The Wingham Advance-Times, 1987-01-21, Page 10T-1
am'4dvance-Times, Jark. ai, i9v
J 10" St F -o
e Oy, br%Ar c. r ly
Of it. n
Hall by, Harold 'Langehdoen of RR 1,
by., 61 Feagan GORRIE-The • Community
e -.y here was jumpjng,-on�jb Gorrie, which included the presen-
_e ening of
Health E'ducation Consultant -n.' 16 when members of the tation. of the-colorsi the singing of 01
AWANA Club gathered for a car Canada, and prayer, the Grand Prix
Huron CQunty Health Unit
rally. Car Rally got underway.
Living up to the club's name Winners in the various' classes
(Approved Workers, Are Not
D Clubbers - speed, Angela Mus-
Despite' What old wives might say, rs -affect everyone. It varies Ashamed), everyone from the, youn-
Alma, Is notThompson;
all in your head. for each indix 'dual. You might react grove, design,, Heather
q gest members (Sparks and Cabbies)
This, ftor4eT. of the bronchial' to such things as dust mites, to leaders helped out with the event. novelty, Angela Musgrove (ketchup
tubes, which. link the windpipe with bottle car);
the lungs' e h animals,' fungal spores, mold's or Claude Martin of RR 1, Fordwich, Leaders -speed, Gwen Bramhill;
, an!t be diiirdisqie� as
merelya'a Way of pQ]Iens. Some drugs, such as aspirin owner of the steel racing track used
Y Setting attention. and some blood pressure and heart at the rally, explained each, car, design, Leonard Brambill; novelty,
Attacks c%1F':he' fatal;'According to disease medications, will provoke- an fashioned from, a wooden block, Harold Langendoen (car shaped like
Dr,. - S40in-. Tgklo' of the Gage attack." Eve
ac n food additives can must not weigh more than 150-
a pool table.);
Research inSiitdte,-.a Toronto clinic aggravate it, including sulphites grams. Sparks and Cubbies Nathan
for asthmatics: Ilk- Branihill, Kelly Hayden, Nicole
Motional stress used as preservatives or for freshen Picking up an entry f rom the
t M. Beer and Jeff Bramhill.
''can make i Worse, but 'it is not. a jng and monosodium glutamate Novelty class shaped like a mouse-
trap —complete with mouse and
cause. It'Ruota4in urhead.,, ,(MSF). The winners received cash prizes.
A definition yo And everyone got a few ideas for the
of asthma is difficult Alth gh asthma is not con- cheese — Mr. Martin turned it up And
Pin down. It's characterized by tagi Although
next big rally.
wheezing. Qus, if you have a family history side down.
and reversible Qb- of it, you are more likely to develop To compensate for the add'd at- .
structioas — th6 airways attually . it. Asthma can appear . in anyone, at tractions,'the owner had bored holes
narrow. When this happens, YQRU,�.any_ ag, but it d6ftn't always last a PnM,0[1CC- is
in the bottom of the novelty ca�iin
body reacts to tell you that you're lifetime. Some children and a,few order to meet weight requiremeritt.
havm$ an attack. adults seem to outgrow it. The impressive steel track was
Man of the sympto= are similar in the Air. -
Asthma attacks,can be extremely
made by Russ Behrns of Kurtzville.
to other disorders whieh cause serious, but treatment is fairly FAII 0 1 FEW "The steel -is better than wood,"
breathing - difficulties, such as. �imple. It,s divided. into.two main
Mr. Martin said. "It's a faster track
R a "05 11,
emphysema or heart disease. It's areas limiting exppispre to the and it doesn't wear the way wood
best to be examitied by your doctor
thinga that provoke �n asthma at- does.."
d out what your symptoms tack and medications 6 creat it: to fm After the opening ceremonies, led
really mean.
There are two- categories of
Signs of asthma include; a cough medications — those `that treat V, 20%.OFF
mhich is"usually diy, chest,ti symptoms when they are present on
Aess, Engagement rings
.wheezing, shortness of breath ajidWedding bands
an acute basis and those which try to
ALLAN -1111
difficulty breathing. Attacks can prevent the -symptoms. These
last. from a few minutes to days, orWroxeter Personals;ymptoms can be treated in a
even weeks,
number of wayi, from inhalers to. .....
