The Wingham Advance, 1910-01-20, Page 6• 0. ."' \i‘ feiVAT than 210 live' were loet it Demtnion in 11)09 threnent fire. The fatalities wire met numerene iu Ottnit. ary, 'November and Deeember. The Suntley questtun le at int aeute emelt in Montreal, where one recorder dues Jesviell lettere for delivering bread nunOtty,. and another diernienes all sileb eiteN brought before hien • - -40 4.-fe 'Do you wonder that Peary ehould re. gard the pronouncemeat of the Comet- bagen seientists on (tookei alleged date ana obeervatione as a vinnieation ttf hie 'entwine The United. States. havinnow 7,051 na- tional banks with authorized capital of $90(3.406,025. The uumber of national benka organized ie 9,022, but 2,508 at them have gone out o existente, This year in'Toronto.only 25 per cent. of the women voters. marked ballots at Ow municipal elections. Lest yer, when the license reatietion eampeiget was on, ne per cent. of the women vote was poll- ed. Otto Rein the Afrieetu millimetre, has giveat $1,075,000 for the endowment of a seriee of medical resettle* fellowsltine. Thin will be sufficient to provide in per- petuity $1,250 a year each for thirty fen lows. Dr. 'Wm, Oster is oue of the when cry board. -es . A -cigar may te a "drug" in Toronto where the Magietrate permits its Stenday sale, In Loneon, however, the 'smoke'?' used are not regarded as drum by the Magistrate, who flees dealers for Rellinff them on Senday. The Australian anti.strike law is being put into- effect. Fourteen members of the Miners' Feller:Won have been SOD- teteed to fines of $500 each, or 1 wo montbs' imprisonment, for Melting (nal miners .to strike. The lave Apelies equally to employers and employed. Dobson, too, traces his dtronfall to gambling'. An honest life pay, beys; beskles it's so mu& intim comfortable, It is against the amnia). verities to think that Wrong can in the end tri. umpli over Right; it does not pay, even teniporazily. At a conferenee of the world's geographers in London recently an agreement was arrived at to produce a map of the world 100 by 150 feet in size. This will be the .fist real map of the world, all formed ones being drawn in part from 'theory. Four hundred sheets will be 'preduced independently, sea eartagrapher working on the seine scale. The result will probably yield some surprises to students of current maps. *es A. .Britisli court hes awarded dam- ages against an innkeeper because a gueet was served contaminated ;eye: ters 'at his place, eontracting typhoid therefrom. It was proved that before the occurrence the health authorities had warned the public of the danger of us- ing shellfish item. the River 'Midway, teed that the innkeeper had disregarded the warning. A. public caterer must use reasonable care to guard the wholesome. ness of the food evitiClr he sets before his guests. The Court of Appeal has quashed the eonviction made by .Magistrate Denison in the Ellis case, in whicih defendant on Omitting that he lived partly by bet - tines, butdid notcarry on the business in any.fixed "place." Ellis was convict- ed Under tile provision of the Criminal Code which deals with those living upon the earnings of prostitutes, gaming and other disreputable rneans. The mere tinkle thee the section of the code venni upon does etot apply, ann that betting is not 'of itself a crime. - ; - Viriin! telegraphy appears to be in a emelt more relvancee condition in Greet Britain than ou this sideof the water. Vessels there 'Jaye been fitted with instruinents which work efficiently and regularly at a -distance of 1,200 Innenanti it is unnerstood that late Ad- miralty transmits 'communications at vousiderebly over 2000,miles. The Unit, - ea States' eruisers, Birmingham and Selene recently tested the tinitea States paved wireless system at a clistenee .of about 2,000 mike, but it waked fitter - patently and unsatisfactorily. Changes have been made and further experh»ente i.:TP to be undertaken, '17be- de114i00 of ti Commit - am tee of the Pritielt Prive Council that :labor unions have not it kgal right to make nagegeMents upon their membere to raise funds to pay labor members of Parliament, is one that will probably cause muelt .embarrassment to the Labor party and rouse melt feeling. The judn. mein eets .forth that: The money payment whielt is V price of voting itt the bidding of otbehs dt- troyx1 or imperils freedom of edviee whieh is fundamental in the free conga- tutiou of Parliament. Inter olia the La- bor petty pledge is ;an miconetitutiourn end unwarrantable interferenee with the tighte if the constitumecies if the Fein ell Kingdom. It tennis ebvious that the levy in min - diem might cause hantddp in compelling a man to pay toward the election or maintenante of a etpresentetive to vhotn he 740(4*, his only ree.ourse being to quit the linnet and let exeluden from ebtainhvg employment. That, of eouree, unind la ',mtg. The labor hodiee 1111111/0010{ 4•44 legislation to enable them tit mew hurls for the nevem; bet in doing en they theuld avMS)11;te evil to which the juthement of the nighteelt sst. direent attention. Sweet Norine Turniug suddenly on his heel, he emit- ted the room. sitriding up to his own apartment, each utinnent his mood grew - lug fiercer. Ile was nune than puzeled at the °hang° in Frances Bannon wonderiteg vaguely how it haul come about, and saying to himself there was no. account- ing, any way, for thecapricee of a WO- -Man, and especially these rich old wo- men, who were pampered by every, one