The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-02-04, Page 12WITMMI r FT, 4 'Rage 12—The Wingham Advance -Times, Feb. 4, 1987 Resroonsibility in:ems rgenci■es . ...... ..... . is address -topic t An explanation elf hospital codes er and le answ the responsibility of staff in V) emergency situations were outlined to members of the Auxiliary to the Wingham and District Hospital at its ,T-January'rneeting last Thursday.The outline was presented by guest speaker Gordon Folkard,, physical plant director at thehospital, who also stressed the ecision, importance of patient safety at all You're looking for the best RRSPOAnd you're not finding it easily.times. He was introduced by' But here's a simple decision. Pick theRRSP with the top long-termPresident Marilyn Wood. performance record: Industrialf�rowth Fund. Currently, the hospital)s mem- Over the past 19 years, Industrial Growth Fund has achieved total bership stands at 95 and members growth of almost 20000,6 (with dividends reinvested). We don't know staff the gift booth at the hospital of any other RRSP-eligible investment that can make that claim. which is now Open afternoons andevenings. Recent magazines are in fact, for nearly two decades, it has chalked up an average always needed for the bo annual compound rate of return of 17.4%. Consistently Thanks to ok �art,especially womeri magazines and the conservative but groWth-oriented money management strategy copies of Re'ader's Digest. It was, of %Iackenzie Financial Corporation. learned that the whirlpool pur- You can't go wrong selecting the best. And, in our view, that's chased by the auxiliary has been Industrial Growth-Fund.installed. For a full package of information, including specific comparisonsThe auxiliary will again provide a with other investments, return the coupon below,or call. cash award to tfie top student in the four babies were sent homeRegistered Nursing Assistant class Graduatingin May. At Christmas,jn redn ustrial' row h Funstockings provided by the auxiliaryand gifts were given to the New Yearbaby. Looking both ways. To manAge your RRSP The next blood -donor clinic will be'held at F. E. Madill Secondary 0 Please send me more information on an School on Thursday, April 2,while industrial Growth Fund RRSP and its 2000% the. spring rummage sale will begrowth-record.April 23 and 24. NAME The annual- meeting of: theauxiliary will be held in the nurses' ADDRESS residence on Monday, April 27 at -TALPOS1:30 p.m. and will be a dessertCITY PROV CODE meeting. PIIONF (Business) 'All figurer, to DeL 1. 1986 with 19 -year total gr6wth, 1993qt, One -Year return 805,'o. Anyoffer Separate boardmad' only by prosprrt�t.will advertise for French te DOMINION SECURITIES INCachers GARY,C.-BEAN PAUL H. M'LLE;In order to have an early choice in - NEW COMPRESSOR —The Winghain and Area Fire Department recently installe DS 235-2231 d its new., compressorselecting the best qualified bilingual .1, system for filling back tanks with air. The purchase was inade possible by a federal government grant on344 Andrew St., Exeter NOM ISO French teachers for the school year rescue equipment. Winghain Aire Chief Harley Gaunt and'Deputy Chief Lynn Hickey are shown with,the WING -4/02/87 JOLL FREE l-QOO-265-3478 beginning Sept. 1, 1987, the Huron- compressor, of which the federal -government paid S 7,600 of the S 17,274 total cost. Perth County Romap,,,,Xatho lie Separate School Board is ad- vertising now for the dilditional Junior Farmers teachersneeded.t least two must hired for the look for ownersFrench immersion c'lasses taught at R -ENT REviEwSt. Mary's School: in, Goderich and of Century Farms UPDME FRom HE MINISTRY OF HoUsiNGSt. Aloysius -School in Stratford. The Huron County Junior Far - Another teacher is also required toteach the core French classes across mers are looking for information from all families who,have CenturyHuron and Perth Counties.There is expansion of core I arms. French in Grade 4, resulting from First of all, a century farm is one ow'fler&s aOr . mandatory increases from 20 which has been in tl,e family for 100minutes to 40 minutes in order, to years. The name may have changed,meet the new Ontario Advance for example if a daughter and herhusband took per, but it has not Credit requirements demanded b'ybeen sold to ,the Ministry of Education. At anyone outside the o, graduation from secondary school, a family. student must have received a total of. The Huron County Junior Far1,080 hours of French instruction. mers are researching century farms Named to the hiring committee to on behalf of the provincial One of the most simificant featuies of Ontario's new rent review system is,the select the French teachers are association. establishment of a computerizedprovince-wide Rent Registi-g.Board Chairman David Durand, Those who have a century farm orSuperinitend'ent' Gaetan Blanchette would, like