The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-03-18, Page 1417 Z l. .. .... . .... �fq ll'i. ..... ..... 11 11111 1111
7Leger C I Mac x H, eta Bruce. 0.1e, , e p ',q, weekVnd tournament at CKY NUGGETS won the "A" champlonshi 'ft gaMes�6 three Roleb i;..-,B1r-Ra $00 Tibor 40aM, won iRl Wasod Biemin. Frbnt tow; Dean c CH -Zims0o, tninqder Ron, I of come away with t6b The Walikor, 6can'Wal.- oa Brian Ordi froih 16ft: -Back raw Kevin Hogg,X460i Vmslie, Gary Skin)ii; Danny Oysso, Huf1nl;n,.',MJfche# Skinn, Stepheh lWowb Jremy:'H1ck0Y. Absipht froMphoto are Cur-'.' '1100 -Mingo MY, Md I I 61s: I 10 Old, Ar* PaUtler, �i�voir Hufflian, Tlm6thy -51�eqeis, eMichael Remington, Us Hunter, Erin- Mageez arid bavid Lin air GROS SARD All, .ANS
Alfilfei. A, Pro-Iffe- group'members Ke Timothy ntur N' ets U-99 dis'C' Uss,,. now, poliflical oarty Xtotaof Ilrimembers attended the clear to them through, two recent CIERTIFIED. events: the approval for legal ham -and' am ino'nsh Marc meeting of the Wing h `p` ip at Mi v of protection of "sexual orientatidn" in ora gy ants.
-us ail . y Area 4��-1or )4fe Board' elvw c . ti .9te on. all obi Ontario under Bill 7, which was gtop'scored * in' the draw for, a hockeystick covered -with Orderq.subject to to t Wingliam Kentucky Nuggets were -Michael Remin cussion volv� supported by the New Democratic' Crowned "A" Champions, at the Mil- third,- with assists to Gary Skinnand W.-sillver'dollars. Mount. Forest won iSomd-varl6ties, rp ar01w 0 f0ftnition of a newprd. Party, the Liberals and the leader of verton Novice House � League Tour.. -�Kevin Hogg, while Curtis Hunteir - the cons&afioit trophy. P
-the Progressive Conservative Party. nament over the,,weekend. he was -set up by Sleegersk and'Pauder .-. Parents, and the coaphes,, -Brian rty the "Famil F91'. , , . - a T
Y. oxallIUQU FPVW`� - Membe The second instance is the refusal Nuggets were winners. in all three of to., put the, icing. on the cake.katie Elmshe and Ron, Huffman (wholost' ha' 1" " - rs were d OYU, eap.'that the'new party, if of the feleral government to fund the -their games and also.Yofi the. .Plnisfid an - Reagan Liebold made !,his.. Voice)' are all proud of the -ac- Ur AL f med. "Mul . e pro-Iffe and pro- ME Women, while,gi�anting $11 Mark Jutzi Trophy for the best many' finli saves in sharing. the, complishmeot of the young, talented Z w,61claime this new millioh to -feminist groups,.Including Conducted team in the1outnameh"t; shutol and Arley Pautler -was the, affileteg;i"T he Kentucky Nuggets, also pro -abortion and lesbi., Nuogets' MVP. vompliiillilnted the Milvertob Minor party c sie the' 'feel that pto-Iffe an groups.' Wingham 6, Arthur 2 y Arthur. opened the scoring atthe, '-Hockey Associatiow on Such A. well ny individuals now are (The Christian Heritage,Pagty, a newederal party, was formedlist., diiie 1:01 mark of the first period, but CHAMPIONSHIP organized i6oihinient., As -prq swai. y o m fl .e Just1our Wingliant 6, Milvetton 2 The e Gai� A nn tied the scior �ple'ie their iif of thi is made kepi The fk�l 'models'. and literature. 'gon this Thtw.sda . and SAturdlay minutes later on a goal assisted by, The,,entir Nugget,� team wanted sea -Y in Hog edal and all of.- the glory *P have. been requested b teach Kiv z. Arihur'rej�ined the the gold m t a tourriameht, in Palmerston.The ers the .6ham'"onghip. Wingliam team' has not lost a game G c- Is. .lead with. 4:53 remamingin the first accompa I nymg 11) E MOTOR