with whom they earn e in contact be- cause of the gord they would leave be- hind them. Wink had no sooner entered his apartment and touched a match to the Inper on the mantel than he beheld the bided paper lying beside the grate. "Whet in the world is this?" he mut- tered. "I though 1 was too clever to leave my private •papers lying around." A cold draught of air 'brought hint to a 'gulden realization that he must have left the window open when he bad rais- ed It and looked out to see if it was Atilt snowing. He shut it down with e beteg, then crossed over to the table and picked up, the folded paper again—the other papet, Web the wind had tossed under lee couch, einaping his keen eyes. Ho opened the folded sheet eareletesly enough, but as leis glance fell upon it, an exclamation, of Inteese surprise broke from bia lips, "Frances Barrisonn will making me her heir!" he cried, hoarsely. "All com- plete neve the signing of her name to the document! "How ORMO it 11070 in my room? She mint have brought it here, of course; just why, I cannot for the We of tee imagine—her ways of doing things are so very eccentric. It stands to reason ah must liave dropped it unintention- ally. "She meet hone been spying through my effeete to see what she could find. If she did, by .the Lord Harry, she came aeross that bundle of lettere from those telly little burlesque teetressee of New York, to eay nothing of that list of gambling netbte and what not. Lord! what a fool I have been to keep such things, instead of consigning them to ;tiltilees, lfthey autes, where ey could tell n to "Of Coarse, that's what's, the matter with the old lady; she's learned my true tharacter, the shock of which fitirly paralyzed her into dumbness, and now she has changed her intention aleout making roe her heir, "We'll see about that 1" he neelaimed, grinding out a savage oath from be- tvseen his white teeth. "There was a very demon in his sneer, That woke emotions of both hope and Jeer: But where his scowl of natred drakly fell, Hope, withering, fled—and mercy sighed farewell.' With the will clinched tightly in his hand, he quickly retraced his steps to- ward the sick chamber ort the Boor be- low. "Wbat la to be done must be done quickly," he muttered. "The doctor they have sent for may arrive at any moment —at any tnoment." The sick woman lay be exaetly the same position in which she had fallen back upon the pillow, but in her veil there burned it light so flaming, tee lurid, so baneful, that even. Clifford Car - tisk, daring trickster though he was, quailed before it as a condemned en/M- ufti quails before the glare of the stern judge in, whose eyes he reads the fate that has been deckled for him—a prison, cell or death. Yes, that and more Clif- ford Carlisle read in the burning eyes fastened upon hina. Ife espproached the bed quickly, hold- ing up the will in his right hand "I found this In my room," ne whis- pered, theareneyheading it up before her startled gaze, "New, the question is, do you intend to sign. tluis or not? If you mean to do so, and wilt me to fettoh •you a pen, yon eau signify your willing - nets by nodding; if yornt mean no, shake youe head." Peewee Benrison shook leer bean to and fro with au the energy she pewees - ed, her burning eyes, that seemed to worth down to has very soul, fixed upon him strangely. "Do I unelentsand that yott refuse to carry .out your compitet, after tending inc to expect al linese years that / was to be neyur heir?" he oned, hoarsely. Mrs. Benison needed a deliberate 'A ory of intense rage broke from his lips. "By heaven, we she,11 see about that!" he cried, hoarsely. "Do you think I shall entbrait to suoh it thing—widow the whim of a doting old woman like you to stand between me and a fortune? No, I guess not! You shall eign this paper, and in it hurry, too—by fair means or your Vile will pay the penalty." As he uttered the words, he seized the plot from the littht welting table close ley the eottelt, dipped it into the ink and forced it into her rigid tend, "Sign!" he hiseed, theneting the paper before hen "Don't try to intimate that you have lost the use of your hands. I might have believed it if you had not made sea use of your eleev.like hands a moment since itt hurling me from you with Out force of it veritable theress. Sign, I say, and quiek, (1.--21 you." As he uttered the \verde, hie white hands eaught her throat and the fin, gers of teel gripped tightly about it. All of Frances lkirriseres strength somata to Ilene expended itself in that one fret -tete effort to hurl him from her, and in that empitatie hoddingof the head expreeeing her refusal to siga tho will ntelcieg him heir to the Bardeen millione„ Her stiffening fivers seemed glued to the pen that had been thrust into them. "Segni" Weed the horrible yoke hf the fiend inearnnte in her ;ear, the ebeel. like rent Henning About the quiver. Inget wont, Every nerve in the woinerde body • litraing to it Wettest tereelon. She knew the villetnt he wies—a. repeal of the opest dye -ea, highwaynten and, mtiecterer, ani 'she knew, God help her, ti*t her poor, freil life erns nothing to this men if it came between hint tend his &edge. Site erupt edge the etepor giving hint iles Ranison foetnne, ot die, and event to the doing life is totiveenesto anent. Rer fingers oiegti the pen epee. modkalbeda few etrokto front in teed the teer4 aeed wee dams, OltArTlat XV. "One sbroks of the pet and Me Aced has beta done *Nob incites me heir of the