HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-03-03, Page 7THE LIBERAL
Asuth llos Accepted No Dictation
From Any Group.
Rumor That Referendum Will
-Taken on the Question.
Will Probably Make a Statement
the House To.day,
Loudon, Feb. 27.—The month is. elo
big evith the fete of the Carom*
still banging in the balance if John Re
mond sticke to his determination to le
his Irielt followers against the badge
Unles6 the Government not only di
closes a scheme of dealing with the ve
of the House a Lords, which he
proves, but also gives assurance that
can down the Opposition of the Ler
to. this scheme, no. means. are appare
by which the Government can leave tl
budget. Strong rumor e ere current of
a profound change in the political situa-
tion following Prime Minister Asquitide
audience with the King yesterda,y,
rnediateiy after the audience Mr. As-
summoaed hiscolleagues to a
Cabinet council, which tested three
hours. The impression prevails liere
that the •Preinier surreedered to the
3allett1 extremists, who object to reforms
of the Lords being discuseed befon the
veto question is tackled.
New York, Feb. 26.—,A. cable despatch
to the Tribune from London says; Ac-
cording to the best information obtain.
Able, there are no bitter feuds within
the Cabinet, but merely honest differ
oleo of opinion respecting the most .ef-
fective procedure agams tthe Lords, The
report that Sir Edward Grey has threat -
enact to resign office is a canard, and
equally untrustworthy has been the ru.
mor that a combination has been formed
to drive the Clutuctilor of the Excheciaer
out of office. The burried visit of the
Prime Minister to Buckingham Panto
gave rise to rumors that hie resignation
WS impending, but these have beeu
promptly contradicted with the story
that Witston Churchill is holding out
evith David Lloyd -George against the
majority of the Ministry. It is more
probable that Mr. Churchill is acting as
peacemaker in the Cabinet, siding with
the majority, and is seekino to bring
the disappointed Clutacellor °to reason
and to call of ehe indiscreet Itedical
The Cabinet has been divided into
two well-defined groups of temporary
tacticians, and far-sighted statesmen.
One bas favored a simple, straigntfor-
ward policy for the limitation of the
powers of the House of Lords without
a change in 4the constitution �f
the hereditary chamber. The oth-
er has looked beyond. the immedi-
ate necessity of Bilking together the
groups making up the coalition, and
has recognized the, necessity of fram-
ing a statesmanlike reform bill, cora-
prehensive in scope, on which the
Government can appeal to the coun.
try at the .next election.
Meanwhile, before either resolutions
or a bill, can be produeed, there is Sir
Henry palziel's amendment to the Prime)
Ministenhe motion for giving precedeace
to. Government business until Easter.
When the crisis coznes it will prob-
ably turn out that a Cabinet agree -
anent has already. been reached, mad
that a basis of eoint action for the
coalition has been found temporarilly
on the veto question, yet the situation
cannot b described otherwise than as
While every section of the coalition
is suffering from attack of nerves,
even so hopeful a Radical as H. W.
Maseingham, the editor of The Nation;
cannot suggest a better way eta of the
deadlock than the adoption of a refer-
endum, width would convince the
King of the zteeeseity for guarantees
and also keep the Government in of-
fice without a general eleetion. These
counsels of despair may be dispelled
by the 'united, if 'belated, action of
the Cabinet an the resolute bearing
of the Primo Minister, who has not
yet accepted dietation from any group
and is still master of the precarious
situation, since he alone can straigh-
ten out the finances before the end of
March, and since every section of the
Commons is anxious to avoid a prema-
• ture appeal to the ountry.
Tho less influential Peers are in
greater danger front Lords Itosebery
and Curzon than they are from the
distracted Radical patty. Lord Rose-
bery -will take an early opportunity of
proposing the reform of the upper
Chanther from within, and Lord Cur-
zon hap been -working out a practical
echento for convetting it into a smaller
and more effieient body of legislative
peers. Practical politicians on the
Conservative side agree that the party
must have a definite whom° for the
reform of the upper rfous *before the
next general election, since a body of
• hereditary legislators, pure and sim-
ple, cannot be defended in the indus-
trial north and Stobland, or anywhere
outside of feudel England.
A. despatch to the Sun from London
Rays: The new Asquith Government
ha e servived the first week of its exist-
eno lonely by the grao ef the Uniou-
ist opposition desire to aid an itn-
mediate oriole. This feeling is so
strong, even among the opponents of
the Government, that a eufficient own -
her of *Unionist members were instruc-
ted lett tighb by their whips to ab-
ets& front. voting, and the Cabinet
thus escaped defeat.
There aro persistent 'rumors from
labial that the Government will be
defeated. William O'Brien, in a pub -
Halted artiele, deoloreo that. john
Itedmona, leadet of the Nationaliete,
is &Voted to fillet that Mr. O'Brien's
violet on the Budget were right, and
has now decided to seize an (mike
etttelity than that orhielt the
Budget affords of ending the Gov.
eininenet's exigence. There is a pose
sibility thab the Cabinet .nn MnInlAY
32143,* be defeated by a combination of
the Nationalists and a, eeetioti of the
Itaddeale. The idea of the Govern.
toot attain office by the help •of
„ the Coneervittives is repugnant to afl
oat -loos oolong the Lileerale.
'Ilte Labor party-, owing tq the re-
ed tho minors to provide a Can.
