HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-02-17, Page 8THE INGHAM ADVANCE - 7222.111,ILY 1 7, 1910 Jamestown. Brussels. Do II M 11 H,EAD OFFICE, T 1.1 E 0 1 N BAN TORONTO. 1 THEIR FIRST DEFEAT., Belg ONO. Mae. ameba" mourns; tise death of Ws Rioter, Miss Umuilpy a Hullett. Thos. Corbett of Myth was worlth4 Mr. Hill'a lad week etong Ice, This is like an old-fashioned. wiater ; snow truest be nearly tbree feet Ira°0°03ao of. WInglotOt lo eis atng a feW days oath Mrs. ?John jas. Cunningham attended the tons • ' of his brother, oear Loneesboro, week, e, - e e..., •P4r,!.'",44'. ,_01 4N1-4141.11-...(1010..."?..is Vat- ficesvg .;tircetekcstster• C'Irc• ..ritcc. 41°0 xcr it • Mr. P. Budge la offending a couple of weelss With his son, Rev. A, Budge at Hanover, . Chas. ltreCrae is somewhat on the st,e, k.list but we trust he will imon b.; 841 right Ware Gepeeron Robertson sold a ialce pair of heavy draught horses to john, Den- holm of Blyth for $500. mr, and. Mrs Bryant of Busiest . • *- *szteel et the home of thelatter's par, 'Val UP 'Mr, and Mrs Wray, last week, -It --. ' • ' Clayton Proctor, a the Stratford Normal School, was a visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, 0, W. Proctor, If -r. SprOat -bad a visit last __week r N th from bis nepbew, Mr. Fowler o or Dakota,. and his niece, Miss Fewler of u'gimouvIte. Mrs. Corbett and daughter and son- inaavv, Mr. and Mrs, Eckel' ef Edtnon. ton, A.Ita., were visiting friends at Beigrave last week. - noward Wightman and his sister, Annie, have returned to their home aat Outlook, tn with friendsael: SP45411 1 ° d lis3solu in an aroup e geese. At the last Quarterly meeting of the Methodist Church Board, Rev, 3. E. Cook received a unanimous call to re. main on the Belgrave circuit for the second year. . If the dog scare results in the obeli- tion of a. lot of the useless doge that infest . our village and country, de- straying sheep, it will have served a good - go purpose. John McCallum bas sold his land holdings near Outlook, Sask., for which be has rounded up theneat sum of about $6000. We eimgratulate Mr. McCallum on his success. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Black will re- turn to their home at Goodland, Man., this week. As they are a young mar- . , nea couple, we wish them every sue- cos in the new home which mr, Black has secured ' The many dogs of this village are either chained, boxed up or muzzled, and some of them will be destroyed as there is a $200 fine hanging over the head pf their owners should they by any means be allowed to run at large unprotected. • Mrs. Ceasar and sister, Sarah,. at- tended the marriage of their niece, Miss Maggie eldest daughter of An- . • drew McDougall. to Chas. arter of 0weddingh Manitoba on Wednesday,the 9 h e t The voune cou le will settle on the - f - 13 - groom's arm in Manitoba. Mr. F. Morris of Fargo, N. Dakota, Mr. 3. Carter of Auburn, Mr, R. Me- Whinney aud Mr. W. MoKuight of the Nile were visitors at Wm. Wat- son's Bel rave on Monday, all of • g • ' , whom were old schoolmates and some Mr; Watson had not met for 26 years, and naturally they had a pleasant 4., time. , St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. D. Thurlew visited friends aroundStapleton last vteek, Mr. Will. McDonald of Jaraistown g aro= , e ens a pre- is visiting d St H 1 t sent ' Miss Mary Woods has retiumed home after a Ieasant visit to friends , h,... P in arems. • Me. Mid Humphrey and Mrs. Oran- stun visited their eider, Mrs. Ed. Tay- lor on Sunday , • Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Irwin of Kinloss visited the latter's father, Mr. Wm. Woods, for a few days. Mr. Geo. joynt, Hensall, returned home on Wednesday accompanied by his' rnother, Sera Joynt. