The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-11-03, Page 09AN� NV
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L VT s, Norman XuLiann Prets
ph dr. C: riia,-Adertising, Nana
y,,�Editor Au ur .der
by -the 1), o'm st. ground is - olitirned,
Member of Audit Bureav of, 'Qircula�.tioas h Ii
feet ficl ilc' en,
Membe —Cinadiairi Coinmuni r Newspaper Assoc. W r a t) e�e
Ontario Community Newsppper ASOQ9.
iecluded, but welli rk.. The bea itrei,
pa dst9ne.s,,
Sulbser ptions $21.00 per year Six months $12,tiiq
I have g4 ed' it thepleasElint tivating; the. names a d
$23.00 bqypud 49 -mile zone 'ou at
rb ,
orF.r4ace from the to, sist time, suspend
au �': it f Vimy Ridge. It looks' soldiers forever In t, e: f16 mm 0 o4 C144 I Registration No. 082 Return postage guaranteed.
peaceful now, 70 years removed. yputh amid the -Odnfuilq�
chaos and,
.. ........ K 6, war that devastated. this of the war that tore them apart,..
from th
area of Europe for four years.Grass The brave soldiers of theCandiho,'
covers ground that was churned to Expeditionary Force s'ge
Ok".'IMIocent so pay.,
h al
mud from, � constant bombardment. their lives to. achieve gr
r, NIT The� green shell -holes hold no hint of victory. Their efforts are somiatimep�'.
lence. There is no -whistling scoffed at by some of the- inexubers
A great deal ha6 been said on the effect of, diction, on one. who vio
ns; � pantlicularly those related- to
is,-4d016ted,.and.rightIy sq, AddiQtlo overhead, no explosions. of the - youngest generation of
A(Oohol% And, drugs — continually bring about an abrupt end to mall a
The Canadians -and unknown to others,
soft bluff is only broken by, the
towering twin pylons of the but In France and, Flanders, prom- is. hg 'career, turri those who might not otherwise be so inclined
W -F11 valor is both remembered onto the pathl'of-drime, And strip many human beings of their self- TAM Memorial. It is an impressive
respect. as their lives slowly become a. em the honored by almost all. There t 0�
itany of broken promises and a NO!' �MVP construction comm orating.
people respect Canada and feel
record of shattered dreams. war dead of the Great War. Visitors
Hwdver'. litle has been said'of those who also suffer along' with, the 00 see experience an awed silence as the indebted to ouir.war dead.
be -shown in
Addicted -person — all of 'them - innocent victims of addiction, — the gaze upon the figures boldly,carved This can perhaps best
k patLedly iy areoved; a spirit of in I y experience in Ypres, where
family' friends, nelghbors�,co in stone. The
-wor ers and employers wh
o rep. Canadian soldiers sacrificed theii
pay the price of'their involvement With a ubstance abuser. Many of Remembrance hangs over the lives to repulse the German t L roops.
strategic ridge where the combined
these, Are victims eveh though they ate unaware of that fact. indeed" efforts of brave Canadians ov.(br_ who used gas for the first time.
'they may ei�en be'caught up in the denial which is inherent with addic- When my family and I found our'wa
threw German'many Y
ti6n,' refusing 'to- recqgnize the. problem exists within their own years ago. to the town's' museum, we were met.
families; busipesses or circle cif friends. by a friendly doorman. As my father
Addiction'Alwareriess Week,'Nov The fallen servicemen of Canada y
15-2 1, is aimed at placin
9 public was searching for change to pa fqr;,
each one immortalized in the the 9,
focus -o6 the'diseases of drug and alcohot addiction and its effects; admission the man said
shape of a tree in the park -at Vimy —
not only to the ones who areaddicted but to those who are close'to youdanadian;,?" take
t th " presence, and hold "Why, yes," we replied At
make (61 eir
them. Closer tq-fioni the Huiron.Addiction and Assessment Referral I
their ground just like the victorious abAekby his question.
entre (HAARQ � and the London office of. the Addiction Research battalionsheld theiis in 1917.
"Then," he said-, '.'you can go in
Foundation are'sponsoring a luncheon meeting,inthe Auditorium of fro'*M '01-d� F' I
Many memories of the fighting are for free!"
Huro'nview,.near Clinton, on Friday, Nov'.'20,'which- will look at addicii;
NOVEMBER 1940 place in Belmore when Evelyn Jean Legion attended,a bowling tour- kept alive by the park; a, part of the There, they remember our war
tion and the family.
tlie,Wingham, Rifle Club Renwick,.4aughter. of Mr. and Mrs. nAment sponsored by the, Exeter undergrounj system used by the dead'best by respecting the living.
