HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-03-10, Page 677,41,"
But don't make the mistake of believe
ing that every frisky or 4n,tribig dog is
"Blind pi hunting in the north (erne -
try is almost as alluring epoi t as hmr-
huntieg in aterraanY.
The Sugar Combine is giving the anew
another turn. Consumers may not like
it, but what will -they do tthout it
. es
During last year, Torouto's expendi-
ture ea citY parks Was $109,218. Tide
is an blereade of abont 100 per cent.
since 1905.
Icew York haa a $0,003,000 Bakery
Combine. It expects to bake about 12,-
900 barrelof flour weekly, about one-
eighth of the city's supply.
It is said Ne.w York ,is alarmed at
the prospect of 5,000 milliners going on
strike for $50 a. week. And jest at Eas-
ter, tool
It may be interesting to nore that
statistics ihOW that rabies oceur
frequently in the so-called "dog menthe"
than at other times of the year.
Toronto' e total city debt bee jumped
up nearly $12,000,000 in the last two
yeers. It now atande at $41463,371.
Toronto's margiit of borrowing power is
now only $1,370,948.
The proposal of the friends of Peary
in Congreee to give him annuity ot
$5,000 is said to be likely to be approv-
ed. Wonder if somebody will propose
a Congressional testimonial to Dr. Cook?
James T. Hill insista that the inereas-
ed cost of living in the United States
is the result of the population increas-
ing more rapidly than the production of
neeesseries. J. J. is entitled to another
guess, after taking several import:tat
omitted faetors into consideration.
Fire costs the United Steles people
S251 a year per eapita. The average in
Europe is 35 cents per capita. It ie time
the people of the United States and Can-
ada should approaeli fire -proof building
construction. -
Speculation among iron and steel men
continues as to the probability ef a
great merger of the Canadian iron and
steel interests. Is Canada about to
have to legislate to control a great trust
organized after the manner of the Unit-
ed States Steel Trust?
Dr. Rutherford, the Dominion veter-
inary, is quoted as saying that 50 per
cent, of the heads of suspected doge 're-
.cently sent to him from Ontario were
found on examination to show rabies.
Evidence like that tends to justify the
vigorous aetion of the Governinents in
restraining the freedom of the dogs.
Nd, Canada, la net "a drunken coun-
try" compared with other eouzitries, as
statisties clearly prove. Our people con-.
sume less than one-third the intoxicants
per eanita consumed by the United
States people, about ne-fifth that con-
sumed by the people el the United King-
dom. Canada might be far worse.
The British Antarctic expeaition re.
quires $200,000 to guarantee its success,
Already $160,000 has been subeerilied,
Captain Scott seys that two months ago
he had received more than 7,000 apple
cations from persons who wished to join
the expedition, and requests were still
ponring in.
, •
The United States people imported
last year tea, coffee and cocoa to the
value of $117,000,000, as against $73,-
4100,000 twenty years ago.The eon-.
sumption of coffee in the United States
is steadily growing. Twentaripars ago
it was 9.16 lbs.; last year it was 11.74
lbs.; of tea it was Lee, exactly the
same as in 1889.
Complaints come from Holland that
the Canadian evaporated applee, which
are acknowledged to be the best that
reaeh that market, suffer considerably
from careless parking,' and from the
presence of the eceree which in unny
cases have not been removed. This is a
matter which our fruit men seould at-
tend to.
4 4 Is
Prenee is providing for at great MIT,
the strength of which a new law fixes
at twenty-eight battleships, ten stout
ships, fifty-two torpeda borate4 ninety-
four stibmarinee, two mine-layere, end
ten distartee eerviee ships, luesides it sup-
ply of special service boats arid trans.
ports. Within arid fierinauy are not to
have all the fleet -building programmee.
The loss of the Preerli steamer Gen-
eral Chaney, with ell but one of her 167
passettigere and clew, is one of thoee
inariee disasters Well are fortunately
not frequent, but against which there
*wars to- be no means to guard. There
are times when the poen and the ele-
ments make little of man's skill and
w iolom.
es* -
The itiveetigation into tole /storage
methreis and their effeete upon the in-
trerteed rest -sef living furnieltee New
Yorker' with the interesting informa-
tion that much of the fresh fish eaten
by thorn ham been from two to three
yoftre out of the teeter. The power
widish eola storage gives to thus hold
latek food stuffs from the publie en.
ablet the eombinen to starve the mar -
het end obtain pries width could not
othetwitse be extorted. The facilities
**kith modern life enjoys for 'making the
most of the lemmings of native are erf-
151 ett 1 wag as to Moan
to the people's dieseivnetter.
Loose Tea Loses Flavour
It not only loses flavour, but worse than this, loose
tea takes on new odors, such as coal oil, molasses,
onions, coffee, soap, etc,,—to say nothing of
its expbsure to the sun, dust, dirt and
air. Therefore for your protection
is sold only in sealed lead packets—never "in bulk.
