HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-03-04, Page 01Medical representatives
19bt wingbaw uncertain about interview
Wingham and District Hospital
medical staff representatives on the
hospital's board of governors have
into..] expressed their uneasiness at a
® r , . - prospective interview they will have
with a medical doctor.
The interview is a procedural part
of the role study recently com-
FIRST SECTION Wim, OstatlO, Wedlaesday, Match 4, 1987 swoo (appy SOC J missioned by the board of governors
to define the hospital's direction
over the next ten years.
At the February board meeting,
Dr. Brian Hanlon, the hospital's
chief of medical staff, expressed his
u to
go public
concern that a medical doctor had
been hired by the consultant, David
Coulson of Toronto, to interview the
medical staff.
■ During his report as management
a ir■ 'very issue committee chairman, Hanlon
told the board he was unable to un-
derstand the consultant's reasoning
Some members of Wingham Town Mr. Robertson said he had been In addition, Councillor Bill council proceed with the application for employing a doctor to do the
Council feel that approval of a advised by Patty Munkittrick of the .McGrath said he had been shown a immediately. To do so, he said, gave interviewing. "I don't know how this
rezoning application could result in county planning department that 4 copy of the environmental study i❑ Wingham an opportunity to go doctor can help formulate policy for a confrontation with the Ontario council should at least wait until the which the MOE states that because public on "a very grave issue." this hospital board to follow," he
Ministry of Environment. And those results of that survey are received of the current condition of town's In September, 1985 Wingham, said.
same councillors would welcome the from the MOE before proceeding sewage disposal system, Wingham after a number of years of As far as Board Chairman Mary
opportunity. with the application. is not able to accommodate any preliminary planning, made ap-
Lou Thompson was concerned, the
medical staff had nothing to fear in
being interviewed by the consulting
firm's doctor. "I think you should be
very honest with him and point out
the concerns you have."
Dr. Peter Long indicated the
medical staff had reservations about
talking openly to the interviewer
because of their uncertainty "as to
which side of the fence he is on."
"Are we talking to this guy in our
own interest, or are we talking to
him and providing him information
to feed back to the ministry?" he
Although the doctor is hired by the
consulting firm, the purpose of his
interview is to contribute to the role
study, Executive Director Norman
Hayes pointed out. And the purpose
of that study is to provide the board
with a variety of options and
strategies as to its future direction,
"but it is up to the board to decide
the direction it wants to take."
Dr. Hanlon, however, also said he
was disappointed in the direction the
study appears to be taking. "I
thought they would be coming up
with innovative ideas that would
take this hospital into the next
Instead, Dr. Hanlon said he felt
the consultant was only looking at
existing hospital facilities and
telling the board which is cost ef-
ficient and which is not.
Mr. Hayes said Mr. Coulson's
most recent report was only the
study's second discussion paper and
not intended to do anything more
than provide the management
committee with background in-
Robert Middleton, property com-
mittee chairman, told the board he
had been frank during a preliminary
interview and that he saw no reason
not to continue in this manner during
a second interview he was expecting
within the next few weeks.
That interview, he understood,
would be conducted by the same
doctor who will interview medical
(Please turn to Page 8)
At its March meeting, council was
asked by the planning and advisory
The application is to re -zone
slightly more than an acre of land on
expansion at all at this time.
At this point, Mayor Jack Kopas
plication for MOE approval of a
portion of funding for a proposedCentral
committee to defer the rezoning
James Street from an R-2
asked what the studies had to do
sewage treatment system. The
gear. However, she added that the
Thompson fol4 t4i6 on r way to get
changeover has created problems in
application until April. The deferral
would allow the committee time to
designation to R-3 to allow con-
struction'of four -unit apartment
with any council decision to go
ahead with the application at this
ministry's grant, if approved, would
come to 62.3 per cent of the project's'�
are dissatisfied with the ambulance
consider its recommendation based
buildings on that property. Under
approximate $2 million total.
�of without its
Hayes suggested the system is
Mr. Hayes said an ambulance
on results of a recent public meeting
the current designation, apartment
"It's because the MOE has been
Last October, council went after
the system conducted for hospital
alle% iate that problem.
on the application. buildings of up to three units are dragging its feet for four or five the MOE for an emergency advance The recent changeover to a cen
Councillor Ward Robertson, chair- permitted. The current designation years that we find ourselves in this on the grant application in order that tral dispatching system for am -
man of that public meeting, said the also allows construction of four -unit situation," Mr. Kopas said. "If they the town could proceed with
committee had not had time to town houses. wish to take this stand let them say replacement of its sewage pumping e service has not been without
its h
deliberate on its outcome. In ad- Council was informed that there so publicly because the timing is station. At that time, engineering for its hitches, members of the
Wingham and District Hospital's
dition, results from an environ- had been objections to the ap- perfect. It will come just about at the replacement of the Josephine
mental study lead . not yet been plication raised at the public election time." Street and Howson Dam sewage board of governors were told last
received. meeting. Mr. Kopas strongly suggested pumping stations was at a standstill. Thursday.