In � the past, perhaps, addiction's strongest- Ally has been the
offered to teach an�,Iadies'who Clark Renwick, became the bride of Auxiliary.- Mrs.'Bill WAlden's team Canadian soldiert� is maintained. and Perhaps we should do the same.
h -a move has been 'tours Marc Cotie
absishce.of public awareness. T ankfully,, however, how to shoof, there Kenneth Edward Deffinan, son of'. won the Legion Trophy for Zone C1. are available to /visit its
St. Bruno,-Que.
made to Tducate the public.on these two -addictions and the terrible were many who thbught this was a Mi. and. Mrs. Albertbettman of Members of' her team were Mrs. 'gloomy depths. A section of the
toll they 'take, ' even to the point of claiming lives. Only'repently. fantasy -idea. The Ladies"kifle Club dlifford. The couple will -reside on John Strong, Mrs. Bob -Irvine, Mrs.
established in'this Area, the HAARC — funded by the Ontario Ministry o* lioasts a memberihip'of 24. the groom's farm near Clifford. Helen Casemore, Mrs. Ted English
of - Health and. operating. under auspices of the Huron County Awards -have . been won by Mrs. E. At a, meeting of Vin'ghm Town and Mrs.. Bob Hickey. Board inve s'"tigating need
Board of Health — is, hopef6ky, another weapon in the arsenal of Council' members moved to rescind A pretty wedding was solemnized
Webster and Irene Clark for
public awareness. shooting -10 tirgiats with.. a perfect 'the bylaw"requiring an 11 o�clock in: Constance United, Church when
A startling' score, of 100; Chandler for 10 closing\fo'r podlroomsin town'and to Wilma Joan Dale of Clinton beca for. AIDS -policy for staff
example althodigh an extreme one of the H extend the'eloging for poo]iiioms to .."the bride of John Murray Scott of
devastatirll power of addiction to drive one to the edge of humanity Is. targets.Of 98 Or Over! Mrs." -WiK.
iamson, Jessie'Peais ght. VBelgrave. They will reside on the,
the recent case of an Illinois mother who offered her' 22 -month-old. Agnes Will on, 12 midni by Wilma Oke counties. The board' purchases
Dorothy Deans, Hildi -Brown and "Reeve Harry Gowdy of Howick groom's farm in East Wawanosh. The, Huron -Perth County Roman education for 740 high Ischool
w I - -Kee have
son as'payment. for $50 worth* of cocaine with hichtofeedherad en Heffernon for 10 targets with Town -ship has received .. silver Mr. and Mrs- Gordon Me
diction., Through effective programs and pt4blic. awareness campaigns ,Aile Catholic Separate School, Board,- students in Huron County and 722 in
scores of 93 or over. medal,' commemorating . the sold the Lakelet store to Mr. and concerned about 'the growing Perth County -as' the board has, only
it may be possible to reduce the terroll addiction. We'can only hope, of Dornoch. problem of AIDS will investigate one high school, St. Michael in
ll ing to. coronation of Queeir Elizabeth. Mr. Mrs. James McCormick,
this proves to., be so. McKee 2114family will
Mrs. Robert. Henderson., Leopold Gowdy has served on th council for rdr.ano'Mrs whether the board needs a policy. to Stratford.
take uptesidence i_i&&jton guide it should one of its employees "I don't think we can forget about
Street, died on Saturday and Dr... J. eight ydars.. n
McKague. I very suspicious that the Mr. and rs.. Bud Richardson'and 'NOVEMBER197i- or -a, student 'acquire, Acquired ihe Catholic students in the public
A c
n oqn. le of 0 aq n moved - to,;Kitchener from TrusteeNificent McInnes
prr%venti n - , il h s. Last year there family. system
0 rabig
A prominelit �isoli sign hat been Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
i I h�i �
inithi& rict—_ Wihgham. K ein Us 'W It 0 ' theL 'e i4ikj�jok . stand' lbeill �er. has r4 v. IX ln.,pala. "Their
dlit. ion Wi t bblopii -*hith-isp 1-thtr I S. eath a d.
-T I wee fourth,annual, 166 1 "poitris b ed tsfirsi-AM" phlloiophy-is t6iIiij-iin
f, Oe and icis,twb 1004 that this- con-; FeWl Store In u trary,to
h ' I , ti - 1" .0 , ec r
in Canada. Sponsored by 41 e ministry of.th6 Solicitor Genera Of di on w 11 ' not happen again. that city. -'of the foriber-BroWn factory,on maybe: ve should act. now rather what we would teach.."
