HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-01-27, Page 5r THE WINGITAM ADVANCE, TIIIMSDAY, JA `TTA Y ' , 1910, OVERCOATS Exceptional Values Here's your chance. We have a number of Overcoats of all sizes and prices that we do'n't want, and are anxious to turn them over to you at greatly reduced prices. We don't want to carry over any of these garments, consequently, the cut in prices. 11 Overcoats, in sizes from 35 to 44, reg. $15.00 and $16.50 --reduced to... , .. , $12,00 8 Overcoats, in sizes from 37 to 42, reg $1$.00 and $19.00 -reduced to $14.50 Other lines of Men's Overcoats, also Youth's, Boys' and Children's Overcoats, to be cleared out at similar reductions. McGee & Campbell Clothiers. and Men's ' Furnishers Snow As A Fertilizer. An American exchange mentions the case of a farmer who was met by a heavy snots storm while engaged in plowing. The ground was not frozen and be went on plowing after the storm was over and found that next year's corn^'crop in that part of the field where the snow was turned Un- der was much better than all other parts. FATHER 80o MOTHER 76 APRIL. RAIN. OMFI rain, Soft April rain, Bring back the flowers again! Come, rain, make of my gambrel eaves, A swimming -pool for win- ter's leaves. Then rain On budding sprouts and say: "To -morrow will bring an- other day, And April's sun and my wet kiss Shall waken thee to sum- mer bliss," Come rain, soft April 1 rain, Bring summer back again! Rain, say which wind thou lovest best, The north? The south? The burly west? One thing I knew, thou likest least To drive before the churlish east, Rain, rain upon the quick and dead, Thou fattest alike upon the head , Of unjust and of just, with free And all impartial charity. Close Season For Partridge. Hon. Dr. Reaume, Minister of Pub- lic Works, has announced that in- structions have been issued to game wardens and inspectors throughout Ontario to rigidly enforce the law pro- hibiting the killing of partridge. Un- til September, 1912, a close season is being observed on partridges, al- though fl egrant violations have re- cently been, in evidence. "Wcman's Militarism." "Woman's innate militarism" -this is what one London paper calls the latest patriotic response on the part of women. It is ascribed partly to her innate militarism, and partly to her love of excitement and fads. Of course, the editor allows, too, nobler motives. The movement under discussion is the formation of a military corps called "The First Aid Nursing Yeoman- ry Corps," and is an eeho of the gen- eral jingo sentiment noticeable in all England. It was founded a year ago by Capt. Baker, but only last week did its real status become generally known. Its object is to render first aid to the wounded and to follow up close to the cavalry and horse artil- lery. Each trooperess must be over live feet three inches in height; she must provide her own outfit, including a horse and its care. So it will be seen that there are limitations, and that the ranks are rec,l ted from women of position and me?, Daily practice combines. e work of cavalryman and nurse, fy ride up to the wounded man, e 'mount, produce surgical and medical appli- ances, and dress the (supposed) wounds. Rifles sometimes take the place of splints to guard against that emergency in actual experience. The swash-buckler novelty of the idea may repel some critics, but the majority is charitably withholding judgment until time tells whether the movement has its root in a feminine fondness for smart tunics and jaunty caps, or in patriotic zeal and womanly sympathy. L-8 The aged father and nioiher of a prominent Boston lawyer safely earned througli, the fast two winters by i of The son says: rr My father and mother owe their present strength and good health to Vinol, During the last two trying winters neither of them had a cold, and were able to walk farther and do more than for years. I think Vinol is perfectly wonderful. It certainly is the greatest blood -making, strengthening tonic for old people I ever heard of.' We want every feeble old person In this town ta,,try Vinol. We will return their money without question it it does not accomplish all we claim for it. J. 4. UN te�tv:ka >L�a�.