The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-02-11, Page 18-,T' F .. ..... Ml
T7 7,
ell AQ—The Wingham, Advange-Times 11" IR07
. . . . . . . . . . . .
The Belgrave 4-H Club 11$urviving r
with Style" held its first and second
ltings on Jan. 2,7and Feb. 3.
Wingharn fire chlef Harley Gaunt AON%k
V ca me to,meeting one and spoke on ELMIME
fire safety. Constable Ed Daer came
q;W % W n
0,01k to the group about babysitting
during the second meeting, "IN THE HEART OF
Our leaders are Mrs. Isabel,
3%,� -Cain ell and Mrs. Arlin Mont- DOWNTOWN VARNA"
gomery and 17members have joi n ed
this club.
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GRANT ANNOUNCED — Ontario Cabinet Ministers Japk Riddell and anlndustri
Murray Elston were in GodericIll Riday to announce details of a' program at the museunI Taking part in the presentation are: from left,
$1, 171,300 Community Facilities improvement Program grant, that Mr. Riddell, Mr. Elston, Goderich Reeve' Harry .Woisell, museum com-
has been awarded to the Uuron'County Pioneer Musuenl The grant Looking.both ways. To manage your,RRSP
mittee chairman; Warden Brian fl4cBurney.and Grey Township Reeve
represents 50 per cent of the, first phase of a renovation and rebuilding' Leona Armstrong,' 1986 warden. 0 Please send me, more information on an
InI;tustrial Growth Fund R.RSP and its 21000%
growth record.
seniors host: NAND
CountY- 1'Y11,1Seum is awarded.,
open chm ADDRESS
irYPIROV CODE7 'milfluoilll provinciaNaI grant BLUEV�ALE —, The- regular
monthly open euchre. party of -the PHQNE
senior citizens,' group tvas held
In a ceremony Friday, the Huron, unique in all of Canada. Te collection, although- lFfbine) (13W-inesi)
County the hall Pioneer Museum committee thousands of keepsakes were kept in opened with 'the purchasq.6f the.' 'All figures to DeL 1., 1986 111 dividends -re ivestedt 19 -year
was given details of a $1,171,300 pro- the museum, one of the largestW its, Central School building in 1951;•tables in play. 101d1growth 1993,'.. One -ear return 8 Any offer,
After 10 games, a buffet lunch was C 01110)% . ..
viricial government grant for the type in the,country, he added. Erected originally in' 1856, the
enjoyed, prepared by Mr:* and Mr,s.
first phase of an extensive "ears, t
renovation and expansion project. I Through the y he facility has school building,had undergone Bert Garniss, Mr. and Mrs., Milt
allowed its visitors to "admire the several addition's over the years. A Boyd and FlsieSffiith.
Announced in Toronto — also on inventiveness of their forefathers," "liortion of the museum had been
'Followill the- lunch, prizes were,,
Friday — by Ontario Citizenship.and DOMINIONSECURITIES INC
Mr. Riddell said. recently condemned, Mr. Riddell GAR I Y C PAUL H. MILLER
awarded. Donna Craig was the high- BEAN
Culturie Minister Lily Munro, -details' Mr. Elston told officials and, 's�!W,"making. immediate renovation 235-2231
of the Community. Facilities Jm- dignitaries gathered at - the. and rebuilding necessary. lady and Daisy Timrri, low lady. Carl' J1-
provement Pr . Program I grant were ceremony � the museum was of 'Museum Director Claus 'Bree . de'. Frieburger was high man and 344 Andrew St., Exeter NOM ISO
presented at a press conferenceHarold. Johnston, low- man. The, WING -11/02/87 TOLL FREE 11-800-265-3478
in special importance to him sin�& he 'said construction on.. the project is Mary I draw -prizes were won by M
the rnuseumat Goderich by Agricul- fiad"been a student of history before expected to start ifi` thespring. the
ture and Food MinisteiJack,,,Riddell eritering law school. "It is this,type provincial grahf . represents half of Turvey and Jim Shaw.
and Health Minister Murray Elston. of work that goes into, the the more than -.$2.3 million total cost.
