The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-02-18, Page 06-T .
A174` M4
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Page Q—The,'�'*gllilam Ady Feb. 10., 1987
A - IN
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At the Wingham
Public School The 414th annual meeting of the Howick Mutual
-e Wroxeter
Insurance Company will be held In Ah
Editors: Andrea Grant
Community Hall, Wroxeter, Ontario on�:
Colleen Smith
2 'HA907
FR1DAY-;+90RUA'RY- 77
at 1:30 p.m.
NEWSY SUZY Mrs. Szarek's class has been
The French c1uh, organized by Mr. making Winter pop-up books. They
Purpose: •'s report.
Poulin early thi's year, has been a are very busy making and designing 1 To receive the annual Statement and auditor
great benefit to our school. Lately, it these books. 2. To elect two directors to replOcellon McMichael and Doug.
has been very busy with many The class also is very proud of
Andersoni whose term of office expires. .86th directors are
money -raising campaigns. For Carolyn Pike, who was runner-up-e-electib
example, the grocery tape contest at eligible for r on.
the public"speaking contest. Sarah 3. To appoint an auditor for 14187.'
was completed last month and now McKeon and Chad Creeden also did remuneration.
4. To amend by-law !qo. `33 - directors'
they are working on such -things as very well. -Valentines have been 5. To transact any other business which may rightly come
the box lunch social and the written and sent to someone special. before the meeting.
Valentine Tree for CanSave, as well The children are working.,hard and
as the, Valentine dance. All of this studying because report cards are.
raise money for our school or justaround the corner,
will President Manager-
CanSave and provide hours of fun —Lisa Chapman
—Amy Bateman, Sylvia Wai, In the library, some children have
Stuart Schaller been learning about fairy tales.
Last Wednesday,- the French club They had been t6oking for the books
held its winter carnival a . t the arena. which included stories from allover Canadian Radio -television and -
All the students took part in this the world. There even are words still Telecommunications Commission
activity. In the afternoon, the most in the foreign languages. When they Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des
exciting part of the day w!as the read The Mysterious Giant of Idler: 6mmunications canadiennes
teacher -student soccer game. Great. Barletta, they learned several
'sportsmanship , was displayed Italian words.' NOTICE
throughout the event and the day. With the science fair on its way, CRTC Public Notice 1987-46. The Commission hereby announces that it has
In Grade 8, the students just the students are coming and taking received applications from licensees of AM/FM radio broadcasting trans-m-litind
finished a test on future tense and out books on their chosen topics. undertakings listed hereafter to amend their licences by adding the, following new
verbs. The Grade 6s are learning the —Rob Harrison condition of licence: "The licensee shall not affiliate or disaffiliate with any network
Mrs. Martin's Grade 4 has par- operator without first having 'written approval of the Commission". The applications
verbs and working on dialogues.
Grade 4 is doing a unit on clothing. ticipated in public speaking and proposing this amendment are filed pursuant to a change in the Commission's net -
—Patti Reid Julie Lisle was the class winner. She work policy as oulined in CRTC Public Notice, 1986-252 dated 20 NovembeF
also Won the Grade 4 to. 6 com- 1985. The licensees also propose to become affiliated with,an English-language
Mks. Wilson's class participated in petition in the gymnasiuni. Her topic radio network for -the purpose of broadcasting the progranl."Sports Rap".originatihg
the carnival, last Wednesday.. On was "My Little Brother". from CHLQ+M ChOottelown, The applicatiory by CHLO Broadcasting Limitedfor a.
broadcasting licence to carry on, a network. operation to distribute the program
'Everyone in Grade 3 recited a "Sports Rap" originating 6 -FM,Charloft6town studlos.'was approved In
Monday they made sculptures with rom CHLQ
the wet snow. poem last week. The children who Decision CRTC 85.996 dated 25 October 19155. The.foll6wing list the licensee,
When Mrs. King'visited.the class,. went to the gymnasium were Kelly locality, application no.0:10'
, And where it, may be examined. f.' TELEMEDIA COM-'
the pupils made ice cream out of Nei Jennifer Brown, Arley P I
autler, MUNICATIONS INC:,NC_1 0 1 O'Sherbrodke, St. West, Suite 1610, Montriiial,.Oue. H3A
2R7 ion Ave. Midland:. 2.
