The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-12-22, Page 17A0
Wingham Adv,
i: i:::X
EF11 9W01,
D R M s77-1
or phone 745-5641. OSAP loans avail- fridge, stove, stacking washer and the intensive care in wingpam an
able. dryer, air conditioning and private District Hospital and Victoria Hos-
8,22 balcony. References required. Con- wtal, London. Your kindness will al-
Marcon ays be remembered.
tact Mark Robinson at
Studio, (519) 343-2201. Edith Noble and family C�urton
-A CAREER 15,22,29,5,12
IN TRUCKING Vic,and Valetta Emerson would
like to wish all their friends a Merry
OFFICE:. retail -wholesale', 1,200 sq.
ft., four established businesses al-
Christtnas-and-a.Happy New Year
ready located, 1/2 mile north of Wing -
Transport drivers need- Also they want to thank everyone for
ed. NOW is the time to. train ham on Highway 4. Good access off their kindnesses and visits during
M. the past year. -7247
for your Class A License. RR 21 Lucknow 529
highway. Phone 357-2628 Wingha
For. orescre6hing interview 29rrb
and job,placement informa- We would like to thank everyone
contact: NEWLY offering
tion conta
NEWLY renovated modern two bed- M& made our opening a success.
apartment in Tees 'a -ter, Merr
room w y Christmas and a Happy New 50% Off Storewide Inventory.
Mery Orr Transport fridge and stove included, laundry Year. 20% 'training Huron Landscaping Ltd.,
facilities available. Phone 367-5606
Kitchener after 6 p�m.., Open December 21 to 23
1-800-265-3559 24rrb
COMING EVENTS from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.; December 24 from 8 a.m.
(min. age requirement IN. mEmoniAm NEWYEARISDANCE to 6 p.m. and December 28th from 8 a.m. to 5 P.M.
Belmore Chamber of Commerce
BROWN—Walter Brown, December presents a New Year's Dance on,
PERSONAL 23;1982. Thurs., Dec. 31 ht,W6 Belmore Com-'
Time" takes away -the edge of grief, munit
y Centre. Dancing .9 p.m. to I Happy 16th to our
PREGNANT'. and .need "help? Free But memory turnsback every leaf. a.m. to DJ Peter Bauer. Lunch pro -
positive confidientiall, support.- Birth- --7-1.n loving memory, -Hilda and vided, $12'per couple, $6 per person. DEAWNS Christmas Baby
right. Phone. 357 -low,' 357-1769 or family. Age of ma ority required. Proceeds
London 432-7197 collect. x to community:. betterment.; For
rrb-''tEASON`S GREETINGS tickets phone 357=2666, 335-37 3, A92- WINTERS. ,Passed away at Mait-
6734- or 392-8292. land Manor Nursing , H-01ne,
FATHERS for 'Justice, monthly My- greetings 'to all my, family and 8,15,22,29 99derich, on Friday; Dec.,. 18 M,rS.
meetings,, Xitchener., Phone, 1174,rz... loved ones: whol mearf so me Uiettal Wintets', in her 87th f.'
yea The
0431 an year through. CHRISTMASCANTATAformer Uretta. Molloy,, she was the
1^15,22,29,51. Toyou and all your dear ones diporever Christmas'' to be. Present-, beloved daughter
of the late Mr'and
andabiding'John �4611oy of the Shallow -
Abundant happiness "ed in the Gom'e,United Church on �
NOTICE peace. December 24 at 8 p.m. Everyone 'Lake area. She Is'survived . by
Helen Merrick
welcome. Several nieces and nephews and was
BRAY Lodge in Wingham presently 1542 'predeceased by her
sisters, Lavine °' rooms available for seniors. Of- and Sadie
CARDOFTHANKS Griffin, Janie McInnes
fering quality care, specialized diets A private funeral service
and entertainment. A homey atmos- T
What -words can express the black he Formosa' Community Centre was held at The McBurney Funeral
phere. Contact Shelley Jones, Facil- 'Dec.
ity Co-ordinator 357-2551 at Bray emptyness and the immense sad- Board invites you to'their annual Home, Wingham,. on, Sgturdayt
- ness that one feels when coping with New Year's Eve Dance on Thurs- 19. Spring. interment will take place
Lodge or 357-3627 at home.. I
the death of someone who � was day, December 31 at the Formosa inLatigsideCometerY.
