The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-01-21, Page 11V7,
Tl"gbarn Advance -Tirhes, Jan. 21, 1987—Page It
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8TH Annua. Carpet, Sale
CJ's' :niz ion'If
. in,.Worgaat�� X
The Ordei� of the Eastern Star is SPECIALCAUSES , of Ontario are also available 'to
the largest fraternal organization in -Because 4 tfie'relAtignsbi with assist those requiring information.
the world to which women and men
the Masons, members of the astern
belong. Star assistESTARL
them in. some of their
Worldwide there 'are,'over 10,750 projectsContributions to various aspects of
such as the burns divisions
chapters with a membership of of children's -hospitals (sponsored by cancer research by the OES are the
V approximately two million of which Shrin largest of any organization in
approximately 40 per cent are men. In addition there are many special Canada.
The Order of the Eastern Star Possibly the best-known Easterri
1&elf as being the largest projects such as the Grand Bene- Star project is one that is world-wide
describei volent Fund which was established
"family organization" in the related to aid and assist members and their and is known as ' IESTARL.".
Masonic bodies. families in times of -need and The word is coined from Eastern.
jf The Eastern Star is not part of the distress. - StarAwards for Religious Leader- Era
Masonic 'fraternity, but' it is related The Cancer Fund, the Heart Fund, ship. It is an on-going project con -
by the closest family ties. Member- Muscular Dystrophy, Cystic Fib- ceived in 1952 at the General Grand
ship requires Masonic affiliation and rosis and the mentally retarded are Chapter Triennial Assembly.
a minimum age of 18 years. other causes which have been aided Since that time, --Ontario Grand
Affiliated Master Masons., their and assisted by the Grand Chapter
Chapter has been the leading Grand
wives, daughters, legally ado ted under the sponsorship of the,pre7. Chapter in the world in the amount
daughters, mothers; widows, sir- siding Worthy Grand Matron. of contributions. The amount is $2
-sisters, 'granddaughters, This, year the Worthy- Grand million.,
ters, half
step -mothers -and step -sisters. who Matron's project is directed to the This money is to assist young men
exp and women studying for the minis- ress a belK in a sppreme "being Association for Children and Adults
are eligible' for membership. with Learning Disabilities (ACED).' tilt field, youth leader-
ry, the mission
Any qualified person having re ship, religious teachers and church
More than 40 chapters, of parents
sided in, the jurisdiction 'of the have been formed across Ontario. music.
`1 Ng chapter being petitioned for 12 The ACLD defines its role as, Awards are based uodn need,
months or more is welcome to furthering diagnostic, social, edu- scholastic record, and funds avail -
request a petition. cational, recreational," legal and' able. A student -need not have
The petition, must be signed by two employment opp
ortunities, as' well Masonic or Eastern Star affiliation
Eastern -Star members and a unani- to apply for an award.
am as providing guidance and
mous vote of the chapter being peti- emotional support to those who need
The OES notes that while chari-
tioned is required fora petitioner to- it.
Choose frog over 100 rolls of beautiful carpets and vinyl flooring in be elected to membership: The key to success, the association table and other worthy projects re-
stock or pick from our large selection of samples. Either way it There are four chief governing states,. is early recognition of learn- quire time and.Rffort on he part of
means BIG -SAVINGS for you. bodies of the Order in the, World. members, social aspects' of meet -
This is our EIGHTH ANNUAL CARPET SALE and we thl its the best ing disabilities. ings are not neglected. A COLD J66 — Bill'Stapleton of RR 3, Winghipm, had a cold job Mon -
Our regular low carpet and vinyl prices have been reduced and Ontario Grand Chapter belongs to The Order of the Eastern Star
Members of the Eastern Star day: shoveling snow from a Victoria Street roof. The storm which
savings are fantastic. the largest division known as Gene- hopes its financial support will y
Come in today and browse t1hrougH our carpet showroom, In stock, ral Grand Chapter with 'head- enable more parents to become invite inquiries and interest in plagued many parts of Southwestern Ontario Monday missed Wingham,
are the most popular level loops, patterns, plusher and sculptures quarters in Washington, D.C.. aware of the ACLD. membership. For information and area, but the weatherman says more snow is on the way this week.,
in colour ranges for'todays tastes, General Grand Chapter includes The association can be reached b contact any Eastern Star,member or,
Have your new carpet installed by our professional installer, Mr. y the presiding officer* of a local
the chapters in all states (except writing to ACLD, Suite 304, Toronto,
Don, Bruce, or install,'it yourself. Either way DELIVERY IS FREE. New York and New Jersey Yin, eight Ont.', M41S 1Y6., Members of the OES chapter-, 357-3830.
Drop into Hodgins Lumber -today -while the selection is at its best. 357-3402
and. et the carpets you've dreamed of at UNBELIEVABLE SALE provinces. of Canada and scattered Res.
chapters in many other parts of the
world including Japan, The Philp
lipines,. Mexico, Puerto Rico,'W6st Gorne UCW units
Vinyl 100% Nylon Carpet Germany, Italy and Saudi Arabia.
