HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-01-20, Page 71P
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("-pecially pleased I'Vith jht� ,5-5-1)30� in,
1:1`41aLie, I:
A tilt', 6tv, A'O'111)31'A�lt NN� 'I"
I MP.,14M"Z_ . - . � � - . - . . ,,;;.
t. ,'-�tftfforq- -Sir V, R L Maw 0,11t.), ,.1,
1 04:1- It. Mortinwr ( fill I,
T4 eighteen. seats that turniA over
IslingWo fsputlo)—T. NViles (Lib..),
1.1�000 luereaso on the Llb'eral sida.
,( .), -
I.-tt)l,,(.�ITII�)lt-'rrt�Ut--,I. Ward Ojal,for).
Islington ()vest) T, Lough (Lib.),
(Nortj�), Bgth (Wo seats). Burnley, �
.11r. Joseph ChawberIalit i vee, o I
the rowlt,A At Ilighbury WILd t,l,-
U,mj 1), 11, Xydd ((!011.) 5,j;97.
1voll-m-lutillpfoll Okht)-'G. R. Tborm
Gloucester. Manchester (Southwest)
(TiM), 5,543; G, A. Ttiuciie (Con,), 4,-
:Pcoryn grid Falmouth, Rochester', '
612, .
saiishfir�, $WyWidge, Weduesbury,
givattsii 011, it. `l8 itea liltiumg
. gi Mbahl ?i
040, 5,270, 4 S. Amory (Coil.), 4,442
(Lib.), 4,246; 10. A. Lucas (Cork,), 3,50,
ton (Soutlt),
Wajorltle,4 arriVt-d 110 Ktld: *'%� 61, %V,i�
OJII)V, 3,509; R. 11� Beliltis. (Coil,), 3,310,
WolverhAmpton 1yore Tep;esented by
have done our slutra towardi Llpi,�Ltlll,ll
, 1.
Close Contests in Many, Ridisx;—Voionists are Not Making as Many
'Ike SOCIAllst, e0a,Lll." .Nlr. 43alfOur JV41A
also well expreisotl. 14th
Fulliam-Mr. If. Fisher (Cou.), 046201
Cains as, They Expected.
pleased, And
I in tile coumies Writing Cout4evvative.
: V. 110111P11-111 (141b.). 7,781.
11 empatead-J. S. Metehor (Coll.), 0,
were-, Darlington, Great Grimsby and
Tile result in Xing'a Lynn, though not
given in tile list of turn -overs, i6 really
20, F. Q. Howard Uolb.), 3,00.
Lloy&Oeorga.� W.Alled—Gilbtri Parker VegW—Liberals. Say They
for the Liberals, as Mr, 0, W,
Lambeth (Brixton) -D. Dalziel (Coil.).
5,40; ff. IL Beaverns (Lib.), 4i$07.
Are Satisfied With
the Results to Date.
who was elected Ili 1000 w" it,
Liberal, w,oit over to. tho. Oppositivii ov,)
Lailibeth (Xorth)-ANP. 11. 11. GAS.
lirell (Con.), 2,947, If. 31yer (0b.), 2,
Belfast (East) ---Sir G. W. Wolff,
4,815, 11, P, Pease (Coil.), 4,786.
years ago, arid hit$ since that tillie, vilt'LA
.. � *40.0"
IQ,543, J`. IT. Thomas (Labor), 10,199,
against the (Im-criunent, '11te Libern"'
Lambeth (Norwood) -sir 11. 8, Saul -
Seats ill tile Ifouse, .. .. ....... 670
beer. 'Xhe north. is oyerwhelluingly
ill tilt, division went so far A.% to flonlaild
bie, retireluvilt, And flils. tillie adopte'd Its
1101 (C oil.), 0,058, Sir A. IV. Lawrence
Standing ill ]list Parliallient--
with its.,
tbvir candidate Mr. T. 01bioll, 1-3iNvIes,
;qM10" 6,100,
211filisfirials (Includin.- LaborltPH
31r. 3`0111i. Burria: 1111IFe have done
who ran its a, UnItioniet free trader in
and Natioliall-its) - - - - .. D04
very well, intleed. Saturdity WAS our
ArIItO11 MADOr—H, O(M), (0011.), 7,,30,9;
Opposition ... ... ....... ... lad
worst day, tile seats fought for being
, Allan (Lib.). 1,928,
Contests oil Saturday .. ..... ....
Acclaxiiation ...... ... ... . ..... 17
ospoolidly'favorable -to, tile enemy, Walt
witil l4votland, Irehund and Wales cX-
Messrs. A. II, (All and J. R. Clynvs,
13411 (2 Beats) -Lord A. Thynne
(Coil.), 3,001; Sir A. Hunter (Coil,), I,,.
Liberals olectild in contest .. .. .. 30
hililt their unitetl stl "
Miti visited Toronto last fall As, ,tile
SRI,. 1), Affteleall (4,1b.), 3,771, a-, 41,
34aborites elected. in contest- .... 0
Mr. Arthur ( I
liamberlain. (brot ter
British delegates to t lie Airterlell)
Gooth (Llb,), 3,757,
Libel-alq elected by Acclamation - - I
of Air. JTOsoph Chamberlain) - ,� it is
Federution of l4abor, wore botil, olect(�(J,
11-I'rmingliani (bildgbaston)-Six, p. Nily,
Xationallat's elected by aevialuatioll. 6
(Illito certain that tile country is going
tile fornwr in Bolton, (lie latter ill
y.own, (OOD,), 710,13 J ,11. Morga I n � (Llb.),
Total Ministerial strength, inalud-
to return tile Liberals with An irresl$.
Xortheast Manchester,
*1 850,
Ing TAtboritteg and Nationalists - - 48
bible 1110,101AY."
John Ward, the formiler. of the Nay.
Birnlinghain (XortIi)-tl`. T, Middle,
Unio"Ists elef"'tod in contest . , . , 32
Alr, Whiston, Churchill,, intervieweil
vies' Union, was elected for Stoke-upan-
wora (Con.), 5,189; J'os. Dawson (Lib.),
Unionists oleeted by avelaulatioll - - 11
at 1)"llilce, "Tire battle is well MAID.
Trent for tile second Little.
Total 'Unionist strength . - , ,43
tained. Manchester If& magnill cent y
Lonflon !,a
Major Kenneth Balfour, one ot the
11h*111ingliam (Contral)R. Parkes,
Unionist gaille, .. ..... ... . ... i8
Liberal gaills, .. ..... ... .. � _. 3
.steadfast, If e ry Liborial
and Labor mail rights with unflinching
d<f0itted Unionists in Southampton, is
It cousin or the Opposition leailpr,
(0011.), 64015, 0. BrIlmiliton (oon.), 1,711,
BirMillgilaill Mordeslov)_,T. Collings
\.r%qt ITnionlat gains .. , . 15
rQF4c-lutlOII WO Shall gain A goodmAjority
Canadian, politeal orators Seemingly
(Con.), 0,021; F, Tfugbes'(Labor), 3,453.
Ill tile la -4 1101140 tile saille, ;�Ri4,
r<q)res<mted by,. .
of tile English conatif'llone,jes. There I.%
Do I -OPG for tile Housoof Lords in Scot-
produce little effect in, 1,�Ilgland, -,\Ir,
Uiwrge Tate Blackstock spo�w at
FAirmingilarn (East) -A, D. Steele.
Maitland (Coll . y4
), 8 60, 3'. Stepholison
Liberal" " ''... '.. .. I .. 51
Qrilliki'by for Sir G. Doughty, the Unioyl..
(Labor), 3,958.
Labor .. ... ..... ... .. ...... 7
CROWI) molmn. 1) LT,0y1)-,C1r,J0It0,J,_..
bit tantlidate, and it was, there that the
11innillghalli, (Sloubb)-Lord
. I Morpeth
NatiolinliMs, .. ... ..... . .. ... 5
London, Jau, Iti.-I.Che most exeltill"
;JI)(41tis Scored their greate-it victory.