Bs-rithe011 Om," 'be mattered, in Wllsi triusoph, to. he seized the does t meads "Zane wee st eniett remade bohirti lin, 1 Ade tunnel but. nith t tulty er libi baud hold front the person of Aim. inerrisoin end folind himself face W fate with Mita Austin. Ile attempted to speak, but his, tongue clove to the roof of his mouth. He (delved backward, Ids eyes fairly bursting; from their seekete, How long lead ehe been standing them? Whet bast the seen and herd? As if in answer to these unspoken thoughts, she said, elowly "I bore witurneed all that has just transpired, Mr. Clifford Cindisle. Not only the forcing of Min, lierrison to sign the will, but the net winch, brands yen a murderer." She had stepped nearer bit» ann wide - pored the horrible word foluilly and cilia- tinetly in bie startled ear. "Do not attempt to deny it or set tip ;thy defense, she mite pointing to the face that lay back, static and esiten, against the no whiter pillow, nettling: °Now, the queetiou is, (Wee the heir of the litunisen medal, desire to make terms with me to forever hohl my pence, or shall 1 sell my lenowledge--" • .sprang forward and eaught he by the arm in it 'firm, visedike grasp, ex. vlaituirin, homely; "gush! Not enether word now! foot. etteps are hurriedly epproaehing, We must not be found at her bedslite, er of us, Yes, yes, I will make any terms with you tbett you like." As he uttered the yenta, he dragged her ecroee the room and thenet her througgh an open door that led out into a rear ballways leading to the floor above. following her and clotting the deer hureiedly after him, But not an inetent tea soon, for the other door WAS flung hastily open and old Esther usheeed in the village doetor. One glance and hie practiced eye told him that ale earthter kid was oven, far Inances Barrie:on. Old Esther saw what heel happened at thst eelfneme inetent, eed a, piercing cry broke from her ape, "Oh, doctor, is the deadt" she gasped,. eotemenoing to wring her hands wildly. "Tell me that he is not, for the love of heaven!" she shrieked, "Oadm yourself, my gooesoul," replied the etootor. "I wish I 'could tell you dif- ferenttly, but I cannot. Yen= mistrese te deed. 1 have reached her iseasiae teo kete!" Old Etsehern grief wits pitiful to be- hold Eeetenteie as Mrs, Darken had been, tins fadthful creature loved her with all her .hestet, and her midden de- mise was it grief en ttenible that the old doctor feared yeey much that her heart would break then and there, or that site would, lose her renson. But even while this thought, drifted through his mind, the latter calamity fell upon poor, hapless old Esther. The cries died away on het lips, giving place to wild, tveird bursts of laughter, fan more pathettc than the deepest grief could have been. Dr. Benson was about to turn may to summon whoever else might be in the house, -when suddenly a sight met hie gaze that held. him fairly spellbound— rooted to the spot. He bent breathlessly over the rigid form on the bed, his keen grey eyes scrutinizing closely the faint discolored streaks, the outline of long, thing fingers that encircled the throat. "Esther," he exclaimed, abruptly, "you were just telling inc that you left your mistress' couch to answer my ring at the bell. Now, answer Inc this ques- tion: 'Who did you leave behind you at this bedside? Try to comprehend what am saying to you, and sauever me." She looked up into his face -with a vacant stare, but her lips were uttering some name as theugh she rea-lized dimly the import of his questioning. Dr. Benson bent down and listened. in. Wetly. Yes, It was some 71101110 she was muttering; as his ear became accustom- ed to the guttural sound, he made out what she was attempting to sity—"Nor- ine, little Norine." Good old. Dr, Benson was shocked— ate horrified beyond all words. He knew of but one Noriue, and that one the blackamithes graneldeughter, Norine Gordon, whom every one In .the village of Hadley fairly wonslaiped. If old Es ther had. struek a knife at his heart, she could. not have caused him a deeper, crueler, more intense pain than did that one muttered name on her His. While he had been. getting his greet - coat off in the main hall below, old Es- ther had given him a rapid account of how her mistrees happened to be in such a plight. She had ventured out of the house, probably- letneding to visit Hadley, and iind been overcome vrith the cold just outside the gate, where she would have frozen to death had she not been discovered and been brought Into the houee by a young giri, who hen chanced to be passing. Old Esther had not mentioned who the young girl was, and it had not oc- curred to him, to inquire tet the time, "I will not—I menet believe it was little Notine Gordon who found the poor soul, Soc,ompanied the sick woman to this room and was at this bedside, alone with Mrs. Ba,rrison when she died, for if I were to think that, it wohld be to brand the hapless girl with the terrible stigma of it crime. "No, no, no! it cannot be; there meet be some hideous nelatene. 