The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-02-18, Page 16Ir7777W �� P
Page 101-1rhm VYi
hg,M Adva,11ce-7imeo,, Feb, 141 1"T
ownsview, on
Conrad $Uoosop of P
the opp a! ' clf.. Mir. -Spakman's
GOFT10 POr-sonal -Notes sonal Notes a on�R.elgroWe•Per day.
Mr. and? Mrs. ji-m-'es Alcorn Mrs. Elizabeth Procter visited
visited Sherri Zettler of RR 4, Walkerton,
isite 10 4OU00n on Thursday and over the weekend with her brother,
>sPRev. e d visited over the weekend with � her
on Friday, Visited Mr. aiid Mrs', Charles 9#wkwan, Logan an grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth
Geoffrey Alcorn, Shaupa, and Kali at Tyler of Pickering. Also, Alvin visiting Procter.
Mount Bry,4$e$.
the same home were Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs' Mundell ac-
Pauied'Rev. 'and Mrs. V.
Headiersou of Lucknow to.. Guelph
last week Where they visited Mr. and nair
Mrs. James 0. Brisbin. on
Wednesday they all attended the
MacDonald lecture a College, n
t Knox
Toronto, when Rev. James Evans
spoke On
;,6RMirth and Misery in the
Ministry Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith
of Willow4ale entertained theparty
393 10th Street, Hanover
at -a luncheon,
Mr. -and Mrs. Clarence McCallum Js pleased to announce that Darrell Cober, formerly of
of Wingham, accompanied 15� Mrs, - Darrell"t 'Hare Styling, Gorrie is joining our staff in
Sheldon Mann, attended the funeral Hanover as of March 3rd,- 1987.
of their cousin, Carl Cook, at the
Cavell Funeral Home, Gravenhurst, We know that'Darrell will be misses!misses! -in
by the people
on Wednesday. the area and we would like to invite you Oto come and
Lana and Lyndsey Fleming of
visit Darrell and our staff in Hanov6r.
Neustadt, RR i, spent the weekend
with their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. William A. Smith..
A successful Valentine supper was A PUBLIC SPEAKING competition was held. last week at the Wingham Crawford, Sylvia Wai, 'Lisa Chapman, Todd Chadwick; front, Nathan
held in the Sunday School room of Public School. The following students spoke in -the gymnasiurn.-. back: Laidlaw, Carolyn Pike, Julie Lisle, Sarah McKeon, Chad Creeden and NOTICE OF THE
the Gorrie United Church on Hilary Gould, Kendra Hogg, Jennifer Der;nis, Tim Currie, Christa Carolyn Elston. What's News Photo) I -
Thursday evening 108TH ANNUAL. REETING.
Of The
All in ' teres' -ted persons -, are a Study. of .Asia.
welcome, to attend the annual Fourteen, tables - Afternoon unit eni,
meeting of the Rol Township OYS is in' West Wa'wanosh
Rod Cross on Feb. 26 at 8 p.m. in the ofcard players n
M Mutual Insurance..
clerk's office in Gorrie. u ch o 'to Knox, W S.
Mr'. and Mrs, Norman Fairies at, Howick party a Vmlentinel n e n
GORRIE — Mrs. Gordon Moir
attended the Rural - Ontario the ladies said that God so loved, the introouced the stud of -southeast
Municipal Association Convention FORDWICH —Fourteen tables of FORDWIC'H —The afternoon'unit orldthatHeg"" y COmpany
re in'play of the United Church Women met in w. ave. His Only Son to Asia when the Women's Missionary c . e is hereby.given', thatthe �knnua[.Meeting at the Company
held , at the Royal York Hotel progressive euchre w.6 die for the sins of the world. "W Noti
Toronto, , . 1 .1 Friday night at the' F6rdWich the,
church parlor with 16 enjoying a . Why Society of Knox Presbyterian will be held at the:
Mr., and Mrs. William Austin and Community Hall. pot, luck, luncheon., Tables were did - we receive gush a wonderful' Church met. The study includes
'decorated for St. Valentine's Day.. '4 "Do we -deserve deserve India, Bangladesh, OSri. Lanka and
gift?, ,t*pkea. Agricultural. Hall,
family of Water Winners for high scores" Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Elmer Harding, presid such k�,Wjt,� ,Are. we to keep such a Pakistan. Mrs. Moir described their.