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reid of Ashfield visited at the home of Mr. R. a. Woods one day last week. The Farmer's Institute intend hold. ing their a,nnual meeting in the Town Hall, Saturday, Feb. 19. A good time is expected. A ineeting of the ratepayers of S. S. No. 4, West Wawanosh, is called for e . t , o consider Saturday,Feb10 It tthe sale of the vacant part of the school add improvements to the other part. A full attendance is requested. Meet- ing to commenee at 10 o'clock. Blyth. • • Mr. and Mts. John Henry of Blyth, an aged coulee, died within A short tirne of each other, Mr. Henry died t eanuary 160, and Mrs. Henry Feb. year. 2ntl, both in their 80th M Henry was a man of wonderful strength and vigor up to four years a • ago when he contracted pneumonia and dime that time he had been geed- nally falling in bealth, heart failure being the tense of death. No sooner were his remains laid away than the wife took ill with bronchial prime East Wawanosh, Itilee Ella Walker le astray on a vielt to Mellott friends. lae. Xt.. and Mrs. Carter spent the Week end with Gorterich friends, frierade Mr. and M. O. M. Robertson boll. dayed with Clinton, friende last week, Allan MOBurney of Yellow Grass, say' tltcel berc• Sa°14•1 Is "newing acquallta Howard Shielt left for Saskatehe- Wan Tuesday morning. Ali wish him 1!Meese. Mr, Wotan of Eyebrow, Soak, is at Ndv" peesent the guest of his eider, M. Wut• Anders°°• Mrs. Lovett, bawl line, le Visiting for just a few days vsith her daughter, Mrs. In' Gordon johnstone, Mrs. Fallis and. son Robert of Turn- berrysspent a few clays last Week with he niece, Mrs, (1., Johnston. - Mr. A. Cf. W. Hardisty punt:taxed a fine young boll from Mr. Granger of Hallett. It is now in bis stables at Weetfield. M. Shiell is at present the guest of her daughters, Misses Mabel and Jennie Shiell, and other friends in the Queen City. 0, • the Some one has ,said winter is farmer's holiday.' Oertainly it looks like it by the number who are holiday- ing at present. . - is rumored. that a couple of west- It ' field's fair ones will launch. out on the f • d t • sea o metrimony an go west An a coqple of weeks. ' Mr, Jas. Leaver has purcbased from Edgar Patterson, his cementing- outfit for eilos, walls and floors, and. will .commence work as soon as the season begins. Quite a number from around here attended the pancake social in Au- is e we an pronou burn Bapt' t ti er d need the pancakes lovely. Altogether it was a decided success. . . Mies Mabel McDonald of Godemen and Mies Mabel Morrison of White- ehurch were guests of friends for a few days while here to attend the Car. ter -McDougall nuptials. sa er, . J Currie ex -President of ntte vv .. - • e S ' t the Turnnerry Agriculturalode y, attended the Fairs' Association meet- Ing in Toronto last week, He reports a good time and ia convinced. that rnung will ep ace among e ore-, es e • '11 b 1 d the f most on the list of professions in the near future. A very successful . quilting bee was held. at the home of Mrs. John Mc- Dowell on Friday of last Nook when ee g Is assembled, with thimble e young 1 g -r and needle and before evening took two quilte out of the frames. It i8 reported that one young man was there to thread the needles; nothing like it, George. fob h h f Wednesday, Feb, e. t e home o - i,„.. , ........ _, ai an Mrs. Anarew iumeougait, -r. hf oast Wavvenos , was the scene o a • •• very pretty mid -winter wedding, when their eldest daughter, Margaret Ja, became the wife of Mr. Chas, Car- ter of Elgin, Man. Promptly at five o'clock, to the strains of Mendelssohn's d b M V mare played y re. erga- . son o e grave, e groom took is f 13 1 the h' place, followed by the bride leaning on the arta of her father, who gave her away. The nuptial ' knot was securely tied by Rev. J. A. Ferguson f B 1 ' the presence a only o . e gray.et in . ris.t nes f the con rad- the Imulettlue friends ° e ing parties. After the usual congratu- . lawns, all repaired to the dining- room Where they partook of a dainty dinner. The evening was very plea- - •e"" santAy spent in games and music. The bride's dress was a princess of few* silk voile with a white lace yoke • and trimmings of silk insertion. She car- ried a bouquet of narcissi and maiden hair fern. Her going away dress was of svisteria broadcloth and velvet hat to match. The Wide was the recipient of many useful and. costly presents: the gift of the groom. was a, beautiful fur -lined. coat. Mr. and Mrs. Carter will spend a fortnight among their • • friends here before leaving for their home in Elgin, where they will Carry • with them the very best