The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-01-28, Page 10„. 1p..
Page-. 10--Tf'r # 111 1 dvange-Times, Yan. 2% 1 „
"y."1 /N u
Hua%pltaw o rta
n dedia, A,66 c uA e,
” ~ umpIt appears the Wingham and A matter of grave concern was
.0, - U,,,,District hospital could end its raised by Mr. Pike: smoking in the
� ,�„ �?{•r fay .: d
• . .> financial year with a modest sur- board room. In an effort to exhibit
' w t M -� r r e s e n t a t' �� Plus, reported- Robert Pike at last leadership, Mr. Pike suggested the
i -_ X4 �'N h Thursday evening's hospital board' board -outlaw 'smoking at its
I of governors' meeting. meetings.
T'uirnber • council and a townshipquickly at the site and is trying to CURLING CLUB ROOF
"�' � f � �� Mr. Pike, chairman of the boards Some members of the .board tip•'
business�a Are trying to reach find ways of prolonging the useful Turnberry„ Township will assume f finance and audit committee said plauded the move, while others said
workable consensus over use of the life of the dump.. 25 per cent of the cost of recent x «3G ;`` > ; the hospital's financial picture as of they found it an infringement on
municipal waste disposal site. "The hole we have left at the dump repairs to the curling club roof at q w :. the end' of December was "en- individual rights.
' The United Co-operatives of will soon be filled," said Councillor Belmore. couraging" due to higher -than-- Mr. Hayes, a reformed smoker,
Ontario's Win am -area operation, Mery Baker, "and we just don't Turnberry, Culross, Carrick and H expected revenue and expenses said'he will, "defend the rights. of tile,
which is`located n Turnberry, hopes have another°site." Howick Townships all will be con- r which are lower than anticipated. smoker to the end's, ,but he offered
to start using the townshipsite in the ; `'` As of the end of December Mr. his office for an who might wish a
tributing $11,795 .to the project, but z��� :. , , y g
near future Ho. evee, council has Mr. Fortune, who .chairs the .h p g gs.
wily be reimbursed following fund- � ,� � 3 ' Pike said the hospital was showing a quick puff" Burin board meetin
some concerns about the volume and township waste disposal site COM-'
raising events.i surplus of over $200,000, including a
the mittee, also said he had spoken to In other business at the meeting, b ;£ $110,000 grant from the Ontarip Mrs. Thompson, a nonsmoker,
type of waste to be dumped, as he agreed with Mr. Hayes and defended
well as a request h the co-op to ministry officials recently. While the the township has been notified that �< ,r< ;r °s, �' r Ministry of 'Health. However,
Y P OME says feed wastes do not 3q xd tl� ; ! cautioned the months January, to the right of a smoker to smoke.
open the dump through the week, in Y its 1987 road and bridge allocation - Y g
present a problem at 'the dump, from the Ontario Ministryof Trans- March traditional) are the busiest However; Dr. Gear saw the matter
addition to the current Saturday there is a real problem with bulk at the -hospital, so it is "very difficult in a different light. "Smokers et
opening. P Y portation and Communications has ,. "', � g g
-Dale. Lougheed; Co -Op -'manager, feed bags. been increased by 14 per cent. , to anticipate where we're going to priority in this hospital and I think
attended last Tuesday evening's The only solution to reducing- the Turnberry will receive .$17:7,300: be at the end of the fiscal year. its wrong. The doctor went on to
meeting,of council to try to r$ach an volume`of the waste is to have th
e from: the provincial government for ' 0,0-0 say she would like to see smoking
amiable solution with•meienbers. Coo -Op - separate the "feed bags for roads this year,'but it, must -spend Board Chairman Mary Lou banned in the entire to
As he explained to council, Mr: burning along with flue other. paper. almost another $100,000 in township Thompson gave a report on a confer- Mr. Middleton, a smoker, said he
refuse at the dump. dollars o be eligible for the subsidy. -enee she attended in Regina recently felt smoking at meetings has not
Lougheed said the Co -Op has.looked t g y
after its own 'garbage disposal for Reeve' Brian McBurney agreed, John Underwood of the Turnberry on caring for the aged within the been a problem of late, since several
the six years it has been in the saying he wants to see .the Co-op Township Federation of Agriculture hospital setting.' Mrs. Thompson smoking' members no longer sit on
township. But under a new separate its garbage for burning as attended last week's meeting to give said the conference stressed the —the board. The pipe -smoking Alex
arrangement, it needs access to the all others who use the dump m'ustdo: a brief update on federation .ac- �` ° ••` I importance of putting pressure on Graham was not present to defend.
township waste -disposal site; He also said 'he is not in , favor of tivities' at the township and county .,. : s ' ` 'the medical and nursing professions his position.
