The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-07-14, Page 01a
.Request for -pu
on. ho unti'l,councluls m
The passing of a bylaw authorizing However, it appears that following Golden Rule courtesy of discussing Although Councillor James
an application to initiate boundary publicity of the town's intention to this important subject at one of our McGregor agreed with this ap-
negotiation procedures has been put proceed and specifically, comments future meetings.," proach, he felt, however, more
on hold by Wingham Town Council made by Mayor Jack Kopas ' Relating to the town's request for would be gained from a smaller
pending an anticipated meeting with .. following an address to the June an informal meeting, Mr. McBer- meeting of representatives from
the council of Turnberry Township. meeting of the Wingham Business ney's letter suggested the wording of each township rather than the two
The bylaw was included among Association, that Turnberry is now that request led, his council to complete councils.
the items of business on the agenda open to discussion at least. believe annexation would not be a In view of Turnberry's apparent
of town council's regular July In a letter read to Wingham priority issue at such a meeting. It change of heart, Dr. McGregor said
meeting. If passed, it would have council at the July meeting, Reeve was, however, in reply to the May 21 that now might not be the time to
authorized an application to Ontario Brian McBurney said he hoped request from Wingham that Turn- formalize the issue of annexation by
Municipal Affaits Minister Bernard Wingham would "show us the berry declined a meeting and requesting a fact finding inquiry. He
Grandmaitre to initiate procedures strongly voiced its opposition to any said he did not want to "back Turn -
under the Municipal Boundary annexation proposal. berry into a corner" and spoke
Negotiations Act "with respect to �; i``However, Turnberry Council strongly for maintaining an in -
the annexation of certain lands by feels that this annexation idea formal approach.
the Town of Wingham from the should be discussed at the full A difference of opinion was ex
Township of Turnberry and any council level and not at an informal pressed by Mr. Kopas who said he
other matters pertaining thereto." meeting at a home," Mr. McBur- felt that passing the bylaw would not
Faced with ,the problem of having ney's June 25 letter states. He adds be premature in light of Turnberry's
almost no land available within its "I that it would be a courtesy if latest position. He felt instead that
own boundaries for industrial land Wingham council approached the two complimented each other.
development, Wingham has been` Turnberry at a meeting "instead of "We are dealing with a neighbor,"
considering annexation as a us hearing you (Mr. Kopas) make an Dr. McGregor differed. "Let's not
solution. Since three of the town's announcement on the radio." drag them kicWrig and screaming
four boundaries are with Turnberry During discussion on Mr. into that meeting (by passing the
Township, that municipality became McBurney's letter, Wingham bylaw)." Turnberry knows, he said,,
the likely candidate and town Deputy Reeve Bill Harris asked why "that we mean husiness now, so let's
council approached Turnberry an issue as important as annexation (Please turn to Page 2)
Township a few months ago to "is discussed on the radio before it
request an informal meeting at "` even comes to council". He directed Fire vehicles
which one of the topics of discussion k criticism at members of council for
would be annexation. Fk having "verbal diarrhea so bad that are insured when
Turnberry council, however, v things are out on the street the next out of jurisdiction
strongly declined the meeting and morning after a council meeting
clearly stated that it wanted nothing GRADUATES — Donna Jean before the parties concerned have The Wingham and Area Fire De -
at all to do with annexation nor anyeven received an official letter partment vehicles leaving the juris-
discussion on such an issue. Higgins "of RR 5, Brussels, telling them what it's all about".
graduated June 27 from the den- diction are insured the same as if
At this point, Wingham council tal assistant program of Georgian In reply' Mr. Kopas read his May they remain within the . Wingham
started to prepare its bylaw which 21 letter to Turnberry council asking boundaries, announced Bron
ultimatelywould have drawn College, Orillla. She !s the dough- for the informal meeting and also y
ter of Ross and Wilma HIg?,�Ins Adams, secretary; the Wingham
Turnberry — willingly or not — into read the reply from Turnberry. The Area Fire Board at its meetinglast
any boundary negotiations between and Is employed at the Trillium letter from Mr. McBurney, Mr. Wednesday.
the two municipalities. , Dental Clinic in Waterloo. Kopas said, pertained to a portion of
But according to one board mem-
an interview following the mayor's
address to the business association. bur, if vehicles, are serving a fire
outside the area and a fire occurs
Town to request master The bylaw authorizing application within the fire department's juris-
to the ministry of municipal affairs diction without being served, the
plan study for recreation would set the formal process of owner -victim may have the oppor-
boundary negotiation into, effect, he tunity to file a claim against the
Wingham will proceed with a McGregor, committee chairman, is said. The first step in that procedure department, although chance of
recreational master plan feasibility to proceed with the study. is a fact finding inquiry.
study as the result of a resolution Councillor Ron Beecroft, council's Mr. Kopas also said he had no success
lbylaw s very 1 says the Wingham
passed by town council at its regular rrepresentative on the recreation choice but to take the remarks of and Area Fire Department can enter
July meeting. committee, pointed out that the Mr. Harris personally, and went on
major portion of the study's costs to defend his position. The May 21 man agreement with any depart -
At its June meeting, council was ment in the mutual aid board," says
will be covered by provincial letter was written by him on behalf Fire Chief Harley Gaunt.