1 'win seek littleNorine at once and find out, the truth from her own lips.' Great God - she must coefess to me what truth, if any, there is in this horrible story.' In answer to his loud call for aseiste awe in the corridor without, Clifford Carlisle, Arise Austin and old Esther's husband, came flocking quickly to 'Mrs. Berrisorin apertment. The was a meet dratnatic scene en- acted, which even hoodwinked the doe - tor, when Carlisle end the young woMint "bekeld, apparently for the first time, the fete lying back on the pill, so white and eold in death, 13ut the glazed eyes nod the mute lips told no tale as Clifford Carlisle bent ova tittle itt seeming itconsolable woe. "She canton be dead, doetot" be de, detect "I'ettneet, I Will not 'believe it! Do something geinkly to ;Arouse her—it is but a terrible swoon resembling death. If every drop of iny heart's blood ia needed to reviee her, let me give it, here end now, and quickly." Dr. linen wee really affeetecl by this heroic, expreteion of devotion and 'intense love. Mies Austin, too, teemed fairly pros- trated with grief, bitter, indeed, to be. hold. "My only; earthly friend iss Otte," she sobbed. "Oh, what shall 1 dol I ate tad out into the world =Ong etrengere again, homelesi, friendleee tot dpenni- hotel Alt, why was not a forlorn emit. tune like me taken, wheal no one in the world would Were 'missed or grieved or, fleet she might bees been sparest — if • Gd wante1 to • - self a MINIM life from the world," 1 ; EetleeP`e Add lutebstiel, 1 he Rona "Id. •r titer, NVetveit tett Ii144041 i.14 1'.4b iy elm prebend, the calamity it it hid upon the 114/11 AV in flu. 11,(iii,t11 11atit 01; Mei. Bartieen, hie lei -eine, pr, Benson left the Itotew it little; .fiti Pi* DI FL VITy grave and. iT0111111111 DMA. HP had 111d110 it terrible- dirtenery. Moe Barrison had tug nut her death from neural vaunts tbe diettolored inn, and neck showed nit avian:inn hand and .fatai work,. Bet who 14.11,4 tii:.` tr1iiiy party? Wbo wits it oho would be bel - pitted by the death af the old recline? Waa there auy one who wanted velv- eteen against Men For a moment the old iloctor.paused et the erten wade Shoeld he go deems and Wm ever the stranne affair in hie mind until day broke ou the morrow, or should he go at onee to the old Week.. emith's humble cottage and have an earnest tells with Norma? He decidedat length upon tied:over course. He must think! Ay, he must think long and carefully what be should say to the girl—in what work; he sboule ask her for the truth coneenting that night's .darle tragedy. Ily Bottle ilitpulee that he could never afterward amount for, he made up Itis mind to return to the halm of gloom which he bad just left and nave it telk with the handeolne young man who called himself the dead weelitede nephew. CHAPTER XVI, "I'm tired to-nignt end something— The wind, maybe, or the rain, s Or the cry of the bird in the copse out. siee Has brought back the past and its pains, And I feel, as I sit here thinking, That the hand of it dead past June - Has caught in it* hold my heart's loose strings, And is drawing them up In tuns," Dr. Bensou made hie way baelt quiek- ly no one heard, no 011e JAW hirn, as he re-entered the house. He wet directly toward the cleaving -room, where he heited the sound of voices, one of which he recognized as young Mr. Carlisle's— the very person he was in starch of. He noticed as Ite approaebed that the door was ajar. He was Peet ebout to tap lightly, to Make his presence known when the 'sound of his own name on the young man's lips caused him to pinto Invoiunterily, "As long as Dr. Benson did not Make the discovery of the bin* rooks oft Mrs, Barrieon's person, there ie no fear tbat any one else will," remerkee Car- lisle, sneeringly, "That fs heelluse ile svas old, and near- ly blind; it was just your luck that he did not discover them," returnee' hie companion, whom the doctor recognized as Miss Austin, the deceased women late companion, (tailing, impatiently, "but let us get at the object of this un terview, nnd come to an understanding. Here are the facts: " •"I new you enter Mrs. Benison's room; I was •Idelden by the draperies of the bay window, end you did not see toe; you thouglit yourself alone with the sick womap end you forced her by holding your Ands cheated tightly about her neck to sign the will, which made you her hely ....heir of the Beni- son, millions" You did not realize that you were clutching her neck so tightly, and that she would fall •back dead as the pen dropped froxn her fingers," , "Why do you Vepeat all this to me?"' exelahned Carlisle, hoarsely, "These walls have ears." "I want to refresh your memory at to the tragic event which has- jute thole. pired and to show yeti that you are so thoroughly in my power that you dare not refuse any terms I may dictate, to insure my silence. You need not be afraid of any Dile overhearing our re- marks, hire. Benison Wili never know, the doctor has gone, old Esther has lost her reason and her husband is as deaf AS a post, so there is DO need of lit, terieg what I have to say below ley breath." Carlisle uttered a fierce oath. ' Unheeding it, Miss Florice Austin went on airily; "And new, regarding my terms to insure my eternal silence and stye you from paying the penaltn of youe double crime. I demand that you make me nom wife. You must ellen with me the Bari -loon wealth anti the Benison honors—nothing shore of thett will answer my purpose.' "What if I refuse?" cried Clifford Car- lisle, uttering a still more frightful im- precation. "I do not for an instant imagine that you Will do Bo; you dare not, realizing how completely you are in my power." For a few moments -they gazed stead; ily into each other's eyes, and Clifford Carlisle realized that he hae more than his match in the young Woman 1001t100 steadily becie at him, "Well, Miss Austin—Florice—r sup- pose 1 Iney cell you that—there is no use in our