and studeksn 4reai hJ011,* pi BR SLIM ponco that due to, a- since Feb., 21, wimin sev d It �vas:aun, . d" before the Nuggets tied itagAin on a All the pli�4�rs� can be proud of their g' i en an recent i�iihi drivw group -gro. tying twoln the liattifte games. The It goal by Tim Sleeiiiiis Who was, accolipplishment4filWs -6�i triumph rshlo has incriased by 85. set up be�iutifully. by �$teven over, the host tkam, Milver mes r membei last ' o - ton., you. Six board membie-irs willUittendthe bray. ` . 0 I Mow and Gary Skinn.' Kein Hogg opened, the scoring for' seetitive,victories, so look out held Marigh 27 and 2s. Wipgham:t, Ligtowel'2 e effort and, less than two minutf .0 a ifeti, All-Ontarlo Pro-life Confeii�iee to be -In the it was all th' .Nuggets on 4 fine unassisted Palmerl Whigham asi-ADAiay scored from e in lt�er-,-. Arley, Pautler"Andnaied :the Thelannual dinner meeting" wl� b Sleejkri, Hogg' rom*Ski n, and' la The Kentucky Nuggets wound up held pril 40 at §t. Andrew's Presii. Sleegiis from Skinn and Mowbirgy. same feat. Wingham opened up a 3-0 their. post, seaAon play with,an e* a,,,- -'Chu Wingham, Hogg.also'lc oied the sixth gpOfrom. 'lead 'before Milverton. was able to -2 win last Tue day over the byteii'n rch citing *3 S Listowel Reds. on the scoteboard, butPgutfer Members and the ge�461 �iblic are' get 'Erin Magee * aba ma i named as invited; Tickets "I be available Wingham's most.valuable player. restored Wingh*s three -goal lead Therewas no sco'ring in the first shortly liomboardme' b"" pert , but at 6:22 'of the: second,, m er$.' old Following d4ifitch pui on by the with his second unassisted goal. ll.l."'Milverton Min�r Hock6y Mothers, Milverton contifililied to'-ftss d �teven Nowbray scored a beauty each team�,wag inirolved in a s"t4 narrowed the margin t64-9, but two from. Arley Fautler. Listowel tied it and more goals in, the third period put N499111 out t katie ElmQ Or. The igiiggeti'Akiley 0autler in, the third bifore- the e- manpged ito, get int6 the gaineaway for Wingliam. Danny.,,,t,.�regaipedrthei lelhd(on a shdtfto d slot b he sep rpto tSe9f6rith's d se y Kevin Hsgg.� ifio6t party held go W Veping's ; Listowel came back agai 6,tie,, Monday lev 0vent0al4*iYh the event. Centre ice iqd Gary. Skinn, on A the Wingham Legioo Hall., the count, but a fine unassisted. ef- .-a ng ant 3,4 forth, a another fine individual qj*t, wt!r*e 0, 'Winners _weW__b1ghpi,* Wi A a Gale d off a Nug k marksmen. Reagan fort by Qary-Skinn.gavii the Nuggets �Vw"Nug&ts ulle great. the a it 11
j�� 9 hr.* R.,.of a lifetim. e. McKay; high white, Ji iiiii and' m 6itfil -a 3-2 lead they refused to relinquish. "Guess Whd's 30?'Y jsggmewbicft.�aW'-' Liebold'was the-Wingham.MVP, most shoots, Herb- Clayton. A few no scoringlin the first period. At the :while Missy Bieman . and Trevor At he end. of round-robin play,, kaw prizes also were awarded, of the second period, Tim Huffman played.very, steady Listowel Whites won two and ti d 2�26 matk on u- wo for.six points, Nuggets had two. SieegerS p i�p�d oneAd. from defence. m i Walker. Kevin Hickey was the -wi�nir iii wins, a loss -and a tie for five points, IN GOOD TASM.i4' while 'the Listowel. Reds lost. three,. I . ; I and fled one for a single point. CAFE .259 Josephine Street, Winghim - 3574656. ary Stowatt,couect., Suite, it's a thrill to buy a brand new car. it free. F Parts. And when you buy one from us, you ' r4p Free lqbourAl 66ver& Bolgrayliil, Personal Notes can thousands of repairs and lasis as long as n be assured that you'll still beithrillied even you own your car. No matter whew you Fresh, Bright, Friendly. Atmosphere IsIn'stitute-me-,ii"Ll g thOine 'Mrs. Dorothy I.ogan accompanied after the waminty period. it's our free bought it br how old it is. n. Lifetime Service Guarantee, and it means ., So if Y( .',re in the market for q new car Fresh Homemad6 Goodness Mr.,and Mrs. Barry Logan,- Michael, that we guarantee our repairs. foe as long come fn us- Our frej Lifetimd,Service BELIJORE Mes. Mildired On occuPationi. was. conducted' by Shawnaind,1316cky to visit her daugh- as you own your car. H�re's how it Gu Soups , Sandwiches - Muffins - Salads ?&s. Myrde Weir aind won by Mrs. a. means your "thrill of a
8 -Tea Biscuits - Oresh Pies on -poned the March meeting and,, family,.Mrl. and Mrs. works. lifetime" will still be a thrill. �,eyeri a,ftpr Stuffdd Baked Potatoe' Dicks o ter' of the Wom6's Institute with a''dis- adie ICO* Ar *da and Michelle of When *e repair your Ford -built caror the warranty-. Amer" ,ru Eat in or oh the go It , was- anno light.trick, you Pay us only once.. We cussion on the wording of the Mary tweed. the new rep- Fergus on Sunday. ibis lirniled W�rrunly coven vshi�lell in annual use, Mon. -Fri. 8 a.m. - 5:30 P.M., sai,9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. I guarAntee-that if the co,�ered pan ever a9d culudes routine maintenapee Pam, belts. hoses. StewartCollect. resontative to 11fie, arena board is ;Mr. and, Mrs., George Johnston, fails or weari out, wti'll fix it or reolacg. 8-1 metal, and upholstery. Nov; enjoy our muffins, biscuits & pies at ho Mrs. gleanor Dane and due to the it was suggested that some change ara , Erin of Ilderton, spent the of wording might be aplpropriate, timing of the Belmore Maple Syrup weekend with her parents, Mr. and especially.,the sentence, "Make us Festival, the annual'mee ting will be Mrs. Robert Grasby and also visited WE FIX CARS FOR KEEP& held April 15, beginning with a noon grow calm, seren&� g?ntle," which' with his 'mother, Mrg. Laura p6flUck lun6heon. could be changed to 'Let us grow' Johnston. ss th r-, 0 Confident, Caring, effective, aware�- -If there i' Sufficient interest, ere Tara and Erhi Johnston lot 'Ilde' BRIDGENT Lm
involved." Will be a four-hour course. on short,-' ton are spetidingthis week with their' Later hi the meeting Mrs.. Helen order cooking, likdl� in Mai- There will be .9 blitlift party for. Jeremy - Nixon -of Watekfoo is - as,- emr OF WWANAM Eadie, assistant curator, reportild Ae Excellent Choice did Mary §teftrt Collect has been in Mrs. Eadie on April 6 from i to.4:30 61 vication with s1*ftdl0,, 'e March 0& gi pm. at the aonli collft"plex. use since 1664'. She also read aoddiii ve nn d .Hom e A Aunces aft the es MitiV60d'feAd an article u a 06pri ei. b oiice,,given, Y .2 `F9A 401 A ft "r P9A ESINCkU1111.1 do Ic did 410 V A gine L l.90' ftht d'pb 0 iVF,,!w FMIR OW -0117 h ,in r
aily -,d love" I PA I 4'BURKE Eletctric W i n 9 1 o rT , A . . . . . . . . . . 357-2450 Iz . ....... ..