Mate, will offer no oppotiott to the
ideation of Mr. j. A. Pose inthe
Itotherhatt divhdon of Yorkkire.
Mr. Perna was defeated at the tree-
eral election Th the Saffeert "Weldon
divislon of teen. Ths appeinfanent
to the Cabinet makes it aeoeseary for
hint o ftstd 1 oat,
Ar hhishops of Canterbury and
York Issue an AppeaL
Loudon, Feb. V.—The Archilishepe of
Canterbury and York have bawd aa an.
peal in couneetion with church wselt in
Western Canada, and they 46k for. in.
Wrest, inane; men and money. They
wis3t to send fifty men yearly for a oe.
At a vonvoeation the Arclibiehop of
Canterbury referred to the apped.
Most of the bishops knew that eh Arab-
an the outeide were begiuu ng to
understand the unique responsol.ity
which would rest upon them in .1,gaed
to the thousands of their fella*.
countryenext who are laying the teen -
elation of a great 114tiOn in Wes%ern
As inetters stood, the Chnealt of
England is not the primary -religious
force which is telling Among ti (se
who settle in that vest diste et;
Magnificent oppoztuntties -were afford-
ed the younger clergy for serving the
41106 there,
George Whitfield Brought Bach
From Eneanel.
aloutreal, Feb. 27.—George White-
field, wit° is now beinn brouglet back to
Montreal, is wanted here on a charae
of issuing a forged cheque. He was here
last year from England with a party of
Cook's tourists, and it is alleged that
while in Montreal he pawed a forged
cheque for $150. He was finally traced
to England and arrested there about a
month ago. Detective Gorman was tient
to being him back, and while Gorman
was On the other side ha was summarily
(Unlined by Chief of Police Campeau
for insubordination, Campeau claiming
that the detective had no right to go on
the order of Chief Carpenter, of the de-
tective force without reporting to hina
The dismissal, of course, did not effect
Gorman's mission, and with the new ad-
ministration that has come into office
between the detective's dismissal and, his
return to Montreal, it is not known
what will happen to him on his return.
4 41,
Former Waitress at Vancouver Ncw
on. Her Honeymoon.
Victoria, B, C., Feb. 27.—Step1ien
Jones, owner of the Dominion Hotel
here, the Jones Meek in Vancouver, and
other properties in British Columbia cl-
efts representing a valuation of o -ver a
million, was worried in Los Angeles,
Cal., to Miss Elizabeth Thompson, for-
merly of New Westminster, and has
stetted with his bride en a two years'
round -the -world ramble.
Miss Thompson applied to Jones about
two years ago for work in the (Bring
room of the Dominion, and was engaged
as waitress. Her attractiveness and her
brightness won her speedy promotiou to
the cashier's desk, and later, at Jones'
urging, she went to a 'ladies' college.
Her engagement to her former em-
ployer was announeed privately •tao
months ago.
Ambassador Bryce Interferes in
International Case.
Woodstock, N. B., Fcb, 27.—The re-
cent arrest of William Kelly, of Rich-
mond, N. B., and his subsequent convic-
tion in a 'United States court at Port-
land, Me., and sentenced to a fourteen -
year tern in the federal „penitentiary at
Atlanta for an assault ou an American
customs officer, has been taken by Brit-
ish Ambassador Bryce, who has made
representations to Secretary taloa that
Kelly was arrested by American offi-
eers on Canadian territory, and. forcibly
taken across the border.
Ambassador Bryce, it is said, has re-
quested Kelly's immediate release, and
the matter of damages claimea by Kelly
will be taken up later. Secretary Knox's
reply to Ambassador Bryce's request is
now awaited with Merest.
Kelly, it is alleged, was a notorious
smuggler along tto noble -New Brans -
wick boundery,,and the assault on Cus-
toms Offieer Burns, of Houlton, Mee was
the result of a smuggling episode.
Briti h Ttoops to Repel Invasion
rront Ireland.
London, Feb. 28..--A feature of the
autumn army manoeuvres which are
new being arranged will be an heves-
ion of this countey, the hostile force be-
ing landed from Ireland. The pro,
greannte of the manoeuvres as a. -whole
will be very iriterothig. The County of
Ilampsbire and parts of Dorset, Song
erect and 'Wiltshire will 1* brought in -
use for brigade and divisional train-
ing and for the final work in Septem-
It is 'understood that one of the four
divisione in England -.-probably the
fillet, at Aldershot—will lie mobilized all
war etrength and. etaployed against two
others as a, test of division on a war
footing. The ottonanders-hathief are
not yet eeleeted, but they will to doubt
be Lieut. General Sir Eforao, Smith-
Dorrien and Lieut. -General Sir Charles
Former Drurnbo Physician Ceass.
examined in Murder Trial.
Detroit, Mich., Feb. 27.—or font
hours yesterday De. George A 'hitch,
formerly of Drumbe, Ontario, eharged
with nrurder, was subjeeted to one of
the most grilling oress.examinations
at the hands of Pr& ecuting Attorney
Van Zile that has ever been witnessed
in a Detroit court.
Suclge Phelan was obliged to order
a noon adjournment beearise one of
the proateution's rebuttal witnesses
were on hand. Annonneeinent was
also made that all teatimonv must he
in by Monday evening, It is now
confidently expeeted that the case
will go to the jury not later than
the middl4 of the wade.