(C Q,W; A, ED. Isutler (Lib,), 2,475,
ITIllolligt .. .. .... .. ... ..... .... 28
Number of flivisiors polling to -(141Y 88
'. 0
$Vewle of it'(' canipai.-ti, ocourod at
1 (Arlintsby, where
Tilt, Uni011ist'plurality of 2,30f) ht l000
was changed to a Liberal majority of
, I 'I
,0 ey-0. A. Arbuthnot (Con.), 5,.
t; F,
71 Xaddison (Lib,), 0,081; R, M,
a menneing crowd
threatened David Lloyd-Geortre C 6.11-
022. Mr. Joynsoll-Hicks, for
. whom, Mr.
J. S.
IfYndman (Soe,), 4,94$.
Cambrifigo A.
Lon,dowl, Jan. 16._(Globe. Cabli,ee.)-The
ce Echequer., e3nipipelling
him to flee f rjlu* ]tall, Ile ilad
Willisou put in a good word when
- to a club Ili Man0jestery was
- Ir, Page4 (Con.)
4,666; S, 0. Buckmaster (Lib.), 4,081,
Lords Will have to pay; the food of the
a where
beell s1*41drig under pollee protection,
a I I dlig tile fallen,
DeVoriport, (2 1
seats) --Sir .T. Jackson
(Con.), 5,658, Sir 0.
noonlo remaing untaxed; the little Welsh.
-,Ti. radical
Ion ch it$ Ile Was driven front a Pro-
13uer meeting tvt Birinhighain during
C. 1-1. fSeely, who, ran as A free
Trade Unionist Ili T.,incoll, al)(I Ivai, de.
5,286; Sir J. W. Bonn (Lib.), 5,140; S.
solieltot C-m-6p-tal, to make
I md,gots, arid Air, llalf�ur will. Still lead
the $01ith African war, %A'hea lie es.
called ill
feAted, is a brother of Col. ,y. I;,. I", $eely,
, Of State for tile col.
Lithgow (Lib)., 5,14o .
I ei-G. Wyndhqwn (Con),, 3,aao; A,.
'lie Opposition in his laekaditisieal, fash-
4 policeman's uniforin, Part
't the
, provocation for tile llo,4,ility
O'lles ill the Asquith lKinistry.
X Bro4ley (T .
,.4ib.), 1,571. 1
' in tile
-4n. Mr. Chamberlain will Ivaru,
311MVII towards hill, was eansed by
J . J`,ohn T. Aliddlemore, tile silo.
Terrell (Con.), 4,loo;
It , Rea (Lib,), 3,9sa.
Jefeat, of his protnedonist vitinpaign,
'low. Uonserva-
tile Chancellor's unustial course in.
England, And which I,,-, considered by
cessful Unionist 0
'Andidat') Ill NoI,f,ll PJr.
Din film, ounde a arid has nianagoil for
Oravesend-_-Bir Gilbert Parker (Con.), I
bitter it I,-. to be, as the
jivic.q said of Gladstone arid home rule,
many uneon stituti Olin]. The Chan-
cellor's included
thirtr-M.- ears the 3NI.Iddleluore, Will.
drfol'8 " 4,yratlOn Ifornes rot, the train.
S. R. .7onkins, (Lib.), 2,el%
. �
Hastings -A. P, Du Oros (Con.), 4,.
I�An old wall Ili ii, luirry."
speoch 11 prediction
he (TIerinan fleet it it
!n -!,'n agriculture of des I
0 L't"te eb"dre)
634,; R - Twoody-Smith (Lib,)� 3,833.
Canch0stor (Southwest) -H. A. Cole
Tile return% of the first day's polling,
Nugrht the British. Ilpferrill" 0 the
invincibility of the British 'lla'
Ill allialla.
Ili. HOD. J`e7sse Collinall, Unionf%t, Ineill-
fax (Con,), 3,111, 0. T, Needham (Lib.),
ho,viever, prove that if Mr. Chamberlain
had ton ),,cars of vigoroli.% life before
Vy, Ile
dpelared- "If the Gerailim fleet ill I,% Itio-
bpr-elepi; for the Bard'emley divislun of
,1,00�; 14
J. cLachlan, (Lablor), 12,18
.ford -Lord Valout.ra (Con.): 4,;17;
him, instead of hopeless invalidism, lie
likellb of Inild"Oss ever ati;ackf-d 01rea b
Britain, it woul,L be. At tile hottoill (if
wa.;, previous it) 1866 Rad-
ic-al inember for Ipswich, in III.q yo'linger
G. Whale (Libr.), 3,106,
PenrYn Falmouth
would make :r3ligland protectionist once
tile ('(,]Iran Ocean ill 11, very 1ew hours,
dilY.-3 lie was a leader Ili the movOluent
and -0. S. Golff�
mail (Coll.), 1,593; Sir S. Barker (Lib.),
inore., The tariff reforin sentiment piled
-A big crowd waited t-tit-dde tho hall,
to give the land to tile people, and made
JIP huge majorities in Birmingham, and
fri rapidly honeycorribing Liberalism Ili
and when the Chancellor,appeared ral .
Shouts of "Traitor," "Pro-Bocr,fl
famous that s'everY Mail is
entitled to three acres 4nd
Rochester---$. F. Ridley (Coil.), 2,675;
$itaffordshire and other Midland colin-
fles, A like icause is.given in
chancellor retreated within the building
a cow.11"
H. Lamb, (Lib.) 2,543.
Salisbury - 0. Lockner-Lampeoll,
tion. of the losses of ille. western seats,
arid a cordon of police was dr.111:11 up to
keep back tire crowd. The
At tile National Liberal Club, which is
tile home
(Cou.), 1.803; Sir
1,485. E, Tennarib (Lib.),
Path arid t1loucester. The cry regarding
tile 41anger of Britain'ti u&va,l Supremacy
chief Lan.
qtabl(,, with tin oscort of police, coll.
of Liberal inenibers or tile
liollse of Commons, And of lually jolir-
Stalybridge --- 4. 'Wood (Con.) 3,750; A.
cost iwo Liberal seaLs in Develiport.
On the other hand, Lancashire is quite
(Iue�t(�d Mr, Lloyd-Uloorgo out of thf� 1).
door, and tile party retreated a qualter
h-tIl6ts affiliftted wfth that party ,.rc t
Satisfaction I:, expremod'over tile ' 0
11. Bright (Lib.), 3,079.
Wednesbitry- .T. X. Griffiblis (Con.),
Ilusba,kon in its free trada allegiance.
of It mile along the railw.iy, wII,.1ro a
in -
The poll to-tniirrow inClude 31 L an.
6636- C, G. Hvile (Lib.), 6,040.
A - J
At; before, 'Manchester and Salford send
�,inall station was 110d as .1 refuge.
An antornobile was folephoned rot-, and,
don constNt"Iencies and 57 provincial bor-
Wine r--4
,. V. Baring (Con.), I, -
279; G. W. Ricketts (Lib,), 1,268.
eight free traders and only one probee-
tionist to the Housp of Coinrions. Lon-
ill tile ineantillie, t c Chancellor 'bu�icd
' It
Ali estimate made toAay by a well. "'
Wolverhampton (wost)-& F. Bird,
t1op. also did surpripingly well for ill(,
hiinself ill writing letters. 1171tell ti-te
:notor arrived heodrove Into town by a
iliformed 'Unionist, based on 8,
(Con.),'6,382; T. F. Richards (Labor),
-Vb(eals. No heartier cheers were. given
fly the huge crowd which assembled at
001enitaus route,
P0111119--3, gives, tile biberals'and Labor-
ites a clear majority of er
Wolverhampton (South) T. Ilie mop
- k
Ole National Liberal Club to hear the
]lave 120,000 sailors to Qeralany�s
10,000," lie ,,yet
all parties, which would provide tile
(Con), 4,089; Sir H. Norman (Lib). 4,- ,
returns than those that greeted- the
holding of Loudoil Seats known to be In
klecla-red it is
I . Said we
are going to be. invadied and beaten; that
Liberal mn a good work -
ilig majority. I
dangW In Gravesend. where Sir Gilbel
-Parker was again �returned, Ili-; major-
three Britlill blue jackets cannot ke&p
off one German. (L%ughter.) That is
The editorial-, Ili the morning new -,i- . .
papers take an attitude
Bolton -A. H. Gill.
