The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-02-04, Page 13I
NEWSY SUZY equations and watch for their
NEWS WANTED I As writers of booklet called Marvelous Me. y
f• 9 - f C� 1 r
,i this column, we're asking for little Their reading buddies havetaken �t.t
help from the students at our school. them skating twice this month: what
Whether you're big or small, your fun! The children in Grade 1 also are
`w M thoughts and input would be greatly borrowing books from the teacher to° x
' appreciated. read.
If you've got something to say, —Jennie Heinmiller
please contact Amy Bateman, Mr. Morton's class accompanied
Sylvia Wai or Stuart. Schaller. We the reading buddies (the Grade 2
are looking for news or interesting class) to the arena on Feb. 2 fora
events which are taking place at the skating party and .then back to theme,
Wingham Public School. Also, if you school for pizza. The skating in-
n- "� `}�T�� � : •
S:::„. z ”? h"w' .. .. y •, 4' .<.�s a a favorite joke or saying, troduced some variety into the
let know and we'll include_'physical education course.
US 1 try t0 1nC U �K��m � � �$sj� � , ; �� •'16' " d ". ' x
the best one in our column every Christa Crawford
week. During last Friday's snowstorm,
., I ,�i � :� at•"�-, aka ., %{... � sp ?:.,.; � t«•::, n.}''s
We all know you have your em- the Kinder arten class filled the,,
� /�moments ter table with snow and when the
% S h ) so share them wa
N ri `"Mf•x yl} r �' s..a Sir
,� a> with• us, if you don't. mind. We need children put'the thermometer in, it , „i • :,.
. , , , �,£ : ,2 � ,• � � your help: contact us in Room 15:• dropped to six degrees. Also, when.:.... ,, ... y.. . , ... • ...., . .
—Amy Bateman, Sylvia Wai the snow melted there only was one
and Stuart Schaller cup of water. PIONEER DA Y$—Mrs. Martins Grade ' class from the Wingham, Public School enjoyed making bread
�5^ The students from 'Mr. Martin's They have been talking about the recently as part of its pioneer studies. (What`s News Photo)
x industrial arts classes now, must Inuit people who live in Northern
n' prepare themselves for "Family Canada where it is much colder and
Studies". The people. who were in dark all day in the winter.
ENRICHMENT PROGRAM — Over 20 students from severs! schools family studies now will attend in- Mrs. Jean Lewis came to Mrs. Knox . congregation mer s
n enrichment r_o ram on tes- dustrial arts. They are all looking Overholt's class for one week
in the north of Huron County attended a program _
selations, the making of small squares,on blocks in a checkered pat forward to their new classes. recently and the children enjoyed i Ce
tern, recently at the Wingham Public School.' News Photo) —Andrew Plumb having her very much. '�nda SeThe school office has been very A student volunteer, Ruth follow
busy thismonth. onth. Mrs: Nicholson has Boonstra wrote in the students' "bi
Happy Birthday Faith Cooke been documenting the Grade 8 books". After some discussion it was
course selection sheets and for-'' Mrs. Overholt's and Mrs. Train's BELGRAVE — The' annual sponsible.for •organizing. the ushers--
Papa double • 9Ninner warding them to the high school in classes west outside .to sculpture meeting of Knox United Church was and offering stewards. Dorothy decided to hold heCountry Fayre on
p preparation for. September. Also the snow forts and paint them. held following the morning service Coultes was appointed to the Cbris- June 27.
} w annual school budget was closed —Justin Ping last Sunday: After a delicious lunch, -tian Education Committee. Mary Hunter- presented the 1987
:o at Games Ni ht Rev. John Roberts called the meet-. Sunday School Superintendent budget, which was accepted as
T . Jan. 16. Report cards for the
in to order and opened with' ra er. William Coultes reported, on another presented. On behalf of :the con-
GORRIE —Faith Cooke was a students in the challenging learning ° g p p Y Po
double winner when the senior. needs classes have been typed and • George Procter, appointed • . successful year and' expressed gregation, she thanked.Mr. and Mrs.