Arrested, end Consurription Cured
Mr. G. D. Co1weU of Walkwilia, Ontario, was otrickon down
with La, Grippe In PM and lb left him in Irez7 bad condition,
Ile as I Witi ail run down and bordering on Consumptiou.
could not sleep at nights, Igtd EVWftgeWeAtai and. coughed nea,47r
the whole time, Thie is how X wai when I began to take
roychine, ht a low nervous State but from the first -bottle 1 began
to improve. It dhlroarvela for Me and hroughtme baok to health
in no time, tusking a new man of me. It fortifiee the body againet
tho attacka ol LaGrippe and Is a, swe Vreventative. I always take
Payohine if I feel a ,aftld, corning 94 and it nuts me 3?I410; In no
s, • 4 4.• yrtv 1.14.
'* NO 1101XE SHOULL* 4 HOtik
PSYCHINE is the Oreatoit Strentitiltei_te_rir:nd .Systein
Builder known to Medical aCie9Ce. and 611001 be used
for COUGHS, COS, Vrg4*„ X..,Y;`.1„cts, LOSS OP AP.
% , • ; For 84a kell prygkiste .and pesieso cons and
$1, For bottle.
" si7046V1Y1%".L.* 1111;0
eve -
Printer Placed in Wife's Charge
Shows Humble Sphit,
She Tells ef Husband's New Duties
While Twins Laugh.
Steady job of printer paroled to hie
Doing the family washing,
Helping to wash the dishes.
Reporting daily on the company he
Returning home every night before 9
Limiting himself to three glows of
beer a day.
Chicago. Feb. 28, --just as a means of
keeping her husband humble, .Mrs. An-
na tilrieh, 1805 Warren avenue, has de-
cided thae he must do the family wasla
ing and help every day with the dishes,
'Plies° teens and several others aye im-
posed because dudge Newcomer gave her
the power in the Desplaines street court
on Friday. The hueband .Charles Ul-
rich, was paroled to his wife afterr being
arraigned on a charge of drunkenness.
"The judge told me I could boss him
around and I'm going to keep him out
of trouble," said Km Ulrich. 'It was a
funny thing for a. judge to do, wasn't
"Li addition to doing the washing
and doing the dishes I am going to see
that be does not stay out at night. It is
the gang he knocks around with that
make him drink too much, and he must
keep away from them.
"I am going to let him have three
glasses of beer a day .Beer doesn't hurt
anybody that knows when to quit. Yes,
I think It will reform him.
"I was never in court befoo, but I
didn't think our home ought to be
broken up just beciause he drank too
much. We get along all Tight when he
keeps oboe. That was why I took him
into court."
Ulrich was present when his wife was
talking, but had little to say. Ere mov-
ed into another room -svithont a protest
when she outlined the programme she
I think I will refertm lane
The 'Chien twins, aged O., laughed as
their mother painted a word picture of
their father at the washtub.
In the ourtroom .Efrs. Ulrich com-
plained that her husband had been
drinking too much and that he had
threatened her. The husband admitted
that he had been drinking and was not
responsible for what he said.
"I'll give you a chance," said the
court. "You. are paroled to this woman.
She will collect your wages and give you
a daily Allowance. She's gob to run the
house now,
Ulrich agreed to the stipulation and
went home with his wife promising to
be good.
Judge Newcomer shied at the sugges-
tion that he was reviving the probation
system of judge Cleland, but admitted
he was continuing many cases .to give
hard drinkers a chance to reform. Ele
pointed out as a difference that he
did nob require the probationers to
COMO in every week to report.
- 4,,
As a result of a tree falling upon him,
hornian Payne, of Wersaw, Ont., had
both legs fractured below lite knee. men had been already arrested.
Deputation of Ladies Needing Ser-
vants See Premier.
. Toronto, Feb. 28,—Once more the
ladies who employ domestics—when
they earl get them—returned to the
attack this morning. They mune in
ioree once, and were received by the
Premier with all courtesy, but given
no more enctouragement in their
searoh for Government aid than they
absolutely needed, turned their atten.
tion to- the Agricultural Committee,
That body, figuratively speaking, took
,to its heels, and to -day the ladies
once more stormed the Premier's of.
nee with climinished numbers, but
uuquenchable enthusiasm. Miss St.
John Wileman, Mrs. Monk and Mrs.
Mackenzie spoke for the ladiea.
They wanted to eee Sir James, but
Sir James was wary, and sent a hurry
up call for 1Vfr. C. C. ja,nme, Deputy
Minister of Agriculture. .As before,
the Premier was none too enthusiastie
on the subject. He could not promise
that the ladies' request for one thous-
and dollars to aid in the work of get-
ting domestics over here from the old
lands would be granted, pointing out
that the Government did not con.
eider it a business -like method to
deal with unorganized bodies. ' .
"If we organize will we get the
money?'" asked Miss Wileman.
"Organize and see," was the Pre-
mier's cryptic reply.
Totosto Girls Arrested on Way to
Buffalo, Feb. 27.—a wo Toronto girls,
giving their names as Agnes Fletcher,
aged 21, and Ethel Taylor, aged 10, and
two Toronto men, giving their names
as Edward Armstrong, aged. 27, and Wm.