wishes of all who know them. - Mr. and Mrs, Robert Currie enter- tained the youth and beauty. of the neighborhood, Friday evening. The evening was very plewantly spent it games and music, the chief feature be- ing the presentation of a rug and some china, to Airs. Carter, who has been a faithful worker in the Sunday.School and ever ready helper in the neighbor- hood. The following is the address which was read by Miss Kate Shiell, while the presentation was made by Misses Tessa Anderson and Annie vetiver ..es , - Dear -Mr% Carter x -On this the eve of our separation fla teacher and pupils we feel it our duty to express one ap- predation of your endeavors to in- e struct us in the great lessons to e b learned in the Sunday School. Al- though we have many times tried n at'e e y u haste always shown Y tlr P 1° e• °. • the saute impartial Christian eharac- ' ter, and shown an example worthy of imitation. We are sorry that you areim leaving our school and conunity but what is- our loss will be others gain, Now before you leave us, we your friends and pitpils take the liberty of presenting you with these gifts as a • i. slight token of otit. esteem trusting they may serve as a remembra,nce of our love and good wishes. We all wish you and Mr. Carter, a long, hap- PY and prosperons life. Signed in behalf of your pttpils and friends; Itate Shiell, Anitie Leaver, Tessa Andersou. Mr, Thee. UOBWan 'le gettlitg in Lis . titnowtemonaSritaleteitoard Mr. Nitro. McDonald le vieiting ip St, Helens this week. Mr. rre.nls Latdisc is in very poet' bust health at preeent, we are parry to The T Rove alterations and improyemente Bank building ere 13 ' r Lowry dap to Seaforth be; ha$ *IOWA a,n4 Mr. Oakley theimer mall to himself now. Leckie was elected an Audi. r Good Shoos For Ladies — w gbant chimpions vvio From moot Forest By Score Of 64. at lorMw.I.I,N•1” Friday evening, Feb. lltb, will long the be rereembered by the Hockey fans Of deep. Wingham, that being the day tbe lostor cal septette simply put it all over the seRnr.siCi. Mount Foreet cup Welters in the 'Wet.Hopper, tiest game that has been played. oft Wingham ice since the Play when I chant. Harriet= Broaches and the o d lel pious were playpag everthee and ex- last tra games to decide who should cher, ISI3 the silverware. The crowds that . witnessed thosef games were surely put to shame by the bunch of farm and their fair onee that termed the rink before 7.80 last Friday everting. The special from Mt. Forest arrived at 8 25 and then it was the rafters that were at a premium for seats. Net a single pleee of standing room was to be had. Referee Hern, who did, not arrive until 0 o'clook, started the game at 0.15 and both teams were out to win. Scales, in Ma Forest goal, had to make some grand stand stops and When Mt, Forest forwaetis got going they certainly showed elass, as time after time Moltwen, Rose and Mont- crieff would go down in a pretty corn- binetion, only to be stopped by Jimmy McGillivray nr Rose. Dune. MO:Alla eray was right on the job for any that eluded his defence. Marlette, wbo was a, member of Mt, Forest tearo for two years, Beeneed to be a partibuler naark for Mt, Forest defence, but be was surely equal to his job and on a pretty run down the ice started the crowd howling by passing to Johnston Who landed No. 1 in 8 minutes and the game developed into one continual Ga ,,,,,witl:haensdpet,!itraeteormsaanariVrles,101.0tallsowokeere playing the cup hunters right off their feet, for Marlette laneed No, 2 for %Ingham in 11 minutes. At this stage the game was delayed by Rose being struck with the rubber but in a few minutes play was again started, and, Mt. Forest, who were refreshed by the rest, came strong and Kennedy made a long shot which hit Dune. Mc. Gillivra,y's pad and lauded in front of goal; =me was near y an the m • ff b 4 slapped it in, and as there was now only 7 minutes in first half left, the game became a little rough, as Mount Forest tried in vain to score. In a mix-up jobnston was sent to the fence to be followed -in one minute by Ross for eross checking, Marlette sent in a pretty shot that got by Mt. Forest defence and the ben rang for half time with the score 3-1 in favor of ham. After After the rest, the visitors came etrong, but right off the reel Johnston raised the hearts of the fans by seediest No. 4 for Wingham, the shot easily evading Scale. Willett= goal had many a close shave, but Rose and McGillivray were stone wall and the locale had the cup bunters on tbe run, and Scales in Mt. Forest goal was coiatinuously in trouble, and Elliott soon landed No. 5. After several rushes, McEwen bulged the nets for the visitors. Johnston and Moncrieff were chased to the fence. 