P secretary for the meeting. Treas- I thanks to' the teachers and officers Roberts for their leadership. during
' citizens held their Euchre and were sent home Jan, 30, We also are urer Lewis Stonehouse presented the for their work. ' the past year. i
' W hitech u rah
Games Night on Tuesday evening of preparing supply orders for school
last week in the'town�hall. She won requirements for the -198'7-88 school financial statement and thanked the The Youth Club, under the leader-' . :. The next annual meeting will be
Congratulations are extended to. congregation for the excellent sup- ship of Mr.. aid Mrs. Roberts, meets held Jan. 31, 1988, following the
g prizes for high ladies'. score land for year. Mand Mrs. Glover of Sarnia on the
`'' - the most lone hands. Hilda Famish —Rhonda Leachman' r. port during 1986. The auditor's regularly with a good attendance., morning service.
birth of 'a baby 'daughter last 'report was presented and a vote of 'It was agreed to continue with the Mr. Roberts. closed the meetio*
claimedime winner fo these pmen were busy making ` W nrize. Mrs. MacRae's class ter Fun�m been Wednesday of St. Joseph`'s Hospital, thanks extended to Mr.' Stonehouse "Every Family Plan"' for the .Ob- . with the benediction. '•
Darlene Staples (playing as a, -man) They have seen so minter films London., for his dedicated work. Elected to server. _
and Ivan Haskins. UNO winners and made snowflakes; snowmen and Mrs. Agnes 'Farrier visited with the session for a three-year .term••-
LOVe Kyle - "were Margaret Taylor.and Marion winter scenery pictures. 'her 'sod, Wayne •Farrier,; last were: Mabel Wheeler, John ,Camp,- - ,
_T Thursday. He recently. returned bell'and Muriel Coultes. New ' Mundell.. In math, they have been building r' MRS. WILLIAM 50THE
home from hospital. mem-
bers of board of stewards are
'^ we have an early spring? It • DouglastCaslsmore, Louise Bosman •
• all'de ' nds u n Whether or not the
• pe Po .and James Keller. Mr. Stonehouse Notes f r®m F o rd w i t h
Strka ord Credit `Bureau Bi 1 Winners groundhog saw, his shadow on was appointed to another term as
} F>; Monday. trustee. It also wasred that Bar- s. Edith Peterson 'returned Mrs. Jean r., ' itors last week at Bra Lo e r n would again be re-
' ° ; • •
Victor g � ersofs were Mrs. Agnes ba as �Andersoan Clarkson. .
Vis Y �
r J/ 9r in Wingham with Mr. and Mrs•. Mr
,, week after visiting for Friends of Katie Fatt, daughter of
Farrier, Mrs. Agnes Gaunt, Mrs. C. several we
s'V M Mrs. GordonWroxeter PersOnalsp Sweden and eks with -relatives, In
Mr. and Mrs'. Murray Fatt, will be
Hackett and Mr. and Denmark. . „ sorry to, learn she is a patient in a
McBurney. Mr. •and Mrs. Dave Marks visited 1VI'r. and Mrs."Gordon Sothetn London.' hospital. She is wished a-
Last week Mr. and: Mrs: Neil yvith Eileen Marks Sunday evening, attended a -family dinner Sunday at very speedy recovery..
Rintoul were on a cruise to the a Listowel restaurant in honor of thc,
.)Friends of Carrdll Johnson will be
Rev. H. L. and Mrs. Jennings have leased to ' know he was able to
£ }� Caribbean Islands. His mother and pwrchased the Matthew Elliot latter's parents, Mr. an,d Mrs. ' P
i s1 • his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Bill. Gordon Louttit of Wingham, on the:1 return home last week from UniveIr
" i;s i _ Sproul of Mississauga, took care of property on Centre Street; occasion of their birthdays., Y p
l � r p Mrs. Connie Fenton s ,property on . sit Hospital, London. .
Doug Forster and Ron Connolly proudly.received performance awards on behalf of the the boys at home. Howick Street also has been sold. --Mr. and Mrs. Murray O'Regan Sunday visitors with Mrs. Annie
Credit Bureau of Stratford Collections staff. The office; covering Perth, Huron and part. Mr. and Mrs. '•E. W. Beecroft and We are 'pleased to report that have returned to their home at Pittendreigh, Miss Minnie
of Wellington Countieirwon three of a possible four awards recently. They receives] Con-` Ken,. Glen and Hugh Sinnarnon Margaret Adams has returned home Golden Lake after vasiting the past McElwain and John McElwain were.
gratulations from Stratford Mayor Ted Blowes and Associated Credit Bureau of Canada visited Mr.and Mrs. Ronald 'from- hospitaland is staying with 'two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. David Mr.' and Mrs.' Brian McElwain,
President' Kevin Belgraye. Beecroft; Wingham, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Adams. 0"'Regan and Heather O'Regan. Megan and Peggy of Toronto. .
