The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-05-19, Page 08T it.
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bq-r*p -d
a[by hi 'Sing b,2196R.Also p�qjii; 4n k -as, Ross, A
womn� *40n46 Society of the'
re '066. e Davis. Me ec#ase,d' imoti 1, 69M.Yor,
(FU104 dear father. 0,
William Wilson and two sisters Mra A, ir4xi menti D4 -is survived by two, so
W-4. Doi
(flea 0
rice 'Travis, Mrs.' Pe 'lie h William, too On m
Bruce bi on
t4ei) We of L d Peter an 'his, wife Ma of
and d r tast Friday
r aw Stratford, Mrp, Rgnd y 14o
lager. Sbe"is surviviiedby' several ahil l§ernard of
and Andy of he, tixl
Wini m So ..seiuqK ans' group
a & slit, 17,
r car.0p
11gvers of
gto 6tt
doe # W gh Jean Anne),' Kerr
16 -00ker two 49 *0� the. high
Kevin Ortleibi ofl Win m, -Grain. P9 ad Mrs. Bob (Barb gh
CHIESS CH -N$ Jeremy McG/jrnn and j. Listdw Mrs.'W
cif third in a re'-' �McKoe Davidacki, the hi
sen�p at Sacred Heart School in WirlglpaM, rrie, a
ad t
er' of,
��D ig Lawieiil 4 'urAn
B tk�Kee,:' gs nd Ha
Mir a e -of _an ,
his, - toirf Ross. L nes, comple �pq�
T —Hetherington of Brantford- three
cent chess cla�npetfflon held -at Stratford. 111,_ehad a orowereVera
Shir ey gin Joan, all
wa�s a, awlessir6t St. Cathoo �riies were
redeciased by
4'to , 'o 'a,* "' '' 4 C
and -66 legs, of St. Thomas,;. We'
a,: la, I n -arswell, Jean
C ov.* Frue parents, Mirii; "d.Mrs. Eva Marion Stewart, a native of grandchildren and nine great- i -1 ��broifieiis;i Frie a or, Dor C n
TmE P LANNING, ACT nd three ne. si;kk eenJobtiston of St.
Grey Township, passed away last grandchildren the nds clled.Al.. thotfia6�and`12' 0afideld in.
NOTICE OF THE POSING OF A 26NING i3yLAW BY THE Mc urney I unera kloxne,
Wednesday, Ma� the Wingbain also is survived by one sister,
Wingliam, Ion �Monday.from 1 t1d 4
CbRPORATION'Of THE' and District Hosof6l- in her 79th Pearl MettiggArt and one"sister-i . n -
a nd 7 to 9 pan. Funeral serv'ii
year.. law, Luella Coates.
be held,t6day, Tuesday, at 2 p1n. In'
Rev j,,
1p A resid6t qf"Rl� 1, Gorrie�, and Mrs. 9towart.wa%gdedeceased by the fu
Rea Gran
her' pare neral hofi�ie e
--recentlYthe:Calland ' Nti n 9, Edw. and, Mary
er rs-
ing gnr�,
WAWANOSH ing Home, dt Bi6is'els,, she is sur- offlc�aftig. Interment'% h
(KI69)'Coato- one brother, e' b an Margeurite Cemptery.. Donations to the 960t e Iptory
viv, d y her hu6bindAmes Oliver one eist�r,, J� a r rr ot sto .
nd I
'NOTICE . aTAKE that the Council of the Corpo(ation of the Township of Eait Stewart, also of grandchildren trdke f6findation of Ontario
WWI prec
has passed bylaw 10 - 1987 on the 6th day of May, 1,981, under Seb, be ap Wed ag exprosk
WAwanosh 'Mry Stewart survived by Funeralt service was conducted of sympathy, .. 1. tl6n 34 of the Planning Act, 1983. -MI . J Wingbani - Masonic Dr. L. A.
AND TAKENOTICE that any per . son or agency may appeal to the Ontario Muhicilpai thribid-, 'daughtefs rs'.,. . ames )Friday, May *1�,' at Z p.m. from the Qarol, E' Horhuth, 0. D.
Lo.dge No. 286 held a mitri
'Dr. SfeWart A rson,.D.C.
Board in .reSpept bf the bylaw by filing with -the Clerk 9f the Towndhip of East (Isobel) Hudi of`�Hanover,'-Mrs.' Grrie ebaol 6f the. M. L. Watts' service in the funeral homeMonday Mrs. H. Viola Homtkth, 4D.,.D. Ade
Wawdriosh,riot-later than the 11 th day bf Jund, 1987,'a notice of appeal settingout L&.Iie - (Jeall) of White Funeral Aome�,'iRev. John Neilson
the objection -to -the bylaw and the reasons in su 0orfol the objection, at 7:30 P.'Mi.
p Rock,� B.C., Mrs.,, Robert (Gra� ce) officiating. interment Gorrie An explariation of the purpose and effect of the bylaw, describing the lands to which
gayWriy- 4, Gl6rriem five s6nsi -Carl Cemet6ry.-. St.,
the byliiw� a plies and Key Maps Showing the location of the, lands to which (he
p 'POrdwich" Jini Pallb6arers,�Ierti Paul D6`6g" Optometrists E h n at. -wife ri�to
nd his Join of
bylaw applies is provided below. The.complete bylaw is available Ito i spectio eo 0ortu itie ingham
my office during regular office hourd. pup n, 0
and - his- wife Patricia- of Gowan- Michael .,and Stewar"t John, HAr ntario
8y Ap t
DATED, at, the Tow riship of E�st Wawanosh thi4 6tii day of May, 1987, stown, Jac � a hl ry.Ploral
k Sonia of Hudson and Johi Maybtii 71 2,�.j- .367
Township -of Eas h Ifis wife- Sharon were carrii d
Ray'of Gorrieit-Cli
K 4rs. W. Thompson,Clerk Oshawa, Roy And. of tributes 'D
t wa%�anos Gorki6, W by 8andri'a - 1- : I I -
-8elgraye, ORt. ff6rd and "Judy Stewart,. Hudson and CLASS
NOG I EO his wife JaAice,of Lis'towel; '26, Jane Mayburry,,,,.