quarreling oyer the inetter. As you say, yeti eien make your oWn terms, and I must comply; that ie all there is about it, and I consent to merry you as soon as I can claim, through the will, the Benison wealth. • "Once in possession of the property, I will turn it ;quickly into cash, and we will leave these western wilds and go east to New York, where we can cut considerable of a figure. Do 'these plans Olt you." • oPerfectly," replied Miss Austin. Pr, Benson was sit startled, so skin- ned, so completely dumfounded by whet he had heard that he toed quite etill et the door, almost incapable of thought, or action; then suddenly be changed hie Mind. He had it duty to perform, and a most solemn one; he must hasten to the village ited atquaint the authorities with the horrible discovery he had made'that they might tette imam without delay in bringing CIfford. Carlisle to juetiee. As he tuned away he wonderen how he eould have sutpeeted poor little Nor - 198 Gordon evee for a single %stain But, alas, for the cruelty of fate, whieh le 'sometimes inexplicable. The good old doetor never reached the til- lage; the exeitetnent he bad undergone proved too meth for bine Ilis old en, enter, been, dinease,_ suddenly overtook and this errand of jest:ice was the laet he ever uedertook. When morning broke they found hire by the roedahle, old and. dead. Ile died with the terrible discovery he had made locked up for everniere itt Itie pulseless breast, The old doctorn death producedpro, found regret in Hadley, but they did not have time to devote much thought to it. There were se many thrilling events happening. First and forenunt IA which was the terrible story of Joe Brainard; how he had bene instrusted with huge aunt df. money ad eihireet messenger, and had decamped with the entire am. mint 'The minione of the law had beet piked. quienly upon his traek, but up to the preeett moment they had not been Wet to nit& him down. (lo be continued.) ; 4 •-• SUPP,ERING, (George Macdonald). May my God give roe grate to potter it handred deaths to it life ,gaitted by the eafferirt of meet simplest termeture, holds h * life aS r kom mita, tag Minnlf !rims 1 find myself, \ \*( tr.; AF ,‘,.'11C N... NESS Now is the Time to Enrich You Oked, Strengthen Your nerves, and Get neat Welt. n,11 ,an profitably tal:e it page fwin the volume lif .mts. 1;e4, I. sittttrjlas experienwee Whe lute been ibteugh the min site kuowe. 'Ile many months of Aimee 'lee1(-6 41'pre-sient, the 11t1V01D1 hare and the eleephse nights 1 might 14111T prevented ea think of Or m le almost enough to make me ill again. A little me and Just a simple remedy at flint wentd huve averted te long helium Mines, °In the spring, tWo yeara ago, / had typhoid fever. I gained in weight. but my flesh was puffy nal my strength feeble, I was easily tind, and my color not goods te 1 .e•••••••••••••• i'*. depended on a hi th- FERROZQNE. 4'10 leinthd eonafl- 9UItD$ up intim to keep it. met amt kept on THE WEAK doing more than I ought, The come tette (Akre of it nervous tharecter. Prom the im- provement 'Verrozone' bas made, giving me strength, color and endurance, it is reasonably certain that had I used it when I first felt poorly my strength would speedily have .been metered. / can strongly urge those recovering front those who feel. 111, itt faet every- one who needs better health eau quickly gent it by using Ferrozone." It's because Ferrozone converts what you eel into nourishmeet. bemuse it Rentable bloOdnetkiug And nerve - strengthening qualities. Theee are the reasons why it builds op the weak and euree the sick. Try one or two Ferro* Zone Tablets WW1 your meals, end wittell the gain Elfter cots per bon, sin for $2,50, all dealers, or the Ceterritozone Co., Kingston, Canada. Flapid Radiograms. Radiograms may now be made with the same rapidity as ordinary photo- graphs. This has been eccomplished by a German inventor, who heti devised an induction coil which pyoduces one sud- den and very intense spat*, and this inekee it possible to take an instantane. ous 'radiogram. The effect is produced by using a fuse in place of the inter- rupter In the printery circuit, and this is melted when the proper intensity of the ourreet is reached, thus very sud- denly hreeking the (dwelt and producs ing intense distharge. The eterteum is nem 1-50 to 1-250 of it second, and ae it is 4 sintple Matter to replace the fuse, a. large number of eepoeuree can be made in the course of an hour. The fuse consiets of a small silver or copper wire. r. roein'elii rs c11 lairs IR oat 11=i I 111E6 exactly meet the need which sonften Arises in ,eveey family for 4 /DOW* Lo open up fuel regulate the 110We191 Not Only are they Motive in all (meet; of ‹,nnstipation, nut they help greatly in breaking up 4 Cold -or La s Grippe by cleaning out thesystem and purifying the blood. In the same way they releeee or cure Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headathes, ltJiettia- atjsnt and other cOMmen ailments. Tn the fullest sense of the words Dr, Morse's Indian Root Pills tire " aa es 4.11-4* I ce Mee m.:1, • s• Tool Hardening by Gas. The use of the gas furnace for forging, tempering and hardening steel is spreed- ful invention of it Scotchman. The ie. and tools ere made. The old dheartits" are disappearing, replaced by small, clean gas furnaces, which are not only. economical in spate and, cost of running, and comparatively clean and neat, hut Impish a uniform temperature of any desired -degree, thua