The Credit Bureau of Stratford has been the recipient of'more collection performance Blest wishes to Mr. and• Mrs. Jack,
awards than any other Credit Bureau Jn Canada. - Mann on their 25th wedding -an -
This is a paid advertisement * niversary Feb. 3. A family -'dinner poker. rally
Minister returns from , r was held Saturday neturnn Tees
V then everyone returned to`the •
f. �+ home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Inglis, a success
wt'4 ^�f, Tennessee 'stud (save . RR 1, Wingham, where about 100'
relatives and neighbors were on FORDWICH — The Fordwich"
,GROUND,HOG,BRUSSELS — Rev. Victor "Glad Tidings" or similar literature hand to greet them. Everyone en- Community Park Association held .
.�� �� °�" Jamieson, minister of Melville Pres- to read. joyed the social evening., its third annual .snowmobile •poker,
byterian'Church; has returned from "The church had a very successful Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sothein and rally and dance on Jan. 24. Despite
a 10 -day study leave in Tennessee year and hopes for a bright future in Tim of Palmerston visited Sunday blustery weather, 37 machines.
and told his congregation about it on' the new year. Ross Cunningham with Mr. and Mrs. •Bi11'Sothern. turned out, with Brian Cowen of
,, 1 Sunday morning. Sixty-five people extended a vote of thanks to Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Leonard of Harriston placing fP with the best
`'' "'M participated in a course -based on, Jamieson for the capable leadership London wero recent visitors with poker hand.
Paul's Letter to the Romans. in the past year. Mrs. Evelyn Wilson. f In the afternoon a euchre tour-
°' The topic of Mr.'Jamieson's' The annual meeting was a great Mr.'and Mrs. Glenn Kelley •and' 'nameni was, held, with Marion
���,,� sermon, was "How Does the Lord successr and all hope for great things girls of Elora and Mr, and Mrs. Bob Kennedy as high lady; Walter
•40i, kk f f.; � A ��i� �� Enable Us to Do His Work?", based to happen in the church and com- Kelley, and family were Sunday Harefield high man and Bruce and
on the .first two verses of Romans, munity. guests with • Mr. and Mrs. , Lorne Ellen Kennedy low man and lady.
At the V1/inigharn Sales Arena chapter 12. 'He said that Jesus • • . Kelley. _ • 'Weather conditions improved•;
trained his disciples to teach and Mr. and Mrs. George Merkley -and allowing for an excellent turnout for
",CHUCKLE the groundhog says'' We may haV@ a f@W C®Id days yet' S®. gave them the power to heal. But he family of Belmore were Sunday the dance.
best visit the Win ham Sales Arena for some great savings on winter also spoke of times.awhen the faith of ' b visitors with Mrs. Evelyn Wilson. Tickets are now on sale for the
gthe disciples was tested, "as gold is Presbyterians
Mr. Mrs. Tom Sei and'fami
y p 1J'' l,andma�quilt, afghan and wall'
clothing & footwear, jackets, 'parkas, insulated 'coveralls., lined vests, lined - refined", apd gave .examples of of Exeter were Sunday vWtorsrwith hanging. Tickets will be drawn at
holdmeeting' May
shirts snow suits, thermal socks, sweaters, jogging suits, insulated safe negative responses, as when. Peter � theauctionFonsaleo Comm . .
denied three times that he knew � The Fordwich Community Park
ty work shoes_ , snow joggers, bush boots, pillow boots. Jesus; WhiJvk'of the — The annual ®� atm wool' like t ha b .
United ChurChAssociationd ik o t nk al
CLEA In closing Mr, Jamieson said, me the Presbyterian Church a
_ the .businesses which supported the
FLEECE BOYS Men's Ladies' RANCE "Sometimes our reactions are was held' last Saturday evening in 1Y1@m r @r poker rally and everyone else who
INSULATE® negate ebut mustrare elevers."I a thThe chaSundayrmanloc he board of m. for annual f11®@tl s
JOGGING WINTER WLNT'ER. _ negative but_wemust reflect to those na et`o is David Moffat while the Whitechurch — The helped in any way to make it a ,
success; -
PANTS JACKETS " COATS ON 2 PC. mag uccess;
added thatGod does His will in spite secretary is Archie Purdon and Church members held their annual
e SNOW of people and often it means a great Agnes Gaunt is treasurer. The new meeting following the service on
9 $ 959'99,95 SUITS sacrifice for many. managers are Elroy Laidlaw, Sunday. There are 59 members on1tr After .the morning service, tun- _WN Iter Elliott, William Young and the roll.