Canada,he week iincourages.Can-adians in all walks of life to explore David Murray -has purchased Carl Procter - was elected Alfred Street. John Brent, local than react -if the situation happened, Director of EduciAtion.Xilliam
William Jackson's home on Minnie rie ident of the Be) 0 representa
crime prevention and how.they cah play iE� role in that prevention. . P' s . * grav� branch f tive tor the MdIfitee real so that cooler heads would prevail Eckert said the board has a right. to
The week has b6come a co-operative. venture with involvement Street- and will take up residence the Bible Society'. Mrs, Garner.
estAte firm, has confirmed. that thip Trustee Ben Brown of Sebringville question the ififormation''included in
from all Canadians, including provincial - govilgirnments, police, here shortly. Nicholson -is secre4ry and Mrs. C. saidiia the AIDS cuirricultim of the, public
property -has boen sold to the Ontario, said. Recently, Mr.'Brown
teachers, librarians, merchants, volunteers,. and the media. National At a meeting f the Ladies' H. Wade treasurari. In 1952, the suin � Housing CftorAtion as the site of a. teacher in'Nova Scotia learned'hia- schools. "I don't.know iq what extent
Auxiliary to the Legion, Airs. A. M. of $235, was collected in this new senior -had AIDS, resuld
Crime Prevention Week encourages the 6om,munity to recognize.the citizens' apartment Ag in a conflict their curriculum would differ from
. I Forbei'iwas.elected president. Her, mun t. buildin
-need to become involved with crime prevention I y. when parents of his students ob- ours, but we should obtain, that ini
Herbert NOV 1963 jectpd to his return 6 the cl ssroom formation as soon as possible," he
-Jim of Wingham reports a
f WingbAm it appears to teach their children. said.
The first step., of course, is to follow basic crime prevention"techni- 'Campbell and Mila. -Prink Sturdy- havin picked -two small dishes of
ques at home, at work, and -on the latreet. Joining' with local police in seeretary is Mrs. Ernie Lewis and that at least three mew faces Will .1 g Trustee John Devlifi of Stratford Bbard Chaiirman Dave Durand of
raspberries from his bushes over the
any program. s they haver in',praetice — such as Neighborhood Watch, .'treasurer Mrs. WalterVanWyck. appear on council next year as thiee past 'two weeks. Old Man Winter is* asked if the Ontario Ministry of Zurich wondered if the Ca-tholic
ral Watch,, Operation Identification, and Block Parents — is another A. R. DuValhas added a splendid members of this yeii's, group, slo* in getting nature in his grasp. Education currently hasla policeto students could.jl3ptout of the lessons
important step. Should there currently be no such programs in effect animal to his breeding -stock at the Ufonald Nasmith, Len Crawford and deal with such a situation, but Mr. covering the disease, but Mr. Devlin
DtiVal Fox Farm. The fox isa male 'Gordon Buchanan, have stated they George Kell, president of Farin Brown suggested that the board's said it. was askin
In dne's area,- pe;rhapb- iei ine the feasibility of any g a lot to expect
ring-necked platinum variety. These have no intention to- 196.4. Automatic Feedin Ltd. of Gorrie, bylaw and policy committee should young students to leave a class when
or "all of the prevention -conscious groups is a positive shift to ithe - Wingham . 1 9 - r4ppresen-
are very rare. The fox also has white welcomes Mr. and Mrs. left for South Africa as determine whether or not. the board ideas contrary to Catholic'morals
philosophy behind he Solicitor eneral's proclaim.ind of National
maiie, white face -and whitefeet. Lo�ne'Mcl]16nald who have taken titive of one of eight Ontario firms should establish a policy. ate discussed. "Most teenage kids
greater community rime prevention par busi- takin part in a trade mission to that
Cri ib PreVention Week C
At a masquerade party at Currie's over the Carmichael clothing While making plans to present the are very sensitive and would rather,
Icipa on. n n program to the sit and take it than -get up and
School, Eileei. Dark and Elda hess. They moved their bousehold� continent. Farmatic is the only firm - AIDS educatio
Atiorl Involves making the prevention Of Cgolkk won prizes for best lady an 'resented on - the mission, students in' its own schools in Huron leave."