more information are Until now, it was often difficuilt for tenants to ver-ify1hat their rents wer len]and at least two school principAls, asked to, contact: Linda Cun- / __e C)will record the maximum-lenl rent which can be The decision to advertise now,for mngham, RR 1, Auburn, NOM 1EO� The new Rent.Begisirg ' the teachers was reached by the 626-7557-1 Sharon Nivins, RR 4,- charged for every private, rental unit. in the pboard at its session last week in Wingham, NOG �WO, 357-3557 orrovince.Dublin. Dave Vanneste, RR 2, Kippen, I NOM! When thevegistration process is complete, this information will be available2Eo, 262-6448.In other business at the meetingfree. of charge to teLarr All that is required is your namenants,� Prospective tenants and landlords. ly Cook of Dublin, co-ordinatorof computer instruction for the and address, including lot and schools, spoke to the trustees on his concession.progress in establishing a programMr. cook said one challenge is to Rent information will be Landlords of residential *Pie Re 't 71 ah;o a&,45e the landlord and 91sryhave enough computers so that each, Robotshe updated annually. complexesvith more Man tenants of the t. e limib?.forchild has access to one for 30 arssheep making applica- Australia's wool industry is de- Landlord5 ofallprivate rental units in tions tovhalle�. e or certi�j the actual rent that minutes a day. Another aim,js to six rental xmits must register has been recordedhave the computers in the only veloping a robot Ahat, can shear a the province will be required to register theirby May% 1987 secondary school In the system and' sheep safely In 3 minutes — about rents, with the Pe?v Regist7y.to workdirectly with the tea' as fast as a man can. It's so sensi- When the landlord's units are properly Landlords of complexes containin Reistryinformation will be chers to g more thanfamiliarize them with the use of such tive it doesn't'nick the skin even registered, the Registry computer willautomati- six rental units have until May 1,1987, to regis, eequipment i cally update the rents�,eavh year. sy to obt a. n the'school. when thesheep breathes. ter inforination about their tinits with the newThe Registry wffl record rent increases Rent Regist)-y. As there are rt�ore than one million rental for each unit of either the Guideline amount Landlords of smaller complexes containing six units in the province, rent registration will take -announced annually or by'the amount decided units or less, as well as boarding houses and some time. upon in a rent review decision. lodging hotises, will be notified by the Ministry Wben,the registration process is fully cdffi'- 14 of Housing of a specific registration deadline pluted, information from Ifie Registry will be ..at a later date. These landlords are encou- available by toll-froe tel6phone or by visitLandlords will soonreceive raged to Me with-thei Rent Registry as early. local Rent Review Office. registration ldts. as possible.Landlords ate required to file With the'Ei Landlords of rental complexes with -mbre, For more information and land - V.. Registry the actual rent that was charged onthan-sfix-unitsare being- sent.registration kits Julyj, 1985, for eyery rental unit in theirwith the necessary forms to be completed- lord. reifistration forms, call toll- XLandlords who have not received a regis- Most landlords will only be regulr6dto free 1-800-,-387-906Q, or phone trAtion kit by February 2, 1987,� should phone or register once. Ivisit their local RenfReview Office. your local Rent Review Office. Landlords of smaller complexes can alsoobtain registration kits by calling their localHow'tenants can verifyoffice.Vdieir, rents. Ministry When the rents for a building have been of registered, the Registry will notift the landlordHousing and the tenants of the redinformation whichhas been recorded for their units. Ontario Hon. Alvin Curling,21 Rent Review Offices across the provinceBArMe (705) 737-2ill Ott8i (613) 230-5114 METROPOLITANTORONTO Hamilton (416) 528-8701 Owen Sound 1(519) 376-32 . 02 City of Tbronto (416) 964-8281 Kin ton (613) 548-6770 POiCrbOrough (705) 743-9511- East York (416) 429-0664 9SlKitchener (519) 579-5790 St Catharines (416) 61 84-6562 Etobicoke -and London (519) 67.3-1660 Sudbury (705) 675-4373 York (416) 236-2681 ..... ....... Missisgauga (416) 270-3280 Thunder Bay. (807) 475-1595 North Wkl (416) 224-7643 4WEAMISSION 't)ME —Caeolyn f Wingham helped to 9&6r_ North Bay (765) 416-1231 Thmnins 264-9555, Smborough (416) 438-3452 tain her,j11t*6,dus1n,' '61111an, dorlho Iblefinission at last Wednesday eve. NhaWa (416) 723'8135 Windsor (51 1 9)253-3532 ningIs Prostyfest kick-otf concert hold at the Wit7gham 'rown "a//, thehIghfight of the &6hlng WOS� the 061#111119 Of Pt68tYf&8t 0066n Chftl NiOU16, as well 4.9 the prinee and P. rinic6s. s, Clelr0t. Wai and Healy3IMPMellahen, ur RS d t A% 0", 4,