s 4 cheon was served, followed by the We nee
° annual meetin 1Vir. Jamieson d were Elmer g Wallace Milligan. A total of 68 New elders elects PO0®S ® Discount Groceries 9 Frozen Boxed Meats, Man memberaareoritheroll. Sleighholm and Carman Whytock u
Lwf%Many, opened �t with Bible reading and ,
He was nominated as Jean Ross is the superintendent of .For six-year terms. Mrs. Lorne
items are pre -packed ,for your convenience, all types of baking goods, prayer. the Sunday School and Helen Rintoul Durnin and Hugh Sinnamon were
p chairman and Margaret Shortreed
as secretary. Five new trustees is the secretary -treasurer. Karen, elected for three-year terms. Sir monk�►►rt.
candy,nuts, I@ fllaln a. were nominated: Murray Arm- and Kathleen Mrs Rintoul willortesumealchind Church reported there
V , . ulk coo les
^ - : New . & Used Furniture, Carpet, Giftware, Yarns, Antiques. Quality strong, Murray Pepper, Jim Arm- g he
Sunday Scllool classes In April. group held to regular meetings last
durable solid wood furniture in the latest styles, dining room, living, strong, Murray Huether and Bill There is an enrollment of 19, year and was able to meet its
k; u n .
room, b@�dXAotii and kitchen furniture, water beds, king - queen - super.Reports of the it or It was announced the Christmas allocation.
1@ or single sizes corrifort@rs, Sheets, pads, tells, and eQndition@r, cnaaGert was well attended by the Dae Gibb' has been chosen as . �M1
sing g , ga* izations for 1986 were read and - • - - -
fi ' adopted' with minor changes. It was community and the meeting closed delegate to presbytery ane anisored
F; .. box springs mattresses, bU'hk beds, baby cribs. with a report on the bank balance. McClenaghan is .the alternate. The * �
a , .... _ I. ., decided to have an Easter p s
u.,rr.< .i "dpi( :',; �, i
The Women s Missionary Society group aims to have a copy of The - I er1 1
i�',l� y�;r ., •.. GA �. " V T
bS Now and used r�lfLes 4 1� � � breakfast; an overnight retreat at met its a'llocatton and has seven Gbs'erver in every home.
Camp lCintail; aann'iversary in
active members. A total of 12 I° The anniversary service is set far
shotguns, scopes, ammunition, knives, Clr��s��r, t;l, t', charge• of the session with the
'Hea & $ ossibi.lit of having a visitin meetings were held in members June I4.
f� 11'ilhg gear. A fine selection of . ,sed 22 p �' g homes, with the exception of the Pall Thanks were extended to Mrs, ��Ai�AH � 1�
„ Night Stead 32'� evangelist; discussion regarding a m ' on -in-law for
and 22 Ma( rifles in stock. t bwftfti�eg ri fed �'hankoffering. Cards, were sent to Laidlaw's sots and, s' CANCft CrANADIENNE
Mag ..:. church directory o p n ,
the sick and bereaved b the installing new li his in the Chrirch ® 5
., containing pictures of the 1 CANCER
GET THE MOST FOR vl0un , ,'0W SHOP TH .. w pp +gyp
• �I • •,, ir'i�ndshipltnd�service r`olrr,lrttttee• basement. Wards of a rectatton
eongt'egation.; and .p6th'aps a aced homemade cookies r 'O& also, w+sr'e extended to Murray
visiting composed of
delivered to people at Pineet'est Simpson for wont he had.dono at the
,memborg f airy .all departments in
WINGr 1Vlaiior at ooknow. church and John chid Wilford
,, a, the chrtlr'ilh tar fsit ftewootycc ,slut• It was ro 'oirfed the Ladies' Aid" +Cli ` rton were thanked for straw
r � KaciJfae and I�lieeterrd ��b+dtdeti Coil. sed p on le Mable to et� pp
I rl, iVi ixitl Yft ' p.i ins anti loirely p�t►p abo had�o verb est ve yiiar. re g al at the church. .
g rr Hwy.,No. 4 tend church, ptCobably felting• tlenil a -
f�1Fr' +�f • n' haul � '
x s
Vii: Sr r d. a � .. • 4 .z ', � �
•. �s J
NEWSY SUZY equations and watch for their
NEWS WANTED I As writers of booklet called Marvelous Me. y
f• 9 - f C� 1 r
,i this column, we're asking for little Their reading buddies havetaken �t.t
help from the students at our school. them skating twice this month: what
Whether you're big or small, your fun! The children in Grade 1 also are
`w M thoughts and input would be greatly borrowing books from the teacher to° x
' appreciated. read.
