The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-09-08, Page 01■ a
urnWirY Township
Council defers its decision
.until `wish list' m
Turnbe.rry Township Council has Fortune started the discussion at program participants from Tura -
deferred making a decision on last week's meeting by asking if the berry have tripled in the pest seven
granting Wingham money for a recreation committee has any yes,
recreation study until details of a specific project in mind to warrant
recreation department "wish list" the study. Mr. McBurney asked if a stuJy
have been made public. "There's nothing in the works," done now could not be obsolete in
Wingham Recreation Director replied Mr. Alexander. "It (the just a few years. "Why do a study
Rennie Alexander and Jim Dore, study) is just something we have to now if you don't have a specific
recreation committee chairman, have done." He went on to say the project in mind?"
attended the regular monthly arena Wintham has is suitable, but Town council's finance committee
meati of Turnber council last the study is needed in case the town
■ '� ry has asked for a list of projected
week. They had.,attended the first decided to expand the facility. capital expenditures from each of its
o e a constiotuency,meeting- August meeting td back
to pro the study, This matching of grants gets to
but were asked back to provide more be expensive business, if that's all departments by Sept. 18, Mr.
information. you're doing it (conducting the Alexander explained. This five-year
the e study) for," said Turnberry Reeve foremast or "wish list" is aimed at
conducting a ;30,000 recreation
■ ■ The town already is committed to Brian McBurney. He added he is ( Please turn to Page 3A)
providesdiuscussionforu m master plan study next year. A 75 concerned aboutibiliy of Brussels reeve
per cent government grant is Turnberry being "studied from
available, dropping the town's share three sides" if neighboring newest member
By Margaret Stapleton Klopp said there are provisions in we're doing (negotiating 1a deal)," asked each candidate what he would to $7,500 and its representatives had municipalities decide to proceed
The all -candidates' debate held place now under the law which retorted Mr. Peters. do to speed u bureaucratic delays hoped the three neighboring with studies of their own.
P Y Morris, East Mr. Alexander said while the other of county council
last Wednesday evening at the designate certain areas for Sunday "We must negotiate or face elf- over Wingham's sewage lagoon. municipalities,
WinghamdTown Hall provided a shopping. However, he and Mr. mination of many markets... Until I First of all, Mr. Peters said he Wawauosh and Turnberry, would municipalities may decide to Brussels Reeve Gordon Workman
forum for discussion between Peters agreed there should be a day see the final draft (of the would go above the heads of the share the cost with the town. proceed with studies, the fact is the newest member of Huron
Progressive Conservative Nico of rest set aside per week, one of the agreement) in October, I'm not (Please turn to Page 3A) Turnberry Deputy Reeve Doug remains that Wingham recreation County Council and was officially
Peters and New Democratic Party few times they saw eye to eye all going to stand in the way of welcomed by council at its regular
candidate Paul Klopp in the absence evening. negotiations," said Mr, Peters.
of Jack Riddell, Liberal candidate. On the thorny issue of govern- Mr. Rathburn followed with a September session in Goderich.
Mr. Workman succeeds former
The debate was sponsored by the ment-run automobile insurance, Mr, question on the extravagence of reeve Hank TenPas who has
Wingham Business Association and Klopp's comparison of premiums in campaign spending promises: "Why resigned for reasons of health. Mr.
was chaired by its president, Elmer Ontario versus Manitoba, where do politicians spend 40 days making Workman, a member of Brussels
Squires. A panel consisting of Brian there is state-run insurance, was billions of dollars of promises?" Council, moved up to the reeve's
Allen and Ric Rathburn from challenged by Mr. Peters, who said As a fiscal conservative, Mr. chair following the resignation.
CKNX, Bob Murphy from The variables in the two provinces make Peters said he has a problem with In addition to his regular. seat on
Advance -Times and businessman it impossible to compare rates. wild pre-election spending promises. county council, Mr. Workman will
Jack Hodgins directed questions at Mr. Peters went on to say the "Do !s that mean you're not A.' assume Mr. TenPas'-position on
the two candidates. Approximately province does not have to go to the Jcouncil's committee of management
90 interested citizens were in at- extreme of state-run insurance,R, , for Huronview.
tendance. suggesting the market place should. ,.. d, Mr. TenPas also attended the
Early . in the debate, Mr. Squires set the rates. 4 September session to bid farewell to
} , his county council colleagues.