In hei announcement, Mrs. Munro sou of a community that is so im- -Original plans had called equal
saidan importahtheritage resource portant, " he said. One-third portiqns to be paid by the
in Ontario would be upgraded with He recalled -visiting the museum county as well as both the federal'
the help of the grant, an important as a studentyears'ago and,seeing X :and pro'�incial- governments.
initiative to enhance the museum's H. Neill greeting other students as However, a 'delay ill' the com-
4 i
role as a historic attraction to: its they came in the front door. mitmbnt of federal funds prompted.
many Visitors. The Huron' County Pioneer- a change in the project's overall
At Goderich, Mr. Riddell describ- Museum began in 1948 with the - schedule which allowed the
ed the museum as. one that,'was county's 'ilA J j/, A
s acquisition of the J. H. Neill provincial governm�nt to 50
peicent.of.the adjusted first phase.
Under thefirstphase, the original,a �(����/ �' lu ll (1111(' ��� �� - `,' �_ , : 'T
school building will continue to, be _4
open to the public vIIIthe
-remainder of'the' facility' wilt be 11. 7rz-_
demolished and replaced ;by a new
building. Included in the plans Ji§ the, Ilk
installation of an elevator, providing F ARTHUR.
full access for the handieapp 6d and
6.Ow K' .99APE'v
Another important feature, HAVE 9(0%*� 700 OFF F.
Primary Report Electives pointed out by'Mr. Riddell in view'of
On Feb. V,'. 17'teachers.'from and
mperatulre,,inside the build . ing 8
'The students in Grades 4" 5 a 6, the te 1 00 MEN'S -SUITS $ 00.
Howi�ek Central will be taking part in at Friday's press conference, is the Sizes 36 to 52. Reg. to $299.Q0
a variety of professional develop- ,have a go -old selection of electives to Includes new spring styles Sale
ment day workshops in London. choose . fitim this term', Mr. Parnell` installation of a heating system IS I
and Miss McKinnon are teaching the which will allow the. museum to
Some of the workshop topics include becom6 a year-round facility,
art, of printmaking, Mr. Livermore
robotics, geometry, logo -a -tool for Included in the. project's second 1 000, MEN'S -S Includes great selection new spring arrivals.
is holding the indoor sports elective UITS
thinking, spelling as an attitude, as- phase are renovations to the,, school Famous brands incluOe Shipley,' Merit, Park Hall, 00
and Mr. Stewart and Mr. Parsons' Reg. $�79"00 to $375.00
thma-the-asthmatie student in your are giving tips on crOSS7Country building port -ion along with land-, Sizes'�&,to'52 Guy. Laroche, Chaps, Shetland, McGregor & more. Sale
class, and the VIP program, to name skiing. There is a nominal -fee for scaping of the entire site.
just a few. ceramics ----with Mr. :Cober and Tender calls for Phase One work
We students, of course, will re- cook' will appear in'newspapers this week,
ceive a much -needled rest while this cooking with Mrs. Bailey. Mrs. Return date for the tender offers is
Coulter is offering a knitting class, Return
going on. But,, we have a lot of Electives start Tuesday and r�n for currently set at March to, although -
work to do until then. Mr Bieede indicated C."onsideratioh WN
five weeks.
Mrs. McKay's class is hard -at is being given to granting,,a- one-,.. 1 2000 MEN'8 DRESS SLACKS - Includes famous brand tine
work on speeches. Each student Japan Unit, week extension. - M. 74in wools, tweed & fashion looks, stretch corduroys, Washable flannel
memorizes a stdiy of their choice; Mr. Stewarts and Mr. Farnell's .1 1 lilt
and says it in front of the clasg. The looks & woven polyesters, poly/cotton casual slacks.
classes are doing unit on Japan.
best three will go on to compete with Sizes 28 to 54. Reg. $50.00 to $95.00 SALE 126.95
others. With the help of parent volunteers,
ITI-M 011
The students are also doing a unit . students will be learning about the Farmers iriVited, IWITM SHIRTS - famous brands of Christian Dior, Pierre Cardin,
91 country of Japan and it's culture. Pierre Balmain and other designer names. Sizes 141/2 to 171/2.