Derby -,T. H, Thomas.,
AY was cub down by owr one thousand.
I 11, insult to the bravery of the best �01_
pli , of tern-
perate enthusiasm oil both alder, r,!.
Halifax -X.. Parker.
"This is 'chiefly due' to the fact that a
0iree-cornered fig divided his. oppon.
ors in tile world. There *.a not a Gcr-
mark who does i)Qt k.qow flink if tile Get-
garding Saturday's results, as It ,I&ooa
beginning," which -
Manchester (East) -J. E. Sutton.
Manchester (Northeast) - .T. it.
entq four years. ago, while titis time it
Vas'it Straight party fight. ,
inan fleet in a moment of madness ey.ur
Attempted to take Its, Lhat fleet would
should serve' Lo
provoke' adherents to tile 1%aspeptive
parties to renew ed energy.
Stoke.ialiowxTrent�T. Ward.
In. Wolverhampton Sir Henry NOI-III&II
I tit tile bottt'Oni of Life Ocrinan 0
' Wall
I 1
The Labor men. gained one seat.
the tirganizei, of the Budget Loagu�
in it very few hours. (Chveis,) it is
TUB 4ESUT,TS INDETAIL. East Marrichester, formerly held by
. , 'I
A�fudw;t protectien, and L. S. Anlery'5
If attling tariff refornwr, were both de�
Oieer lunacy to think otherwise. Th,n
they i
say tilt, Oerinani are building. SO
tilt, Liberals. On this
Tile following is a detailea statergent occasion, how-
. . - ,over, there was no Liberal candidate
of tile results of tile polling in tile Brit
fented. The fornter, who rail for tit,-
Sout-li. constituency, succumbed jo Col.
are we. We 8baJIL liq �nt I -
. Vp tWe V I)rPad
noughts when 0frIn."lly liar thirteen, Tit
in.the, division, Mr. L. W, Zimmerman,
jail aleiltiom on fiaturfI�byj as furnlshe4 Who was nominated by the Liberals,
by tliii Canadian Associated Press: ,
-1,.1, Hickman, IT111011I.it, and ille intter
�Vjlf? rail ill lVolve.rhalupton R114... wits'
nuldition, we shall have 8A) or 70 oil 1141
first.-dilqs batticsliip�4.1, ((*hPer.,,.1
� �
M-.QF,4ALS 11pp.."OTED.
. , ,
retiring in favor of Mr. Sutton.
Labor losb two seats to tho I-fnion.
lieateO by (L )". Thorne, biberal.'
iroNir.vil4q, BATTLE NVENT.
. ists, Southwest Manchester and West,
T000,04. Wolverhampton.
,rhe ggeiwral rcsift of the. day's. voling
T4114toll (e4st)-G. 11. Radford
shows eighteen foriservativ,cs. and lhre�e
Lihm-al gains, �t_nct C'mwervative gain
of fifte.en, The Times yfstervi,ay sai(l
the Vnitilifistg must ifilake n4vt gains of
168 ill order to have a majority of one.
. -
'Yesterday's Proportion of th�,se gains
should have been 2.9, according to tile
best authorit!", AS they niad�. net
gains of ,only fifteen, flie Unionists'
hopes of winning have vonishod. .
The Opposition will work unspAringly
Idurnig tile next ANN, days to keep do"Wil
#.b& Liberal lininbers, lit the hope of giv.
�ng 11je. Nationalistic; the balance of
power, 11bir is not likely. 11111'Asq tile
t(,*onserva4yr,s greatly illcivaqe tile ratio
for their gaing.
. The scoria. on ifte streels (if London
oarly ibis morning weiv unlir"edented.
(jolt tj;o Strand at abolit.l. o'clock I saw
pl, sijecossfItl pand4dato in evening dress,
ji".orlipa;i1c.d. by P, lady, barobeadfil, arid
wpartnX It tong seal,�kin eant, walking
alorig tile sidew,alk, followed, by IIIIII(Ilvds
of peopl�'. Singing lille's a J;lly (,load
Follow." The. e1ubf4 were crow(led. Tra-
�itlgar Squam, KingRway, alf,d eyery open
,Ap6t near Fleot street, Were Jitilinird
,�Vitft Ivildly cheering but good-natured
erowfhi. Stewart Lyon.
Loiltion, JIM. 10,�Tlle week which
Jilts. just ended In the Prsb contests for
Parliament Beats has been prolific of
interesting developments. One of
tit(, most 8ttrPri.iMg of these was the
J,;sue of tile joint Manifesto by Mr.
11itliour And Mr. Joseph 011amberlitio,
(jec!laring that tariff reform (protective
(littler, on neeeS.Sarles) Would )Iot illoreaSe
tile cost of living of the working classes,
but would enable a reduction of the pre -
Sent taxes on Articles of working-class
�Apnsuwnptlon' and would also lossell un.
#*' snprellie necessity could have
iilidlt�Z.d ,Mr. Balfour to take suelf. it
04.p' �Ybklj to say the least, Is un-
111,V-ual or)' & part of tC leader of a
pritish polffleal party. Mr, Clialliber-
gain is, Of course, tile protagonisb of
t,t;.Of reform, but his claims to the
1'1'�n;f- )lardly callea for tit's reeogni-
tiort. Alr'* Balfour's action in, as it
Avew,& ,�vijjvllig his own leadership of
tll�, Vniollist petrf3r, is the justifierttioll
,)I tlltk T,iboral taunt Viat III-. Chamber-
lillil fQ 1 JJA Oblef p0litie*l 09510b .
Tit(-. Joint Mal , lifc,o, , to 11" 'lot al-Ou"(1
.,III,- great I'll thwiiaHt ill tbo, IT1110111st
vro's.,4. Th(v Times did not -even refer
j,) it oditorially, altbough it Spoke of
�,rr, (;bsxnb-r1ftln - so "the wounded
tfi.4111pioll of Like grelt 4allga, IvIdell
lu,)rcP than ally oflu'r lso moviliq the
PlAW4 Ot ,tit*' it�opie'yl
'I'llp Dgji.' 0br011ielt' '41VIi- If We
pnoul4l IlLp itt, think that, 'Mr. (Itant-
la-tlahl b1fir,elf i-4 ]lilt, ",M)OUsibl"' fill'
Illo I lr4mlatlon lilli'A'y of fle(loll poll
Johlell, bt Ilig l0tlel,4 t(I eivujidatpi, but
0,4 Ili,. soft lias di'llied 1.10 t4llgglltion.
,�vp I.,,,, I)DIv (-Nprof,tA It projointil regttit.
thtit he f4bould .Glo far fcollf,.t NVIiat, N dne
111.4 replitatiou."
A,J�,IWM 01� 1,111FRAT, TXAM-4,11-4 .
t glon. J;Iwi. Ia.,---(0tn.ifIlan A4-(,)�
(11t('11 11reft-41 despatt-10- Tht, following
net, the oommelits of Some of tilt, leilil.
44m !lI t1le fight oll the retalliq (of Satur.
, , '.
4.1 f, P rillilig: Lloyd I loorgi... Wit Aro
vinning E"91fluty. 'E119141114 I' OmPhAtt,
,C*Ily jtjpixot gfivernment lity Peer anil
I London, Jan� J0,.Birwainghatil, its
usual, returrIS 11 solid ljnjonjs� dejogt�_
Sir Henry 'Norinan, the Ppadival putbil-
cist arid novelist, who has . just bepri
appointed Assistant Postmaster -0011 -
oral, failed to carry Ilia district, South
The most sweeping change in Lon -
(101, was ill Fulliam Borough, where the
Widdle class population went enthusi-
astically for tariff reform, giving W.