Possibly on Tuesdays, lie suggested. changing the site's Saturday levels. �� •„s/::4 to tirain morepeople in the field of While a majority o£ members
As 'in past ears, council made a { -s• gerontology, caring for the elderly. agreed_ to ban 'smoking at board
The type of garbage would•include opening: P Y1"'`=` `' Dr. Marie Gear, resident of the meetings, a separate motion to ban
paper bags, scalpi'ngs, tramp metal, Finally after some further dis- donation to the federation. This year , P.
floorsweepings and miscellaneous cussioa, Mr. Lougheed .agreed to . 'members donated $100 to the ;•• i .,,, medical staff and a board member, it at committee meetings met with
paper, Mr. Lougheed.said. check with some other local garbage federation, an increase of almost $40 said a number of the recomr some resistance.
The Ontario. Ministry of the En- , disposal companies to see if they frgm last• year.. k mendations made at the conference The subsequent vote resulted in a
As township representative on the �� already are in place at the Wingham tie. As' chairman, Mrs. Thompson
vironment has discouraged the Co- would be willing to piaovid'eSaturday- PIP, ,.. .;
Op from burning its garbage on-site, " pick-up. He told council members he Huron Farm Safety Association, Mr., 1 hospital. For ,example, there are cast the deciding vote,' in favor of the
Underwood also ave a brief u to s nurses who have chosen to care for smokers.
' he continued and said the ministry would remain in contact and there g P -�'. �” chronic patients at the hospital `
has encouraged it to- use the was- no further discussion on the on the work of that organization. y ., p pal and
township facility. matter' In other business, one. building are very good at it.
Deputy Reeve Doug Fortune said Earlierin the evening, council permit was presented and ap-She even suggested that all nurses
the township finds itself in a quandry spent some time discussing the proved: C. Boost, Turnberry. within ' smaller 'hospitals should MPC' �NT'
as far as the dump. is concerned. dump in •a' coni'mittee-of-the-whole Estates, a carport. rotate : between departments.
Turnberry is running . out of room session. The Next meeting of Turnberry However, she I agreed with board I
council is Feb. 3 at 7:30 -•p.m.: at the member Jack Kopas that rotating NOTICE w
township municipal office. chronic care nurses' could be dif- •' - `:
ficult for elderly patient's, and their
SPECIAL AWARD; —Harvey. Craig of Walton was honored with a TO' NITRON 'COUNTY
,�•,sense'of continuity".•
Service'Medat-,awarded special service award in. recognition of more than 50 years servicet) '
n Lad• y , to Brussels Agricultural y y' qHayes, PORK PRODUCERS
les enjoy g 'cultural Societ at the socief s annual.ban uet and ' Norman the hospital's ad
awards presentation last Wednesday.:' ininistrator, will be attending. three Take' notice that the 198?
27� yrs. afterdischarge a annual, retreat conferences early this year, all
• ' withinGone=monthspan. Annual- eeting of the
Despite the inclement weather, a n a'd's
Tom Newton of Wroxeter was re- group of Wingham women motored ee�A/@eS. -
Te " tables in la RON COUNTY
play He for the bo
cently. presented ,with his Canadian' again to their annual retreat at uchre party authorization to -attend as• all three
conferences are being held outside
ate auth �r
Defense Medal for service with the Cedar Lodge last weekend': preparing- ' conf PORK . PRODUCERS '' ` ,
Canadian Forces.P;: Regulars • Marg Beard, Nancy' Ontario. The first Win Victoria,, the I :
BELGRAVE — Ten'tables were in second in,Orlando, Fla. and -the third ASSOCIATION °
This may.not seem'unusual, ex- `, Laing, Rita Rice and. Dianne Thynne for ala Offs ' PlaYattheweeklyeuchrewhichwas is inMontreai�
cept for the fact Mr..N. ton wag --extended invitations to`imports :p. J held in the, Institute. Hall ,., i well }Je held on....
discharged from the Royal Shirley Willies' of St..' Catharines, The Howick PeeWees were to end While'' -the . eitpense . of the first ^
last Wednesday. conference would-fall'in;this budget . ' Wednesday, Febf119 I, 1982
Canadian Navy 27 years ago. „ Terry Ellison of 'Mount Forest and 'their regular season this week with a y
_ According, to Mr. Newton,'•his re r ' f, r . Julie Deans of Wingham.. Not at- against Harriston; last . The winners were: high lady, Mr's,. year, the other two would fall in the of Ilk.