Mr. Murphy's question on free
trade evoked the most emotional`"
response from the two candidates as4� d ` Fred McGee
each was quick to espouse his I declared new
Mr. Klopp made it clear the NDP' ' board chairman
does not support the current
Canada -U.S. free trade talks. He k rwi w Fred McGee was declared chair -
claimed it is a ploy by .the large, man of the Wingham Board of Police
multi -national mpanies to gain .y Commissioners at the board's first
access to the Canadian market,,: �r x Y meeting following the summer
allowing them to "come and go as _ recess. Mr. McGee succeeds Jack
Gillespie who retired from the board
They please" JACK RIDDELL at the June meeting. -
He also compared the reported 300 running .for the PCs anymore?" Also at the September meeting,
P g
£'e countered Mr. Klopp, who said Holly Keil was declared vice-
Conservative Leader Larry s chairman.
NICO PETERS Grossman has made just as many `'' Although the secretary, Byron
said Mr. Riddell was unable to at campaign promises as the other two Adams, presented prepared oaths of
tend because of prior commitments. leaders. ZW
V,3' office for the appointed members of
Although a hand-out from the I would hate to ever put a, cost on ss A the board — Mr. McGee and Mrs.
an NDP election shopping list,"shot s x s Keil — it was decided to defer the
,,1 �?�
Liberal candidate was distributed back Mr. Peters. oath -taking until the provincial
before the debate began, Mr. Peters „ �' y vernment has announced the third
attacked the agriculture minister's' . �' go
�� When asked° by Mr. Hodgins for � �' �`• appointment to the board. Wingham
decision not to attend,. stressing he the NDP stand on bilingualism, Mr. OLD MRIENDS MEET — Simon Hallahan, former reeve of East Wawanosh Township, met recently with his Mayor Jack Kopas and Deputy
would have broken any engagement Klopp said he feels extension of old friend Eugene Whelan, former federal minister of agriculture. Mr. Whelan was the guest speaker at a re- Reeve Bill Harris are town council's
in order to participate. 6<� Francophone rights in the province is cent meeting at Holmes ville discussing the effects of free trade on supply -managed commodities. ' ' representatives on the board.
In his opening statement, Mr. good. "This party isn't trying to ram
Peters expressed his commitment to French, or anything else, down 'ha
the future of Huron County and his anybody's throat."
strong desire to attract new in- However,is Peters said official a a n c roes
dustry, as well as protect existing bilingualism is "unnecessary and
industry. PAUL KLOPP thoroughly expensive". Extension of
Mr. Klopp's opening statement protectionist bills before the U.S. French services where they are not
also centred around the importance Congress as similar to private warranted amounts to bending over free
of small business and the farm members' bills in our House of backwards tobenefit'afewpeople.O'trade,deal'now,
economy to Huron. He called for the Commons, pieces of legislation "You (the PC Party) are trying to
"positive changes" which will en- which seldom make it out of com- scare people with gibberish," said
sure a bright future for the county. mittee. Mr. Klopp, who added that he
Mr. Allen led off the question "The fact that there are so many wished he could speak five By Margaret Stapleton The former agriculture minister especially those in supply harked back to a time when it was
period by asking the two men their protectionist bills in Congress is the languages. Canada's former agriculture said he cannot believe Canadian management, whose very system not uncommon to see a chicken barn
views on Sunday shopping. Mr. best reason for us to keelp doing,what On a local topic, Mr. Murphy minister, Eugene Whelan, has farmers are standing by throughout would disappear under a free trade left empty or destroyed. Now the
ICED TEA STAND — Three enterprising young ladles, Pamela and Gbe Tesserls and Usa Linaradatos, had
an iced tea stand just off the main street recently, their last chance to make some mohey before heading
back to school.
berated supply -management far- the negotiations and saying nothing. agreement, Mr. Whelan predicted. feather industry thrives in Canada,
mers for being docile in not speaking
"When I was minister, the least little
He asked those present to consider
he said and poultry producers have
out against a free trade deal before
thing I did, you were there."
American agri-business, much of
not received a penny in subsidy
it is too late.
