HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-02-03, Page 5THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1910 THE WINGITIAM ADVANCE. /Fa SPECIAL VALUES FOR THIS WEEK FURS ! FURS ! 1 Fur Lined Coat, (Rat Lining) reg, $75.00 for...$50.00 1 Coon Coat, reg. $60.00 for 50.00 1 Brown Bear Coat,. reg. $27.50 for 20.00 1 Australian Coon Coat, reg. $35,00 for 26.00 4 Persian Lamb Caps, reg. $6.00 for 3.75 GLOVES Fur Lined and Wool Lined Gloves, regular $1.50 and $1.25 for $1.00 UNDERWEAR 10 per cent. discount on Stanfield's Red an Underwear. Blue Label OVERSHOES One Buckle Overshoes, sizes 5 to 11, reg. $1,75 for$1.25 Three Buckle Overshoes, reg. $3.25 for 2.35 McGee & Campbell 11 Clothiers and Men's Furnishers Milk For Poultry. According to the experience of many practical poultrymen, milk is of great value as a food for poultry, both young and old, Skim milk is a farm product whose food value is not fully appreciated. It is especially valuable because, though most of the fat is re- moved in the cream, yet the most valuable food constituents, namely, the nitrogenous elements, are left be- hind. The material is, as a rule, easi- ly digested. It may be substituted for part of the grain food, especially the corn. Alfalfa As A Soil Renovator. One of the good things in alfalfa is in its quality as a soil 'renovator. It is probably not superior to clover pound for pound, but it has the ad- vantage of sending its roots deep in the soil, and bringing fertility from a point below the reach of red clover. The best crop for bringing up a run down field is this deep-rooted plant. Where a field is badly run down, an application of lime , before or after sowing will be a great help in giving the plant a ' star t. Where alfalfa makes a poor stand it can be assisted by disking in the spring with the disks set straight. POULTRY NOTES. Remember that whole grain and meat is the fowl's natural food. It pays to give hens a change of diet now and then, Vary the ration. It costs no more to raise thorough- bred poultry than mongrels and scrubs. Milk should always be fed in metal pane that can be washed and scalded every day. Never mind the cold and snow ; keep the doors and windows open dur- ing the day. A winter reminder : Wet feed. in open troughs nearly always produces bowel trouble. Good sanitation is more and more coming into practice in modern poul- try husbandry. Were chicken houses disinfected C oc- casionally there would be fewer out- breaks of disease. When killing meat animals do not neglect to save some of the scraps to feed the hens and ducks. If you have not looked for mites since cold weather set in, it will pay you to do it. They flourish at all sea- , sons. Hens that are given the most com- fort with proper feed and shelter are the ones that produce the greatest profit. Barley is a fine feed for chickens as the grain contains a large percentage of ash and assists in bone and egg making. Pile in tip litter these wintry days when the hens are confined. Force the hens to scratch for all the grain they get. Billet has special advantages in poultry feeding, as it induces scratch- ing. The millet should, of course, be thrown in direct from the mow, leav- ing the hens to scratch out the seed for themselves. } 46, 76 7 BIG CRASH IN PRIC FOR 10 lAYS A'' I A HERE IS THE PROOF That the best body-building and strengthening tonic for Didicate Children .'"'.'.,. Is ."...-, Throt "NO 9 'year old daughter was "My two children, who were puny weak, pale, and had no appetite. I and ailing, rapidly gained flesh and gave her Vino!, and she began to strength when I began to give them thrive at once. She gained rapidly Vino). I proved that Vinol is a splen. in weight, color and strength."