The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-02-25, Page 02T,
%71 77-717
Page ax a 1Ningb4m Advonce-TimS, Feb. 25, 1987
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inghamWAliams apid Area Day
wo• Centre ,four the Homeboqud has a
courit6rpart'-- Covering. the southern
From townships of Huron County. The
h9r cozy, bachelor mond,, Irene MacDonald and, Elsie 1, �
unit in a 06nior citizens' apartment Simpson. According to Jane Abell, Clinton Day C6tre f9r, rhe
in 1A.sto:wP4 MR Homebound beggn in 1977 two years. IMRE STYLIN
_ r&et Abell at 8o they all came home with a, chest cold
Ye04 is asmuch in , command of her and s9mue kind of viral infection. before the Windham program
-Satisfaction with
life as she's ever been". However, Margaret's degenerative started.
unlit hairstyling
And this Registered Nurse who disk problems hadreached the stage Basically, these two centres offer q
practiced her calling for 43 years, where she couldn't get back, the same type of programs, provide at an affordable ljOire
wit transporta
who travelled -extensively h her walking. tion to and from the
busbanda "You know I was downtown one centre, a noon meal and social and
and who took walking in
her- se4ioi years, fd1lowing back day and this man stopped me. He recreational activities.
surgery, has always lived life to the told me he knew what was wrong The WinghaM . day program
fullo ;t. with me • it was that I had walked provides transportation to and from
"Iff I had my life to live over," she far too much. I told him walking". the the centre for homebound in -
said, "I wouldn't change a thing. I'd never hurt anybody, that without dividuals from Blyth and northinto
do it exactly the same. my walking,'T',d be worse than I am" Bruce County. The Clinton centre
,Mrs. Abell who turned "80 on Feb. probably confined to bed or a provides 'service to the townships
U and who celebrated the big day on wheelchair. But he said to me, "I'm South df Wyth.
Saturday with an opeti-house at telling you that's what's wrong with
Both centres are non-profit
Trinity United. Church, does have you. You walked too much." All organizations which receive partial
one regret. Margaret Abell still shakes her funding from the Ontario Ministry of
d.dIf I qould just get walking again, head at the very idea that walking Community and Social Services,
I'd be happy. I would love to walk could be bad for one's health. local municipal funding and also.
-raising events.
out to the third of Wallace again in rely on fund
the morning, sit on that log and have FRIENDS, FLOWERS This year .we hope to help the
a Oink of hot coffeefrom a thermos While her active walking daysare Clinton centre celebrate its tenth
with Janet. That would be just about over, Margaret fills her days with anniversary of providing a home
perfect." the things that keep her happy. support service for the county.
Margaret Abell reflects a moment "I love birds and flowers," she a Programs at the Wingham centre
and then ' smiles. "But I'm not com- says, nodding toward a small bird include a foot clinic this Thursday, NANCY BAKER DEBRA SIMMONS
plaiminlg: There's nothing
window beside g wrong feeder attached to the outside of the Feb. 26, from 1, to 3 p.m. Telephone
with my tongue or my Apo * her table, "You know x 357-1440 for an appointment
'After two back operations, the within two days of -putting that up, March program calendars will be From now till March 7
first in Kitchener in. 1974 and the' the little goldfinches and sparrows available this week. We hope to hold
second ih London in 1985, Margaret were right there, watching me have a special entertainment program for -Rece"ive 15 % offAll
now. must use a walker to get my breakfast in the morning while St. Patrick's Day and Since March is
around. they had theirs." Nutrition Month,' we will have ap-
"I move as, much as possible, but Her daughter Jane notes that be- propri.ate evelfits to celebrate.