avoiding dennage to the steel through "burning,' oe irregu. laxity of temperature, The working of the inmates is economical, because the gas can be eut off the moment the operation le Minitel CURED HIS RHEUMATISM Yarmouth, N. S. June 22n4, 1908. "1 have been bothered with Rheumation for the past year aud have taken a good really kinds et medichtes and found no relief ter it Ono day a friend advised me to try nie pins, so I did, and after taking only one .box of them, I felt like a new men. e. thought I would write yott a fetv lines to let you knew how thankful I em fer the relief they gave me, and would advise ail eufferers from Rheumatism to get Gni WM, Cowry. Sample free it You Write National nine et °beelike' Co. (Dept. L.) Toronto. Ali etaiers have Gin Pine at 100 a box -6 for 8".4.80 Crime Increasing, Whereas ift 1850' there was order one conviet to every 3,400 .of population in the United States, in 1890 there was aetualy one prisoner to every 750 in- habitants. During the last thirty years sve are told that our criminal popula- tion has increased, relatively to popula- nom by one -third. ---Beech and Ben , FREE TO OUR READER$. write menu nee Remedy 00, Chicago, tar 48 -page Illustrated EYe Beok Free. Write ail about Your nee TrOuble and th‘y will advise as to the Proper. Application of the; Itforffle Eye Remedies In Veer Specie), Dase. Your Ereggist Will tell you that Merino Relieves Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak- Eyes, Illeen't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for 60c. Try It in Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyefor softly nyellesend, ...arerlittion SUBJECTIVELY. Barber—Do you wish e close shim, sirf Cestomer—Yes—ti elose mouthed Sham if you please. *. Liniment dueea Diphtheria. s• • I" - KINDNESS TO A.NIOIALS, Humanity to animals le it great point, If I were it teacher in it school I would smake it a very important part of my bristliest to impress every boy .and girl with the (Inter of his or her being kind to all animals, ;%,.4 PLIBLIO POFITIIAI rs. A Chance it Effective Decoration, In Pub) ic lflittidj05, It is the rustom of bank,, hospital*, unieereitive, seboon en medicine Awl nub. lk buildings such ae city "halls. Stale liolows and Federal Halle 10 toilect pote tune ef their representaiiive leaders. Would not thew.. buildings gain in dignity end beauty if the portrait. Were given A mural betting that contributed to the enrielneenn of the halls and chambers of the structure? Buglish country bowies, guild halls, college buildings at (Word and else- where, Me well as many palaces on tho continent, have successfully employed this kind of decoratlim. The country is particularly rtch in portraits. Those are preserved with rnuelt care and be- come in eoine OW a feature of decor- ation iti great holism, pointed to 'with pride. There are collections of portraits own. 04 by municipal and State buildings; in this country which eould be readily made (Available for really handsome de. mention by remelting' the frames, Which are often ugly objects in themselves, and with an areleiteetural purpose ar reteginn these pieturee as a frieze above a higli wainscoting. An acquaintance who is planning a country house tells me that he is really building his house around the portrait, which he highly prizes, of hie father. It is placed, flat in, over the dining room fireplace and may be Amnon:lied through n state of rooms and seer at 4 distance of DO or 100 feet. OUR BURDEN BEARER. Teo Moo Sharp vexations, And the briars that catch and. net! Why not take all to the Ileiper Who Inc never tailed us yet? Tell Him about the hearteenee. And tell BIM tbe iellglags tot Tell Him the baffled purpose When We ReaPee knew teliat tg CIO. Then, leaving all our weakume With the One divinely strong, Forget that we bore the burden And carry away tile song. Margaret D, Sangster. CHILDROOD INDIGESTION MEANS SICKLY BABIES. The haby who suffers front itteliges- tiOn is simply starving to death. If it take e food it does the child no good, and it Is eross, restless arid sleepless, aud clic mother is worn out caring for it. Baby's Own Tablets always cure indigeetion, and give the little one healthy, natural sleeps Mr, .A. P, Daigle, Lower Sepia, N. 11„ says; Vol. severe eases of inili- gestioe think Baby's Own Talalets are worth their weight le gold. My little one suffered terribly front thie trouble and the Tablets wits the only thing that removed the troulde," Sold everywhere at. 25e a box or by mail from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. 4 4 • New Indian Woman. Glare -in -the -Sue, it member of the Stun kerne tribe, whose forebears hunted ancl fished attd smoked, as they evem inclin- ed, while their faithful squaws did men. lel teaks without it word of eomplaint, createtl a sensation among the old tim- ers in Spokane when he appeared in 'Riverside avenue carrying a papoose with an ease am4 indifference seemi»gly born of practice. His squaw, gown in a bright dress and shawl, walked by his side, apparently unconscious of any irregulaidty, Glam. in -the -Sun is a wealthy Indian and. owns several trects of land on the Columbia Riven—Spokane conespondence Minnea- polis dournal. * • * TRENCH'S REMEDY -FOR- EPILEPSY AND FITS cE A Eifts. (Itt 1 Pl2rh a!Telrifi i oho d at 107 St. James' Chambers, Toronto, REDUCTION IN PRICE This important change permits of prices being reduced to those prevailing in Europe, namely; --Full package, 512.00; half