Sweet Norine
Nerom arse roarer came the little
Retied, embling along at an ea,sy gait
the:nigh the nallerbruae.
Would he come directly to where he
stood., or would he wheel about esna
plunge into an 0/44a/a direption?
• All the inteneity of it lefetame was
orowded into that momentotpitiM
"Heavezt help me to save my darling
Norinel" he moaned, under hie breath.
Suddenly the pony- quickened his pace,
044 ere J'oe oould reaoh out his haa4 to
gtraep him he had boueded past him and
drecfIy to Ohowelty's side, '
Poor Joe oould hardly repress the cry
of bittee asigusislt that welled up fig=
the depths of his cozy eoul to his lips
civet this entasteoPhe-
What in 'wawa% name rehoukl he do
now -what could he do? Be seemed to
suffer a ihensitaid &Mee in that mo-
ment ofhorrible black dee-,
It einectest seemicd to him thee tem just
Ctod who reigned above bad foagetten
poor Marine and him. He erne, fergote
ten the words which his good Old moth.
er 'wise wont to quote;
"Itiewe'er coneealed from Ile the good
The ways of God are all in mercy
Ohowskyle voice broke in upon his
dazed thoughts, He slue saying:
"The appearance of the horse is a
tebroke of good luck.. You shall ride lent
back to the eneamentrent."
Without waiting for Norine to menet,
he stooped and gathered her in ilia
items, as thong& she had been an &fame,
seed itfted. ber to the ontimaite broad,
sturdy back.
"Ho is a lazy little beast at beet," am -
claimed the helfeereede impattiently,
"and he never got along well with my
hand on the rein. I shall ou.t aetrong
birch whip. That will snake him go
along docile enough, 1 .fancy."
lepcing one hand on the animal's bei -
de, he whipped out a long, ehp-bladed
knife from hie belt with the other and
esbooped toward a large tuft of long,
w sillowy branches growing close by the
in this moment Joe ow his chance. It
would mean it leap for life. Ay, two
lives hung upon this sueeess or failure.
Be could not take time to ooneider how
his plan onigb,t be best etecomplished, for
each gliding instant was, pee -dew,
Swift as
it flash, quielcee than a
bleaught, Joe mode the desperate leap
which divklea him from Norine, who
was clinging to the pOny's back, eobbing
out to her captor to kill her then ancl
there leather than to take her to the
Indian encampment.
&tray, God, and the angels were with
joe, and aided leen in his awful plea,
for he made the Iearp with all the enc.
ces$ ,of a probleati oavaleyanan, lautling
bestaes, Neelize squarely uptm the ort.
maii's back, and in the sumo instant he
leatmed forward and svrept tire reins
from leitoweity's hand, and wresting the
knife from his grasp, creed, hearsay, as
he did sot
"It is I-Joe-Norine. For Godes eke,
sleet beset, but hold tight to one."
Arnie as he uttered the words, he dug
his heels deeply into tee peters eides
and Was off like an meow shot from a
It bad ail happened so quickly that
Chunky hod not time to gather his
ecatteeesd wits together to realize what
Wail mourning, but as he MN' Joe and
N,onine desappear from eight, his sesese
reburned to bine and the wild yell and
weeevehoop lie sent, after there) ass he
datshed in punka of them, Dude the
old forest eke.
His rage at finding himself eo clever-
ly outwitted by a. white man was terri-
ble eo behold.
Ile was a eselft runner -ay, the swift-
est among all the Pewee tribe --and
he ilashed meter them at it speed that el-
nvost equitied the pony's mem.
After that gist wild, furdoutt yell, not
a ound broke front Choweley's mealy
classed epee He knew too weli the value
of saving his breath and his strength.
Joe and Norine both knew that be
was followieg after them. They ooteld
hear the wand of his moeoseinee feet,
but they did not hear the oracki.W of
the shrubs and brambles as be
them& them.
They knew, too, that Ohowsky was
an e*ert tanner, and thee in the end he
woidd ottbaseetneo the home frem elteeft
power of ender:tin/ea
Patio in tbe mad gallop he was 'mg -
Ing the animal to he dared not, not even
to turn mid seed it shot beek which
night wing his gamer,
His one thought was to guide the ait-
butt into the main mountain road, de-
spite all thet he had heard Chowthy say
regarding the pony's mad desire to leap
over the precipice.
Death fiteect them, turn 'which way
they would, and if they were not to he
taxed, to be hurled overt he precipice
together Was It thousand time ptefer-
able to falling into the halide of the
These thoughts were coursing Madly
through hie brain as Neville tightened
het hold upon him, exelaferting Arley:
"Oli, she, the half-breed is raging after
tut Can lie overtake us?"
"We can only truet ourselves to heav-
en, little Norine," he answered, hoarsely.
flt-I will save you or sell my life te
dearly ars 1
Ile did not tell her what tellree he ha
ytiolveci upset if he were to fail.