�g ,mss u�3a 1�a1�9 J�11Q�`te`d&>ll. r. Your Fingers, Madam, direFirst to Touch Five Roses Last'week at a five o'cl ck tea a young hostess exclaimed ""I do love to make cake; it makes my hands so clean! " And she ate her cakes alone. Did you ever consider, Madam, why the best surgeons wear rubber gloves when performing a critical operation? They say it's impossible to so wash the hands that they will be absolutely free from danger of germ infection. How many hands, think you, have handled the flour you are NOW using. (o) Out in the sun -flooded Keewatin mills, Mistress Housewife, we make a flour which never comes in contact with hand or finger. "FIVE ROSES" is its name. It is made in an automatic water- power plant, under the eye -but not under the hand -of experts with 21 years of "know-how" behind them. From field to sack and barrel every bit of machinery that FIVE ROSES touches is bright and polished like those piano keys of yours. * a * 35 Then the fleckless purity in prepar- ation, Madam. Special devices exclusive to FIVE ROSES are employed so that no hand need touch your flour. Itis hand proof -germ free -pregnant with health and wholesomeness, Different from any other flour made, you see. For nearly one mile FIVE ROSES travels through hy- gienic automatic processes, IIIMMENOSINIENIMINIMMENWOMMIVIIMINI LAKE OF TUE WOODS MILLING CO., LTD., MONTREAL getting cleaner and finer, until in the cheery packing room it flows into sacks and barrels of our own make.. Here likewise purity is paramount, and the high-grade packages are filled full -weight and sewed by auto- matic machinery. All this for your folks' protection and yours, Mistress Housewife. Thus your own white hands are the first to touch FIVE ROSES from the time it was hidden in the heart of the field- ripeiied Manitoba berries until de- livered in your kitchen. You know this positively when you read "FIVE ROSES" on the label. Because it is an absolute guarantee of purity backed by a responsible cqmpany whose fair reputation is at stake in every sack, ArNyou particular enough to look for the name, Mistress House- wife ? Strong-willed enough to insist on getting what you ask for? That's FIVE ROSES. IN-Vt IIEN WHY AUNTY'S NBYBR SICK. OLICS tell me I look deli- cate, And old, and past my prime, And yet, I'm never sick a day. You see, i'itaven't time. Ocensionally, l; feet bud, A cold gets hold of me, But just as I about give up, Some one gets sick, you see, I recollect once rheum,- iClot started in my side, But just then brother Sam took sick And pretty nearly died. And by the time I'd nursed him 'round, And helped that wife o', his, daP, I felt so well I clear forgot 1,rw7 g 4 r r All 'bout my rheumatiz. ���� e� I lb 'lYF Another time I started in I i't „ . - With a dyspepsy scare, Then Marthy had a baby, and ; I had to go out there, a ;, Then Ma's back got to achin' so Seemed nethin' would relieve her, And just as she got easy, Pa Came down with typhoid fever, So how on earth can I get sick?'' 1r I never find the tine. 'n ' x`•' Bottles and Babies. • A prominent woman physician has this to say about the feeding of bot- tle babies: "Babies are creatures of habit, and can easily be trained to the utmost regularity. To this end the in- fant should be allowed 20 minutes to each bottle, and if it is not finished then it ought to be taken away. Thus it will learn to take its meals regularly and' quickly." For everybody knows that babies will dawdle over the bottle, keeping the nipple in the lips longer than is good, either for digestion Or the shape of the mouth. Meals properly apportioned are suf- ficient when methodically taken. If baby cries, give it water. And remem- ber that baby's food should be regulat- ed, not only by age, but by growth. Re- gardless of the months, a large fast- growing child requires more food than one who is small and slow in growth. There is a tendency to act opposite to this, and over -feed the puny child. This is bad because the sickly child will suffer more from the over -crowd- ing of a weak stomach than from too little food. Fresh air, plenty of sleep, and care and regularity in what he eats are more important than quantity. Give the larger amount to the strong, healthy child who shows that he can take care of and assimilate it. 'Twould almost be a crime With everybody else upset, ..1114414.44.114.41114+401140.11.41 •••141114.11•141110.10 E • i $ W. G. PATTERSON 1 The Great Watch Doctor • A BIG JANUARY CASH SALE -AT- W. G. PATTERSON'S 1 JEWELRY STORE Now is ;your time to get Bargains in good Jewelry of all kinds. Z We have the finest line of goods that money- can buy, and which will be ' sold at less than cost this e month for cash. BIG BARGAINS IN OPTICAL GOODS Repairing always correctly done, and according to our New Year's I Resolution "done on time." $ Opposite Queen's Hotel, •00000000100N0000t4000000 •••••••••••••••••400 .44444 Wingham. : BIG CRASH IN PRICES FOR 10 AT AYS RD' .ree...eee.i;e••e•eee.essete.e.-esee-eeees. k�" .en L. )s,•�11r 4 A t.� Clean Sweep Sale In Fifteen l:epartments Sale Commences on Saturday, January 29th Ending on Wednesday, February 9th r�Sale Twenty Thousand Dollar Stock to be reduced one-half. Prices will do it. GtCat Mone''� aising Goods must be turned into money quickly. This is your.- chance. It will to attend this sale. Shrewd buyers hav _ . .....- �...e.�,....