The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-02-11, Page 11..v�+. ..
Gibraltar border reopened Belgium independence `
On Dec. 15, 1982, Spain reopened The Austrian -Netherlands de -
the border With Gibraltar that had Glared its independence as Beelgi-
been closed since 1969. _urn on Dec. 13, 1789.
The WinghamAdvattTimes, Feb. ll,
1987—Vago 11
. „
OW11" ay
�` y Huron County Health Unit
( - e : g ng,
WHEREAS the effects of heart disease and Stroke are response- � �� + . Th practice of overeaten and (vomiting, laxative abuse) after
ble for widespread suffering and create serious economic hard- w n � , � then vomiting goes back to Roman eating even a small amount of food,
ship in our community; ' . f r
' AND WHEREAS the. Heart and''�StrolC'e_Foundation of Ontario is times, although we don't know what The bulimic Habitually (sometimes
y r the psychological implications were several times daily) overeats,
taking positive action to reduce the incidence of heart disease " u then. However, growing attention, panics and tries to find a way to get
and stroke through a planned, priority research program; '
'+ has been paid to eating disorders rid of unwanted calories. She will
AND ,WHEREAS the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario >� (anorexia nervosa and bulimia) usually vomit the undigested food,_
campaign to support heart disease and stroke research is being s s'.. "`''- "'` over the last 10 to 15 years, as more may take large doses of laxatives
conducted from February 1 through February 28, 1987. , .`` and more young people turn to (which ,doesn't work since calories
�3f h f �'�yl'i F;� ��
��1�,,, i u • . .� �, bizarre eating habits to try to control are absorbed in the small, bowel .and
I, THEREFORE, proclaim that the month of February'be obsery 0 their weight. Over 90 per cent of laxatives have their effect in tine
ed as "Heart and Stroke :Month" in the Town of Wingham. I fur ��' y °� those who suffer from eating large bowel) and will sometimes use
ther urge all citizens to cooperate in the Heart and Stroke Foun- r''
disorders are girls and women. diuretics (which only reduce the
dation of, Ontario campaign, and all civic, social and fraternal ' @1 � Anorexics and bulimics share a amount of body fluids).
organizations and business establishments to give this cam- . '
anorexia will usu-
>;: ,- common concern — a,phobea of Someone with
paign the greatest possible support. ' becoming fat. The anorexic usually ally deny Her illness. The bulimic
Mayor, Jack Kopas has the control to maintain a rigid generally recognizes that her eating
y p PAPER FOLDING COURSE —•A number. of local ladies took part in the one -day paper folding) course last diet and may also use excessive habits are abnormal and is usually
Monday at Stedmans in Wingham. exercise or purging techniques secretive about them.
It. is not clear what causes eating
- diso'rders.= However, they are
emotional disorders which' occur
Stu., Andrew's, h most often during the teenage years.
This, is a time when a girl is
its annual -meeting physically changing from a girl into
.�, a woman. She is struggling to
The annual congregational Following , a short discussion', it `become independent, to make ,
""dareer choices and to fit into the
meeting of St. Andrew's Presbyter- t was decided to li ahead and pur- mold deemed suitable for her..0ur.
ian Church, Wingham, was held chase anew public-address system
gh society's .preoccupation with an
following the morning service on -for the church sanctuary. Approval abnormally slender image of the .
Sunday.. also was given to plans for,repairs to ;deal female body shape piobably
After a light lunch, ,• Rev. John the front entrance and landscaping. plays a significant role.
Vissers led in 'a short devotional Corrie. Nixon announced the
eriod with scripture and prayer. ladies' auxiliary will be taking 'or- How serious are eating disorders.