Ouward, enwerd flew the noble little
peny, beginning to show nett the tort+
bit 'stride he was undergoing, and his
steps 'beginning to lag it little, a knowb
which was pitifitilly oereeptible
Only once stein during that terrible
4 tegi44.444sev4
ride of mile after mile at that, sarne mad
gallop die Norine utter it word, and
then it was to say, faintly, in an awful
"He has given up the chose, Joe. X
40 not hear him coming on behind. Can
eve not slow up it little?"
doe's strained ear hacl noted that there
was no longer a craeltling of the under-
brush close behind them, but unlike Nor-
ine, he did not believe that the belt -
breed had given up the chase. He keen
the habite of the Pawnees ler better
than to suppose that.
The terrible fear was withia Joe's
heart that he had stopped a brief imstant
to fit an arrow to his hew.
Chowsky's aim was deadly. No liv-
ing thing that he had made his mark
had. over yet escaped him. No matter
how great the distance, Joe knew, with
a heart quaking with fear, that if he
were to send ono of those deadly mis-
siles after them in their flight, it would
pierce Norine ere it reached him, and
that knowledge was more bitter than
death to bien, who loved her better than
hie own life.
Norinies mind was not idle. She was
realizing for the first time how much
Joe loved her.
The inan she had loved with all the
strength of her heart and soul had de-
serted her, cruelly, theanefully, in her
hour of need, and the man who loved
her was risking life itteilf to save her.
In that moment she knew that •her
grandfather's words were true -the love
of Clifford Carlisle wait tinsel, and the
love of Joe Brainard was pure gold, a
love such as heroes alone were capable
Norine was like a little child. A great
calm seemed to take possession of her.
Site felt that she was safe with Joe,
who had never yet failed her, to protect
her now.
She wondered why he was still so
silent, though she had told him that
their pursuing foe had given up the
He knew but too , well that the half,
breed had not abandoned the pursuit,
and a thousand fears possessed him in
That Chowsky had determined upon
some other tactis he felt assured. Per-
haps he had struck into some path
widish was a short cut to the maim road,
which they were striving to reach, and
would spring out upon them at any
No wonder his nerves were stretched
to their greatest tension, There was
but one turn in the path, and that was
just ahead of them. If they passed it in
safety, they would soon be on the main
road, and all would be well.
"Devoted love 'lien' find its way
Thro' paths where wolves would fear to.
And if it dares so much 'twere hard
Such brave love met not some reward."
Yes, the bend in the road -whieh they
were swiftly nearly would determine
their fate, whether they would reach
the point they were .aiming for in eafe-
ty, or whether they would find *pt.
selves surrounded by Pawnees, which
meant capture and death for Joe and
Worso than death for Norio.
It was little wonder that Joe's heart
beat with painful misgiving as he men-
tally reviewed the problem, keenly real-
izing the awful danger of the situation.
Suddenly lie caused the little pony to
halt in his mail speed, and the eudden-
ness of it caused Norio to lose her
hold, and she fell headlong into the deep
snow, which had drifted through the
In an instant Joe was beside her, and
the pony, riderless and free of restraint,
was plunging onward down the path,
with e loud, satisfied neigh,
intended that we should both dis-
mount here, Norine, dear," he murmur-
ed. "It is wisest and beet that we
should make tbe rest of the jour-
ney on foot. I dared not risk the
sharp bend in the road farther on.
It might be dangerous. The pony
will soon reach that point now, and
I will then know whether my fearwere
groundless or not. Anyway, it is better
to be sure than sorry, you know."
"Yee," sobbed Norio, trying to be
brave yet elinging to him like a ter -
raid little thild.
"Within ten reinates time I 'sheet koow
whether I was rght or wrong," mur-
mured Joe. "'We had better remain pat
where we are until that is determined."
"I -I trust everything to your judg-
ment, Joe," ;ebbed the girl, plies:may.
The minutes passed slowly, for they
Were taunting them by anxious hetet-
teats. Then, suddenly, Whey beard a
euceession of wild yells and triumphant
war -whoops.
For it full minutes the night air re-
sounded with the dettionlec emends. Joe
knew what it meant end his bronzed
cheeks bailee pale. The gallant. little
pony had reached the bend in the reed,
and, as he suspected, behind the huge
rock there, fully it store or more W-
ages, judging from the tumult of voices
of the voices of the Whine, had sprung
out and surrounded the animal, the
Pawnees supposing that they lute out -
Witted and whited the fleeing captives.
Then, quickly, the yells subsided, and
from where they erouchea behind the
trees, Joe and Norio could hear the
liveliest kind of a powwow up the
reed. They had discovered that they had
Seen cleverly outwitted and they were
uttering the fiereest teethe of mingled
hatred and raga known to the Pawnee
Then all beettme gdangereusly,
respialoutly quiet. Over and over *gain
Joe mow 14111161f what it could Meet.
In hit heart theta was but one ante
halm had avieled them,
iteto Keratin tartlet, etiVerirre
ecouring the forest in all directions ter
the fugitive*.