If you've got something to say, —Jennie Heinmiller
please contact Amy Bateman, Mr. Morton's class accompanied
Sylvia Wai or Stuart. Schaller. We the reading buddies (the Grade 2
are looking for news or interesting class) to the arena on Feb. 2 fora
events which are taking place at the skating party and .then back to theme,
Wingham Public School. Also, if you school for pizza. The skating in-
n- "� `}�T�� � : •
S:::„. z ”? h"w' .. .. y •, 4' .<.�s a a favorite joke or saying, troduced some variety into the
let know and we'll include_'physical education course.
US 1 try t0 1nC U �K��m � � �$sj� � , ; �� •'16' " d ". ' x
the best one in our column every Christa Crawford
week. During last Friday's snowstorm,
., I ,�i � :� at•"�-, aka ., %{... � sp ?:.,.; � t«•::, n.}''s
We all know you have your em- the Kinder arten class filled the,,
� /�moments ter table with snow and when the
% S h ) so share them wa
N ri `"Mf•x yl} r �' s..a Sir
,� a> with• us, if you don't. mind. We need children put'the thermometer in, it , „i • :,.
. , , , �,£ : ,2 � ,• � � your help: contact us in Room 15:• dropped to six degrees. Also, when.:.... ,, ... y.. . , ... • ...., . .
—Amy Bateman, Sylvia Wai the snow melted there only was one
and Stuart Schaller cup of water. PIONEER DA Y$—Mrs. Martins Grade ' class from the Wingham, Public School enjoyed making bread
�5^ The students from 'Mr. Martin's They have been talking about the recently as part of its pioneer studies. (What`s News Photo)
x industrial arts classes now, must Inuit people who live in Northern
n' prepare themselves for "Family Canada where it is much colder and
Studies". The people. who were in dark all day in the winter.
ENRICHMENT PROGRAM — Over 20 students from severs! schools family studies now will attend in- Mrs. Jean Lewis came to Mrs. Knox . congregation mer s
n enrichment r_o ram on tes- dustrial arts. They are all looking Overholt's class for one week
in the north of Huron County attended a program _
selations, the making of small squares,on blocks in a checkered pat forward to their new classes. recently and the children enjoyed i Ce
tern, recently at the Wingham Public School.' News Photo) —Andrew Plumb having her very much. '�nda SeThe school office has been very A student volunteer, Ruth follow
busy thismonth. onth. Mrs: Nicholson has Boonstra wrote in the students' "bi
Happy Birthday Faith Cooke been documenting the Grade 8 books". After some discussion it was
course selection sheets and for-'' Mrs. Overholt's and Mrs. Train's BELGRAVE — The' annual sponsible.for •organizing. the ushers--
Papa double • 9Ninner warding them to the high school in classes west outside .to sculpture meeting of Knox United Church was and offering stewards. Dorothy decided to hold heCountry Fayre on
p preparation for. September. Also the snow forts and paint them. held following the morning service Coultes was appointed to the Cbris- June 27.
} w annual school budget was closed —Justin Ping last Sunday: After a delicious lunch, -tian Education Committee. Mary Hunter- presented the 1987
:o at Games Ni ht Rev. John Roberts called the meet-. Sunday School Superintendent budget, which was accepted as
T . Jan. 16. Report cards for the
in to order and opened with' ra er. William Coultes reported, on another presented. On behalf of :the con-
GORRIE —Faith Cooke was a students in the challenging learning ° g p p Y Po
double winner when the senior. needs classes have been typed and • George Procter, appointed • . successful year and' expressed gregation, she thanked.Mr. and Mrs.