do., $0.60; quarter do. $3.76; postage or express charges extra. THE oNLY.CENEw414 ANIS U.B. ADDR CS* TRENCH'S REMEDIES, LIMITED 107 $T, JSMCS' CHAMISVies TORONTO Pamphlet mailed f ree on. application, Beware of spurious imitations. Ali pack - of Trench's Remedy mustbear enr trade - Mark sleet in unbroken condition on each end. - How the Mute Got His Mate Up. The street even slippery and the drivex pulled at the reins. The muks strained in their effort to tura the tvagon. One slipped. The next nornent it was down and mixed up in the harness. The drier swore—and not gently, "Twenty minutes now before I get that fool mule up," he grumbled as he left his seat on the wagon. But he didn't enure; on the mules. The one that was still oe his feet looked at the otte en. the ground. Then he reached over end bit him on the "topknot." There was an animal grunt end a kicking of feet, Then without aid the mule 'got up, By the time the driver was beck on his seat the mules were tugging again, --Kansas City Star. b. Do you trap or buy Furs) Ism Canada's largest dealer, ljellY highestp vices. your shipments solicited, pay mall and ex- press Charges t remit protnptly. Also largest dealer id nektbidtd, Sheepskins, etc. Quotations and shipping tegs sent free. sJOHN HALLAM, TORONTO DOLLY'S ECONOMICAL WAYS, "Did you peel your apple before eating it, Dolly t" oYes, mother," eBet where have you put the pea deer t" I ete it first!" TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE, BROM() Quiniee Tablets. Druggists refund money if It fails to cure, 18. W. GROVE'g signature le on each boa. '2,5e, 0 PROFESSIONAL A.TTITUDE. (Philedelphiet Ileoord,e nI had a uew hat sent home toeley I" exclaimed the editor's trite, "aria tt 19, a naera..,, rulliat's what it is all rigid," replied the editor, "end it goes back." ow. Minard's hirtImerit Curet Distemper, Bargain Days. They're here. Hats are "off." l'otte are seerificed. fitoelelegte are doWn. 'Coate are Retually "cut in halt." Muted linens ere oftee great bargalne. Why not put by an ttinbrella for a rainy defy? A. pair of rubbers or overshoes Is a tade inveettneet. Fur hats of the popular torts are down with; a dull thud. Bargains in blowite ef every Toxicity, are seheditled for thine posteltrietrints dere ; Prof. Jaren+ Barr Amen dent of the Harvard Law Sehool. and formerly . eisairstutn of the Athlette Committee of ;Rts ttniversity, died st Cambridge, Motet, DON'T I3 - AFRAID that Sunlight Soap will spoil your clothes. There aro no injurious chemicals in Swim light Soap to bite boles in even the most delicate fabric, $5,000 are offered to any. one finding adulteration in Sunlight Soap. 010 Novelty in London Club Ufa The fact that in all existirg clubs it is ageinet the rule to use the premises forubisiness purposes has suggested the formation of a new dub to vombine business with social facilities. The pro- prietors of the institution, the premises of which are in Piceadilly) have called it the London Club, In addition to the ordinary club rooms there will be a °business reception room," where members can discuss busi- ness with each other, Boards -will oe. cupy the wall space, on which) by per- mission of the secretary, the details of business propositions in which members desire co-operation will be displayed.— London ilvoiiiug Standard. PILES CURED IN 0 TO 14 DAYS pAzo ormiluvr is guaranteed to cure any case of Reines, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding PUPA In 51 to 14 daps or money rotor:idea, ale Election Expenses, Sir Delaval totalled seven. votes in an attempt on Andover in the gen- eral election of 1768. An item in his election agent's hills is typical of the reckoning, he had to pay: "To being thrbwn out of the George Inn, Andover, to my legs being thereby broken, to surgeon's bill and loss of time aod business, all in the service, of Sir 11`. Delaval, £500." Then in later times Lord Llandaff won Dun.' gartran in 1868. The item, "n547; whisky." caused an eyebrow to twitch, and he'faintly protested. "Be- gone," said hie election agent, "if yo want to squeeze it pippin like that ye'll never do for Dungarven."—From the London Chronicle, :Minaret's Liniment' Co„ Limited. Gentleinen,—I have used MINARD'S LINIMENT from time to time for the past twenty years. It was recommended to me by a prominent physkian of Mont- real, who called it the "great Nova Soo - dal Liuiment." It does the doctor's work; it is particulerly good in cages of Rheumatism and Sprains. Yours truly, G. (4. DUNSTAN, Chartered Accountant. Halifax, N. S., Sept. 21, 1905. Ostriches in Australia. There axe now about 2,000 ostrkhes in Australia and, although the industry was first established nearly 30 years ago, and despite the fact that it has at different times been the recipient of Government assistance, it ean hardly be called a flourishingeone. A great many of the birds were imported from South Africa, where there are many flourish- ing farms devoted to their culture. The outlook is it little more promieitg and tite latest to embank in the business have been more successful, profiting by the failures and the experiences of those who wete the pipneers. 4 • 4. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. ‘1111111.21 ISSUE NO. 3. ii AGENTS Awfam. Boys, Start in Business De Independent. Nell our HOMEY TAPl-:. li;verYlaelY bolo at eight. Devito. La -144.•. 11444ball Player*, AumosebIlists. 