariner; "/ had good
health, good voyages, good earnings, and
all was merry as a marriage bell. After
that some children died, my -wife wile
sick, times were hard at sea., and I was
tempted to say all these things were
agenist me. Then I learned that these
were only "things," and that God and
Heaven and the soul were not things but
eternal realities." Who cut the tow -rope
in the ease of Augustine? He was one
day hailed by a boon companion. "Au-
gustine, come along, we have had good
times together; come along." He paused
and said, "You speak to another man;
Augustine is dead; I am no longer Au-
gustine." "They think it strange that
we run riot with them to the same exii
eau of riot."
Some cut the tow -rope of a selfish
heart and let her go. They welcome an -
ether which saye, "Do good and lend,
looking for nothing again." These are
never far from the Kingdom. M. 13re-
05033d sap of the saintly Cardinal New-
man: "B.e can lay his head on the pillow
nt night, and own in God's sight, with
overflowing heart, that he wants noth-
ing, that ha is full and abounding end
that nothing is not his Whieli God caul('
give him." Did he not live close to an
infinite Bounty S So May we.
H. T. Miller,
Spiritual Dyspepsia.
Ife who takes no interest in and gains
oo profit from religious services bas usu-
ally no olio to blame but himself. tie
may find fault with the preacher or the
music or the people, just as some people
fen] fault with their food when the trou-
ble is altogether within themselves. A
writ( r makes it physician arty to a pati-
ent: "When you complain that nothing
yoir eat agrees with you, does the fault
lie with the breaci and the steak, the
mill: and the coffee, the eppies and
cheese? Do you not rather, when hon-
est with yourself, charge it home to
your owe abuse of your digestive (even
which in consequence thews resent-
ment?" Whim one cen not eiejoy and be
strengthened by the reeding of God'*
Word, or prayer, 05 preaching, the pleb -
abilities are that sin or leek of spirituel
exerciee has impaireci his spiriteal niges-
Imew a 114111 trite suffered tor -
mantes after every meal. He Went into
the woods with an axe. Four hours' herd
work a tiny gave him appetite and corn -
fm table digestion for three Meals It day.
We hnow spirituel dyepepties Who need
nothingso much :14 4pititoill exercise.
One liouret work in the Sabletth school
weeld give them t healthy appetite for
the preaching servive. A few Imre
Christian vieithig every week WOUld: bP
O blesei»g to them ee US te time
they visited. (Inc of the need effielent
Christian workers in thia eity said to
114 iliat his first personal effort to lead
o soul to Christ Wait 8 revelation to
ITe went home too hippy for
tt i.rils, lit iRt. 1101,•55 beflue seemed an
near te him The oftener one shoWs
relit re the way ef saltatiori the :More
ilently lie eeee it himself, mid the great.
er joy and hope he hits in travelling it.