thit'bommunity particip d effee s and children to Wingliam, rep
-relevant and viable to each and every one of its residents. Tradi- best getit. Mrs.' Joe Kerr and Jessi Wallaceburg this week. They manufacturing farm -related
critne and Perth Counties — prepared and Mr. Devlin proposed that the A -IDS
1 In -climate of mutual trust hap prevailed in rural com- Arbuckle were -the bestcoupie; Jack have pe Town, developed by the Institute. for curriculum be offered to the
11. dIly, however, 4 '-purchased the residence of products. They will visit Ca
mun and small urban municipalities, even thoug
h crime has'steadi- Taylor was best coml� and Evelyn Mrs. Q"TAe Ross on Shuter Street. Johannesburg and Kenya, Catholic Education — concern Was Catholic students taking the
igrownto be as much a reality in. theseareas as it is anywhere else. Leaver was best child. Howard Sherbondy received a 40- 'Cal Burke, a past president of the. expressed about the Catholic religious courses at night school
it can. be reduced, however, when crime prevention measures are A pleasant evening was held at -the year Lions Club charter chevron At Wingham, Kinsmen Club, received a students attending the public where a credit is offered. The only
ta . ken and, it would be wise for residents of, rural communities and Brunswick Hotel. when a banquet the 25th anniversary of the Wingham life - membership'pin from -the secndary schools in the, two religious program at'night is offered
'S at Precious Blood School- in Exeter
small urban municipalities to look into how they can assist in the and presentation were held in honor Club. Members receiving 25 -year Kinsemen, nadonial treasurer,
of W.. J. Greer, John Galbraith and chartef 'chevrons were, Harle
prevention of crime in their own neighborhood. y Wayne Boddy. for, high school students in public
Carr, mer6ants of Crawford, BW McCaw, bir. W. A.
Georgia. Writer offers high school. However,, the board
A nity involvement work is apositive outlook on WingmAn idle ':Crawford and Bob lletheri6iton. h to soon'start another class. at
W_,Afmakesi commu Edward Beard was elected
, - . 1", 6Ver 40 years, Who are 0 Is
pbift, oneself from, crime, and pooling the resources of the coyn- presideiAt.'of & Wingham brafichof', opinion n photo" opes
At.the meeting,;of council, town 0 St. Mary's in Goderich.
nistend , to,'Firank,gopper of
fathers ft the Canadian.' Cancer S666ty. . R.
M 'y local,police to prevent crime,,' 19" 1, , Trustee Michael Ryan' of Crediton
d vfta It loss
at A1, the. local curling club outline plana
Cathipeau is viee6presiiient; Miss.M.
this k 'th olicitor General of Canada is dii:t dat.,S: allbWeianpArty suggested the students who most
4 Mrs. Cecil Dear Editor.
Ink 'at Deans secretary an p oti) of Green
lalntg '01, ia werd. surprigod., which call. for. A hia* curling - ; - need the AIDS program are not
Conce the'
flflhd the philosopoy t at ver some future, afttia. Mr. . Hopp I& Miarkley-tt rer... wing . iff
h y effort and'acti.v ty make its own will,
er sai last week's issue of The taking the religious courses.
rfifb6ntilbutibn -to thb d6mmunity's fight against crime. With such_ W a.. _pig._,rAtsbiad
'the club isderested in'a, �iece of Over..20o people gathered in Advance-Tifnes, 'I find it interesting The board will start its AIDS
fivini6ont. and prdbe6ded. th niake
Pan W can 611drefit'i Aid Week t t gr6 p of
0 alleoloy-sAfe a
hdcdilg 6bbirdunities. at home 'in C. � n
hi land. to �'thb it ilif Aw. u youngsters who are grim in the -new year, but in the
south baiii: isit otfoiter idea k; rs of the (titAire" 'are ineinthhe, has appointed A com-
G. ordon Deyoll stitieti6h, C61 `�qilding at' the I e
ae porkee end of toft iiiiid jaked grouped itiound a guti. niittee �to study the program's
was l�led "and ith r custody ajauraftee, 'hii
to Wr'a' e
takei Clarke eurficulum and report on it to th
app. oa0h 0i tu Id
9, n yo
C0661led, And t t if. th Sheila
be Mrs
s6ld'at 40k time thoi;dUb4didd Wilfred paients.
'096nof the young and politically. innocent'w.hon, consider- I& RR 5, Lilcknow, tfustee
piafikotia W, RA ta ho 10h
aved'hoppoftO Of
for dumped. 1b Wiosiater, Mi. ad Mr6i. Robert
I'd ltt:�bailbld solutions Should'be a poill Of envy in the 66nit door b IU Y uy11%.�
lid 4bW 'be
titiri, but still allow -growh-iiiup tadt and n6 obdr&, hAVe 0661- slaevald tid, Ur, and AtikiliarY �tb 'the Royal
ohdirt of, te Al chner, Ard sets.
ading the Mid'M pe l
f .
Wi -hiffl-eelf 16 046t . ............
fitinuda, to 0 eft with
is the, w 0.61'h clear..
f b ia, Ic
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