Services wi*th Debra and 'Nancy
Janet walks without me now. sides her birds and flowers, A huge thank -you goes out to ,
Margaret Abell took up walking on Margaret is blessed with a multitude Ernest Eaton from the Wingham Hours: Tuesday - Saturday"
the advice of her doctor following of friends. museum, for enlightening
ightening us last Open Tuesday 4$7- Thursday Evenings
7--�/ back surgery in 1974 and before long "They are from all age groups — week with a 'Wealth of information
she, and her friend Janet Richmond people in their 40s, 50s as well as regarding the town's .history. Mr., GORRIE 335-6442
were hiking five miles each morning older. I've never seen anyone with so Eaton provided a de ailed com-
before breakfast. ' many friends." nientary to coincide with a number
The two women were the subject She also enjoys the cOmpany of re- of display items he brought from the
of a feature story in Crossroads in latives, including 46veral great- museum.
1977, and gained considerable grandnieces and great -grand-' A Thought for this week looks at
recognition fors their way to� out the word WINGHAM FRUIT MARKET
nephews. how people think ab
Margaret smiles fondly at Jane old". Whether you are referring to
"It came to an end for me about "I had only one child. Jane was all I an Antique or a person, we all have a Schneider's
three'years ago, after I got home couldhafidle."different doncept of the word. Wieners lb.,1.89
from a trip to Scotland'," Mrs Abell - It is obvious the mother and Richard. Kalish, an. American
Seliherider'.5 600 r. Sliced
said. 'daughter delight in each other's author, wrote, "Old, is when the .9
With her on that trip were her Company. Any bickering Js nothing person -himself says. 'I guess I'm Side Bacon ............. .... 2.99
fe 8 oz. Rich Blend
daughter Jane Abell. Janet Rich- ing re than oodnaturedfun. old'.. In practise" most of us shift our Nesca
1, don'tg know what I would do definitions of, 'old'• to suit the
And my Red Cross Instant Coffee' 4,99
without her situation." You can come up with
Happy Sweet 16 homemakers. They are my right your own definition of the, word Tang 3's
hand," Margaret said. Orange Crystals ........... ...1.39
Carolynne, Two' homemakers, Carolya'Cogh-
lin and Lorraine. Bridge, take turns Gen6ric 200 gr.
visiting Margaret,- helping her with ABiELL A fkIGHTY—Margaret Abe# of'Listowel celebrated her 80th Potato Chip's . ................. -79
birthday with aopen house at, Trinity I United Church. A native of,
household chores and doing her Fancv Grade - 3 1b.
shopping -.4- Howick Township, -she is well-known throughout the area. (Staff Photo) Idd Red Apples ...... 1.49
On this day Lorrain e�B-04gei'hais
made teaanal'served muffins while•
Margaret talks about her life.. The former Margaret Newton, her' Asked, the familiar questions BLUEVALE1 Head Lettuce ....... • .69
"Oh she keeps us 'hop out'smoking And drinking, she re- "Mmm Food" was the topic of the
three brothers and - three Sisters, ab p
ping; she
always has her list ready," Mrs. were `raised in a log cabin on the 17th• plies that while she enjoys a drink on meeting Tuesday, Feb. 17, at the
NN Bridgegrins. She quickly adds that c hip.
a drinker. 00 Food .01
concession of Howick Towns cial occasions, she isn't much of home of Sharon Darlow.
of "We had nothing," she, recalls. What, your orite eaten Margaret Abell is more, a 4. I&S, FREE 'DRAW $20.
a pleasure than a chore. PBack in thos'e days nobody bad' With a twiilkle,in her eye,, she adds ,aw'ay-from-home nim?" was 'the
the that she used to smoke, but she quit. 4. Voucher
much, but we had less than roll •call.'Some of the answers made
LONGCAREER average. I can still see that log house "Comp on Mom," cuts in Jane, the girls very hungry. The question Draw - Monday, March 1, 1987
with plaster between S posed to the girls- was "Did you know
One reason Margaret appreciates
the log We "tell.. why you quit
the services rovidpd,bhome- nearly froze to Margaret relates that one day,
that you are to 6t four to five ser Nanic
py early in their life; her hus-
makers is because She kno'ws."the vings of fruits and vegetables, three -
With love,frorn . I Margaret -can recall being tucked 'band pointed out the 'two Of them, to five servings of -a
"values of caring for diose in need of and A-ddross-
Mom and Dad into an icy bed with a heated block of smoked. moked. It was an expensive habit, cereals, two servings of meat and
•hardwood at her feet.