"There le only me wee, to temp them
Neriue," whispered Joe. "We vilest
clieub into the top of one of Oleo tall
trees and await developmeute."
There was no twee to ask NOrille if
she ould climb, for the wild free Ufa
oi the Western Oahe had taught her
that Since sbe bed been it little child
elle had climbed, up to the topmost
boughs of the Wheat trees, to eount
the tiny egge in the bird's' note.
"Whatever gou gay," faltered Norine.
Ile pointed silently up to the one Le-
neath whiele they stood The branches
were at quite it height irons the ground,
but, with ,Toe's assistance, site vaulted
up to the nearest one.
In utter ailence, Jae followed ber.
He knew how the humen voiee pene-
trated that grim forest -echoing, and
re-echoing with startling distio,nese
the faintest whisper.
Ire told himself that he would take no
chances. How wise he was in thie reopen(
was to he demonstrated all too eon.
They had searcely been seatedon the
boughs upon which they had climbed.
ere Joe's keen. ear detected the sound
of erackling twigs.
"For elod'a sake, do not stir it muscle.
Our very lives depend, upon our being
xnotioniese and keeping our self-control,
Norio" he whiepered, trying to hide.
his terrible agitation by speaking lightly,
carelessly. "I am Sure I hear Indian
footsteps," •
"That le jag Wint I Was about tO
tell you, Jos," she ev spore& "You pan
rely upon my perfect silence. I will not
move -scarcely breathe -you may be
sure of that."
He leaned over aud pressed one of the
little, cold hands, not daring to reply,
for the crackling of the hardened sinew
and dry twigs sounded nearer and nearer,
and he 'knew but too well the keenness
of the welletrained Pawnee ear.
Although the moon was shining bright
and clear, a deep gray darIttleell pervad-
ed the forest, save where here tuulthere
LL 61,7 gleam of moonlight filtered
throe the bare, leafless branches.
So accustomed had Joe and Norine be-
come to the thick glooui that their eees
could easily detect the three dark, MON',
ing forms that soon appeared in the
narrow road,
They ire together in guttural wide-
pers, geslating wtldly,
joe erstood a little ef the Paw.
nee language -bits he had gathered Imre
and there -and ea they approached, he
hewed enough to assure bine that his aur -
auto was oorrect-they had divided their
lumber into several squads to search the
forest for them.
He heard tbern say, too, that they
would patrol the forest for a week, if
the eerier; will.
need be, until they found their . font:
prints and came across them, or discov-
ered how they had eluded them.
Ile thanked God that 'eerie° aid not
understand their language. If she had,
brave girl though. she was, she might
have feinted outright, then and there.
The three Pawnees halted directly be.
n,eatit the huge tree thatsheltered them,
explaining, the one to the other, that
the road forked out bite five or six
paths at that identical spot, and here
the must have abendoeed their
"It is too dark to examine the foot-
prints now," exclaimed cue of the In-
dians. "I propose that we throw our-
selves- down here and reit until the light
113proposition seemed to meet with
the approval of his companions, for they
immediately threw themselves down in
the snow.
Norine did not know what they Said,
as did Joe, but she noted this action
with horror too great for words.
How they remaiued so quietle hp in
the boughs of the great tree without
rustling the dry leaves or branches, nee
ther of them could ever have told in the
after years when they looked bolt at
that long night of horror.
Heaven was merciful to them in ma-
erating the intense cold of the weather,
otherwise they would never have been
able to have endurieg their -cramped
position. The heavy belt of trees, too,
warded off the wied, as well.
They both saw the morning break,
cold and gray in the east, -with a, thank-
fulness of heart words are too weak to
describe, and by the faint grae, light
they could see all three of their foes
ender the tree as they peered anxiously
down. Two of them were apparently
eloepingi wrapped up in their blankets',
the remaining one suiting as a sentinel.
How hang the moments seemed to
drag as they watched the red, fierce,
upturned faces. One fear was upper-
re,st in -the heart's of both Joe and Nor-
When the Indians opened their eyes,
they would naturally gaze upward.
Would they behold them then? Would
not the bright, c,riinson jacket and hood
Which Norine wore be sure to attract
their attention?
The most pitiful apprehension seized
Joe. Setting his teeth together tightly,
he watched breathlessly, awaiting de-
Ile had prayed for the morning light,
Now he dreaded it with all his soul,
Ife knew that his anxiety -must son
mid, for it was the Pawnee custom to
be up and doing with the first rays of
the mottling light -only the women of
their tribe over slept until the sun arose
In the eastern sky.
And no brave would have his eompan,
isles think he was like the squeeve In
this reaped,. As Joe foresaw, the sileep-
ing Indians began to yawn and stretch
out their brawny, herculean limbs.
Then' tamely, one of the Indient open-
ed hiseyes and stared carelessly Up.
ward. One glance, and he was on his
feet in an Metcalfe pointing upward,
with it blood -curdling yell. He had dis-
covered the two fugitives hiding up in
the treel
"So do we hide our greatest griefs from
For fear of scoffers -or of friends un-
And our meet tender feelings do eot
But keep them like the sea does -buried
ProM Mortal eyes; beneath the creetea
There Is fully balmy a watery grave."
it was a Ill omtht in which the horror
of a, lifetime seemed -crowded.