Wilson, aged 20, are under arrest here
and will be given a hearing before 'Unit-
ed States Commissioner Robinson to-
morrow morning. The girls were arrest-
ed. on a train bound. for thin city at
Blaek Rock last night. They declared
to Immigration Inspector Landis that
they' had con* to join their husbands,
who had eome on ahead to establish a
home for them in this city, The answer
did not satisfy Landis, and in going over
some letters the girls had he discovered
that they were being imported. as white
staves. Front the letters he learned that
the men in the case were living at 418
Seiteett street. Ile enlisted the services
of the police audthey visited the house.
They found, the two men established in
imettilotisly furnished quarters, having
gob the furniture on the instalment
plan. They admitted they had jut comp
from Toronto.
Armstrong said they had known the
girls for a long time; that he was em-
ployed in a cigar tore in Toronto, and
that the girls said they would like to go
to Baffalo, and suggested to him that
Wilson and he finance the trip. He blam-
ed the girls.
A telegram came. to the house from
the girls, notifying the mot to get away,
as they had been -taken into custody.
They did not know at the time that the
Talks toWoment
°A little child ran crying to her
mother the other der with a
nasty flesh wound and asked for
Zam.ltak. („,
There lies a more powerful argutnent for
Zorn -Boit than even the scientists can king.
The child had had Zara -Silk Wore, and
knew it eased pain and healed.
am-I3uk works hi two directions, Pre-
vents worse results from a skin, Injury or
Skin disease (such as fettering and
blood poisoning) while it repairs the
damage already done. Zam-Bult is
entirely herbal, is pure, contains no
trate of animal fat or mineral coloring.
Surest and quickest known healer;
- -
ttr. Walter Adecas,1/7B.e11wa A.
ve. rand* I* * few weeks Zam.Bak
°IA irsys 1—'' My ion ime, heeled the wound re nieely the! my *On
i piling barefooted abotlt the bask- Was abloom* more to go about, and ablO
yard, mit hhilittle toe on the *harp age to wear his Mose without the elighteft
of 1104460f tin, The too wee masb the ineenvisienoe. Not only' 1* Zara•Buic
first phi, and almost *overeat Imo the 'valuable for warm& saulouts,hutr medal
foot. My wife hurriedly hatted it with aa eadweiatial,1 have also found it
warm Water, afterwards applying limns ass*, fer thematis pitins.10
lid Moiety epread with Zean.Buk. tn.
• mum bahn -quickly choked thefiewof
*teed and soothed the
bed infistarastion end
Serie 111f, scs.ans,ringwere.,
skin aiseasss. Dot.
In* 1.401 &A.
90.000 MEN
Philtylelphia Labor liiteltailMS a
Sympathetic Strike.
Two Killed ad Four l'urZ by Car
Off Tr. ck,
Sunday a Day of Rioting—Nosy
Cars Ruuniug
Philadelphia,28:-Deepite. the
numeronsmite of violence itounnitted by
riotone crowds throughout the city yes-
terday and last night, the Philadelphia
:Rapid Tempel; Company toe propared
dile. morning to open ite varioue linos
with an luereased number of cars.
Tile membersof the idle Sunday
throngs liave been once more traneforat-
ed lino hard workiag citizens, or are erilt
resting front yesterday's exciting ogled -
mos, for very little difiettity was ex-
iecnced iltsrfof
tlteopflclay.eAteatiof any line in
Yesterclaya record of nearly one t;ion.
sand cars operated prontilsee to be oliv..e
ed Mora to -day's close. Through the
central sections of the eity nutty ears
are being run without even a single po.
demean aboard, but la the outlying toe -
tions niottntod escorts Are the rule.
More important than the ability of the
Rapid Transit -Company to operate its
cars is the probable .effect of the smut-
thetie strike decided upon by the loaders
.of -every labor organization at the
meeting held ye,sterday, This atonster•
walleeoitt of 90,000 union workers is
scheduled for next Saturday, unleee the •
differences between the Roata Minn,
Company and its uniou .eniployeeshave
been amicably adeusted before that time.
QUIET AT eileletintEllittf.
letoilaethlehem, Pa., Fob, 28.—Peace
South Bethlehm. eaud ite
-day, but the Bethlehem Steel
Company, time of whose employees.are
on strike, did not succeed in resumiug
work with the large force Of Men it ex-
peeted to have on haml.
One hundred State police and mare
than one hundred speciad deputies sworn
in by the Sheriff of Northempton:county
were on liend to protect workers, but
only a comparatively small percentage
of its 9,000 men reported for duty. Most
of the men wanted to work, they sly,
bat are afraid to run the gauntlet of
the pickets.
Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 27.—Action
fraught with possible momentous eon-
segpences to Philatleitetia was takeu
by the Central Labor 'Union Inet night,
when that body, repreeeetting, 140
unions, which .chtim a membership of
125,000, voted to begin a sympathetic
strike next Saturday in aid of the
striking etrect railway employees,
This (*time came ae the end of a
secret session of about 700 deelgatc, in
Labor Lyenum Ball which lasted mare
than six hours. There waa apparently
00 queetion that the delegates would
vote to strike, the split being on the
queetion of whether it slieuld be tart.
eel immediately, 'rhe more conserrative
element prevailed and the walk-ont
was put off until next Saturdey. •
A man and a boy are 'dead nod flue,
others were seriously hurt as a reault
of 0 trolley ear jumping a switch at
Sixth and Jackson streets downtown
to -night end erashing into the front of a
cigar etore. The dead and ininred were
ill standing in front of a cigar store.