called, "Me and My Feelings., Planned activities are making kites, Reg. $38.00 to $55.00
keeping journals and solving prob- - to MNR seminar
dolls, murals, maps and Japanese
lems in math. � q All this season's newest SALE 119.195.
scenes I �i
Mrs. Alcock's and Miss Sander- Editor, Kelly Bradshaw The Ontario Ministry of Natural ' J III Fa�nl BrWnd
son's Grade 2 classes are m-akingin- Resources i.T offering a seminar for SPORT SHIRTS - Reg. to $45.00 value.
teresting things in their Inuit cel Computers farmers in Huron County and the Some short sleeve styles
tres. Creating play dough kayaks, This year our school is having a surrounding area on Feb. 26. The SALE 95
sleds and huskies, bone necklaces, pilot program designed to figure out theme of the seminar is "Income 1000 Short Sleeve KNIT TOPS - Designer Names,
'and marshmallow igloos are just if student's learn to type better from from the Farm Woodlot". ll to $45.00
some of the things they are doing. a typing. program. The two pro- Because of current low prices for i Outstanding selections, SALE 14.9 5
They are Also singing Inuit chants, grams are called "Story Writer" many farm commodities, many ............
playing .Inuit games, writing Inuit and "Type Away". farmers are" considering alternative SAV 70% Off Entire Selection Men's Fall & Winter
stories, making masks, and playing Mr. Parson's class is working on crops, says William Creighton, MIN IMIN SWEATERS From $7.95 & up — ALL REDUCED 70%
with -Inuit drums. this program. - One half of the class resource planning supervisor with
In Miss Edgar's room, the stu- goep to "Type Away" for 20 minutes the Wingham MNR office. . . . . . . . Entire Stock Men's Designer Jeans Reduced
dents are beginning individualized and the other half goes to "Stbry At this seminar, full
'W:, u r uqe -S ech'an e ear of short s
wood' leeve sll(ts &
reading and drawing some super Writer". They will work on this pro- Christmas trees, saw logs and maple
knits, casual shorts, leisure e T
murals. On Thursday, Mrs. ,Under- gram for nine weeks. Mosthof the syrup wilf be examined as potential film suits, swimw a
wood's Xindergarteh class made students working on "Type Away" sources of alternate" farm income.
-snow ice cream. We were able tosee have learned -proper. finger The sethinar will be'held at the
'TWO aids' STORES''
e of the finished produ9t, and did positions, therefore they are able to Clinton Legion Hall,. There, is a E
it look good! type without looking at the key- minimal registration fee. SM NO F $9 OXI FF ALL° FALL& WINtER FASHIO10
CA Wil Ladles' CaWat Wear,
Mrs. McCaughan's Griide I class board., Marvin Smith of the MNR will. L ; 0
is currently working with Mr. Cober Vur-school-hai added three new lead the first agenda item oil SPRING FA]t IUN
vice-principal and teacher of Grade computers this year. They are the "Tending the Woodlot to Increase
6 and senior art, on jet propulsion. Commadore 64C as I said in an Income". Other agenda digousigiorl
Editors;- Cindy Newton earlier report, They have the same topics include 'tGkoikifig Chrlstmai.,
Angie Doig memory as a C64 but have a new Treesfor'Profit" "SellingThInbeil
Assembly space aged took and 'eloffle With a "Maple syrup as a cash Crop"%
Mr. Stewart's Grade 4 Class held 111608prOgta "Reforesting Marginal Farmland
in. All 1i computers are s
their assembly in the mol of in I
qfs, Parson's class. and "An InfilegrAted Agfitultll
Tuesday, Feb. 3 on the them, 'e of, Each days tate Kindergarten stu. Forestry Appr
oaeb to Farming"
jpwl. The students' were otter, d6fltg have been using two, elom11I wanting more information
ith skits t6fit9tt Mr, Smith or i. taill W ta and Jalpin6se, Witeft.. They are the Zoala Are asked t6
961l We till left 6896th"blY with Padprogtarn Whidh Steven dowers tit the W.Ingham.
6f of the UNR at 391
1 - X I
• A
I'll i 1�,�I,11!, Alit 4" 1 �A,u 'I V fl;