1,8,-.15)22 loved? The special people'that our Community Centre. Music byKlas-
THE EAST,Wawanosh Township family is so blessed to know have sic, 9 p.m.' to I a.m., $12 a couple. DESERTPEOPLE 220
Undfill'Site will be closed Saturday, helped to brighten these days with Novelties and hot lunch included. Mali is one of the poorest, countries dO.
their love, shown through food quiet- Age of majority required. Phone 392- in the world. Each year the desert
December 26. Winona Thompso I no ly left at the door; flowers that re- 6207 or 367-2741. Proceeds for hall eats up, more land and recurring
Clerk -Treasurer. you when you're alone that improvements.
15,22 mind drought dries up the crops and
someone cares; the time taken from 15,22929 destroys the cattle..USC Canada is
busy days to quietly ask how you donating '$40,217 to construct two
REAL ESTATE "really" are; the friends 'wh . o know EXPECTANT PARENT dykes- in the villages of Ten.koni and
that tears are healing And who stand EDUCATION CLASSES
Kola and purchase equipthent, for.,
-Health Ujult in -
by quietly with no impatience;, those The, Huron County teams
of w6lldrillers.. USC Canidat
DO YOU have listings • to advertise -in Weams
who seem to.know, when you need a vites you -to attend the Expectant 56.Sparks Streeto Ottawa k,1P 5BI.
139 weekly newspa0ts? Call us. now
Parent Education Claiges, beirgheld"
for detaifli on our blanket classified diversion, a1reak. from the, pain;
to listen - h am,- com-
..those who offer -their time at the RNA, Se ol,"Wingh.,
coverage of.Ontario or specific the cards that are read and rAv�read- 2yt January 7o, 1988. HOBBY'DAY LADIES'
areas of the province. The Winghatn. 7
next. series classes Will begin'
the squeezes and hugs. Sineq my A donor from 90moltiotio'Alberta,
Advance -Times, 357T2-320.,
of marph.t, i0m. Please Canada -headquarters:
ribfather's sudden death on December the week wrote to.; 080
12, through my mother's long illness "to b r phoning the Health
pr6aregis r 3 am. d -to enclose W
se 4, ,
please , _ . 7 .1
v ghd brother Len
more •and subsequent •. death this. last Unit office at i57-9244. the sq . e of lualts, the HObby
F OR 0, g N T 15221.s29
spring and the -'death of DA.y. Ladies.." USC Ca#09,
Grant" - -
TWO. bedroom aparttinent in, Wing- "Short" At 'yhafikggivinpl we have Sparks Street,,bttawil KIP '581
ham,' available 4inuary i. Phone been truly, supported by so many ,,,NlgW YEAR -1 EVE DANCE 41,'
eru yCentre 're 'New
357-1972, kind and loving acts.. W6 will eele-
9� p.m. to
Year Eve dance Dec. 9", .0.
22,29 brate this Chnistifids,kad0ig first.
ic ! y own, and, ouattl
handthdtWslovi C
131 b.
Off ice so' 6.e Jor rent.,� qp� many speeiglwaygaO da, 0
P p L
- epiq . k. 1. 'r,
SoUlid, 00� per 461 _01.Wpe e.
Thank you and 4,bitessed soft,, T'icki ble
atbly, idols- Wate. round.
xim �A deet, private 6t§ A
quate. ei
Christmas. be
ro tern 6
AdAioa� me u es.ivory,
I d thin
aft . I -Arl.�..�
rrb, 2!
. : 1 wt
sued: A& 61utn
'For -CM
W Aw big
ter 666
Ph Uh to,•t �26
t Wl-b bea e'Vietfifto
tMent in Tees- i"i - l,
4 W' 'Com
'ahk to, -60 W1&&ftJ'F'
th d
for U*`646 aild, g'tg
1116* W 47 W,
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