P secretary for the meeting. Treas- I thanks to' the teachers and officers Roberts for their leadership. during
' citizens held their Euchre and were sent home Jan, 30, We also are urer Lewis Stonehouse presented the for their work. ' the past year. i
' W hitech u rah
Games Night on Tuesday evening of preparing supply orders for school
last week in the'town�hall. She won requirements for the -198'7-88 school financial statement and thanked the The Youth Club, under the leader-' . :. The next annual meeting will be
Congratulations are extended to. congregation for the excellent sup- ship of Mr.. aid Mrs. Roberts, meets held Jan. 31, 1988, following the
g prizes for high ladies'. score land for year. Mand Mrs. Glover of Sarnia on the
`'' - the most lone hands. Hilda Famish —Rhonda Leachman' r. port during 1986. The auditor's regularly with a good attendance., morning service.
birth of 'a baby 'daughter last 'report was presented and a vote of 'It was agreed to continue with the Mr. Roberts. closed the meetio*
claimedime winner fo these pmen were busy making ` W nrize. Mrs. MacRae's class ter Fun�m been Wednesday of St. Joseph`'s Hospital, thanks extended to Mr.' Stonehouse "Every Family Plan"' for the .Ob- . with the benediction. '•
Darlene Staples (playing as a, -man) They have seen so minter films London., for his dedicated work. Elected to server. _
and Ivan Haskins. UNO winners and made snowflakes; snowmen and Mrs. Agnes 'Farrier visited with the session for a three-year .term••-
LOVe Kyle - "were Margaret Taylor.and Marion winter scenery pictures. 'her 'sod, Wayne •Farrier,; last were: Mabel Wheeler, John ,Camp,- - ,
_T Thursday. He recently. returned bell'and Muriel Coultes. New ' Mundell.. In math, they have been building r' MRS. WILLIAM 50THE
home from hospital. mem-
bers of board of stewards are
'^ we have an early spring? It • DouglastCaslsmore, Louise Bosman •
• all'de ' nds u n Whether or not the
• pe Po .and James Keller. Mr. Stonehouse Notes f r®m F o rd w i t h
Strka ord Credit `Bureau Bi 1 Winners groundhog saw, his shadow on was appointed to another term as
} F>; Monday. trustee. It also wasred that Bar- s. Edith Peterson 'returned Mrs. Jean r., ' itors last week at Bra Lo e r n would again be re-
' ° ; • •
Victor g � ersofs were Mrs. Agnes ba as �Andersoan Clarkson. .
Vis Y �
r J/ 9r in Wingham with Mr. and Mrs•. Mr
,, week after visiting for Friends of Katie Fatt, daughter of
Farrier, Mrs. Agnes Gaunt, Mrs. C. several we
s'V M Mrs. GordonWroxeter PersOnalsp Sweden and eks with -relatives, In
Mr. and Mrs'. Murray Fatt, will be
Hackett and Mr. and Denmark. . „ sorry to, learn she is a patient in a
McBurney. Mr. •and Mrs. Dave Marks visited 1VI'r. and Mrs."Gordon Sothetn London.' hospital. She is wished a-
Last week Mr. and: Mrs: Neil yvith Eileen Marks Sunday evening, attended a -family dinner Sunday at very speedy recovery..
Rintoul were on a cruise to the a Listowel restaurant in honor of thc,
.)Friends of Carrdll Johnson will be
Rev. H. L. and Mrs. Jennings have leased to ' know he was able to
£ }� Caribbean Islands. His mother and pwrchased the Matthew Elliot latter's parents, Mr. an,d Mrs. ' P
i s1 • his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Bill. Gordon Louttit of Wingham, on the:1 return home last week from UniveIr
" i;s i _ Sproul of Mississauga, took care of property on Centre Street; occasion of their birthdays., Y p
l � r p Mrs. Connie Fenton s ,property on . sit Hospital, London. .
Doug Forster and Ron Connolly proudly.received performance awards on behalf of the the boys at home. Howick Street also has been sold. --Mr. and Mrs. Murray O'Regan Sunday visitors with Mrs. Annie
Credit Bureau of Stratford Collections staff. The office; covering Perth, Huron and part. Mr. and Mrs. '•E. W. Beecroft and We are 'pleased to report that have returned to their home at Pittendreigh, Miss Minnie
of Wellington Countieirwon three of a possible four awards recently. They receives] Con-` Ken,. Glen and Hugh Sinnarnon Margaret Adams has returned home Golden Lake after vasiting the past McElwain and John McElwain were.
gratulations from Stratford Mayor Ted Blowes and Associated Credit Bureau of Canada visited Mr.and Mrs. Ronald 'from- hospitaland is staying with 'two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. David Mr.' and Mrs.' Brian McElwain,
President' Kevin Belgraye. Beecroft; Wingham, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Adams. 0"'Regan and Heather O'Regan. Megan and Peggy of Toronto. .