ThO explar!ation. and purpose of this bylawls" to regulate the use oflands and the,
:buildings and strucWr6s,,in vrioillsobf�nediirdasof thoTo nShip.,Thdrzoning bylaw d
character, loc4tion, and use of buildings and structures, and to prohibit certain fillifantsba"' *ZL%
for es
implements the E96t.Wa�iahbsh 7rownship Secondary Plan and provides
Spec n eco Andirew
ific. land use'f0gulatioris to e Sure that.1he policl 'of thb. S ndary Plam are at St.
realized. A summary of ft.conterits ofthe 4yT1a*. are, as follows:
r' liniiry e of the Zones,
p -senti'thd administrative detail6, a"iiirn 6bi
Symbols and Section Rev. John Vapdry piirform4 hi's
of Brifft
-2 ism cere-
first Sw�rament
the mean-
provideE terms,used fdr:refeferice, to specif ftiAndiow,9*11?
h1bre are diso diag(arbs which ex. Church, Wingham,, on gu y
ing of the terms uSed in. the bylaw. T
-This sdidti6iiii do 3hip
plain lot, arid-ibuildiifg, terms. E
%cti 3.' He �and TED MORA
tour.,int��L� Plumbing, 1jeating
W! t
y wlbsosi� 9
. 0 & Electrical
Robert Afid ' � - b ' ` . . I I Eleitridil,Cdntractar.'
a, was, ON, War
�066,66nfioninlng uses, parking -'requirements, planting strips,, etc.. sok A division
MoforReWJ din
so t4k!ng go" i - . - gand�Cdiinplqte'
b ij� 111 General Congittuctlon
1 no Heating
'11-Jhr6'ugh.24 - Lind Use Zories present thevarlitius land use zones. an CON I CO L116110i ot9tSb ds
thilryowiF XLE Cl4gs(o
pf4 ..., leiREPA R8
iO.*$696 S�ecfic;As that the, various uses'of land are givan,and lh� 6 bi t their Sh4eit WWI A E)Oadsf Fd�srind dont
6 governing iihe use of land are prbsented.
§7- 503.. Ale. Condiflon"in
Vatioua,provisio h:
lighter, AND"111 01,
the -formulas and Die. VAuaJ 196paiaton alhtin6e Tables this'. sectibri lhcludes� tit . led F4E ff! �iency Fuinac
on %�as en es
4 6Ws for calculatinghe nfinilmuini iLi ration distances. in agricultural
pa "AnEverlast" "C him 6�fatj�i tk JitionS. nL:a-
rous detailed Key er, ma ly,�.,ft g
t", Afi, t6 mike ifig, ovnan j*quo g
le &
191 Josephine Street,
"...Schedule'- Im 09 rray WINGHAM 357-2904
the Schedule corisjsts of an'index map and
sal SI0
41; Mb let. 'the Id 16
ip6 which covet t6entire Towh6hi0.`On*these key -maps, areound mat A a- gi
6,1111duld hds
thd 'land u66'zdnes whichborrespond to 8ection 4 thr6d4h 44 of the nt �to
-signify covena
wed ngs F16 hroifid Buinpers
ofthia 15�IaW P
eAch other. 1406 Stripin ROGER UMEI
r sang "Ye Sefvants of
The chof ' 1, : i r I . I - wott, L
This, bylaw applies to' all. lands within the Corporation of thb Township of East Clantact &
Wawanosh. as Sh' n on the map be[(?*. God" as art offeitdiy Othemli., 'ibradil cililpbwl 9 PAINTIG
AD CONTAACTORS' "Qualityand.86irvice?,
DITIONAL INFORMAT1014: Copies of the bylaw have, been seAt for information
losesi to, all owners of propiehy in the Township of East Wd�vanosh as indicated coMMEkclAL
PUN ep AL enti�l*
on the lateit revised assessm6of roll. INaklOk EXT8AlOR
YING A Interior
Fi6e� its 4S or or
VALKER Box 394,. Tbes*ater
J 9PRA CoMmer6a)
EAST Ext" fi
Pm,nc.,l Hwy IM contruttiort B6x 104, Wingham t�UPCH WINGHAM
club met May 5 at the homi, of:, outh of Winghatin, CALF CLV8 Hwy. 46 Lyth H 14
H ON Murray Affiell. Dtiihig the, first part OH ntorpt'-w Ltd
f4 of the meeting, thb�',_ptiemlbbrs Flo", �,,Vn
ussed, the Wpottance of t 0 Fa
anin aw nce
13:, health 46.1ng Fred.d L' e'
in Hwy,'6#'Ea60fWlnghar6
RgE ESTI Ltd..
diii d ifig to *Atch C
43 Ele tric
$eb of' ""Loi
9 'the
dkod Wit 12.
bb� Tabling,
e . .... . commetelol Wiring
ab&'-�' _b
Oil Fro -ft gi
I bok �861
farm lgriave
Pau 0,
pi, 2
o!, I
. ........ .
14 owe
'f 14,11 .1! t", ". 1,
t M
. .. . ... loom
No. 'qj;
No. 'qj;