The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-06-09, Page 074 A Th 17QUIDE,� WingUln Advance -Times 411ine 19 rpfi� 0F # �J" V TWA ii* "'110 ON* i A like" W."Wow wqw P .4* a .7, Magi M C'm .......... C_V im ........... T 1W. J W` -0 teRva '$a .p V rt! red to ds for Area*., Ur 66n sale Saturday, '11it: Igi 'A `,aii Parish in Wingh.aWj Pri*e Wvn alt awc J an. con r t S & 'Peso for pick up notify Wayne andi iffts, of' f9 A D ."o Gqar. in the church basement or if 0 *09� pt o p,,,, T_ ''if n floral c t b .ne IScomoncing at 11 o'clock -6n 0.0. neighbors. for ex p ibiip,. -d jo Of., campus. Articles atty the 'c ur h could. . - �4 -, _ � lObtr v Sbirloyand a. am ',at 367 ft'ifiIk6ing staff at, the I, et It .,grandmgt t VON .9 tl* loss of a', dear Also, -1558 or Jerry HOW _U Wil ei an h4i A M010lynn at 357-3777. As well there 4 4 =N we! Hospital' the r-ty 10" Sret,gr# dm er'� Sp -and lan C lety. -table, lunch booth and '-c wp will be a bake S ion ecial.tbanim theCan4di . an0er,S= aturdoy W Dr. 'Peter'Lobg staf be a -.he Thursidayi �0,ommufiity--C Jack Mor godhimijy, tw y:. 4ovelty,table for'odds and ends 07 9 ad Vistrict Hospital, The all June 18 60 ie sons start., Pim... s ily. B st j, -f Let's see a good. turn out. with p Tllo to ca the Callandiarl We would. like at -this time.to ex - ring of -unusual items and ort the July*6. ; - fet lunch,00W M g Yeur supp 0sic'by Gord on or- Hom press our w who al, aWtion,sa][64 P.S. If any further in- were . oaysso sincere, thanks to h6' ite-up kind .and holpW. To Rev. John 4j0_ metwith W on the occ formation regarding 'the will aslop, of our RR I' OIL r ANNIVERI The I uroo. CQWt slatvww- S&ii 3ar and Max Watts, Fiallbear- 50th wedding a-kiniveriar' OU_ call Mrs'. Eileen McGlynn at 357-18M "y Healib Unit in_ owers y . OR 'Will be hi ors andi,86wer earers'''W6 fter 4 p.m. �ogttend:tji�'Child Heal* pay Clif 6rd,' .0 t White6urch also for all gifts,, United.C40 thank�youi,for your bel nd t=s t .he 6 d4t.. the"Ntirseqf Tra and phone calls, NOG 7 .. .. u cial .262,9 CliOiC h I , q py a Sod aery'se ining Alice Cenfi-% - Caiher e W le arman a.m. alfid' 8 eSt a during. this time. wi§h,,,Ao family, Betty, Wlinjl�ham, on er is thanks to Our ANNUAL AkEETING Wednesday, June 17, from 9.4,W1A:.30_ Rev. Lloyd Guo The convey, our.. deepest appreciation to. and Marie, Dorothy, Joyce and'V11c, "New W` gor the Wifigham and District As- attino, for health surveil)$ ladies of nox Presbyterian and grandchildre� Thanks also bee, an4e- %6:lovily lunch served Rick for suppling the MUSiC. YOULall s6ciation for the MentiMy Retarded will provide music in the evening. Church for mia screeiihij;.immitinit4tion, bear, une at the arteir �hq service. Eve onels ma4e our day one we will always Monday, J .15 at 7:30. p,m. ing'screemi ry 40TH ANN IVE4t Wifigbam� Armouries. Guest speaker Adult. iminji"tio, . jiill also be J4 11 -.- ,S a, AR thoughtfulness will long- be. rememr- member. of- 'y "`�ily bered by Arnold and Velma Vint Don and I #r . Widl an Sue jon�s;. presenting a report of the feied at, this cl, a" Oliver Stewart, Isabel,, '0W lig-AP11i0er- aill Jim, Jean; Jack; W weddi ; ' . -nd Association's recent,planning day. would be pleased if you could join us Everyone welcome. 