So intense was the excitement of the
ParrItee that an he tattle do Was to yell
wildly and point upward, gesticulating
There was no time for Joe to consider
what was best to be time; histinct
taught hien, and quickly as it flash the
revolver be carried in his belt was
brought suddenly into play. There were
three rapid, tonsecutive reports, and
when the 'smoke cleared away all three
of the redskins were lying face eipwara
wader the huge tree, their lifeblood
'crimsoning the white snowdrifts Whore
they fele; with atteh leaden matsmager
of destruttiovi had done its work I*
A ery broke from Nkreitielt White
MO be tit'lliblfed.)
A liketint ez HYMN".
"I Beard, lthe oke of Jeorla SO,"
the finest and perhaps meet loved of
all Iforatius Ineutr's hyttiew, was writ.
ten while the ;Author wait minister st
Ille son tells how thet he woukl
take hie notebook, tied while thinking
out the lino of bis hymn, he would. be
busy with his pencil, making little
sketches all over the mingla of the page.
It is evident from the manuscript that
Dr. Boner, like John Wesley, made use
of a kind of shorthand, though in his
case the slime employed bear e strong
likeness to Pitinazea system.
The" original manuscript ot "I Hear
the Voice of Jesus else," is now very
much worn end' faded. It is written
in pencil, and the photographer who
copied. the original explains that he
had to give an exposure of solnething
like three-quarters of an hour in oreer
to get even Ps fairly goal eesult,
Dr. Boneless notebook, which is now
one of the -most preelotia rellee he has
left behind, contain, it is believed'
malty other hyrane, including "I Wall
a Wandering Sheep," written two or
three years previous to "I Heard the
Voice of Jesus Say," and that very
beautiful resignation hymn, "Thy Way,
-Not Mine, 0 Lord," written in 1855.
Send for free sample to Dept. U. L„ Na-
tional Drug is °heroical Coe Toronto.
At the Baths.
Robust old gentleman (to sick lady) -
When I came here first I hadn't strength
tP Utter a word, I had scarcely a hair on
my head. 1 couldn't Walk aerotte -the
room, and had to be lifted from ray
Sick lady -You give mehope, kind sir.
How were you cured?
Robuet old gentleman -I was born
The mother who ltaa once used Baby's
Owe. Tablets for her ehildren will %heap
pse them for the iniiior allinents that
eouie to all little ones. The Tablets give
a guarantee of health to th.e ehied arid
ease and comfort to the mother. They
cure an 'stomach and bowel troubles, de-
stroy worms, breek up colds and make
teething easy, Mrs. IL Lavoie'Se Fell-
a& Que., says; "I have used Baby's
Own Tablets for indigestion, constipre
tion and other troubles with perfect re-
sult& I think iso much of the Tablets
thee I use no other medicine for my
children," sola by medicine dealers or
by nail at 25 cents a box from the Dr,
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, (Mt,
Japan's Progress in Advertising,
The Japanese appear to be imitating
American methods. of advertising by big
posters, big signs which een be read
from railroad trains, and electileal
minittione at night. The most minion
picture noticed was of it lady dressed in
the costume of the far east in company
witlt a lady in the costume of the occi-
dent Not only feminine attractiveness,
but also flowers, scenery of mountains,
rivers and the seat, and other things con-
sidered beautiful, arc used for purposes
of advertising pictorial display, -co.
eminent Consular Report.
Toole 011 Rog Spavin
Edison, Alberta
•''.1 have been using I(endsigeSpisvin Cure on
a ce1tth*iad4 badliogspaMn sininG took
It clean off, Bete:lairs Is the best liniment I
ever used," Yours trear,y.n.
tendalge IS the bestforSeavin, Curb, Mew
bona Splint, Swellings, Sprains and all Lame.
hen. 40 years use grove It.
5.0 bottle -0 for tel. fie nue Its* gentians
you got and ask for Dee boek " &Treatise On
The llorse"-or write us,
Dr. 0.J. Kosittoll Co., Enoobsrig Fine, VW/
Correspondence Notes,
Delieate grays, dove or pearl shades
are exquisita
There is pale violet, 'loft pink Mei
light blue for those who like nut=
leseehionable moriogrann are etteu
plated at the ektrenie left Side,
$ingle eugave4 block letters at the
to of hie sheet, in the middle, are its
good taste.
Very long slender letters dropping
down the left side of the sheet from the
top are neW,
Solid forearms of color with the lettere
inset mark the top of many womens eta,-
Pistil% white paper with the address
line engraved iu gold or color at the top
And as to skes, there is little change,
and the oblong envelope with deep flap
leade in lemlitine favor.