13mM-we at point and Langdon at cover tried bar a to start a rush but was held up. by the back checking of the champions orIn the stone wall defence, and finally- Jim McGillivray landed the final goal for Wingrnon on a long lift, and one of the prettiest games in the history of hockey in this good old town ended, the score being 0-2 in favor of the sib ver septette. It is always hard to specialize on any player when such a garne as this was laved. For 10. Forest, young ,. ., g d tScales' bang on stood out alone; In goal, thongh new at the job, did ex- eeedin ly well, Kennedy and Mon- . ff g bthe erre , who y the way have been play- ing for 15 years, were good. in spots but were always loafing and the locals gave Kennedy very little chance to get in his "long shots." McEwen at left was checked hard and could not 4, , get away but he banded out some dirty crosschecks Walley Hern did not appear to see. Brebeee at point Was good but was con tinually being &awn out. For• "%Ingham, the hardest workers in the bunch were Johnston and Elliott g came o but the honors of scorin t Marlette and johnston, It was easily seen that the locals were ordered to stay on the ice, for Marlette and El- liott were continually being cross. Checked by their opponents and great credit must be given the champions for the clean game they played. Mc- . Lean at tentre, although he citd not score, helped his mates greatly in working the puck down on the -vial- tors goal. The defence was stem wall' and Rose and Jimmy McGillivray are dandies, Mt. Forest found them hard to pass, while Dune. McGillivray play- ed his usually good garne in goal, Hera of Stratford, who refereed. the 'm racial but he did not game, was i p . , et the cross checking of the visitor% g . especially McEwen on left wing. The e "ne'llP :-- Mt. Forest -Scales, Brebber, Lang- don, Kenne,dy, Ross, Monoxide Me- Ewen. Witglaam-D. McGillivray, Rose, S. McGillivray, johnston, McLean, El- El- liott, Marlette. • • NOTES. --The Isegeet crowd of the seaSen taw the game end the noble 200 who came to town with the visi. tors went away with bowed. heads and it nand be mild they were a good bunch but had little ebance to ch their pets.. - Wally Hetet got every off side and refereed a great game.. - Looks like VI/Ingham to bring home the bunting., ..The crowd cheered the visitors good play; that's right.... The local management Wish to thank the patrons for the greed attendanCe ....Easy to pick out the. Executive committee, as they all wore it smile . -Pew old Mt; Forest -We tee your finish now. LEAOTTE STAlltaNn. Won Lost Mount Forest o . .. . . ....6 1 Wingbam ...... ...., ...6 1 Lueknow .... . . ,,,..... e3 5 Palmeeston ..... • .. .... ,5 3 Lietowel . - ..... . , .....8 6 Harriaton s.,.... ... , . -0 8 Luelthow plays at Winglsam Thurs. day night. mt z, i vi .... .. deed plays at Palmerston on ri ay night. Iv a Oapital Stook Sall paid up).$4,000,900.00 Reserve Fand and Undi. 'tided Pront,400.000.00 o $6- DePeeits by the Pablio- -01.000.000A Total Aseete, otter ,. • ....450,000.400.00 Mr' itlal l‘irc• UM/Cr and illeleel esv Verne "4 Snntl" With Et"'" recent Mende ' Council, Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Elliott of Melee- tit vielted Mr. Andreva Pollock one 1 of ay ast week, It is hardly safe to go on the roads town, new with the deep snow, and the .....1 A '"I'cg sea"' Mies Muriel Brothers of 13russels vlsitea be" aunt, Mrs. ID, IffeDonald, a few days last week - - - • Mr. Thos. Sorrunetwille of Brantford, se preitehed inittbedhiall on Sunday night and gave a fie Q11113°. Did you get a valentine ? Quite a number came to tins berg that wove neither ornamental nor ueeful. Mr, Frank