The engineers were awaiting news Dr. Brian Hanlon, management
■ of MOE approval of the original committee chairman, raised the
Foodland Hydro eonsIders application before proceeding any issue during his report to the board's
further. Council decided to seek the February meeting. "We were told
emergency advance for this part of the change was going to create
■ ■ greater efficiency, but the reverse
appealingboard's dee sion the project because of the lack of response from the ministry. has happened," he saki.
In October, Reeve Bruce Machan lie suggested that the boa-rd,s
said he had been informed by an public relations committee should
An upcoming meetingAn Exeter of regarding the proposed route. week. MOE spokesman that a heavy ,inform the public of "the devious
the Foodland Hydro Committee will Mr. McQuail said if the mem-, "The line is badly need because, at schedule of prior commitments had methods the government is using to
decide whether the committee will bershi chooses to appeal the resent, erode the services you have, based
p pp p power from the Bruce the ministry's grant program so on the assumption that the changes
appeal the approval by the Joint board's decision, the committee Nuclear Power Development cannot overrun that there was no money are going to be better for you."
Hearings Board of an Ontario Hydro would undergo a "re -organization of be fully utilized. The need for these available at that time nor was there
transmission route from the Bruce its structure" which, after the ap- facilities was first identified 15 years likely to be any in 1987. Beginning Feb. 2, Wingham be -
Nuclear Power Development peal is exhausted, would turn the ago and it's critical that the project Although some councillors agreed came '.he last centre to come on
'(BNPD) to London. attentions of the committee toward be completed as soon as possible so with Mr. Kopas, the final decision stream in the Owen Sound system as
Tony McQuail, Foodland Hydro aiding the individual landowners in that costs to our customers do not was to defer action on' the ap- part of the provincial government's
Committee chairman, said the receiving fair treatment frorm escalate further." plication until the AprilAeting. master plan to .centralize the
membership .will meet in Exeter on Ontario Hydro, seeing that the In its decision, the Joint Hearings dispatching of ambulance systems:
March 11 to give the members "a project's line construction is carried . Board found that Ontario HydroEffective on that date, any person
chance to discuss various options of cut properly and that farmers get presented a reasonable range of Brake failure calling for an ambulance must now
how to proceed". fair compensation for the land. alternatives for the transmissionuse the new telephone number -
However, Mr. McQuail said it was Mr. McQuail said he was disap- routes and satisfied the is. blamed for 357 l 1�i5.
still premature to tell if the 1,600- pointed, but not surprised, at the requirements of the Environmentalcar accident In the past, requests for am -
member committee opposed to the board's recommendation of the Assessment Act, Mr. Franklin said. bulances were made through the
Bruce -to -London power corridor will route' through the farmland of Under the Consolidated Hearings. Brake failure is being blamed for, hospital switchboard, and since the
go ahead with appeal, but said the Southwestern Ontario. However, he Act, there is a 28 -day period (from a single -car accidentilast Thursday changeover, some are still calling
upcoming meeting will, result in "a, said he believes the committee did the. date of the decision on Feb. 20) morning on Highway No. ,4, just the hospital when they want an
good indication of the way we want receive some concessions from the during which appeals may be made south of Wingham. ambulance. However, under the new
.to go". hearings board, which did listen to to the provincial government. After An Ontario Provincial Police system, calling the hospital has only
The Foodland Hydro meeting some of the concerns of the farming Please turn to Page 8) spokesman at Wingham said Dennis resulted in delay and confusion.
comes on the heels of an an- community. McGlynn, 22, of RR 2, Wingham, "What I'm saving to you is that the:
nouncement b the Consolidated He said Ontario Hydro originally community has lost a valuable
y y g y Firemen from was westbound on Con. of Morris service," Dr. Hanlon said.