he saip, too expensive for both of alternates and two to four servings Tel,cpholle
"I'd pull mynightie down around thetas to continue.
of milk and milk products. In other 4.
me and hope I'd be all right . in. the "Then he looked at me and said, words, do you know the - Canada Deposit in Box in Store
morning." Food Guide?",. The girls concluded
'One of us ha's to quit. I smoke
a When her parents. died at'an early cigars; t like smoking cigars and that they do know the guide.
MEMOMW age, Margaret was raised by her I'm not going to quit so I guess it will For, home. activity the girls Were
Connection uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Anson". who asked to cbArt what they eat for four
have to be you.' You can see w.
Galbraith. Wore the pants in our family." days, also to prepAre'a meal for STORE HOURS: Mon. -Sat. 7:30 a.m. `to 7:00 p.m.,
AThey were wonderful, to me And Margaret's version of thd outcome their families. Frida7y 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
my nieces and nephews isn't quite the same as Jane's recol- "Money,, Money, Money" is the Phone . '357-2240. We Deliver_
my brothers and sisters. lections. next chapter in the book. The fire
393 1 Oth StreetHanover marshal came Tuesday to.
show the
, from
After, graduating from SS 1, "1 remember coming home girls how touse a fire extinguisher.
is pleased t•o announce that Darrell Cober, forrAerly of Howick, the'Wroxeter continuation school and Mom and her girl friend, The Goderich police chief will come
Darrell's Hare Styling, Go,rrie is joining our staff in school and, attending business Phyllis Goldner, would be sitting at to Belgrave on the 28th to inform AIM
Hanover as of March 3rd, 1987. college in London, Margaret took the kitchen table. They would scurry, '.them about safety. n ANO.
We know that Darrell will be missed by the people' in her nurse's training at the Listowel around, getting rid of the evidence,
Hospital School of Nursing, but I could smell the cigarette
the area and we would like to invite .you to come' and 'She got her education through smoke — I could tell Mom had been
visit Darrell and our staff in, Hanov her own determination. Nothing
Hanover. sneaking on
came easy,". said . her daughter I . Margaret -am SaIeS Arena
These' Mar ret gets great
Jane. enjoyment playing euchre with Jhe.Wingh.
• After graduation Margaret nursed other seniors living in the neigh -E"
at 'the East General Hospital, in boring apartments and canasta with
Toronto, Uneiiity Hospital ih ' of women. EVERYTHING UNDER ON
Chur'chDifectoryivCleveland, Lord'Dufferin Hospital in
Orangeville; and in Ilartmouth, N.S. "We have a,great Winch here. We ROOF
before, settling down to work in the have t*o � gentlemen, the rest are
WINGHAM pediatric and surgical wards at ladies. One gentleman, he's 93, and I
St. Paul's -Church'.'