clean sew. The children said it was - Janelle Cretier, Aaron Henry 'arid
N. I CKMP -. Midland, Ont. (863631,900), 490 Domin
"good" and, eveii7l"great". I.hope Stacey Werth., TELEMEDIA COMMUNICATIONS INC., 1010 Sherbrooke St. West, Suite 1610,
Mohtregl,Que.HSA 2R7, CFbR - oriiiia., Ont" (883633.400), 241 West St. North,
everyone enoyed the homemade ice
Grade -3 is learning long division
Orillia; 3. TELEMEDiA COMMUNICATIONS INC.,, 1010 Sherbrodke St, West, Suite
cream. Itoertainly tastedgood. the "old-fashioned way". The 1610 Montreal,. -Que. H3A 2RT, CFYN - Sault Ste.' Marie, Ont. (863628400),
—Sean Whiteley children also are reading books "Ste. Marie:4. TELEMEDIACOMN
426 Bruce St.,.S4ult .4UNICATIONS INC., 1010
Mrs. Schedler's and Mrs. king's about snow to prepare for the new Sherbrooke St. West, Suite.1 610, Que. H3A 2R7, CIGM.FM Sudbury
has been doing speeches and topic they will be starting. All of (863632600), 336 Pine St.,,Sudbury; 5. REDMONT COMMUNICATIONS LTD.,
the finalists were Jonathon Balzer -them enjoyed the carnival.'36 Que'enston St., St'. Catharines, -Ont. ,L2R 7C7, CHSC - St. Catharines
and Wendy'Mcgride. They had a —Charlotte Bouwers.
(863630000); 6,,..CKNX BROADCASTING LIMITED, 215 Carling Terrace, sciekice test and are starting social' Last Friday Mrs. Overholt's class Wingham, F40G 2W0, ckNX-FM, Wingham (863629200).
-.studies projects. M had and watched a film with 'The complete text of this notice 6nif tlib, application may be viewed at CRTC,'Cen
I n s dela Ch.�udiere, 1 e
—Trevor Elmslie' Mrs. Train's class. The class par- tral.B641di Les Terrasse Prom nade 6u. Portage, Room 581,
Kindergarten is having alnren�,-: ticipated in_,the carnival day at the Hull, Quebec,
joyable 'winter. The students had fun arenaand enjoyed it very much. Interventions must b6lfiled with the Secretary General, CR i
TC, Ottawa,'OnU K 1 A
...... .....
M WU rl�l F when'` they went outside with the The trampoline is the children's 'ON,2,, with Proof that's copy has beep served on the applicant Tor 06ford �
Grade 8s -:for, snow sculpturffig., At favorite piece of. gym -equipment. March. 1987. For more information you may, also.4all-the,CRTC Public Hearings
7-.1328 or 097-1027,
VALENTINE TREE As in past years, the students at the Win ham P Sch' the' carnival, the Kinder Btaholl at (819) 99 CRTC. InforrAetion Services' in Hull at
.9 . ublic ool made the CanSave tree , Kindergarten to Mrs. Overholt arid.Mrs. Train's ('619.
their Valentine prQject and donated over $ 100 to this worthwhile cause. This rade 4 classes went. skating with classes go to the gym together. Paul P97-0313.,
. 1. , group of Grade 8 students P
helped put the cards on the tree: back, -Tim Currie, Melissa Schefter, -Patti the Grade 8s. Last Friday they Dawson. finished his car in inklustriaf
Reid, Mark Wickhorst, Trevor dadaElms/le, Rob MacKaj, 'Amy Bateman, C671edn. Smith, Scott Neil, front, Jane Bateson, Hilary Gbuld and exchanged Valentine hearts. arts and. it is div*.