141ectrIciew; and others use tt to wlad bandit 4, punctured thve. /mu cerdsa tese, u"ndluir broker, turuiture, ninny belts, lanulatlr'l Wire and tboueauds of unser lutes. We main it 111 small roll*, 14 to the pouod, 10 f‘er tu the roll, rawly Ivrappod In tlu foU. Tim.' sell hot at 10 cent* rads. WID send salnPle ttlol pound package by reglitered nail 7; cents. 'Write quick and get We Aglitter far yaw town. ( WAI.POLD ItURPIFE (`O., LIMITED. PePt. A., bictotriel. -PERSONAL= Dr. Marters Female f'ills SEVENTEEN TEARS THE STANDARD Prescribed and recommended fot WO, men's ailments, a cientifica)ly pre- pared remedy of proven worth. ltse result from their (tee is quick and per. manent. For sale .at all drug stores, ••••••••••••••••••• 'Beach of Etiquette. The tivo women stopped in front of a dentist'S show:Aso on Tremont street. "There,: mamma.," said the younger wo- man, ,pointing. "I want it set just liko that.' "Hush, my child," commended her mother, "don't. you know that it's vul- gar to pick your teeth on the street," --Baotou Transcript, iireehb Cure inticeily mops coughs, oures colds, heals the throat and lung*, cows, AN *UNKIND OUT, The Sketolt.) Proud Pather-7BIess me, it's -really marvellous about that baby of mine. You'll hardly credit it, but every time it looks up into my few it iimiles—posi. tively snake. The Priend---Well, I suppose even baby has Elome glimmering mese of hie. mar. BETTER THAN SPANKING. spankindostchuaren oz bedwetting. There 10 a constitutional cause for this trouble. 'Mrs. M. Sum- mers, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her sucaessfur heme treatment, with full inetrntions. Send no money, but write her to -day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child, the chanceare it can't help it This treetraent also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine dif- flnulties by day or night, Killing Two Birds. A neatly dressed woman rushed into a 'Euclid avenue grocery yesterday :nut priced the different sizes of pots of bak- ed beans that the grocery keeps put up hot ready to take home and serve, 'I guess the small size will do,' 'ehe said, owIlhesitating.isny inquired the cleAllor, you iretrve dydet8Oadvlsese.r "Oh, no not buying them to serve," the customer replied. "Of course I shall use them, but I'm getting them to keep my hands warm cm the car. I came away from home without either muff oz mittens."—From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. • • Lifebouy Soap is delightfully refreshing for bath or toilet. For waahlng underclothing it Is unetiomA aalled.LiealminissT wum and ;Nu; Tlf Ties.. 4 (The Sketchd The Hind Lady—You clear off, or I'll set the dog at you. The Tramp—Ahs 'ow deceptive is 'man natur'. Per two nights I've slept in yer barn, eaten of yer poultry air drunk of yer eider ,and now yer treats nee as an utter stranger. -e - Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. • • ESPECIALLY AT THIS SEASON. (Boston Transcript.) Tom—My wife is an angel. Dick—I notice she is always Hying around. HANDSOME WATCH FREE. THE A Gents' or Ladles' Solid Gold Watch costs from US to $50. Do not threw your money away. If you desire to secure a Watch which to keep time and last well will be equal to any Solid Gold Watch send us your name aliti address immediately and area to sell 10 boxes only of Dr. Maturin.'s Famous Vegetable Phis at 25e. it box. They are the greatest remedy Od earthier the cure of poor and impure blood, ineugettion, headaches, eonsti- pation, nervous troubles, liver, bladder and kidney dis- eases, and all female Weaknesses; they are the Groot Blood Purifier and Invigorator, a Grand Tonic and Life Builder. 'With the Pills we send 10 articles of jewelry to give away with the pals -this makes then easy to sell. This is the chance of &lifetime. Do netiniss it. Send us your order and we will send yen the 10 boxes gent paid. When yeti have sold them sexed us the money'( 2.60) and we will send you A GENTS or LADIES WATCH the same day tho Money is received. We are giving these beautiful Watches to advertise our Remedies. This is a grand opportunity to seeure a valuable Watch without having to spend a cent. And our "watch Is it stem wind tied stern set arid not tne cheap back wind article generally gieen as premiums. Send for our pills without delay. .A.ddrese OR. h"ATURIN MEDICINE CO. . Watch Dept20 Toronto, ont 112:1141=1.: tttaa14.:. -,....,-;:•"1,-",•••••;%;.;,:ii,;;.-f.N.;•:;,;.""•;•,. • Everybody Who Eats Bread Should avoid tianzer of impurit: in delitney from the oven to , the home. Insist on your baker wrapping his bread in EDDY'S BREAD WRAPPERS We are the original manufacturers of bread wrappers now used by leading bakers of Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and °thee cities. The E B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited; HUH, Canada This elegant wateh,lildie0 or eerie' sten -stem wind and eet, ellen rearmed noes, Nally gars riteci, will be sent to yee; AIBROLUTELY FREE, If yon ova nlityg:Lol worth of Lovely Pleaure Post Card -,0 for 10e. 'These are the meet artletie, Wenn- fully colored IMO cemented cares listed ties season. V !ewe, !lett:tee, Floral.- Hell* day, an, These ere 11111 fattest eviler& Get the 'beat. write tonity; ;on nit villa. y_on it pahltake. II: II limn IPA ret urn tIto Merit:mind win this Hatitleor.ia Littla Watch. Vitt van a1, win a 'pv011,9744 Sot FREE If yott vc111 help tut tot;nt.rilo 0117 i114i23.14 ty getting o other agents ann withmit having to sait soy more , $t• CORAL? ;SOLD PEN LID., card Dent:. Tormt.),thlt