UNITED, Listowel hospital.teli,you, he's a much smarter player
Shewasgiven the honor of opening. at euchre than I am." V:00 T*
I tthe pediatric wing at Listowel. Margaret is'too busy to waste her, �®le MINGHAM Me. morial and was head nurse in the time watching the afternoon soaps, am%s0fks,
wor ants,wing for 11 years. but she does confess she wouldn't G001)S�Gf Green
poolDS ails,
217 Minnie St. %3LK,3Ay OVed
John` Street at Centre Street %t4G. F I V: or tree ef appr
Sunday,'Morch -1 ng
When it came time for Margaret to miss "Dallas" on Friday night. I fta clothing " CON/ A C.S. J�. -,Ogg,
THE ANGLICAN PARISH OF di IB S, Dice Ofy G. No. boots,
retire from her career she was I think that JR is a pretty sexy d Children=
10A5 a.m. . Sunday School fell6w. I like watching him." rubber
WINGHAM AND BELGRAVE vacationing in Florida,so, she says, old Aro 01 lack
— -
® — — — — — — — — 10:50 a.m. - Pre-86rvride She A'SOL enjoys F%VkOCEV VOose type, SO&S, Jac ()f%', r shoes, �a(SjeS,
Hymn Sing "the supervisor let me work another oys light classical 9 to ta:18;106, qatr toV mell, fiats. -rF-Vk
lo. �tem \a1ed WS%ts' \1), \N1 , I , W%%. -
SUNDAY,MARCH1 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship year music; And throughout her life has J\tek1na -tcyjq, g ann. s 00., Sorted Pf 1 L
Holy Communion Broadcast on CKNX As far as Margaret Is concerned, been an active member bf -Trinity Wndfeds �en ?Lod sultan
foo S ic S 014 e0k-
11:00 a.m. (30W V, et-. sboe , 9
coffee time following morning served on brown, Is stlSr, . Or tL sweat Sunday School and Nursety service "Nursing is orip of the most re- United Church where she sei c0ekht'll
warding pr6ifessions there W" the Board of Stewards for a number 1100f, Su(JOL . GgpdN * 44001139 disc" Ount.
MARCH 3 - SHROVE TUESDAY, t3u%� 0001A:Jes 9L tity
Pancake Supper 54o 7 p•.m. Minister: Rev, J. ilea '66061",uarh
B.A., M.Dv.' On Jan. 1, i%40 -Margaret Newton of Years. goods - 06t OUT
Organist: Mr. Swatridge married Sgt. Maj. Burt.Abell who "Burt was active in the church ed Ob
Aev. D. Telephone: went overseas a short tim6 latet. too. He was Sunday school supetin-
Minister: Madge I to.9 e\�et
Church � 357-2961 "We had a wonderful life! to ether. tendent for nine or 10 years, The G
Manse - 357-1072 Burt had a great sense of humor. . . ,,WomeWs Missionary Sdelety will bOWS
W., & Gouaftr�Pss, I
Trinity, Bellgrave - 1: 1 5,13-m. And we both liked th,travel, to see cater for birthday.'*' "S es 9M bkt\c NNIA1
MY ivi\6 toop �(Ojqes, db or
things." is a saying that by the age of
Before he died in 1075, Burt. and There i • tij.,Aeb, (0 truL,
ORTHODOX cHN19TIAN, 50 a person has the f hey &► \Ne 17c" on
Margaret Abell camped across t40TW or. WK" Jul I %vkU(0_
§6 Margaret With. USed
AEFORM150 CHURCH serve. At
Place of Worship: Canada and visited Italy' Germany, her lively eyft ready atnife and-... bU3 ou MIN e"I goot
Austria Spain Australia,end New "o fit aLlium
OW0 �W, white hait elegantly styled by her n
Maitland Ave. N. Zeftfilfld as Weil 99 SeVdIrAl areas of 0,66
• wtov�el the thilted, States.
I I 'iaft
Her fate t0eetes. lifetifite, ot hip•.00, P 10 ot P
10:10 a.m. to 1 -00 P�-M-
andlauoit*t gh`ArddL**It1j f1filil'
Lunch I gtao ifth t6 12.40 ire y0d
QUIT SUMONG — And'. years deV6 t6
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Margaret is 62trordely proud of ends
om*ts ar"Vow
tho thdt that di till 1 -7-77
for ottreti°s.
O'ga Watiii AVb 4.,
e'rbaby" df the
trii as g64 a obt-fib nation AS
toriwwoft taftwilq shb f§ the fligt. ofte,on t6 anyone cm,14, And for longiovity" W, I MS, L 30
26114%4 to iftak
A Lucluidw 90,04888Cheat
Looking ' at Mat&irdt Abb-11
&A 366-1&16
ObUldbi CwMAW Ift 040&dt f6r
IA69010 Mt tun in 60'r
... .... the
ftiffiflylo slid §tAto ownphalciffly