` i °' night (Tuesday). gnes' B'ieman; novelty lady, M'rs. 1987 88 budget year. Mr. Hayes
cords were lost and officials did
not' i:,: tending this year were, Connie • A l.e ion Hall, Clinton, Ont: -
believe he had. served the 12 years Jamieson and -Alexa Dore, both of, ` Their first playoff series is against. IIelen Martin ; low lady, Mrs. ..estimated the . cost of. each at ap- g , ,
necessary to receive the medal. Wingham. Drayton. with the first, game in Florence' Black; 'high man, M'rs., proximately $2,500; ' for the purpose of the proper ,
g Those 12 ears must, Mr. Newton'. ry e Thio ski trails were broken b Miss Dra ton Wednesda at 8:30 Robert Grasb (lam as'a �maii) • When•Mr. Pike asked Mr. Hayes if busines's , of. the. Annual, _
Y x,. Y Drayton, Y Pte►"' P Y g tapes from the Victoria conference Meetin ,
noted, be served with exemplary (iw;, Rice, followed by other brave souls. and the second game of the series novelty man;, Stanley "Black; low g :
_° The' ,evening's entertainment' con will be back in Howick I+ eb.. a, at'7,30 rnan, Leslie Short; first lucky draw ''would be available to save the ex -
conduct. The el.e(tion • of three Q) -
His records were recently found in sisted of. word games, awards and p.m. Mrs. Gordon. Bosman and secondb Dense of sending � in to, British County' Alternate for q two'- _
the Wingham Library 'by Jack Bla- refreshments, as the ladies cele- Last uveek, ,:Howick entertained lucky draw, Mrs. Olive Bott. Columbia; he replied, yes, but said
that does not compdre to what can year term. This electipn will
wells of Teeswater, said. Mr. brated Mrs. Lain 's 39th birthday Arthur for their last MeetiAg of the There will be euchre' a ain .this be be held between the hour of
Newton. and • 'Miss Rice's upcoming, mar- '.regular season,. and ended. -up, 'vic- g gained by actually ,talking to
Huron-A+IP.Murra Cardiff re- i" Wednesday starting at 8 p.m: other administrators.'' 2:00 and 3:00 p.m.
y p riage: The highlight of the evening. tortious by posting a 5 3 score: Everyone is welcome. Dr, Gear' agreed -with Mr. Hayes,
sented the Canadian Defense Medal was a wardrobe demonstration. Scoring for Howick were Scott g6gesf Speaker.
saying discussing common concerns
ta'Mr. Newton at a•ceremony at the Sunday proved interesting with 'Routley, with two, Brian Zabel, Ja- . - ., _ _ '
Legion Branch 307. of whit sari Dou las and Chris Reichard. M•S. t1QQr",QoNe„o•,E with others can be very beneficial. Bob Sinclair,
g h Deans ,Delight far breakfast,,.a, g Finally after some further .1tAY.N`E FEAR `LLOYD�STEWART
Mr. Newton is'a member. mechanics.demonstrat'ion by Mrs. Jorin Welsh with two and Jason r
Belgi'ave Personal Notes I discussion, g
The 'fact that his (father• and two -TOM NEWTON Thynne, a free -fall lesson by Mrs: McDougall handled the Arthur Scor-` the board agreed to. have President secreta
brothers were ila� v -militarymay in Mr. Hayes attend the three con- _ Treasurer
Y Laing and Mrs. Beard remembered g ferences.
have -influenced, Mr. Newton, at the In 1954, Mr. Newton married his to takerher car home this year.. - Howick is now participating in'the Mr. and Mrs. . Keith • Pletch .