No one knows - -why airways oral medications. Your doctor will3 1 Peter Isabelle of Mississauga
becorne'sensitive in the first place, be'the best. judge of which treatment visited one, day rocently- with Mr.
but, once they are, a number of will be the Most effective for you' 'and?&s.Clarence Clement.
things .can provoke an asthma at- If you see someone Mr.' anct. Mrs.
have an Crawford Gibson
tack. If you• happen to be allergic to asthma attack, make sure they take were weekend guests with Gordon
on.' If they're very,
Bet!3�Rbbbins, -Lynda. Lewis 'and Anniversary s cquse the airways'to constrict. But, 10% OFFSTOREWIDIE
something, and breathe it. in, it will their medicati
wheezy and their medication doesn't 11 Clocks,.
You don't have to have allergies to M rsary Wa
.1 of L�
hlive asthma — or have asthma to clear it up, they may need to go to Marcia" Qj!iopp, all doii, Giftware &'-Sterling 9111i!er
the emergency, department of the tended 'the
hive hospital. .Taylor. in 'Winighain last. Satiirday Brides to be don't forget
Itsftinei;al 'of to register, at.
such -as smoke, fumes, An attack can be life threatening, and'.visited.with. Miss 6ibson's-
parents, Mr...6nd Mrs. Art Gibson.
sorays, dust and cold or dry air c4n (Adapted from an article by Mary LEADERS—There was a lot of work, as well as a lot 'of fun for A WANA.*C/06 leaders at the cai rally, held Richard Worner of Germany, who
bVing on an attack in-io"Meone, who, Kaiser.Doner, "'Asthma"; To day's recentlyinth . rie,
afready hag sensitive airways. 'Not 'Health, May," e G� i Community Hall. Lb�de are, from left 1 Bakelaar J Jewellers
1986. rs Beryl Martin, Leonard BramhNCiske Langer- had been visiting His parents: Mr.
dden, Dianne Bramhill, Julie Klumpenhow rs. `Helmut .—Worner. - of
er, Bobby Bennett (starting cats); GwenBrainhill, - Rjida�aydiqn, and M
Tammy Langendoen, Harbid Langendo6h. Children..on the right include Nicole Beer, 'Nathan Aramfiffl ".Wroxeter South, has returned from
Christine Rutherford. (Staff Photo) Jaiiialica where be.Msif6d a dear
id in
friend who was seriously injureeg 16 n brg.
anchmakesan accident and later died.,
Faye Weber,. Kevin anc.l.
a Dawn and. Robert, Kluke of Acton. 49
. , . I .. rmer st'n were visitors of -Mr. and
nt umeroI
Friends.ya-nd ude' Sus do'natimu...W. 0
Mrs. Stewart .Musgrgve.•
Other . co Plan to attendFeb.
rai ch of the Royal charitable donations made,
;The Wingham branch the dahee V 7 at
by the Legion in 19..' eF-erguson the Wroxeter Communityjiall.CinadianlAgion has compiled a list rememb r -.Robert
86 include: Legion
of, its donationsPeeWees hockey team and trophies,
and expenses for 50? Bob Ferguson, one of the 'Ferguson also held the prestigious
1986. -$687;, minor hockey, $780; highly respected journal, "Educa-
$he 1�egiorfs biggest donation t' a% -$342; Bluewater ladies' darts, $120- originators of CBC.'s.National School job of chairman of the provincial, tion Quarterly".
0 Broadcasts during the 1950s an I d senior
gi r 4 to n man
W�p last year the . Huron County darts, $120� zone dart matriculation examinations Bob Ferguso' 41
'$407; ons h4 w
M%hgham squadron of .the Royal trophies, :$39.74-;'fite victims,- s 4 AN, N�
$oard of committee, -the,.group resp ' ible modest with ith - A LE
was $3,07' head. of the Toront6'.'
'Education publications department for the old Grade 13 exams. D
WinghAm Lions Club, Duren
Chnadian Air Cadets., The Royal $200 'fr 196i to 1985, died at, his home in these firm but kin prin-
Winghatm track and field; -$389, Offk se years - h was involved id
Cinadian Legion Charitable,'Toronto on Dec. 28. cip1g,'siniple tasites, dry humor, a
Fi�undation also donated $2,000 to � public speaking, $205; 'Easter Seals, original ',,CBC radio drama depth. of reading and a.'brilliant, yet
Born June 23-, 192,1, in, O�: ter- production and announcing. always gentle, way with wayward 1,14
the .Wingham and District. Hospital $90; Red Shield Appeal, $150;
following an 'application," from the" Brussels Pipe*gand, $340,; mental borough, Mr. Fergtisoq. -'started his
In 1954 Mr. Ferguson moved to. texts. -He is survi d• by. his wife;,
mentally long career in edlication, radio and'
handicapped: $50, Parkw od
Wingliam branch. . I . M611y, and children Rob and Lisa of
? . publishing 'as a classroom teacher.