• p kP P Y They can be very •serious, even
- John Mann was chairman for the dens for plates commemorating the causing death in some cases..At ,
meeting, while' Jean Leitch was .125th anniversary. of St. Andrew s. best; the affected girls "suffer serious
recording secretary. Expressions of appreciation were physical and emotional pain: Most
— 1!(l> .Mann read the minutes of the extended to: Mac and Cathy girls who suffer from eating
1986 annual meeting. Appreciation Armstrong, caretakers; Bob and disorders are blight, talented young
was expressed to the search com-. Mary Campbell, Murray and Merle women who do well at school, but
mittee for its .time•wand . effort in Underwood, youth,leaders'; Elaine who .come ,to see themselves as
securing a -new minister for 'St. Conley,. secretary; Rev. H. Nugent, failures.; T e demands .placed on
Andrew's. intermim moderator: ' Hugh b
The five new members of.,the Clugston, clerk of session; .Doug them are too greatnd.their illness
board of managers are Clayton Conley, chairman of the board of !s a cry for help.
Baird; Morley.. Bushell, Martih managers; the supply ,ministers. People with eating disorders are
- ! , CretPier, Connie Jamieson and Ralph over the past year and the ever
at the opposite end of the. spectrum
faithful kitchen:hel from that.of obese people. However, .
Nixon. The financial report from the . u p' , .. both use food to cope with emotional
board of managers -was given by The meeting adjourned on motion , problems.
Ralph Campbell. of Alex'MacDonald.' . Anorexics and bulimics need
• •. • profes'sional help to cope with their
.. rl s
disorder. If you know sof son7<eone
ways 0 is, • with this problem urge h to see
W,MS h m__ ,eet I n g. , her family doctor.
• .. � I b •. ins eeoaef oxoWri .
G er of l
the'Upper- orrie'P nal N o i.
The Women's Missionary Society meeting with a poem entitled "Little 1
of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Things". She also read the scripture Mrs. Esther Jacques of Clifford
Church, Wingham,'held its monthly from the Book of Kings. The spent a few days at thehomeofMrs.
The Ontario' .mss of Skills Deveio merit meeting in -the Upper Room last meditation was . about, un --
Tuesday. derstanding. Mrs. Hastings led ern Rev. and Mrs: W. A. Henderson of
Lucknow "visited Monday with 'Mr.
as part of its comprehensive mandate to _ Miss Merle Wilson and Mrs. R. prayer. _ and Mrs. Alvin Mundell,
Hastings were in charge of the Mrs. W. Congram gave 'a Mr. and Mrs. Geerd Oldengarm of
meeting. Miss Wilson opened the .,.. missionary .profile and ended her ' H Mr. and visited Freda
a provide s1< is training° and work experience
talk with a prayer for missionaries y at the home
everywhere, but particularly Rev. of Mr. and Mrs,, John Van deKemp.
for young eople; -provides, these opportunities Jack McIntosh, Margaret Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Bev Currah visited
g p EXpo theme and Pauline Brown. Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. ,Lyle
to work and earn money, this summer. The offering was received by Mrs. Binkley, Elmira.
H. Bateman and Mrs. , John 'Rev. Charles Henderson of
presented McKagug , and dedicated by . 1liirs. presbyter an Church,Listowel, eter, assistant minister. at on
r; Hastings. Mrs. J. Conn presided at ducted services in Knox Pres{
the piano. for the meeting.byteri.
• • at Lakelet ° �.! Mrs. J. 'Donaldson took charge of' drew'an Church, ter a and St. An=
,L. Workingwith Business the business, The secretary, Mrs. C. draw's Presbyterian Church,
LAKELET — After a delicious pot Tiffin, gave the minutes of theMolesworth, on Sunday.
luck dinner, president Mrs. Lyle . January meeting and the roll call.. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hastie
The Ontario. Summer Employment people sin invaluable work experience Murray opened the meeting of the The treasurer, Mrs. Bateman, gave . returned recently after holidaying at
P p g p 'Women's Institute at the home of her report. Bonita Springs, Florida.