- 4
Pewee by Wire,
A German machine manufacturer tfisi
it new means of power tripleo
misedon by the use of steel wire, It is
daineed that the Beattie le equal in eve
ety way to leather belts, st,eel bane&
&pins, eta., ante is much theaper, The
wires are thin and endive,
An limiest men does not make hirrieelf
a deg let the take of it bone.-Danielt.
.1114)3core5 <,,ts.,
In Deepest Ditspair.All Run Down
-*Health Was Restored by
Witeu teem are sick and undecided as
to the best rowdy to uee, there is
nothing so eetrvineing sts the personal
eeperieece of Sortie on wJ 11 AS offer-
ed like youreelf
From eit. Prancio, Maine, -comes the
following etatemeet from Mrs. evil*
Daigle: went to, write you a few
lines iu order to tell you how mien bet-
ter my Iteelth is eirsee taking FegtOZWIO.
"ror two years I was weak.
"Couldn't do auy housework.
"Was tired, worn out, depressed.
"Thought 1 woulen't mover.
"Sloe swing Ferrozone I have grown
strong °flatlet to attend myeelf to the
family weeking. I have seven olaildren
and a husband, and em doing all the
housework myself. I still uo Perrozone
and eeene to gain better health all the
Every person in low heath -all who
suffer as del Mrs, Daigle, are sure to
be invigorated and Teetered by Ferro.
zone; it's the most nourishing of all
toniese--tre oue or two tablets all mole
and weteit the gain; 50e per box, all
dealers, or The Oatarrhozone King -
sten, Canada.
Quantity vo. Numbers,
Old Uncle Rastas &eked, George Wash-
ington Johnson, of Utah, why he =ee-
riest sixth it "monsters big woman."
(Ton eee it was dis way," said Uncle
George, "the Mormons has as teeny
wives as dey want, and I taught behest
I oulde't have as many its dey had I'd
git as big a ODD as I could while I was
tegitthe. -National Monthly.
write marine Ere Remedy Co., Chicago, for
48.page illustrated Eye Book Pres. Write all
about Tour Eye Trouble and they will advise
as to the Proper Application of the Muria*
Eye Remedies in Your Special Ouse. Your
Druggist will tell you that Muller) Relieves
Sore Eyes, strethens weak Eye,, Doesn't
Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for 80c.
Try It in Your Eyes and in Baby's Byea for
Scale Eyelids and Granulation.
Human Typhoid Germ Tube,
Typhoid Mary, the hUnien culture.
Ogre, who lied for three years been un-
der observetion by the New York health
depaitment, has been released and told
to go and eook no more. Mary was st
domestic. Long ago she had typhoid,
and recovered, but the germs stayed
by, and everwhere that Mare went,
these germs were sure to go. Cases of
typhoid frequently developed in farail,
ies that emploeed her, overal persons
died, and atter every other explane.
gm of the seizures had been dieproved,
attention was attracted to the woman,
and it was agreed that she was a. ear,.
it person who though immune te a
germ, transmits it to Ohara, Mary's
peep gave enedivel inquiry a deoided
111' -
hp. Physicians all over the vvorld in-
vestigated and dieedesea it, and several
other carriers were found, though she
it appeared ,easily led them all in the
havoc she wrought. The health depart -
meet now releases her because it is be-
lieved she has become innocuoue, Fdr
three years she has been undev aepeeist'
diet. If the typhoid germs have not
starved ,it is probable that they have
at least boome tOO enfeebled to leave
their eongenial lodgings.-Bostou Trans.
I BdC Meta ea El CP frt 0 sex
are not oaused by anything wrong
in the bead, but by constipation,
biliousness end indigestion, Head-
ache powders or tablets may deaden,
but cannot cure them. Dr. Morstee
Indian Root Plea do cure sick
headache in the sensible way by re-
moving the constipation or sick Eito-
maoh which canoed them. Dr.
Morse's Indian Root Pills are pure-
ly 'Vegetable, fres from any harmful
drug, safe and sure. When you feel
the headache venting take
co r, mares WEL
lridInFac6crt PAIllss
Dangerous Servlan Practice:
One more has been added to the list of
fatalities proeeedipg from the free use
of Areal -MS en all festive occasions in
Servia. Mixelio Drenovieteb, it bridegroom of a few hours, has been the vic-
tim Of it stray bullet fired by one of the
guests at his wedding dinner, The guest
kept firing, politely, to mark his satis-
faction as (etch fresh course was laid on
the table.
.As a rule the Serb is a good shot, but
the number of aecidents that hew, me
eurred lately eall for Government °Atm
i -
tion, and it s possible that a law will
be passed by the Skupstchina restricting
the indiscriminate me of loaded weapons
at festive gatherings.-13eigrade 'corre-
spondence Pall Mall Gazette.
Rail Upon Distracted Households
When Outicura Enters.