--- did tonic for delicate children." -- Mrs.W,H. GILMORE,Durand, Mich. Mrs. C. ALLEN, New Bedford, Mass. Vinol builds up healthy flesh and makes thin little limbs round and plump. Children love to take it. We return people's money without ' question Ili Vitriol does not accomplish all we claim for it. Try it, please. t e�. �1 6�, ,`fl''oN i suit. ' f�l �, ��tllcggll ii, Tiitigllaam. Madam, Stop Buying Your Flour on a Guess (Hl Which do YOU buy, Mistress Housewife ? Flour on a GUESS? Or. Flour on a GUARANTEE? When you hand over the Hard -Earned -suppose wrong? If you can purchase flour that is guaranteed positively, surely you will not buy a " guess" brand which leaves you no recourse in the event of dissatisfaction or loss ofgood material. As a thrifty kitchen manager, Madam, YOU will buy FIVE ROSES flour every time -the only "money- back" flour where . you take no chance since every sack is watranted. We know, Madam, FIVE ROSES will save you time, trouble, disappoint= ment-ay, and MONEY, too. We know what it is doing for thou- sands of happy housewives, in Canada, in England, in Scotland, even in South -Africa. A household help for 21 years. * * f C The label on every sack or barrel is your absolute guarantee, as redeemable as a signed statement, that the flour is RIGHT, the packing right, the baking right, the results right. When we say FIVE ROSES we mean it is all right. Not one pound, or two pounds at the top of the sack, but the whole sack, the entire barrel from the first cupful to the is r you guessed very last grain at the bottom. Even if it takes you six months to reach the bottom, the guaranty still holds -the strongest guaranty ever given by any miller anywhere. FIVE ROSES, Madam, will "make good" every time, Try it for bread, cakes, biscuits, puddings, pies, puffs -anything you like. Use it down to half the sack. Then if you don't want the flour after that, your grocer will take it back and refund the full price charging you nothing for the flour used. Surely, that's fair enough, isn't it? f * * * *- Do you know, Madam, why the LAKE OF THE WOODS MILLING COMPANY, a responsible and hon- orable concern backed by 21 years of "square" dealing, can give this binding pledge, which no other miller in Canada cares to give? Because FIVE ROSES doesn't need a ight, guarantee. �oDecide NOW, Madamm,whe- tiler to continue buying on a " GUESS -Or -Get FIVE ROSES which guarantees YOUR success every time. LAKE Of THE WOODS MILLING CO., LTD., MONTREAL r In charcoal nature hesprovided a effople remedy for many of the com- mon poultry ailments, Provide plen- ty of it, Lime Is a great purifier, hence white- wash makes an ideal disinfectant. It may be improved by adding crude carbolic acid. Small potatoes and turnips saved when the « cropswere gathered, are valuable poultry food at this time, if well chopped, Sweet skim milk is one of the very best things to stimulate laying, but It must not be given sweet one day and sour the next. The hopper method of feeding makes a decided saving in labor and insures a plentiful supply of grain at all times for the fowl, There is a growing demand for pure bred young chickens and baby chicks just hatched, Commercial hatching is becoming a specialty. Any green food handy should be fed the laying hens, They need it to pro- vide some of the elements which go into the make-up of the egg. Corn is a useful feed for hens, but should. 1Se used sparingly, and it is bet- ter fed at night as a means of supply- ing warmth to the body of the poultry. Too many roosters in the breeding pen means loss in egg production. They are a menace to the hens and annoy them by eating the food which is needed for egg making. Cabbage is one of the best vegetable feeds for hens in winter, The cabbage is not only succulent, but contains a large amount of ash and protein. A cool cellar with the cabbage on shelves or hung from the joists, will be found the best place to keep the vegetables stored. Ontario Liquor License Act. .License District Of North Huron. Notice is hereby given that Ivan Johnston of Wingham has made ap- plication for permission to transfer his tavern license for the premises on the east side of Josephine Street in the town of Wingham, known as the Brunswick hotel, to John Putland, of Kincardine, and that said appli- cation will be considered at the meet- ing of the Board of License commis- sioners, to be held at the Brunswick hotel in the town of Wingham on the 10th day of February,1910, at the hour" of 11 o'clock a.m. All persons interested will govern