age .of.15 and not even weighing -100 ' . wife Helen. They were married only A good time yeas had by all and a WUAA 'D --playoffs to determine the returned home on Saturday. after
° pounds, to join the reserve forces. five days when he had to, leave for; similar outing planned for next year. OMHA all -Ontario representative spending a week in Florida. CRAIG H E A T I N G
His father Reginald was a Australia. from this area. ”
sergeant in the. army, his brother In 1955, Mr. Newton was on thepA ~'
Bill, a captain in the army and his ..first warship to pass through the 1Ylelville service ; ' BOB MAST
brother Jack, who was killed in a• Keil Canal in Germany' since it was . Damage exte n S 1 ve
day air -raid over Berlin, a Warrant' bombed in 1942. is led) by elder w;y Furnace installations
Officer Class 2 in the Air Force. In 1956 he was an instructor at the As Rev. and Mrs. Victor Jamieson a nwarehouse
/�'Furnace and C If ney Cleaning
While in the navy, Mr. Newton was' Royal Roads Military College on are taking a course on "Precept -,.1 ■ ■ , wa rej h O u se fire., �
Vancouver island for four-fiveTenn.,'24 hour emergency service
a Leading Seaman, Radar Control. Ministries" in Chattanooga, - '-'• -^ •
His first assignment wason the La months. the worship service lhst Sunday was A fire last Thursday resulted in suspected as being the cause of the
Hulloise which hada crew of about Mr. Newton's naval career was led by James Gray; an elder from St. $20,000 damage to a• Wroxeter fire. The building and its contents. WINGHAIVI 35i-364 1
220• cut short due to an accident in 1959. Andrew's at Molesworth. The topic wa°rehou tie -repair shop, reports are cove ed by insurance.
The La Hulloise was part of the He was part of taw on the H. of the. sermon was "Otk Changing Wingham Fire Chief Harley Gaunt. ~ '
"Spit Head Review", which Mr. M. S. Fraser when, while three miles Directions". Firefighters from the Wingham In a separate incident last week
Newton said was the largest gather- off the coast of Russia, a storm, Tracy Lynn Meyer sang a solo. station and the department's No. 2 firemen from Wingham responded -
ing of ships -from all oyer the world lasting three days, was encountered.. The Bibleareading was from Acts station at Gorrie responded • to the to •a chimney fire at -,a residence
at one time. The ships were in- Mr. Newton said they lost all the and' -told of Paul being Sccompanied call last Thursday at 9:25 'a.i. to owned by William Armstrong in
CR a
spected by Queen Elizabeth follow- 'lifeboats, a jeep went over the side of by Luke, a doctor, to Asia Minor. Daytex Industries, owned by Bernie Turnberry Township. �'he tenant of
ing her coronation. the ship. and ammunition broke loose The visit prompted Paul's interest in Millinger of Wroxeter: the property is James Leishman.
Mr. ,Newton was one of 12 men in the holds*. _.. Macedonia. and Greece, which would Mr. Gaunt says an electric glue Mr., Gaunt reported no damage ap MID
��from the ship,' assigned as part of the Something had broken loose and affect him for the rest of his life. ' gun, which was left plugged in, is the fire.
honor guard for Her Royal Highness was rolling *around in the magazine
Queen Elizabeth in 1953. They were and he went to inspect the problem.'
in charge of crowd control and lining It -turned out to be a 300 -pound n --
the'streets she would pass. mortar shell which rolled and pinned `' Oil Ch a. n g e
'While In'England, Mr.Newton:was him against a wall. ,r
reassigned to, the H. M. S. Ontario, a After a year in hospital he was dis- and Check -Over
ship of 1100 men. charged from the navy.' 3" ,,
The H. M.S. Ontario escorted the Moving to this area in 1961 he , ;;, 10 PgIN ON
Royal - Yacht Britannia on a Coro worked for Huron County before re-
nation tour of the Commonwealth tiring in 1974,fGhange oil •Change filter (GM) 'Lubricate chassis
countries. Mr.' Newton was part of "Lots didn't like the navy, but I t ,Jn'
an honor guard everytime the yacht did," said Mr. Newton. _ : , F . Check lights + Ch&k belts & hoses. Check fire pressure
- "There were bad times and good f • heck wipers d Lubricate door ®Check fluid levels
docked. - p
That meant of course, shined times. There s a lot of laughs to look ,�yw� ° :Check shocks hinges and filters _
shoes andrifles every time, he said. back on now," he said.
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