James Austin and family, Elmira, .'Marian'Keeso and Bill Jonas. L6w. es?" In �respqnse,: -and the many,
ent, ift for ';Z�ov Dungannon, Qviltario
visited their. mot)ier, Mrs. William opened with -a prayer oh 9 great populations
scores belonged to Mildred Hallman" love-. Roll call was answered by' an they concluded,' "No! Always we are religions they practise'.
Austin Sr., and celebrated her, t6*be gracious and just to others. Mrs, Glenn Underwood hosted the FRIDAY, FEBRUARY'27t'h,'1987
and Leone Carswell, the latter item on land a bus6. The UCW dinner r gracious I Mrs: birthday on Sunday. 1 To receive and dispose of the Financial i
playing as a man. 'Special prizes On Feb. 24 and the Lions Club dinner The worship closed With prayer February meeting and Mrs. Jarrkes Statement and Auditors
Feb.17 Were disipu sed 'and ar- and a hymn and ;the meeting Was Robinson opened it with a poem Report.
were won by Winnie Crapper-and'. on s
Georgelartrilan. rangements made. Mrs.. Wray turned over, to Mrs, S. Clark$onand entitled "God's Love", follow6d by a 2'. To appoint Auditors'
Optimist Fall-.Fa'ir.,'Cooper gave the\treasurer's report.. Mrs. G. Richards. They presented a hymn. Psalm 118 was read and', To elect two (2) Di.eectors,
The next -card party, will be The. worship ser . vice was' ciDn-; study on land abuse and native' using the study, "Signs . of Our 4. To transact , any other business that may pro'Nr(y come before
Vets $2,175 profit Friday, Feb. 27, sponsored by the Harding and They concluded Commitment", directed a the meeting,
ducted 'by Mrs 'Mrs. Peoples of the world: P Fordwich Women's. Institute. Leo Ruttan and the topic was that native'pe6ples are treated the discussion on -- exercising ones 5. The retiring --Dir
ectors are Gordon Stewart of. Ripley 4 a, -and
The Howick Fall F;iir,. organized "Love" 'After the si6ging.of a hymn, same the world bver.''Their,love for responsibility, for time. Mrs. Glen Coultes-,of, the Belgrave/Wingharh/Brussels' area;. Gordon
their land is gniiat and many. times Robinson led in prayer.
by the Howick Township Optimist their land and their'self-respect 'The roll caI1 As answered with a Stewart and -Glen, Coultes are. eligible fdr re-election for a three
Club. and the,Howick, Agricultural year -term.
'Society, has - realized a profit -Members reminisce.,;.. have ave been taken from t.heim' Valentine ready for mailing,wfiich A Policyholder wishing to seek or re -.election
.50 for the club, an increase The ladies th6n, presented' a' film - Mrs, William Smith sent to shut-ins. as a. Direc-.
$2,174 strip, which' told of the"'natives, in The World Day of Prayer will be for must file his or her nomination ih writing with the Secretary of -
over the previous three years.