The Credit Bureau of Stratford has been the recipient of'more collection performance Blest wishes to Mr. and• Mrs. Jack,
awards than any other Credit Bureau Jn Canada. - Mann on their 25th wedding -an -
This is a paid advertisement * niversary Feb. 3. A family -'dinner poker. rally
Minister returns from , r was held Saturday neturnn Tees
V then everyone returned to`the •
f. �+ home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Inglis, a success
wt'4 ^�f, Tennessee 'stud (save . RR 1, Wingham, where about 100'
relatives and neighbors were on FORDWICH — The Fordwich"
,GROUND,HOG,BRUSSELS — Rev. Victor "Glad Tidings" or similar literature hand to greet them. Everyone en- Community Park Association held .
.�� �� °�" Jamieson, minister of Melville Pres- to read. joyed the social evening., its third annual .snowmobile •poker,
byterian'Church; has returned from "The church had a very successful Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sothein and rally and dance on Jan. 24. Despite
a 10 -day study leave in Tennessee year and hopes for a bright future in Tim of Palmerston visited Sunday blustery weather, 37 machines.
and told his congregation about it on' the new year. Ross Cunningham with Mr. and Mrs. •Bi11'Sothern. turned out, with Brian Cowen of
,, 1 Sunday morning. Sixty-five people extended a vote of thanks to Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Leonard of Harriston placing fP with the best
`'' "'M participated in a course -based on, Jamieson for the capable leadership London wero recent visitors with poker hand.
Paul's Letter to the Romans. in the past year. Mrs. Evelyn Wilson. f In the afternoon a euchre tour-
°' The topic of Mr.'Jamieson's' The annual meeting was a great Mr.'and Mrs. Glenn Kelley •and' 'nameni was, held, with Marion
���,,� sermon, was "How Does the Lord successr and all hope for great things girls of Elora and Mr, and Mrs. Bob Kennedy as high lady; Walter
•40i, kk f f.; � A ��i� �� Enable Us to Do His Work?", based to happen in the church and com- Kelley, and family were Sunday Harefield high man and Bruce and
on the .first two verses of Romans, munity. guests with • Mr. and Mrs. , Lorne Ellen Kennedy low man and lady.
At the V1/inigharn Sales Arena chapter 12. 'He said that Jesus • • . Kelley. _ • 'Weather conditions improved•;
trained his disciples to teach and Mr. and Mrs. George Merkley -and allowing for an excellent turnout for
",CHUCKLE the groundhog says'' We may haV@ a f@W C®Id days yet' S®. gave them the power to heal. But he family of Belmore were Sunday the dance.
best visit the Win ham Sales Arena for some great savings on winter also spoke of times.awhen the faith of ' b visitors with Mrs. Evelyn Wilson. Tickets are now on sale for the
gthe disciples was tested, "as gold is Presbyterians
Mr. Mrs. Tom Sei and'fami
y p 1J'' l,andma�quilt, afghan and wall'
clothing & footwear, jackets, 'parkas, insulated 'coveralls., lined vests, lined - refined", apd gave .examples of of Exeter were Sunday vWtorsrwith hanging. Tickets will be drawn at
holdmeeting' May
shirts snow suits, thermal socks, sweaters, jogging suits, insulated safe negative responses, as when. Peter � theauctionFonsaleo Comm . .
denied three times that he knew � The Fordwich Community Park
ty work shoes_ , snow joggers, bush boots, pillow boots. Jesus; WhiJvk'of the — The annual ®� atm wool' like t ha b .
United ChurChAssociationd ik o t nk al
CLEA In closing Mr, Jamieson said, me the Presbyterian Church a
_ the .businesses which supported the
FLEECE BOYS Men's Ladies' RANCE "Sometimes our reactions are was held' last Saturday evening in 1Y1@m r @r poker rally and everyone else who
INSULATE® negate ebut mustrare elevers."I a thThe chaSundayrmanloc he board of m. for annual f11®@tl s
JOGGING WINTER WLNT'ER. _ negative but_wemust reflect to those na et`o is David Moffat while the Whitechurch — The helped in any way to make it a ,
success; -
PANTS JACKETS " COATS ON 2 PC. mag uccess;
added thatGod does His will in spite secretary is Archie Purdon and Church members held their annual
e SNOW of people and often it means a great Agnes Gaunt is treasurer. The new meeting following the service on
9 $ 959'99,95 SUITS sacrifice for many. managers are Elroy Laidlaw, Sunday. There are 59 members on1tr After .the morning service, tun- _WN Iter Elliott, William Young and the roll.