Ilayes Fisher, the Unionist candidate, a
Majority of 2,000. 111 this borough Ili
the last election the seat went to the
Liberal by 000,
Devonport, -where the Dig navy Issue
was predominant, ,wiped out the Llb-
cral majority of 1,300 and returned two
Unio�nista by 500, Sir J. Jackson awid Sir
C. Xinloch Cooke.
Sir IL Mortimer Durand, the former
Ambassador to the United States, and
Waldorf Astor, who contested ilia two
Plymouth seats as Unionists, were de-
feated, but cut <town that county'.4
Liberal. majority from 2,307 in 1906 to
640 .
. 1314vidsoix Dalzelil, it promoter, run -
Ding QIi tile ljiliollj4b� ticket, turned out
J. 11, 8orvemis, it Liberal, front his
seat for the Brixton division of - Lain -
beth. .
W. Johnson -Hicks, ilig Unionist who
defeated NVinstork Spencer Churchill in
the Manchester by-election of 1008 by
0.9 )toteo, loses his seat to Sir G. Kent,
Liberal, by 783, .
The Riji,rht Ifqn, G, 1)ryndhamy who
will be Governop-Genepifl of'Caijadll if
the Unionists take on the Goveyntiioni
earriail Ili$ seat by a slightly 111creasW4
pla4lorit TP
to �iboxals took ha
votes froi4 Sir Gi
, .. J)Dept :Parker i4 t4e,
Qmveoenil district, but Ile retainq Vs
seat as 4 Unionfist,
The faftious barrister, Rufus Isaacs,
keeps Reading. for the Liberals by a
sulall majority, but Russell UP4, a pro-
minent shlpowner,. loses Glottoester to
the Unionist, J1. Terrell.
J. T. T. Lincoln, Liberal, ousted 11.
e of the most prominent
Vidonists, from Darlington by 20 votes,
While Premier Asquith's brother-in-
law, Sit 11� Tennant, lost his seat for
Salisbury to the Unionist, G. Locker-
Linipson, by 315 votes.
Orim4by *furitished a great sutprlsii.,
for it Shifted 2,600 votpg and its seat
from the Unionist it) the Liberal col-
umn, T. A, Wing defeatingSir 0. Dough-
ty, oxie of the"foreirlost 0 Unionist Ora-
Richard Jobbo, it vigoroV8 tari ,f f to -
for ' iii, candidaV, Aftnishod one of -tile;
D?O,t"t. `1A ti vents, of tile (lay. Ire
.,Pps�! lnj� e
Visit I tl)ii, Ile.Mquarteri t;f hi -i Tiv-11
to dellounpe 011l)-ge.,q q 41118t him.
fight followo �%Ib was" 'filrown
into the street,
Amoug ilip interpiding lJwI1lbt1rf4 A10
Rev. 8. 114yhestor Ifortlo, Congregittlonal
� ralnimter,r who won ,on fit(% Lllwrikl tiekot,
a t', y
'41111(li1v Tilneq 414eribo; tlli� lv�
Alllfi� As ratlu'r dkillilwin! hig. Evell fllz�
Ob!'ervel only hilt ieipatf-4 flg� rpturil lit
it, -J)t,%-.,e0DIIy rfainfort-i'll p1l,tv. lilm
* , ,
f -ver, thp 04orie';, it - S ly wl, Al I " Sum
vielilly iffillierwi-4 til- Ift-1)6v flit;, I %) � ty
to Sjoelpr effort& J,'i,tv,l, Art- to ikoa(
fitrward to it milph Improveii p-i I ifin
Wore tile wot-k 1* out, Thp party 14
Ojibt), 5,001; 4. 11. T. . Xfo veii " (dori.),
T4 eighteen. seats that turniA over
IslingWo fsputlo)—T. NViles (Lib..),
fio the Xfiil;�ists ,�cre: :Vrilham, Lam -
3,018; D, Faber. (Con.), Q,147.
beth (Brixton' division), Lambeth
.. . -
Islington ()vest) T, Lough (Lib.),
(Nortj�), Bgth (Wo seats). Burnley, �
3,70$; 13ir $, Crossley (Con.),. 3,514.
Cambridge, Devonport (two seats),
Islington (wlorth)—'.D, S, )Vaterlow
Gloucester. Manchester (Southwest)
(TiM), 5,543; G, A. Ttiuciie (Con,), 4,-
:Pcoryn grid Falmouth, Rochester', '
612, .
saiishfir�, $WyWidge, Weduesbury,
Lambeth . (J�ennfng�oii)—S, Collins
W191vorliampton fff�st), WlAverhump.
(Lib.), 4,246; 10. A. Lucas (Cork,), 3,50,
ton (Soutlt),
Newington (Walworth) ;T. A. I)mVeg
Southwetit - Mguellegter and West
OJII)V, 3,509; R. 11� Beliltis. (Coil,), 3,310,
WolverhAmpton 1yore Tep;esented by
in1toll. (WeSt)—C, Norton (Lib,),
Labor men in the last PAillament; the
, .
4,350; 1 . Brookes (Con.), 3,9$8,
other seats that tUrned over, by Lib-
. The Provinces, .
Ashton,T_Tnder-f1yne-A. IL Scott
tile threo Seats to turn Liberal
(Lib.), 4,039; H.Whiteley (Con,), 3,740.
were-, Darlington, Great Grimsby and
Bolton (2 sentgy—Cx. Ha,zwood (Lib.),.
Northwest Manchester.
12,275; A� 11. Gill (Labor), ll,$Ot; P,
Ashworth (Con.), 7,326; W. M. Mattin-
son (Con.), 7,497. �
Following are the acelamations, so
Lib.), 4,866; R. Ti.
fit)? -
Hartley (Con.), 4,258. .
Darlington -J. T. T. Lincoln (Tilb.))
Belfast (East) ---Sir G. W. Wolff,
4,815, 11, P, Pease (Coil.), 4,786.
. Birmingliani (West) --J. Chamberlain.
Bury St. Edmunds�W. Guinness.
Derby (2 seats)—f3ir T. Roo (Lib.),
Cambridge University (two. seats)—
IQ,543, J`. IT. Thomas (Labor), 10,199,
4. P a 1 Son
S. H. Butcher arid Y. r . R wl n .
A. E. Beek ((,'oil.) , 8y038; A, Page (Con).3
Durham Clty�J. W. Mile.
1,95.3. I
DudloX7:A� 0. irooper. (Lib.), 8,342;
__ I . _ .- . ____
Dublin 'University (two, Seats)— Sir
". Carson and J. B. Campbell. 4
-.-.I-,-- ---_-_---_- --11 -I----
- Great GrimgbyT.� X Wing (Lib.), 1
,,772,, Sir G. Doughty .(Con)., 7,450.
Halifax (2 seats) -T, H. Whitley
I (Lib.), 0,504, 3'. Parker. (Labor), 9,003;
J. F. Galbr[Lith (Con.), 4,754.
Hartlopotof-4ir 0. Furness .(!Ali.), Qj-
� 531; Mr, G. 11. di-itten *(00ii.), 5,164.
Ips�yieh (2 scn6)'---491r *D.' F. G oddard �
I (Lib.)y 6,190; 11ev. Sylv6stex. Horne 1
(TAb:), 5,9&�, A." O. ClilArchiiian (0fill'.),
5,000; 11. H. Button (Con)., 6,045. 1
Xins Lynn—T. Q. Bowles (Lib�), Ili- �
90.0, .. Ca4figart. (don).., 40% �
Lixtoolit--eC. :90pris (Lib.), 6,402; $iy I
I � . . . . . I . . -
R, Filirter (Cpii,), 4,93Q; O� IT. Seely
(Oon- . 'Fi-, TrAller), P,130, . i
t (M�.), 4401J, ,T?
Ridley (Con.)), 3,000.