Hearings Board recommending a wanted two lines from the BNPD to Township last Thursday at7:35 a.m.
transmission corridor be established London, but was only awarded one When he applied the brakes, the Dr. Peter Long supported Dr.
both stations pp y Hanlon's position and added that
from the BNPD through line by the board. The board also failed, the police report. He crossed local people have been accustomed
Southwestern Ontario to the cor- recommended more extensive use of respond to call the highway, struck a snowbank and oidentifying one telephone number
poration's London generating the single -based towers which would then continued, striking a fence.
station. The line would involve a 500- have less effect on agriculture. This Firemen from the,, Wingham Damage to the 1979 Chevrolet,
kilovolt double circuit line through type of tower would be used when department assisted firefighters owned by Jerry McGlynn of RR 2,
Bruce, Huron and Middlesex crossing the field of Speciality Crop from the Number 2 Station at Gorrie Wingham, has been estimated at _
counties. Class 1 to 4 land when feasible and Sunday ata house fire at Wroxeter.' $2,000. The police say approximately
Mr. McQuail said the membership along property borders on land Lynn Hickey, Wingham deputy $100 in property damage to the fence
will be given an explanation at the which is being farmed actively. fire chief, said the call came at was incurred by Ron Kingsbury, the
meetingabout what the board's The new Southwestern Ontario approximately pproximately 4:30 p.m. to the property owner.
decision means. The committee's transmission facilities could be in Susan Hart residence in Wroxeter. Mr. McGlynn suffered only minor ."
legal counsel also will be on hand to place by August of 1990 if there are The Gorrie firefighters already were injuries and was not taken to v`
respond to the board's decision, as no major delays in the rest of the on the scene when the Wingham hospital. -4
well as answer, questions on ex- approval process, Ontario Hydro trucks arrived. In a separate incident last Wed ,
propriation' or any other Concerns President Robert Franklin said this The fire damage was contained to nes day, a Gorrie woman escaped
the laundry room, reported Mr. serious injury when her car jumped
Foundation named official Hickey, but there was smoke and out of gear. q yp
heat damage to the rest of the house. The police report Mary Brown of r"
l The damage has been estimated at Martin Street in Gorrie was out
fund raising arm of hospita
$7,500. scraping the frost from her wind -
The suspected cause of the blaze is shield last Wednesday at 10 a.m.
The Wingham and District Hos- In his view, the wording change spontaneous combustion, hesaid. with the car running in a private"
pital Foundation has been desig- would reinforce "the co-operative Firemen from Wingham were driveway.
nated as the official fund-raising nature and the sense of partnership" called out last Friday evening to the The., gearshift in the 1974 Olds -
arm of the hospital. between the foundation and mem- residence of Rheal Rochon in mobile dropped into reverse, say the
At its February meeting, the bers of the board of governors. Bluevale. OPP. When Mrs. Brown attempted
hospital's board of governors The management committee did he small fire in the bedroom is to enter the car, she was knocked
grante�,that designation to the thLght to have been caused by an down by the open door and suffered
meet with foundation represen electrical malfunction and damage a broken collarbone. The car also
founda ion, based on a recom g
taeetin prior w the board's February has been estimated at $150. (Please turn to Pae 8)
mendation from the board's meeting and was told the foundation g
management committee. would have no difficulty with the
The board first learned of the wording and was of the under- McGregor warns council
foundation's request last December standing that the board should have
in a report presented then by board prior approval of projects.
chairman, Mary Lou Thompson of facing sizeable budget hike
Based on that understandingthe
Teeswater. The request drew mixed y
board accepted the committee's
reaction from board members and Wingham Town Council has been During discussion on the
when it became clear there would be recommendation and designated the warned it will have to be prepared to possibility of cutting some projects
foundation as the official fund -
no quick resolution to the issue, the deal with a "sizeable" increase from the proposed budget, Mayor
raising arm of the hospital.
item was referred to the from the
in an interview away when the finance and management Jack Kopas reminded councillors •r;
management committee for con committee presents it,; 1987 budget each $7,000 for projects that council .;
sideration. board meeting, Shirley Garniss, sal for approval. approves represents a one per cent
The recommendation of the man- public relations committee chair- proposal increase in the town's assessment to '`
man, told The Advance Times the Councillor James McGregor,
agement committee was presented ratepayers.
foundation will soon begin a mail -out finance committee chairman, told
to the board's January meeting. campaign to inform the public of the council at its March meeting the Councillor Bill McGrath, however,
However, an objection to wording in expressed his concern over the
designation. budget could not be tabled at this l
that recommendation resulted in the cutting of some of the projects. He
The campaign will introduce the time because assessments from the
board's tabling of the issue for foundation and its new role to the boards of educai.ion have not been said some now being considered for
another month to allow theremoval had previously been
people in this district, she said. "It received. 1
management committee to meet dropped from budgets of other 4. ,
with foundation representatives and will let them know the foundation "As it stands now, in all likelihood years. <
will tx� actively raising funds." there will be between a 15 and 20 r +�i�.
work out a solution to that concern. per He asked how many times these �. ' �'ti
At. the centre of the dispute was a w There are no major fund-raising cent increase in assessment," Dr. items could he eliminated from the
phrase dealing with the requirement projects planned for the immediate McGregor said. "Unless we are budget before more severe impact11
— the hospital's — as the means of
staff, no doctors had attended, he
obtaining ambulance, doctor and
hospital with just one call. "Now,
Dr. Marie Gear said that it was
that has been taken away from
unlikely the system would be
them," Dr. Long said.