s 4 cheon was served, followed by the We nee
° annual meetin 1Vir. Jamieson d were Elmer g Wallace Milligan. A total of 68 New elders elects PO0®S ® Discount Groceries 9 Frozen Boxed Meats, Man memberaareoritheroll. Sleighholm and Carman Whytock u
Lwf%Many, opened �t with Bible reading and ,
He was nominated as Jean Ross is the superintendent of .For six-year terms. Mrs. Lorne
items are pre -packed ,for your convenience, all types of baking goods, prayer. the Sunday School and Helen Rintoul Durnin and Hugh Sinnamon were
p chairman and Margaret Shortreed
as secretary. Five new trustees is the secretary -treasurer. Karen, elected for three-year terms. Sir monk�►►rt.
candy,nuts, I@ fllaln a. were nominated: Murray Arm- and Kathleen Mrs Rintoul willortesumealchind Church reported there
V , . ulk coo les
^ - : New . & Used Furniture, Carpet, Giftware, Yarns, Antiques. Quality strong, Murray Pepper, Jim Arm- g he
Sunday Scllool classes In April. group held to regular meetings last
durable solid wood furniture in the latest styles, dining room, living, strong, Murray Huether and Bill There is an enrollment of 19, year and was able to meet its
k; u n .
room, b@�dXAotii and kitchen furniture, water beds, king - queen - super.Reports of the it or It was announced the Christmas allocation.
1@ or single sizes corrifort@rs, Sheets, pads, tells, and eQndition@r, cnaaGert was well attended by the Dae Gibb' has been chosen as . �M1
sing g , ga* izations for 1986 were read and - • - - -
fi ' adopted' with minor changes. It was community and the meeting closed delegate to presbytery ane anisored
F; .. box springs mattresses, bU'hk beds, baby cribs. with a report on the bank balance. McClenaghan is .the alternate. The * �
a , .... _ I. ., decided to have an Easter p s
u.,rr.< .i "dpi( :',; �, i
The Women s Missionary Society group aims to have a copy of The - I er1 1
i�',l� y�;r ., •.. GA �. " V T
bS Now and used r�lfLes 4 1� � � breakfast; an overnight retreat at met its a'llocatton and has seven Gbs'erver in every home.
Camp lCintail; aann'iversary in
active members. A total of 12 I° The anniversary service is set far
shotguns, scopes, ammunition, knives, Clr��s��r, t;l, t', charge• of the session with the
'Hea & $ ossibi.lit of having a visitin meetings were held in members June I4.
f� 11'ilhg gear. A fine selection of . ,sed 22 p �' g homes, with the exception of the Pall Thanks were extended to Mrs, ��Ai�AH � 1�
„ Night Stead 32'� evangelist; discussion regarding a m ' on -in-law for
and 22 Ma( rifles in stock. t bwftfti�eg ri fed �'hankoffering. Cards, were sent to Laidlaw's sots and, s' CANCft CrANADIENNE
Mag ..:. church directory o p n ,
the sick and bereaved b the installing new li his in the Chrirch ® 5
., containing pictures of the 1 CANCER
GET THE MOST FOR vl0un , ,'0W SHOP TH .. w pp +gyp
• �I • •,, ir'i�ndshipltnd�service r`olrr,lrttttee• basement. Wards of a rectatton
eongt'egation.; and .p6th'aps a aced homemade cookies r 'O& also, w+sr'e extended to Murray
visiting composed of
delivered to people at Pineet'est Simpson for wont he had.dono at the
,memborg f airy .all departments in
WINGr 1Vlaiior at ooknow. church and John chid Wilford
,, a, the chrtlr'ilh tar fsit ftewootycc ,slut• It was ro 'oirfed the Ladies' Aid" +Cli ` rton were thanked for straw
r � KaciJfae and I�lieeterrd ��b+dtdeti Coil. sed p on le Mable to et� pp
I rl, iVi ixitl Yft ' p.i ins anti loirely p�t►p abo had�o verb est ve yiiar. re g al at the church. .
g rr Hwy.,No. 4 tend church, ptCobably felting• tlenil a -
f�1Fr' +�f • n' haul � '
x s
Vii: Sr r d. a � .. • 4 .z ', � �
•. �s J