themselves accordingly. W. CLEGG. License Inspector. Dated at Morris this 20th day of Jan. 1910. About Dried Apples. It is a mistake to cut apples In slicds or rings for drying purposes, says W. A. Oibbe Co., of Hamilton. Dried ap- pies are wanted in quarters only, and should be bright in ,color, A simple way to improve their appearance ie to dip the quartered apples immediately after having been peeled in salt water, drain and dry quickly on a rack or over a stove. It le surprising what can be accomplished with a little effort, Many farmers' wives are able to make snug sums for themselves by drying all cull and windfall apples, Dried quartered apples of bright color are always readily sold to country merchants, Do not allow your apples to go to waste. THE SWEET MELODY. I have listened to the swelling notes of Sousa,. And his players rendered music sweet of tone t I liave sat spellbound in wonder and amazement. When Caruso trilled his tender notes alone, I have heard the greatest operatic singers, But their music seemed discordant, harsh and thin, Tothe melody that holds me all en- raptured, When the winter'$ coal goes shoot- ing inthe bin. OLD LADY'S SENSATIONAL TESTIMONY TO ZAM-BUit. Here is strong proof of how Zam-Buk cures long-standing sores, or chronic wounds, Mrs. J. Minnett, of 192 Thurbers Ave,, Providence, Rhode Island, says: a "When a child of e'ght I was bitten on the leg by a dog. The wound never healed up soundly, and I have suffered with an ulcerated leg for over 60 years. At one time, I was an in-patient at the East Suffolk Hospital for a long period, ani for three years I was in and out of hospitals with it. I was continually in pain, and the sore would not heal, but continued to discharge. "Twelve months ago I came out here to my daughter, and as soon as she saw how bad the leg was she sent for a doctor. He gave me some ointment, but it did me no good. Doctors said my leg would never be 'healed. " One day my youngest daughter brought home a box of Zam-Buk and induc-c1 me to try it. Whit the first application I seemed to find ease. I kept do with the Zam-Buk treatment, and soon saw that the wound was getting better. I persevered, and, to cut a long story short, Zam-Bek healed up the sore I It is marvellous to think that, after suffering for sixty years, Zam-Buk has been able to heal the wound." Zam-Buk is superior because it is nature's own healer, com- posed entirely of pure 'herbal essences. For eczema, ulcers, cold sores, chaps, abs:es-es, piles, burns, scalds, cuts, bruises, rashes, etc., it is unequalled. All drug gists and stores 50c box, or post free from Zam-Bu's Co., Torcnto, for price. (Photo of Mrs. Miaaett) Clean Sweep Sale In Fifteen Ieiartrnents Ending on Nednesday, February 9th Sale Commences on Saturday, January 29th Great Money • .e e Twenty Thousand Dollar Stock to be reduced one-half. Prices will do it. aising Sale been waiting for this Big Sale. on you. Shop in the morning Goods must be turned into money quickly. This is your chance. It will pay you to drive twenty-five miles to attend this sale. Shrewd buyers have Doors open Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. Come with the crowd. Extra salespeople to wait if possible. Read the list. Only room here for a few of the Many bargains awaiting you. Clothing Department Big Cut In Prices For. I0 Days Men's strong Overalls, Blue or Black -l0 Days' Sale..... . .59 15 Mens' Fancy Tweed Suits, Regular Price $$.00 --Sale Price $0.00 Men's Black Kersey Cloth Overcoats, Regular Price $8 50 - Sale Price - . 0.50 Men's Heavy Gray Pants, Regular $2 -Sale Price .. 150 Boy's two piece snit, to clear at Sale Price 1.29 Boy's Heavy Overcoats, Regular value $10 -Sale Price7.90 Boy's , Fine Frieze ivercoats, Regular value $7.50 -Sale Pace ... .6 6.00 Boy's Strong Tweed Overcoats, Reg. Value $0 -Sale Price4 50 Men's Fancy Stripe Overcoats, Reg. Value $15 -Sale Price -12 00 Men's Plain Cloth Overcoats, Regular Value $12 --Sale Price000 Men's Tweed Overcoats, Regular `Value $7.50 -Sale Price55.00 Emmy Men's Fancy Stripe Pants, Reg. Value $2 --Sale Price 150 Men's Worsted Stripe Pants, Reg. $2.50 ---Sale Brice ... 