changed back now that it is in full
Board Chairman Mary Lou
gear. However, she added that the
Thompson fol4 t4i6 on r way to get
changeover has created problems in
the system changed now is to have
another area -as well. have
the public write to the Ministry of
ambulances dumping off patients
Health "and let them know that they
here and nobody knows they are
are dissatisfied with the ambulance
coming," she said. "(Emergency)
doesn't know they're coming and we
( the doctors) don't know they are
Executive Director Norman
Hayes suggested the system is
Mr. Hayes said an ambulance
workable if everyone is educated on
radio monitor has been installed in
its operation. At a recent seminar on
the hospital which should help to
the system conducted for hospital
alle% iate that problem.
Board discusses possible
abuse of `emergencies'
The possible abuse of the
doctor summoned for immediate
Wingham and District Hospital's
treatment there.
emergency -department by patients
"Her countenance and demeanor
unwilling to wait their turn in a
indicated to me that she wanted to
doctor'; office was discussed by the
:,tt , doctor and she didn't want to
hospital's board of governors -at its
wait," Mr. Kopas said. "If it had
February meeting.
been a true emergency, she would
Town of Wingham representative
have gonelhere first."
Jack Kopas raised the issue during
Board Chairman Mary Lou
the report of Norman Hayes,
Thompson said the possibility of
executive director. Mr. Kopas said
such abuse was discussed at a recent
that recently he had personally
meeting of the hospital's joint
witnessed such an abuse which he
conference committee and it was
called unfair.
felt the board's public relations
While waiting his turn at a doc-
committee should conduct an
tor's office, he noticed woman who
educational campaign on the nature
entered the waiting room, looked
of emergencies.
around at the large number of
Mr. Kopas said he considered the
waiting patients and left. Later, Mr.
incident he had described as an
Kopas said, he learned the woman
abuse of the system. "And I also felt
had gone directly to the hospital
badly for the other people who
emergency department and had a
(Please turn to Page Fo
of prior approval from the board for future, Mrs. Garniss said. But if willing to delete one of our major would be felt. Mc McGrath AIRA •
p pP'
any fund-raising project. The the need P,VP.r AtIReR for a major projects." suggested council conceivably could
recommendation said the board project, they will he in place to do in addition to the education be, faced with a future increase of 75
must give fora approval, but Jack .lust thAt." assessment, Reeve Bruce Machan to AO
g' pr' pp per cent if something is not �._. _ '� �,�,,,•�
Kopas, a former foundation Until that time, any funds raised also pointed out that. Huron County's done soon on thecae projects.
member. Suggested instead that the through the mail campaign will be assessment will not be. presented to At this point the finance and A BRA VE FELLOW — In spite of the all the make-believe pain he was in, simulated burn victim Dean Vincent
wording he changed to read "the used chiefly in the replacement of the town until after county council management committee has held stN/ managed a smile for the camera at last Wednesday evening's mock disaster at the Wingham Scout
board he consulted prior to" any out -dated equipment and capital sets its budget sometime next three meetings to discuss the House. Dean, a member of the Wingham Scouts, was "rescued" by three me►ribers of the Lucknow Scouts,
fund-raising activities. items of that nature, she added. month. budget. Robert Kugler, Peter Reavle and Bryan McCann.
«urs ..._....
of prior approval from the board for future, Mrs. Garniss said. But if willing to delete one of our major would be felt. Mc McGrath AIRA •
p pP'
any fund-raising project. The the need P,VP.r AtIReR for a major projects." suggested council conceivably could
recommendation said the board project, they will he in place to do in addition to the education be, faced with a future increase of 75
must give fora approval, but Jack .lust thAt." assessment, Reeve Bruce Machan to AO
g' pr' pp per cent if something is not �._. _ '� �,�,,,•�
Kopas, a former foundation Until that time, any funds raised also pointed out that. Huron County's done soon on thecae projects.
member. Suggested instead that the through the mail campaign will be assessment will not be. presented to At this point the finance and A BRA VE FELLOW — In spite of the all the make-believe pain he was in, simulated burn victim Dean Vincent
wording he changed to read "the used chiefly in the replacement of the town until after county council management committee has held stN/ managed a smile for the camera at last Wednesday evening's mock disaster at the Wingham Scout
board he consulted prior to" any out -dated equipment and capital sets its budget sometime next three meetings to discuss the House. Dean, a member of the Wingham Scouts, was "rescued" by three me►ribers of the Lucknow Scouts,
fund-raising activities. items of that nature, she added. month. budget. Robert Kugler, Peter Reavle and Bryan McCann.