Flooring Carpet Rertinants. Ontario has about 34,000 members in
to . ormone group
Choose from several A special purchase of See our large 245 chapters.
selection of remnants.
specially selected rolls., this popular carpet,, Don't'roiss Out on this TEACHINGS GORRIE — Former members of Nellie Taylor and four other
and really. save on has rnacle,this an e United Church rills presented �a skit entitle Since 1926
this popular no -wax exctllent value., big saving off -thl The teachings of. the 'order, ac- Unit two of the U d
manufacturer's Women met at the home of Mrs. "Visiting Newcomers", A' short
floor. cording to the OES, are based on the
Only suggested price. Robert Gibson on Wednesday, Jan. discussion followed. olive, Electrical and
Priced from S morality of brotherly , love, belief -CompleteAutorn
Save to 14, for their final meeting before the Secretary Mrs. Anna Bell read the
6 0Z and truth. These prificiples, are u . nion of the five units to take place. minutes, treasurers report and industrial Supplies
599 $599 expressed, through ritualistic mre-
monies portrayed f -soon. correspondence. Nine menfbe'rs - G. -T. Radiators
sLq• yd. sq. yd. 0 A) rtrayed through stgries o
or several Biblical heroines. presidi�nt, Mrs. Janet Answered the roll call. - Full Line of Hydraulic Hose, Fittings,
Business is . never conducted Grainger, nger, conducted, the worship The meeting closed withiprayer,
--I J. E. HODGINS wi service, reading scripture from the and'a dessert'lunch was served by Swivels
LUMBER without'an open Bible on the altar fourth chapter of St. Luke's Go . spel. the hostess.'The next meeting,af-the'
HODGINS 11 NORTH ST. E,,.� and the presence of the flag of the A hymn was sung and a new yearo, united I group' will be held Feb.4 in Machine Shop Service
country where the meeting is held.
WNGHAM From these facts, some 'think of litany was repeated in unison. Mrs. the Gorrie United Church. Makita Power Tools
357-3650 the order' as setting itself up as a 'Twice A Day .Service ,
Fri. religion. in , competition with
... 8:00.,. 5:30 p.m. established religions.' This is -a -7 MRS. GEORGE BROWN
BUUMNG CEMM Saturday misconception, states ' ates the order. "Where Service Is A Habit"..
469 Josephine Street, WING14AM
8':00 4:00,p.m, Those members, states the order,....Notes
Who best understand, most truly live Golrie Rersona
by the teachings of the order, are"
better members of their respective
MASTER CARD & VISA ACCEPTED -FREE DELIVERY- churches and communities.
Mrs.. Bessie Johnston, No'eman Willowdale,; Mr., and Mrs.' James O.
Bast and William Jonas of Kurtzville Brisbin of Guelph; 114�v`. and Mrs.' R.'
were dinner guests last Thursday 1). MacDonald of Bruce, Beach,and,
with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Faust. Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Henderson of
Mr. And Mrs. Ro' Mann.returned Ron e ned Lucknow.
i home Sunday from Arizona; where Mrs, Glenn Underwood has
y n S ed home f rom London hospital
do t � he. �:, ` , inute return
v�hat U M Wo m Mr Mann attended, the John Deere S'UPERBOWL
150th anniversary. following ear surgery.,
+1 Gordon Edgar a 91st
,.Mrs. Alvin Mundell and 'Mrs.
�.d le. . WEEKEND
th cebetween y dinner with relatives and
William A. Smith attended birthday
1 •01, Maitland Presbyterial held Monday friends at a Gorrie restaurant
��ft: u.. Y.
..,;,. ::at 9t. Andrew's Presbyterian Sunda
...... ... 11
Church, Wingham.
degform y children.
C dre'
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Neill of
No. doubt it will come to(x late
Wingharn visited Sunday with Mr.
for me. And so, my contribution and Mrs. George Brown: S tEWISSTONEHOU31
will be to remain active as long as Mr. and Mrs. Ross King and
Belgrave Personal Notes
.............. . . . .1
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - I am able, and participate in further Rebecca'of Stratford spent last
research ;is the d Sealic progresses. Saturday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. -Ivan Haskins.' The 4-H project, "Surviving with Kick-off your S�perb party
wick -oaf brimming buck6t l:
But your contribution ca.ri be more Mr. and Mrs. James Austin of Style" starts next Tuesday, 7 p.m. in of.
substantial and much more long flavour.
Elmira visited Mrs.'Wilham AVstin the Women's Institute Hall,
e Bucket - 15 pieces of $
lasting;. Your contribution could last Saturday.
Belgrave. Anyone interested call chicken
mean that my cl-ffldren will never Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mrs. Peter Campbelkor Mrs. Glenn Large order of fries
• 600 ml. salad Available
have to face 'what I am going Mundell entertained in honor of Mrs. Montgomery.
your party at
Country Everything for
through, and they will James Smith's 85th birthday. Mrs, David Lennox.*,. of
Superbowl Party Headquarters on Saturday; January, 24
never have
Smith resides aU Lucknow. 'Joining Meadows. at Brunner spent the
and at a special touchdown
to li've with the fear of leaving
in the celebration were:. Mr.` and Weekend w weekend saving. and Sunday, January 25
_Ali, his sisters and
their children this cruel legacy. Mrs, James Edwin Smith of brothers- in-law; Mr. and Mrs.