There had been a disturbance down the
etreet and someone had turned. the no.
need switch at this point. A trolley ear
driven at high epeed jumped the trine
end craehed through the crowd on the
eidewalk, only stopping after 11 had
torn the front out of the store.
Realizing that melt .of the dieturb.
%IWO 011.01100at the city was in many
alga started by young eldhlren, Arch-
bishop liyan Relit a letter, which was
read in every Roman Cetholie Church
10 the city to -day, warning parents not
to all their ohildren on the streets
din•hig the present trouble.
Cars were stoned, motormen and col -
doctors beaten find many passengers
were !Amick by flying Missiles in the
..rioting which was renewed here this an-
terizoon after several days of compara-
tive quietness. Nearly a dozen riot calls
'were received at police headquarters,
but in most instances the mobs were dis-
persed with riot sticks alone. Seventy-
five arrests were made. Crowds of men
and boys who -usually fill the streets on
tSauen:sa. y in many sections of the city
were responsible for most of the at -
The orders of the director of public
safety that wagons and busses must
not be used to convey passengers also
resulted in many- disturbances.
Charged with being implicated in a
plot to blow up trolley oars filled with
passengers and to destroy other prop-
erty of the Philadelphia, Rapid Tran-
sit Company, Charles R. Copeland, a
striking conductor, and 'William C.
Field, a .etationaly fie:Omni foeuterly
of New York, were hold in $2,500 bail
to -day in the- Pouted Police Court.
The detective declared at the hearing
that a plot had been hatched at ao re-
cent meeting of the trolley :nen to blow
up ,cate, :Early to-da,y they said they
saw Copeland pick somethittg from the
tracks at Vortylninth !street and Wood -
at Foetus, Virest Philadelphia. When
they followed Copeland mid arreeted
a boinb, which Silcox declared coin
tallied sufficient nitroglycerine to blow
up. a ear, was fottnd in his pocket,
'When a policenian on a Frankfood
& Lehigh ovenuee car fired a ghat
from hie revolver over the heads Of a
mob at Fifth and Cumberland etteota
every winnow in the car Was flattered
by a hail of steno, The frigliteited
motorman end emeduetor ought pro-
teetion in it nearby Igoe.
Iron gratinge were piled on the
triteks and the mob was endeavoring
to clotiolieli the tar when a foaled of
State police arrived on the woe. They
drove back the crowd and escorted the
ear to the bare.
The riot squad from the eity
which hael been hastened to the stow
autontobiles, were obliged to shoot
before they succeeded in eliveralug
mob of 2,000 persons' width had gather.
eel at Eighth and Fitzwater streets, A
ixilicemart had forced the driver of a
Int,eketer .tvagott, converted into 1tatee
to unload hie loateengers. This infuriated
the erowd and they gated to Ivrea a
Inielling pone': oar*
Fifflt street, Girard avenue, South
. fleet and other thoroughfares were
the eeenee of ohm* continuove diver -
dere during the late afternoon.
nem are 51 MO" for hettrieg in the
Tdrontil General Sessioni,
Hon, L. L. Brodeur b le gene to Pins.
horst, aouth Carolina, far a ehaligo
Sir W. IL 'White bas been appointed
A director of the Grand Trunk Railroad,
Sir Charlee Itivers-Wilson 40 resigned.
The Montreal Board of Control has
held up all talary Inereasee so goner-
ouely voted by the late Council, pending
An alartning state of affeirs prevails
along the Turke-Bulgarian frontier.
where a tonditiou approaching a *tate cd
war exists.
One hundred and twenty-four eases
of typhoid fever have bon reported to
Dr. Shane', Toronto Medieel Ifealth
non this moutb,
Plans have been prepared ify the Mani-
toba Govermnent for the reconstruction
of the legislative buildings i» the home.
(Date future, at it east of $400,000.
Guelph has been selected for the
annual meeting of the Canadian Con.
ferenee of Charities and Correction.
whish will take. place from Auto 22
to 24 next.
Mrs. AInta Printer Ireuglin was ar-
rested at Kirkeville, Mo., on it warrant
slugging her with Ute murder of her
husband, Prof.' John T. Vaugine. She
was releaeed on d25.000 bond.
The First Congregational Church mem-
bers of Londonhaxe decided in favor of
church union by it large majority. The
Southero Congregational vote annatineed
to -night, showed an 41'0114 vote,
The authorities of Burlington, Vt.,
have discovered that six pommel hew
been subsisting for six yeara on garlato,e
which the head of the family gathered
in tits city, ostensibly to feed his pigs.
The premie is of the Dominion Shoe
Supply Company and the Montreal China
& Glass Decoreting Company, 153 and
55 St. Peel street, Montreal, were badly
damaged by fire on Saturday, musing- a
loss of uowards of $10,000.
After preaching for three years to
cowboys and ranchers, Rete
intyre, of Pincher Creek, has become as-
sistant pastor in Calvary
Sixth avenue dietriet, New York. He
studied in Brandon, Baptist College.
The St. Thomas City Council has re-
duced the price of gas from $1 to 00
cents per thousand, to start on March 1.
Light, heat and power department is
owned by the city and has largo surplus
every year.
.As the result: 01 a fall on the slippery
pavement of Sparks street, Ottawa, John
Wright, ogee 00 years, an employee of
the Public Works Department, was ren-
dered unconscious and died before he
could be hurried home,
The official reports of the French
flood damage in 18 out of 86 depart -
touts show it 'Monetary loss of $14,000,-
000. This includes the $10,000,000 dam-
age done in Paris, but there as elsewhere,
Do recount le mode of tho Lidirect losses,
which are incalculable.