Iftholtester (nortlt)—Mr 0, E a
I Schwalm 0A '), 5AI04 U, :0, Ifawell
(Con.), 3,051. 1�
Maticheater (northwost)—Sir G.Xdinp�
I Wh4y ty,030, IN% 016yrison-Hicks (Coil,),
5*141, �
MAnalicater (northeitst)-4. It. Clyrietil
(Labor), 5,157, $ir W. It. Valid , MY
(Coil.), S,070.
t)—J". U. Sutton (La- �
bor) 0 110 -, li' ,. E. Robb "Woll.), 4,001,
1 "hester ($outh)--A X. Ilmvorth�
� (Lib.), 8,131; C. W. Jackson (Con-), Sri
� (T1f1Vy'flo8X1.t1,1 -C. 1". Mallett
I ) oi)l�g soats) -
A. Williamt (Vib.), 7,
00 .. 'WaIdorf Astor (Cou.), 7,060, Sir H.
li. Durotn(I Won.)# 7,556, .
1,1(mling.- 11. Isanog (Lib.), 5,244; A. L.
plenton (Con.). 5.057.
Rodid-altv A, U. G ITArvev (1,11I.), Of -
0"O'. W. Ill. '%y -Virpi,iot,-r J1o%),,15i381;
. 'I'ving (9
1 I � Ile. , 1;71%. . Ill
1,111foril (XOt,h),.--NV. P. Ilyl" (I'lli.),
4,308f T. Mateo m ,(Coml, ,103.
$111foril 014011I h) -��. M Mfli-)t &-
052., C. X 11hrlow (Con.). 4,646,
t,alford (West) - -0. W, Agnew (LM),
1. 6,10(f, . T,kAlairs (Coff.), XPU.
I "I I orough---W. 1101%, (T,lu.), 2,011'.
m �,�."'A'. X Amfolol (Con.), 2,719.
1 Noullitimptlion �2 th-kx)T. III*
I (I'll).), RA78. 1). Ward (1,111.), $,21 . �
1 111,11(cmT 4kil..), 7,0741 �CL T M-10111 41,
fmr, �11
autt-vuiriverlAnU —40. w. jjGw,x;Aer4
t Qxford Universit 'YT,oVd Hugh Cecil
and Sir W. R, Anson.
I Liberals.
. Mid-Durliam-4. Wilson.
Dublin County -J. ,T. Clancy.
Dublin Ifarbor-F. C. Harrington.
Dublin (St, Ratrick's)-W. Field.
Galway city--$. L. Gwynn,
11ilk4nny -P. O'Arion..
Palestine Thrown 00ft by Turkey
to the Jews.
Now yqrk, ,Tan. M-4 eable deg-
patelt to, t)ig 'Timea silyls that thO,
proolamation. 401 the donatitiati6n in
Turkoy has thrown Open the doors Of
Palestine tr- tile inooming 14wa from 1
all 'pattS Of the world'. It' letU41#1xi 4
alone lour -fifths of the Pppuliatift of
loo,M now belong to th.6 ,Tewish faith
wbilo tit Saffit, Tiberislai Sated ana,
Itafia, Jows are Teckoned by Una of
Almost the Whole eittarigivo plailit of
has been bought Up by
tilleltre"IT1011101ir prollparouig eolionl6st spread
m to nersheba, and ev,011 fur.
I ther south to the outakitts of ,tigypt.
Thousand# am escaping from' Persia
to fill(I Alteltet ftnd protection in ,the
Holy Land, while ,every 414p frorn
i Odessa, ohrrits,% hundfods of thein.
I— 0 0 9, ,
Madrid, J4n. 17.-A iximbet of the
nobility who W" fomorlr a 40puty"
but whom na"m N witlihild, woux ar.
mt[kd to.dtky following the diaeovety
of a mun6mlelting plAnt, upon hfA ft.
t4i,t-& neor GuMix, a provinest ol Om-
dix, - I
I'Mr,rdri Z�.;M_1;1*,.� flarrim lirrikA
I L I y , It;
tl*t vtq ptai of tho Tm(mto (Ity Unit
wags wits evix,g vrqr.
____1 ------------- -------.- __1 ___._ __
,---,-- .- - -
_- __
to a . - - , .
........... . -1
6 0 4 ,.0 6 0,0 - 'R 0
-.0 0�6
� I
___ - _ .. I_ I I I - 7 - 1. I'll __=
Dr. Da,vid 111, Bogart, Olin of Whitby't
most respected physidalls, (tied at bb
. residence there of paralysis.
Tito Belleville 11olice Coilimissionerf
'I 1111VO ApPollited Constables Arthur liar
M411 Arid Francis Napkill Sergeants.
A boy who says lie is i0yril Wallis, of
Unity Ungland, but whoso parents, arc
Holliewberp Ili Canada, j4 ;it the (,hit.
drell's Shelter, Iroronto.
Three little vilil4trou Of .)TI -s. omear
litekilian, of Winter, Wis., were burned
10 death in ,9, fire that destroy,ed their
home. I'lie, inothr,ir Was abstint at tile
tinw, -
A "Sacred concert" ill (i, New York
� civit tilde theatre broke till ill IL fight
an *Sunday flight, in wbich a special offl.
cer was gabbed in tho abod,mon with
"A stiletto., He may (lie,
Alex. Reld, tbo sixth victim of tile
Saskatoon firQ, is dead. The I I i
. .
stances of the fire are to bis Jne1qrtCi`i1r1,-nd
into, as there tire Several rumors float -
Ing around Saskatoon.
'rite, Queen has Proscribed to Sir Wit-
11am TreloAr a large case containing a
box of ebocolateA for eAch of tile it, -
mates of the Lord Mayor Treloar Crip-
Pies' IfOlne and College, at Alton, Ifants.
Considerable damage was done by it
fire which br-tik-c out early oil Suilday
luciroilog in tile fnetory of tile Diamond
F - !rite loss
3 lbit Class Works, Montreal,
is pInced at $30,000, covered by Insur.
Elmer A. Robert, baggage and I,S.
Press messenger on the Napierv.,11c
I Junction Railway, Was killed at Napier.
Ville, Que., during shunting operations.
It in supposed he fell f rom, the, top, of
the car.
Russin is the greatest, wheat-produe-
ing country in the World, Last yoar it
Produced the renkafkable harvest of
'783,000,000 bushel% which 'constitutes
the largest crop ever barvested by any
A coining plant has been discovered
In A cottage near Guitilix, Spain. Its
ow.ner, the Duke of Benevento, and MAr.
quk Lombay have, ,been Arrested. It is
stated that many prominent persons Are
The tunnel front. Casablanca, un&r the
Cabana fortress to a point cast of 'Morro
Castle, Havaria, through which the
sewers of the city will ultim4tely be
discharged Into the ocean, has.been prae-
tically completed.
The Guelph Trades and Labor Council
is taking up the ease of the carpot mills
men, -who o I ]AIM to ]lave been refused a
hearing by P. It. Saunders. The Diat-
ter may be brought to the Attention 'of
the Attorney-Gencral.
Thomas Fleming, a homesteader from
rrested at Kindersloy,
Sask " charged with. attempted murder.
It is alleged that in a fit of jealousy lie
beat his wife into insensibility and
then tried- to cut )ter throkl; with a
razbr. .
The largest muggret of platinum )in ex-
istence, Which is valued at'$2,500, four
other nuggets of lesser value, and two
diamonds worth $1,500, Were stolen on
Christmas morning from the museum of
the School of Mines in the Boulevard St.
Michel in Paris. . .
Charles Mitchell, *a farm hand living
near Aurora, tried to get away Satur-
day afternoon with $17 arid two gold
rii;gs belonging to his employer, but Was
11PProhended by the Toronto police as he
stepped from a Metropolitan car. ,
Tile Manitoba Legislature hag been
summoned to meet on February 24, Pre.
mier Roblin, -who ]lad a severe Attack of
muscular rheurriatism, -which caused
fainting spells recently
. , is now in a sail.
itarium at, Mount Clemenq, Miph. ,
Lord ROseberY Seems to be bent upon
remaining *lit of London. He is givinAr
Lip his house in Berkeley Square to his
,ldor son and devoting his leisure to
Iterary work at Dalmony. Among o*er
3ndertakings will be his auto'biogra-phy-,
ivith a collection of lotters and- speeches.