My two minutes up, and what hnna of Belgrave and Mr.
-L&rne Jamieson of Wing -
o do now co Ill jpsan-," a Mrs.
you choose t nd
re Sen -lo
rs enjoy ham:
the diffe difference between life and
"death for my children and thousands Marjorie Procter,of London,
ds -
slides of Expq -Phillip Stopworth of England vi
over the weekend with her mother,
GORRIE — Members of the senior - Mrs.Elizdbeth Procter of Belgrave.
funded by your citizens' Come'Alive� Clubsenjoyed,a Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston,
dollars, scientists have dis- trip to Expo via slides shown by Tara and Erin of Ilderton and Mrs.
Robert Peel of RR 1, Bluevale, who Latra Johnston of Belgrave were
A short time ago, the diagnosis Covered a 'marker' which will lead
was a guest at the club's January visitors Sunday at the home of Mr.
wasconfirmed. I have Huntington's us to, the defective gene. When this
meeting. Mi. Peel showed slides of and -Mrs. Robert Grasb�.
disease. its a hereditary brain dis- happens, we could wive the riddle
their trip to British Coluinbia, Many friends and relatives of Mr;
order which passes from genera- (if not only Huntington's disease,
Vancouver Island .and the United and Mrs. Gordon Bosnian attended
tion to generation, causing slow but possibly many other dominant- States'. and gave, an interesting the open house in honor of their 40th
physical and mental deterioration ly inherited disorders of the brain commentary. He was thanked by wedding, anniversary held -at 'the
Mrs. Alvin presented
leading. to total incapacitation and and central nervous system. in Mundell and Women's Institute Hall, Sunday
with a gift. afternoon.
eventually ... death. • — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — The meeting began with a potluck
The fear of losing control (it my I Mail to: dinner in the town hall on Tuesday,
body and the fear of losing my mind I The Huntington Society of Canada, Jah, 13, Another guest, Linda
I Box 333, Cambridg� Ontario
scares me. But what is more fright- Brirrjblecbmbe.of Drayton,-,wh& is
of others like them are Good crowd
�,9,Tg with a bus tour company, spoke on
,ei-dng is what the future holds. f6r,11
'at r[sk' in Huntington families,
various upcoming trips. attends euchre
my children. 171 I'm choosin�9 life 1br yout chirdren. Please fill out the coupon and A short business meeting follol
I didn't know that Huntington's Enclosed is my cheque to help right
send as much as, you can. The wi(h President Alvin Mundell ini,
Huntington's disease. BELGRAVE Fifteen tables
disease was in, my, fmnfly. My father El I wish to hu a violun'teer.'Ptease semd more you give, the faster research charge. Mrs. Nellie - King gave the were in play At the weekly euchre
died young, in an accident, before sectletary's report and Mr. Mundell
mi address of illy closest elliapter. will progress. And, if 'you'd like to which was held, In the Women's
his symptoms show. if I Ir I rbad the treiistifet'A report prepared Institute Hall last Wednesday.
0 1 would like to learn more aboUrt the do mote, call ypur local %arm
had known ther�_ waga -50:50 chance I by Miss Jean .8parling who was Winners were., -high laay, Mrs.
send me r -
Huntington Socleq. Pleiwse further of the Htintington Society or our
unable to attend. Mrs.. d
of jinheriting the disease from information. Herb Cfaitol novelty lad
National Office (519) 622-1,002 Jacques gave a ieadiftl "Cutting Garner tqleholsofi; low lady, Mrs.
him I might not havt� had children, Name and offer your services, the Ribbon"., Leslie Vincent.-, high man, Wilford
but it's too late for, that now. And
or my chil: A singsbolk was enjoyed with MIs. Caglick; ."man, GArner
Address Please choose life f noVelty-•1
"t is'why I am asking for your help. I dren� Please send your cheque Bill- Hogg at the lana She also Nicholson and low man,: Leslie Zehr's Plaza Josephine Street,
Bight now, there is no effective I Po"aal Code 1- 1 aecom�A;ied 'thi singing 'of "0
today and ]tel twke thii'the, gen. short
treatment for Huntington's disease I All donations wili heac. �'Canadoll and "Ood. Save ihe there will ba again this Wingha'm', 367-222
I cratioti that heats Hunq*ngtonIg 1\ 0 . I
knowledged and a receipt Or Quon". Euchre and Oaffie'§ N.Ight Wedfiesd&y_ t,tarfln,r
And there is no ctire, but, there is I for hvorile tax Ill; disease, •forover. 0�111 be. Jan .6 in &,botilk'Town gVerytine is g. at a P1.11 . 1.
hope. Aecently, through �esearch
I (hiltwill promptf�. 6 Athabld A60, #6464040.1,145 Hall.
. ..... boom