Wright had a, wood -bee last Thursday and a dance at night; • the young folks enjoyed, themeelves b at of the morn- till the was ern& bours _ irig,. The telephones have been put in on the istItne of Moue?, and by the num- ber of rings they intend to get the good of the money ineested. But svhat can you do? Don't listen when it 1 ith ,Th wood weighed We Fort John has business "'N'Y''' I. pointed East the A. members ... As Jamestown Tuesday by the bag over darciege rutuung f the Oinsinal Board, associated e Co. Clerk Lane, for MO, at the meeting of ggrOn County ursday o as wee e fine team f 1 t . k th g WA /* Palmer !muted a load of from. the Cuthill Web, north of for Thomas Newaome, thitt 14,570 pounds. are pleased to notice by the Frances Tietee a r db. 84 that J. liabithk, recently of Brussels, purchased. the Merchant tailoring of W. As Baker of that e II. Cameron of town wee re•ap- f on Examinere in the Board o _litoron School Inspectorate, by vo. vouncil, Inspector Robb and P, Gundry, a (Minton, are also of the Board. Duncan McDonald, metchatit of was leaving town on ' . morning his rig was della G. T. R. snowplow at the woes. on Turnberry street and thrown the fenee. Fortunately little was done as the plow was at dose speed. .e s . . q... •,-. .* ., k ',.• . , i • t„. "As sees, At ,.."'_. . Moderate .. . 4 s re. •ep.,* ' -vi e.sen, s _, A',•- ''4,,I.;!*. rPrices Veys • • : , \e4-•'‘..:. (1'" -ii‘ svIeeee -- .4 -- •.:,. •.. • . o. s a p',,,:''' . . evre•Xrai 7 , ......aeweese......e.a...........e....,,,...n ROAM= islin ACIENTS threUghent Cameo ape the 'United States, A GENERAL BANKING len BUSRITESS TRANSACTED _ Savings Department Current Bates of Tittered allowed, and Deposits received of $1,00 . and upwards. Farmers' Sale Notes OolSeoted, and advances made ou them at lowest 'rate ef interest, Wnseueet Ball,t'on,-Corner John and Joseabine Strets. if W. R. GEIKII E Manager It. Veestone, Widen is not your call. Now mind! Neighbors and friends to the num- her of about seventy-five gathered at the home of Mr. Samuel Caldbeck on Tuesday night and after a suitable ad- .. - - . . - _ _ . areas was read ny w na. Moses, et i.L. awl& Mare.beCrsaulatele,kchwaeirre elache.enifir- Ward Caldbeck replied for bis par- ents thanking them for the extres- , sion of their good -will. Mr. Cald der Morris. "Never saw the snow so deep on . the level," is the general expressman. m• tea :Burgess of Lauder is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robb, Nichol, Oth line, . . Roads are heavy owing to the frequent storms. Pitch holes are in- numerable. Fine Dougola 131uchers, McKay Sewed Soles ; Patent Toe Cap; the, best Rubber Heels, All Sizes. $2.00 Per Pair Fine ViCi Kid Blrichere. 5 With flexible soles ; patent toe caps; best rubber heele. All sizes. $2.50 POP Pair am as awasimirri .49, aimmarme 111 Willter OPENS 1 January erm 3rd and family leave for the"West on the 25t11, and will carry witla them the best wishes of a host of friends. • Howick Boundary. R. Harris lost a valuable cow last week. er is on the sick list at II b Nell present. Messrs. G. Muldoon, G. Keys and 3. Galbraith each left with a car of horses for the West. Jas. Robb of Maidstone, Sask. who has been visiting friends in this Sask., ty, left last week for his honae. Dreo -InBrussels 4th Chris - ., . . , Feb.. a tena Sinclair, in her 42nd year. The funeral will leave the home of her mother, Princeas street, on Friday, 18th at 2 _ Fine Vici Kid Bluchers. With flexible soles ; Matt calf top; perfect fitting. All Sizes. $2.50 Per Pair _ _ Fine Vici Rid Blathers. With heavy soles; Matt calf) , top; perfect fitting. All Sizes. $2.75 Per Pair t ....-......--- Students may enter any day of the school year. . Individual instruction. Our graduates get the I 3 best position% a • V Mail Courses. We train ' more young people than any other management . in Canada. I .Affiliated with Coramer- cial Educators' Aesodas tion of Canada. . 