The non-pay.ment of the 90th Regi-
ment of Wipmpeor at Fort Willi= for
the efficient work performed during the
coal strike las year, when a mob of ex-
cited armed foreigners was eaved from
itself by the citizen soldiers, lute caused
considerable 'comment in that city.
. Word has hest been received at Win-
nipeg of it Want, at Cowdery, a aillage
one hundred miles earth of there, where
a young man named Edwin Soli was
instantly killed while at work in the
bush with his father. A falling tree
struck hint
Residents of Cavan are prently ex-
cited over the statement of Mr. Win.
Johnston, of Cavan township, who claims
that the ghost of an old, white-haired
man haunts his farm. Other members
of the family Oahu to have eon the ap-
Laet ,August Albeit Dawe deserted
front B 'Battery, Kingston, and has elute
kept out of the limelight. Growing tired
of hiclieg, he gave himself up .to Chief
Those, of Cebourg. The latter wired
the military 'authorities at Kingston
and he was :taken back.
Fire in the Gier block at Macleod. Al-
berta, did $10,000 damage. The American
Hotel ttt Moneton, N. 13„ was damaged
to the extent of $20,000, and a blaze in
Naylor's factory and the 'Sanded Glove
Works it St. John's, Que., throtened
the destruction of the town.
Williamn Ashworth, aged 48, formerly
a letter -carrier, hanged himself in the
Voneouver jail. He was sentenced in
the polio court a few days ago for as- '
emitting his Wife. The guard, entering
the oil, foriml Ashworth hatiging by a
small rope tied to the. bars.
There has been a recrudescence of the
antiolynastic agitation at Ping -Ile -
Haien, in Southern Fukien, Caine, and
1,000 Government troop oceupy the dis-
tricL The insurgents have withdrawn
eeh.ille.. Skirmishes letve occurred
with the troops, but few- caeualtie.s are
It is stated in London that it meeting
of the Atlantic shipping conference will
be held in a few days in the United -
States, when final arrangements will
be decided upon for unifieation of the
freight charges east -bound from different
ports Along the east coast of Canada
and the United States,
At it meeting of the English Amodio
then of American Bend and Shareholders,
Mr. A. W. Smithers, the chairman, said.
he believed there was imminent . a long
aeries of big enterprises for which Ade-
quate capital would be forthcoming if
Canada maintained her present proud
position respeeting credit.
The erety stetisfActory turn in the con-
dition of D. Goldwin Smith reported a
few days ago has boo eteadily main.
tabled and the illustrious patient reload
a very good doy yesterday. In reply to
enquiries made at The Grange lost night
it was stated that Dr. Goldwin Smith
was resting well.
A •GranI Truuk double header freight
train of twenty ors met with an etoi-
nob ot 1donlock on. Sunday morainn
near Citumbellford, roving to it flange ot
the .fourth -or breaking. The disabled
ear and the following eight left the
traek, And two, whit+ were empty, were
thrown demi the teak.
Hon. Mr. .Cushing on Saturday ex.
piainetl the l'Sa9O)) of hie insignatioe
in the Alberta Legisloture, nod te
debate then place. in which Mr. Boyle
joined the ex-Minieter in Attacking the
Government's railway volley. whielt wee
defended by Premier Pattborford ana
Attorney-teentrAl Croat,
thateellor Lloyd -George, ,Tolin turns
ana Winston Spencer Churchill, among
other, were the goods of the Xing at
a dinner on Saturday night. Prettier
Asquith dined with -the Wog last night
541 the uneet of the An...tre-linnentlan
While eatieg5 soda blsenit 'before re -
1 • bishop of Rheims, was condemned
jltbig)tthilftrir"t:guillti44.1:1)'wei.111"*tar1711:s541w01:44041.11:syli:b.nogiswrewti.e4tttablar:at deliM311:345
was annum:med. Ile toned her throat
badly lacerated,. and Mrs. Doweley 511.0
feting intensely.
Cardinal Ludovig Lucen, Arch -
yesterday by the civil tribunal to
Pay $1.000 damages to the Public
School Teachers' Association. tor e4gn-
Ing the episcopal letter forbidding_bhe
nee of certain textelnwits in the rub -
Ile echoole. The association sued tor
Among applleante for itervice lie a jen
mai hottemuctit in a Pittsburg deonly wits
1, raw-boned Well girl of rather forbid,.
ding opeet. "Do you love ehildrentz'
Asked the Anietreee, '9Ysll, mum," re.
sponded tbe Celt, with it griut emile, 'thet
ill depends on the wages," ---Sunday
Thule Rathbun, private hanker, of
Glencoe, linseed away tbere on Saturday
evening. Mr. Rathburn bed oceupied a
prominent position in the banking, Wei.
rteSS and municapal affairs of Glencee
for the pest 40 yogi. He wee reeve of
the village on several aceesions, and oce
cupied lmot every ignition of trust in
• the gift of the Inuincipality.