,Tobn H. Shinnick, a Brockville train-
man in the employ of the Grand Trank
Railway for the past twenty years, has
been Appointed by the Railway Com-
inission Inspector for Ontario of rolling
stock appliances. - He enters on his now
111tik'S At Once.
The Toronto police )lave received
word from Detroit of tile Arrest of Rob-
Drt C. Tate, who is wanted In Toronto
3n A, eharge of obtaining by false pre-
%nees, $50 irom Mr. Z. Hemphill, mana-
rter of tile Canadian Steam Boiler
Equipment Company. .
Edward Johnston, who WAS arrested �,
llifiIA five months ago for Scouring I
noney from A. MeCarran, a horseman, ,
.inder false pretences, was tried at I
Mindsor on Saturday before Sudge Me- i
Ffugh, arid sentenced to I51 montha Ili :
bbe Central liri%oli. �
For ielling, liquor without licenses, in- 1
_-4.1_- I— 1-_ 1-1 I.- 01,4�0 ,rz,.*--
Juons against Tiouls Saffeco and Rocco
Pertiello, both prominenb merchants Ili
Ole Italian district of Niagara Falls. A
I inid-night raid was, made, And two Sleigh -
loads of beer And whiskey seized.
I A raid of blind pigs at Cobalt was
made by Inspectors Calbeek arid,;Black. .
bell, assisted by Provincial Constables
Wbo& and Mackay, and acting on evi-
doneo. obtalned, by tvirci fleWtives who
have been- at work for sortic days. In
all over twenty charges were made, eigh-
teen of which, have Ilcen disposed of Al.
ready, ranking the total for fines $1,050,
with other cases yet to be heard.
Whito walking on the ioo in Sarnia
Bity on Friday afternoon, Aid. W� A.
Brown broke througli and was 4nooifti.
tated into about ton feet of Water. Dut
I for the timel assistance of mew flote :
ab hand, Mr!Brown might have t-wou i
drowned. As it was, he had a very elt,so I
tell. I �
Mr. Sainuel Young has been awarded
the contract for the vemodeling of the. �
Toronto general post offilto on Aaciaidd ,
street, A new wing will be Added oil 1
the cast and the present structure don-
siderably improved. The work will. cost 1
$46,000, .and will be Started early in tile 4.
SP411g. I
Charged vith. lltealing $IV.01, tw,exi- �
ty railway tickets, and 500 cigars, 11011- '
, Bildley, # young Man, who had beft �
"' " air agent for tile 0. r. X at I
Dorm. noar Liatowel, was brought '
before Police Magistrato Sauritlkfs Ilit I
Guelph *11 Saturday And pleaded not
guilty, i
A, wDetoor 63 inches ill diameter and �
weighilig ,initity tons buried itself six, ;
foot in the eArth xie,.tr CArlrngton, X. D., �
on SaturtlitV. For a full mi"Irlto 1*foxv ,
-it i
, struck it ilhiminatetl tho, ontirti 511r. ,
rOA;rlding 001111try, R-nd it,.4 Impact with , �
the earth produe(41 vibrittioxil like those -
from RD oarthquake. ' I
The V. p, Ii. liftit purebitsed four hurt, -
4red serem adjo!nIng Sourbr, Alan'., pm- -
sunmbly for '� shop mite to "rve th#. ,
wArthwtAtorn linm whieh Poriverge, th#re. A
It ,%rill oftot Rift flylorlYrons 40*1 f0f, ,
tile compally ill tinle arid rolling sto-el
lit 1119MI]g 1-01*11-14. which 1101V haVO t
be Alowle At Willilipou.
A laborer named Lavol,t,, w4i; killed �
tile gravel pit *1 D. G. Loomie & Sem
Sherbrooko, quo. lie was burled made;
11VAth SOWTS1 i0115,01 gravel, And Who)
. recovered, life was axtinqt.
1, The Spaulill Government line uippeii
1 1 In the bud A military eliflepirgcy to
mented by the frionds, Of JUAD, . 41
Laciervo y PollAtiol, ex-Milliater of th4
Interior, Aagluat the present Libern:
.14 consequence of the continued, revolo
tIOUS Of $,edition and of the pro , pagalifig
of -violence the Government of 1044 hot
eXtkilded tile ivpremivo mellauroo al.
ready opera,tive in 091no provinces tc
the Whole country. I
Inland Revenue returns. show that the
,Federal .income frown that Source ,.vA,R
$1,622,718 in December 11161to As 0014 -
pared with $1,339,842 in December,
LOOS, The revenue from spirits for illti
mouth was, 1 $907,208.
The crew of the lKosmos Line sterlifier
Ramses, Which salted frown, San � Fran -
.cisco, December % for Hambutg.. mu-
tirliod. in Port at Gusyquil, and order
was re-ostablished onl ne
.. I
hid been illed And, two iounfled.
Albert Clrulal a .Polkh miner, was
buried alive when a tunnel tit the t,,'im.
tral Vulcan Ininve at Xorwxy Mich.,
caved in. Four of his coinrades all w,
their danger And ran for flicir lives,
Idding beneath tho ovorli'lligh)(y rack,
aDd escaping with ,alight brilkes. 0
The Belgium Government is coklsider�
Ing the submission to Parliament of, . a
project; of tariff retaliation against
France because of the proposed increase
irk the French ratea on imports, The
plan i4volves partioularI7 higher du -
till, In importations, of wines and per�
turnery. . .
The Alberta Government is making an
appropriation of $26,000 for a publicity
campaign with a view of go�ltlng a poptl-
lation of 400,000, which "Ill earn all
increasing subsidy from the Dominion
Government. One feature of the work
will be the inauguration of a publicity
bureart at the Union depot, Toronto.
. The Carter by-law for the early clos.
Ing of saloons in Montreal was practi�
cally killed by an adverse'vote in t4e
City Council last evening. An effort
will be made to have tho. vote reconsid-
ered At the next meeting of the Council,
but the salooninlen are confident -that
the measure is killed.
An accident occurred at the factory
of the Office Specialty Company, New-
market, in which one of the most trust-
worthy employeees, Mr. Archie Fraser,
lost his life. He was throwi
off one of the machines shortly before
1 O'clock, and was caught by the belt
and drawn into the Shafting. ' . .
Social demonstrations 'were mad4 oui
Sunday in Berlin in favor of the reform
of the-Prusslan franchise. A heavy rain,
fell all through the day, and there Was
little disorder. Resolutions- were adopt-
ed demanding universal, direct and see -
rot suffrage, Similar demonstrations
were hold throughout Prussia.
As the bells were tolling out the hour
of midnight Saturday, Dr. . James H.,
Richardson, the first graduate in medi-
cluo at tire University of Toronto, and
Professor of Auatomy there for halt a
century, passed peacefully away at his
home 1 26 St, Toseph strob, He was one
Of Toronto�s grand old medical men.
The hotel keepers of. the township of
Charltittenburg, Glongarry, are making
mu effort to upset tile local option by-
law which was declared carried by a
majority of 12 over the three-fifths vote
required to give effect to the ineii,411're.
At their request a scrutiny of tile bal-
lots will be held on INIOnday, Jail. 24,
Word has. been received of the death
lit London, England, of Mr. Archer Bak-
er, English manager of the Canadian
Pacific Railway. Mr. Baker's death 1yas
due to pneumonia. Prior to going to,
London lie was superintendent of tile
Prockville & 00talya rqad, ivItich was
subsequently. taj= 9yer by the C, P. 11.
The senate of Toronto University for.
the first time in its annals,haal carie,elefl.
the degrees donferred upon Ono of the
graduates of the university. On Satur- '
day it was decided to cancel the degrees
Df AL B. and M. D. cofiferred upon Dr.