1 Write for Particularsd Bert Longley sold a fine team of horses to Manitoba buyers. W. J. Finley is having an auction sale of farm stock on Friday, 25th. Mrs. O. Finley and daughter Rachel, spent Monday last with frlends on the B Bee. yr. and Mrs. R. Harris visite w ith friends on the 4th con. on Tues. ' p.m. Mr. S. Ilyndtnan of Crandall, Man., Miss Esther Hyndinan of Newbridge, Mr. Us. Roe of Newbridge, and bee daughter, Mrs. McComb of Manitoba and Misses Edna a,nd Beeline Wallace have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Roe. e has Alex. ItIcEwen, near Blneval ., been appointed Clerk of Morns, as .......,...............................„......................„............„3 The lines mentioned above are not the cheapest we have by any means, but are Shoes of exceptional value, far superior to usual Shoe values and we doubt if their equal for the price t can be duplicated In -ordinary Shoe etores. All sizes and half sizes kept Continually in stocks A. few words &bunt Rubbers in the "Times." Read them. . day last. Jean Ross of Glenfarrow spent Fri- day and Saterday last with her aunt, Mrs. 'Halliday. Mr. W. Hays has sold his fine roan • • team to dime buyers in Harriston, successor to eh° late William Clark. He has taught school for a number of Years, an is well qualified fer tbe • • d ` position. ere were quite a numher Th • b of applicants, any. of whom would have rendered efficient service. --........—.. ....... Willis & C 0 • WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, PI-wit:7MM. ' ktissameaualase for a handsome slim. ee and 3. Lane have G D bl d . pure ;tee a va ua e horse from each %Li ed I bl h f FOR. SALE. THE SHOE STORE Mr. A. McMichael of Wroxeter. The prayer t' b Id t th wee ing e a e home of Mr. and Mrs. Hays on Sun. day evening last, was well attended. , II rs._ t_ ea to ee vue, c. a the ome of be 1 tter's parent., " me. and ears. 3. ()ethers, on 'Sunday last. , Belgrave, a two -acre lot, good • house =a barn, good orchard, all kinds of small fruit, also a number ha f b 9 pies o .tletr. _ ,The above property is neiy si • t d to station.Apply 2°: ' MRS. _ W. CLARK idreelle' Sole Agents FOR ° For The LADIES . . Sole Agents for the "Astoria" Shoes for Men I QOM gslInenSallisill i 1 otice 1 o Credi ors N . . — Estate Of Robert Yee, Deceased. 25-28 Belgrave Miss J. Doubledee bas been =der • • Notice is hereby given, purguant to R. S. a, 1897, Chapter 199, and Amending Acts. that all persona having claims against the Estate of Robert Yea, late of the TOwnship of Toronto, : in the County ot Peel, gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of JailuarY. A.D. 1910, aro required to send by post, pre- paid, or to deliver te the undersigned solicitor • for the executor, on or before the let day of March, A, D, 1910, their names, addresses and descriptions, and a f till statement orparticulars of their claims and the nature of the seourity. • if any, hold by them, duly certified, and that after *e said last mentioned date the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have netice, and that he will not be liable for the assets so distributed or any part thereof to any person or penuins of whose clain3 or claims notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution. . . D. F. *TUSTIN Solitiltbt for Thomas E. Walker Executor. Wanipton, February 2nd, 1910. the doctor's care for the past week, but we arepleased t hear• o she is improving. , num er from hese parts attended A b f t , , . , . , . social given an the Presbyterian . Okturch, Wroxeter, on _ Monday eve. in . report a good time. n g All .Salern. Wm. Westlake is not recovering as quickly as hie friends watild like to CHRISTIE'S GROCERY PRONE 69 • - imesseermamosiessenessammamens . tiANNA SC, C 0 . see. Miss Ada Gallaher left last, week for Toronto .. W 0 S II he Best Foods T e Dighest Prins Paid For Butter and Eggs Phone 70 . • where she will spend some time. Mrs. I. Green spent the past v;reek with her daughter Mrs, T. Johnston of Fordsvich. ' Mrs. Muir is seriously' 111. with smeu- amnia. Her many frienda will be Pleased to hear of recovery. Mr. G. Gallaher, and Mr. and Mrs. Knox of Tuxford, Sask., called on Albert Mrs. G 11 h d• Obtainable, at Lowest • Notch Prices. If . we know it, we don't fill our shelves with inferior foods, but in most cases we offer you the BEST at inferior food prices, In we !after you BIG FOOD VALUE qmilk • / I The "15.11g