� � �' 'pay you to drive twenty-five miles bean waitingfor this Big Sale. Doors open Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. Come with the. crowd. Extra salespeople to wait on you. Shopin the morning if possible. Read the list. Only room here for a few of the many bargains awaiting you. Grocery Department solfonifooftworommon Clothing Department Big Cut In Prices For 10 Days Men's strong Overalls, Blue or Black -10 Days' Sale.,... . ,50 15 Mens' Fancy Tweed Suits, Regular Price $8.00 -Sale Price ' $6.00 Men's Black Kersey Cloth Overcoats, Regular Price $$.50--- 0 50 Sale Price Men's Heavy Gray Pants, Regular $2 -Sale Price 150 Boy's two piece suit, to clear at Sale Price 1.20 Boy's Heavy Overcoats, Regular value $10 -Sale Price, .. 7 00 Boy'sFine Frieze Overcoats, Regular value $7.50 -Sale 0 Price . Boy's Strong Tweed Overcoats, Reg. Value $0 -Sale Price.. 4 50 Men's Fancy Stripe Overcoats, Reg. Value $15 -Sale Price..12 00 Men's Plain Cloth Overcoats, Regular Value $12 -Sale Pt•ice.. 0.00 Men's Tweed Overcoats, Regular Value $7.50 --Sale Price.. 500 Men's Fancy Stripe Pants, Reg. Value $2 -Sale Price 1.50 Men's Worsted Stripe Pants, Reg. $2.50 --Sale Price..,1.95 Two Thousand Dollars worth of Clothing on second floor to choose from. Table Linen One piece heavy Table Linen --10 days' Sale Price 20e'f, (ii: inch Bleache6 " " " '" *.�30e OOc wide 13ieache " " " " " 45e 75e Eiixa, fine quality Table Linen -Sale Price Ooc $1 Irish Linen (wide) " .► " " 75e Table Napkins all sizes, 20 per cent. off regular prices. U 3 doz. Hand Satchels, large size -Regular Value 75c. your �c choice, ' ollooltimattoOmtrimmittesktiastora CORSETS Big clean] up in our Corset department, Look on centre tables for Big Bargains. A. lot of Corsets, $1 And $125 values one Fur Goods: Ladies' Rat lined Coats, Italian Broadcloth, Alaska Sable i collars, very latest style, good value at $50 -Sale Pr•ice..$39.50 Ladies' Persian Lamb Coat, good buying at $75 -Clean Sweep Sale . , , . $60.00 Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, good quality, regular value $35 -Sale Price $25.00 Ladies' Coon Coat, nice length, well lined, a -bargain at $50 Sale Price $37.50 Ladies' Fur lined Cape, black Thibet collar, regular value $25 -Our Sale Price $15.00 Dirt:mYlt of 21 to 25 per Cent. off Caps, Muffs, Stoles, Uaperines, Ruffs, Gauntlets, Ric. TOP SKIRTS 25% off .all kinds of top skirts. A big stock on second floor. LADIES" COATS 25 ' per cent. discount off Ladies' Ceats, Misses' Coats, and Children's Coats. • All must be sold. Plenty to choose from, LACE CURTAINS REDUCBf)...... A large stork of -Curtains to clear out at a discount of 20%. Gents' • Furnishings. Men's heavy, working Leather Mitts, lined, regular 50 ct. 30 lines -Your choice. Men's Fur lined Gloves, regular price $2,50 -.For. , ........ ,$1,75 25c Ties in Knots or Four -in -hand -Sale Price .10 Heavy Winter tludercvear 20 per cent. off regular prices. Men's' heavy top Shirts to clear at .43 Men's fine Braces, 25c value for ,19 Dress Goods, Eice.. 'Buy your Spring Dress or Suit now, lots of choice here, dur rng the Big Sale, You can buy at 20% off regular price. English Lonsdale Cambric, regular value 15c -Sale Prise... 124c Ladies' Black Sateen Underskirts with fancy embroidery frill, regular price $1.25---I+or $1.00 Sir pieces fancy Tweed Dress Goods, regular price Ma- il) Days' Sate Price Chiron Taffeta Silks, all colors, good buying at 75c --Sale, 000 5 Doz. new Wrappers and House Dresses, lined in the waist, good value at $1.50 to $2 each -Your choice for. . $1.20 White Quilts, to clear, $1 25 quality for YOUR A.CcOUNashoT r ISS DutEor bc .-All a ccounts pbe settled by Btsrirtgllaber the date- Satnlday, Jan. 20. Cash or Produce in exchange for goods. No d ods charged at sale prices. To goods sent on approbation. Salespeople Wanted. E. Isard & Co. Wingham Fresh Stock, New Raisins 4 lbs. for 2 -ie Pot Barley, per lb 30 Canada Laundry Starch de Fresh Corn StarchSc 10c Bottle Extract -Sale Price • go Royal Yeast Cakes........ 3c 12io rangy Cakes. - 10c 2 cans 114"d. Salmon for 25c 35c Blank Ceylon Tea for 25c Tapioca Fresh for - - So Best Cleaned Currants, 3 lbs. for 25c 25c Bun Flavoring Extract for.. ................... ,......, 10e 4 pkgs. Gold Dust for . • .25e Fresh Dates, per lb $e 12 Bars Laundry Soap for 25e September Cheese, per lb 16c 15c Bottles of Pickles for 10c Boots and Shoes .11...11.,. A largo stock to choose from, Every pair to be sold at cut price. tot No. 1, a number of odd lines worth 1.25 to $1,50. -- your choice for .00 Lot No. 2. Ladies' Button Boots value up to $2,50 --half p► i• a -Sale Price. $1.25 PRINTS Cruet's English Prints, guaranteed fast colors, nest patterns, values from 12ee to 15e -Clean Sweep Sale Price 10. BARGAINS IN RIBBONS 10 Pieces plain,Taffeta Ribbon, wide, all colors, 250 quality -Sale Pt tee •20c 20c Colored Ribbons -Sale ?'rice .... 15e 15c; Plain Colored Ribbons -Sale Price 1210 1210 Taffeta Ribbon --.Sale Price ... 10o X-,