put' on notice that a motion government grants., of council's finance and
recommending the study would be Apparently departments on the
introduced at the next regular In addition, Mr. Beecroft said the management committee, he said. mutual aid board will serve fires
meeting. recreation board, at its last meeting, He also pointed out that Turnberry outside their jurisdictions, when
was of the opinion that proceeds had replied to this letter with its
The proposal also was referred to from Sportsfest '88 — to be hosted by resolution — stating opposition to required, without billing the depart -
the finance and management Wingham next year — would likely annexation — before his interview ment responsible.
committee for its consideration cover the town's share of the cost. on the night of the WBA address. According to Mr. Gaunt, an agree -
prior to making a recommendation Estimated cost of the study is Councillor Ron Beecroft suggested ment has been made with Lucknow,
on the issue to council at the July from $25,000 to $35,000, for which the that instead of passing the bylaw, however, fire board members would
meeting. Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Wingham should request the feel more comfortable if agreements
That recommendation, as Recreation will provide a 75 per cent meeting as suggested in Mr. were reached with Listowel and
presented by Councillor James grant. McBurney's letter. Teeswater departments.
TRACK MEDAL WINNERS — Above are members of the Wingham left: Mary Lisle, June Lisle, Travlt Safer, Nell Mowbray, Carolyn P&O
OPt#ftt Track and Field Club who won medals during the recent On- and Stacey Worth. Absent M Peter Shaw.
tart Minor Track And Field Champlonships at Oshawa. They are, from
Engineer says no term
w r needs studybenefit to se e
An engineer's recommendation
that no action be taken with respect
to the Ontario Environment Mini-
stry's Rehabilitation Needs Study
program has been accepted by
Wingham Town Council.
At its July meeting council ac-
cepted the recommendation of Steve
Burns, of B. M. Ross and Associates,
Goderich, to take no action on the
program, at least until after the
ministry's current studies are
HENRY M. HESS, former editor
of The Advance, -Times has
graduated with a Master of Arts
degree from the Graduate School
of Journalism, University of
Western Ontario. Mr. Hess re-
ceived the J. B. McGeachy Gold
Medal in Journalism for the high-
est overall standing In the M.A.
program, ' the C. Edward Wilson
Silver Medal for media research;
and the Financial Times Prize for
business reporting. He has been
offered a fellowship to attend a
ten -week newspaper manage-
ment program this September at
the Poynter Institute for media
studies, St. Petersburg, Florida.
He is currently employed by the
Globe and Mail in Toronto. At pre-
sent, Mr. Hess, his wife, Linda
and their two daughters reside in
ET I =I-. 91 ! 0 1
complete and a ruling has been
Such a study, the engineer said,
handed down on the town's request
would receive a 63.5 per cent MOE
for a direct grant for the upgrading
subsidy and would:
of its sewage treatment system.
–Create detailed inventory of the
In a letter to council, Mr. Burns
sanitary sewer collection system
offered the opinion that there would
--Prepare and record the in -
be no long term benefit to un-
formation in a manner allowing the
dertaking a needs study. At this
creation of a computer oriented data
time, he states, there appears to be
more advantage to Wingham's
–Conduct a survey of the system
pursuing the direct grant program
including smoke testing, television
to fund the necessary expansions
inspections, controlled flooding and
and improvements to the system.
other such tests in order to establish
In April, town council had
the system's physical condition.
requested an opinion from its en-
--Review existing procedures for
gineering consultants on the MOE's
maintenance, budgets and bylaws.
recently announced program to
However, in respect to this
subsidize rehabilitation needs
program and its application in
(Please turn to Page 2)
Wingham is host community
for next year's
The Lake Huron Zone
being advised by Mr. Beecroft that
Recreationists' Association has
Recreation Director Rennie
awarded Wingham the right to host
Alexander had been largely
Sportsfest '88, town council learned
responsible for the origin of both the
at its regular July meeting.
two-day training session and the
During his report presented at the
volunteer executive workshop,
meeting, Councillor Ron Beecroft,
suggested that council make public
council's representative on the
acknowledgement of this achieve -
recreation board, said the event is
planned for the third weekend in
I"We have been quick to criticize
August of next year.
this man in the past, so I suggest
The event is a major undertaking,
council acknowledge Mr. Alexan-
Mr. Beecroft reported, with close to
der's initiative in organizing and
3,000 participants in the various
promoting these programs," he
events and the organizing com-
mittee will be seeking assistance
from the entire community.
S1/CA executive
Also during his report, recreation
Beecroft said the
meets Thursday
department's summer programs
at headquarters
have been well received with, ap.
of three paid meetings a month.
proximately 700 people making use
A discussion on the structure of its
of the aquatic and playground
advisory boards will be among the,
items of business on the agenda of
A two-day training session for
the Saugeen Valley Conservation
playground leaders was sponsored
Authority's executive committee
by the department, Mr. Beecroft
meeting this Thursday, July 16.
said. More than 120 participants
Other discussions likely to take
from communities such as
place during the meeting will focus
Goderich, Hanover, Walkerton,
on the SVCA's per diem payment
Chesley, Wiarton, Lion's Head and
policy and the possibility of a
others attended the sessions at F. E.
professional development workshop.