Stores.. , . Specials . ' Ontario Liquor License Act - VA ' sa- . ., License District Of North Huron. ' . and a a er, one ay last week. ' Dr. 3. Malvey of Winnipeg,. Man., VANILLA and LEMON and sister Miss Laura, of Wingham, are visiting at Joint Mulvey'a for a fcw days- Notices are out that all dogs must be muzzled or chained; if not they will be shot and owner of dog liable EXTRACTS. Vire get these put up exclusively for ourselves and tinder our own label. Ea= Bottle is guaranteed Pare Flavoring Retract. With the FUR GOODS -1 Notice is hereby giveti that W. F. McCaughey of the village of Blyth has made application for the trausfer ' of the tavern license now held by J. J. MeCaughey for the premises known as the Commercial hotel in the village of Blythe 9,nd that said application will be considered at the meeting of the Board of License eommissioners to be held at the Commercial hotel in the village of Blyth on the 26th day of February, 1910, at the bout- of one o'clock p. m. , All persons lutetested will govern themselves accordingly. W. CLEGG License Inapector Jilted at Morris this 12th day of Feb. 1010, , • to a fine. Quite a number of horses are being delivered at Gerrie and Wroxeter this next Grocery order, will you in- elude this line? 100 per Bottle, or 8 BOTTLES 25o. . •Ladies' .. Fur Lined Coats, Black and Brown Shells, Rat Lined, sizes 32, 34, X Regular $510.00 - week, Tbe buyers are Messrs. Harris and McMichael. The horses are for the West.' eesseao-esaeseeooseeweaseeeese-wea yid Is C onit The Kand Kaim special price . $39.50 Regular 318.00 13.85 Those who have, been on the sick list the past week, are ---Miss 'Mary Gray, little Fanny Weir, Morley Me- Michael, Mrs. R. Mitchell and Albert Gallaher. Their many friends are pleased to hear they are reeovering. • BATH BRICKS 5c . These are best quality Englisb, made Bath Bricks, and are most essential . in every kitehen. 50 each. Sable Stoles. -for •••.... 00000000 ,•• Sable Muffs. Regular $20.00 -for 15.00 Isabella Fox Stoles. Regular $7.60 -for 5.60 Isttbella Fox Stoles. Regular 410.00 -for 0.75 A 'GREAT TREAT. The Tea and Coffee Store 444......•••••••••••.....“.......... - . — Coats Dress Goods ,-....-• Ralph Conner'4 new story "The For ' E1 W 7 has been bought by the Famis WANTED -Melee ti utter and • Fresh Zggs. - • ‘esemer=eseseemasseszomm--) and FOR SALE. • eigner,' ssel le Herald and Weekly Star of Mont- begin hi . atonic, and owing to her great age little hopes were entertained of her e ouriei met in 6 grave on Th C '1 * 13 1 reeoVery, notwithstanding everythingts 11 1: b. 0th, pursuant to adjourement ; possible was done for her. ' She bore Pc b II 'ft t of last mein. ers a present; ten u es her great sufferings with .nalm resig- meeting reaa mad passed. Tenders nation and wonderful brightness and for the -ordinate, township printing her aSSarances of s. glorious reward were indeed. Wight. for the current year were tweived from the Times and AdVance °glees of Winglians, and the Standard of Blyth. The tender of the Advance, Howick. $37.00, beitg the lowest, Watt accepted ee wake of manemers scat and Chas' AlbrechtAlbrcebt of 141411314Y II" PI". Buechel!. Moved by Burchell and elotsed a 100 Acre farm on the. 17th Campbell that R. Venstone, 13arrister, concession of llowick from Whitwellthat 0 ham b real O nte solicitor for Lowish and will take possession on Wig , e mi d. the first of Marcb. the township for 910-cetried. The Auditore report and Treasurer's On February 204 the Angel of Death abstreet for 1900, received and read.°RAND visited the home of Sas. Rolston. lot I, Wised by Scott and Obartniey that owe 5, Efovviek, aud took away the the same as now read be adopted, and young wife sad Mother in her 81st that the auditors be paid as usual year. Her Maiden name was Abigail 28 etleli for their services (serried. A, Hayes and the was married to Owing to some ditestisfaction hav- James Rolston in Marta 1908. ing arisen of late yeett in. the pays moist of eertadtt soiled monies to some in the municipality at _______ . 