1.05 Two Thousand Dollars worth of Clothing on second floor to choose from. Table Linen One piece heavy Table Linen --10 days' Sate 51 inch Bleached di " " ill 00e wide Bleached ,t ,. " r' 75c Islixa, fine quality Table Linen -Sale Pi $1 Irish Linen (wide) " .e ,. Table Napkinii all sizes, 20 per cent, off Price 20c ,.........•.:300 tt ,...,43e lee 60.; „ .........6668..( 0 regular prices. $ do z. Hand Satchels, large sizeRegular choice, Value 75c, /our 50e CORSETS Big clean up in our Corset depettment. Look on centre tables for Big Bargains. A lot of Corsets, $1 sand $12.5 values 09.; Fur Goods. Ladies' Rat lined Coats, Italian Broadcloth, Alaska Sable collars, very latest style, good value at $50 -Sale Price..$39.50 Ladies' Persian Lamb Coat, good buying at $75 -Clean Sweep Sale. $60.00 Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, good quality, regular value $35 -Sale Price... , . , $25.00 Ladies' Coon Coat, nice length, well lined, a bargain at. $50 -Sale Price ..$37.50 • Ladies' Fur lined Cape, black Thibet collar, regular value $25 -Our Sale Price . ..........................666 ,..,$15.00 Discount of 20 to 25 per cent., off Caps, Muffs, Stoles, Caperines, Ruffs, Gauntlets, &e. • TOP SKIRTS 25% off all kinds of top skirts. A. big stock on second floor.. LADIES' COATS 25 per cent, discount off Ladies' Ceats, Misses' Coats, and Children's Coats. All must be sold. Plenty to choose Froin. LACE CURTAINS REDt10ED.---A large stock of Curtains to clear out at a discount of 20%, Gents' Furnishings. Men's heavy, working Leather Mitts, lined, regular 60 et. lines ---Your choice .30 Men's Fur lined. Gloves, regular price $2.50 For $1.75 25c Ties in Knots or Four -in -hand -Sale Price .19 Heavy Winter Underwear 20 per cent. off regular prices. Men's heavy top Shirts to clear at .43 Men's fine Braces, 25c value for .10 Dress Goods, Ete. Buy your Spring Dress or Suit now, lots of choice here, dur- ing the Big Sale. a You can buy at 20% off regular price. English Lonedale Cambric, regular value 15e --Sale Price... 121s,: Ladies' Black Sateen Underskirts with fancy embroidery. frill, regular price $1.25 --Foe ..$1.00 Six pieces fancy Tweed Dress Goode, regular price •50c-- 10 Days' Sale Price .. 39c Chiffon Taffeta Silks, all colors, good buying at 75c --Sale, 00c 5 Doz. new Wrappers and House Dresses, lined in the waist, good value at $1 50 to :$5 each -Your choice for, .$1.29 White Quilts, to clear, $1.25 quality for ...... .........$1.00 YOUR ACCOUNT. IS DUB. -All accounts must be settled by cash or note on or before February Orb, Remember the date -Saturday,. Jan. 29. Cash or Produce in exchange for goods. No goods charged at sale prices. No goods sent on approbation. Salespeople Wanted. E. Isard & Co. = Wingharn 1 Grocery Department Fresh Stock, New Raisins 4 lbs. for Pot Barley, per lb. Canada Laundry Starch Fresh Corn Starch 10c Bottle Extract -Sale Price Royal Yeast Cakes 12e Fancy Cakes. 2 cans Red Salmon for 36c Black Ceylon Tea for Tapioca Fresh for teat Cleaned Currants, 8 1 hs. for 25c Box Flavoring Extract 'for.. 25o 0 ec $e 6 $c . 6 ........................ 10c 25c 256 Os Ste 100 4 pkgo. Gold Dust for..... ............... .4 ...................250 Fresh Dates, per lb .... , .. , $e 12 Bars Laundry Soap for..... 256 September Cheese, per lb.. ..... ..... .....16e 15e Bottles of Pickles for. ...,10e Wirier iiiiiiii•iitstraiermitarirairitofi. Boots, and Shoes A large stock to choose froin. Every pair to be sold at cut price, Lot No. 1, a number of oda lines worth 1,25 to $1,50• -- your choice for.....09 Lot No. 2, Ladies' Button Boots value up to $2,60 -hale price -Sale Price . 6.$1,25 ortiornerwriaritimintromiiirimmirrielemliniqiiiiiinierermiirsa:�er.+tYatar..� _. .. PRINTS Crinn'ix English Printe, guarantee' fast colors, neat patterns, values from 121e to 15c --Clean Sweep Sale Price 100 BARGAINS IN RIBBONS 10 17'ieeee plain Taffeta Ribbon, -wide, all co0ore. 25o quality -=Sale Price' 20e 20e, Colored Ribbons --Sale Pelee ••••••••6 ..... MC P1afn Cohn ed Ribbons -Sale Price 12Se Taffeta Ribbon -Sale Price . ,,.... ....... 100 W..... 1. 17.6 I