Pollard when lie graduated. Dr. Pollard
is now serving a term in Kingston Pen-
Six countries )lave already promised. to
send representatives to the Interroil-
Lional. Coigrow.of Child Welfare, which
3onvenes slAngton May 10, The
Wrigrps.q Meets in this country at the
invitation of the National Congress of
Hothers for Child Welfare. The Niv
Lional Congress meets in Denver, June
10. I
A committee of three men 'represent -
ng the Baltimore and Ohio Soutfi-wes-
,ern telegraphers met H� M. Brinson at
,inoinnati and presented a now wotking
ichedule to the management, asking for
In increase in wages of 22 or cent, a
Lo -hour day instead of 12 hours, Want
mtra PAY for Sunday and a 15 -day va-
!atiou each year.
A -.!-L ___...-_A -I- NT. -I.. I,%, Zmiln�r
I ___ '
) "A
_10yiew Boy, Sees Apparition of Hi
L I bead,chum,
I Tel.*, hit Mother 00Y rold film He
1 w4t 0044,
1 11,
k Pittsburg, Jail. 17, "Motbor, 'Bill,
F firri-i is of"44",
. "NO, AUdyy you have been drealilingp
oXO) 111fitlivr, lie was hore a few mo.
Ill A and ld e, that he bad
died." ,
At &AWS door hiluself front it severe
Attack Of Pnellynolila, Andrq�v �Jltlllol.
"Ind, Aged 19, Of No. 0 William street,
Mt- AV"llington, Addressed the Above
re'llOrkH to his Illother last Satur(lay,
morning at 5.10 a, in,
Two minutes provions
. willia, , to. t4t time
I ut r,-,rris,, Aged 25, of No. r)8 Ruth
street, Mt. Washington, If!$ cousin .and
!"separable friend, living six squares,
aw,ay, . had supetwillbed. to tuberculosis.
rris WaS buiied on Tuesday morning
of this Week And shortly after inidnight
04 nesil,ty Young Mulhollahil passed
aw Y.
The rase is a remarkable one and
there Are Some almost start] Ing , coincl.
do"cQ-9 ,connected with it.
Ferris And IMI'lliollaitfl. wer,e taken
Seriously ,%It at the same tinle, the (lay
before Thanksgiving.
be For tell years tile two Your'& m0lihad
on Chnins. Ferris, the elde"
r, being a
brother, advisor and best friend. t I
holland. Wben� you fo 0 Aful.-
und one You
found both. They Attended social fune
tion" together' And tile close friendelli
e."'islill between then, was .1 �
91111ral,colliment in tile 1) a matter of
. It- Washington
. district in which t,hey IlVe
.. Ferris, was an electrician by trade and
Mulholland WAS employed in the mailing
rooln. of tile Gazettc-'I'imis. Ferris suf`
fered with tubercular trouble an4 .1jul.
holland Was Subjected to rheumatism.
RarlY 04 Saturday morning Mrs, Mul-
hollAnd visited 1101' son's room, As silo
opene(I the (too,. he
told her that "Bill" Opened his eyes and
Ferris Was dead4wid.
that Perris himself lifid just Visited him
arid told him of Ilia death Tile Illother
believed that hor son had i.on dre4ining.
That was at 5.10 a.. in., and 20 minutes
14114,01, One of tile Priests Attached to tile
St. Wary of tile Mount Qhurch arrived
at tile 1%fulliolla-ad ]ionic With the news
that WilliAlwi. Ferris had died at o.os
a. in. The Priest had been to the Forris
home, and after Ferris had died imme-
diately went to Mulholland's. '
Tile Priest WAs told of what Millhol-
land.had said concerning Ferris' &Aill
arid he went up to h
lie entered tile t 0 9101, .Mail. AS
said: room Young ' Mulholland
"Father -P 'Bill, Ferris ,vas- here anti told
'lie Ile died. Mother says I was dre4m_
Ing- HOW is fBill,$ r1ather?"
"He Was In a critical condition last
night, Andrew," replied the priest.
During all the time tile Young friends
were Ill not a day passed without both
Of them having made enquiries colleern.
Ing tile condition of the other. Strauge
as it may seem, .Mrs. Mulholland says
that her Sol' never asked for Ferris
after Saturday morning, Apparentlyhe
had forgotten him entirely,
-_ I a,,_0____-;_
L009 Island Murderer Not the
Barton Murderer. .
Toro -to, XaTh IT, --After a long arid
thorough exaliftination of all the Avail.
able evidence ill tile case, the Provincial
Police have been forced to the conel .
Sion that Frederick Gi1bliartit, now in
jail at River Reaq, j,, 1,, for the mur"
der of Alln. Luther, is, .not tile man
who WIleil the unknown woman in Bar.
ton Township ill October, 1905. An an.
riOuncemelit was made this morning by
Superintendent Rogers, of'the Provincial
police, as a 1'esult of persistent rumors
that in Gebhardt the United States au.
Lhorities had found the Mysterious Bar.
�on murderer. The original rumor was I
Ienied at once frown several sources, but J
tile aillillarity of Getillardt to the more
)r less vagre descriptions of tile BATton I
murderer given at the time Was Suffi. I
DiclltlY close to cause the Provincial' I
tuthorities to take action at once. I
Mr. Rogers denied, however, that the. I
ifirvices of file Piukertons had been call. I
�d In. Inspector Greer has ]lad charge I
Jf tile ease since Gebliardt's arrest. The I
?botograph of Gebhardt is dissimilar to
bliat of the description of the Bartoji I
nurderer, Golihardt is only about fivi, I
reet seven inches tall, -while tile Barton I
rnurderer was considerably taller. The
3trongest point in GebbardVs favor is, I
lowever, his haudwriting, which is en- 1
ftoly dissimilar. to that of the murderer I
. .. -
xrising� from discontent -due to the in.
the rents of workmen's houses.
-- -"- .. .. .. � JAUI&L Xitti.1111bull. -
That tile Barton murder case has not
wease in
& huge prooession paraded in the fore-'
the 11911,
Yet been dropped is generally known. It
is rumored that the Provincial aetec. I
looll arid halted At Town
'rhore a deputation conferred wi th the
tlycs luLve Yet another arid more recent I
theory on which they are working, In- I
Uayor, who promised that tile mumel-
)Ality would contribute $1,500,000 for
ky" I
Spector Greer would not, however, a (
what, it
was, contenting himself with
the Statement that tile case had not yet
A wind of unusual velocity r4god
been dropped.
,hroughout tile west on Friday. llight,'4
. 0 1 6 ..
�imes reaching tile fury of a hurricane.
It 11I W
[Portungtely it was from the south and
vas not cold. Such remarkable veto-
lity wag Attained, howevel', that Fire -
pan prawiL- Seat, of tile 6. r, 4, was
Baby ,Retain$ In Its Stomach TWO
)town off ilia loectmotive while'the train
Pears Then Couths ft UPON
ilrast taking water tit Rosser, And
6vas very painfully injured,
IN.'Lontreal is threatened wit 4 Waitor
* h
Dixon,*111,, lau. 17,Nyben six months
11ruiric oil it large s,calfi, Shortly before
Old tile Sol' of INIr, all Mrs. Westley 1
Didnight frOlu All Over the eltyt except'
Pease, of Garden Prairle, Swallowed (Lit 3
tit,* tile higher districts, 'which Are sup"
Med by a Aliftial. reservoir, esind com-
openrf'r(cey Pril. Physicians ne W
able 0 ove it, and adid there could I
flaints thilit there was no water except
on the ground floor,. Garigs of men
be no datiger lit swallowing a asafebyt, .1
piny besides tile "IdA of tile
�?ere sent Out-, and e0ula fin"I 110 traee
stolifitell I
would- destroy it in a low llaoliths. This I
of tiny break.
Was two years Ago, Recently as the (
Dr. ,schering, ncitustaftt At tile V0.411vills
Child wa.4 cating It piece of chicken lie
llb�:Prvatoryl predicts Another eruption
ehokod bailly. Vrs:'Xlease. exii.,ei,11 to t
If II)II. Ile says lie has extracted Vol-
find a chicken bonc4, ))lit 1111101 to, her i
able stories frotu the crater which abom,
surprise removett the saftty p'n.
,hilt tile volcanic activity of tile 'eitu'p-
iou of 1006 cobtintles. it Ia now Ilm.
tell it) the interior, but bound to
kton(I to the exterior, whell An eruption
vill result. Italian volcanologi�sts di,;-
rodit Dr. Setioring's thoory.
he t
Auguste Lemim Will Not I
Vinperor William singled out Ljout.