Sleep for skin -tortured 'babies and
rest for tired, fretted mothers is found
ill e hot bath with Cuticure Soap and a
gentle anointing with Cuticura °int -
Merit, This treatment, in the majority
lef eases, affords immediate relief in
the moot distressieg forms of itching,
burning, scaly and crusted humors, ooze-
nias, reshea, inflammations, irritations
end olutfings, of infancy and ebildhood,
permits rest end sleep to both parent
and child, and points to it speedy cure
who other remedies fail. Worn-out and
worried parents will find this pure,
sweet and economical treatment realizes
their highest expectations, and may be
eppliee to the youngest infante as well
as children of al' ages. The Cutieura
Rowdiest are -Sold by druggist* every-
* •
Ceylon F'eario,
In Ceylon the largest pearls are aold
for uever more than $300,„ but when they
reach the greet makets of the world
they are worth inore than three time*
this price,
.410 h 8, UM
ofige hot
Shade Borders on Wistaria.,
The shede borders OD wistarte, and
many pretty afternoon gowns Ara mmie
of it in the satins and soft velvets Mrs.
Ohatfield-Taylor haS a trained, soft
velvet gown of the /shade with a :Wile of
satin which rounds upward over the
front of the itkirt and falls Inc down
over the trale in the beck. The bodice
of the setin is made with a deep/ sestina
yoke of white its with a border of gold
lace Agairnit the white and bias bands of
the satin outlining the whole. The sleeves
were of eatin bit moutqwealre, joining
it 'crinkled euff arrangement of 'Ace just
above the wrist.
Mrs. Frederick Dent Grant alio 'trews
it 'Wisteria satin gown with point lase
shaped, outlined with sitter em -
and litest peints.
What the Aviator Must Knew,
"Avisition Ito to be learned, just like
any other trade," declared Philip Hall#
of Neer York, it member of the Astro
Club, Of ittmeriea. at the New Willard*
Mr, flail is building two aeroplanes, a
biplane, and a monoplane at his country
plc* en Long Wend.
"The fine thing the *visitor het t
learu is whether the gesoline engine in
the aeroplane, while en the air, is
Working properly. Ile must learn to be
able to detect this by sound alone. A.11
parts of the engine have their particular
noise, and when they are ell working
in liarinouy form the sound of the en.
gine. A single faese not slows the aer.
want immediately that something is
wrong with the machinery. It is a pe-
culiar thing that while the engines
inakes the ballle volume of none on the
ground as in the eir, -who flyiog the
nolee seems to be faint and far away to
the aviator.
"Unexpected danger lurks • every.
where in a flyingemplane. The evia-
tor mu
must learn to judge air ourrente end,
mist of allehe must have the steadiest
hind of rervare so that be can not in.
stautly 40 a hundred possible motion --
"I do not believe that avietioti is go'
ing to become ss common as antorrobil,
fag, as some persons see,m to think it
will, The sport is inueli more expensive
than entomobiling, and far more dee
gerous."---Washington Post.
That is LaxATIVD 131i.010 QUININE. took
for the signature el W. GROVE, Used the
World over to Cure a Cold in One DV. 20e.
" The Crank.
The complete creek ie a, kind of col -
lectern of causes and, it is diffieult to
discover the principle upon which lie col-
lects them, A. new religion and under-
clothing and some hisipid kind of diet
aro all the same to him, ItIld he °Alva -
sates them all with equal eerneetnees.
Ile yenta men to change their lives in,
every particular and protests against all
the ordinary usages of the world, both
in great and la small things. Ete does
not believe that there Is any instinetive
wisdom, in mankind sr any value in past
tradition and experience. For him wis-
dom has only just appeared among men
and she has revealed' herself to very few.
-London Times,
If you suffer from bleeding, itching,
blind or protruding Piles, send me 7our
address, and. I will tell eon how to cure
yourself at home by tbe new absorption
treatment; and will alto send some of
this home treatment free for trial, with
references front your own locality if
requested, Immediate relief and per-
manent cure assuree. Send no limey,
but tell others of this offer,. Write to-
dag to MTS. 141. Stammers, Box P. 8,
Windeor, Ont.
"Do you find that riding reduces your
weight any?"
"Well, my dear, Ien continually fall-
ing off, but I don't seem to get any
thinner I "-Brow lenges Magazine;
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure aur
ease of Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding
Piles in 8 to 14 days or money refunded. 500
4 • a
Causes of Fire.
- A man who believes that many fires
and much los; of life could be avoided
if people exercieed more care in dis-
posing of burnt matches and cigar and
' cigarette stumps, is sendiug thousands
of postal cards through the mall'bear-
ing this plea: "Fire is a useful but also
dangerous element. Remember this when
you would throw a burnt out match in.
to a paper basket or on the floor; where
an unseen spark might make a flame.
Think of it when you throw away your
cigar or cigarette stump. Prevent the
fires that kill. A receptacle for burnt
matches is a more 'valuable piece of fur-
niture than a rocking ohaire-New York
is the word to reraosibor
This snap Shot earners,
complete, ter taking
Photos 22,4x2,4, free for
Uolliilg 'dt) of our 10e
packages Of beautiful
Post, cards. sena us your
novae and address and
we will mail you the eartle to toll.