200 acres in Duren comity, one and miles from Fordwichs being two corner lotte sideroed tervea es lane, buildings on sideroad, about cert. tre of fartn, hettee no land far away from buildings ; comfortable dwelling house, long dietance telephone; hew bank barn, 30x 106, with 21 outside posts, straw shed it rear 50 eta, 'vele& makes a very convenient barn, mod- ern stables underwath all, with ea-ent floors, writer and littercarrier throughout stables; implement she 32 x 40, hennery In x24 ; testi never failing 'wells; 150 ewes cleared, it a good date of teltivation, soil deep day loam open bottom, =three drill's.. age, 25 tleree hardwood bush over 1. MOO maples, sugar °tabard, Valance pasture land with never failing spring ereak ; farm all well tented with ex- reptionally large e.edar tails. Will be sold at a bargain es owner is giving up laming teeing to HI health. For -further partioulate apply to leerdwiels• O. or on the premises to ACHESON- LAIRD. ous...M... real and publication will two three Ralph Connor's for Girls' Coats with College Collars, Regular 811.00-for...20.05 or weeks. - "The "The • mer stories Doistor," Pros- _ 8 tor " "Ti a Matt frotn. Glengarry," P e , 1 have hire famous RANDTRUNKINA. ress Goods, suitable for Suits or Dresses, in Rrown, re Bine and. Green Stripes. ror this Week, special and (Ahem made a story 'Writer, and "The Foreigrier" is regatded by many as his best, It la a thrilling story of the Carnelian West. 12 18 said that the Oriels wee the big- gest by• far ever pald'for a serial story'. it will be a great teed to retolers of the Family HeraldIferald and Weekly Star, and those who become subscribers to great weekly during the next two weeks will be itt time for the opening tarapter. The beautiful picture "The ... z r Awakening" i 'I- tr d Dinss et4 10 -ere at a PASSENGERS FOR e. it I) Alb man' o a5 er Saskatchewan MB Tilt -.. TRUNK RAILWAY t and a . 89c price Beaver Cloth and Diagnol Blanket Cloth for Coats. Regular 22.00 -for $I.06; regular 41.75 -for1.45 •••••41+4041111•11144+0+414414.04444441.4.4.4444444.... i MEN S OVERCOATS Iretnintn. The eorabination is the Vest dollar's worth in the minket „,,. .044 1' , . SYSTEM . Via St. Olafr Tunnel and Chicago. Overcoats with College Mere. Regular 00.00 -for 418.00 ; regular $16.00 or $13.60 ; regnlar •• 1000, $1L40 ; the Municipal World, asteestneet tells and Other supplies, $7,80 ; Jobe MoOlinton, refund. of dog tax 1900, $1.00 1 John MoOlinton, refund of taxes NV hall lot 82, sen. 3, Melee of routea from. there. Nearly all detible traok-eontrIbut. ing to Safety', Speed, Comfort. Plage' through prinoipal Canadian 412.00 for $8.450 ; regular $10.00 -for. ........ ........ 0.50 Men'e Moot& Gloves. Regular $1.915 and $1.150 or 41.00 I rquareir $1.00 -for 85OP. NVIN011.0i MARKETS. , Wheat -41.00 te $1,08. 0ats-80 to 87 eta, Earley -40 cts. Peter -78 to 80 cts, Ray -412,00 to $18.00 per ton. Butter -20 to 21 ote, liggs-2$ otth ,Pottstoeit-Mt to 40e per hash. Live 1Zoge-$6•00. Vor fun 'biretta tomilifet Norte Page xi sol000l sectiorm .different Intervals throughout the IMMO. year, whereby some aottool eections nouttot /14 swot woomaoth, were plated at a disadvantage Moog L a cm ni with other stations, ordered imam RobertsceFeb. llie to Mr. and Mrs, Ada monsty that no payments will be paid by the Treasurer for such pis a. this owning season, and further, that tire several trustee], are risked to take " vixs• We * emptation and to *jAstitheik note of thie T muss Istsak his lard rex. t •tasunelmet amoardingly. 1, . . il 1 - b. 4tibt Mary The follneoing aneunntil Were c wItit Of •'. ., ayd.ectloret bri ' 1 .1 ,. . ,. , 4 PIM ittlivet as $11,11 ; /*bat MOOlinben., In‘lante!V.1 'MAW States titles -no mon. . - - .... _ tele* OA 19ditiltOr 1000) *90.00 t john Snottyas . Salary township auditor, Jews* Baia% town- , / / ritotly.-toodern tgrtipment. /- FOR SALE. 28.60 ; salary as , ship auditor, 48 00. isame Council theta adjourned to meet again on Monday, Mar& 21s2, when patirmasters, poundkespors and fem. viewer* will In appotated for the pro. sent paw. / *Ads end Nether Infornettimi from W.MAT, Town Awes or J. D. McDonald metin. Tahoe. - , , In Seeketelseetran, 820 acres ; 105 broken and ready for ()rep ; 5 mile. itarla elevator In t'clvb in the famous r tr to opt, 1st Ale% Porterfiekt, Clerk* . _ .. ... _ ....___.„.