Australia, the Philippines, James celebrated'in Gorrie in St. Stephen's the Corporation, by February 20, 1987.'. 'The Company ,By -Laws
Overall, the club took in $9,419.25 R1
at the annual fall classic, but the at'B.kieva'l. e* meeting. Bay, and others- Who are -trying to Anglican- Church on March- 6 at 2 are available for inspection at the Head -Office of the Corporation,
$2558.20 profit Mrs. C. k6ep kheir land andquifure. • P. -m. Mrs. Smith 'reported � on the By order of the'Bo'ard of.-Directots.
wAs.,keduced to the' BIXEVALE Memorie's were Fraser,' 'With music by
aforementioned figure be The meeting close.d"w-ith the annual meeting of MaitlandII
' at the Bluevale Women's Johnston., Refreshments were
thought that `*6 are all one Presbyterial held in Wingham, in Norris G. E. Peeves
cause of refreshed
adm inistration cost. -Institute.- historical meeting. Thie, serVed'by Mrs. Stampef and -Miss Secretary/Manager
Activities in the alcohol -licenced curator conveners, Mrs. H. 'Elliott Garniss: people", followed by prayer and a January And a secret vote was held'.
hynih to choose an honorary member.
upstairs hall part of the Howick and Mrs
Community Centre I brought in .-M, Craig, .had a display of
in a Tweedsifiuir history. books and "W" llo","qull
profit of $1,273. The food. booth made .serapbooks of local events, through �Belgrave Personal, Notes'
$747.60; activities,in the outdoortent which 15 ladies enjoyed browsing.
showed a $142,61 profit; the crown Lady Tweedsmuir. was I respons- All books must be returned' by
and anchor game made $343; and ible for the books being started by Feb. 21. A new selection wiW be
tho-parbecue, a profit of $ 42. `the WI in 1936. Bluevale members available thi following week. Come
The Optimists also realized a who,have compiled "the local books. in and get a bo I ok fora stormy day.
profit of $828 from,. their annual are Miss Emma Johnston, Mrs. A. New readers are welcome. Library
cheese sale. Aitken,,Mrs. D, Street, Mrs. J. C. hour's gaturday afternoon 2 to 5 p. in.', <
In other matters 1he Optimists 'Johnston, Mrs. W. Peacock, Migs,
On f '.Waterloo is
I . . &I (!q
Sheila Andgrs .. / ""(
report the Howick Community Sharon' Warwick and' 'the 9 - i�j 1 (1,51 '1 - /1 7
Centre, bill for the Fair . r Pub Night present, spending a few 'days with. her
curators. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ander-
'r 1
hasbeen settled at $360. F_
call r ; '1 7,
The roll all was answered with a
It was agreed to forgive the debt son.
owed to the club by the Howick 'picture or item, for the, present Rev. Charles Speakman of Picker -
Junior Ds,- but the . Optimists"Will scrapbook. A draw., won by Miss E. ing visited) with 'His sister, Mrs. -
assume any surplus funds held .by
Garnissi was for a Valentine cake, Elizabeth Procter, on Monday.
the team at the end of the season. with proceeds for -,P�ennies , for Mrs. -Howard Zettler, Sherri and
'Members of the Junior -&'exe- Friendship. twins Amanda and 4licia of RRA 2 FARTHUR
cutive attended a recent meeting of Business was conducted by Presi-' Walkerton, visited with her m6ither:
the club to discuss repay dent Mrs. W. Stamper and' the • Mrs. Elizabeth' Procter, one day last HAVE 9@% IM)
-merit-of the secreiary-treasuier, Mrs. - R. 7 8 91@ OFF PALL & WINTER FASHIONS
Optimist loan tR the hockey team. week.. I . . 1 1
Reg. $279.00 to $375.00
Sizes 36 to 52
I I .
Sizes 36 to 52. Reg, to $299.00 /v Ili NJ
Includes new spring styles Sale
Includes.great selection new spring arrivals.
Famous brands inclbde Shipley, Merit, Park Hall, sal
Guy Laroche, Chaps, Shetland, McGregor & more. Sad®
Street, Arthur
V*k CAAWAL — 'rho studento at the Ealt w.awanolh AA1086ho'01 Had a day tat
p6doot outdoar'i
4&&k w1wet danywt Hire a rbuillig of L#Wbero 1h
Vk V