Program is directed toward employers while Ontario companies receive the Mrs. Jake Versteeg' on Thursday, Mrs. Hastings closed the meeting Mrs. Joe Simmons spent a few
and encourages them to hire young benefit of these willing, ea er workers. Feb. 5. The topic was Expo and it with a prayer before Mrs. G. Godkin days at the homes of Mr. and Mrs.
g y g was capably presented by .lake and Mrs. Grace Wright, hostesses, David Templeman of Wellesley and
people for newly created summer jobs. Erie�loyers who could SO more to . Versteeg who accompanied his son, served.a dainty lunch. Mr. and Mrs. JamesFreiburger, RR
The [Ministry of Skills Development provide young people with summer jobs Eric, to Vancouver to the special 3, Walkerton.
willprovide $1.25 per hour towards the should call 1-800-387-1290 (in Toronto J)uring the business a letter was
'read from the president of the " 4
..Salary cost of the person hired. Young y 585-7399) for further information. FWIO, Margaret Munroe, also one
r from the Ministry of Agriculture and .
Food concerning a short course,
"Short Order Meals Without the
^� 2• Be yu� Otii'V'Yl ,BOSS Microwave", to be held at Huron- -
Y view. The ladies well visit the Ford-
wich Village Nursing Home on ®,
START-UP provides students with an interest free loan. of up to $3,000 from March 19.
excellent opportunity to learn how to". '' 'START-UP. Mrs, Percy Hutt gave a report e
the district directors' meeting she
run their -own summer businesses: In It's an opportunity. for young people attended recently; she also reported
cooperation with The Ontario Chamber . to learnt valuable entrepreneurial skills. that there are still' a few tote bags for 'R BLOCK
I' sale. Mrs. Murray demonstrated
w.. of Commerce and The Royal Bank. of Iriterested,students can get more cnickenscraccn, an embroidery
Canada students who want to start a information by calling 1-800'387-0777 stitch dope on gingham only. Roll
.•, call, "Name a person�;lity known • • ur � refund ,�
summer business may apply for, an world-wide and tell why he or she is
Why wait import4pt", was answered' by 10
members. Back
The next meeting will be held at _
• • the home of Mrs, Derril Homan.
3 WorldhgiOntano,If you qualify you n eget % Of
. nUnrJ mlortte
the first X300 Of your t refund and
The Government of Ontario through its Experience. 87,; ran. ministries and associated community Interested•yoiing people can get more Wroxeter Pers®nils l g �° �f till test, tJSll�ll,/ Vdlltiiln �A/®
agencies offers young people the information and applications by calling Mr, ,and Mrs. Harry Reffell, working days. Plus -your talc return
London, spent the weekend•with will be expertly prepared at no extra
opportunity to gain valuable career 1-8'00-38 0'777. Gondol, Gibson. p y p
related experience on the job through -Mr. and Mri3. Oliver Riley accom- charge. y wait for the refund
ponied Mr. and Mrs, Bill Wintemute,cheque to amve' by mail? A k bout
and Dennis to Harriston on•Sunda �1
r where they visited Mr: and Mrs. Cash Back, the quick t rug
'Dennis Henderson. °
Friends are sorry too learn that. buying service from F"1&Block
Mrs. 'Margaret Adams is again a
' .. patient in Wingh4m and District
Ministry of, g Hospital and �1ope she may soon be
Skills Development
Gregory Sorbata t° o s DeVelo r� int w Clarence Ri ell and home eat returned home THE INCOME 1Ala:�I�i�C111Wht$
Ontario Minister. OPEN: MOO A.M. - 6:00• Am
day , follov►riag surgery in ��"� Jt�Ot3plrine� at., tlii�ra. � p'i'1
vinghaxn and • District •Hospi`tal last i 110110118M, OAtar'ib g:QO 1 Mo • 4--00 P.M.
Thursday. Hazel Griffith alae
returned home from, hospital last 7. 66 , $at.
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