'to e would like our siness 90ebr to express 26-2.9 At Sit— sary on June., 12..at the Win Roy,,Grace, Ray, CIW thm onp, itaff and Men PauPs. Anglicai %Ouroh *9 to a p tr -from StIl Legion from 9 a m.:to 1. la.m. ssinal'Det6btory. 4. Beforl'theit social understanding iiid. - BUCK AND DOE Wingham, Tues and our. families 'for., expressions f sympathy during daJune 16. wishestonly. I would like to expriess my ftIft JW Illness and 'passing -of, our 'M MOO For'Sherty Robertson.and Charles Young, Saturday, June 13, Bluevale, IN !i RIAM.. OPEN HOUSE to, my relatives,, neighbors and m0ther* Coihmunity Hall; dancing from 9 jkh Dr. L. A. CdQey, B.'Sc.,. D.. I E P.M. to I a.m. Lunch provided. In honor:,of BIB, Henderson's WILSON—In loving "In' ry of a -friendi forthe lovely flowers, gifts Ted, I* and Jim Mor&j.,. CarP Homuth, 0. D. emo Dr. Stewart Anders D C on, 'and many visits Freceived while -in Mrs. H. V birthday. at. Wingham. SaIiAtion dear husbihd'afid f0ther, Rob 101a Ho. uth, 0. D. 2,9 ert J. M. Army WoWnstaiis)Juzie-14,24 ilson, who' passed "away in Sunny- the Wingliati hospital and. St. Jo- We -would like ti P.M. ago o'express our ni- ROAST.BEEF Best wishes only,,, brook Hospital two years 'June se0h1s Apspital 4n London., My cere' thanks to ll our relatives, Chlropractor Noon luncheon at St.' Stephen's 12,1985. special thanks to.Dr. ejear, Dr. friends and neighbors for 0 to metrists Jose their ex;- P phine St., Church., Gorrie on Thursdity, June,18 LANGSH)E REUNION, A smile for all, a heart of gold, drangek,. all ilh6niirses.and staff and- presiions ot sympathy, eardi gad - Wingham. . Harriston, Ontario' atll.:45a.m.to?. Plan to attend a 1ingside. Reunl6n One of the best this world could hold. Rev- Kii ' ock-ffir visiting me in Lou. floral, tributes; Your kindness ind' Py. Appointment 338-27-12 at I p.m. on Saiurda�, Never selfish, always kind, don, for their concern and gu*ort., thoughtfulness will never be forgot - 2,91 August 22 at 3574224- Wingham Armouries. -Anyone inter- What wonderful memories again. ten.,.' you left ThMkB COMMUNITY SHOWER ested in Langsidels wolcome. Brin behind. AliciiHorton Gent, andSheila Kr6e 9 'Will, be held for Joanne Wood on a III for; l p.m. Dishes Yourem picnic ne pty place no one can fill, We miss you.nq'w and always wifl. Saturday, June 20 at 2 p.mAn St. An- and cutlery provided. drew's Presbyterian Church, Winj- Just a thought so very true, ham. Contact 357-3809 or 357-110 SUNDAY SCHOOL From those who thought the worl of .9.16, ANNIVERSARY YOU.' United, Church Su d vIngl DANCE Belgrave Lo i. y remembered and sadly School anniversary n sy -'missed by wife Verna and his chW, To Gordon's olde Tyme and chicken bar - Music an dren, grandph ldren!,and great-� Thursday,'- June 18 beCUe Sunday, June 14 at 11:45 A.m'. from 8:30 to, Special guests are Rev. Allan and grandsons.. :30. -,p.m., -at �the Wingliam., Mrs. Grose, and'faxiilly from Strit- Armouries. -Free-will donation. ford. HASTINGS-ill-Rops, who passed Everyone welcome. Ladles'plehse away June 19,1986. brin We think of you often, PLETCH -As-kes Bros.. g sandwiche& Sponsored by Get-Ou9t '��ttq -on. Y, Ink a 41, Xingham"appTif -L C UP, E qdrthoh;�Ov # i aiie4ittitis-Wit ".. . " I-, th:4 sii6 �j # l, ik couple. odi Toishow': "Us IPTI' Motor Rewinding