And what does Mr. Whelan think
which is located in the southern
since 1972.
Mr. Whelan brought his homespun
of Canada's free -trade negotiator?
states due to cheap labor and energy
Mr. Whelan added that Canadian
brand of humor to a meeting
"I wouldn't trust Simon Reisman as
costs. "Do you think you can com-
dairy herds are the most disease -
sponsored by the Huron -Perth
far as I could throw a 1,400 -pound
pete with that?" he asked.
free in the world and the quality of
Supply Managed Commodities
steer by the tail."
Today, supply -management
our dairy products is second to none.
Committee last Thursday night in
Farmers in this country have
farmers are more efficient than any
He defended the supply-
Holmesville and attended by over
every reason to be concerned,
other sector, said Mr. Whelan. He
management system when com-
400 people. However, while Mr.pared
Whelan had his audience in stitches
County council endorses
to the current situation in the
United States, where crops and
several times, he delivered a strong
staples such as butter sit in
message: supply management couldwarehouses
because of over -
never survive in a comprehensive
own o Wingham motion
production, something Mr. Whelan
free trade deal with the United
called a waste of a commodity.
A Town of Wingham resolution
contribution to postal services to be .
But what can be done to halt a deal
"If free trade becomes a reality,
calling for legislation allowing
provided by private industry and
which could harm Canadian far -
we might as well turn Canada into a
greater private industry par-
institutions as it has been aptly
mers? Mr. Whelan said a letter -
big national park for the Americans
ticipation in providing postal ser-
demonstrated that no longer should
writing campaign to Mr. Reisman,
to play in," claimed Mr. Whelan,
vices has received the support of
the citizens of Canada be held at
Prime Minister Brian Mulroney,
who says he believes this country
Huron County Council.
ransom by the irresponsible postal
Agriculture Minister John Wise,
will turn into a dumping ground for
Council endorsed the resolution at
unions and by the management of
Trade Minister Pat Carney and the
U.S. surpluses under free trade.
its regular September session on the
Canada Post who have difficulty
local member of parliament would
"I dealt with these people ( the
recommendation of its management
managing the mail with or without a
be a good start.
Americans) for 12 years (as
minister of agriculture), I know
The Wingham resolution calls for
Wingham Town Council passed
"This is your system, you fought
for it," concluded Mr. Whelan.
their philosophy," he continued.
the federal minister in charge of
the resolution at a regular meeting
"Canadian producers know what
"All they want to do is export their
Canada Post to consider legislation
earlier this summer and has
Canada is all about."
chaos, their mismanagement."
which would allow ' a greater
distributed it for support
pPort to the
councils of all municipalities within
Huron County. According to a
Earlier in the meeting Ontario
number of press reports, the
Agriculture Minister Jack Riddell
County directory out Page 3A
resolution has generated mixed
echoed Mr. Whelan's concerns about
Belmore sod -turning Page 4A
reaction as it appeared on the
a free trade deal. The ongoing free
Ironmen tryouts
agenda of the local councils, with
trade talks are the domin..nt issue of
begin Page 2B
some heartily endorsing the
the election campaign among far
document while others simply
mers, said Mr. Riddell, particularly
Brother, sister
"filed" it.
(Please turn to Page 3A)
win trophy Page 2B
Midget girls
Police disappearance
end season ... Page 3B
Longtime penpals
Page 88
of Mount Forest woman
Inside Crossroads
Mount Forest OPP are imestigat-
for her," police said.
Heart to Heart
Ing the disappearance of a 36 -year-
Mrs. Somers was `driving a white
program Page 4A
old woman from Bentinck Township,
1979 Mustang with licence TV4 M.
Backyard gardener Page 5A
east of Hanover.
Anyone who may have seen her or
Show Biz Page 48
Darlene Somirs was last seen by
her cfkr is asked to call Mount Forest
Bill Bramah . Page 8B
her family as she left her home at
OPP at 323-3130.
Complete sports
noon on Tuesday, Sept. 1. She told
"Foul play is not a consideration
listings Page 188
relatives she was going to Walkerton
at this point," said Constable
but did not say exactly where.
Charles Potts. "She is just gone..'
Mrs. Somers moved to this area a
She did not return and her family
year ago and, until recently, had a
said this was "very out of character
job in Hanover.