011ou Specialty Co.,Deptie,Hamilton,Ont.
Or. Marters Female Pills
Prescribed and reommended for wo4
men's ailments, a scientifically preo
pared remedy of proven worth. the
result from their use Is *lick and per.
manent, For sale at all drug stores.
A BRANCH OFFICE has been established
at 107 St. James' Chambers, Toronto.
This troportant Outage permits pf prices
being reddeed to thews prevailingin Europe,
peckage, 112.00; half do., $8.60t
quarter do, s13.15; postage or express charges
Mr °NW CANADIAN Aritl ectortges
co 101 BT. 4ateges ONAAIPAIIS. TORONTO
Pamploet retailed free on application.
Fiewar_i of spurious imitations. All pack-
ages of Trenoh's RenitsalY muat bear OUT trade -
wag efee in unbroken condition on emelt end.
PLATED BRACELET, one of the latest Nov-
elties in Bracelets; will lit any wrist, WE
GIVE ER33110 for selling only 8 boxes, at 25e,
TABLE PILLS, the greatest Remedy known
for Weak and Impute Blood, Indigestion, con-
stipation, Rheumatisne„ Catarrh and for tut
Liver awl Xidney Troubles,
Only send your name and address and we
wilt send you 8 boxes of Pills and 8 Fence
Pine to give avray with the Pills. Sell the
Pills Ms. a box, and when all are sold, send
no the proceeds of your sales ($2.00) and we
will send you at once, by mall postpaid, this
handsoma Bracelet, which will please you
and all your friends. Write today,
The Pastor -it is very wrong, indeed,
to profit by other people's mistakes.
The Parishioner -Then you don't take
a fee for marrying people, eh, parson?
-Browning's Magazine.
Better than it Mustard Piaster, Don Not Blister,
12 Vaseline Remedies in Tubes
MentholatedCamphorated, Borated, Car -
pointed, Oxide of Zinc, etc. 'Write for
Freo Vaseline Book, •
379 Craig St. We, Montreal
Oeaba handled very easily. The sick are cured, and all °the:SIM
same stable, no matter how "exposed,” kept from having she die,
ease, bg using SPORN'S LIQUID DiSTSIIPZII CUIM, Olre oa
the tongue or in feed. Aote on theblood and extusle germs of alt
00100 00 diatom -bier. One bottle guaranteed to mire one ease. tee
gives everything-. Largest horse remedg existence -
and et a isottle; 50 and tie deems, of druggists and harness
dealere. Cut shows how to pordtIon throats. Ou.r free booklet
Mason Tears. DISTRIBUTORS, All Wholesale Drug Mums.
SPOON MEDICAL CO.. Cloned& sad Bacteriologists, Goshen, lad., U. S. A.
This elegant watch, ladles' or gems' size, etem wind and set, fancy engraved oases,
fuily guaranteed, 'Will be sent to yOU ABSOLUTELY FREE, if you will sea onlyeseo
Waren of Lovely Plature. Post carda,0 forma, Tbth
ess are e most artistic, beatiti.
Inily colored and elnboesed cards 'wiled this season. Views, Mottoes, Floral, Noll+
dey, &a. These are the fasteet nacre. Getthe best Write toeisty and we Will send
you a package. Sell them and return the motutyana win this Handsome L1ttI Watch.
You eau also win alorelY Tett Stet FR EC lf you will help us to enlarge our business by
getting only 6 meet agent ana witlidut having to sen any more gems.
4 COBALT GOLD PEN 00., Card Dept. 58 Toronto, Ont.
Everybody Who Eats Bread
Should avoid danger Of Impurities In delivery from the oven to
the home. insist on your looker wrapping his bread in
We are the original manufacturers 01 bread wrappers now
used by leading batters 61 Ottawa) Montreal, 'Toronto and other
Swett toned, deg, voieed instrument, 'With which you eart
play beautiful music for COUOertd itUd &Mee& Large frame,
10 keys, full set of Meta, tyro stem, double bellows, eboidactl
OAire, nickel plated valves sod trimmings.
To advertise -1)r. Mehtlin's Pentoes Vegetable pm., a grea
he ache, constipation, nervous troubles, liver, bladder end
retirly for mature of weak and impure blood, indigcstiza
ti digestive toad all femige weslileases a .G.yeal Rl9od
mil., and fevlserater, •atd4 TOOki end 1.1f16
11 give this Beautiful Accordion for the sale rf
12 boxes of theft Famous Vegetable Tills. at 25 cents *
b,voa, rery person ',vying front you it boe of theta rms. also receives piece of Jewelry 'which
eeut you Ifith the PM*. This makes them easy to sell, Rend nit vont none andmiS *satires&
Trill lona yen tie rue, posteata. Al iloott as _Yro on hethem, all Sold, remit to
501 r pots. 81.0e. end we will rend YOU thug 0t5ol Accordion, immedlattly, Wi
tratil soM. Write to -day, -
T CO D TO1t 0