and Complete PlU 1h.g. *`.Heati �E trA, $& 0.6 ep please dS' WEbDIN03 REC ON al Con�itruction Goner -An envelope recepUlon -will be hold - bring lunih. You are not gone, -Motor Sao mb h es Exhaust Fans and Pontrols WO know tha now lrl6ie - on FridayiJune '19,'9 O.mll I a.m. heet Motal', FarM' work-wornbinids, 357-143 MUNITY Your Profts *Air, Commercial MI$CELLANEOUSCOM -S a., n9ham Conditionin at the Whigham Ugion,,,toelebratm Your fhrr6*od lendy.Fu B �SHOWJER brow Hioh� Effic rr . taces. d2e marriage of Joanne.. (Cotiltes) ani Montr Chapman whiii* took For Darlene barlow, 14,the basement iiose�jinij gey6a' d' - of the Bluevale'U;tited Church on That told�6s how Place in -Vid.tbria, B.C. on March 28. 35.7-3053 Via. couple *ill be returning WB.�. June 15 at 8 p. M. -Everyone,wel-' Tojwaid,I6 ftj�fi of Morray come ouremianwith US an In different ways a lo 14k ANNUAL MEETI[NG gh your children SINGLE&DANCE Help W06/7',you 04victorian inour "ELLIOTT Wingham and Area Centre for the Satur6y une 13 h A ROGER PLUMB. J at t 6 kuld th6bll, rY 1U ,16 P Paindnik A Homebound, Monday, June 15, 1:30 Inn, Stratford. Dancin& 9 pm. -1 hearts a4d'our prayers neWl fast! 101 p.m. at t4Ie*inghiim Armouries. a.ni, to Thell Country ersatile S'. Youlivemith as forever. becorating, -4-i6v:14y remembered and sadly 4000100000M "Quifity and Service" 'missed by his, mot rg , h and rop AES11004TIAL..'C MMORCIAL ek Ma aret, .0 AUCTION SALE wife-Me4in and family. -AWERIOR &EXTERIOR Comm, eicial are,' 'Co K $PR,�Y1140 of antiques, furn1ture,.*glassW wilf-be held for-" JA -Interior 357r Free,-Estimat 'loving memoryi of a .1544' r Exterior' dear father aid SrAndflatlier, Jam Box 394, �Tesswater Wallovering, M rs. Mr, WALSH—In WALKER, sq. Gardine Goderich. [Ucknow Arena: 357-1209.: T. Walsh, who 0assed A*Ay'eight cnstruclihn. Friday, June- 11 yearsag6june 14, 1";,, ' ,, . I . I Box 1104, w1l"Ohani WINGHAM at 6:36P.M. HWY. 4 outh of Wingham n Ly n, Krgehler couch, love seat; antique dining room suite; antique china, Thosp *6 love don't go away cabinet; hutch & buffets; 2 sewing machines, I typewriter; radios; They . walk beside ii every day, W near, 0 HOU60s T.V."a; vacuum lcleanef.;, wicker ba t;, coffee tables;, sh6ivl Unseen, ofilIleard, but alliais dressers; night table; utility table; clothes horses; Stools; Qh(ld's Still loved, still mi d. an 0 Farm.g. ildinds'. S� sale very U ure fr ame rrow;, dhild's e waterbeds? ad 917J�AT P. ho 6.19i,357-34351 rocker,, electric. fan', tbys,; pict Jer. n Sedes & Service ro a. Ke i S; w Ron Hwy..86 East of Wingham 0,,,L re, ce, r;, lnlsc. tool heel ba —L�viiioy rt�membe 0"$ ir()ckpr;. tires; hedge trlmme i, queen sht red by, his PON ARLP bik - 1. 6'! bike; 3 family, 4000%, s le, water beds; I y"s 26" Wke 0" lea., �11 ater bods; laundry t b defieto tip go" 4. b4U, t, OM 'a WJ Truck Wdg NW vor ing y old)! foam '0 e, -antique bed'& 0 -0-0 4 _.ATUR "d L k" uQ n _FA 'C t 0 t r r bik r ot .S; lat QFM VOqKlng qu r o'. Mq vie peoje record, play 9MV, gn .9 11RUP C F Jeo 001 4 RVIcE A'RAM4TY SE 'V A; atl, ALLAN jig 'A 10, 1. A V, paw .7 D, A T1 t 00 0 7 D, 'A' U`b 3 For AV # T, TR"MMM 11.,,77 -7 All .... ...... �'A 9 'M MWA "rW NOW i�,;I V p AW j e. 777`�� 2.1 7-71 77 7: 7 77777,r-; 77 77 77 , 7`1 77 7 -7� 77 77