Hospital, $364; .,Royal Canadian
ian Toronto, to become .,,.,program Tor_oDto,, Terry Brent of -Santa 7,J
He graduated from Knox College., Organizer of the popdraiiiid widely -
Legion Charitable Foundation, $500;
Win ity of Toronto, with an uoed CBC -Natiofial. School Broad- '-Moh-1ca, California, and Gregory
gham and Area, Day Cihtre for Vni.vers •. ....
How'rs English degree. From 1946 "capts and was responsible for the Brent -land grandson Jacob of Vic -
d Ja
the Homebound, $500; -.Winghami an through 1954 he taught English and ,creation and development of a large tor. B.C. A'memerial service was
District Hojpital, $500; Wingham held at three o'clock SundAy, Jan. 4,
number of prpducti oins over the next J
Optimist C16, $225; .school poem physical education at F: E. �Madill
Secondary'* - School , 10"years. He is remembered for his at the 1�inst Unitarian Congregation,
and essay contest, $315;:.Wingham- where his popular National,' reputation as a fine tea work on 'g4ch Toronto.
rapidly beyorid the classr School Broadcasts as A
0iguie Skating Club, $150 and Town" FR
and Country Homemakers; $200. classroom. Alice Voices of the A
Wild" and various Shakespeare Ian - & Anne MacVicar
Munro, a student at Wingham at the I . I
The Legion also paid out $31763 in 14 -
time, -remembers him as someone plays. During these Y"rs he wrote
wages last year; '$3,535 to the
and pr6duceO a number . of m an
Winghaiii' Public' UtiJities., Com-. she "al%yays wished had been her jit' L gridge
teacher". Iramatizations and 'documentaries
rp Canadian history.
misOon; $5,381 in taxes to the town - . BoWs arly interest in radio and fro
1,221- in retail sales, tax. - .-e , -in. Milton
and $1' wed
In 1960 and 1962 Mr. Ferguson
drama came together in Wingham in I
the late '40i and early '50s. ublished "The Man from St. Malo" A pretty wedding was solemnized
the summer relief announcer at a biographi of Jacques Cartier,'and off Saturday, Jan.'VJn Milton when Ni 3.71
The War- ERI!
CXNX and acted in a number of .Fur Trader", a biography of Erin Coutts 'became the bride of
Amputations radio plays The radio draffia group Alexander Henry, both for junior James Langridie, formerly of
or Canada... Wingharh. Mr. aid Mrs. - Kevin
eaving the CBC
was P,,
4ntertwined readers. Just before I
with* stage
Toronto Board of Education, Netterfield of Kitchener were the
production and 'Bob was'liesivily for the Toro 6511'?i . . . . . . .
More, involved'in what was called The Bob Ferguson put together it'CBC- fridal'attendants.
than, just Lake Zone Drama Festival. TV prod A reception was held, with guests -PaYS to beprepa
Lordy Production of "'Macbeth" It
"Key Tags CHAMP .-One year he played Jean Valie4n in starring Sean. Connery and 'Zoe from Elba, New York; England,
'Lordy one -act adaptation of "The Caldwell. Qttawa, Belleville, Cambridge,
Bishop's - Candlesticks" by,,. Victor in 1963 he became co-ordinator of .Tor6ntoandWinghom.
Your donations support Hugo and.this won the top award thd Toronto Board of The Young" will reside in A, H&R B
in. 9 �� 1.
Of I A
n child amputees
Pru e's 4 thefestivaL publications department. During his Hornby when they return from their
ars at the 'board he edited the wedding trip to Orlando Florida. �4
Quring his years ih-Winghaffi, Mr. veins
"S 1�9w, 1fi
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TIM.-S,AKg!� LANNIEPAO' AIAN NO EN Spedial'prioe6 in effe0funtil Wed. January 21, 87
. . . . . . . . . .
OsaATH . . . . . . . . SPEC IS WEEKS:$PffC14LS:TH
kLla 19 51 Roo
ALA',ocAf A Aaf
For vehicles with front,;
Josepnine Street• Out wheal Aldtiffievit
wh9el delve. Inoludea above servipo for'186TH ftbAt and'rear'
6x0bett air all thokay, 66moand'i 6111116 mic fiont wheals, . Deer wheel ahims 6nd installation #X.-teg. if required.
I \,-A % I p .
Ita kpWorm , ,
0� .7 a handling. Available at MOST iocafihiift
-- . .....
if loki
. . . . . . . . . .