Word is coming in from points in the
Blue 'Mountains in Oregon awl Wasiklag-
ton, including the Tukainion, Upper
Petit and 'rocket, Panjab, Wiliowa
and Salmon River dietriets that wild-
cats, wolves, lynx, and other feroeious
animals are beemniug so numerous that
cattle horses and human 1.eings are in
danger of their liven
An Inaian from the reservation at
Fart .Frances was found dead on the
railway tracks early on Sunday morn.
ing, with both legs cut off. Be was re-
turning- from the reserve, where it ie
claimed he was treated ,a whiskey by 4
fur buyer, evidently became tired, and
lay down on the treek. De was frozen
to death and then run over by aa ea
Toronto's aseessmout .1nts been in-
creaeed by $3,400,000 by the recent au-
nexation of this castled north of Dun.
forth avenue, the Midway, and Earls -
court and Dovercourt, The eity's assess-
ment, as passed by Judge Winthestee,
was $207,030,705, and now the total is
$270,430,705. It may be possible to re-
duce' the tax rate to 17 znills, as the
Mayer aims at.
The Salvation Army authorities are
perfecting the errangements for the op-
entog of an Inebriates Home for Women.
This institution will be located in To.
ronto, and a building on George street,
near Queen street, well suited for the
purpose, has been secured. The lotildiag
will be opened by Mrs, Coombs, wife of
Commissioner Cootnbes, who is now on
hie way back front the old eouutry. -
A large delegation consisting of reeves,
councillors, bankers and business men,
waited on the Afanitoba Government
and. asked for an amendment to the li-
quor license act to have the local option
by-law' submitted in a given municipali-
ty only ouee in three years instead al
once a year, as may be done now. The
objection to the present pion is that it
keeps the Province agitated all the time.
The statement was made in fin-
ancial oircles on Saturday that the
Grand Trunk Railway officials, who
aro buildinga transcontinental line,
are considering the possibility of ex-
tending their system to Boston ae
well as to Providence, where applica-
tion for a charter was mule recent-
ly. The method by -Which the Grand
Trunk could enter Boston involves
legislation adopted 30 years ago.
According to adviees from Canada the
Montreal Elevated & Underground Rail-
way Company, for which a charter hal
been askeio win have, a.eapitalization of
$20,000,000. It will absorb the Montreal
Street Railway, MontrealgLight, Heat
& Power Company, and the Shawinigan
Lighb & Power borapany, all of which
are operating in Monti -eel.
The Ministerial Asspeiation of Van-
couver, composed of .virtually all the
Protestant ministers Of that city, has
applied for and obtained affiliation with
the "Trades and. Labor Council, in the
same manner as a recognized trades
union, accepting the coudition imposed
by the council that delegates individual-
ly must pay the per capita, tax IA other
cases borne by the several local unions.
After being in operetion for less than
a year in Britain, the Children's Act, pro-
hibiting ameking for children under 10
years .of age, has proved so succeseful
that the recently flourishing Anti.Ciger-
ette League has vow terminated its ex.
isteuee. After organized inspection and
enquiry it has been fottuel that juvenile
smoking lits been pm:Wordier stamped
Baran Hermann Whierhofer, an Atut-
u•ian Government offidal end. eon of
the Emperor's late physician, was shot
and killed in a duel on Saturday by hie
former friend and colleague, Dr. Mayer,
who is Ithown ite a comp:oar, elm*
player and Alpinist. The clnel was the
outeome of a (mere resulting from an
impromptu scuffle, in winch Baron Wei-
erlicants right arm was- hurt, wimp:tiling
him to wear it in it sling.
An uhusual accident happened hi
Windsor on Saturday, when a team of
homes attaelted to a brewery wagon,
taking fright et a street ear, ran oway.
Turning it street corner sharply the
wagon struek the torth with such torte
that it keg of beer wasprojected from
the wagon and shot through the big
plote glass whitlow of the Great West-
ern Hotel with the force of a giant
eatapult. Several persons in the offire
of the hotel were badly friglitened, but
nobody %VAS hurt.
• .0
Ended by Police at Halifax --Groom
Wanted by English Author:ties.
Halifax, reb. V.—After traveling
two thousand miles across the Atlantic
foe his hone in the west, Prank Swink,
4 young Chinaman, accompanied by Ids
English bride, is locked up. no young
celestial is wanted in England as
rsultsr, and with his young wife will be
deported on the Corsican.
Brown is a naturalized Canadian and
belongs to Lethbridge, Alberta, atone
eoncleds it large businets, teme
menthe ago he Went over to Eng,and
and while there, betarric acqueamed
with a &arming young tsiglieli girl.
They were married in Liverpool oft We.
10, and tome over on the Corsican. It
Is alleged that Brown ateured $1,0)0
legally and aleo contracted debte xfl
China's Tin Exports,
Tirt is ny far the most vainoble
coat at meant exported from (linnet. It
14 Mille a in Vlinriftti nUit OUIOil tiltotlith
Ile ittizttia t ty eitn t XI f Aletudez 10
Man -Kong, whence'. 11 is -exported to
fretign eountelea end to Chinese porta,
Seventy 'Five Perms 1411*Te41 10
Have Porinked in Esow
Wallsee. Yob. 2S,—.0 A1'6,-
142160, which has threatened the little
town of Mace, five exiles up the
from Wallace for two days, descended
last night about 11.30 o'clock, ',with a
I roar heard iu WaUaee, and buried In Its
path Wearily° fernlike or about 75
801110, lbw' many of these are demi will
not be known nal Atoms time later this
morning, and perimpe not for many days,
tor reports tell of snow felling in the
eanyou to a depth p150 to 16 feet, Three
bodies are reported to have boon mover -
Superintendent Pant*, of the Stand-
ard mine, is 0514 to be missing, hut a
child of his wagi fOnna alive.