Madill Secondary School.
Reports of the chairman, secre-
Mr. Beecroft also told council that
tary-treasurer, general manager,
all of the speakers have been
and the land management advisory
confirmed for a volunteer executive
board also will be presented at the
workshop to be held Saturday, Sept.
19, with an anticipated registration
Starting at 7 p.m., the meeting will
of 150 for the event.
be held at the SVCA headquarters at
Councillor James McGregor; after
problem with
manpower, tire,:,Doara told
Several years ago t e Wingham
trouble is that everybody wants
Area Fire Board experienced
their holidays in July and August."
problems with the lack of available '
When the problem occurred
manpower on certain weekends in
several years -ago, nine members of
the summer, and the situation has
the department were paid $35 per
arisen again.
long weekend as an "on-call" fee.
"When the children are in school,
Payments for fire calls were added
there's no problem," says Wingham
to the fee. The situation rectified
Fire Chief Harley Gaunt. "The
itself and the payments were
Council wants legislation
for private postal delivery
Wingham Town Council wants the
addition to seeking the support of
Minister responsible for Canada
neighboring county councils.
Post, Harve Andre, to consider
The text of the motion reads:
legislation which would allow a
"It is respectfully hoped that the
greater contribution to postal ser-
Minister in charge of Canada Post
vice by private industry and in- .
will now consider legislation allow-
ing a greater contribution to postal
At its regular July meeting, coon-
services to be provided by private
cil endorsed a resolution submitted
industry and institutions as it has
by Councillor James McGregor,
'been aptly demonstrated that no
finance and management com-
longer should the citizens of Canada
mittee chairman, which asks for
be held at ransom by the
more private involvement in the dis-
irresponsible postal unions and by
tribution of mail ip Canada.
the management of Canada Post
Council also directed Clerk -Tree-
who have difficulty managing the
surer Byron Adams to send copies of
mail, with or without a postal
the resolution to the councils of other
municipalities within the county,
asking for their support.
Huron County Council also will be
asked to endorse the resolution in
Same honoraria,
but meeting limit
no longer exists
Although the meeting allowance
for attendance at committee
meetings will not change, members
of Wingham Town Council will no
longer be restricted to a maximum
of three paid meetings a month.
At its July meeting, council ap-
proved a finance and management
committee recommendation which
set the allowance for attendance at
regular monthly committee
meetings at $27.50, which is no
change from the existing policy on
council honoraria. Members
representing town council on
boards, committees or other bodies
where no honorarium is provided
also will receive $27.80.
However, by accepting the finance
KIM CRAIG, daughter of Mr. and
and management committee
Mrs. Bodie Craig, RR 2, Blyth,
recommendation, council has
graduated June 8 from the Facul-
removed the restriction limiting the
ty of Education, Unlverslty of
number of such meettnas for which
Western Ontario. She received a
members of council would be paid to
Bachelor of Education degree
three per month.
and was on the Doan's Honor
As the result of this resolution,
List. Miss Craig has accepted a
dwe is now no monthly limit on
position at Mitchell District High
sueh meetings.
There is no budget allowance for
payment of an availability fee,
however, ,board members agreed
that six men in both the Wingham
and Gorrie fire departments be paid
$40 to remain available during the
Aug. 1 and Labour Day weekends.
As of last month, three men have
resigned from the Wingham, Fire
Department. Mr. Gaunt told board
members that the men all said they
haven't the time to make a proper
commitment to the department. As
a result, fire-fighter positions are
available. Finding manpower,
however, may be a problem.
"We have plenty of men available
after 5 or 6 p.m.," says Deputy Chief
Lynn Hickey. "Part of the problem
is that some employers will not
allow their employees to leave work
during the day. I can understand
their point of view."
Board members say they may
look into the possibility of increasing
the boundaries from which to draw
fire-fighters, and plan to make the
public aware of their situation.'
They have hired one fire fighter.
Karen Knight is the first woman to
be hired as a fire fighter for the
Wingham and Area Fire Depart-
Sign is going up
to identify site
of SAAN outlet
A sign is to be erected soon to
identify the site of a proposed new
retail outlet in the town, Wingham
Town Council was told at its regular
July meeting.
Mayor Jack Kopas told council he
had received a telephone call from a
representative of the Winnipeg -
based SAAN department store chain
who advised him the sign would soon
be in place.
Mr. Kopas said the representative
also asked if council would give con-
sideration to upgrading a muni-
cipally -owned property directly
across Josephine Street from the
site of the new outlet in order to
accommodate parking for the
store's customers.
The representative realized, Mr.
Kopas said, that the town is not
prepared to pave the property, but is
willing to apply a proper gravel base
and to provide signs designating the
property for public parking.
"From the way he spoke, he gave
me the impression that a grand
opening will be held sometime this
year," Mr. Kopas said.