Rhonda Leachm'an. (What's News Photo) —Chris Heibein __Justin Ping
44 -
:rod" a , t '.' ..
ASurviving with Style" is the 4-H
feet bbgun by the Gorrie club
which 1nef at the hom'e'of Mrs, Edna
Fiir14.There aide 12 girls its the -club
and Mrs. Fidirles and Mrs. Margaret
Breweiate the leaders'.
Lisa -Anderson is; president and
Iiinnona Daub 'i& vice-president. The
discussion was on tk balanted diet,
The first meeting came to. order,
4ecently"at the home of our leader,
Sharrip Darlow. "Surviving with
Style'.' is the -'topic of the c1pb.
Members. will- be learning how to MUST "EA CANADIAN CITIZEN
cook, clean, sew, take care of them-.,
selves, dg,!aundry and fix a car ora
Wbin tfie,club is finished,.inem
hers May not be ready -to move out
on their own, but at least they Will TOP SPEAKERS Tim, Currie and Julie Lisle captured the in -
have found out a little bit. termediate and junior divibions at an' in -school public speaking cbmpeti-
At the first meeting, the executive tion held last week at the Wingham Public School.' Tim and Julie wN go
was elected. � Kim kdgar I is -on to the Legion competition this Saturday. (What's NewsPhot6)
president, Beverly Ruff is 'vice
president and Angela Benninger was,
chosen ,as secretary. Remaining
club members include: Chdryt and
Darlene Darlow, Brenda Hallman,
Tracey and Trina Leishman, Shelly
and Sheila, Marklevitz and Julie IN ONTARIO PROVINCIAL ELE'
c i iONS
Sharon and Darlene Darlow are
the leadbrg and Sheila Marklevitz is
The Ontario Election Act provides that ever person is
the junior leader.
At the next meeting the -girls will
entitled to vote who, on Election -Day, has attained eighteen
learn where a fuse or breaker box is
age-,- -is a Canadian Citizen- has resided in Ontario
and how-to-shutoff.a-leaky-pipe.,, M
for the six Months next preceding Election Day; and is not
disqualified by law from voting.
Briti, h Subjects who are not Canalan Citizens do not
have the right to vote in O tai Provincial Elections.
fth a -ng for Cans nign PwAr-,inship,
t ire
If you wish to apply for Canadian Citizenship or if you have any This information is published as a Ablic Service and issued
A& li,the OWEleedon Offleerof Ontaridi in cc-6peration with
X0 &gistrai of Canadian Citizenship, Department 6f the
doubts about your As Ca
the Court of Canadian Citizenship nearest you listed under Secretary of Stati of Canada.
PLAQUk- PRESEWATION P& over 36. Year,911 Joe ShIdW Of "Government of Canada in the blu6 pages of your telephone
Tod*, directoty,. as kiowsi Secretary of State', Citizenship a0plications
su 6odefich, 86rVed an the board of. directors at Camp M0116-96t0g, the and inquiries.
r camp of the 'r
United Church located on the Lake Nq on Shore- 'M
E I e flo
Mo just north of Oaderich. Mr. Snider, 01, began board'dUPOS-1h 1960
�T IVT ''mat On - You may wish to write directly to the Registrair of
andsemod as treasurer 06M 19`64 to 19 6 6. Mombeirs ot the board,
Canadian Citizenship, Department of the Secretaily of State
honored' Mr. Snider servIde with the. presentation of a comIll 6M6fa- Q ntan
'JaOU -af I ca' -hall,. a &ONty,hig wab, of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, K I A OM5.
,tJj/,6 P th Wiffh$ho hL the'
An mp Is dining No YCPU INf
k of. Montreal rosb
holds a
et irroM lot
166 6bal -oil
1 0I