Ilundrede of men were awakened by
fire bells OA soon as the extent of the
eatestrophe beeame knowm Specie'
trains were made up, the first leaving
Lor Mao at 12,30 it. no, and, the ;second
at about L IlardWare enereboots ()peeled
their establishments ami Shovels, picks
and other implements were had for the
asking. Every able-bodied men in Wal-
lace was rushed. to the scene.
The little town et Mace lies between
mountain sides, a straggling line of cot-
tages in the creek hottorns, being eon-
nectea by the lines of the Northern Pa -
eine and Oregon Ranrocul and navigating
companies. Its one industry ie mining
and its big mine is the Standard. "
Burke forma long string of houses for
the towns of Black I3ear, Gem, Mace and
sepi.caree a dividing lino perceptible
Mitee has a population of 100, all, with
the exception of a few storekeepers and
scbool teacher, in the employ of the
11111;eillowing ie a partial list of the dead
reeovered up to 2 a. in,:
Edgar Kittrell, a miner, tool his 'Wife
and two bailee.
Niek Moyel.
Mrs. Lain.
Fennaeslele. e, son of fho standard
mine superintendent.
Inez Pascoe, 15 years old, daughter of
the superintendent.
IL S. Pascoe and. wife are missing and
are eupposed to be dead.
Two' box ears, containing fifty section
hands in the employee of the Northern
Polite Railroad, were standing on the
side track when the slide occurred.
All of these men are supposed to have
lost their lives.
Fifteen bouses lune beeo swept away,
according to latest informatien.
At the Mace bearding house the snow
is 30 feet deep, and. all of the flat front
the boarding house to the end of the
town towards Burke is buried beneath
the slide.
Never since Burke, another little can-
yon mining camp, was almost wiped out
b,v a landslide on Feb. I, 1890, has a
Couer d'Alene town been so sorely strick-
en as was Mace yesterday. As on that
occasion the conyon was filled 1,000 feet
across by a grinding mass of trees, earth
And boulders fifty to seventy feet deep,
packed. almost like solid ice.
Warning was yesterday given to resi-
dents of the canyon towns that condi-
does similar to those prevailing before.
the famous Burke slide prevailed, but
nobody seemed to take any heed.
suTuflifuedrscolalt nthigehtlivao:noofwfahruede Iparosndeplisdoe.
tors and a woman at a very small town
on the Chieago, Milwaukee & Puget
Sound Railroad, near the mountain line.
All were in the cabin at ditmer when the
snow descended. During the winter of
1888 the snow piled high in the can-
yons, and never sino has such it heavy
fall been recorded as this year.
Walla Walla'Wash. Feb, 28.—A spe.-
cial from Wallace, Idalto, says: With a
furious blizzard blacking. efforts of MO.
euers, progress in recovermg those buried
in last night's avalanche Is almost inn
Possible. Five hundred men sent from
Ibis eity had recovered only twelve
bodies at 3.3Q a, m. It is practically
certain that more than 100 persons Moe
Mao is divided into two parts, known
as Upper And Lower Mace. The catas-
trophe occurred in Lower Mace, where
are quartered about 300 miners„ em-
ployed itt the Standard mines. Most of
these men are unmarried and live irt the,
Rotel Standard. Meagre reports by tele-
phone to this city are that this hotel
was in the path of the avalanche.
Though first reports of the disaster
were that the town of Gem, Idaho,
!matte.' it mile above Mace, on the same
side of the canyon, &ad been overwhelm-
ed, later news seem to inilistate that this
town has eaped.
Spokane Wash., Feb. 28.—There are
now fifty known dead in the land-
slides at Burk and Moe, Idaho.
Odd Experiments Being Made in
Dark Cavern on Long island.
New York, Feb. detetroine
the effects of darkness upon venom
forms of animal - life, experiments
are being conducted with insects and
fishes at the Carnegie Braneh for Bx-
nerimental Bvolution at Cold Spring
'anther, L.I. .The experiments are in
charge ef Dr, A. If, Banta, .
A concrete save has been built, 42
by 10 feet, and tight feet in height
It is five feet underground. It is
equipped with tanks in which live
fishes of various kigds have been
placed, While crickets and other in-
tiects have been placed in compart-
ments that are dry, but without a
ray of light. Other odd experiments
have been in progrees for some time,
one' of them being the effort to breed
it tailless eat.
Public Appealed to in Case at To,
tont° General Hospital.
Toronto, Feb. 28.-44ittle Annie Rol-
lanby, aged 11 year% who was sent
out to Canada in the autumn of het
year to it intin in Ontario, now lite
in the General Respite' with both her
feet amputated. Tho thild IS an er.
phan arid eannot claim a relative in
the world.
A ehert tittle ago she had the rnis-
fortune of having her feet frozen and
was immediately Sent to the hospital
hers for treatment. Dr. Bingham,
who has (Atop of the turne, decided
that the only way tO athra
Was to have the feet amputated,
as gangrene had set in. Ilndettvore
are being meat by eerhe kind-hearted
eitiee,na tonnected with St. Augue.
tine's 'Church to look after the child'a
future, but at prevent aubarriptions
are being asked to purchatte itpair
01 artitwal feet for her,