Liberal caildidate� I
;ir E. If. Shaekletort, tho Antarctic ax.
I i
olover, for special distinction ou Satur-
lay afternoon, Vhen he Attotided 1i pti-
Ottawa, Jan. 17.�Tlkc trouble in tilt f
%to Teetutc which was delivered by the
Ottawa Liberal ranks over the osindi-
�Xplorer sit the ivitifleriet§ of Rorr Bern-
i4idt Nritiburg, $ocretalty of ftate to):
datuye in ilia conlil)g by-elettion to fill
tho VO4noy otea,dorm',"by tho resign&.
he Coloni", Outside the. -eity .
. Tho gin.
tioll of the "-At by fift Wilfrid Vtnrier
)ewr g1tatly Appr#ciated L6t . Shack.
hs 11% A fail, way of tiatisfat,tory Settle- I
(Aiinlm upirrAtive., ana was at-6pty in,
meitt. Vr. Aniusto Lemieux, �-ho was i
oremed in the Ifiews dioiplfty'od. After
0110"14 by 010 convention. r(T0110Y bY a I
je*ty etifawrood tf;
ftfrow Mhjoift, litt.t withdrawit from i
I fd&ftble ImWh Vim tl%4 (11414-
ilte %t, tind � vieconol toflvoution will ,
[bis 1, Immediately i
ispiso'ked Avitiloh explovit ArA U's
0'a to rtam.o unother
Nit#, ,
ftudidato. .
,. I , I � I IF1111! 1
11 11-1. -11-11.1-- - — -__ --
Death of Wife Of pri.ocipa , Or4oll
., .16
of Quoon?fs,
'Took Sick When Presiding, 0
Dinner Party,
IvIlgston, Ont" dospatell. ,rite wif�.t of
Principal Gordon., of qu"�D% died 404.
., �
denl)' 141A night about 11 o'clock,
IWIJer lit tile evening Afr& Gordon Was
hostess At A small dinner party heitt In.
honer of Dr, Chartres, of Misootiri. , Af.
tvr tile dinner site 00k'a Chilt and )lad
to retire, ,Medical aid Iva$ summortod,
and for a. thwic Mrs, Gordoll seemed to
11TIVIONT, but She took P6 411`4 for the
11'01'sf) and Passed away at 11 opeloek.
Death was due to heart disease, Isir.q.
I clordon. ]lad .not been, enjoying good
health, hilt she seemea to D3 gaining
In Strong . tit. The decea � ae(ra maiden name
was Eliza, S. MacLennan, formerly of
11(tifast, P- R, L Bile Is survived, in rid.
ditiOn to hQr husband, by two daughters
Al ; I le n( units, at
home; ev. to an er 'or
bridge, ItIL., W110 1.9 now on a, visit to
)),!.a Parents, untl , of undar, And
Willift , ,
. , of . ris an ustralia.
I S1, Mar]"s Man Attacked and
Robbed Saturday.
Police. Inquiring at Hamilton and
� roronto About Men.
Lot4dou, ont, Jan. 17th, Tholl. McDonald.
aged 30, and 'Robt� 3)ensmore, aged 22, be.
lieved to be two protegslanal crooks who have
beerl working Toronto aikd Hamilton, are un�
dl'r urrest here charged with attacking Qeo,
BaIna, of St. A,larvs, 14te oil %iturday night,
88 hO Was asleep In his rootq ana robbing him
Of bis 901d Watch and a vurse containing
C01101demble money. j3ains wAs found In a
da7ed condMon with his empty (purge on the ,
floor and his face terrIbly cut. invostIgIftion
showed tholt two otber boarders were Irob.
bed and when Llie ,bletectivel; arrested the
Irit" 6004 after, tile goods Were found on
them. DeasIlibre's right name. Js thought to
be Hiliblit4walte, and he clalfris Chleago aS
1110 horne MODOnald says he comes, froat
MI,Wffuke� . The ratin were relarinded in oourt
1111til Tilesday, as the PoHco are frisking ea, .
qufre,, In Hamiltorit and Toronto regarding
thern. ,
I 0 0 0.
- .
International Harvester Co. to B -is.
tr4ute$20,000,000 Stock Dividend
New York, Jan. 17.—Another Inelon
Of large proportions --the distribution of
$29s000,000 in common stook—ii, to be
given the stockholders Of th'� Tzterna-
tiOual Harvester Company. The an.
nouncement Was Made at tile offloos of
-T' P' Morgan 4 CQ- this afternoon. The
$20,000,000 Dow stock is to he distribut.
"d ratably as a $took dividend to the
present �60 ,000,000 of,comirrion stock.
The directors have recommendlotithat
the entire $800,000,000 of stock be plac.
04 fin A four per cent. dividend basis be,,
ginning next April.
The directors further recommended
setting Aside Out Of last Year's learninge,
the sum of $1,200,000 as a four per cent.
dividend on tile $6o,000,000 payable one
per cent, each quarter, beginning with
&Pril 15, 1910.
"Formal action will be taken at the
board's regular meeting for dividend
purposes on Xanuary 20th ,at which
4ime u0bil)0 as, to closing of books for
lividend PIIrPoteS_wii1 be given."
DUMB 11 YEA1104
ffoman Suddenly Regalued Power
A remarkable case of a dumb wo.
nan -recovering her speech is reported
rom Leeds. I
For eleven years Mrs. Ado, Calling.
vood, aged 33, the Wife of a oarpen.
er, had not been able to utter a
�ingrle word. A fortnight aftei her
at age she had a paralytic soIzur%
irlifich left her speechless. Doctors
mil spiftialists, Welte, 0onsUlted, but
tone of them did she derive any beww,e�
I A lew mornings ago, however, Airg.
Xilingwood, after a fortiiight's III.
Less in bed, startled her father -ill.
aw by suddenly utboring the word
'the." Mr, Collingwood, .ienior, in.
ornied his son of what had occurred,
.rid when the husband put questipag
o his Wife, lie found that she Avas"i-
11 � . �
SioN�iy_ IQ' surely the woman, do.
ighted . as much as her husband at
,eing able once again to give artiou-
ation to her thoughts, increased -her
,ocabulary, until at last in simple
anguage she was Able to carry on a
-110 I
. L% C
Itarly Seventy-Fivt Thousand ,,
Dollars eivd
Toronto, Jai). 17�-The Province re. -
olved in fishing lioeneeSL during tho
,ear closed a total of $74,797.
The recelpts are Apportioned as fol-
ows:-Vrofti licenses in Lako Super.
or, $5,078.78; northern channol of
,ako Huron, $7s553.75, Georgian Bity,
;5,057.23; LRko 11pron and. Lake St.
"lair, t%111,98, St. Clair, ThMnes
,nd Detroit Rivers, $4,048.98, Like
,,'rie and Grand River., $26,619.92;
,Ake I-furon and Day of Quintlo, $.I,.
29.32. �
The prices of the licenAes range all
he way from *1 to $1,000, aoeorditig
o the quidity of the nets, used.
000 w , -
Lynn, Mass., Xan. 17. -Although
'66b Volta of eleetrioity passed
hrou Iiis body ut the Lynn Lighting
,lant9ilaist, night, J'ames MeCloud was
,ble it) leavo the hospital to -day.
toCloud apeldentally grasped It )my-
ly charged wire. As only 1,fA Volta
re, used In executions at fifisons his
scape is considered remarkable.
� .1 .. 1, A 0 6 , —
V Gri-414by, Jan. 17.-Atelde Orliffin ttDd
_ IIIJAML Durhftwnf thtirged with porjury
it tit(, repent municipal vl"%m, R
)oarod before MaglortrRto X144 on f�r.
irday for a hearing. No rRAe wa* fourA
tyalvist Durham, Imt, thf� ektlTA*, iotgalinrst�
'itiffixt, will be proe"ded with vmxt IMt-
Ir"r. , .